[osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSG Collada Bug

2009-06-17 Thread Adam Wise

I'm importing models from openflight to collada using OSG. After install using 
these directions 


Everything seemed to have worked fine, until I ran the Coherency Test on one of 
the models exported. It failed across the board. I also tried to upload the 
model onto Google's 3D warehouse, but it appears to be using the wrong schema. 
Upon closer inspection, it seems that OSG has a bug in it's collada exporter: 

- All the arrays names ...texcoord_0 are boggus. They all contain Zero elements.

- All the geometry seem to want to have 2 texcoord per vertex (texcoord_0 and 
texcoord_1) but only the texcoord_1 is valid.
Materials all reference the texcoord_0, I did not see any reference to 
texcoord_1 in the file.

Is there a fix to this problem? or do I have to correct every model manually?

It seems that I can't upload any dae files, so i uploaded it online:


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Example of Camera Following a Node: Know of current one?

2009-06-17 Thread Rafa Gaitan
Hi Allen,

Try osgDB::NodeTrackeManipulator, it's used in osgsimulation example
(search in the examples of the sources).


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Allen Saucierallen.sauc...@itt.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 does anyone know of a good example of a Camera Following a Node that is 



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Rafael Gaitán Linares
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial  http://www.ai2.upv.es
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] OSG Collada Bug

2009-06-17 Thread Roland Smeenk
Hello Adam,

a quick inspection of the model shows two problems:

1.) There are two nodes with the same name so apparently the Collada writer 
does not check for uniqueness of the node id.

2.) All meshes have generated two sets of texture coordinates. The first being 
an empty set causing all kinds of problems.

I guess the original OpenFlight model only had a single set of texture 
coordinates per model part.

What version of OSG are you using?


Roland Smeenk

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Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] OSG Composer released

2009-06-17 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

Ashraf Sultan wrote:
 SimLab releases OSG Composer
 OSG Composer Lite, is our gift to the great OSG community, we hope
 you like it. http://www.simlab-soft.com/Products.html

Gee, this looks good, but no Linux version? Even though there is a Mac
one? I am sure there would be customers for Linux version too, this type
of work is done mostly on Windows and Linux these days.



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] What is the policy concerning ref_ptr implicit conversion in OSG itself?

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

Periodically I do test the OSG build with
recently - I'll fire off a build this morning and fix any problems
that arise.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Jean-Sébastien
Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 because our own software can interchangeably use OSG 2.2, 2.6 and
 (eventually) 2.10, so I need to be sure everywhere a ref_ptr is used, .get()
 or .valid() is used to get it or check it.

 Unfortunately, even OSG itself doesn't compile cleanly with
 OSG_USE_REF_PTR_IMPLICIT_OUTPUT_CONVERSION off right now. (I'll submit some
 changed files soon to fix that)

 So I was wondering if the policy was that code inside OSG should continue to
 use .get() and .valid() so that it continues to build cleanly whether
 OSG_USE_REF_PTR_IMPLICIT_OUTPUT_CONVERSION is on or off, or if we should
 altogether (always keep it on, not expose it in CMake).

 I think whatever policy is chosen within OSG, it should be made clear.
 Client code could do what it wants and it's the client's responsibility to
 make sure they're using the right thing with respect to the version of OSG
 they link to, but within OSG, we need to pick one.

 Thanks in advance,

 Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] multiple render targets / cameras

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Bob,

The answer is almost always answered by answering the simple question
- no you logically have two separate views or do the two cameras that
are taken the pictures share the same view.  In your case it does
sound like you have a single view, but two ways of rendering it - so
you don't have multiple view's, and since you  only have a single view
then a osgViewer::Viewer (which is a View) will be appropriate.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Bob Youmansbyoum...@knology.net wrote:

 thanks for the great advice.  if i'm going to have 2 render targets, one a 
 memory image (ultimately custom shader) and one the GUI view window, should i 
 still use Viewer, or CompositeViewer?  It would be nice to be able to turn 
 off the visible one for more performance.  They will have exactly the same 
 transform matrix, but be different resolutions.  So, i need to switch between 
 user / program control of the transformation matrix, and also switch between 
 rendering the memory / visible images (or both).  Is this doable? Does it 
 make sense?
 Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] DisplaySettings::setNumOfHttpDatabaseThreadsHint Bug

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ryan,

Well spotted, I've just fixed this in the svn/trunk and OSG-2.8 branch.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Kawicki, Ryan
Hryan.h.kawi...@boeing.com wrote:
 I believe there to be a bug in

 Current implementation

 /** Set the hint for number of threads in the DatbasePager to dedicate
 to reading http requests.*/
 void setNumOfHttpDatabaseThreadsHint(unsigned int numThreads) {
 _numDatabaseThreadsHint = numThreads; }

 I think it should be

 /** Set the hint for number of threads in the DatbasePager to dedicate
 to reading http requests.*/
 void setNumOfHttpDatabaseThreadsHint(unsigned int numThreads) {
 _numHttpDatabaseThreadsHint = numThreads; }


 Ryan H. Kawicki
 The Boeing Company
 Training Systems  Services
 Software Engineer

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Re: [osg-users] Qt osgviewer

2009-06-17 Thread Simon Loic
More recently, Don Leich has proposed a new example on osg-submissions which
seems to be very good. Sadly, it seems that we were very few to have looked
into it and I'm far from being an expert in QT. Hence, it would be
interesting to have others feedback.
A link to the thread :
Loïc Simon

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Martin Beckett m...@mgbeckett.com wrote:

 See http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=2517 for some links to
 Qt examples

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[osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Alexandre Amalric
Hi osg-users,

I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.

I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.

I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :


instead of :


because I wand to trigger my rendering with a computed time 'MyTime based
on a FPS I need.

But my problem is that when I use my manipulator and ea.getTime() I do not
have the same time as MyTime when event received is for example
ea.getTime() is equal to MyTime only when receiving

I tracked down this behaviour, in function
GraphicsWindowWin32::handleNativeWindowingEvent because event time is :

double eventTime  = getEventQueue()-getTime();

and getTime is returning :

osg::Timer::instance()-delta_s(_startTick, osg::Timer::instance()-tick());

That's why It doesnt match my rendering time...

Is there any way I can resolve this problem ? (Except making my own
eventqueue class)

Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Alaxandre,

You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
and physical simulations in the scene.

The _startTick that the event queue uses should be the same one as the
ReferenceTime uses and makes sure the ReferenceTime and event times
are in sync.  It's not typically appropriate to use the SimulationTime
when doing event handling, but if you want to then you'll need to use
the frames FrameStamp to get the current SimulationTime.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Alexandre
Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi osg-users,

 I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.

 I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.

 I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :


 instead of :


 because I wand to trigger my rendering with a computed time 'MyTime based
 on a FPS I need.

 But my problem is that when I use my manipulator and ea.getTime() I do not
 have the same time as MyTime when event received is for example
 ea.getTime() is equal to MyTime only when receiving

 I tracked down this behaviour, in function
 GraphicsWindowWin32::handleNativeWindowingEvent because event time is :

 double eventTime  = getEventQueue()-getTime();

 and getTime is returning :

 osg::Timer::instance()-delta_s(_startTick, osg::Timer::instance()-tick());

 That's why It doesnt match my rendering time...

 Is there any way I can resolve this problem ? (Except making my own
 eventqueue class)

 Alexandre AMALRIC                   Ingénieur RD
 PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille

 osg-users mailing list

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[osg-users] PolytopeIntersector

2009-06-17 Thread Maxime BOUCHER

 I have a lot of questions for you!
But, there is one really more critical than the others.
 Let me just introduce the problem :).
 (I am sorry if I bother, but I searched on the net, in the doc and examples 
and didn't find answers. I apologize if this is because I badly searched.)

