Re: Cookies larger than 20k

2001-06-27 Thread mascolino . mr

This page from Netscape:
states that you shouldn't expect clients or severs to deal with cookies over 4k
in size.  It even suggests that cookies longer than that should be truncated.

Not sure if there is a relevant RFC that supercede this information.


The Procter  Gamble Co.

 Internet Mail Message  
 Received from host:


  Joseph B. Ottinger 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  Orion-Interest 
  Sent by:cc: (bcc: Mark 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Cookies larger 
than 20k 

 06/27/01 07:08 AM 

  Please respond to Orion-Interest 



On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Orion Developers wrote:

 We're having problems passing cookies greater then 20k in size.  We get a
 http: 413 error, and the servlets seem to truncate over that limit.

There's some seriously debatable value in using cookies over 20k in
size. I'd really suggest you reconsider this. Really. And no, I have no
worthwhile contribution other than a sense of Gee, do you REALLY want to
hang yourself or your users like this?

 Also, is there a version/bug fix list available to the public?  we are on
 1.4.5 and I am wondering about 1.5.2, and what issues have been addressed.

Check out changes.txt, as usual.

 Finally, has ANYONE had any success getting ahold of Cadrion, the alleged
 'support partner' of Orion??

While I can't speak for Cadrion *or* Ironflare... I understand Cadrion had
some issues a while back, unrelated to Orion. Check out; it looks like LITERALLY the same thing.

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

Re: getRemoteAddr() - APACHE as proxy !!

2001-06-05 Thread mascolino . mr

Oracle 9iAS uses Apache as the web server so prehaps this addition of AJP13
support was added because of Oracle's licensing.


Mark R Mascolino
Technology Missionary
The Procter  Gamble Co.

 Internet Mail Message  
 Received from host:


  Marcel Schutte 

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  Orion-Interest 
  Sent by:cc: (bcc: Mark 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: getRemoteAddr() 
- APACHE as proxy !!

 06/05/01 01:52 PM 

  Please respond to Orion-Interest 




I don't know how it works, but in orion's changes.txt it says 'Added AJP13
support.' for version 1.4.8 . Unfortunately the docs don't mention it at

As far as I know this is the protocol used by Tomcat to communicate with
Apache. Perhaps it solves your problem, leaving you with the problem of
getting AJP13 to work ofcourse :).


- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: getRemoteAddr() - APACHE as proxy !!

In the meantime I found out what is wrong:
I am using apache as a proxy server, and therefore I do get the IP address
of the server.
How can I overcome this ?? Such that getRemoteAddr() does return the
client's IP address in my servlets.


  - Original Message -
  From: Eddie
  To: Orion-Interest
  Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 2:12 PM
  Subject: getRemoteAddr()

  Hellu there,

  If I use getRemoteAddr()  to get the IP address of the client the makes
  servlet requests it return the IP address of the server ?? (also
  getRemoteHost() returns the server name).

  Any idea how come ??
  I am running jdk 1.3 and the servlets run on the application server Orion
  (OS: Linux redhat 7.0)

  (I can remember that a JSP on JSERv on apache didn't had this problem, so
I quess it's Orion .. not ??)


Re: Struts (was: I switch from X to Orion because: )

2001-03-01 Thread mascolino . mr

The reason for reimplementing ResourceBundle as MessageResources is that
ResourceBundle is not Serializable.  Some containers, notable WebLogic 6, have
issues with non-serializable objects being stored in things like the application
and session context.  Its also very important that you only throw Serializable
things in there espacially if you plan on using the distributable / tag in
your web.xml.


Mark R Mascolino
The Procter  Gamble Co.

 Internet Mail Message  
 Received from host:

  "Jeff Schnitzer" 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:  Orion-Interest  
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Mark 
  Subject: Struts (was: I 
switch from X to
 02/28/01 08:25 PMOrion because: ) 
  Please respond to Orion-Interest 

This subject is especially timely for me because I just finished
evaluating both WebWork and Struts.  I decided to go with WebWork.  It
wasn't so much that I was drawn to WebWork's technological coolness -
there are some neat ideas there, but I think most could be adapted into
Struts with a little effort.  The problem was that when I looked deeply
into Struts, I didn't like what I saw.

I spent a *lot* of time wavering; on one hand, Struts has a solid user
community and good javadocs, on the other hand, WebWork is simpler and
easier to teach future members of the team.  I kept switching my favor
back and forth when I discovered something new I did or didn't like.
What finally pushed me over the edge was my experience hunting down the
problem preventing Struts from working with Orion out of the box.
Here's the story:

If you've ever tried loading the Struts 1.0 example app, you are
immediately confounded by missing resource errors.  There is a lot of
complaint in the Orion and Struts archives about this, but the closest
anyone has come to nailing it down is this message:

in which the principal author of Struts, Craig, implies that Orion's
classloader has a problem preventing it from working with the standard
JDK ResourceBundle.  I knew there was something wrong with this because
WebWork uses ResourceBundle without issue.

So I looked through Struts' source to see how it might be using
ResourceBundle differently, and what I discovered is that Struts doesn't
use ResourceBundle at all!  In fact, Struts has a whole homebrewed
framework for handling properties which mirrors the ResourceBundle API
but doesn't use any of its classes or interfaces.  There are javadoc
comments to the effect that the Struts code should be faster than
ResourceBundles, but looking at the JDK 1.3 source code, both frameworks
seem to be doing pretty much the same thing.

