JNDI problems

2002-01-03 Thread Angus Mark

Dear all,

I have just tried deploying a new application-client inside an ear. The
app-client has one env-entry inside application-client.xml, like so:

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE application-client PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application Client 1.2//EN

The application is included in the ear as a module like so:
?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd;


and I have addedclient-module path=appclients.jar
deployment-time=eb2bd89636 auto-start=true user=admin/ to
The manifest in the client jar specifies the Main-Class.

I also have jndi.properties in the application client jar with this in it:

All this works and I see the following message in the console:
Auto-starting appclients.jar...
Listening on

The problem is that when I try and retrieve the env-entry from the
like so 
InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();
Integer portNumber = (Integer)
I get the following message:
javax.naming.NotContextException: comp is not a subcontext
at tyrex.naming.EnvContext.internalLookup(EnvContext.java, Compiled
at tyrex.naming.EnvContext.lookup(EnvContext.java:212)
at tyrex.naming.java.JavaContext.lookup(JavaContext.java:147)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:354)
at afm.utils.socket.SocketServer.main(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.evermind._fn.run(., Compiled Code)
at com.evermind._bs.run(., Compiled Code)

I'm running orion 1.5.3 on Windows NT, with jdk 1.3.

Any ideas, observations, etc are really welcome!

Orion hanging during autodeployment of ejb.jar

2001-06-28 Thread Angus Mark

I'm just trying to deploy the news (news.ear) application on a Solaris box
with jdk1.2

've had Orion running without any ejb-applications (ie: just with the
default web app) without any problems on the same box.

However, when I try and deploy any ears it fails when it gets to the
auto-deploying XXX-ejb.jar (No complete previous deployment found) ...

It never gets past this stage 

I've tried Orion 1.5.2 and Orion 1.4.7 

I've configured Orion to use the Jikes compiler version 1.12 (set in
server.xml and I've checked the path and the classpath) - however, what's
really weird is if I deliberately put in the wrong path to the Jikes
compiler and then do java - jar orion.jar it does not throw an IO error,
like it normally does.

I've got Orion running on 5 different boxes w'out problems - the only
difference is that these other boxes have jdk1.3 with hotspot, but how much
difference could that make? (Famous last words :-) )

Any help greatly appreciated

Angus F. Mark
Technical Architect

RE: How can I use Application session?

2001-02-22 Thread Angus Mark

you can call getSession(boolean create) where create is false instead 

 -Original Message-
 From: Yves Bossel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 21 February 2001 11:40
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: How can I use Application session?
  I would add:
  * how can I retrieve the session ID while I am inside an EJB 
  method so I 
 (from the docs)
 use from HttpServletRequest the method getSession(), then session.getId()
 Be careful because the spec says that getSession() creates a session if it
 does not exists.
 Yves Bossel - Programmer - Neoris.com

RE: orion-web.xml

2001-02-01 Thread Angus Mark

orion -web.xml must go in the same place as web.xml - ie: in the
web-inf directory

As for the classpath - I don't think you need to add the file:///
bit of the path - just use the directory path ie:
D:/myprojects/paomgmt/classes"/ and see what it does.

Hope that helps

RE: Form Login bouncing me to welcome page!

2001-02-01 Thread Angus Mark

So, when the user is going to http://host:port/yourapp/Login.jsp
they get redirected to LoginForm.jsp. 
They then authenticate and should see the resource they requested
(ie: http://host:port/yourapp/Login.jsp) - is this what you mean by the
welcome page ??

Hope that helps


RE: When using autonumber for the primarykey...

2001-01-31 Thread Angus Mark

I'm using the counter.jar which is fine, but does it have any impact on
performance ?

Ok, the EJB spec doesn't support id fields, but surely now for every
create() I'm actually doing twice the work - ie: creating and loading the
counter entity bean and the entity bean using the counter? That can't be
right ...


2001-01-25 Thread Angus Mark

Hi there,

I'm using orion 1.3.8 (with jdk1.3 on WinNT) and am using a custom
When I try to deploy the app, I get the following error : "invalid
principals config URL: principals.xml for MyApp"
Both principals.xml and orion-application.xml are in the ejb/meta-inf

Somebody mentioned in an old posting that this is a Windows problem and that
copying the file manually is the only way to do it - is this a bug, or what?

Any help greatly appreciated

Angus F. Mark
Senior Programmer
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