2005-04-29 Thread Goldorchid
Hello all,
I haven't caught up on my reading yet but, wanted to respond.
As a recipient of several AOS/CBR awards  as a Probationary Judge for the AOS I want to stress the award as a recognition by the AOS of a plant never before presented to a judging team at an AOS judged event! (It is usually given the epithet "rarity in culture" or "educational value")
As a species grower of many genera with an affinity for Pleurothallids, Gongora  Brassias I know that many of my plants are described  written about but, that no one has seen them in person. To send a plant to judging with citations for the appropriate literature to look it up helps inform the team what to look for as a base. In most cases the CBR IS A BASE, it will now be in the AOS records with an accepted taxonomists' ID. When hybridizing takes place parents can be found, well grown specimen plants  their growers can be awarded  (godforbid) line breeders  hybridizers have an "accepted" base to grow from.

For example, at the AOS Members meeting here last week, I brought a lovely specimen sized plant of Restrepiopsis striata to put in the Pleurothallid Alliance display. It was extremely well grown by the member that got it in Ecuador  some of the people there knew what it was  remarked on how nice she grew it for a "weed".
It was pulled for AOS judging from the exhibit  seriously looked at by a team. It was given an AOS/CBR because the plant, although well grown, had not been seen before. The plant  FLOWERS fit into the perameters of the literature  it still needs to be IDed even though some people knew it.Judi was thrilled  all judges now will have a good base to use in the future...

>From cool growing Masdevalias  Cymbidiums in San Francisco to Paphs. in the North  Vandas in the South -AOS awards are standards to work with...

AND, as far as I'm concerned, the standards  ethics I was brought up with still adhere  I would be happy to serve on the WOC judging roster in Miami as I did as a clerk in Vancouver. THE TEAM makes the decision with much thought  no politics...
Kind regards,
Kathy in MN

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 203

2005-04-27 Thread Goldorchid
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: gramatophyllum

2005-04-11 Thread Goldorchid
I can only assume the Illinois Orchid society show has not seen Herman Pigors plant for the last 2 yrs is because it will no longer fit in the truck! It was an amazing thing to see here in the "Northland"  probably took a forkift to move!
Kathy in MN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Open Mouth Insert Bare foot Again!

2005-03-24 Thread Goldorchid
Kind readers,
  I do apologize to you all  Andy in particular for using a term some would find offensive. My grandma used it regularly as a term for a mishief maker/stirrer upper!
I get exasperated sitting down to read a couple weeks worth of the OGD  finding so much sniping  I should learn to not reply when tired, late at night. (I'm really good at opening mouth, inserting foot when tired)
  I thought I was being funny/toung in cheek  I was wrong.
  Andy  I have met  enjoyed several good meals  conversations, always in a large group at a few shows. (I might be glad he doesn't remember me.) I will reintroduce my nutty self in April, with the same smile I had on my face when I wrote the post  hope he doesn't box MY ears.
  Again, sorry for doing what I said I was so tired of- sniping.
Sincere regards,
Kathy in MN
P.S. Mouth firmly shut now!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Judging AOS WOC

2005-03-23 Thread Goldorchid
Hello all,
  Been too busy with the annual vacation to Jamaica, helping co-ordinate the AOS Spring Member Meeting here in Minnesota, getting Hoosiers Catalog Painting done, not killing my imported Jamaican plants, AOS judging duties at my Chicago Center (this time of year is around 2000+ Miles monthly,driving) speaking to my local society, speaking to the Denver Orchid Society, speaking to the American Society of Botanical Illustrators local meeting ABOUT ORCHIDS  NOT KILLING MY 2 BIG DOGS, HUSBAND  MACAW is amazing to me, right now!

  Andy is a curmodgeon- Period!!! He is/you are a prick with ears! AND I WILL YANK THEM IF I CAN CATCH THEM- LOOK OUT FOR APRIL!!!

