RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-19 Thread Daniel Cardin

I have given up on Orion (support), completely. When I got to know
Orion, I was very 
excited with the EJB 2.0 preview, very good performance etc. Of course,
like most 
of you I was disappointed with the documentation, but that was no excuse
to try the software. 

I was generally happy with the server. But when I encountered unexpected
I tried to obtain support. It was never answered. I have entered a bug
(229) in 
Bugzilla a long time ago (Opened: 2000-12-19 23:57). It was never
processed (maybe 
read and dismissed) but it is still (as of now) in the NEW state. To me
that shows 
a level of code maintenance that is IMHO way below minimum. Maybe it
wasn't a bug ? 
Place it in the assigned, won't fix, duplicate, etc. state... whatever!
But don't 
leave it in the NEW state, it sends the signal that they didn't look
and/or they
don't care. 

'As far as I can see', Orion is going down the drain. I really wish they
come up with a
support plan for the rest of you guys (with Ironflare?) We won't need it
as we have 
completely phased Orion out of our RD project. We have now joined the
legions of JBoss 
developpers/users. The fact we have access to and can contribute to the
source code 
is reason enough. 

And to those who say EJB 2.0 is reason enough to stay with Orion I say,
have a look at who provides for a mere 28$ a persistence manager for
JBoss that 
supports EJB 2.0, including EJBQL. 

I wish all of you the best with your respective projects. I'll be seeing
many of you on 
the JBoss' mailing lists I am sure :)



-Message d'origine-
De : Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 19 mars, 2001 05:24
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team.
Are they still around?

Hello all,

I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the orion team
no avail.

First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla but for
that I
need a account password.
I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password after creating
new account or after requesting the account password to be send again.

Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. No response.

Then I posted my problem to this list
(Serious problem with Orion transaction processing: multiple connections
used within a single transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test

I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] februari 19,
2001. No

I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining these
and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.

I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously considering
application servers right now as this kind of support is really not
acceptable in the long run. At least a simple acknowledgment of the
reception of the problem would give us the idea that someone is actually
monitoring [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the
right now.

Having to switch to another application server is something I really
Overall I like the orion application server very much (certainly for
We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious which will have
be solved otherwise we just don't have another option.
The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.

If anyone did have some contact with the orion team (mailbased or
in the last month's I would be very grateful to know how they did that.

The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a Bugzilla
account recently.

Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the orion-interest
maillist still directly to their mailbox?
Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, and can
therefore only access the maillist at
again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.


| Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
|Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
| Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167  The Netherlands|
| Fax++31 (0)162 516872|

RE: Customizing CMP deployment

2001-03-13 Thread Daniel Cardin

What you want to do is provide your own orion-ejb-jar.xml. place it in
your XXX-ejb.jar under orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml
It will get copied at deployment time. Orion will fill-in all that is
missing but will start with your own copy. You can
then specify tables and attributes for your CMP mappings.



-Message d'origine-
De : Sergei Batiuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoye : 12 mars, 2001 10:51
A : Orion-Interest
Objet : Customizing CMP deployment

Is there any way to customize deployment of CMP bean - to indicate the
name in the database to which the entity bean should map its persistence
case the name of the table is different from the bean name) or the data
source to connect to. As far as I know orion-ejb-jar.xml is responsible
these properties, but it has no effect ibefore/i the deployment. Is
there an orion-specific (or some other) way to deliver such information
the container?

RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a bug?

2001-02-22 Thread Daniel Cardin

I completely understand where you're trying to go. However, keep in mind

Entity beans are not meant to hold business rules. They are an interface
your physical storage. 

We have solved that problem using a facade pattern that basically works
shielding the developper from the actual method being called on the

For example:

Create an Entity bean AccountBean
Create a stateless session bean AccountBusinessRules

Leave the setBalance in the Entity Bean and add a setBalance in the
BusinessRules bean.
Use a reference to the remote interface as the first parameter, like
this :

public class AccountBusinessBean implements SessionBean
public setBalance(AccountBean ref, float balance)
// put the business code here...

