RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

2001-04-29 Thread Richard E. Sansom

We're struggling with struts in WebLogic (yuck) right now.  Could we please get
a copy of your framework?  Very much appreciated...


--- Duffey, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use my own framework for a couple of sites, and have gotten feedback from
 others using it as well. Its only 15K in size, full source, its free to use,
 modify, etc. If your interested in it, send me an email. It supports xsl
 transformations, and is very similar to Struts only that I found struts too
 much for my needs, and some features it didn't do that I needed, so I went
 that direction.
 -Original Message-
 From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:53 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: MVC/XML Framework Comments please
 We are bout to pick a a framework, and I am looking for are comments or 
 recommendation on a frameworks, other than Struts. (Don't want to be 
 HTML/JSP centric) Any feedback on your experience with a framework, or do 
 you know of web sites in production that are using a certain frame work, or 
 do you know of friend or someone who has used one. 
 I would like it to be XML centric, and MVC. For example, the V should apply 
 the XSL to XML, to make it HTML. It should do standard session tracking. It 
 should do standard data manager, so that Java Beans do the SQL (the M). A 
 minor plus is form entry management and a bit of image/content management. 
 It should be a single rich framework. Here are a few we are considering:  
 and all the ones under Jakarta. 
 We need to pick one soon. Any comments and feedback welcome on 
 frameworks/class libraries. 



Richard E. Sansom

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Re: Is this a 1.4.8 bug??

2001-04-29 Thread Ed Bras

Yep that sure is a bug.

I and Jeff had the sam thing and Jeff logged it under bug number #414. Add 
your configuration to the bug (I still have to do that to) so that they have 
more info to work on.

I hope they resolve it soon so I can go back to 1.4.8, as things were 
looking good.


From: Alex Paransky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Is this a 1.4.8 bug??
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 13:55:28 -0700

The following exception occurs when I move to 1.4.8, but DOES NOT occur in

Exception in thread main com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException:
Transaction was rolled back: java.lang.InternalError: Was not in used mode
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at com.evermind._hw._oa(Unknown Source)
 at Source)
at connection to localhost/ as admin
 at com.evermind._br.invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
 at com.evermind._di.invoke(Unknown Source)
 at __Proxy2.createVideoContent(Unknown Source)

 Nested exception is:
java.lang.InternalError: Was not in used mode
 at com.evermind.server.ejb.DataSourceConnection.release(Unknown
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at com.evermind._hw._oa(Unknown Source)
 at Source)
at connection to localhost/
 at com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException._ny(Unknown 
 at com.evermind._br._mh(Unknown Source)
 at Source)

Is this a 1.4.8 bug?  I am just calling a finder, and getting this


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Using SSL from within an EJB

2001-04-29 Thread Lars Borup Jensen


Ny1 ever tried to open a SSL socket from within an 
EJB (lets say stateless session-bean)
As far as I know it's "legal" to open a client 
socket which is what I want to do, but I want
to make it a secure socket (using 

Lars Borup Jensen

Advanced OR mapping

2001-04-29 Thread Joerg Weishaupt


I'm having some problems with the OR mapping, especially for
entity bean reference mappings.
Although I've gone thru the Advanced Object-Relational mapping
topic on, I'm unable to transfer this to our
object model, i.e.:

EJB Product has references to
  - ProductType
  - Supplier which references to
  - Country
  - PackingUnit
and also has Collections of
  - Attributes which references to
  - AttributeType
  - Prices which references to
  - Currency
  - ClientType
  - SalesTax
  - Medias which references to
  - MediaType
  - AccessoryProducts which are of the same type as the Product itself.

So it's quite complicated and maybe someone can give me some
directions of what to do.
For me it's very important to see, whether for this model
Orion CMP works better (in regard to performance) than the
existing BMP, as I've seen that it's faster for simple EJB's


RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

2001-04-29 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Title: RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

Thanks everyone. I will first say that I have asked a similar question in 2 newsgroups and another mail list. 

The Orion Mail list gave 10 times more input and 10 times higher quality than any other mail list.

Here is what I plan to recommend. We will use Data Access Object in the back (so we can change that to be an Astral Clones Pattern later). This ADO layer cache transparently.

I am leaning towards Jet Speed in the middle, because it has Portal capabilities. (A 2nd part of our application that need to be high speed will be hand crafted).

In the presentation, I plan to do similar to bellow, or XSLT with pre compiled cached sheets. It is interesting to not that there is an upcoming Java One session that talks about using JSPs for XSLT somehow, and I will go to it to see what that is about.

Again, thanks for great input to the a dozen who responded.


-Original Message-

From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 4:11 PM

To: Orion-Interest

Subject: RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

Your message is very timely, because I'm currently doing the same sort

of research. I wrote my site ( , an amusing basement project) using Rickard

Oberg's WebWork MVC framework to produce HTML directly, but now my team

and I are exploring more sophisticated options.

