Re: POLL: what are you missing in apache-like functionality?

2000-08-20 Thread Karl Avedal

Hello Jeroen

"J.T. Wenting" wrote:

 I think such request merely indicate the need for more complete
 documentation. Documentation (and you are doing a good job, but it should
 not be needed, Evermind should do it for us)

Yes, as I've said many times before, we are working on documentation but
things are not always going as fast as we would want them to. J2EE and
Orion is a vast area to cover and things are changing so rapidly that
documentation needs to be updated extremely often. However, we are
putting out more docs and will continue to do so, in a pace that will be

 is the greatest weakness Orion
 has (not counting the bugs Swing causes in the tools, these are generic to
 Java applications using Swing).
 I like Orion, but without docs, I could never sell people on it (the people
 who need to set up and maintain it are not programmers, they are Unix and NT

Yes, and we have focused a lot on this for Orion 1.2 with the graphical
management console. However, it's more of a preview and it will improve
much in the coming versions. Of course graphical tools can never be a
replacement for quality documentation though, but you should definately
not have to be a programmer or a Unix or NT admin to install or maintain

Also, I think you are being somewhat harsh in saying "without docs",
considering that there is a fair bit of documentation available. For
example our taglib tutorial has become the default tag library tutorial
for many people and you will find that for example Sun is linking to it
from their site for people who want to learn them. But yes, the
documentation isn't as complete as we would like and we'll continue to
work on this until it is. If anyone wants a job as a technical writer,
we are accepting applications, there is a lot of work to be done :)

 And at the price, it is difficult to get management people
 convinced anyway (the expensive == good syndrome is very strong here).

Of course we don't know all about this, but the expensive == good
syndrome does not seem to be a problem for sales at all. People are
getting more used to cheap or even free software every day and even
though we still see people thinking like that, we are certain that it is
a smaller problem than most people realize. Not a lot of people will
suggest that Solaris 8 isn't a viable operating system anymore just
because you can get it from Sun for the cost of media + shipping. More
and more people start to realize that software isn't like other

For a software purchase, you don't mainly pay for costs related to your
license, but to the research, development and marketing behind the
product. So if a company sells 10 licenses at $2,000, that's not much
worse than selling 1 at $20,000 (of course it's worse, but not much).
Whether you sell 10 cars for $2,000 or 1 car for $20,000 however is a
huge difference, since 1 car may cost $15,000 to manufacture. Because of
this, there's no reason why quality of a software product (unlike a car)
affects the price of the product. What does affect the price most is
where the companies think the optimal price lies to maximize the
revenue. We are certain that there will be a continued and increased
pressure on the larger vendors to lower prices and this will be good for
the whole J2EE industry.

Karl Avedal

RE: POLL: what are you missing in apache-like functionality?

2000-08-20 Thread Robert Krueger

I agree, but I'm loathe to just blame Evermind for this. Have you seen the
J2EE specs? They detail the way it's supposed to be. Are they clear? Well,
no, not really... but they ARE the Orion documentation, more or less, and
what peopel are clamoring for is for Orion to document the specs, but
clearly. Orion doesn't really differ from the J2EE spec, that's one of the
reasons it excels - if you know the spec, you can use Orion. (OTOH, if you

I disagree here. of course, orion is very good at conforming to the spec 
but j2ee knowledge doesn't help you set up o/r mapping or find out how to 
specify your datasources for your entity beans etc. etc.. yes, there are a 
lot of questions on this list that indicate lack of j2ee knowledge but 
(hope i'm not offending anyone) those shouldn't worry evermind. IMO the 
j2ee spec is not that bad to read and not as unclear as you indicate. there 
are a few grey areas but most things that have neen asked on this list 
regarding j2ee are very clearly defined in (or intentionally excluded from) 
the spec. we have worked with orion for just over 10 months now and 90% of 
the problems we had with documentation were not lack of j2ee knowledge but 
orion-specific things. especially when internal things changed (like dtds 
for datasources etc.) and we didn't notice until we ran into problems. I 
have to admit that in many cases a look at the commented dtd would have 
solved the problem earlier ;-) but still there should be something like a 
change log especially when important things like dtds are changed.

