Re: Servlet accessing

2001-10-11 Thread Huynh Ha

You can use servlet-mapping tag to do it.

Huynh Ha

RE: Error Accessing an EJB through a Bean

2001-10-11 Thread Owen Fellows

Don't know if this is the problem but its possible.

When you use the client the classes you reference are the ones on the server
with ejb.
When you use the other server you are referencing old version of the classes
and so you get a class cast exception.

Make sure the classes are the same.

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cugier
Sent: 10 October 2001 15:40
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Error Accessing an EJB through a Bean

We created a Bean to access an EJB from JSPs. First we tested the Bean from
a Java Client and everything worked fine. Then we copied the Bean to the
Orion server and tried to acces the EJB by using a JSP that instanciates the
Bean that accesses the EJB. But we can not get it to work. The test with the
Java client still works properly. But using the Bean from JSP always creates
a ClassCastException.

Here's the sniplet from the Bean where the lookup is performed.

private static GUIServiceSBHome getHome(){
GUIServiceSBHome toReturn = null;
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

  //ToDO if this bean runs inside a container this Env property will not
  env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, admin);

  env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, xyz);

  // Replace EJB ModuleName below with the EJB module name identified
  // in your deployment profile
  Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
  Object ref = ctx.lookup(GUIServiceSB);
  logger.debug(Got an Object.. Class =  +
  toReturn = (GUIServiceSBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,
catch(Throwable ex){
  logger.error( Unable to perform lookup for GUIServiceBean Home
interface\nException =  + ex.toString() );
return toReturn;

The logger.debug statements create the following output.

From the Client:
de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Got an Object..
Class = class __Proxy0
de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Lookup5

On the Server (Bean used by JSP):
de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Got an Object..
Class = class GUIServiceSBHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper215
de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Unable to perform lookup for
GUIServiceBean Home interface Exception = java.lang.ClassCastException:
GUIServiceSBHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper215 was not an instance of
interface de.mgi.orca.business_data.ejb.session.gui.GUIServiceSBHome, the
interface it implements is

Next to the relevant question why does the Bean get an exception when it is
executed on the server, there are also two more questions that I have when I
look at the ouput.

1. Why is the return value of ref.getClass() different? The client and the
JSP are accessing the same EJB on the same Orion server.
2. Why does it says the retrieved object is not an instance of the interface
...GUIServiceSBHome but an instance of ...GUIServiceSBHome? For me the two
interface classe names look the same.

And hint why the bean is not working on the server is greatly appreciated.

Peter Cugier

Database and Web Technology Consulting
Georg-Simon-Ohm-Str. 4, 45701 Herten (GERMANY)
Phone: +49(0)209 3593777 Fax: +49(0)209 3593766

Re: Error Accessing an EJB through a Bean

2001-10-11 Thread Lachezar Dobrev


 We created a Bean to access an EJB from JSPs. First we tested the Bean
 a Java Client and everything worked fine. Then we copied the Bean to the
 Orion server and tried to acces the EJB by using a JSP that instanciates
 Bean that accesses the EJB. But we can not get it to work. The test with
 Java client still works properly. But using the Bean from JSP always
 a ClassCastException.

 Here's the sniplet from the Bean where the lookup is performed.

 private static GUIServiceSBHome getHome(){
 GUIServiceSBHome toReturn = null;

   This part with the Hashtable is not correct.
   You should avoid it. Better create a file in the root
directory of your JAR, or the root rirectory of your classes.
   then just use new InitialContext() which will get the required
properties from the file.

   Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

   //ToDO if this bean runs inside a container this Env property will
not be
   env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, admin);

   env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, xyz);

   Let's see.

   // Replace EJB ModuleName below with the EJB module name
   // in your deployment profile

   As said... Especialy in a web-bean use new InitialContext()

   Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
   Object ref = ctx.lookup(GUIServiceSB);
   logger.debug(Got an Object.. Class =  +
   toReturn = (GUIServiceSBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,
 catch(Throwable ex){
   logger.error( Unable to perform lookup for GUIServiceBean Home
 interface\nException =  + ex.toString() );
 return toReturn;

 The logger.debug statements create the following output.

 From the Client:
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Got an Object..
 Class = class __Proxy0
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Lookup5

 On the Server (Bean used by JSP):
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Got an Object..
 Class = class GUIServiceSBHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper215
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Unable to perform lookup for
 GUIServiceBean Home interface Exception = java.lang.ClassCastException:
 GUIServiceSBHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper215 was not an instance of
 interface de.mgi.orca.business_data.ejb.session.gui.GUIServiceSBHome, the
 interface it implements is

 Next to the relevant question why does the Bean get an exception when it
 executed on the server, there are also two more questions that I have when
 look at the ouput.