 I want to cut my primitives along the frustum of a camera.

 To do this I first have to get my planes equations. I have found a page 
dealing about this problem in OpenGL:
 I think I'll use it, replacing in OSG conventions.

I also found this:
From famous Paul ;).
 Well, it draws the frustum, but it can be used to get the planes equations.

(for whom it may interest)

 Then I have my equations.
Thus I can declare many osg::Plane.
 If the plane is a Vec4d (a,b,c,d) does it well represent the equation
ax+by+cz+d = 0 ?

 I would like to use a PolytopeIntersector. In the doc it's written planes 
normals have to point the inside of the polytope.
 How are the normals set when the plane is initialized?

 Is there any problem declaring a non-closed (also called opened) polytope? I 
don't mind about the far plane.
3) Once I have a polytope, I would like to intersect the polytope with the 
 Thus I declare a PolytopeIntersector I associate to an IntersectionVisitor.
The BIG Question
 How do I associate the IntersectionVisitor to a model? 
I saw for a LineIntersector it is possible to associate it to a view via 
computeIntersections(), but it doesn't seem possible to do the same with 

 Having the intersected points, is it possible to easily get the primitive or 
do I have to use this (it is in french, sorry):
(exercise 4)

Thank you a lot!


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Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] Is the osgOcean Linux bug still present?

2009-06-17 Thread Martin Scheffler

are you using FFTW or FFTSS?
This error is known to appear with FFTW, can you try out FFTSS?


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Re: [osg-users] Is the osgOcean Linux bug still present?

2009-06-17 Thread Pierre Bourdin (gmail)
Hi Kim,

i've just tried with an updated OSG to 2.9.4 and it's still the same...


Le mardi 16 juin 2009 à 19:50 +0100, Kim C Bale a écrit :
 Hi all,
 I know it's only been out one day, but I was wondering if those linux
 users (it only seemed to occur on certain linux distributions) that
 experienced the patchy ocean surface bug with the previous version
 have managed to test the library and noticed if they still have the
 same issue?
 It sounded like a pretty nasty bug and I'd like to sort it if it's
 still present.
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Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Alexandre Amalric
Hi Robert,

Some explanation on what I want to do in my application.

First I need to shoot video from rendering at a specified frame rate (25FPS
for example).
So to do that I have a callback writting images on disk every frame, and I
have to slow down my rendering rate, and to increment my time from 1/25 of
After that I call advance with this new time (+1/25s).

But the main problem occurs when I want to play a path at this low rate, the
path manipulator is using real time reference to compute position and
orientation so when I shoot my video at 25FPS the path is accelerated.

I hope you understand what I need to do (my english vocabulary is limited
when it comes to technical explanation, sorry for that).

Unfortunately the only solution I had to solve my problem is to change
reference time with function setReferenceTime and give it my own time
computed on desired frame rate.

2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com

 Hi Alaxandre,

 You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
 that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
 suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
 The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
 something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
 SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
 and physical simulations in the scene.

 The _startTick that the event queue uses should be the same one as the
 ReferenceTime uses and makes sure the ReferenceTime and event times
 are in sync.  It's not typically appropriate to use the SimulationTime
 when doing event handling, but if you want to then you'll need to use
 the frames FrameStamp to get the current SimulationTime.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Alexandre
 Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi osg-users,
  I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.
  I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.
  I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :
  instead of :
  because I wand to trigger my rendering with a computed time 'MyTime
  on a FPS I need.
  But my problem is that when I use my manipulator and ea.getTime() I do
  have the same time as MyTime when event received is for example
  ea.getTime() is equal to MyTime only when receiving
  I tracked down this behaviour, in function
  GraphicsWindowWin32::handleNativeWindowingEvent because event time is :
  double eventTime  = getEventQueue()-getTime();
  and getTime is returning :
  That's why It doesnt match my rendering time...
  Is there any way I can resolve this problem ? (Except making my own
  eventqueue class)
  Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
  PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Ümit Uzun
Hi Kim,

Firsty congratulations for these awesome works.
When I try to create solution file in cmake on VisualStudio2008 I get the
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are
set to NOTFOUND.

Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake


used as include directory in directory


linked by target osgOcean in directory


linked by target osgOcean in directory

I have compiled the FFTSS library and locate it in same folder with
osgOcean-Source folder. Should I declare specific Environment Variable to
help cmake for finding right fftss include directory and library?

And Do we have to OpenThreads library in debug mode? I have a OSG
distiribution in only release mode.


2009/6/16 Kim C Bale k.b...@hull.ac.uk

 Hi Martin,

 This problem arises with two particular effects, the glare and the
 underwater dof which require special treatment of the alpha component in
 the framebuffer.

 You can disable those using:


 Then you need to disable the default scene shader with this:


 In the OceanScene class.

 If you remove the default shader you'll also lose the underwater light
 scattering and fogging calculations on models below the surface.

 Trying to offer lots of out-of-the-box shader effects whilst also
 accommodating the fixed pipeline is a tricky problem and this area needs
 a little work, but that should work for you.



 -Original Message-
 From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org
 [mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: 16 June 2009 15:18
 To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released


 I compiled osgOcean and everything works fine here. I ran into trouble
 when integrating it with my existing application. When I used the last
 version of osgOcean, I could just put the ocean somewhere in the scene
 graph and it did not interact with my other stuff. Now osgOcean blocks
 my view onto the other objects in the scene. When I add the objects as
 children to the OceanScene, the objects are shown, but the ocean shaders
 are applied to the objects. This add some sparkling effects to my
 animations, which looks nice but is not really what I want.

 So how can I add my objects to the scene without interference?

 Thank you!


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Ümit Uzun
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] What is the policy concerning ref_ptr implicit conversion in OSG itself?

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Robert Osfieldrobert.osfi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Periodically I do test the OSG build with
 recently - I'll fire off a build this morning and fix any problems
 that arise.

I've now got svn/trunk compiling cleanly with
will get these fixes.  I also checked the OSG-2.8 branch and it's
clean already and didn't require any mods.

For the 2.10 release we'll need to do this same check, please don't
assume I'll remember and test it out yourself to make sure that I
don't miss anything.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problems with RTT-cameras when changing window s

2009-06-17 Thread J.P. Delport


my guess is that the RTT cameras are not fully adapting to the new 
texture size (even with your calls to dirtyTextureObject and 
setTextureSize). Have a look through the RTT code path for a method 
called setupcamera or something similar. You would maybe have to reset 
the rtt camera (prior to the next renderstage being run) using this. 
Similar problems exist when one needs to change the camera attachments, 
I have not found an elegant solution yet. Once you found the method, 
also search the old mailing list archives, I remember the whole RTT 
camera reset thing being discussed a while ago.

What you could try (as a hack to pinpoint the problem, not a solution) 
is to create new RTT camera and attachments after resize and see if the 
problem goes away.


Guy Volckaert wrote:
I guess I should have made the problem more clearer. Essentially, when ever the window is resized, the window become fully black (and I don't know why). 

The scene graph layout is faily simple, but I decided to provide an image 
anyways (see attached image).

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Re: [osg-users] PolytopeIntersector

2009-06-17 Thread Peter Hrenka

Hi Maxime,

Maxime BOUCHER schrieb:


 I have a lot of questions for you!
But, there is one really more critical than the others.
 Let me just introduce the problem :).
 (I am sorry if I bother, but I searched on the net, in the doc and examples 
and didn't find answers. I apologize if this is because I badly searched.)

 I want to cut my primitives along the frustum of a camera.

 To do this I first have to get my planes equations. I have found a page dealing about this problem in OpenGL:

 I think I'll use it, replacing in OSG conventions.

I also found this:

From famous Paul ;).