for very simple applications you can use orion with just j2ee knowledge. 
for advanced use you still have to dig into the internals yourself. the 
commented dtds (which hardly anyone seems to read) are a good start for 
docs but I think what's required is lots of examples that show advanced 
features like ssl, clustering, complex o/r mapping, deploying the same 
application multiple times on top of different datasources, use of 
servlet-chaining/filtering. could be just one large app that's well 
documented with an architecture diagram, sequence diagrams for the flow of 
control for certain scenarios etc.. I believe in learning by example and 
think that this kind of documentation would really be able to replace a 
formal reference manual (which is a lot more work).

know the spec, you still have to know JRunisms, or Weblogic-isms, or
whatever, due to wavering compliance.) This is a J2EE problem, not an
Evermind problem.


No doubt, but ... refer to the spec. Evermind does have a priority on
docs, but the documentation has a num,ber of difficulties to work with
that other servers don't - Orion has a goal of being ahead of the pack
technologically, and since the drafts change all the time, Orion changes
WITH them. (Did you know Orion supports EJB 2.0? Did you know there *was*
an EJB 2.0?) That's one of the reasons the specs are used as documentation
at the moment - Orion tracks them as they're coming out. Out-of-date docs
aren't much better than no docs at all.

well, hate to give the impression I'm con evermind (which I'm not) but the 
docs for the stable orion version (and therefore ejb1.1 which has been 
final for quite some time now) haven't improved a lot over the past few 
months. IMO changing specs are no excuse for lack of docs in this case. it 
has been a conscious decision on their part to put documentation on a lower 
priority than ejb2.0 compliance and overall stability and that's it. it's a 
legitimate decision but it's hard to imagine that they couldn't have 
invested more manpower for documentation in the past 6 months.



Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  HOMES.COM Developer

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: POLL: what are you missing in apache-like functionality?

2000-08-20 Thread Robert Krueger


I know that, you know that, but I work at a large corporation where policies
are set by people who either have never worked in IT, or have quit a long
time ago. They do think that way (why else do iPlanet, Oracle and Weblogic
still sell strong?).
Not that you should increase price (though some do it) of course, your
client base will likely take a while longer to include the really large


generally agree with inexpensive != bad BUT i think there is a tendency 
towards simplifying things a little too much. haven't used IPlanet but as 
far as weblogic is concerned you DO get excellent documentation, lots of 
tools/certified third party products, worldwide support partner network, 
official support for verisign certificates, a product that has undergone 
very rigorous testing in lots of different software/hardware environments 
(anyone knows that the concept of "it's all java therefore it works on any 
platform" is only half the truth in an imperfect world with buggy VMs and 
OSs), clustering and http(s) tunneling that has been used extensively in 
production and that's at least part of what you pay for with those prices. 
even if orion has the better architecture and the more talented 
architects/developers you cannot make up for all of this stuff that easily 
if you don't have the manpower (which I presume evermind doesn't). don't 
get me wrong. I think orion is an outstanding product but it clearly has 
some weak spots compared to some major players which it makes up for by the 
price, standards conformance and good architecture but it is a trade-off 
and everyone have to make their decision based on what they think is more 
important. if you have a websphere application server (no matter how crappy 
it may be) running on an as400 for an online banking application and you 
get performance/stability problems and you are a key account for ibm they 
fly in a specialist for exactly that platform/software combination it noone 
else can solve the problem. you simply cannot get that level of support for 
orion, no matter how much money you pay. people who need that simply cannot 
be advised to use orion (yet), period. If you can live with that (which we 
luckily can), you get a very good j2ee platform for an unbeatable price. 
that's the deal.



(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

JBuilder as an IDE for Orion - Can this work?

2000-08-20 Thread Marc Rabil

Like many 
participating on this list, we are in the early stages of trying to set-up our 
development and infrastructure platform. We are building apps that use 
both JSPs/Servlets in the web tier and EJB's in the application tier and really 
like Orion for this.We also really like JBuilder as an IDE and 
debugging environment. We are trying to figure out:

1. Is there any way 
to connect the JBuilder debugger to the Orion app server?
2. If so, do you 
need to use the Enterprise edition of JBuilder to accomplish 
3. If not, what are 
folks using out there?

Thanks in advance 
for any assistance,


No Subject

2000-08-20 Thread Gauri Bhalerao
Can anybody please tell ehow to unsubscribe?
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Orion and SSL......

