Switching from HTTP to HTTPS in an Application

2000-07-25 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Where can I find some examples of switching an application from http to
https?  I've got Orion running Sun's JPS 1.0 with http and https but needed
some guidance.  I  think it would be reasonable once they log into the
application it would be in secure mode from then on, but I've also heard
others just secure individual pages.

Thanks in Advance,

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group


2000-07-05 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Any place I can go to get more information on SSL and how it works?  I've
seen https displayed in the URL and assumed that I was using SSL between the
server and the browser.  Is that correct?  How would you activate SSL? Via a
page or login?


Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

Orion Business Model

2000-06-27 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Just curious about the Orion business model.  Are they looking for another
venture capital round, offer, etc?  What are Orion's plans for the future?

Any insights would be appreciated.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

RE: Server stability, performance

2000-06-26 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

We evaluated several application servers before deciding on Orion.  Our main
interest has been using Orion to develop expertise and experience with
application servers with an eye to using it in a production environment.
Although Orion has tons going for it there are some things that I would
consider necessary before using it a production environment:

1.  Stress testing in your environment, regardless of what you've heard.
2.  What are your performance requirements? Does Orion meet them?  Does
3.  A more formal support structure from Orion.  I'm not sure what the plans
are for Orion and I think that warrants consideration.

We expect a few bumps in the road but the verdict isn't in on Orion.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 08:03
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Cc:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Re: Server stability, performance

 I am also interested by the comparaison with the others Application Server
 Weblogic and Gemstone.


 Jason Rowland a écrit :

  I have been using Orion to develop for about two months now and love it.
  Soon I will need to deploy my application.  I have two main concerns
 that I
  need answered before I can use Orion in a production environment.  These
  are performance and stability.
  I have read in Orion's literature about how they intend for Orion to
  outperform everything else on the market.  On the benchmark page, they
  how they outperform ASP.  I think most of the people using Orion already
  know that Java is a better solution than ASP.  What I really want to
 know is
  how does Orion compare to other Java solutions available.  The ones I am
  personally most interested in is Orion vs. (IBM WebSphere or BEA
  Has anyone done comparisons between Orion and other commercial products?
  How reliable is Orion in a production environment?  I am not concerned
  minor bugs in the product, as I haven't had problems with it in
  for the features I use.  What I am more interested in is how robust is
  application server after running for 30 days without a restart?  I know
  if I deploy on WebLogic, it will work without problems.  I know this
  they have been out quite a while and have been tested in the market
  Unfortunately, Orion has just been released.  I have never let Orion run
  days on end and had thousands of clients making requests of it.  Has
  done this kind of testing?  If so, what were your results.
  I would really like to use Orion as it is a MUCH less expensive solution
  then any other commercially available product.
  Thanks in advance for your help!
  Jason Rowland

RE: Pet Store and UserManager problems

2000-06-23 Thread Kalvar, Kirk


I'm also looking at the same issue.  I've search the archive/FAQ's and there
are a few items referring to UserManger but nothing that provides a clear
path to implementing it.  From the archive I understand some folks were
trying to roll their ownr.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Cunningham [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 18:13
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Pet Store and UserManager problems
 RE login in the petstore:
 It seems like I would need something like the following in
 application-deployments/estore/orion-application.xml in order to give
 OrionSecurityAdapter something to reference when calling addUser().
 "ejb-module remote="false" path="usermanager" /
  user-manager class="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUserManager"
   property name="home" value="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUser" /
   property name="defaultGroups" value="users" /
 But I get "Error updating application estore: Error initializing
 ejb.EJBUserManager': NamingException: com.evermind.ejb.EJBUser not found"
 when I
 try it.
 I need to understand how to get a UserManger functioning for the
 help on this would be appreciated.
 Related to this I may also need to understand how to get
 demo/ejb/usermanager to
 redeploy, including retrying the autogeneration of tables...orion tried to
 that app once and failed because of datasouce issues... now that I have
 fixed the
 datasources I need it to try again fresh). If tried opening and saving
 everything I
 can think of...
 OrionSecurityAdapter uses RoleManager, but I get UserManager naming
 exceptions from
 it so I assume it just proxies the requests through RoleManager to a
 UserManager...but to_which_ UserManager is totally unclear to me.
 My current (and I think/hope final) petstore error is:
 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was rolled back:
 java.lang.RuntimeException: NamingException: system/UserManager not found
 Compiled Code) at
 at __jspPage0_Main_jsp._jspService(__jspPage0_Main_jsp.java:80) at
 com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX) at
 com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(JAX) at
 at com.evermind.server.http.dm.o9(JAX, Compiled Code) at
 com.evermind.server.http.dm.o8(JAX, Compiled Code) at
 com.evermind.util.e.run(JAX, Compiled Code) Nested exception is:
 java.lang.RuntimeException: NamingException: system/UserManager not found
 OrionSecurityAdapter.addUser(OrionSecurityAdapter.java) at
 Compiled Code) at
 at __jspPage0_Main_jsp._jspService(__jspPage0_Main_jsp.java:80) at
 com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX) at
 com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(JAX) at
 at com.evermind.server.http.dm.o9(JAX, Compiled Code) at
 com.evermind.server.http.dm.o8(JAX, Compiled Code) at
 com.evermind.util.e.run(JAX, Compiled Code)
 Also: When everything above is finally "right" there should be no user
 entries in
 principals.xml, true? All username/passwords should be persisted in a
 Brian Cunningham