 Well, it draws the frustum, but it can be used to get the planes equations.

(for whom it may interest)
 Then I have my equations.
Thus I can declare many osg::Plane.
 If the plane is a Vec4d (a,b,c,d) does it well represent the equation
ax+by+cz+d = 0 ?

The plane uses the above plane equation.
(If you are familiar with projective spaces, the Vec4 can be seen
as the projective normal in homogenous coordinates:
(a,b,c,d) dot (x,y,z,w) = 0, where w=1 for affine points )

Note the the representation is only unique up to a
factor (you can always multiply the equation with a
factor != 0.0)

 I would like to use a PolytopeIntersector. In the doc it's written planes 
normals have to point the inside of the polytope.
 How are the normals set when the plane is initialized?

The normal is given implicitly by the representation. Given the above 
equation, the normal is (a,b,c). You can easily change the direction

of the plane normal unsing its flip()-method.

 Is there any problem declaring a non-closed (also called opened) polytope? I 
don't mind about the far plane.

No problem at all. PolytopeIntersector uses open polytopes internally 
when the geometry lies to one side of a plane.

3) Once I have a polytope, I would like to intersect the polytope with the 
 Thus I declare a PolytopeIntersector I associate to an IntersectionVisitor.
The BIG Question
 How do I associate the IntersectionVisitor to a model? 
I saw for a LineIntersector it is possible to associate it to a view via computeIntersections(), but it doesn't seem possible to do the same with polytope. 

You call the method accept(osg::NodeVisitor) of your model (which is a 

See the example osgkeyboardmouse.

 Having the intersected points, is it possible to easily get the primitive or 
do I have to use this (it is in french, sorry):
(exercise 4)

This exercise is about polygons not polytopes!

As for the PolytopeIntersector: It will give you all points,
lines, triangles and quads which truly intersect the polytope volume,
given by the primitive index.

Thank you a lot!



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Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi Umit,


Firsty congratulations for these awesome works.


Thank you, still plenty to fix though it seems J


CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are 
set to NOTFOUND. 

Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake 



When you run CMake it should let you set these manually if they're not found 


You will need to explicitly specify the path to the include directory and also 
the fftss.lib file (this is what I do when I run CMake)


When you run the example application the fftss.dll will need to be in the same 
directory as the exe or by adding the directory it's in to your PATH 
environment variable (if you're in windows)



linked by target osgOcean in directory 

I think if you just point it to the release mode version of OpenThreads it will 
let you build the project. But be careful, if you try and build a debug version 
of the application/library it's highly likely you'll get errors. 


If that doesn't solve it get back to me.







From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org 
[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Ümit Uzun
Sent: 17 June 2009 11:48
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released


Hi Kim,

Firsty congratulations for these awesome works.
When I try to create solution file in cmake on VisualStudio2008 I get the 
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set 

Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake 


used as include directory in directory 


linked by target osgOcean in directory 


linked by target osgOcean in directory 


I have compiled the FFTSS library and locate it in same folder with 
osgOcean-Source folder. Should I declare specific Environment Variable to help 
cmake for finding right fftss include directory and library?

And Do we have to OpenThreads library in debug mode? I have a OSG distiribution 
in only release mode. 


2009/6/16 Kim C Bale k.b...@hull.ac.uk

Hi Martin,

This problem arises with two particular effects, the glare and the
underwater dof which require special treatment of the alpha component in
the framebuffer.

You can disable those using:


Then you need to disable the default scene shader with this:


In the OceanScene class.

If you remove the default shader you'll also lose the underwater light
scattering and fogging calculations on models below the surface.

Trying to offer lots of out-of-the-box shader effects whilst also
accommodating the fixed pipeline is a tricky problem and this area needs
a little work, but that should work for you.



-Original Message-
From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org

[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: 16 June 2009 15:18
To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released


I compiled osgOcean and everything works fine here. I ran into trouble
when integrating it with my existing application. When I used the last
version of osgOcean, I could just put the ocean somewhere in the scene
graph and it did not interact with my other stuff. Now osgOcean blocks
my view onto the other objects in the scene. When I add the objects as
children to the OceanScene, the objects are shown, but the ocean shaders
are applied to the objects. This add some sparkling effects to my
animations, which looks nice but is not really what I want.

So how can I add my objects to the scene without interference?

Thank you!


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Ümit Uzun

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Ümit Uzun
Hi Kim,

Thanks for tips. I have changed the fft library fftss to fftw and I can
compiled without any error. When I run the example I get errors as follows.

Building scene...
  . Loading cubemaps: 0.660514s
  . Generating ocean surface: 0.0465612s
  . Creating ocean scene: 0.0113174s
  . Loading islands: 0.079017s
  . Setting up lighting: 1.81587e-005s
Time Taken: 0.798147s
VERTEX glCompileShader terrain_vertex_shader FAILED
VERTEX Shader terrain_vertex_shader infolog:
Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:34: '*' :  wrong operand types  no operation '*' exists that takes
a le
ft-hand operand of type 'uniform 4-component vector of float' and a right
d of type '3-component vector of float' (or there is no acceptable
ERROR: 0:34: 'assign' :  cannot convert from 'uniform 4-component vector of
t' to 'out 3-component vector of float'
ERROR: 2 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Vertex shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
d.  Link failed.

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' after RenderBin::draw(,)
VERTEX glCompileShader scene_shader_vertex_shader FAILED
VERTEX Shader scene_shader_vertex_shader infolog:
Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:29: '*' :  wrong operand types  no operation '*' exists that takes
a le
ft-hand operand of type 'uniform 4-component vector of float' and a right
d of type '3-component vector of float' (or there is no acceptable
ERROR: 0:29: 'assign' :  cannot convert from 'uniform 4-component vector of
t' to 'out 3-component vector of float'
ERROR: 0:45: 'computeScattering' : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 3 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Vertex shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
d.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader downsample_glare_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader downsample_glare_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:2: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED

Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Alexandre Amalric

Isn't it possible to make a function in eventqueue class to set a specific
time ( setTime(double time) ) instead of using delta between _startTick and
current tick ?? We could add a variable to this class to keep in memory an
altered time.

This way I could keep synchronisation between my custom reference time and
the event time.

I really have to set a specific frame rate for my viewer to shoot images at
this frame rate, and to keep functionnality from the viewer like playing

Has anyone already experienced the same problem ??

2009/6/17 Alexandre Amalric alex.pix...@gmail.com

 Hi Robert,

 Some explanation on what I want to do in my application.

 First I need to shoot video from rendering at a specified frame rate (25FPS
 for example).
 So to do that I have a callback writting images on disk every frame, and I
 have to slow down my rendering rate, and to increment my time from 1/25 of
 After that I call advance with this new time (+1/25s).

 But the main problem occurs when I want to play a path at this low rate,
 the path manipulator is using real time reference to compute position and
 orientation so when I shoot my video at 25FPS the path is accelerated.

 I hope you understand what I need to do (my english vocabulary is limited
 when it comes to technical explanation, sorry for that).

 Unfortunately the only solution I had to solve my problem is to change
 reference time with function setReferenceTime and give it my own time
 computed on desired frame rate.

 2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com

 Hi Alaxandre,

 You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
 that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
 suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
 The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
 something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
 SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
 and physical simulations in the scene.