 1. Why is the return value of ref.getClass() different? The client and the
 JSP are accessing the same EJB on the same Orion server.
 2. Why does it says the retrieved object is not an instance of the
 ...GUIServiceSBHome but an instance of ...GUIServiceSBHome? For me the two
 interface classe names look the same.

   Ok. I had the same problem. It was, that I had one and the same class
(the Home Interface) in two places. Both classes, though identical these
classes were not compatible :(.

   It is possible (like in my case) that you have the home interface both in
the ejb-jar and the web-app. Try removing it from the web-app.

 And hint why the bean is not working on the server is greatly appreciated.

 Peter Cugier


Re: Servlet accessing

2001-10-11 Thread Morten Wilken

you need to set up the name you want associated with the servlet in your
application's web.xml file... look at the docs for that :-)

morten wilken
-Original Message-
From: Naveen Kamrudeen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 11. oktober 2001 05:13
Subject: Servlet accessing

I have a servlet deployed in Orion Server. To call the server I need to
specify http://localhost/servlet/myServlet. The problem is I dont want the
/servlet thing that means like http://localhost/myServlet how do I do this.
I tried changing web.xml file in web-inf directory still it is not taking.
And one more thing I tried changing [servlet-webdir=/Fortag] in
global-web-application.xml still I could not. Please help me out.


Remote EJB call with declarative security

2001-10-11 Thread Alberto Vilches

Hello Orion-Interest,

  I have a full J2EE application and I want to call a remote ejb
  in another orion with the same application.
  I use J2EE standard declarative security (by role-mapping) in
  the EJBs.

  I dont have a client-application.xml, I have a war (with web.xml with
  ejb/refs) and a jar (with ejb-jar.xml with security).

I try this in a servlet:

env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, beto);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, beto);

env.put(java.naming.provider.url, ormi://localhost:23791/myapp);


env.put(dedicated.connection ,true);
Context context = new InitialContext (env);

But I reach this Exception

java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for myapp (beto)
at com.evermind._cd._mu(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cd._mu(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._cd._np(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind._ce._np(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at com.tbbn.export.srvSender.callRemote(

  What's wrong?
Best regards,
 Alberto  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Synchronized session bean?

2001-10-11 Thread Curt Smith

  Simply put if there's $5 left in the bank, you wouldn't want to have
  a user withdraw $5 with two different web browsers if they hit
  submit at the same time... so we kinda want it to be like there's
  only one teller window, and the servlets have to wait their

A poster already mentioned that simplistic solutions might not work
in a clustered environment.  I agree that designs that work due
to timing or happen stance that may not remain constant are weak 
designs bound to have problems in deployment.

This problem is the the classic stale update scenario.  Multiple
clients show $5 available to with draw.  They all hit submit
at once.  How to guard against an over draft in a robust and 
repeatable in all scenarios way??

The most offered solution that I've heard and I've implemented uses
optimistic concurrancy guarded with a row version number;

- add a version number or modification date to your data base tables.
  I use a sequence number that trigger auto-increaments on update.

- Your Model class (represents a data base table row) returned by 
  DAO's and Entities include the sequence number.

- Your presentation tier has a reference of the model (including the 
  row version number)  and all display $5 and internally held in
  the session is an instance of the Model used to generate the 
  dynamic data by your View (MVC) component.

- All users hit submit.

- The Controller (MVC) processing this event fetches the Model from
  the session and calls the setter to modify withdraw ammount, passes
  this Model to the Business Deligate to access your transactional layer
  (mediated by a Session bean calling Entities).

- The Model instance is serialized and passed as an argument to the
  layers of business components down to the Entity responsible for
  updating the AccountBalance table row for this account.

- I used BMP and DAO objects to package the SQL logic.  My DAO fetches
  the sequence number from the Model and account new balance from the
  model and builds the SQL prepared statement:

  UPDATE account set balance = ? where column_version_num = ? ;

  I call stment.setString (1, model.getNewBalance());
 stment.setString (2, model.getVersionNumber());

  If I get a SQLException on this update, then I know that someone else
  beat me to the $5.

  The key concept is the WHERE clause will only update the row IFF
  the sequence number has not been changed by someone else (meaning
  I had stale data).