2000-08-20 Thread Hashim Merchant

Hi guys,

  I have created an application that runs with and without SSL. Is there
anyway i can secure certain pages inside that application using SSL like
test1.jsp,test2.jsp and at the same time keeping test3.jsp non-SSL..
i have tried playing with web.xml...but it didnt help...


Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you for your time...

Hashim Merchant


http session timeouts

2000-08-20 Thread Todd McGrath

The site I'm working has a custom login component where users must have
a valid username/ password combination.  I would like to redirect or
present a user with a message when a Http session timeout has
occurred.   You know, "your session has expired, so you must re-login"
message or something similar.  

I'm in the beginning stages of the code.  So far, the app stores certain
information about the user in a http session Java Bean, so I'm thinking
of checking for the existence of this bean in a Controller servlet to
determine if the Http session has timed out:  

if (javabean == null) {
  String message = "Your session has timed out, please login again";
else ...

Any opinions on this?  (including other, better ways to achieve this


EJB example - news

2000-08-20 Thread James Ho

hi there
Can anyone pls tell me how to  use the 'news' ejb example?  what is
the default login/passwd??  and how to add more users?

regards, James

RE: Documentation initiative

2000-08-20 Thread Jim Archer

I agree with all these comments... As a new Orion user, I'm most interested 
in seeing live samples that do more than the most basic things. Also, I 
have had the most trouble with deployment. So, several good, easy to follow 
source samples with deployment descriptors and the deployment procedures 
outlines would be really, really great...


--On Monday, August 21, 2000 10:54 AM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes 

 These are all good ideas Kevin, I agree contributing docs to OrionSupport
 is a good idea, but docs themselves can be tricky to write - if I'm
 interpreting the list correctly, it's _sample applications_ that people

 Perhaps if people have code / apps they don't mind Open Sourcing, we could
 get a library of 'good', well documented applications on Orion Support? (I
 have one HUGE app that will be out within the next two weeks that is OSS
 and uses everything Orion has to offer)

 As for the tools, I've told the team many times that my personal opinion
 is tools should be Open Source. They don't sell the tools, they sell the
 app server. I know myself, Joseph, Victor and a few of the other 'Orion
 oldies and know-it-alls' would be happy to hack at the admin tools to
 make them better. (And with the upcoming J2EE Management Spec we could
 make them kick ass tools for _any_ app server, which ironically would
 bring more cred to Orion if we could best WL's buggy console)

 Installer is not so useful IMHO, I'm sure the Orion team are working on
 tools to tweak the running server's values, and setting up the initial
 values are pretty much what Orion does out of the box?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Duffey
 Sent: Monday, 21 August 2000 7:53
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Documentation initiative

 Hey all,

 Since so many of us love Orion, or are trying to love it but have
 problems understanding some things, how bougt we help out the Orion team
 by documenting as much as we can? I for one have been using it for quite
 some time and have some knowledge of some areas. I would love to learn
 other areas as they become available. Joseph is doing a good job with, and he has asked for any contributions. For those of us
 that feel we know the product somewhat well, lets do our part. Hell,
 other products, Orion is free for everything except production, and that
 cost is a fraction of the cost of other app servers.

 Also, while the team hasn't opened up the source or anything for us to
 contribute, I was thinking of doing a Wizard installer in Java,
 but I am not
 very good with SWING. Right now you unzip, configure the xml
 files, and let
 it rip. Maybe a simple installer that the team can use and
 package that has
 a wizard interface for setting up the common areas would be nice. Anyone
 want to help with this? Would the Orion team mind if we help out in these
 areas? May be a while as I don't have much time, but it might help on the
 installation woes some people seem to have.

 If anyone to everyone is in agreement (including Orion team),
 lets help kick
 the Orion App Server into high gear so it can kick the crap out of those
 much much much more expensive app servers that don't quite follow the
 standards as well. If all in favor, maybe we can start off a chapter
 index in this list (or on the site) and contribute to
 areas needing documentation as well as writing those. Also, I believe a
 good "review" of docs by all involved would allow for the most accurate
 docs instead of relying on faith of one person. No offense, but I sure
 don't want
 people reading what I write assuming its 100% right. I would rather have
 others look it over and make sure it makes sense, is easy to follow along
 and actually works as stated.

 Awaiting replies.