groups and usermanager

2001-06-14 Thread Lawrence Fry

Has anybody used more than one group outside of the defaultGroups for a

I have found that if you use EJBUserManager, and use more than one group in
the EJBUser_groups table..


Only the first group in the list is used (my-admins), the second (my-users)
group can't be used for authentication. Is there a workaround for this?


the elephantwalker

recent posts and ssl

2001-04-18 Thread Lawrence Fry


Calm down everybody. We all have the same interests here...we use orion, a
great j2ee server, and we use the latest j2ee technologies. Nobody believes
that national origin has anything to do with anything, except where we pay
our taxes.

There may have been a post by somebody, who jokingly said something or
other...but nobody really believes that they REALLY believe that.

I have a two questions:

1. If you have a website with SSL, you will necessarily have different urls
for the secure part of the site. Is it better to run the ssl on a separate
machine, or should we use a virtual host for the separate url on the same
machine, and let the load balancer take care pushing the requests around?

2. So far I have only seen two places to get CA certificates for the secure
site, Verisign and Tharwte. Are there other alternatives in the states for
strong ssl certificates?


The elephantwalker

login issue after restart of application

2001-02-27 Thread Lawrence Fry

Dear group,

I have noticed that if I restart an application to redeployI am no
longer able to login into my site. What causes this...and is there a work
around. I am using 1.2.9.



RE: my orion freezes at a high load

2000-10-13 Thread Lawrence Fry

..just a thought. Are use executing a stm.close() in your database code?
Also, are you using pooled connections?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thomas Krantz
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 7:00 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: my orion freezes at a high load


I am stress testing Orion, and in my application I have
lots of JDBC calls that use a configured data-source.
I have noticed that Orion stops serving requests (not even
static pages) after a while of high load. It still listen
to port 80, but doesn't return any content. If I increase
the "max-connections" data-source setting the system lives a little
bit longer. Now, I realize that I probably have leaking connections,
but shouldn't Orion log somewhere if the max-connection limit is
reached?  And why doesn't it serve static pages? I can't find anything
strange in any logs at all.

I am using Solaris 8 sparc with Java 1.2 (tried 1.3 also) and
Orion 1.3.7.

Any clues?

/ Thomas

"Hard work often pays off after time,
 But laziness always pays off now."

PGP Public Key:

RE: Invalidating an Entity bean

2000-10-12 Thread Lawrence Fry

Have you tried putting a "required" in the transaction for the entity bean?
Also, if the session bean is not using the entity bean to make the change in
the table, you can't use any of the j2ee transaction stuff. I would only
change the table 2 through the entity bean. You can do that in the session
bean by calling the home, and findby to grab your entity bean, then make the
change to table 2. This way you always have the bean fresh.

If you are worried about having lots of beans lying around, you can make
sure that you only have one instance of your entity bean in your session
bean. The petstore example in the j2ee blueprint uses this approach.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 4:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Invalidating an Entity bean

Hi gurus

How do I do this cleanly.

I have and Entity that has attributes A,B,C and D. These attributes are all
read from database tables.

A and B are read from Table 1
C and D are read from Table 2

So I have Entity Bean 1, this is loaded by the app server (perhaps by a
findByPrimaryKey) method. This means that Entity Bean 1 is now a cache of
the data in A,B,C and D.

However while this entity bean is in the cache, via a session bean I change
the data of C and D in table 2. This mean that Entity Bean 1 now has dirty
data. So the question is how do I force the Entity beans to do and EJB Load.

Also the data in C and D in table 2 may be shared by N number of entity
beans so I may need to refresh N number of Entity Beans depending on which
ones are in the cache.