This will work in clustered environments at all times and does not
depend on synchronized business delegate methods or any other design
that is likely to be defeated by appserver servlet or object pooling
or use of multiple VMs to host your application. 

Good luck,


Re: Synchronized session bean?

2001-10-11 Thread El Jeffo

** Okay guys, I've updated this email with a decent example I hope **

 Access to each session bean instance is serialized, but the spec
 doesn't specifically allow you to say there may only be one instance
 of a particular session bean class.  

** so in otherwords, pretty much it achieves the effect I wanted with
little effort... that's kinda nice... and it does this no matter what
isolation/transaction level I request or would you recommend a few 

 Access to entity beans is also
 serialized and you can be certain that, in a a given app server
 instance (neglecting clustering issues), there's only one instance of a
 particular entity bean class + primary key.  

okay, so if I have two servlets, if I change the value of say foo of
an entity, the other servlet upon say reading the value foo will
see the new value automagically?  Even if I don't do another finder

 It sounds to me like your
 talking about something much more like an entity.  You can still get
 the guarantee you're looking for if you access the entity through a
 session bean, but the guarantee comes from the properties of the
 entity bean, not the session bean.

Well I thought of using the session bean because I'm kinda trying to
perform an action that has three steps:
1) check balance
2) deduct from account 
3) credit new account

But the problem comes not from making sure there's only one copy, but
the (I think you call it) a race condition.

Say $5 in bank account A, and we want to pay account B $4 and account C

Servlet 1:
Task: Pay Account B $4 from Account A
Servlet 2: 
Task: Pay Account C $3 from Account A

Servlet 1: 
1) Check account balance
Yup $5 is more than $4
Servlet 2:
1) Check account balance
Yup $5 is more than 3
Servlet 1:
2) Deduct $4 from Acct A
Servlet 2: 
2) Deduct $3 from Account A (must be okay since the check was okay in
step 1)

Servlet 1:
3) Credit Acct B $4
Servlet 2:
3) Credit Acct C $3

End result, balance on Acct A is -$2 even though we checked to make sure
entity had the correct balance.  Yes the ending balance is correct too! 
the end result is _undesirable_ since we should have prevented Servlet 2
completing execution and throw an exception.

So I hope to make the task Synchronized such that Servlet 2 is Blocked
Servlet 1's transfer task is complete such that the following is

Servlet 1:
Task: $4 from A to B
Servlet 2:
Task: $3 From A to C
Servlet 1:
Call Session Bean to Xfer funds
stuff happens
1) ... ok
Servlet 2:
Call Session Bean to Xfer Funds
1) ... can't check yet, the Session bean is busy
with session 1's request
-- Blocked --
Servlet 1:
.. more stuff happens...
2) ... deduct
3) ... deposit
-- Finish --
Servlet 2:
-- Unblocked --
1) .. continue... check... too little money
** Throw Exception
-- Finish --

So yes in both cases the Entity reacts as programmed, but it's the
Session Bean I hope to change the behavior of.  Is the desired
behavior the default way of execution or do I have to do something

 Does that help any?
yes it does, and don't get me wrong, I trust what you're saying, but
I just ask a little more to make sure I understand all the little
unsaid details ;)  

Thanks again!


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Problems with CMP/MySQL

2001-10-11 Thread Marcus Ahnve

I've just (10 minutes ago) been through this. You need to set 
type-mapping type=boolean name=char(1)/.

The MySQL online documentation says that bit and bool gets converted 
to char(1), but in reality they where set to tinyint(1), which Orion for 
some reason could not use. The above solution worked for me.

Regards /Marcus

Roozbeh Ghaffari wrote:
 Dear Michael,
 I have set the schema attribute of my datasource to 
 mysql.xml (which I have written myself). In this
 file I can only set datatype mappings. I can't tell
 Orion what are the literals for True or False.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Michael
 Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 11:14 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Problems with CMP/MySQL
 Roozbeh Ghaffari wrote:
Hi All,


We use Orion CMP features with MySQL. We had problems with boolean and
char fields.

I used P6Spy (  to see
SQL commands generated by Orion.

Orion says:

update table_name set boolean_field = 'true'

but MySQL expects

update table_name set boolean_field = '1'


How can I ask Orion to generate the expected SQL?


But in case of character field we have a bigger problem.

I try to set a character field to 'F' or 'M'

Orion says:

update table_name set char_field = 0


I don't understand what is happening!