RE: Pet Store and UserManager problems

2000-06-23 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

I noticed that the Orion Team has the UserManager implemented on their web
site demo of the PetStore.  Any chance of getting some feedback from them on
how they it up?

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

RE: several questions and comments

2000-06-23 Thread Kalvar, Kirk


Good comments.  I had noticed this behavior also but thought fixing it was
more a convenience item at this point and hoped these issues would be
addressed in later releases.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Ari Halberstadt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 10:58
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  several questions and comments
 I have been using Orion 1.0 to develop an application over the last month.
 like the way Orion works as a simple Java application: add a few lines to
 config files, run it, and it automatically does all the deployment stuff.
 It is
 much easier to use than the other application servers I tried. Following
 several questions and comments.
 - The load-on-startup tag in the web.xml file for a servlet does not seem
 work for me. The servlet runs fine if I access its URL, but it is not
 loaded on
 startup by Orion. The web application is part of a j2ee application. What
 am I
 doing wrong?
 From web.xml:
 - Automatic reloading of j2ee applications doesn't work the way I would
 it to. While developing, it is much easier to work on an expanded EAR,
 i.e., a
 regular directory hierarchy. Currently, JSP files are automatically
 reloaded by
 Orion after being edited. However, if I recompile any of my classes
 (servlets or
 EJBs) then Orion does not notice the changes. I must kill Orion (^C), then
 remove the deployment directory from the application-deployments
 directory, and
 then restart Orion. This forces Orion to redeploy the entire application,
 but is
 is slow and tedious and it only gets slower the more EJBs I add. I would
 Orion to notice the changed class or jar files and automatically reload
 similar to the way programs like Apache JServ and Resin work.
 - Automatic reloading of EAR files breaks if the EAR file is being written
 When Orion notices a j2ee application deployed in an EAR file has been
 it immediately tries to redeploy the application. However, if the EAR is
 being written to, then Orion reads an incomplete file and reports an
 error. It
 would be useful for Orion to wait a few seconds after the file has stopped
 changing before trying to redeploy (whether a file is "changing" can be
 ascertained by looking at its access and modification times and at its
 size and
 waiting until they do no change for several seconds).
 - Currently, I must add all libraries for all applications to Orion's lib
 directory. I would much rather be able to specify a classpath for each web
 application, along with a global classpath for Orion. Copying jar files
 into a
 directory is not my preferred way for loading libraries, since it means
 multiple copies of jar files separate from the full set of files with
 which the
 jar file is distributed. For instance, Resin lets you specify a classpath
 each application, and a global classpath can be set using the CLASSPATH
 environment variable. Orion ignores the global CLASSPATH variable when
 - How can I specify different config and libraries directories for Orion?
 would like to keep these directories and files separate from the Orion
 distribution directory so that upgrading to later versions is easier.
 - Orion currently requires copying the tools.jar file from the JDK into
 Orion directory. Can't Orion infer the location of the tools.jar file from
 JDK's home directory? Couldn't this be specified using the system
 rather than copying a file into Orion?
 - Could the mailing list be changed to include "[ORION-INTEREST]" in the
 of each message? This would make scanning for messages in my inbox easier.

