log4j + client-application

2002-02-09 Thread Linus Larsen


I want to use log4j together with my application. 
I.e I want all my servlets, jsps, ejbs and clients toshare the same 

I've implemented log4j according to the tip the 
atlassian guy gave (don't remember his name).Put the log4j.jar in 
orion/lib, add libary path="config" to the orion-application.xml and 
finally add thelog4j.properties (or .xml) in config and add "config" and 
add the config to your application. So far so good. All my servlets, jsps ejbs 
are able to invoke log statements.

The trouble is that my client which runs as 
auto-startupis not able to find log4j.xml until orion isfully 
initialized.So if I make a log statement in the main method of my client 
log4j will propt an error msg.But ifI invoke a delay until orion is 
initialized and then make my logstatement everything works.

I've tried to set the Class Path: attribute in the 
Manifest of my client ,which in my case looks like 
../../config/log4j.xml.But as it turns out the classloader points at the 
orion directory and not on my clients jar file, in the mainfest specs it says 
that the Class Path: attribute is relative to the appplications jar 
file.Which in my case is not 

How do I use log4j with an application-client which 
is in autostart mode?`



Re: Shutdown causes Address in use: JVM_Bind

2002-02-09 Thread Bill Winspur

Stephen, Andrew,

After I posted this issue, I noticed that 
the problem was application dependent, i.e. when my web appwas invoked 
from an applet, shutdown and startup work as advertised. However, when the web 
appwas invoked frommy client app, in which I use a URLConnection 
object to talk to the web-app, subsequent shutdown and startup exhibited the 
address-in-use problem.

The fixwas to do a disconnect() on 
the client app's URLConnection (casting it to an HttpURLConnection). The 
implication is that the browser (IE 5.0) is already well-behaved in this regard, 
so applets did not exhibit the problem.

As to why this client-side problem affected 
the webserver, Iassumeit is because the web-server and client share 
the same TCP stack (I'm developing in loopback mode at present). I'll check that 
assumption later on, when Ideploy tothe real server.


  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:11 
  Subject: Shutdown causes Address in use: 
  I'm running Orion 1.5.3 on Nt4/SP6, and 
  The command I use to shut the server down 
  C:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\java.exe -jar 
  admin.jar ormi://localhost admin pwd -shutdown
  After a shutdown, starting the server 
  always produces the following on the orion console.
  Error starting HTTP-Server: 
  Address in use: JVM_BindOrion/1.5.3 initialized
  My work-around is to boot windows, very 
  The command I use to start the server 
  "-jar" "orion.jar"
  I had a look thru the archive but the 
  search keys 'Shutdown', and various
  substrings of the 
  serverconsolelog, above, did notreveal any 
  Is there an alternative way of shutting 
  down the server, that releases the
  tcp/ip binding ?

Re: [announce] Log4J Appender for Orion's application.log

2002-02-09 Thread Daniel López

Hi Curt,

I agree with you, and that's why long ago we developed our own logging 
library, which rolls log files, logs to DB and can be configured per 
web application. Now we are looking to migrating to Log4J, even though 
we still have to check if it will be worthwhile for us.
I had a look at the new logging classes that are being included now in 
the JDK1.4, and it seems the tendence is to centralise everything, which 
I don't like. I understand though, that for maintenance reasons it might 
look very attractive. In our case, log configuration files are always 
located in the same place /WEB-INF and follow the same name pattern 
*.logger.conf. We then redirect all the log files to the same 
directory, which is outside the deployed application directory, and you 
can have all the log files in one place while you know where everything 
is configured. Easy to find information, easy to mantain and, as 
configuration changes are detected in runtime, pretty useful.
PD: I would also add that IMHO, web app security in the J2EE spec is 
very poorly defined, as specifying mappings in static files and letting 
containers implement role-users mappings makes applications rigid and 
non-portable. But that's another story ;).

Curt Smith wrote:

 Geoff Soutter wrote

 I've hacked up an Orion Appender to allow you to log to the
 application.log file, via the Logger instance that Orion installs at
 java:comp/Logger. Here it is in all it's glory, use it however you wish.



 PS, did anyone figure out if it's possible to get orion to roll it's log
 files when they get too big? ;-)

 How about Orion logs to a log4j output device instead of apps logging to 
 Orion's log
 files?   Or did I miss understand this functionality??
 Personally I feel the new log4j 1.3 features that make it easier for 
 each application
 to have it's xml config file in the .war / .ear so that apps can have 
 their own (separate)
 log files from each other to be a very useful choice.
 My view of the problem of deploying and supporting a j2ee app is the few 
 features j2ee
 put in the spec (a big zero) to allow debugging and logging of app, 
 feature, bean operations.
 I feel we need to drill on the debugging problem until we have a 
 facility that supports
 logging based on session ID, so that we can follow a particular user's 
 actions and
 failures across a cluster and set of services.
 To me, moving to one log file for the universe is the wrong direction? 
 Any opinions?

Re: App server debugging -- HELP

2002-02-09 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Aaron.

I've had some success on these kinds of issues with a product called OptimizeIt, from 
Best link to hit would be www.opitmizeit.com.  They have a free-trial, which you can 
use to figure out if it will find your issue or not.  I just saw that they 
were recently purchased by Borland, so no idea if it will affect their currently 
excellent tech support.  One of the things it does show is how much time is 
being spent in a given function, which may indicate if this is the cause of the 
contention, or where threads may be waiting for resources.


Aaron Tavistock wrote:

 I've got a very large web application (about 300 objects and about 1000
 pages) which uses mostly straight JSP.  This gets a reasonable number of
 hits with approximately 200 concurrant sessions operating.  

[snip to save bandwidth]

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208