SSL-problems (was SSL-100% CPU)

2000-07-04 Thread Mattias Arbin

I have tried to dig deeper into the SSL problem, while it is a major
showstopper right now and a problem that has to be solved before I can use
Orion in my project.

I have made to bat files for the certificate generation to be able to play
around a little faster:

keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -alias testalias -keystore mykeystore -dname
"cn=My Name, ou=MyCompany, o=MyCompany, c=SE" -storepass 123456 -keypass
654321 -validity 360

keytool -certreq -keyalg "RSA" -alias testalias -file
localhost.csr -storepass 123456 -keypass 654321 -keystore mykeystore

rem Go to thawte and copy the contents of localhost.csr.

rem Before running this, save the output from Thawte into localhost.cer
keytool  -import -trustcacerts -file localhost.cer -keystore
mykeystore -storepass 123456 -keypass 654321

Output when running the scripts:
E:\testjava -version
java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0-C)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 2.0fcs-E, mixed mode)


E:\testkeytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -alias testalias -keystore
mykeystore -dna
me "cn=My Name, ou=MyCompany, o=MyCompany, c=SE" -storepass 123456 -keypass
21 -validity 360

E:\testkeytool -certreq -keyalg "RSA" -alias testalias -file
localhost.csr -sto
repass 123456 -keypass 654321 -keystore mykeystore


E:\testkeytool  -import -trustcacerts -file localhost.cer -keystore
-storepass 123456 -keypass 654321
Owner: CN=My Name, OU=MyCompany, O=MyCompany, C=SE
Issuer: CN=Thawte Test CA Root, OU=TEST TEST TEST, O=Thawte Certification,
Serial number: 488d5a
Valid from: Tue Jul 04 09:55:28 GMT+02:00 2000 until: Fri Aug 04 09:55:28
:00 2000
Certificate fingerprints:
 MD5:  AE:C8:43:16:A5:FC:15:70:6A:A6:2D:D8:7F:8F:8C:87
 SHA1: D1:98:C0:C7:DA:D5:DB:D5:D1:E3:C6:A1:39:A0:59:34:0A:8F:DC:99
Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
Certificate was added to keystore
E:\testkeystore -list -keystore mykeystore
'keystore' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

E:\testkeytool -list -keystore mykeystore
Enter keystore password:  123456

Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 2 entries:

mykey, Tue Jul 04 09:53:14 GMT+02:00 2000, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
testalias, Tue Jul 04 09:51:48 GMT+02:00 2000, keyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):

OK. Now I start Orion (I have tried it with 1.0, 1.1.4, 1.1.8 with the same
E:\java\orionjava -jar orion.jar
Error starting HttpServer: Unable to intialize SSLServerSocketFactory
'com.evermind.ssl.JSSESSLServerSocketFactory': Unrecoverable key error:
Cannot recover key

Now to something interesting: I delete the key with the alias 'testalias':
E:\testkeytool -delete -alias testalias -keystore mykeystore
Enter keystore password:  123456

E:\testkeytool -list -keystore mykeystore
Enter keystore password:  123456

Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry:

mykey, Tue Jul 04 09:53:14 GMT+02:00 2000, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):

Now I start Orion again:
E:\java\orionjava -jar orion.jar
Orion/1.1.8 initialized

Orion initializes, but takes about 100% CPU and accessing
https://localhost:443 fails.

Does anybody have a clue?
 Mattias Arbin, Ctakt AB

My secure-web-site.xml:
?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Orion Web-site"

web-site host="[ALL]" secure="true" port="443" display-name="Default Orion
 !-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root --
 ssl-config keystore="../../../test/mykeystore" keystore-password="123456"
 default-web-app application="default" name="defaultWebApp" /

 !-- Uncomment this to activate the news app --
 !-- web-app application="news" name="news-web" root="/news" / --
 !-- Access Log, where requests are logged to --
 access-log path="../log/default-web-access.log" /

My server.xml:
?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE application-server PUBLIC "Orion Application Server Config"

 rmi-config path="./rmi.xml" /
 !-- JMS-server config link, uncomment to activate the JMS service --
 !-- jms-config path="./jms.xml" / --
 principals path="./principals.xml" /
  file path="../log/server.log" /

 global-application name="default" path="application.xml" /

 global-web-app-config path="global-web-application.xml" /

 web-site path="./default-web-site.xml" /
 web-site path="./secure-web-site.xml" /

 !-- Compiler, activate 

RE: EJBMaker not working

2000-07-04 Thread Werff, M.R. van der

Hi Brett,

First of all upgrage to 1.1.8.

The export dialog is a bit tricky. If you want to write to
somewhere/ejb/myproject, the dialog should look like:

Look in: ejb
File name: myproject

(in other words: do not go into the myproject directory itself)

Then press save. This should work.