My desire is for an MVC framework which generates XML. The XML would

then be transformed with XSLT on the way out by a filter. Orion already

does this transformation if your output is XML; take a look at

$ORION_HOME/default-web-app/examples/xsl. So it really doesn't matter

what MVC/templating framework you use as long as you generate XML;

Struts would work fine.

In fact, yesterday we wrote a spike solution using Struts (which now

works out-of-the-box with Orion 1.4.8) to generate XML and transform it

using the stylesheet tag in the XML document. It works great.

I've been spending a lot of time researching MVC frameworks, and I'm

happy to offer my thoughts so far:

In the pure form, there are three stages we wish to isolate in building

our html (or wml, or whatever) pages: Logic (the algorithmic world of

code), Content (the meaninful information which may be static or may

have been generated by logic), and Presentation (content transformed

into html, wml, pdf, or whatever can be attractively rendered for


MVC frameworks like Struts and WebWork do not distinguish between

Content and Presentation. Really the MVC Framework just covers the

first two phases of a Web Publishing Framework. The third phase is

covered by XSLT transforming filters applied to the View after

generation. Orion provides this automatically.

Within the MVC process, however, there is another

templating/transformation process to build the Content from the Logic.

Some frameworks (Struts and WebWork) use JSP optionally with custom tag

libraries. Some frameworks (Turbine) allow you to plug in a variety of

templating systems, such as Velocity. Cocoon uses XSP (Xml Server

Pages). This is entirely independent from the Content to Presentation

transformation process which occurs later using XSLT.

It sounds like Tim has a homebrew system for going directly from Logic

to Presentation. My team has been thinking of eventually writing a

wrapper to expose JavaBeans (the model) as a DOM using reflection so you

could still have a pull-based system rather than having to build the

full tree ahead of time. I'm not sure it's ultimately desirable to skip

the Logic-Content step, although it would improve performance.

As far as specific frameworks go:

Cocoon is the most comprehensive solution. Cocoon2 sounds like it's

going to be even better. I'm not too fond of this framework though

because you have to be able to stomach XSP. The syntax isn't very

elegant, IMHO. I didn't look too closely at how their controller system


Struts is pretty complicated, but it has a large support community and a

lot of developers working on it. For a templating system you can use

either straight JSP or their elaborate set of taglibs. It provides good

delineation of M, V, and C but it feels like you're programming fairly

close to the servlet api. I'm sure this is easily avoided with a few

support classes. Struts seems to be the favorite framwork of the Sun

blueprints authors, which gives it a lot of longevity.

WebWork is very much like Struts, but simpler (good), less mature (bad),

and lacking a development community (fatal). The author is a smart guy,

but he's just one guy, and he doesn't seem interested in moving the

project towards a community development process. One thing I *don't*

like about WebWork is that it tries to abstract the MVC system away from

servlets so that it could conceivably be used with Swing as well. This

makes doing simple things like issuing redirects rather than 

Have you clustered orion successfully? Please contact

2001-04-29 Thread Michael N. Christoff

Hello.  This is just a friendly plea to those who have successfully
clustered orion to contact me at Eldan Software.  We have already commited
to using orion and currently have a *production* web application running off
an orion server.  The client company has now asked us to add two more
servers to serve their web application.

At the time we went with orion we knew we would eventually have to cluster
them.  From from reading the how-to doc and reading comments on how easy
orion clustering is to set up we were confident we could promise the client
we would cluster orion without having tested it :(.

Now we are in the position that orion *is* clustering correctly *but only
the default-web-app*.  It will not replicate session state for any other web
applications setup in the default-web-site.xml file.  We followed the setup
instructions to the letter:

(NOTE: All of these steps were taken for both servers)

1) We tested our web app individually on our two test servers and they ran
2) We added the cluster-config/ tag to
According to the docs: If you want to add clustering for the whole website
(for all web-applications), edit the orion-web.xml of the default
web-application  We are using orion 1.4.5, so according to the docs ALL
of the web applications defined in default-web-site.xml should be clustered.
3)We added the cluster-island=1 to the default-web-site.xml file in the
web-site tag.  Note that all the applications we are testing are defined
in the default-web-site.xml, ie:

web-site host=ivan port=8080 cluster-island=1 display-name=Default
Orion WebSite
frontend host=groovy port=80 /
 default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp /
 web-app application=TestApp name=TestApp-web root=/TestApp /
 web-app application=Test2 name=Test2-web root=/Test2 /

Note that we also changed the 'host' attribute in the web-site tag from
[ALL] to our actual hostname.

4) As you can see from step 3) we added the frontend-host tag with the
location of the loadbalancer to the body of the web-site tag in

5,6) We started the load balancer on our server named groovy then started
our other two servers.  The lodablancer successfully noticed our other two
servers and added them to cluster island 1.

7) Lastly we tested the session replication using the
servlets/SessionServlet servlet.  We modified the SessionServlet servlet,
adding one line that posts the ip of the server its being run from.
We then re-compiled the session servlet and to be safe, stopped the
loadbalnce, stopped both orion servers, restarted the load-balancer and both
servers (again, the load balancer found both servers).
We then ran SessionServlet and found the ip was from server2, we refreshed
the page until the counter went up to 5.  We then shut down server2 and
refreshed again, and lo-and-behold the counter went up to 6!  Yeah!  We
thought we were done with clustering.