// you can also use 
... other business methods, not necessarily tied to remotes

The facade has the following generated code (with checks, try catch
public class Account extends BusinessObject
public setBalance(float balance)
getBusinessBean().setBalance(getRemote(), balance); 
... the other business methods calls 

The client application instantiates the facade object

Account acct = new Account(new Integer(accountNumber)); // for
an existing entity

The client application developper does not know (or need to know?) which
method gets called. It's the 
job of the developper providing the Bean.

So the trick is generating the facade. We use a java doclet that
generates our facade objects by 
combining AccountBean methods with AccountBusinessRules methods. We use
method tags in the Entity 
and Business beans to "inform" the doclet about how to process the
methods in the facade.

This allows an easy switch from a "pure" data set (method only in the
Entity Bean) to a business 
method being called (both in Entity and BusinessRules) without impacting
existing client applications 
in any way.

As a bonus, with stateless session beans, you get pooling of business
methods, which makes more
efficient use of the server's ressources than having the code in
stateful beans or entity beans (BMP).

This works very well for us. If you have better suggestions, let's
discuss them!



-Message d'origine-
De : Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 21 fvrier, 2001 11:46
 : Orion-Interest
Cc : Jens Peter Grosen; Simon Anker Christiansen; Kim Jrgensen
Objet : No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a

I have been reading the CMP 2.0 specification and I think it is simply
great! Still, I am a bit surprised that the bean developer has no
over what happens when a field is set. Imagine an AccountBean, for

public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
//implemented by the persistence manager
public abstract Float getBalance();
//implemented by the persistence manager
public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

What if I wanted to do something useful when the balance was set? Say, I
wanted to add the account  to a list of surveilled accounts if a
balance was set... it seems I cannot do that because the container
implements the setBalance() method for me. And I cannot just declare a
setBalance() method myself because I need the container's implementation
I will not be able to store the balance. H... it seems this is going
leave me with something like

public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
public abstract Float getBalance();
public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

public void
setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
//check if balance is negative and take action

Now I have _no_ guarantee that nobody will accidently call the original
setBalance() method, thereby circumventing my little security system,
was supposed to check for a negative balance. But, hey, I thought, then
will just declare the original setBalance() as protected - unfortunately
that is not allowed by the specification.

I would r e a l l y like to hear from anybody who knows a solution to
Any comments would be most welcomed.


RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now what!!!

2001-02-07 Thread Daniel Cardin


You are right... the lookup from within any EJB works flawlessly. I am
trying to get it to work on the client side. 

See my other reply for more info... 

Thanks for your comment,


-Message d'origine-
De : Allen Fogleson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 6 fvrier, 2001 21:30
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now


As far as I can tell the DS lookup works in 1.4.7 I have an app that
many lookups and I just ran it unchanged from 1.4.5 to 1.4.7. Now
Granted I
am in orion so I just have to do a...

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/myDS");

So maybe it might not work with the initialApplicationContext??
the console belies that)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Daniel Cardin
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 4:17 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now

Hi everyone!

I'm progressing... Orion 1.4.7 has support for DataSources in the
orion-console application.
If you select a DataSource, you will see a new panel allowing you to
enter SQL commands that will
be sent directly to the database through the DataSource + connection.

it WORKS in the console. So this implies that :

1. the concept is valid : you don't need to use a driver instance on the
client side, contrary to what
   some of you stated. No JDBC download, nothing... just a proxy
instance implementing the Connection interface
2. the client doesn't need to see the database server on the same
3. my datasources are configured PROPERLY on the server side... (I was
always doubting that
but normal DS, pooled DS, EJB DS etc. all work from my client
(actually only XA won't work now))

SO: since I get perfect access through the console, either

a) I can't do a JNDI lookup! (I doubt that)
b) the DataSource lookup is not working (yet) in 1.4.7
c) OrionConsole uses another method than a simple lookup to get the
DataSource object.