Thank you in advance,


 Sounds like You're missing $ORION_HOME/config/database-schemas/mysql.xml

Marcus Ahnve  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lecando AB   Office: +46-(0)8-634 94 18
Sweden   Mobile: +46-(0)70-462 19 18
www.lecando.comICQ#: 4564879

Orion on Linux, Follow-up Question

2001-10-11 Thread Jimbo Jones

My previous problem, starting Orion on linux, was due to the fact that I was 
calling upon the wrong JVM (even though I thought I had my path set 
correctly).  That is resolved.  Now I have another problem that seems more 
linux-related than Orion-related, but perhaps some of you know the solution.

I have Orion running on linux, and from that machine I can access 
Orion-served pages.  But I cannot do so from outside that machine.  What's 
more, I am unable to run it on a user account.  For now, I'm running under 
root.  But like I said, I cannot connect to it from another machine.  Upon 
doing some investigating, I have discoverd that when I try to connect from 
another machine, Orion is sending the HTTP headers only and then freezes 
without sending anything else.  The page never loads, it just hangs 
indefinitely.  I strongly suspect this has something to do with linux and 
not Orion.  I cannot run Orion on a user account because it tells me I don't 
have permission to run an HTTP server.  I don't get that message as root, 
but I wonder if there is some linux mechanism at work blocking my attempts 
to transmit data via HTTP.

Your help in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated.


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RE: Error Accessing an EJB through a Bean

2001-10-11 Thread Cugier (extern)

We got it to work, thanks to the help of Simon Knott and Lachezar Dobrev.
The reason was that the class file of the EJB was in multiple archive files.
Simon also added a - in my opinion - good explanation why it didn't work to
his reply. I will post here now with his permission, as he replied directly
to me. 

Simon wrote:
 If this is the case [having the class in multiple archives], then what is
likely to be happening is the following:

 1) JSP class loader loads the EJB class into memory, from the WAR file.
 2) JSP does a lookup for the EJB object.
 3) EJB container class loader loads the EJB class into memory, from the
 4) EJB container returns its loaded class to the JSP
 5) Class cast exception is thrown.
 Now the key point here is that different class loaders are used for both
 JSP and the EJB container.  When one class is loaded by two different
 loaders, they are essentially different classes, with different class

 What happens with the class loader is that it takes the quickest route to
 loading a class - in the case of the JSP it will get it from the WAR, in
 case of the EJB container it will get it from the JAR.  What you really
 to do is to create one archive, which is then placed in either the
 webapp/lib directory or the orion/lib directory, and exclude the EJB
 from the WAR and JAR files.  This means that the classes in this one
 JAR file will only be loaded by one class loader, removing the problem.

 This does not occur on the standalone client, because it uses only the
 system class loader, no others.


-Original Message-
From: Lachezar Dobrev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2001 12:37
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Error Accessing an EJB through a Bean


 We created a Bean to access an EJB from JSPs. First we tested the Bean
 a Java Client and everything worked fine. Then we copied the Bean to the
 Orion server and tried to acces the EJB by using a JSP that instanciates
 Bean that accesses the EJB. But we can not get it to work. The test with
 Java client still works properly. But using the Bean from JSP always
 a ClassCastException.

 Here's the sniplet from the Bean where the lookup is performed.

 private static GUIServiceSBHome getHome(){
 GUIServiceSBHome toReturn = null;

   This part with the Hashtable is not correct.
   You should avoid it. Better create a file in the root
directory of your JAR, or the root rirectory of your classes.
   then just use new InitialContext() which will get the required
properties from the file.

   Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

   //ToDO if this bean runs inside a container this Env property will
not be
   env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, admin);

   env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, xyz);

   Let's see.

   // Replace EJB ModuleName below with the EJB module name
   // in your deployment profile

   As said... Especialy in a web-bean use new InitialContext()

   Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
   Object ref = ctx.lookup(GUIServiceSB);
   logger.debug(Got an Object.. Class =  +
   toReturn = (GUIServiceSBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,
 catch(Throwable ex){
   logger.error( Unable to perform lookup for GUIServiceBean Home
 interface\nException =  + ex.toString() );
 return toReturn;

 The logger.debug statements create the following output.

 From the Client:
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Got an Object..
 Class = class __Proxy0
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Lookup5

 On the Server (Bean used by JSP):
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Got an Object..
 Class = class GUIServiceSBHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper215
 de.mgi.frontend.GUIServiceProxyBean: Unable to perform lookup for
 GUIServiceBean Home interface Exception = java.lang.ClassCastException:
 GUIServiceSBHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper215 was not an instance of
 interface de.mgi.orca.business_data.ejb.session.gui.GUIServiceSBHome, the
 interface it implements is

 Next to the relevant question why does the Bean get an exception when it
 executed on the server, there are also two more questions that I have when
 look at the ouput.