The Problem
We then copied the code for SessionServlet into a JSP called session.jsp.
We put the jsp in the TestApp-Web directory and tried the same test.  THIS
time the counter went back to 1 when we ran it.  This boggled us.  We then
copied session.jsp into the directory orion/default-web-app and tried it.
IT WORKED!!  We did not change a line of code.

This is an exact recreation of our problem with orion session replication.
We followed the docs exactly.  If you have gotten clustering to work
properly, we would appreciate greatly if you could share your knowledge with
us.  We are at an impasse and cannot figure out what to try next.

Just for completeness, here is our server.xml file, perhaps we are missing a
setting in this file(?)


 rmi-config path=./rmi.xml /
 principals path=./principals.xml /
  file path=../log/server.log /
 global-application name=default path=application.xml /
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 application name=Test2 path=../applications/Test2/ auto-start=true
 application name=TestApp path=../applications/TestApp/
auto-start=true /

Thanks for your help,

Michael N. Christoff
Developer, Eldan Software Ltd.
Toronto, ON, Canada

install issues

2001-04-29 Thread elephantwalker

Every now and then I do something that reminds me I am human.

I am trying to use 1.4.8 with the autoupdate. This usually works fine, but I
have been working on a machine which I unzip from win98 onto a samba
directory in linux. This is great, because all of the permissions expecially
the X for the directories is preserved, as well as the time stamp.

But on a straight linux box, an unzip -X will not give you X
on the directories, which of course makes them useless. I want to use unzip,
since it preservse the timestamp...which is necessary for autoupdate to
work. What am I doing wrong?


the elephantwalker

.ps I am running as j2ee user, since I am useing ipchains to redirect my 80
packets to another port.

Re: JMS Connection pooling

2001-04-29 Thread venkat

There is no facility in orion to setup connection pooling for JMS. JMS in
orion uses flat file for persistence. If you need persistence for a queue,
you have to declare it in jms.xml.

I still find some problem using persistence and transaction in JMS with
Orion server.
Good luck to you.

Kesav Kumar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Orion-Interest 
Sent by:  cc:  
owner-orion-interest@orionSubject: JMS Connection 
04/28/01 02:00 AM  
Please respond to  

Has  any one tried to setup connection pooling for JMS?  Is there any such
facility in orion 1.4.7?

Kesav Kumar
Software Engineer
Voquette, Inc.
650 356 3740
Voquette...Delivering Sound  Information

Cocoon1.8.2 On Orion1.4.8 NullPointerException

2001-04-29 Thread john zhang

Hi, Everyone,

I just install Cocoon 1.8.2 on orion 1.4.8 following
the instruction as described
in Cocoon mailinglist(where it is reported successful
with Cocoon 1.8.2 on orion 1.4.7 ). However, when i
browse the index.xml using IE5 with
http://localhost/CocoonWebApps/index.xml; or
http://localhost/CocoonWebApps/samples/index.xml; I
got the following exception:

at org.apache.cocoon.Frontend.error(
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.service(
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._kab.doFilter(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._iib._vfd(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._iib._qjc(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._kj._qbc(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._kj._oa(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)] Source

Can anyone provide some insight?

My environment is : win2k advanced server+sp2 Sun
JDK1.3.0_02 orion 1.4.8 Cocoon 1.8.2

Thanx in advance.

John Zhang 

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Can't I use Transactions with Access 2000 ? Access2000 seems to support XAs ...but..

2001-04-29 Thread


I am developing on ORION  WIN2k  tiny DB 

I tested Transactions in Access


Everything went well..

But, Orion Setting makes Problem.

in data-source.xml data-source 
class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" location="jdbc/AccessCoreDS" 
connection-driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" ejb-location="jdbc/AccessDS" 
xa-location="jdbc/AccessXADS" name="Access" password="7098" 
url="jdbc:odbc:oriondb" inactivity-timeout="30" username="neosuper" 

This code works well, but if class attribute is changed to 

Orion will not start with not founded Source Location 

Can't I use Transactions with Access 2000 ?

Please give me some advices.. and solutions


Cocoon1.8.2 On Orion1.4.8 NullPointerException

2001-04-29 Thread john zhang

Hi, Everyone,

I just install Cocoon 1.8.2 on orion 1.4.8 following
the instruction as described
in Cocoon mailinglist(where it is reported successful
with Cocoon 1.8.2 on orion 1.4.7 ). However, when i
browse the index.xml using IE5 with
http://localhost/CocoonWebApps/index.xml;; or
http://localhost/CocoonWebApps/samples/index.xml;; I
got the following exception:

at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._kab.doFilter(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._iib._vfd(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._iib._qjc(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._kj._qbc(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)]._kj._oa(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
10374)] Source

Can anyone provide some insight?

My environment is : win2k advanced server+sp2 Sun
JDK1.3.0_02 orion 1.4.8 Cocoon 1.8.2

Thanx in advance.

John Zhang 

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