
I'm having some problems with the OR mapping, especially for
entity bean reference mappings.
Although I've gone thru the "Advanced Object-Relational mapping"
topic on orionsuppurt.com, I'm unable to transfer this to our
object model, i.e.:

EJB Product has references to
  - ProductType
  - Supplier which references to
      - Country
  - PackingUnit
and also has Collections of
  - Attributes which references to
      - AttributeType
  - Prices which references to
      - Currency
      - ClientType
      - SalesTax
  - Medias which references to
      - MediaType
  - AccessoryProducts which are of the same type as the Product itself.

So it's quite complicated and maybe someone can give me some
directions of what to do.
For me it's very important to see, whether for this model
Orion CMP works better (in regard to performance) than the
existing BMP, as I've seen that it's faster for simple EJB's


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