Please everyone, realize this is important for performance issues and
let's try to make it work!

Thanks for your help


RE: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now what!!!

2001-02-07 Thread Daniel Cardin


Are you sure that the JDBC driver isn't finding its way into the
classpath?  Did you try the console remotely from a machine that you
know doesn't have the JDBC driver?

Honestly, I haven't. But I still fail to see why it would be needed. 
If the data access was done using the "real" JDBC driver on the client, 
the connection to the database would have to be opened there... 
It's not the case. Running tests at home allowed me to prove that the 
Connection must be proxied through Orion because my client could not 
see the SQL server. The only conclusion is that Orion opens a connection

locally, pools it, and on demand gives a proxy to it allowing all 
database access to go through the App Server... 

You may already know this, but just in case:  Almost all of the orion
tools (including orionconsole.jar) are simply empty jar files with a
manifest that sets the Class-Path to include orion.jar and defines the
appropriate Main-Class.  You're still loading the orion.jar classes,
potentially activating whatever classloader loads jars (especially the
JDBC driver) out of the lib directory.  Did you take this into account
in your tests?

I know about the way orionconsole works, thanks :) I've actually spent
some time analysing com.evermind.gui.server and com.evermind.server to
out exactly what's going on. So far, I believe DataSource access goes
another JNDI bound object  the ApplicationAdministrator. I still have to
test that avenue fully. 

We now have four different theories about how application-client JDBC
works in app servers:

1)  Database-specific JDBC driver gets packaged with the application
client and loaded into the client VM.
2)  Database-specific JDBC driver gets http-classloaded into the client

3)  Serialized classes come from JNDI.  Actually, I think this is just
another way of saying #2, because java RMI uses http classloading to
the class definitions to a new client.

4)  App server provides a JDBC proxy which implements a proprietary
protocol (or at least RMI "object protocol") to communicate with the
server.  Note that this is not just simply a matter of remoting the
implementation of the Connection interface; you would have to remote
implementations of ResultSet, Statement, and any other interfaces
associated with JDBC.  And you have to be pretty smart about how you do
it, otherwise it's going to perform a lot worse than EJB methods.

I tend so far to go for 4, just because it is impossible that my client
from home had access to the server. No direct TCP/IP route from my 
subnet to the company's No way around that limitation

My understanding... please all feel free to add to this, especially
developpers !!!

A DataSource is a mechanism used encapsulate access to JDBC connections.
manages Connections with the ConnectionDataSource objects. In "theory",
a client
uses JNDI to lookup the DataSource object, gets an RMI proxy, and
retrieves a
Connection object. the way I see it, the DataSource implementation on
the server
side HAS to return a proxy to the Connection, which only resides on the

I don't see any other way around that explains why I could use the
console from
home and still get to the data.

Now, I think that the current DataSource lookup does not work as I
understand it
should. Maybe I'm not proceeding properly. But now that I have seen it
work in the
console, I will not stop until it works in my client application! :)

Does anyone out there *know* what Orion does?
Anyone? :) 


-----Original Message-
From: Daniel Cardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 1:17 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now

Hi everyone!

I'm progressing... Orion 1.4.7 has support for DataSources in the
orion-console application.
If you select a DataSource, you will see a new panel allowing you to
enter SQL commands that will
be sent directly to the database through the DataSource + connection.

it WORKS in the console. So this implies that : 

1. the concept is valid : you don't need to use a driver 
instance on the
client side, contrary to what
   some of you stated. No JDBC download, nothing... just a proxy
instance implementing the Connection interface
2. the client doesn't need to see the database server on the same
3. my datasources are configured PROPERLY on the server side... (I was
always doubting that
   but normal DS, pooled DS, EJB DS etc. all work from my client
(actually only XA won't work now))

SO: since I get perfect access through the console, either 

a) I can't do a JNDI lookup! (I doubt that)
b) the DataSource lookup is not working (yet) in 1.4.7
c) OrionConsole uses another method than a simple lookup to get the
DataSource object.