Orion 1.0 PetStore Demo DB

2000-06-20 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

What is the datasource for Orion's website implentation of the PetStore?
I've been using hsql but the catalog query doesn't execute properly.  I've
been using JDBCTest to test the query stmt but something isn't quite right.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

RE: PetStore Demo for Orion

2000-06-14 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Additionally the PetStore Demo on the Orion web site has both of these
features working properly.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Kirk Kalvar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 05:59
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  PetStore Demo for Orion
 Has anyone successfully run the Pet Store Demo under Orion?  The
 installation instructions for Pet Store for Orion weren't exactly accurate
 and I think this maybe the reason the login feature as well as catalog
 search feature is not working properly.
 Kirk S. Kalvar

RE: EJB 2.0

2000-06-08 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

An observation and a dumb question.  First I looked extensively at
application servers and was amazed at how much marketing hype was applied
and how little real technical information they contained on how exactly how
they conformed to the J2EE standard.  Additionally I was looking for a
server that also supported a web container.  Most of the products I reviewed
didn't support this.

I have no doubt that Orion will continue to comply with the J2EE standard in
its entirety.

And the dumb question.  Does BEA Weblogic support a web container in its

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Phelps [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 01:10
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  EJB 2.0
 BEA Systems website says "BEA Delivers Industry's First Enterprise
 2.0 Implementation."  Does the Orion team have plans to release a version
 Orion with an implementation of EJB 2.0 based upon the latest draft

RE: connection reset by peer problems

2000-06-07 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

I've been working with the PetStore application on Orion 1.0 and have been
seeing "connection reset by peer" messages.  These messages are appearing
directly on the console and not in the orion application logs.  The orion
server and the browser acessing the application where located on the same

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Krueger [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 11:01
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  connection reset by peer problems


 has anyone experienced problems with orion and post requests that resulted

 in "connection reset by peer" messages by netscape? we have had reports
 from customers that experience errors like these but we don't see anything

 in the server logs. another thing that has happened was that the response
 to a POST request was truncated on the client side (the server logs record

 the proper content-length).

 in both cases we suspect it's their proxy but I'm just checking if anyone
 has had similar problems. we have tested the applications and have never
 been able to reproduce the problems accessing the site ourselves even with

 a squid proxy inbetween.

 any similar experiences anyone?



 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
 (-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

RE: connection reset by peer problems

2000-06-07 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Additionally browser was IE 5.0

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Krueger [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 11:01
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  connection reset by peer problems


 has anyone experienced problems with orion and post requests that resulted

 in "connection reset by peer" messages by netscape? we have had reports
 from customers that experience errors like these but we don't see anything

 in the server logs. another thing that has happened was that the response
 to a POST request was truncated on the client side (the server logs record

 the proper content-length).

 in both cases we suspect it's their proxy but I'm just checking if anyone
 has had similar problems. we have tested the applications and have never
 been able to reproduce the problems accessing the site ourselves even with

 a squid proxy inbetween.

 any similar experiences anyone?



 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
 (-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

RE: connection reset by peer problems

2000-06-07 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

I agree there are some serious short comings in PetStore and I hope Sun sees
fit to address them.  But Its the first application I've seen that attempts
to implement the Model View Controller architecture.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Victor A. Salaman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 13:08
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: connection reset by peer problems

 This is a design issue in PetStore... PetStore is an extremely badly
 application :) If you look at their source, you'll find the source of the
 "Connection Reset by peer". Most of the bugs present in PetStore have been
 documented by Magnus, and can be found orion/applications/estore-bugs.txt.
 If you look at this file, in item 12, you'll see why...

 "12. The code catches IOExceptions without rethrowing them (instead it
 prints them, IOExceptions occur whenever there's a HTTP-layer error like a
 client disconnecting etc, should only be propagated)."

 I guess that those using PetStore as a Reference Implementation are in for
 big surprises as PetStore needs serious work.

 Best Wishes,

 Victor Salaman

  -Original Message-----
  From: Kalvar, Kirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 12:34 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: connection reset by peer problems
  I've been working with the PetStore application on Orion 1.0
  and have been
  seeing "connection reset by peer" messages.  These messages
  are appearing
  directly on the console and not in the orion application
  logs.  The orion
  server and the browser acessing the application where located
  on the same
  Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
  DRS Electronic Systems Group
   -Original Message-
   From: Robert Krueger [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 11:01
   To:   Orion-Interest
   Subject:  connection reset by peer problems
   has anyone experienced problems with orion and post
  requests that resulted
   in "connection reset by peer" messages by netscape? we have
  had reports
   from customers that experience errors like these but we
  don't see anything
   in the server logs. another thing that has happened was
  that the response
   to a POST request was truncated on the client side (the
  server logs record
   the proper content-length).
   in both cases we suspect it's their proxy but I'm just
  checking if anyone
   has had similar problems. we have tested the applications
  and have never
   been able to reproduce the problems accessing the site
  ourselves even with
   a squid proxy inbetween.
   any similar experiences anyone?
   (-) Robert Krüger
   (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
   (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
   (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373
   (-) [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.signal7.de

RE: Look up a EJB from a JSP?