-Original Message-
From: Brett Waterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: dinsdag 4 juli 2000 0:57
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJBMaker not working


I cannot seem to get EJBMaker to work.  It runs OK, but it does nothing when
you select a directory within export.  (ie. does not produce files)

Any ideas?

Brett Waterson
Technical Leader

ZIVO New Zealand Limited
7 - 9 Alpers Avenue,

Sydney * Melbourne * Canberra * Brisbane * Auckland * Wellington *
Singapore * Hong Kong * Bangkok * Kuala Lumpur

The ZIVO brand name is a trademark of the ZIVO Pty. Ltd. Group. 


This message contains privileged and confidential information intended
only for the use of the addressee named above.  If you are not the
intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that you must not
disseminate, copy or take any action in reliance on it.  If you have
received this message in error please notify ZIVO Pty. Ltd. immediately.

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of ZIVO
Pty. Ltd.

Some common misunderstandings? Was: DeadlockException

2000-07-04 Thread Jens Stutte

Hi all,

i wanted to let you join some of the misunderstandings i had concerning
transactions and their safety/isolation levels, since i am not a learned
database programmer but have come to databases/ejb accidently (ok, i had to
earn money ;-).

I compared the access to a data entity (in the ejb server) from different
clients always with the in-memory access of an object in shared memory from
different threads (and this analogy is somewhat misleading, as you will
In memory, you have the possibility to lock the object prior to each access
(or to let it be locked by the language/system you use), even if it is only
read access. That means, once read an object, nobody else (no other thread)
will be allowed to even see this object - and the thread will be suspended
until the object is released by the other thread. This system is safe if
every thread completes its computation and releases its locks (and on
abnormal termination a release of all locks could be made by the system).

My misunderstanding now was, that i always searched for a transaction type
in EJB, which provides similar safety and did not understand well the
slightly difference between read locks and the isolation level "repeatable
read" (and that i did not read accurate all availiable literature but relied
on my intentions).
But "repeatable read" does only guarantee, that during a transaction of a
client a read on the same entity will lead to the same result unless this
client itself changes the entity, regardless off parallel working other
clients which could change this entity. But another client will not be
halted if it wants to read this entity. If then both clients want to modify
the same entity after they have read it both (and therefore it cannot be
changed directly due to the "repeatable read"), we get a wunderful deadlock.

Let us take an entity X and the clients A and B, in paranthesis my
assumptions of what happens in the server.

A reads X   - allowed (make a copy?)
B reads X   - allowed (make a copy?)
A writes X  - allowed (change A's copy?)? Or already
forbidden (if there are no copys)?
B writes X  - forbidden in any case, result would be

This situation leads to a deadlock exception, which has to be handled
appropriate by the clients. In short words: If programming a client i must
bear in mind that concurrent accesses may lead to exceptions (and rollbacks
of transactions).

What's more with databases (my entity beans use BMP): If the database has
locked a data entity, another "client" (bean) that wants to access this
entity will not be halted until the lock is released but will get an
exception (and there is no - standard - way to decide, wether the thrown
SQLException was caused by a lock/deadlock or by other failures, since the
result codes vary for each database). So, writing beans with BMP that will
be accessed for writing concurrently (i mean the same entity, not the type)
by different clients is really a big deal. BTW, it would be interesting,
what fallback mechanisms for these cases are provided by orion's CMP - i
never used it myself ;-)

Just a little excurs for those who are interested (reading it now, i have
the impression that i really had "tomatos on my eyes", as we say in Germany,
but these misunderstandings have been really expensive in terms of time and
money for my company).

Best regards to all,


PS: Are there any databases in the world, which provide a real safe lock
mechanism for concurrent read/write access?  I mean, a real lock beginning
with the read? And an automatic wait for a request if some resources are
locked? Would be hot on the market, i think...

PPS: Many of these problems could be handled with the wood-hammer-method
(another germanism, i fear) of repeating a whole failed transaction
automatically by the server as provided by orion with the "max-tx-retries"
feature - unfortunately it does not seem to work yet...

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Jens Stutte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet am: Montag, 26. Juni 2000 15:17
 An: Orion-Interest
 Betreff: AW: DeadlockException

 Thanx for the answer.

 Of course i can get deadlocks as i work against a database - but this
 deadlock seems to be caused by orion itself prior of
 accessing the database.
 Orion must have some internal locking mechanisms to avoid
 concurrent access
 to entity bean variables, i assume. And the 'resource
 entity's mentioned in
 the exception are orion specific and have nothing to do with
 my database
 (which i update myself via BMP). I'd like to know if orion's
 isolation level
 "repeatable_read" is equivalent to someting like "exclusive
 read" (which
 would avoid any deadlocks if the data gets locked for read
 and write until
 the end of a transaction). Furthermore the setting of
 "max-tx-retries" would
 help repeating a failed exception, but i did not get it work.