Please everyone, realize this is important for performance issues and
let's try to make it work!

Thanks for your help


My final notes on DataSources... disappointing!

2001-02-07 Thread Daniel Cardin

Ok folks... 

Here's what I have found out. Contrary to what I believed, it seems
the Orion console uses another trick than a DataSource to run SQL 
commands on the server: the executeSQL method of the
class. I have managed to run commands from my client program using this 
snippet :

java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties();

p.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://server/application");
p.put("", "admin");
p.put("", "yoursecret");

ctx = new InitialContext(p);

ApplicationAdministrator appAdmin = (ApplicationAdministrator)

RowSet rs = appAdmin.executeSQL("jdbc/pooled/MyDS", "SELECT * FROM

This returns a serializable rowset from the server... That's it. Not
very disappointing. I really hoped DataSources would work from the
client side.
It seems you can only do it through the appadmin. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF

On another note, this line retrieves the list of all datasources for an

List sources = appAdmin.getDataSources();   

this is a List of DataSourceConfig objects, NOT DataSource. DSC contain
info about 
the various JNDI locations, username, password etc. all the properties
in data-sources.xml

Hope this turns out helpful to some of you!



Orion-console in 1.4.7 supports DataSource properly... now what!!!

2001-02-06 Thread Daniel Cardin

Hi everyone!

I'm progressing... Orion 1.4.7 has support for DataSources in the
orion-console application.
If you select a DataSource, you will see a new panel allowing you to
enter SQL commands that will
be sent directly to the database through the DataSource + connection.

it WORKS in the console. So this implies that : 

1. the concept is valid : you don't need to use a driver instance on the
client side, contrary to what
   some of you stated. No JDBC download, nothing... just a proxy
instance implementing the Connection interface
2. the client doesn't need to see the database server on the same
3. my datasources are configured PROPERLY on the server side... (I was
always doubting that
but normal DS, pooled DS, EJB DS etc. all work from my client
(actually only XA won't work now))

SO: since I get perfect access through the console, either 

a) I can't do a JNDI lookup! (I doubt that)
b) the DataSource lookup is not working (yet) in 1.4.7
c) OrionConsole uses another method than a simple lookup to get the
DataSource object.

Please everyone, realize this is important for performance issues and
let's try to make it work!

Thanks for your help


RE: Re[2]: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver

2001-02-05 Thread Daniel Cardin

Have anyone else seen the problem where the getConnection() returns a 
com.evermind.sql.ak type, but ANY operation on that connection such as
getMetaData etc. raises a NullPointerException ?

I am desperate to connect to a JDBC datasource _cleanly_ from the client
side. Is it possible ?



-Message d'origine-
Envoy : 5 fvrier, 2001 08:06
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : SV: Re[2]: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver

You shouls check out the getConnection implementation on the datasource.
It gets a reference it pass on to the client, so the client need to have
jdbc interfaces to do this, but it dont need the database drivers. It
much like the same way as an entitybean works (datasources)... Have fun.


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 5. februar 2001 12:17
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: RE: Re[2]: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver

I'm fully prepared to believe that my understanding of how this works is
wrong, but if so it raises quite a few questions for me.

Connection, Statement, ResultSet, etc are just interfaces; something
must implement them.  Normally they are implemented by the JDBC driver,
thus allowing the client to communicate with the database using whatever
the database uses asa native wire protocol.

We have an application client which we want to communicate with the
database using JDBC.  If we want to use the database's native wire
protocol to communicate from the client box to the database box, the
JDBC drivers *must* be loaded into the client's VM and used.
Alternatively, the app server could act as an intermediary, providing a
proxy JDBC interface to the application client and making JDBC calls
into the real JDBC driver within the application server.  This would
obviate the need for the database's JDBC driver on the client, but it
would also require inventing a whole new wire protocol for this middle
link... sending partial result sets in chunks, maybe caching query
results in the client, etc.