 The _startTick that the event queue uses should be the same one as the
 ReferenceTime uses and makes sure the ReferenceTime and event times
 are in sync.  It's not typically appropriate to use the SimulationTime
 when doing event handling, but if you want to then you'll need to use
 the frames FrameStamp to get the current SimulationTime.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Alexandre
 Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi osg-users,
  I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.
  I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.
  I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :
  instead of :
  because I wand to trigger my rendering with a computed time 'MyTime
  on a FPS I need.
  But my problem is that when I use my manipulator and ea.getTime() I do
  have the same time as MyTime when event received is for example
  ea.getTime() is equal to MyTime only when receiving
  I tracked down this behaviour, in function
  GraphicsWindowWin32::handleNativeWindowingEvent because event time is :
  double eventTime  = getEventQueue()-getTime();
  and getTime is returning :
  That's why It doesnt match my rendering time...
  Is there any way I can resolve this problem ? (Except making my own
  eventqueue class)
  Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
  PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

 Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
 PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille

Alexandre AMALRIC   Ingénieur RD
PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi Umit,


VERTEX glCompileShader terrain_vertex_shader FAILED
VERTEX Shader terrain_vertex_shader infolog:


I've just fixed this one, if you download the code from the svn it will go away.


The rest of the errors seem to suggest that your graphics card / drivers don't 
support texture rectangles (at least in the shaders), which may well be the 
case if it's very old. 


However, you can bypass the texture rectangles by using:










From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org 
[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Ümit Uzun
Sent: 17 June 2009 13:38
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released


Hi Kim,

Thanks for tips. I have changed the fft library fftss to fftw and I can 
compiled without any error. When I run the example I get errors as follows.

Building scene...
  . Loading cubemaps: 0.660514s
  . Generating ocean surface: 0.0465612s
  . Creating ocean scene: 0.0113174s
  . Loading islands: 0.079017s
  . Setting up lighting: 1.81587e-005s
Time Taken: 0.798147s
VERTEX glCompileShader terrain_vertex_shader FAILED
VERTEX Shader terrain_vertex_shader infolog:
Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:34: '*' :  wrong operand types  no operation '*' exists that takes a le
ft-hand operand of type 'uniform 4-component vector of float' and a right operan
d of type '3-component vector of float' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:34: 'assign' :  cannot convert from 'uniform 4-component vector of floa
t' to 'out 3-component vector of float'
ERROR: 2 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Vertex shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was calle
d.  Link failed.

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' after RenderBin::draw(,)
VERTEX glCompileShader scene_shader_vertex_shader FAILED
VERTEX Shader scene_shader_vertex_shader infolog:
Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:29: '*' :  wrong operand types  no operation '*' exists that takes a le
ft-hand operand of type 'uniform 4-component vector of float' and a right operan
d of type '3-component vector of float' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:29: 'assign' :  cannot convert from 'uniform 4-component vector of floa
t' to 'out 3-component vector of float'
ERROR: 0:45: 'computeScattering' : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 3 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Vertex shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was calle
d.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader downsample_glare_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader downsample_glare_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:2: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was cal
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was cal
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was cal
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was cal
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:4: 'samplerRect' : syntax error parse error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors.  No code generated.

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
Fragment shader(s) were not successfully compiled before glLinkProgram() was cal
led.  Link failed.

FRAGMENT glCompileShader streak_shader_fragment_shader FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader streak_shader_fragment_shader infolog:
Fragment shader 

Re: [osg-users] What is the policy concerning ref_ptr implicit conversion in OSG itself?

2009-06-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

For the 2.10 release we'll need to do this same check, please don't
assume I'll remember and test it out yourself to make sure that I
don't miss anything.

OK, so I assume the policy I was asking about is: keep the option and 
continue to make sure OSG itself compiles cleanly with both settings.

It should really have been made explicit before, so that all 
contributors remember to use .get() when necessary. Now it is, thanks.

Jean-Sebastien Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Kim, Ümit,

When you run the example application the fftss.dll will need to be in 
the same directory as the exe or by adding the directory it’s in to your 
PATH environment variable (if you’re in windows)

Actually FFTSS doesn't have a DLL, it's a static-link library. FFTW has 
a DLL (though you could compile it to link statically too if you wanted).

When I run the example I get errors as follows.

[... snip lots of shader errors ...]

I think these all related about driver because of my driver 2.5 years old and 
it's last updated driver support only opengl 2.1 and GLSL 1.20. I think I can't 
run osgOcean in my company computer. I have to use another newer one. Any 

Well, some drivers are more permissive than others regarding implicit 
casts from vec4 to vec3. Some of the errors above seem to be what some 
drivers would only give warnings about.

I'll try to tighten up the shaders so they give no warnings, that will 
reduce the number of errors you get, but it won't eliminate all of them, 
because others are about texture rectangles, which your card/driver 
doesn't seem to support. The full-screen effects require texture 
rectangles (NPOT textures) to be able to render at the same resolution 
as your screen (which is in general not in power-of-two resolutions)...

Tuth is, 2.5 years is a long time in Graphics. I assume you have a good 
reason for not updating your driver, but there's little we can do to 
support such old drivers and still retain all functionality. We could do 
it if funded to do so, but if not we have to choose a subset of 
cards/drivers we need to support and do what is necessary for those.

If you want to try and fix all errors, of course, we'll be glad to fold 
your changes into the source :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Build Error VS 2005 / SVN 10352

2009-06-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Adrian,

I can not build the Latest SVN 10352 Version of OSG because of forward 
declrations in osgAnimation.

Already reported yesterday:


Jean-Sebastien Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Alexandre,

I think your specific problem is related to how the
AnimationPathManipulator is not using the SimulationTime, rather than
the requirement that events all supply a time relating to
SimulationTime.  In the case of actual device events they come in at
other times than then frame start and it's important to know how and
when device events happen in actual time.

For AnimatioPathManipulator I can see value in making it possible to
use the SimulationTime.  This manipulator could be modified to get the
current viewer FrameStamp by doing a dynamic cast to osg::View and get
the osg::FrameStamp from it rather than than FRAME event.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Alexandre Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:

 Isn't it possible to make a function in eventqueue class to set a specific
 time ( setTime(double time) ) instead of using delta between _startTick and
 current tick ?? We could add a variable to this class to keep in memory an
 altered time.

 This way I could keep synchronisation between my custom reference time and
 the event time.

 I really have to set a specific frame rate for my viewer to shoot images at
 this frame rate, and to keep functionnality from the viewer like playing

 Has anyone already experienced the same problem ??

 2009/6/17 Alexandre Amalric alex.pix...@gmail.com

 Hi Robert,

 Some explanation on what I want to do in my application.

 First I need to shoot video from rendering at a specified frame rate
 (25FPS for example).
 So to do that I have a callback writting images on disk every frame, and I
 have to slow down my rendering rate, and to increment my time from 1/25 of
 After that I call advance with this new time (+1/25s).

 But the main problem occurs when I want to play a path at this low rate,
 the path manipulator is using real time reference to compute position and
 orientation so when I shoot my video at 25FPS the path is accelerated.

 I hope you understand what I need to do (my english vocabulary is limited
 when it comes to technical explanation, sorry for that).

 Unfortunately the only solution I had to solve my problem is to change
 reference time with function setReferenceTime and give it my own time
 computed on desired frame rate.

 2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com

 Hi Alaxandre,

 You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
 that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
 suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
 The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
 something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
 SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
 and physical simulations in the scene.

 The _startTick that the event queue uses should be the same one as the
 ReferenceTime uses and makes sure the ReferenceTime and event times
 are in sync.  It's not typically appropriate to use the SimulationTime
 when doing event handling, but if you want to then you'll need to use
 the frames FrameStamp to get the current SimulationTime.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Alexandre
 Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi osg-users,
  I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.
  I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.
  I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :
  instead of :
  because I wand to trigger my rendering with a computed time 'MyTime
  on a FPS I need.
  But my problem is that when I use my manipulator and ea.getTime() I do
  have the same time as MyTime when event received is for example
  ea.getTime() is equal to MyTime only when receiving
  I tracked down this behaviour, in function
  GraphicsWindowWin32::handleNativeWindowingEvent because event time is :
  double eventTime  = getEventQueue()-getTime();
  and getTime is returning :
  That's why It doesnt match my rendering time...
  Is there any way I can resolve this problem ? (Except making my own
  eventqueue class)
  Alexandre AMALRIC                   Ingénieur RD
  PIXXIM S.A. 73E, rue Perrin-Solliers 13006 Marseille
  osg-users mailing list
 osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Martins Innus

I'm having trouble getting this to run.

