Re: Orion with Axis Part 2

2002-04-22 Thread Peter Beck

Hello Eddie!

Today I started with SOAP on Orion, and I get almost the same error 
message as you do.
Did you solve the problem you had (below).
Which sample did you try?

I tried the addr example.
(First you have to prepare and compile it, then deploy the service and 
run the demo)
When I move the orion default website to http://localhost:8080/ it 
works, otherwise it fails with the error message below.

Using proxy without session maintenance.
  Storing address for 'Purdue Boilermaker'
Exception in thread main The AXIS engine could not find a target 
service to in
voke!  targetService is null
at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(Unknown 

Maybe we can have a look at it together.
On the orion mailing list there are not too many responses on that, I'm 


Eddie Post wrote:


 Ok, so I had my Axis working under TomCat.
 I am now trying to have it work under Orion, which is what I really want.
 However I do get an error when deploying the service, namely:
ns3:stackTrace xmlns:ns3=;The AXIS 
 engine could not find a target service to invoke!  targetService is;
 at org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer.invoke(;

 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(;
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(;
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(;
 at com.evermind._deb._lnc(.:514)#xd;
 at com.evermind._deb._wmb(.:170)#xd;
 at com.evermind._co._wbb(.:581)#xd;
 at com.evermind._co._fs(.:189)#xd;

 Please some help as I don't understand well where he is looking ?
 My configuration: I have configured Axis as a J2EE application with 
 only one Web part. The Axis home page and everyting works, but when 
 deploying the service it goes wrong (I use Orion 1.5.4).

 I followed the instrcutions on:
 and on:
 but no luck.

 Also am I a bit confused about the correct jar version of Xerces.jar, 
 Xalan.jar, etc maybe that this cause a problem but I am not sure.

 Please some help ?

 Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

Peter Beck, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsges.m.b.H.

XSL and Sitemesh on Orion

2002-04-22 Thread Peter Beck

I am using OpenSymphony Sitemesh on Orion Application Server 1.5.4.

The Orion XSL servlet (default config in global-web-application.xml)
is used to transform XML files to HTML.
The transformation works fine, but the transformed HTML is no longer
passed to the sitemesh filter and is displayed without layout.

What can I do to make this work?
Does anybody have a hint, please?


Peter Beck, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsges.m.b.H.

Re: hot redeployment - how to preserve session state?

2002-01-30 Thread Peter Beck

I tried to use the hot-deploy just for development to not always have to 
restart Orion and log in.
To only have to restart the server when classes change which are stored 
in the session would be better than on every little change during bug 

On this list I read about people using this, and the problem they were 
talking about most of the time was that classes have to be serializable...
Now I tried that with a few objects in the session, and all of them were 
lost after touching application.xml.


Aaron Tavistock wrote:

I'm not currently doing hot-deploy, but I've always wonder how it could
posibly work given that a serialized class might have the underlying base
class changed during hot-deploy (e.g. the classic 'run instance' is
different than a 'new instance' problem that java throws a
ClassCastException from).  Its also theoretically problematic (I'm not sure
if instanceof or reflection will work properly).

Since this is a very low-level issue (e.g. Java simply doesn't have the
facilities to really handle this), how does hot-deply work?  The only
reliable strategy would appear to be to preserver primatives (since they
don't change), maybe preserve 'well-defined' objects (java.util.* is
unlikely to change), and discard all the rest.

Any thoughts? 


-Original Message-
From: Peter Beck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:41 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: hot redeployment - how to preserve session state?

After a forced redeployment of an application on Orion 1.5.3 by touching 
my session state seemst to be completely lost.

I have set development=true in my global-web-application.xml, and the 
switch is present in the orion-web.xml in the application- deployment 
The variables I try to serialize implement the Serializable interface. 
Some of them are simple JavaBeans, others just Strings.

For testing I use a JSP which prints the variables in the session. 
Before the redeployment everything is there.
and when a user is logged in, request.getRemoteUser() gives me the 
correct user name.
After the redeployment session.toString() still gives me the same ID as 
before, but all variables in the session are gone.
Even request.getRemoteUser() == null.

What am I missing?


Peter Beck, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsges.m.b.H.

Re: string mappings

2002-01-10 Thread Peter Beck

Just create or alter the database table by hand.
You can then assign whatever length to you varchar fields.

We have disabled the autocreate-tables option in orion-application.xml 
and create all our tables by hand.

hope that helps,

Morten Wilken wrote:

hi all,
i have a situation where i need to make an entitybean with a subject line
and a body text
in the class both these are implemented as Strings, but i need to map the
subject to a short varchar (ie 50 chars) and the body text to a larger one
(but not so large that i need to map it to a blob).. how do i differentiate
between the 2 in the db schema?

Morten Wilken

Peter Beck, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsges.m.b.H.

Re: HTTP-ORMI tunneling in Orion 1.5.3 -- look at this!

2001-12-05 Thread Peter Beck

One backslash is not enough. There have to be two of them!

In the app client popup window still one backslash has to be typed in 
front of the ':'

Is this how it's supposed to be?

Hani Suleiman wrote:

This isn't a bug, as ':' has to be escaped with a backslash in .properties

Peter Beck said:

Hello Orion users!