 1. Why is the return value of ref.getClass() different? The client and the
 JSP are accessing the same EJB on the same Orion server.
 2. Why does it says the retrieved object is not an instance of the
 ...GUIServiceSBHome but an instance of 

WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread Greg Flores

We have migrated a 
current production application from Weblogic to Orion in antest to come up 
with an alternative platform and have come across some issues. Most of the 
issues we have been able to resolve except for one involving ssl and I.E. 
Whenwe bring our application up inI.E. and httpsOrion 
invalidates the session within a minute.Our application security relies on 
certain objects within the session for enforcement which results in the user 
being kicked out of the application. We are evaluating V1.3.8., has this issue 
been resolved, is there a resolution or workaround?


RE: Orion on Linux, Follow-up Question

2001-10-11 Thread Montebove Luciano

Hi Jimbo,

You can find some responses here


-Original Message-
From: Jimbo Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: giovedì 11 ottobre 2001 15.34
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion on Linux, Follow-up Question

My previous problem, starting Orion on linux, was due to the fact that I was

calling upon the wrong JVM (even though I thought I had my path set 
correctly).  That is resolved.  Now I have another problem that seems more 
linux-related than Orion-related, but perhaps some of you know the solution.

I have Orion running on linux, and from that machine I can access 
Orion-served pages.  But I cannot do so from outside that machine.  What's 
more, I am unable to run it on a user account.  For now, I'm running under 
root.  But like I said, I cannot connect to it from another machine.  Upon 
doing some investigating, I have discoverd that when I try to connect from 
another machine, Orion is sending the HTTP headers only and then freezes 
without sending anything else.  The page never loads, it just hangs 
indefinitely.  I strongly suspect this has something to do with linux and 
not Orion.  I cannot run Orion on a user account because it tells me I don't

have permission to run an HTTP server.  I don't get that message as root, 
but I wonder if there is some linux mechanism at work blocking my attempts 
to transmit data via HTTP.

Your help in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

call-timeout value

2001-10-11 Thread Daniele Arduini

Hi all,
from orionserver documentation I read:

   session-deployment ...

  call-timeout - The time (long millis in hex) to wait for
 an EJB if it is busy (before throwing a RemoteException,
 treating it as a deadlock).
 0 equals forever and is the deafault.

but, if I encode the value in hex the server (orion 1.5.2) complaint about
a numeric value is required.
Please, can someone show me an example value for this parameter?

thank in advance,

Daniele Arduini

Problems with orion and db2 on linux

2001-10-11 Thread Sven Lüdtke


I'm trying to get the news-example that comes with orion to work on a
linux machine using IBM DB2 (v7.1, Fixpack 4) as a data-source.

Deploying  auto-creating tables work just fine, but invoking the
application in a brwoser with http://myhost:8080/news/; results in
following exception:

com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)].server.rmi.OrionRemoteException:
Database error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0418N  A statement
contains a use of a parameter marker that is not valid.  SQLSTATE=42610 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build

at /news.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 25) 
at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)   
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._ah._rad(Unknown Source) 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)  
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cxb._abe(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cxb._uec(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._io._twc(Unknown Source) 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._io._gc(Unknown Source)  
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)] Source)  
Nested exception [IBM][CLI
Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0418N  A statement contains a use of a parameter
marker that is not valid.  SQLSTATE=42610   

at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._lm.executeQuery(Unknown
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._lm.executeQuery(Unknown
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build

at /news.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page line 25) 
at com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)   
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._ah._rad(Unknown Source) 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build
10460)].server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)  
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cxb._abe(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._cxb._uec(Unknown Source)
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._io._twc(Unknown Source) 
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)]._io._gc(Unknown Source)  
at com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build 10460)] Source)

I have seen the sql-statement that is executed, and it contains a
?-symbol. Obviously this is a variable in a prepared statement or
something, wich is not correctly replaced by the IBM JDBC-Driver. (Thats
what I assume)

Has anyone experience in setting up orion and DB2? Are there other
JDBC-driver than IBM's?


