I agree with all these comments... As a new Orion user, I'm most interested 
in seeing live samples that do more than the most basic things. Also, I 
have had the most trouble with deployment. So, several good, easy to follow 
source samples with deployment descriptors and the deployment procedures 
outlines would be really, really great...


--On Monday, August 21, 2000 10:54 AM +1000 Mike Cannon-Brookes 

> These are all good ideas Kevin, I agree contributing docs to OrionSupport
> is a good idea, but docs themselves can be tricky to write - if I'm
> interpreting the list correctly, it's _sample applications_ that people
> want.
> Perhaps if people have code / apps they don't mind Open Sourcing, we could
> get a library of 'good', well documented applications on Orion Support? (I
> have one HUGE app that will be out within the next two weeks that is OSS
> and uses everything Orion has to offer)
> As for the tools, I've told the team many times that my personal opinion
> is tools should be Open Source. They don't sell the tools, they sell the
> app server. I know myself, Joseph, Victor and a few of the other 'Orion
> oldies and know-it-alls' would be happy to hack at the admin tools to
> make them better. (And with the upcoming J2EE Management Spec we could
> make them kick ass tools for _any_ app server, which ironically would
> bring more cred to Orion if we could best WL's buggy console)
> Installer is not so useful IMHO, I'm sure the Orion team are working on
> tools to tweak the running server's values, and setting up the initial
> values are pretty much what Orion does out of the box?
> Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Duffey
>> Sent: Monday, 21 August 2000 7:53
>> To: Orion-Interest
>> Subject: Documentation initiative
>> Hey all,
>> Since so many of us love Orion, or are trying to love it but have
>> problems understanding some things, how bougt we help out the Orion team
>> by documenting as much as we can? I for one have been using it for quite
>> some time and have some knowledge of some areas. I would love to learn
>> other areas as they become available. Joseph is doing a good job with
>> orionsupport.com, and he has asked for any contributions. For those of us
>> that feel we know the product somewhat well, lets do our part. Hell,
>> unlike
>> other products, Orion is free for everything except production, and that
>> cost is a fraction of the cost of other app servers.
>> Also, while the team hasn't opened up the source or anything for us to
>> contribute, I was thinking of doing a Wizard installer in Java,
>> but I am not
>> very good with SWING. Right now you unzip, configure the xml
>> files, and let
>> it rip. Maybe a simple installer that the team can use and
>> package that has
>> a wizard interface for setting up the common areas would be nice. Anyone
>> want to help with this? Would the Orion team mind if we help out in these
>> areas? May be a while as I don't have much time, but it might help on the
>> installation woes some people seem to have.
>> If anyone to everyone is in agreement (including Orion team),
>> lets help kick
>> the Orion App Server into high gear so it can kick the crap out of those
>> much much much more expensive app servers that don't quite follow the
>> standards as well. If all in favor, maybe we can start off a chapter
>> index in this list (or on the orionsupport.com site) and contribute to
>> areas needing documentation as well as writing those. Also, I believe a
>> good "review" of docs by all involved would allow for the most accurate
>> docs instead of relying on faith of one person. No offense, but I sure
>> don't want
>> people reading what I write assuming its 100% right. I would rather have
>> others look it over and make sure it makes sense, is easy to follow along
>> and actually works as stated.
>> Awaiting replies.

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