After too many hours of playing around with ormi tunneling I found out
the following:
(seems to be a bug !!!)

uri like that usually works:  ormi://myhost/myapp
both when read from the file and typed in the app
client  popup window

uri which unfortunately doesn't work: http:ormi://myhost/myapp
uri which fortunately DOES WORK: http\\:ormi\\://myhost/myapp  (in
uri which fortunately DOES WORK: http\:ormi\://myhost/myapp  (in the
app  client popup window)

Usually calling new InitialContext() just doesn't return.
for the uri http:ormi://localhost/myapp it throws a NamingException

I'm working on WinNT 4.0.
Does anybody see the same on UNIX/Linux?

I didn't file it as a bug in bugzilla yet.
Please let me know what you think about it...


how to make classes visible in web applications

2001-08-14 Thread Peter Beck

Hello Orion-List-Readers!

I'm working on a web application consisting of an EJB and a web module.

In our application there are certain model beans which are referenced
from both the EJBs and the (Struts) action-beans which belong to the web

Without any further measures classes in one module can't use or inherit
from classes in the other module.
During development we set a library path in server.xml so that the
classes could be referenced from both modules.
Now for deployment I'm looking for a cleaner solution.
Is there a way to place classes or a jar-file in an .ear-archive that
the classes can be referenced from EJB and web-module without setting a
path in server.xml??


Re: Form-based authentication: original request URI...?

2001-05-06 Thread Peter Beck

Orion 1.4.5 doesn't remember the original target URL correctly after an
incorrect login.
This bug is fixed in 1.4.8.

What works for me is:
- In the errorpage I display some additional information to the user and
then forward the request to the original loginpage (using
RequestDispatcher) to have exactly the same form displayed in both

Also after logging in from the form in the errorpage orion directs you
to the original target.

hope it helps,

Attila Bodis wrote:

 Hi, I managed to get forms-based authentication working (Orion
 1.4.5/Win2K), but I have a question.  Here is what happens: 1)
 user tries to access protected resource protected.jsp 2) Orion
 redirects user to the login page login.jsp instead 3) user
 enters *incorrect* userid/password and submits the form 4) Orion
 shows the error page error.jsp, as it should So far, so good, but on
 the error page I'd like to say something like click here to retry,
 with a link to the *original* page that triggered the authentication
 in the first place (in this case protected.jsp).  Note that if I put
 a link to login.jsp on the error page, the user will be stuck in a
 loop as successful authentication will just redisplay the login page
 itself. The question is:  is there a way (either inside the login page
 or in the error page) of somehow determining what the original request
 URI was that triggered the authentication to begin with?  I already
 tried request.getRequestURI() inside login.jsp, but it evaluates to
 login.jsp, not protected.jsp as I'd like.  Clearly Orion stores
 the original request URI somewhere (otherwise it wouldn't know where
 to go after a successful login), but how can I get at this
 information??? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
 Attila Attila BodisDevelopment Manager, Mobile Hosting800
 Bridge Pkwy #2068Redwood Shores, CA 94065(650) 506-4767 (w)
 (650) 346-6156 (m)[EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit the
 OracleMobile Online Studio at

Problem with @ character submitted in POST request through CGIServlet, TunnelServlet

2001-04-03 Thread Peter Beck

There's a bug in the CGI servlet.
What happens is:
I have an HTML form which is transmitted via POST request.
Two parameters are passed: email and action
what should arrive is:

When perl gets the request the second parameter is truncated

This happens only if the first parameter contains the "@" character.
I suppose the same bug affects the TunnelServlet too.

I already informed Orion support about that some time ago, but didn't
get a response, and 1.4.7 still doesn't correct this issue.
For us this trivial bug is absolutely critical because we need to have
orion handle requests and SSL in the front. Certain apps (the IMP PHP
webmail) should be tunneled to apache, which still doesn't work!

Other URL-encoded characters don't seem to have a negative effect, but
the "@" causes the problem with the following parameter.

I read on the list that also others have had problems with the Tunnel
Servlet and POST requests.
Maybe we can track down the bug a bit deeper.
I entered it in Bugzilla as Bug Nr. 387 and hope that it finally will be
taken care of.


JSP Debugging

2001-02-07 Thread Peter Beck

Hello Orion-Users!

Setting up debugging in JBuilder was quite straightforward.
It works well for Beans and Servlets, but breakpoints in JSPs just
aren't recognized.

So my question is: Has anybody successfully debugged JSPs with JBuilder?

My guess is that the debugger can't find the corresponding compiled
.java files and class-Files belonging to a JSP?
The classname in the .java file is different from the filename (e.g.:
"" defines the class "__jspPage4_addUser_jsp") and the
bytecode is written to Files which do not even end with .class (e.g.

The files Tomcat creates in the work directory follow more consistent
naming and debugging works...


Tunnel Servlet and POST requests

2001-02-06 Thread Peter Beck

 From: Porfiriev Sergey
 Subject: Re: Integration with existent www-servers
 Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 14:52:19 -0700

 I've succesefuly installed tunneling except for "POST" method - "GET"
 request works fine, but POST doesn't :(
 Orion 1.1.37

 Is this issue known?

 PS: i use tunneling to access internal IIS ( *.asp) server

Is this fixed in the current version (1.4.7) ?
I tried the Tunnel Servlet with Orion 1.4.7 and didn't get a reply from
a PHP3 script (IMP webmail) running on apache.

thanks for any help,

Peter Beck, Forum Qualittssicherung in der Diabetologie sterreich, TU