Sven Lüdtke

FW: How to get the RoleManager (resend)

2001-10-11 Thread David Potts

 -Original Message-
 From: David Potts 
 Sent: 11 October 2001 10:02
 To: 'Orion-Interest'
 Subject: RE: How to get the RoleManager
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  That won't help - I think shared sessions only work between 
  two WARs in the
  same app.
 We could probably live with merging the two apps into WARs in 
 the same EAR file.  However, we've just tried that with a 
 test app and with the shared flag set to be true in both of 
 the web-app tags in default-web-site.xml (and also in 
 default-web-app for good measure!) and we have the same 
 problem: the second app again goes to the login form.  Any 
 ideas of what config we might have go wrong?
 Juan Lorandi in this thread mentioned putting shared=true 
 in orion-web.xml but we can't find that in the docs.  What 
 tag  attribute do we apply this to?  Juan also mentions the 
 same realm name, but this is just for BASIC authentication I 
 believe, and we unfortunately have to use FORM based 
 authentication.  Is that right?
  The only thing I can suggest is using some sort of cookie 
  based system where
  you track via session ID who is logged in (stored in a hashmap or
  something), then from each app lookup that hashmap (via JNDI) 
  and log in the
  user programmatically before they are shown the login page. 
 Very fugly
  though. SSO is one of J2EE's problems.
 So the flow of that solution would look like:
 (1) User logs into app1
 (2) Store user info in JNDI somewhere that app2 can see it
 (3) The user clicks a link that would take them into app2
 (4) Intercept the login-request and use the stored info to 
 log the user into app2
 The problem with this flow is that we don't know how to 
 intercept at step (4) *before* the user is shown the login 
 form by the container.  Is this possible?
 If not, our idea similar to this would be:
 (1) User logs into app1
 (2) Convince the app2 security (RoleManager?) that the user 
 is logged in using the values passed to app1
 (3) The user clicks a link that would take them into app2 and 
 is already logged in
 Hence the original question in this thread: how from app1 do 
 we get hold of app2's RoleManager?
 Thanks for all the help.

RE: WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread The elephantwalker


your *web-site.xml files, you will need to set shared=true in your 
default-web-app and web-app tags. The bug you have encountered is an IE 

Do not 
evaluate version 1.3.8, its too old. use version 1.5.2



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Greg 
  FloresSent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 7:19 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: WebLogic To Orion
  We have migrated a 
  current production application from Weblogic to Orion in antest to come 
  up with an alternative platform and have come across some issues. Most of the 
  issues we have been able to resolve except for one involving ssl and I.E. 
  Whenwe bring our application up inI.E. and httpsOrion 
  invalidates the session within a minute.Our application security relies 
  on certain objects within the session for enforcement which results in the 
  user being kicked out of the application. We are evaluating V1.3.8., has this 
  issue been resolved, is there a resolution or workaround?

Re: Synchronized session bean?

2001-10-11 Thread El Jeffo

Ah... this is very interesting!  Much thanks, and if you know
of a good book that might address many of these problems with
other alternate solutions, please, do let me know.


   UPDATE account set balance = ? where column_version_num = ? ;
   I call stment.setString (1, model.getNewBalance());
  stment.setString (2, model.getVersionNumber());
   If I get a SQLException on this update, then I know that someone else
   beat me to the $5.
   The key concept is the WHERE clause will only update the row IFF
   the sequence number has not been changed by someone else (meaning
   I had stale data).

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread Ed Brown

Quoting Greg Flores [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 We have migrated a current production application from Weblogic to Orion
 an test to come up with an alternative platform and have come across
 issues. Most of the issues we have been able to resolve except for one
 involving ssl and I.E. When we bring our application up in I.E. and
 Orion invalidates the session within a minute. Our application
 relies on certain objects within the session for enforcement which
 in the user being kicked out of the application. We are evaluating
 has this issue been resolved, is there a resolution or workaround?

Have you done any performance benchmarks yet?
If so, who wins?

 Greg Flores

Ed Brown

This mail sent via, web e-mail @ ToadNet - want to go fast?

problem using primary key class with orion

2001-10-11 Thread Jack C. Miller

I am having some difficulty getting orion to use my primary key class
during deployment.  I have an EJB AnyPerson with which I use a primary key
class AnyPersonKey that has a public java.lang.String primaryKey field.
During deployment, I get a compilation error that looks like the CMP isn't
being generated properly.

The orion-ejb-jar.xml file looks fine, as does the ejb-jar file.  I get
this error on deploy:

Auto-deploying kwu-ejb.jar (Classes were updated)... Error compiling
C:\orion\applications\kwu-phase-2\kwu-ejb.jar: Incompatible type for
prim-key-class and type of the specified primkey-field: Cannot convert
from class to class

It doesn't seem to recognize that I'm using a primary key class at all,
even though it is mapped in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.