I only want to call EJB load for Entity beans currently in the cache and of
these I only want to call ejb load for the ones that refer to the changed

Cheers Peter

RE: EJB-EJB relationship

2000-10-11 Thread Lawrence Fry


Take a look a this:

This sun document has examples of ejb to ejb and ejb to helper classes for
1-1, 1-many and many to many relationaships. I found it very useful.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Truong Di Ly
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 7:51 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB-EJB relationship


how can i write EJB-EJB and EJB-Dependent-class relationships
without orion specific descriptor files
(without table mapping, etc.).

I have an orion specific example , time management app and
would like it to be application server independent.
Someone would like to see? Email me!


probs with bmp and foreign keys

2000-10-03 Thread Lawrence Fry


I am having problems with several bmp entity beans and foreign keys. I have
several beans, each bean corresponds to a table. One entity bean whose
primary key is a foreign key in several other beans is giving me problems. I
execute a remove on the the "mother" bean...and get all kinds of thrown
exceptions. The first is an SQL Exception on the removal of one row in the
project or "mother" table.

What am I doing wrong?

my tables:

create table project {
projectid varchar(32) not null,
userid varchar(32) not null,
description varchar2(255),
constraint project_pk primary key(userid,projectid)

create table material (
 materialid varchar2(32) not null,
 timestamp varchar2(19) not null,
 description varchar2(255),
 projectid varchar(32) not null,
 userid varchar(32) not null,
 constraint material_fk foreign key(projectid,userid)
  references project(projectid,userid),
 constraint material_pk primary

I have an entity bean (bmp) for project and material. I have been having no
problems adding and removing projects or material entity beans with a
bean.remove() methodexcept when the entity bean pk for project is also
in material as a fk.

Orion throws this error when I execute a remove on a project bean which is
referenced in the material bean:

SQL Exception in remove ...

then  I get an IllegalStateException on the project entity bean...

It only goes down hill from there...

orion throws a DeadlockException in the project passivate method

then I get a MarshallingXAException error from OrionError while
delisting bean from TX.

Where did I go wrong?



RE: probs with bmp and foreign keys

2000-10-03 Thread Lawrence Fry

You're right about that. However, in my object oriented zeal, I put a remove
for all of the referenced beans in my project bean ejbRemove method, so all
of the beans with fk's from project are removed before project is removed. I
still get the same failure mode.

I am still investigating this issue.



.ps Sun has a 1 to many example in their j2ee reference guide, and they have
two solutions to the one to many case. In the first case, they do not use an
entity bean for the table with fk's, but store the references in a "helper"
class which is instanced in the entity bean and stored in a List(I think
they use cmp). They also give an example where they reference the entity
context to instance the List, but store ejb's in the List instead of
"helper" classes.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 4:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: probs with bmp and foreign keys

In the ejbRemove method for your project ejb, are you calling remove for the
material first? Most databases won't let you delete a row if another table
is referencing it, unless that particular db supports cascading deletes and
it's enabled. Typically in 1-M relationships like this (I assume you can
have more than one material per project) you have to delete the children
prior to deleting the parent. Hope this helps.

-Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Fry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 2:56 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: probs with bmp and foreign keys


I am having problems with several bmp entity beans and foreign keys. I have
several beans, each bean corresponds to a table. One entity bean whose
primary key is a foreign key in several other beans is giving me problems. I
execute a remove on the the "mother" bean...and get all kinds of thrown
exceptions. The first is an SQL Exception on the removal of one row in the
project or "mother" table.

What am I doing wrong?

my tables:

create table project {
projectid varchar(32) not null,
userid varchar(32) not null,
description varchar2(255),
constraint project_pk primary key(userid,projectid)

create table material (
 materialid varchar2(32) not null,
 timestamp varchar2(19) not null,
 description varchar2(255),
 projectid varchar(32) not null,
 userid varchar(32) not null,
 constraint material_fk foreign key(projectid,userid)
  references project(projectid,userid),
 constraint material_pk primary

I have an entity bean (bmp) for project and material. I have been having no
problems adding and removing projects or material entity beans with a
bean.remove() methodexcept when the entity bean pk for project is also
in material as a fk.

