[Origami] 2013 British Origami Society Model Collection Autumn Convention Edinburgh: Models required

2013-04-19 Thread Mark Bolitho
Dear  Origami L

The British Origami Society are in the process of compiling our next
model collection for the BOS 2013 Autumn convention in Edinburgh.

If you have drafted any diagrams or crease patterns recently that
might be suitable could we include them?

The collection will be published in a dual format, a book and a cd rom
and all contributors will receive a complimentary CDRom of the entire

It’s a great opportunity to have your designs published and seen by
the wider origami community.

The Edinburgh pack is being compiled by Myself (Mark Bolitho) and
Nick Robinson. If you have the diagrams in a digital format, then
please email them to either of us.

Mark Bolitho: ch...@britishorigami.info
Nick Robinson: mod...@britishorigami.info

Along with diagrams, if you could also send a picture of yourself as
it has become our practice to include a picture of the contributor
within the printed collection.

We will be publishing the pack for the Edinburgh convention and would
like all contributions by 30th June 2013.

Unfortunately we may not be able to publish all submissions.  However,
our hope is that we will be able to publish as many submissions as

Mark Bolitho
Chair British Origami Society

[Origami] Kawahata elephant -video

2013-04-19 Thread Leyla Torres
Dear friends,

A while back there was mention of a little elephant designed by Mr.
Fumiaki Kawahata. I was able to obtain his permission to share his
lovely model in a video.

I'm exited to share my new blog post and video featuring it:

-How to Make an Origami Elephant
Paso a paso para hacer un elefante en origami

Direct link to youtube: http://youtu.be/InIpbaPdA54

I hope you enjoy it!

Leyla Torres

Origami Spirit http://www.OrigamiSpirit.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OrigamiSpirit

Re: [Origami] Kawahata elephant -video

2013-04-19 Thread Doug Philips

On 4/19/13 10:12 AM, Leyla Torres wrote:

A while back there was mention of a little elephant designed by Mr.
Fumiaki Kawahata. I was able to obtain his permission to share his
lovely model in a video.

I'm exited to share my new blog post and video featuring it:

-How to Make an Origami Elephant

Very cool!
I learnt that model from Janet Y more years ago than I would
care to admit. IIRC it is also in one of the Origami Tanteidan
Annuals, but I don't have them at my finger tips to check.
I still have a few sitting around that I made from 3" paper,
they are super cute.


Re: [Origami] Ronald Koh's new rat design

2013-04-19 Thread boon
Hi all,

I wasn't too happy with my last rendition of Ron's rat and decided to tweak
it a wee bit more. I think I am happier now with this cleaner look :



[Origami] Latusoft Android App? Won Park - are you listening?

2013-04-19 Thread Ramsay Cowlishaw
Just acquired a new (to me, anyhow) Xoom tablet, and whilst shopping for apps, 
came across one from Latusoft called "Dollar Origami", which includes (quite 
obviously) Won Park's Camera. I was curious as to whether Won has issued 
approval for this. It's a free app, but that doesn't mean they should be 
distributing it freely without permission..

[Origami] poverty folders -- a cautionary tale!

2013-04-19 Thread Karen Reeds
Laura Kruskal and I went to the Princeton Public Library's Volunteer
Appreciation breakfast this morning, wearing a couple of her origami
crowns, of course. (Not surprisingly we ended up folding some, with
two young mothers who run the Japanese story hour at the library.)

Afterwards at the parking garage, I paid my parking fee, got the
validated  card back to stick into the card-reader at the exit, helped
Laura into the car, dumped our stuff into the car, and looked for the
parking card in my handbag. And looked in the tote bags. And looked in
my pockets.

Finally, I resigned myself to telling the parking garage guys that I'd
somehow mislaid the card between the payment machine and the car.
Meanwhile, Laura chanted the poverty-folder credo, "In origami,
nothing goes to waste. Use each morsel according to your taste!" and
popped a model onto the dashboard.

All of a sudden, we both realized that Laura had picked up  a  paper
morsel from the front seat and -- without realizing what the blue
rectangle was -- folded the  parking card into the classic little

The exit card-reader spit out the crease-pattern. So we had to ask the
garage guy to to help after all.  And we laughed our way home!

Karen Reeds, co-ringleader, Princeton Public Library Origami Group.
Affiliate of Origami USA, http://origamiusa.org/
We usually meet 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8pm, 3rd floor. Free!
We provide paper! All welcome! (Kids under 8, please bring a grown-up.)
Princeton Public Library info:  609.924.9529  http://www.princetonlibrary.org/
 awood...@princetonlibrary.org (Ann Woodrow)

Next meeting: Wednesday May 8, 2013, 6:30-8pm

[Origami] History of the idea of "purist" origami

2013-04-19 Thread Chris Lott
[I posted this to Nick Robinson's _Origami Didactics_ forum -
http://www.nickrobinson.info/clients/didactics/index.php in case anyone is
interested in sharing there!]

I'm searching for references to the idea of "purist" principles of origami.
In which publications have such ideas been referenced or proposed? Where
are significant discussions (not---just---heated debate) about the idea?

Other than some articles by David Lister on the BOS site...in "To Glue or
Not to Glue" -- http://www.britishorigami.info/academic/lister/glue.php  --
Lister cites Robert Harbin's _Paper Magic_ as the earliest source for a few

I'm just beginning my search in earnest about this topic...so any pointers
are very welcome!

[Origami] Looking for Mark Morden

2013-04-19 Thread Diana Lee
is Mark Morden still running the Seattle PAPER group?  If so, can someone 
forward my message to him. I want to ask him an origami question.
Thanks in advance, Diana