Has anyone got a working example of this?  I'm tired of tweaking the
orion-ejb-jar to try and get it working.

 Here's a snippet from my orion-ejb-jar.xml:

entity-deployment name=AnyPerson location=AnyPerson
wrapper=AnyPersonHome_EntityHomeWrapper45 max-tx-retries=3
table=AnyPerson data-source=jdbc/SQLServerDSCore
name=primaryKey persistence-name=primaryKey /
cmp-field-mapping name=FirstName
persistence-name=FirstName /
cmp-field-mapping name=LastName
persistence-name=LastName /
cmp-field-mapping name=Salutation
persistence-name=Salutation /
cmp-field-mapping name=Username
persistence-name=Username /
cmp-field-mapping name=Password
persistence-name=Password /
cmp-field-mapping name=Address1
persistence-name=Address1 /
cmp-field-mapping name=Address2
persistence-name=Address2 /
cmp-field-mapping name=City
persistence-name=City /
cmp-field-mapping name=StateProvId
persistence-name=StateProvId /
cmp-field-mapping name=PostalCd
persistence-name=PostalCd /
cmp-field-mapping name=Country
persistence-name=Country /
cmp-field-mapping name=HomePhone
persistence-name=HomePhone /
cmp-field-mapping name=Fax
persistence-name=Fax /
cmp-field-mapping name=Email
persistence-name=Email /
cmp-field-mapping name=LastModTime
persistence-name=LastModTime /
cmp-field-mapping name=ModifiedBy
persistence-name=ModifiedBy /

and the matching ejb-jar.xml file:

   descriptionGenerated deployment descriptors/description


















Jack Miller

RE: WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread Greg Flores

Yes we 
do. The problem seems to be associated with I.E. When we use Netscape, we 
encounterno issues.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 
  12:58 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Re: WebLogic To 
  OrionDo you have a 
  server certificate for or Orion server?  Jonathan BrickerLilly Research LabsJava 

  Greg Flores 
10/11/01 09:18 AM Please respond to Orion-Interest 

 Subject:WebLogic To Orion 
We have migrated 
  a current production application from Weblogic to Orion in an test to come up 
  with an alternative platform and have come across some issues. Most of the 
  issues we have been able to resolve except for one involving ssl and I.E. When 
  we bring our application up in I.E. and https Orion invalidates the session 
  within a minute. Our application security relies on certain objects within the 
  session for enforcement which results in the user being kicked out of the 
  application. We are evaluating V1.3.8., has this issue been resolved, is there 
  a resolution or workaround?   
  Thanks Greg 

Re: WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread Nick Newman


This has been covered in previous postings.  Here's a quote from one of 
them (start quote)

This is a configuration problem... at least it was in earlier versions. You 
must make sure to include the attribute 'secure=true' in the web-site 
tag of your secure-web-site.xml file. Also, make sure that the attribute 
'shared=true' appears in each web-app tag in this same file. This 
cleared up the problem for me.


Derek Akers
Senior Software Architect
Eldan Software Limited
(416) 341-0070

(end quote)


At 09:18 AM 10/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
We have migrated a current production application from Weblogic to Orion 
in an test to come up with an alternative platform and have come across 
some issues. Most of the issues we have been able to resolve except for 
one involving ssl and I.E. When we bring our application up in I.E. and 
https Orion invalidates the session within a minute. Our application 
security relies on certain objects within the session for enforcement 
which results in the user being kicked out of the application. We are 
evaluating V1.3.8., has this issue been resolved, is there a resolution or 

Greg Flores

Syntax of distributable/ tag?

2001-10-11 Thread Steve Best

What is the correct syntax for the 
distributable / tag, I have placed it in out web.xml file every way I 
can think of and I keep getting errors.


RE: Syntax of distributable/ tag?

2001-10-11 Thread The elephantwalker

 distributable / should be placed after the display name. What errors 
are you getting? All session context variables need to be serielizable ... is 
this the error you are getting?


the elephantwalker

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve 
  BestSent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 4:49 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Syntax of distributable/ 
  What is the correct syntax for the 
  distributable / tag, I have placed it in out web.xml file every way I 
  can think of and I keep getting errors.

RE: problem using primary key class with orion

2001-10-11 Thread Alex Paransky

And if you are using EJB 2.0 style CMP, hopefully, the primaryKey is defined

public abstract String getPrimaryKey();
public abstract void setPrimaryKey(String key);

or as a

public String primaryKey;

in a 1.0 style CMP.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jack C. Miller
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 2:32 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: problem using primary key class with orion

I am having some difficulty getting orion to use my primary key class
during deployment.  I have an EJB AnyPerson with which I use a primary key
class AnyPersonKey that has a public java.lang.String primaryKey field.
During deployment, I get a compilation error that looks like the CMP isn't
being generated properly.