Orion throws this error when I execute a remove on a project bean which is
referenced in the material bean:

SQL Exception in remove ...

then  I get an IllegalStateException on the project entity bean...

It only goes down hill from there...

orion throws a DeadlockException in the project passivate method

then I get a MarshallingXAException error from OrionError while
delisting bean from TX.

Where did I go wrong?



RE: Deploying same set of EJBs on single Orion Server but multiple data servers

2000-09-22 Thread Lawrence Fry


I believe you can create a separate data-source for each server, and put
this in the data-source.xml. Then use a 1-1 mapping between each entity bean
and the data-source. If you already have your entity bean(s) (I would use
some kindof simple naming convention for your entity bean(s) to reflect
their the server mybean1, mybean2, mybean3, etc. the only difference between
them is their reference to each separate data-source), you can use your
session bean to select which of the entity bean's to grab. Of course, you
would then have to properly describe each of these in your ejb-jar.xml and

Its brute force, but its gotta work.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Goel, Deepak
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 6:39 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Deploying same set of EJBs on single Orion Server but multiple
data servers

Hello everyone,

I have a set of EJBs which I have finally managed to run on Orion. Now, I
want that the database server to which these EJBs talk be changed
dynamically at run-time.

For example, I have about 10-15 servers all having exactly the same database
schema. Now depending on the client request, when I want to instantiate an
EJB I may have to look up at any of these 10-15 servers.

I know that this is not specific to Orion but I'll appreciate any help on
how to do this with Orion.

Deepak Goel

RE: Error while compiling

2000-09-22 Thread Lawrence Fry


I noticed the your ejb-jar.xml has an close commentI think 
that has screwed up your deployement, since this is not a well formed xml 

descriptionThis bean implements a GUID 
display-nameGUID Factory Bean/display-name  
***here is the offending tag*** /entity 



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris 
  EvansSent: Friday, September 22, 2000 9:26 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Error while 
  compilingHey everybody, 
  Has anybody got any ideas about why this won't work. It's really 
  G:\orionjava -jar orion.jar Auto-unpacking G:\3.0\rel\guid-factory.ear... done. 
  G:\3.0\rel\guid-factory\guid-factory-web.war... done. Auto-deploying guid-factory (Assembly had been 
  updated)... Auto-deploying guid-factory-ejb.jar 
  (No previous deployment found)... Error compiling file:/G:/3.0/rel/guid- factory/guid-factory-ejb.jar: No direct database fields for 
  primary key: bean GUID Factory Bean Orion/1.2.9 
  Here's what my ejb-jar.xml file looks like 
  ejb-jar  description/description 
   enterprise-beans  entity  
  descriptionThis bean implements a GUID 
  display-nameGUID Factory Bean/display-name  
  primkey-fieldname/primkey-field--  /entity  /enterprise-beans  assembly-descriptor  security-role 
  role-nameusers/role-name  /security-role 
  Here's what my application.xml file looks 
  application  display-nameSMP3 GUID 
  ejbguid-factory-ejb.jar/ejb  /module  module  web  
  context-root/guid-factory-web/context-root  /web  /module /application 
  Here's what my web.xml file looks 
   !-- A friendly name for this web 
  application, this name can be used in  visual development 
  environments, for instance -- 
   display-nameGUID Factory 
   !-- A human-readable description of 
  this web application -- 
   descriptionEntity Bean that 
  provides GUID /description  
   !-- The file(s) to show when no file 
  is specified, i.e. only the directory  is specified. 
  welcome-fileindex.html/welcome-file  /welcome-file-list  
   !-- A JNDI binding from 
  "ejb/AddressBook" to the address book bean. This  is the name we will 
  use in our JSP pages. -- 
  role-nameusers/role-name  /security-role 
  Thanks for any help!!! 