So now I'm thinking, that sounds painful, but it's possible.  It's not
like writing an app server is supposed to be *easy* or anything :-)  No,
Karl and Magnus are supposed to suffer so that it's easy for *us* to
write applications :-)

But a casual purusal of the decompiled Orion source code (that can be
made out through the obfuscation, which is quite a bit) turns up no
evidence of such a proxy.  In fact, it looks very much like this is not
the case.

Getting more curious, I checked the JBoss source tree, and while I can't
be sure in such a quick study, it doesn't look like there is any sort of
intelligent JDBC proxy in that server either.

Am I just missing it, and all app servers implement such a proxy?  Or is
it just WebLogic - allowing the behavior described in the original post?
Or is WebLogic doing http-type classloading to get the JDBC driver into
the client (a prospect I am considering less likely the more I think
about it)?

Ever curious,

-Original Message-
From: Allen Fogleson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 10:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Re[2]: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver

Uhmmm, I agree, I was confused because someone said they still 
needed the
JDBC drivers on the client, and assuming you use the portable method of
DataSources, there should be no reason that they would need to 
have the JDBC
drivers, it is all handled container side with the datasource.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
Rafael Alvarez
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 10:24 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re[2]: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver

Hello Allen,
DataSources gives you one advantage on the client side: Security.

If you use a direct JDBC connection to a Database, your username,
password and URL have to be placed in your class. A Datasource hides
all those details, so if some one decompile your class (even JAXed
classes are not totally safe) only the JNDI Datasource name will be
found. It's up to you to set a security schema for the connection with
the app server, but at least is one problem less to solve.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Pooled Data Source ADDENDUM! Design question for you :)

2001-01-30 Thread Daniel Cardin

I think I have not made myself clear enough. The DataSource access works
in the
context of the appserver running. What I was trying to do is access a
from the application client side. Now, this is the fix for my problem,
but maybe 
there is a better way to resolve this, so I will explain what I'm trying
accomplish on the client side. 

I have many requests to the database that return a high number of rows
to be 
displayed in the client application. Now, my current framework allows me
to build
portable data object and transmit them accross the wire, but you will
agree with me that building 1 objects and serializing them is NOT

I have then tried using the new CachedRowSet object from Sun on the
server side 
and returning (serializing) the ResultSet directly to the client app.
But this 
process is _still_ very long as the serialization of so many records is 
very expensive. (ie about 10 seconds, versus less than one second with a
connection object, vs about 500 ms with an ADO.RecordSet)

I thus get very good performance if I open up the ResultSet on the
client side, but
this is something I wanted to avoid. In the very least I figured that if
I could 
get a connection from the server connection pool, I could build up the
SQL request
on the server and execute it blindly on the client through a generic

So, I ask you, what should I do to access large number of rows ? 

And is it possible to use a DataSource from the application client when
the beans
are deployed as CMP beans ?



-Message d'origine-
De : Daniel Cardin 
Envoy : 29 janvier, 2001 11:08
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : Pooled Data Source

Well... it seems I just can't make it work, even though I have read just
about all the messages on the subject.

datasources :


the code

  DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/ddsNP"); // have used
jdbc/ddsDS as well...

the lookup returns an OrionCMTDataSource

but the call to getConnection() 

  DatabaseMetaData dmd = ds.getConnection().getMetaData();

raises :

at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.d8(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.eo(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.ep(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ap.getMetaData(JAX)
at dds_testclient.Frame1.dsTest(

Hints anyone ? 