Machine Specs:

Windows XP
Visual Studio 2003
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M
OSG 2.8.1

Compiled osgOcean with FFTSS and it builds fine.

With my display set to 1920x1200 at 16 bit color I get the following:

Building scene...
  . Loading cubemaps: 0.212617s
  . Generating ocean surface: 2.43048e-005s
  . Creating ocean scene: 0.000286629s
  . Loading islands: 0.0594939s
  . Setting up lighting: 2.26286e-005s
Time Taken: 0.274954s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd

and just a blank screen shows up.

If I change to 32 bit color at the same resolution, I get a couple 
frames that show up properly, then the window goes blank with the 
following printed to the console:

Building scene...
  . Loading cubemaps: 0.213689s
  . Generating ocean surface: 1.89968e-005s
  . Creating ocean scene: 0.000278248s
  . Loading islands: 0.0593453s
  . Setting up lighting: 1.73206e-005s
Time Taken: 0.276148s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5

It works fine if I run at 1024x768.

Is this likely a driver problem, or is there something I can tweak in 
the FBO setup?  I'm not familiar with their use at all.



Kim C Bale wrote:

Hi all,
After much clawing and gnashing of teeth I've tagged version 1.0 of 
Feature list:
- FFT ocean simulation model and rendering

- Foam caps
- Refraction/Reflection Passes
- God Rays
- Surface glare
- Underwater depth of field
- Underwater/above water fogging
- Simulated light absorption and scattering
- Silt effects
- Screen distortion effects
- Choice of FFT library dependancy
Possibly the most important change is that the library is now held under 
a LGPL license.
The CMake build now offers the choice between FFTW (GPL) or FFTSS (LGPL) 
for the FFT library dependancy which resolves the license issue. FFTW is 
the faster option, but the differance if fairly negliable within the 
context that it's used.
The library now searches for it's resource dependancies using the osgDB 
registry so they're not bound to a specific path.
I've also included a fix for the shader bug on 7 series nVidia cards 
which caused an error when indexing arrays using uniform variables.
The example application now supports real-time changes to the ocean 
surface and effects so you can have a play with the settings to see what 
they do.
A lot of the work has been submitted by Jean-Sebastian. If anybody else 
would like to contribute do get in touch. Many hands make light work and 
all that ;)
For those of you that suggested features/enhancement that aren't in this 
release, don't worry I haven't forgotten about them, they're still on my 
list of things to do.

To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] What is the policy concerning ref_ptr implicit conversion in OSG itself?

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi JS,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Jean-Sébastien
Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com wrote:
 For the 2.10 release we'll need to do this same check, please don't
 assume I'll remember and test it out yourself to make sure that I
 don't miss anything.

 OK, so I assume the policy I was asking about is: keep the option and
 continue to make sure OSG itself compiles cleanly with both settings.

Yes this is the current policy, but it's a little informal.  As long
as the code base can be easily maintained to work without the implicit
casts I'm happy to maintain backwards compatibility.  There might be a
point in the future that the pain vs gain no longer justifies this -
for instance an OSG-3.0 we might just drop this as other sweeping
changes would not be backwards compatible anyway.

 It should really have been made explicit before, so that all contributors
 remember to use .get() when necessary. Now it is, thanks.

I'm note quite where little things like this might be made explicit -
on the wiki, on mailing lists threds.  There are lots of little things
that we could potential tie down and formalize, but many things are
that cast in stone and evolve, often it's just easier to take things
as they come as resolve problems as they arise.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale

From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 15:16
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

I'm having trouble getting this to run.

Machine Specs:

Windows XP
Visual Studio 2003
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M
OSG 2.8.1

Compiled osgOcean with FFTSS and it builds fine.

With my display set to 1920x1200 at 16 bit color I get the following:

Building scene...
   . Loading cubemaps: 0.212617s
   . Generating ocean surface: 2.43048e-005s
   . Creating ocean scene: 0.000286629s
   . Loading islands: 0.0594939s
   . Setting up lighting: 2.26286e-005s
Time Taken: 0.274954s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd

and just a blank screen shows up.

If I change to 32 bit color at the same resolution, I get a couple
frames that show up properly, then the window goes blank with the
following printed to the console:

Building scene...
   . Loading cubemaps: 0.213689s
   . Generating ocean surface: 1.89968e-005s
   . Creating ocean scene: 0.000278248s
   . Loading islands: 0.0593453s
   . Setting up lighting: 1.73206e-005s
Time Taken: 0.276148s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5

It works fine if I run at 1024x768.

Is this likely a driver problem, or is there something I can tweak in
the FBO setup?  I'm not familiar with their use at all.



Kim C Bale wrote:
 Hi all,
 After much clawing and gnashing of teeth I've tagged version 1.0 of
 Feature list:
 - FFT ocean simulation model and rendering
 - Foam caps
 - Refraction/Reflection Passes
 - God Rays
 - Surface glare
 - Underwater depth of field
 - Underwater/above water fogging
 - Simulated light absorption and scattering
 - Silt effects
 - Screen distortion effects
 - Choice of FFT library dependancy
 Possibly the most important change is that the library is now held under
 a LGPL license.
 The CMake build now offers the choice between FFTW (GPL) or FFTSS (LGPL)
 for the FFT library dependancy which resolves the license issue. FFTW is
 the faster option, but the differance if fairly negliable within the
 context that it's used.
 The library now searches for it's resource dependancies using the osgDB
 registry so they're not bound to a specific path.
 I've also included a fix for the shader bug on 7 series nVidia cards
 which caused an error when indexing arrays using uniform variables.
 The example application now supports real-time changes to the ocean
 surface and effects so you can have a play with the settings to see what
 they do.
 A lot of the work has been submitted by Jean-Sebastian. If anybody else
 would like to contribute do get in touch. Many hands make light work and
 all that ;)
 For those of you that suggested features/enhancement that aren't in this
 release, don't worry I haven't forgotten about them, they're still on my
 list of things to do.


 To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 


 osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 

Re: [osg-users] Example of Camera Following a Node: Know of current one?

2009-06-17 Thread Allen Saucier
Thanks Rafa!  Will do. :)


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] PolytopeIntersector

2009-06-17 Thread Peter Hrenka

Hi Maxime,

Maxime BOUCHER schrieb:

Peter Hrenka wrote:
You call the method accept(osg::NodeVisitor) of your model (which is a 

See the example osgkeyboardmouse.

My bad, I should have seen it.

We certainly need an osgpolytopeintersector example...
Meanwhile grep is your friend.

Peter Hrenka wrote:

This exercise is about polygons not polytopes!

Yes, I meant testing this way for each primitive.

Well... I fail to see an analogy here.
The point of Polytopes is that they are convex which makes
all kinds of tests very easy. If you want to modell something
non-convex (something like Constructive Solid Geometry) then 
PolytopeIntersector will not help you as it is.

Peter Hrenka wrote:

As for the PolytopeIntersector: It will give you all points,
lines, triangles and quads which truly intersect the polytope volume,
given by the primitive index.

Sorry, I'm not sure I really understand.
It is possible to get the intersected triangle instead of just a list of 
intersections coordinates?

The struct PolytopeIntersector::Intersection contains a int-member 
primitiveIndex which probably is what you want.

There is code to output the primitiveIndex in the osgkeyboardmouse example.

