[OGD] Enc./Epi. fragrans

2006-10-22 Thread P G Hieke
I have two plants, one is called Encyclia fragrans, the other one Epidendrum
One flowers in spring/summer and the other one in autumn/winter, about 6 months
The flowers look the same. Each inflorescense carries 4-5 flowers. The summer
is bigger in all aspects. The bulbs are thicker and longer and the leaves as
Are the two the same plant? And if so, then why do they flower at different
of the year? Is there an explanation for this?
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Arachnis flos-aeris

2006-10-16 Thread P G Hieke
Even here in sunny Cape Town my plant had to grow to 2 mtrs. tall to
flower for the first time. It grows in full sun under clear polycarbon the
whole year round and flowers mostly in winter/spring. Temperature
is probably not so important, but full sun.
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Opsistylis

2006-04-14 Thread P G Hieke
I bought this plant over 5 years ago as a small seedling and it has grown into
a large plant, but no flowers. It stands 25 cm tall with 15 leaves and a total
leave span of 51 cm.
Can anyone tell me what to do to get it to produce an inflorescence and flowers?
Should I grow it hotter, colder, brighter, darker, drier or what?
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Address required

2006-04-05 Thread P G Hieke
Hi All,
I'm looking for the e-mail address of EMLY S. SIEGERIST.
Can somebody please help.
Thank You
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Baby corn orchid

2006-02-13 Thread P G Hieke
I'm looking for the corect name of the so called "Baby corn" orchid.
I found a good description on the internet that says: ' This prolific, 
thick bulbed orchid produces neat cones of tiny, pale yellow flowers
with orange lips.' Is it Eria convallarioides or Eria spicata? Or what?
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Stan. jennischiana

2005-12-02 Thread P G Hieke
Try to grow it mounted on cork-oak. Mine is pushing down a spike right now.
I grow it under intermediate conditions here in Cape Town.
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Intergeneric Phal hybrids

2005-10-28 Thread P G Hieke
Hi Julia,
You are not the only one. They are really difficult to grow and to flower.
Try to grow them in very bright and very humid conditions. The growing 
medium makes very little difference. 
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phal. lueddemanniana

2005-01-15 Thread P G Hieke
Hello All,
I do not think that light is the factor for keikies on P. lueddemanniana.
I'm fairly convinced that temperature is the factor. If the temperature
is above 28ยบ C. then it produces keikies instead of flowers. I have
seen on my P. lueddemannianas that all have nice flowers in winter
and spring and in summer they produce keikies because of the high
Kind regards
Peter Hieke

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dijon 2005

2004-12-04 Thread P G Hieke
Hi Andy,
Are you going to Dijon, or are you saving up and go to Miami in 2008?
This could be a very unwise move, as it is 4 long years until then and 
nobody can predict what is going to happen.
So, I rather go now, enjoy the medieval town of Dijon and the 
Burgundian Cuisine and a Spectacular Flower Show and possibly miss 
out on Miami 2008 and American Fast Food.
Peter from Bloubergstrand

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phal. micholitzii

2004-09-07 Thread P G Hieke
Hi Charles,
I have Phal. micholitzii in my collection and I grow it on the warm side,
that is
winter night temps at 18/21: C. In summer the nights are usually around 18:
and the days at 28/34: C range. I have the plant now for 6 months and it
2 new leaves. It has 11 leaves and 5 inflorescenses and produced 3 flowers
so far. It had a keiki when I received it and I removed it and it is also
well. Seems mother and kid like the conditions.
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Brassavola

2004-07-28 Thread P G Hieke
"How to tell the differnece between Brassavola flagellaris and 
Brassavola tuberculata"
It is actually quite simple:
Brassavola flagellaris has thin pending terete leaves, 3-4mm thick
and flowers here in SA in spring, October/November.
Brassavola tuberculata has erect thick terete leaves, 6-8mm thick
and flowers here in SA in late summer/autumn, February-April.
Hope this helps to identify the plants in question.
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Plaqued Phal species

2004-07-23 Thread P G Hieke
Hi All,
I had the same problems that Phal species grew poorly on any base 
that I used to mount Phal species on. Now since I'm using poystyrene
blocks coated with cement (see AOS ORCHIDS January 2003 Pg 12)
my species grow like wild. It is amazing to see how the roots attach
themselves, like glued on, to the cement. So far I mounted about 20 
differnet plants. I started with this in about April/May last year and 
I mounted small plants only, some were just one year out of flask
and now, one year later, I have flower spikes coming. The plaques
are misted or dipped in a bucket of water daily and fertilized once
every week.
The Pal. species that I mounted so far are: Phal. parishii, lindenii,
gibbosa, intermedia, lueddemanniana, bastianii, floresensis and 
pallens var. dentriculata. The other plants are hybrids and 
one Aerangis punctata. The next will be Sophronitis cernua.
Anyone who would like to know more, please ask on the
list or mail me directly.
Kind regards
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Banrot

2004-06-04 Thread P G Hieke
Hello All,
can anyone tell me what the active ingredient of Banrot is?

Thank you
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Mystacidium caffrum

2004-04-18 Thread P G Hieke
Peter and Marie,
Yes, it has been renamed to Diaphananthe caffra.
Unfortunately ther are no cultural hints. I would assume that it schould
with more light, as it grows in montane forests.
Kind regards
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Vanda coerulea

2004-04-18 Thread P G Hieke
Hi Justin,
If Vanda teres survives under the cool winter conditions, then V. coerulea
will as well.
It is definitely happier under cold conditions than warm conditions.
Peter from Bloubergstrand
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)