I was not even accepted to the Chicago center as a Student but, was welcomed as a clerk for the Vancouver WOC. I(My backside  hand) are featured in the BBC/Nature program regularly on public TV.
 I was pleased to get to last years New York Orchid Show where I was officially bummed to not be on the judging team that had Pleurothallids with the founders of the Pleurothallid Alliance  for an "in situ" AOS table (I am president of the Pleurothallid Alliance  was looking forward to the discussion). Much to my chagrin I had to sit with people I hardly knew to judge the Paphs brought to the table. I was PROUD to give the FCC/AOS award to the Japanese  Paph Rothscildianum that we did, the other Paph AM AND the Dendrobium CCE we awared I had to count.When I left the judging area, head spinning on writing the award descriptions we did at the table,the first thing I heard on the "Show Floor" was "Who the hell would give an FCC to a cut flower?"  had to insinuate myself into the very esteemed gentlemen  tell them 'My name is Kathy  I did it with my team!"
  Andy, PLEASE TELL ME, DEAR MAN, who is or not to judge- PERIOD! I do not know the names of the Dijon miscreants, Were they serious orchid lovers? Were they Euorpean/ SCIONS FROM ?/?What did you call her?Some may know allusions?HUH?---AT this POINT enter my name into your problem women! You have always dropped names  alluded to "proiblems"  are a "Great" stirrer upper as my granny used to say...(I'de still eat seafood with you, BUT..)
  You are not a "Rude Boy", you're just rude...
 Most of us try to work together regardless
Most people are on this list for ORCHID KNOWLEDGE
Kathy Creger- Kathy in MN [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Hillerman-90

2004-12-15 Thread Goldorchid

In a message dated 12/10/04 8:00:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Thank you Viatur!
That was worth reading/scrolling the last several days of drivel!
Kathy in cold MN

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Stelis sp.

2004-10-26 Thread Goldorchid
Hi Grieg,
My first thought for your Stelis is argentata. It is one of the most common 
in cultivation here in the states thanks to Andrea Niessen from Colombia. I'm 
pretty sure it is from Ecuador too...
Kathy in MN.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: storms

2004-10-01 Thread Goldorchid
 Hi Andy, I just got word from friends In Negril last night that the $ we 
wired them actually got there at the last minute as systems  deadlines worked 
out at the same time-Sept 30. Have not heard back from Ancile  wouldlike word 
on Claude when you get it...
See you in Denver?
Kathy in MN with a hard freeze coming tonight! Got all my plants in on Monday 
 got given a bunch of Bulbos as a rescue/ downsize, I'll be washing off in 
the kitchen sink for the next week as the shower is full of Bornean 
behemoths...Hope all are well.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Macodes petola

2004-10-01 Thread Goldorchid
All I can tell you is that I use a microscope  a 10x jewelers loupe to look 
at it for a painting. The cell structure over the entire leaf seems to be 
simularly arrainged but, the sparkle in the viens is distinct. Could it be a 
concentration of minerals? or an orientation of cells to the light?
I would really like to know the science of this species AND the hybrid   
Hoosier did of Goodyeara pubescens (Indiana, USA)  a S.E Asian Dosinnea I am 
also trying to paint. The sparkle effect in the venation is amazing  any help 
in capturing the effect would be greatly appreciated!
Kathy in MN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Iris Caesar

2004-08-27 Thread Goldorchid
Hello all,
  Way too much scrolling with no time   or desire to respond   to the 
more political posts got stopped dead in the tracks tonight!
 THANK YOU!   to   all our growers who come out of the lurking mode   to 
actually answer a question they have a knowledgeable answer for, especially 
when they reply from the area IN THE WORLD that a plant originates.
  Class should be left to where you enter a plant in a show.
  Culture should be about how to grow something better.
  Breeding is better left out of the question alltogether except for 
the parents of an Orchid hybrid
   AND I've learned this list is better for learning more about slander  
slang than the above...
I will keep scrolling, however...
Kathy in MN where my Pleuros., Brassias,  Maxillarias Are really enjoying 
our cooler than normal summer outside. More plants to bring to our State Fair 
show next week!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 348

2004-08-27 Thread Goldorchid
P.S. Sorry for mis-spelling Cisar
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Les' Pleuro. glumaceum

2004-08-01 Thread Goldorchid
Hi Les,
  Couldn't get the scrubbed attatchments but can tell you that   glumacea 
 glumaceum are the same thing for all practical purposes.
  The inflorescense should be 6 to 12 inches with pure yellow to 
green-yellow flowers, ranked on the inflorescens. They can be fragrant  rebloom from 
the same leaf.
  Kathy in MN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Cyp.acuale in KY

2004-07-27 Thread Goldorchid
Please report them ASAP to your county  state offices.
They may have permits to collect plants that are in (road grading etc.) 
harms way but, I get the idea   (with the #'s they are quoting) they are 
stripping ilegally! As a person who has seen acuale in its native habitat here in 
Minnesota  the pine barrens conditions down there I can garuntee those 
plants will be dead before next summer is out  they should not be allowed to 
procede any furthur than they have in filling their ebay orders
Call your local University AND Orchid society- they may know the rules down 
there better than I.
 I can just say that the whole thing is a really bad idea  basically WRONG! 
(look up native orchid alliance, nature conservancy, slipper alliance- Carson 
Stop them, it's futile
Kathy in MN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Sedirea

2004-04-20 Thread Goldorchid
Pardon the spelling error...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)