For those curious, the actual problem with Orion is that Struts uses
ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() to build the Properties object, and (I
checked the decompiled code) the Orion classloader does not implement
getResourceAsStream().  Orion's fault, and logged as bug #340.

But why re-invent the wheel?!?  The JDK provides resource management for
us!  Even if the Struts code was slightly faster (which I doubt), any
performance gain is going to be negligable compared to the amount of
time spent processing taglibs, etc.  I can't believe that whoever wrote
the Struts MessageResources classes ever bothered to run the code
through a profiler to find out where the real bottlenecks are.  All this
extra code and duplicated infrastructure is nothing but an opportunity
for more bugs, IMHO.

At this point I decided to go with WebWork.  It is certainly not without
issues as well, but I'm very happy with the results.  And I am finding
that in a framework this simple, fundamental changes are easy to make.

I could elaborate on the differences between WebWork and Struts if
anyone is really interested.  If you're still writing JSP-centric
applications, you *really* should look into an MVC framework.


-Original Message-
From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday

RE: Any news from Orion yet??: Rebuttle...

2001-01-15 Thread mascolino . mr

Its close to app server independence, but the spec doesn't go far enough in some
areas.  One good example is User Management.  I would love to use the security
constraints stuff in the web.xml file, but the mechanism to add/modify/delete
users is server proprietary.

I'm sure this is just one of serveral areas that are like this in the spec.


Mark R Mascolino
The Procter  Gamble Co.

 Internet Mail Message  
 Received from host:

  Ozzie Gurkan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent by:To:  Orion-Interest 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Mark 
  Subject: RE: Any news from 
Orion yet??: Rebuttle...   
 01/15/01 11:41 AM 
  Please respond to Orion-Interest 

Not to sound like a hipocrat but I believe the J2EE standard calls for a
pplication server independence flexibility. You must think to yourself what
makes your application so dependent on the server it is deployed onto.
Besides the custom deployment descriptors (orion-ejb-jar, weblogic-ejb-jar,
jboss, and so on) you should architect your system independent of any app
server dependent features like clustering, fail-over and load balancing. If
you sit down and outline the layers that are dependent on the underlying
mechanism, you will be able to isolate and separate your application. Do
you rememeber that Java is supposed to be independent of its OS?

So, coming back to my point: even if Orion does go under, you should be
able to switch out to another server and modify some deployment descriptors
with no problem. I have my application running under Weblogic, Orion, and
Jboss with only the deployment descriptors different.

I hope this helps and triggers some thought.

Ozzie Gurkan

--- Robert Krueger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course, this is a little unfair - weblogic hadn't had a new release
 several months, either. They've just had a major release recently, which
 makes it seem like they're more active than Orion, when that's not
 necessarily the case. It might be, but that's not implied by the
 at present.
 For the most part, Orion is still very much ahead of the pack, and the
 speed is stil EXCELLENT. While I'm very much looking forward to a new

 doesn't buy you much if it isn't reliable. that's the sad thing. it's
 that they are ahead of the pack in a number of fields but if you're stuck

 with a serious bug without the slightest hint when things will be fixed
 it's still a KO criterion (germanism?). at the moment we're not switching

 to an alternative because

 1. most of our projects where orion is currently used in production
 wouldn't allow a switch to WLS budgetwise
 2. OSS alternatives are still far from the completeness orion offers (sad

 but it's the truth), which especially hurts if you have a large number of

 deployed J2EE applications which we do
 3. there is some (not too much) hope left, they have learned their lesson

 and won't underestimate QA requirements in the future once they come back

 and start releasing updates again

 at the moment we settled for living with a number of strange behaviours
 awkward workarounds that we simply hope won't break our necks the next
 (which is not a good feeling to live with). one lesson I have learned is
 that there is a substantial risk involved in choosing a brandnew (even
 standard) technology. I would be more careful next time. Now too much
 has gone into the current setup to change it to other alternatives and
 other products supporting the same standards are simply too expensive.

 round of released bug fixes, I'm still waiting for some things to shake
 out before I abandon ship.

 but you have to admit that it's getting harder to hold on to that?

 my 2 c


   -Original Message-
   From: Santosh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:57 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Re: Any news from Orion yet??
   Hi kevin

JDom and Orion

2000-12-15 Thread mascolino . mr

Hi all,

I am trying to use the most excellent JDom in my web app on Orion (1.3.9) and
running into a little snag.  For certain parts of its funcationality, JDom
requires a very recent version of Xerces.  The datestamp on it is Sep 1, 2000
and it is approx 1,464KBs.  As you can tell this is almost three times as big as
the xerces jar that is shiped with Orion.  I have tried to include the new
xerces.jar in the /WEB-INF/lib directory of my war file but to no avail.  Orion
seems content to pick up its version of the jar (I imagine its a classloader

So my question is, is it ok to swap out Orion's old xerces.jar for the new one?
Will I run into unforseen trouble down the road?  Is there another way of
solving this problem that i am unaware of or too ignorant to figure out?

thanks a bunch...

Mark R Mascolino
The Procter  Gamble Co.