You can access the first intersection with 
PolytopeIntersector::getFirstIntersection() or the set of all 
Intersections with PolytopeIntersector::getIntersections().



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Alexandre Amalric
Hi Robert,

First thank you for answering me so quick,

I think that all manipulators should use simulation time, take the case of
the DriveManipulator, it would be nice to use it when simulation time is
altered (speed should be slower at a 25FPS rate on 3D rendering but when
making my video with video editing software at 25FPS, the speed will be

User could be able to drive at an altered frame rate in the same way he use
it with a normal frame rate (same can be applied to flightmanipulator).

That's why I agree with you that modifying reference time isn't the ideal
solution, and it's very valuable for osg community to modify manipulators in
a way that they use simulation time instead of FRAME event like you said.

I'm not sure on how to do that, but i'll try in my own manipulator...

2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com

 HI Alexandre,

 I think your specific problem is related to how the
 AnimationPathManipulator is not using the SimulationTime, rather than
 the requirement that events all supply a time relating to
 SimulationTime.  In the case of actual device events they come in at
 other times than then frame start and it's important to know how and
 when device events happen in actual time.

 For AnimatioPathManipulator I can see value in making it possible to
 use the SimulationTime.  This manipulator could be modified to get the
 current viewer FrameStamp by doing a dynamic cast to osg::View and get
 the osg::FrameStamp from it rather than than FRAME event.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Alexandre Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com
  Isn't it possible to make a function in eventqueue class to set a
  time ( setTime(double time) ) instead of using delta between _startTick
  current tick ?? We could add a variable to this class to keep in memory
  altered time.
  This way I could keep synchronisation between my custom reference time
  the event time.
  I really have to set a specific frame rate for my viewer to shoot images
  this frame rate, and to keep functionnality from the viewer like playing
  Has anyone already experienced the same problem ??
  2009/6/17 Alexandre Amalric alex.pix...@gmail.com
  Hi Robert,
  Some explanation on what I want to do in my application.
  First I need to shoot video from rendering at a specified frame rate
  (25FPS for example).
  So to do that I have a callback writting images on disk every frame, and
  have to slow down my rendering rate, and to increment my time from 1/25
  After that I call advance with this new time (+1/25s).
  But the main problem occurs when I want to play a path at this low rate,
  the path manipulator is using real time reference to compute position
  orientation so when I shoot my video at 25FPS the path is accelerated.
  I hope you understand what I need to do (my english vocabulary is
  when it comes to technical explanation, sorry for that).
  Unfortunately the only solution I had to solve my problem is to change
  reference time with function setReferenceTime and give it my own time
  computed on desired frame rate.
  2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com
  Hi Alaxandre,
  You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
  that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
  suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
  The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
  something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
  SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
  and physical simulations in the scene.
  The _startTick that the event queue uses should be the same one as the
  ReferenceTime uses and makes sure the ReferenceTime and event times
  are in sync.  It's not typically appropriate to use the SimulationTime
  when doing event handling, but if you want to then you'll need to use
  the frames FrameStamp to get the current SimulationTime.
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Alexandre
  Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi osg-users,
   I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.
   I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.
   I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :
   instead of :
   because I wand to trigger my rendering with a computed time 'MyTime
   on a FPS I need.
   But my problem is that when I use my manipulator and ea.getTime() I
   have the same time as MyTime when event received is for example
   ea.getTime() is equal to MyTime only when receiving

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi Martins, 
Sorry, little hasty with the send button there.
This is an odd one, I don't understand why changing your screen resolution 
would affect the program, so, I *suspect* this is a driver problem. 
I had similar problems just a week ago with osgOcean when I updated to the 
latest set of drivers for my 8800GTS 512, and it was giving me the 'out of 
memory' errors you've got. Rolling back my drivers solved it. 
Perhaps J-S has some ideas on this one.
In the mean time you should be able to disable all the effects that use FBOs 
with the following keys.
r - reflections
R - refractions
o - depth of field
g - glare
G - godrays

From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 15:16
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

I'm having trouble getting this to run.

Machine Specs:

Windows XP
Visual Studio 2003
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M
OSG 2.8.1

Compiled osgOcean with FFTSS and it builds fine.

With my display set to 1920x1200 at 16 bit color I get the following:

Building scene...
   . Loading cubemaps: 0.212617s
   . Generating ocean surface: 2.43048e-005s
   . Creating ocean scene: 0.000286629s
   . Loading islands: 0.0594939s
   . Setting up lighting: 2.26286e-005s
Time Taken: 0.274954s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd

and just a blank screen shows up.

If I change to 32 bit color at the same resolution, I get a couple
frames that show up properly, then the window goes blank with the
following printed to the console:

Building scene...
   . Loading cubemaps: 0.213689s
   . Generating ocean surface: 1.89968e-005s
   . Creating ocean scene: 0.000278248s
   . Loading islands: 0.0593453s
   . Setting up lighting: 1.73206e-005s
Time Taken: 0.276148s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5

It works fine if I run at 1024x768.

Is this likely a driver problem, or is there something I can tweak in
the FBO setup?  I'm not familiar with their use at all.



Kim C Bale wrote:
 Hi all,
 After much clawing and gnashing of teeth I've tagged version 1.0 of
 Feature list:
 - FFT ocean simulation model and rendering
 - Foam caps
 - Refraction/Reflection Passes
 - God Rays
 - Surface glare
 - Underwater depth of field
 - Underwater/above water fogging
 - Simulated light absorption and scattering
 - Silt effects
 - Screen distortion effects
 - Choice of FFT library dependancy
 Possibly the most important change is that the library is now held under
 a LGPL license.
 The CMake build now offers the choice between FFTW (GPL) or FFTSS (LGPL)
 for the FFT library dependancy which resolves the license issue. FFTW is
 the faster option, but the differance if fairly negliable within the
 context that it's used.
 The library now searches for it's resource dependancies using the osgDB
 registry so they're not bound to a specific path.
 I've also included a fix for the shader bug on 7 series nVidia cards
 which caused an error when indexing arrays using uniform variables.
 The example application now supports real-time changes to the ocean
 surface and effects so you can have a play with the settings to see what
 they do.
 A lot of the work has been submitted by Jean-Sebastian. If anybody else
 would like to contribute do get in touch. Many hands make light work and
 all that ;)
 For those of you that suggested features/enhancement that aren't in this
 release, don't worry I haven't forgotten about them, they're still on my
 list of things to do.


 To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 



Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Alexandre,

Interactive event based interaction shouldn't happen in simulation
time, general animations and simulation should happen in simulation
time.  If you have a proper drive simulation then all the physics
you'd do in simulation time, the DriveManipulator we have isn't a
physical simulation though, it's just a interactive camera manipulator
that gives a driving style interactive, it isn't meant to be
physically based.  AnimationPathManipulator is potentially a bit
different though, as it's not interactive.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Alexandre Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Robert,

 First thank you for answering me so quick,

 I think that all manipulators should use simulation time, take the case of
 the DriveManipulator, it would be nice to use it when simulation time is
 altered (speed should be slower at a 25FPS rate on 3D rendering but when
 making my video with video editing software at 25FPS, the speed will be

 User could be able to drive at an altered frame rate in the same way he use
 it with a normal frame rate (same can be applied to flightmanipulator).

 That's why I agree with you that modifying reference time isn't the ideal
 solution, and it's very valuable for osg community to modify manipulators in
 a way that they use simulation time instead of FRAME event like you said.

 I'm not sure on how to do that, but i'll try in my own manipulator...

 2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com

 HI Alexandre,

 I think your specific problem is related to how the
 AnimationPathManipulator is not using the SimulationTime, rather than
 the requirement that events all supply a time relating to
 SimulationTime.  In the case of actual device events they come in at
 other times than then frame start and it's important to know how and
 when device events happen in actual time.