The orion-ejb-jar.xml file looks fine, as does the ejb-jar file.  I get
this error on deploy:

Auto-deploying kwu-ejb.jar (Classes were updated)... Error compiling
C:\orion\applications\kwu-phase-2\kwu-ejb.jar: Incompatible type for
prim-key-class and type of the specified primkey-field: Cannot convert
from class to class

It doesn't seem to recognize that I'm using a primary key class at all,
even though it is mapped in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.

Has anyone got a working example of this?  I'm tired of tweaking the
orion-ejb-jar to try and get it working.

 Here's a snippet from my orion-ejb-jar.xml:

entity-deployment name=AnyPerson location=AnyPerson
wrapper=AnyPersonHome_EntityHomeWrapper45 max-tx-retries=3
table=AnyPerson data-source=jdbc/SQLServerDSCore
name=primaryKey persistence-name=primaryKey /
cmp-field-mapping name=FirstName
persistence-name=FirstName /
cmp-field-mapping name=LastName
persistence-name=LastName /
cmp-field-mapping name=Salutation
persistence-name=Salutation /
cmp-field-mapping name=Username
persistence-name=Username /
cmp-field-mapping name=Password
persistence-name=Password /
cmp-field-mapping name=Address1
persistence-name=Address1 /
cmp-field-mapping name=Address2
persistence-name=Address2 /
cmp-field-mapping name=City
persistence-name=City /
cmp-field-mapping name=StateProvId
persistence-name=StateProvId /
cmp-field-mapping name=PostalCd
persistence-name=PostalCd /
cmp-field-mapping name=Country
persistence-name=Country /
cmp-field-mapping name=HomePhone
persistence-name=HomePhone /
cmp-field-mapping name=Fax
persistence-name=Fax /
cmp-field-mapping name=Email
persistence-name=Email /
cmp-field-mapping name=LastModTime
persistence-name=LastModTime /
cmp-field-mapping name=ModifiedBy
persistence-name=ModifiedBy /

and the matching ejb-jar.xml file:

   descriptionGenerated deployment descriptors/description


















Jack Miller

Re: WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Why Orion?  Because from day-to-day, no matter how many CPUs, no matter what
the BEA Sales Executive's outstanding Mercedes lease payment, no matter
what...Orion is USD$1500 / physical server license for deployed applications
and every developer seat is free...because IT management need never again
sweat out BEA 'Assistance' shakedowns and audits...

compared to no stated pricing (it averaged USD$35K/CPU last year as an
average quoted price at 7 of my clients) on the BEA website with developer
seats requiring additional license and support fees...

In addition, to quote David Jones' Review of the freeware JBoss in the (link: )

Application development, which is what people do with app servers, is a
very technical thing. It requires experience and knowledge. Support services
do not help in any way with this. If you want this, you pay for a class with
BEA or JBoss. BEA has a newsgroup to help out, so does JBoss. If you want
more you can talk to someone at BEA, that's more difficult at JBoss. But do
you want to know what they will tell you at BEA if you ask a tough question?
The same thing that JBoss tells you without getting you on the phone: pay us
consulting fees and we will help you fix it.

By  the way, that's what Orion and its partners will tell you, too...for a
lot less than the BEAst, and with a lot less stress on your IT and corporate

Michael J. Cannon

- Original Message -
From: muthukumarasamy rajamanickam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: WebLogic To Orion

 Why are you going to Orion from

 We are movin gto Weblogic from Orion

 hemmm Diffferent world?
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do you have a server certificate for or Orion
  Jonathan Bricker
  Lilly Research Labs
  Java ATG
  10/11/01 09:18 AM
  Please respond to Orion-Interest
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject:WebLogic To Orion
  We have migrated a current production application
  from Weblogic to Orion
  in an test to come up with an alternative platform
  and have come across
  some issues. Most of the issues we have been able to
  resolve except for
  one involving ssl and I.E. When we bring our
  application up in I.E. and
  https Orion invalidates the session within a minute.
  Our application
  security relies on certain objects within the
  session for enforcement
  which results in the user being kicked out of the
  application. We are
  evaluating V1.3.8., has this issue been resolved, is
  there a resolution or
  Greg Flores

 Muthu Rajamanickam

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