Performance Orion 1.1.8

2000-07-04 Thread Vidur Dhanda


I'm trying to understand the performance of my beans.  I notice that on
every call to an Entity bean,
com.evermind.server.ejb.EvermindEntityContext.cloneObject is called.
The program spends nearly 20% of the time in this method.  Within the
method, the bulk o fthe time is spent in readObject.

Is there anything I can to do make this more efficient?


Re: Orion UserTransaction

2000-07-04 Thread Klaus Thiele

Hi Theo,

long time ago i got following answer:

: We'll check this out, it does seem weird,
: Regards,Karl Avedal

the problem is not solved yet.


 I'm having exactly the same problem as you.
 May I ask you if (and how) you have solved it?

  i have a SessionBean:
 public class PersonBean implements SessionBean {
   private UserTransaction ut = null;
   private SessionContext ctx;
 public void ejbCreate() throws RemoteException, CreateException {
ut = ctx.getUserTransaction();
  ejb-jar.xml:   session
  when my client calls the create-method, i get following exception:
  "Only beans with user-managed transaction can invoke getUserTransaction()"
  did i miss something?

Klaus Thiele - Personal  Informatik AG

 "There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go."

Update: Performance Scalability

2000-07-04 Thread Tom Wnuk


In a previous message I expressed my concern about performance as compared
with Weblogic 5.1.  With assistance from Karl Avedal, I made some changes to
my application and am very pleased to announce that Orion is approximately
2x faster than Weblogic 5.1.

I wasn't using the DB connection pool and it is a pleasure to work with a
product that does conform and support the latest J2EE specification.  

In general, migrating from WL to Orion has been pretty painless.  Most of
the changes were container specific, config files, etc. and no code changes.
The only code changes I'm now going to make has to do with improving my
code.  This exercise has identified areas that were inefficient or were
specific to WL.

BTW,  my evaluation of Orion and two other Ejb servers has resulted in Orion
as my choice hands down.   


Tom Wnuk


AW: Update: Performance Scalability

2000-07-04 Thread Jens Stutte

Hi Kirk,

i assume he confused (like me some time ago) the different jndi names for
the database connections. In a data-source you specify different locations,
which will be treated differently by the server. The "location" is a 'naked'
standard JDBC connection without pooling or anything. The "ejb-location"
provides server specific wrapper classes for the connections, which provide
such things as pooling, transaction handling for EJBs etc. I don't know the
specific purpose of the "xa-location" and when to use it. Anyway, from
within EJBs you should always use the "ejb-location".


Jens Stutte

PS: Example of a data-source:


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Kirk Kalvar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet am:  Dienstag, 4. Juli 2000 17:19
 An:   Orion-Interest
 Betreff:  RE: Update: Performance  Scalability
 Could you be more specific?  You weren't accessing the db 
 connection pool, but what did you do to fix it?
 Thanks in Advance,
 Kirk S. Kalvar
  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 9:27 AM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Update: Performance  Scalability
 In a previous message I expressed my concern about 
 performance as compared with Weblogic 5.1.  With
 from Karl Avedal, I made some changes to my application
 am very pleased to announce that Orion is approximately 2x

 faster than Weblogic 5.1.
 I wasn't using the DB connection pool and it is a pleasure
 work with a product that does conform and support the
 J2EE specification.  
 In general, migrating from WL to Orion has been pretty 
 painless.  Most of the changes were container specific, 
 config files, etc. and no code changes.  The only code 
 changes I'm now going to make has to do with improving my 
 code.  This exercise has identified areas that were 
 inefficient or were specific to WL.
 BTW,  my evaluation of Orion and two other Ejb servers has

 resulted in Orion as my choice hands down.   
 Tom Wnuk


2000-07-04 Thread Rui Gil

Hi !

I'm trying to use an UserTransaction in a client code.
None of the usuals JNDI names work, like,
UserTransaction utx =

What is the default JNDI name where the UserTransaction is bound for clients
Do I have to include it as a resource in my application-client.xml to bind
it to JNDI ?
And how do I configure this ?

thx for the help.

Rui Gil

Does the EBB-JAR Class-Path manifest attribute ?

2000-07-04 Thread Jeff Tuatini


Am trying to deploy an EBB which has dependent classes in other jar files;
these other jar files are specified in the ebb-jar file's Class-Path
manifest attribute (sec 17.3 of the EJB spec) and deployed in the EAR.

When loading the ejb-jar I get a java.lang.ClassCircularityError exception.
This does not occur if I stick the dependent jar on the system class path,
or as an installed extension, or unzip the contents and deploy inside the

Has anyone tried deploying dependent jars which are specified in the ejb-jar
Class-Path manifest? If so, any success? Or is this a known bug in the EJB
class loader?

Cheers, Jeff