 For AnimatioPathManipulator I can see value in making it possible to
 use the SimulationTime.  This manipulator could be modified to get the
 current viewer FrameStamp by doing a dynamic cast to osg::View and get
 the osg::FrameStamp from it rather than than FRAME event.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Alexandre Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com
  Isn't it possible to make a function in eventqueue class to set a
  time ( setTime(double time) ) instead of using delta between _startTick
  current tick ?? We could add a variable to this class to keep in memory
  altered time.
  This way I could keep synchronisation between my custom reference time
  the event time.
  I really have to set a specific frame rate for my viewer to shoot images
  this frame rate, and to keep functionnality from the viewer like playing
  Has anyone already experienced the same problem ??
  2009/6/17 Alexandre Amalric alex.pix...@gmail.com
  Hi Robert,
  Some explanation on what I want to do in my application.
  First I need to shoot video from rendering at a specified frame rate
  (25FPS for example).
  So to do that I have a callback writting images on disk every frame,
  and I
  have to slow down my rendering rate, and to increment my time from 1/25
  After that I call advance with this new time (+1/25s).
  But the main problem occurs when I want to play a path at this low
  the path manipulator is using real time reference to compute position
  orientation so when I shoot my video at 25FPS the path is accelerated.
  I hope you understand what I need to do (my english vocabulary is
  when it comes to technical explanation, sorry for that).
  Unfortunately the only solution I had to solve my problem is to change
  reference time with function setReferenceTime and give it my own time
  computed on desired frame rate.
  2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com
  Hi Alaxandre,
  You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
  that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
  suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
  The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
  something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
  SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
  and physical simulations in the scene.
  The _startTick that the event queue uses should be the same one as the
  ReferenceTime uses and makes sure the ReferenceTime and event times
  are in sync.  It's not typically appropriate to use the SimulationTime
  when doing event handling, but if you want to then you'll need to use
  the frames FrameStamp to get the current SimulationTime.
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Alexandre
  Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi osg-users,
   I'm experiencing some problem with time management and osgViewer.
   I'm under Windows Vista, OSG SVN.
   I'm using a composite viewer and my rendering code is  :

Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Alexandre Amalric
Hi Robert,

Ok let's forget drive and flight manipulators, I still have a question about
your last post.

You said

AnimationPathManipulator could be modified to get the
current viewer FrameStamp by doing a dynamic cast to osg::View and get
the osg::FrameStamp from it rather than than FRAME event

Dynamic cast to osg::View has to be done on wich object ?? When I try to
dynamic cast my derived osgGA::MatrixManipulator to an osg::View the pointer
is null.
Could you point me in the right direction please ?

2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com

 Hi Alexandre,

 Interactive event based interaction shouldn't happen in simulation
 time, general animations and simulation should happen in simulation
 time.  If you have a proper drive simulation then all the physics
 you'd do in simulation time, the DriveManipulator we have isn't a
 physical simulation though, it's just a interactive camera manipulator
 that gives a driving style interactive, it isn't meant to be
 physically based.  AnimationPathManipulator is potentially a bit
 different though, as it's not interactive.


 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Alexandre Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com
  Hi Robert,
  First thank you for answering me so quick,
  I think that all manipulators should use simulation time, take the case
  the DriveManipulator, it would be nice to use it when simulation time is
  altered (speed should be slower at a 25FPS rate on 3D rendering but when
  making my video with video editing software at 25FPS, the speed will be
  User could be able to drive at an altered frame rate in the same way he
  it with a normal frame rate (same can be applied to flightmanipulator).
  That's why I agree with you that modifying reference time isn't the ideal
  solution, and it's very valuable for osg community to modify manipulators
  a way that they use simulation time instead of FRAME event like you said.
  I'm not sure on how to do that, but i'll try in my own manipulator...
  2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com
  HI Alexandre,
  I think your specific problem is related to how the
  AnimationPathManipulator is not using the SimulationTime, rather than
  the requirement that events all supply a time relating to
  SimulationTime.  In the case of actual device events they come in at
  other times than then frame start and it's important to know how and
  when device events happen in actual time.
  For AnimatioPathManipulator I can see value in making it possible to
  use the SimulationTime.  This manipulator could be modified to get the
  current viewer FrameStamp by doing a dynamic cast to osg::View and get
  the osg::FrameStamp from it rather than than FRAME event.
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Alexandre Amalric
   Isn't it possible to make a function in eventqueue class to set a
   time ( setTime(double time) ) instead of using delta between
   current tick ?? We could add a variable to this class to keep in
   altered time.
   This way I could keep synchronisation between my custom reference time
   the event time.
   I really have to set a specific frame rate for my viewer to shoot
   this frame rate, and to keep functionnality from the viewer like
   Has anyone already experienced the same problem ??
   2009/6/17 Alexandre Amalric alex.pix...@gmail.com
   Hi Robert,
   Some explanation on what I want to do in my application.
   First I need to shoot video from rendering at a specified frame rate
   (25FPS for example).
   So to do that I have a callback writting images on disk every frame,
   and I
   have to slow down my rendering rate, and to increment my time from
   After that I call advance with this new time (+1/25s).
   But the main problem occurs when I want to play a path at this low
   the path manipulator is using real time reference to compute position
   orientation so when I shoot my video at 25FPS the path is
   I hope you understand what I need to do (my english vocabulary is
   when it comes to technical explanation, sorry for that).
   Unfortunately the only solution I had to solve my problem is to
   reference time with function setReferenceTime and give it my own
   computed on desired frame rate.
   2009/6/17 Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.com
   Hi Alaxandre,
   You should leave the ReferenceTime alone, it's only SimulationTime
   that you should alter and calling frame or advance with this time is
   suffiicient - there is no need for the extra calls setting the time.
   The ReferenceTime is meant to be real-time value of the frames -
   something you'd use for doing stats collection etc., while
   SimulationTime is meant to be the time used when compute animations
   and physical 

Re: [osg-users] Time management and eventqueue

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Alexandre,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Alexandre Amalricalex.pix...@gmail.com wrote:
 You said

 AnimationPathManipulator could be modified to get the
 current viewer FrameStamp by doing a dynamic cast to osg::View and get
 the osg::FrameStamp from it rather than than FRAME event

 Dynamic cast to osg::View has to be done on wich object ?? When I try to
 dynamic cast my derived osgGA::MatrixManipulator to an osg::View the pointer
 is null.
 Could you point me in the right direction please ?

Have a look at the osgpick example as it has an example of code
casting to a View from the GUIActionHandler :

bool PickHandler::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter
ea,osgGA::GUIActionAdapter aa)
osgViewer::View* view = dynamic_castosgViewer::View*(aa);
if (view) pick(view,ea);
return false;

In your case casting to an osg::View* would be sufficient as it has an
osg::FrameStamp.  osgViewer::View subclasses from osg:View so the cast
should resolve this fine.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Serge Lages
Hi all,

Is there any news from Cedric on this problem ? The current SVN still don't
build under Windows and VS...

As a side note, anyone knows if there is a way to tell CMAKE to not stop the
installation step if one of the libs or plugins as failed to compile ? Not
all my projects use osgAnimation so it's not a big problem that it doesn't
build, but it's much more anoying to have to do the installation process by
hand because it stops when it tries to install the osgAnimation lib.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi JS,

 It's actually Cedric's that fixed most of the problems (he has write
 permission on osgAnimation). he works under Linux though so won't have
 seen this one.   I've added him explictly to the CC to make sure that
 he spots your email and knows that things are quite yet resolved.