Pooled Data Source

2001-01-29 Thread Daniel Cardin

Well... it seems I just can't make it work, even though I have read just
about all the messages on the subject.

datasources :


the code

  DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/ddsNP"); // have used
jdbc/ddsDS as well...

the lookup returns an OrionCMTDataSource

but the call to getConnection() 

  DatabaseMetaData dmd = ds.getConnection().getMetaData();

raises :

at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.d8(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.eo(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ak.ep(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.ap.getMetaData(JAX)
at dds_testclient.Frame1.dsTest(

Hints anyone ? 



RE: E_Roman e-commerce application(Mastering Java Beans)Wiley

2001-01-23 Thread Daniel Cardin

I have unsuccessfully tried to implement CMP using PK classes... 
Normal implementation, public fields, overriding of the hash value etc.

Anyone got EJB 2.0, CMP, composite keys PK classes working ?



-Message d'origine-
De : Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 21 janvier, 2001 13:22
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : RE: E_Roman e-commerce application(Mastering Java Beans)Wiley

I believe your last assertion is false. Any entity bean that has a
key (that is, its key maps to more than one field in the persistence)
have its own PK class

check the specs


-Original Message-
From: Oglinda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sbado, 20 de Enero de 2001 22:35
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: E_Roman e-commerce application(Mastering Java Beans)Wiley

At 01:31 AM 1/20/01 +, faisal wrote:
-Has any body tried to install Ed Roman e-commerce examples on Orion?.

I am studying the book and I have played with some of the EJBs. There
some problems

1. I assume the code was written with the EJB 1.0 specifications because
is using some deprecated methods.
2. The author was using WebLogic to deploy the beans and there are some 
major differences in the way you deploy the EJBs.

  -Another question is it possible to do without creating a seperate
 for the primary key such as "customerPK.class"

I am not an expert but from what I have noticed:
* CMBs do not need a PK class
* Bean-Managed persistence requires a PK class.


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RE: O/R mapping

2001-01-23 Thread Daniel Cardin

I'd like to point out that a third table is only needed for a N-M
(many-to-many) relationship.
In the case of a 1-N relationship, simply have a foreign key to the
master table. 

For example :

Customer object refers to a Country object
you a Customer will only have one Country object. you do NOT need a
third table to map this.
Simply add a field in Customer that contains the foreign key to the
Country object.

The EJB 2.0 mapping is Simple

Customer ...

public abstract Country getCountry();
public abstract void setCountry(Country aCountry);

and in Country

public abstract Collection getCustomers();
public abstract void setCustomer(Collection customers);

This is fully supported by Orion, which will populate the collection
object automatically.



-Message d'origine-
De : Tony J Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 22 janvier, 2001 11:27
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : RE: O/R mapping

Hi Theis,

As much as I can remember, there *is* - definitely - a need for an
intermediate third table to contain the mapping information.  By using
third table, you eliminate data replication/redundancy in the other two

To my knowledge this is a common technique.  ER tools typically create
an intermediate table for you when you select a relationship to be
'zero/one/many to many'.  Whether you see that on your diagram is
matter, but you will definitely see it in your DB ;)

Apologies if I have misunderstood your question.

Bye for now,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 January 2001 15:10
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: O/R mapping


I have been reading the complex-or example and ploughed through the atm
example. In the complex-or example it is stated that collections are
to an another table and that the reason for this is normalization. The
example is also following this principle.

Is this really correct? I have never seen the necessity for mapping
to many relation to a third table (even though it was a long time ago I
read the rules of normalization I'm very doubtful that this is correct).
Could someone tell me the rational behind this.

If this not true, how does the xml look like (in the orion-ejb-jar.xml)
when you only map the relation as a foreign key?



Composite PK classes

2001-01-23 Thread Daniel Cardin

Has anyone managed to build EJB 2.0 applications using Orion, CMP and
composite primary keys
using a PK class ?