RE: JavaMail

2000-09-22 Thread Lawrence Fry


Doesn't the ATM application send email?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Amir Peivandi
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:26 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JavaMail

Dose anybody have a simple sample application which uses JavaMail to send


RE: User/Group manager guide

2000-09-18 Thread Lawrence Fry


Here Here! I'm glad somebody said it.

But without documentation, you should look at the archives to this list,
because many of these problems have already been worked out.

For isn't said anywhere in the documentation, but the
EJBUserManager is the most useful device for ecommerce. With this, you can
automatically login users and create users  for your website...without one
call to the EJBUserManager stuff. In order to use this, you will have to add
the following to your orion-application.xml file:

user-manager class="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUserManager"
 property name="home" value="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUser" /
 property name="defaultGroups" value="users" /

I found this tidbit in the mail archive. Then you can use the role manager
to allow users access to ejb resources, and the role manager automatically
uses the your databank with cmp to create userscreate a user like this:

RoleManager roleManager = (RoleManager)new
if(roleManager.getPrincipal(username) != null)
throw new DuplicateAccountException(username)
Principal principal = roleManager.createPrincipal(username, password);
roleManager.addToRole(principal, role);;
catch(NamingException e){}
catch(UserAlreadyExistsException e){}
catch(InstantiationException e){}
catch(IOException e){}

and like magic, a user database is created. Of course, you also have to make
sure your roles are part of your groups.

This is the great secret of orion...great stuff, no documentation! It took
me weeks to figure this out. I wish there was a tutorial on these simple

How do you login in a client through a database of usernames/passwords?
How do you enroll a client into a database of usernames/passwords?
How do you control access to web resources (ejb's, jsp's, servlets)?

The existing documentation on this is about as clear as mud.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Guilherme
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:58 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: User/Group manager guide


I'm almost leaving Orion because the lack of documentation, mainly about how
manage User/Groups. As many people have lots of doubts related to it too,
asking the Orion team or anybody else to write a tutorial about it.  I
don't want to leave Orion, because I've made good things on it, but I'm
spending a lot of time trying to "decifrate" how to use the Orion API.

Guilherme Ceschiatti

RE: xml validation

2000-09-18 Thread Lawrence Fry


Go to, this is where the xerces parser project is located. I use this 
parser. Here is a bit of code to parse a uses sun's javax 
extensions for "pluggable" parser, so it will work with any parser. If you 
download the xerces stuff and put it in the orion directory, it should 
work.I don'tuse the xercesjar that comes withorion, its 
a little old.

SaxParseException is thrown when the xml isn't complient with the dtd, or when 
it is not well formed xml. Notice that there is a statement:


... this is the bit that makes the parser a validating parser. You also 
might think of only using a sax parser (this example is dom), if you only want a 
few bits of the xml file. This will save a little on memory.



java.util.*;import;import org.w3c.dom.Document;import 
org.w3c.dom.Element;import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;import 
org.w3c.dom.Node;import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;import 
javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;import org.xml.sax.SAXException;import 

class Test {

 // // Reading and writing an XML 
document stored in a file. // public 
static void main (String argv []) {Document 

if (argv.length != 1) { 
System.err.println ("Usage: cmd filename"); 
System.exit (1);}

try {

DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = 
Test t = new Test(); 
 DocumentBuilder docBuilder = 
URL url = t.getClass().getResource(argv[0]); doc = 
docBuilder.parse (url.toString());

 } catch (SAXParseException err) { 
System.out.println ("** Parsing error" + ", line " + 
err.getLineNumber ()+ ", uri " + err.getSystemId 
()); System.out.println(" " + 
err.getMessage ()); // print stack trace as 
below } catch 
(SAXException e) { Exceptionx = e.getException 

 ((x == null) ? e : x).printStackTrace ();

} catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace 

System.exit (0); }

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Derek 
  AkersSent: Monday, September 18, 2000 3:39 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: xml validation
   I am building an application that 
  received xml from various sources and does various things with it... I 
  am currently trying to figure out how to validate an xml string/source against 
  a given dtd (ie - does xml "x" conform to dtd "y")... does anyone have 
  any suggestions as to how I can go about incorporating this functionality into 
  the receiving bean (ejb)? I realize that there are several parsers and 
  validators out there, but what I am looking for is some code for using them 
  Derek Akers
  Internet Application DeveloperEldan Software, 

RE: Benchmarks

2000-09-16 Thread Lawrence Fry


I read this article, and the comparison in this benchmark is between php,
perl and java. The benchmark is not intended to compared j2ee application
servers, and as noted in the article, only includes "toy" applications like
hello world. The conclusion of the article is that java is as good or better
than php and perl.

However, lets make some comparisons. Orion is about 2% faster than Resin,
which in my book is nearly the same. However, Resin is not a j2ee server,
and uses non-j2ee ejb protocols. Most of us use Orion for the ejb support.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christof
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 10:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Benchmarks

Orionserver claims to be the fastest one out there. What is the official
comment to the numbers presented at ?

RE: What does this error mean?

2000-09-05 Thread Lawrence Fry

I've included the ejb-jar.xml in both places, the META-INF directory in the jar, and 
the META-INF directory where my jar is located. It seems to work. If you are pointing 
to the jar file in your application xml file, the directory shouldn't be needed. What 
does you application xml file point to?

I have  a module in the application.xml that looks like this:


I believe when the war file is made, the extraneous META-INF directory in the 
myejbdirectory will be unnecessary.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hauke Zühl
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 3:23 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: What does this error mean?

Hello folks!

Well, I am pretty new to EJBs (and so to this list) and got into real
I have a Web-application including a JSP-file and an EJB.
So, when I try to dploy it, I receive the following message:
Error loading package at
file:/home/stp/stp/rel/inventar/inv_liste/inventar-ejb.jar, Unable to
find/read asembly info for
/home/stp/stp/rel/inventar/inv_liste/inventar-ejb.jar (META-INF/ejb-jar.xml)
Installed inv_liste...

The thing is: I have an ejb-jar.xml file in my inventar-ejb.jar!

So what did I wrong?

Any hints are really appreciated.


RE: Which JDK to use?

2000-08-31 Thread Lawrence Fry


I have been having great luck with IBMJava2-13 on my linux box. Make sure
you have glibc 2.1.2 or better, I found an issue with glibc 2.1.1.
Otherwise, its works findand its FAST!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Stanislav Maximov
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 1:46 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Which JDK to use?
Importance: High


I've tried Blackdown 1.2.2, but it seems to be not very fast. Could you
please suggest me another JDK to use on Linux with Orion 1.0.3?

Thanks in advance.


datasource user manager

2000-08-30 Thread Lawrence Fry

Dear group,

I can't seem to find which xml file I should put my init-params for
DataSourceUserManager. Does anybody know this?


Lawrence Fry


2000-08-30 Thread Lawrence Fry

Ok...I admit it, I am stuck in user-land and need a map to get out.

It looks like the usermanager methodology is the way to authenticate my
users on my website. However, I am a little stuck.

If you look at the pet store example, nobody can log in unless you are a
user as identified in the principals.xml file, or you create a new user
everytime. Ok for a demo, but pretty useless for an ecommerce application.

The datasourceusermanager seems pretty good, except that without the
container/transaction stuff, we would have to implement all of that
ourselves. That brings me to the ejbusermanager. Its part of the
ejb/transaction management stuff, and provided my database can be relatively
secure, we can do our user authentication. But I have some befuddeling

1. If we include the user-manager declaration in the orion-application.xml,
is the rolemanager the proper interface for logging users in? Or must we get
the ejb reference, and hardcode the login? ,ie,

2. Will I need a separate datasource for the ejbusermanager?

3. Are there any examples of ejbusermanager authentication (soup to nuts)?

Regards and buffudled,