2000-05-23 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

If you're interested in looking at other schemes, look at Sun's Model View
Controller (MVC) for their Pet Store Demo.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Horowitz [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 21:04
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Cc:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Re: Look up a EJB from a JSP?
 I am also trying to work out an overall architecture using JSP and EJB. 
 Although I cannot answer your question directly, here's what I'm
 thinking for my system.  Perhaps others will comment on this.  
 I'm planning to use a servlet to handle all http requests from
 browsers.  The servlet will dispatch the request internally to a
 processing object for that request.  The processing object will make a
 request or requests to the EJB layer, sometimes to SessionBeans and
 sometimes to EntityBeans.  The servlet will then forward the request to
 a JSP for display of the output.  In order to communicate the response
 to the display JSP, the servlet will add one or more response objects to
 the servlet session so they can be used as beans by the JSP.  AFAIK (but
 I haven't tried this yet) it shouldn't matter whether the bean is a
 local JavaBean that is created by the servlet from its response obtained
 from the EBJ layer, a remote object communicated back from EJB as the
 response using serialization, or an EntityBean remote object.  As long
 as it adheres to the JavaBean requirements of JSP, the JSP page should
 be able to display the response. 
 btw, I'm using a servlet to process responses because I think it
 provides a more unified way of dealing with what responses are legal in
 whatever state the user's session happens to be in, and what next page
 should be displayed.
 I'm sure that custom tags have a place in this architecture, as well, to
 further insulate the html generation done by the JSPs from the Java code
 used to process responses and generate dynamic content, but I haven't
 gotten this far as yet.
 Hope this helps, and I'd be interested in hearing some comments about my
 proposed architecture.
 Rick Horowitz
 Tung Bui wrote:
  Hi, as part of my learning, I tried to implement a dynamic page as
  JSP-Java Bean-EJB-JDBC. I got it works as intended however with a
  hack. Within the my Java Bean, in order to look up the EJB bean
  successfully, I have to hard code the context info as follow:
  Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
  Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
  Which is not an ideal way. I'm having trouble from figuring out how to
  these information up so that I do not have to hard code this way. Any

ATM Demo: auto-creating database tables

2000-05-15 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Install Hypersonic SQL, modify the config files, then start Orion.  The demo
does auto-create the database if you install in this order.

Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group

ATM Demo Hypersonic SQL Database not found

2000-05-11 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

 Great product!  I've spent weeks looking at app servers (both commerical
 and open source) and was impressed with what I've seen.
 I have the app server up and running (whew! that was easy) and installed
 Hypersonic SQL.  When registering with the ATM demo I receive the
 following error below.  It looks as if the table hadn't been created.
 Looking through Orinon-interest couldn't determine if the database was
 created on the fly or had to be gen'd in advance.  There is a defaultdb*
 in the orion directory.
 5/10/00 3:01 PM atm-web: Servlet error
 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was rolled back:
 Database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table not found:
 COM_ACME_ATM_EJB_ACCOUNTOWNER in statement [select * from
 com_acme_atm_ejb_AccountOwner where (username = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]')]
at /doAddUser.jsp._jspService(/doAddUser.jsp.java:57) (JSP page line
at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.sz(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.de.o0(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.de.forward(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dl.cd(JAX)
at com.evermind.util.e.run(JAX)
 5/10/00 3:06 PM atm-web: Stopped
 5/10/00 3:06 PM Stopped
 ?xml version="1.0" ? 
 !DOCTYPE data-sources (View Source for full doctype...) 
 - data-sources 
 data-source name="Default data-source"
 class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource" location="jdbc/DefaultDS"
 pooled-location="jdbc/DefaultPooledDS" xa-location="jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS"
 ejb-location="jdbc/DefaultEJBDS" url="jdbc:HypersonicSQL:defaultdb"
 connection-driver="org.hsql.jdbcDriver" username="sa" password=""
 schema="database-schemas/hypersonic.xml" / 
Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer

DRS Electronic Systems Group

Orion defaultdb create table entries

2000-05-11 Thread Kalvar, Kirk

Does anyone have the "create table" entries needed for defaultdb.script?  If
you could post them I would appreciate it.


Kirk S. Kalvar, Software Engineer
DRS Electronic Systems Group