I believe I have followed all recommandations but can't seem to make it



RE: O/R mapping

2001-01-23 Thread Daniel Cardin

I'm a CMP fanatic too :) But keep in mind some of us have to deal with
existing models that have been created in the
"traditionnal" RDBMS fashion. It's good to have control on the way CMP
will work with Orion.
We have solved the O-R mapping problem by having a code generator
generate first-cut beans from the database. Then
we use a heavily modified version of Rickard berg's java doclet to
generate the home interface, the remote interface
a data structure for quick access to data, the ejb-jar.xml AND
orion-ejb-jar.xml which allows fine-grained control on
the tables and attributes used for the mapping through the use of
javadoc tags. 
For example, all CMP fields are marked with the tag @cmp-field. a
@cmp-table tag will indicate (through the orion-ejb-jar.xml file)
what underlying table is needed for the bean. Similarly @cmp-attribute
indicates the doclet what underlying attribute we are
mapping to. 1-N and N-M relationships are also supported through doclet
This allows a quick regeneration of all source files from one master
bean source file. It also enables, through modifications to the
doclet, generating other vendor specific files like jboss.xml,
inprise-ejb.xml etc. 
As a bonus, the doclet generates a faade object that allows a connected
(via remote methods) or disconnected 
(via the data object) view of an entity's data.
This was a little off-topic, but the point I'm trying to make is that
when existing schemas are used, some knowledge on the 
mapping process can help.

-Message d'origine-
De : Magnus Rydin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 23 janvier, 2001 08:51
 : Orion-Interest
Objet : SV: O/R mapping

One of the things I like best with EJB is that I dont have to care about
how my objects are stored (Yes, im a CMP fanatic).

So my personal contribution to the subject must be: 
who cares how many tables are used 'back there' ? :) 

 -Ursprungligt meddelande----- 
 Frn: Daniel Cardin [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Skickat: den 23 januari 2001 05:01 
 Till: Orion-Interest 
 mne: RE: O/R mapping 
 I'd like to point out that a third table is only needed for a N-M 
 (many-to-many) relationship. 
 In the case of a 1-N relationship, simply have a foreign key to the 
 master table. 
 For example : 
 Customer object refers to a Country object 
 you a Customer will only have one Country object. you do NOT need a 
 third table to map this. 
 Simply add a field in Customer that contains the foreign key to the 
 Country object. 
 The EJB 2.0 mapping is Simple 
 Customer ... 
 public abstract Country getCountry(); 
 public abstract void setCountry(Country aCountry); 
 and in Country 
 public abstract Collection getCustomers(); 
 public abstract void setCustomer(Collection customers); 
 This is fully supported by Orion, which will populate the collection 
 object automatically. 
 -Message d'origine- 
 De : Tony J Brooks [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] 
 Envoy : 22 janvier, 2001 11:27 
  : Orion-Interest 
 Objet : RE: O/R mapping 
 Hi Theis, 
 As much as I can remember, there *is* - definitely - a need for an 
 intermediate third table to contain the mapping information.  By using

 third table, you eliminate data replication/redundancy in the 
 other two 
 To my knowledge this is a common technique.  ER tools typically create

 an intermediate table for you when you select a relationship to be 
 'zero/one/many to many'.  Whether you see that on your diagram is 
 matter, but you will definitely see it in your DB ;) 
 Apologies if I have misunderstood your question. 
 Bye for now, 
 -Original Message- 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]On Behalf Of 
 Sent: 22 January 2001 15:10 
 To: Orion-Interest 
 Subject: O/R mapping 
 I have been reading the complex-or example and ploughed 
 through the atm 
 example. In the complex-or example it is stated that collections are 
 to an another table and that the reason for this is normalization. The

 example is also following this principle. 
 Is this really correct? I have never seen the necessity for mapping 
 to many relation to a third table (even though it was a long 
 time ago I 
 read the rules of normalization I'm very doubtful that this 
 is correct). 
 Could someone tell me the rational behind this. 
 If this not true, how does the xml look like (in the 
 when you only map the relation as a foreign key? 