 On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Jean-Sébastien
 Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com wrote:
  Hi Robert, all,
  I'm getting compile errors in osgAnimation, its plugin and one of its
  examples (osganimationtimeline) after an SVN update (which fixed other
  compile errors seen on my CDash build - thanks Robert :-) ). They all
  from the fact that a class is forward-declared, and then used in a
  Here are the two cases (they are repeated wherever the headers are
  but there are only two unique cases):
  in osgAnimation/Timeline:
  namespace osgAnimation {
 // ...
 class StatsActionVisitor;
 // ...
 class OSGANIMATION_EXPORT Timeline : public Action
 // ...
 // ...
 osg::ref_ptrosgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor _statsVisitor;
 // ...
  and the same thing in osgAnimation::ActionVisitor, for
 std::vectorosg::ref_ptrTimeline  _stackTimeline;
  in the ActionVisitor class.
  Not sure how to fix this one, as the forward declaration seems to be used
  remove a circular dependency but it seems the complete type must be
  I've attached the complete compiler output.
  Jean-Sebastien Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
  1-- Build started: Project: osgAnimation, Configuration: Release
  1C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  C2027: use of undefined type 'osgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor'
  : see declaration of 'osgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor'
  C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  while compiling class template member function
  : see reference to class template instantiation 'osg::ref_ptrT' being
  1C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  C2227: left of '-unref' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
  1..\..\..\src\osgAnimation\StatsHandler.cpp(428) : warning C4245:
  'argument' : conversion from 'int' to 'osg::Node::NodeMask',
  1..\..\..\src\osgAnimation\StatsHandler.cpp(444) : warning C4245:
  'argument' : conversion from 'int' to 'osg::Node::NodeMask',
  1C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  C2027: use of undefined type 'osgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor'
  : see declaration of 'osgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor'
  C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  while compiling class template member function
  : see reference to class template instantiation 'osg::ref_ptrT' being
  1C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  C2227: left of '-unref' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
  1C:\Dev\OpenSceneGraph-SVN\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/ref_ptr(33) :
  C2027: use of undefined type 'osgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor'

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Serge Lagesserge.la...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there any news from Cedric on this problem ? The current SVN still don't
 build under Windows and VS...

No news yet.  I'll got look into the problem myself to see if I can
spot a way of resolving the issue.

 As a side note, anyone knows if there is a way to tell CMAKE to not stop the
 installation step if one of the libs or plugins as failed to compile ? Not
 all my projects use osgAnimation so it's not a big problem that it doesn't
 build, but it's much more anoying to have to do the installation process by
 hand because it stops when it tries to install the osgAnimation lib.

I'm not aware of one.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Ulrich Hertlein

On 17/6/09 6:41 PM, Serge Lages wrote:

Is there any news from Cedric on this problem ? The current SVN still
don't build under Windows and VS...

Also does not build on OS X.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problems with RTT-cameras when changing window s

2009-06-17 Thread Guy Volckaert
As you may have noticed from my scene graph layout, I have a switch node above 
the RTT camera. This switch node allows me to enable/disable the RTT process. 
By default, this switch node has the RTT process disabled. So, the RTT process 
is not executed.

I also found that (by default) the update traversal mode is set to traverse all 
children (TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN). I originally thought that this was my 
problem, so I changed the traversal mode to TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN, but I 
still get the same problem when update callbacks are being called twice every 

m_pViewer-getUpdateVisitor( )-setTraversalMode( 


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Guys,

I've just checked in a little re-factor to try and address these
issues. Could you do an svn update and see if this fixes the problems?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Martins Innus

	OK, I upgraded the driver to the latest version (185.85) and have made 
some progress.

	It now works at any resolution in 32 bit color, but with some 
shimmering black pixels where the sky meets the ocean.  Kind of like 
you get if you had a bad DVI cable going to your monitor.

	At 16 bit color, I can get it to work if I toggle off glare.  I still 
get the FBO setup errors, but it seems to look ok, and the out of memory 
errors are gone.

	So I guess I'll chalk it up to drivers, I'll keep checking for newer 
ones. Thanks for the suggestions.


Kim C Bale wrote:
Hi Martins, 
Sorry, little hasty with the send button there.
This is an odd one, I don't understand why changing your screen resolution would affect the program, so, I *suspect* this is a driver problem. 
I had similar problems just a week ago with osgOcean when I updated to the latest set of drivers for my 8800GTS 512, and it was giving me the 'out of memory' errors you've got. Rolling back my drivers solved it. 
Perhaps J-S has some ideas on this one.
In the mean time you should be able to disable all the effects that use FBOs with the following keys.
r - reflections

R - refractions
o - depth of field
g - glare
G - godrays

From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 15:16
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

I'm having trouble getting this to run.

Machine Specs:

Windows XP
Visual Studio 2003
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M
OSG 2.8.1

Compiled osgOcean with FFTSS and it builds fine.

With my display set to 1920x1200 at 16 bit color I get the following:

Building scene...
   . Loading cubemaps: 0.212617s
   . Generating ocean surface: 2.43048e-005s
   . Creating ocean scene: 0.000286629s
   . Loading islands: 0.0594939s
   . Setting up lighting: 2.26286e-005s
Time Taken: 0.274954s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd

and just a blank screen shows up.

If I change to 32 bit color at the same resolution, I get a couple
frames that show up properly, then the window goes blank with the
following printed to the console:

Building scene...
   . Loading cubemaps: 0.213689s
   . Generating ocean surface: 1.89968e-005s
   . Creating ocean scene: 0.000278248s
   . Loading islands: 0.0593453s
   . Setting up lighting: 1.73206e-005s
Time Taken: 0.276148s
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5

It works fine if I run at 1024x768.

Is this likely a driver problem, or is there something I can tweak in
the FBO setup?  I'm not familiar with their use at all.



Kim C Bale wrote:

Hi all,

After much clawing and gnashing of teeth I've tagged version 1.0 of


Feature list:

- FFT ocean simulation model and rendering
- Foam caps
- Refraction/Reflection Passes
- God Rays
- Surface glare
- Underwater depth of field
- Underwater/above water fogging
- Simulated light absorption and scattering
- Silt effects
- Screen distortion effects
- Choice of FFT library dependancy

Possibly the most important change is that the library is now held under
a LGPL license.

The CMake build now offers the choice between FFTW (GPL) or FFTSS (LGPL)
for the FFT library dependancy which resolves the license issue. FFTW is
the faster option, but the differance if fairly negliable within the
context that it's used.

The library now searches for it's resource dependancies using the osgDB
registry so they're not bound to a specific path.

I've also included a fix for the shader bug on 7 series nVidia cards
which caused an error when indexing arrays using uniform variables.

The example application now supports real-time changes to the ocean
surface and effects so you can have a play with the settings to see what
they do.

A lot of the work has been submitted by Jean-Sebastian. If anybody else
would like to contribute do get in touch. Many hands make light work and
all that ;)

For those of you that suggested features/enhancement that aren't in this
release, don't worry I haven't forgotten about them, they're still 

Re: [osg-users] Threading Bug Revisit

2009-06-17 Thread Kawicki, Ryan H

 The issue brought up in the original thread has been already 
 been addressed in recent OSG versions, so the getRefMutex no 
 longer returns
 NULL, but returns the shared global mutex.   So I don't believe this
 is an issue any more.

Many apologies.  I did not mean to bring this out as a crash bug needing
to be fixed, but rather wanted to know the reason behind using a global

 I'm not clear on how this example would cause a problem with 
 a single mutex lock being used in this context.  Do you have 
 an actual crash/error in behavior that you have observed?

No crash to report but more of a behavioral problem.

If the main thread is constructing objects while the database pager is
constructing sections of the terrain, there is the possibility for the
main thread to be blocked by the database thread.  The more database
threads there are, I would assume the greater the chance any one of the
threads will be blocked.  The argument here isn't that the operation is
not thread safe.  The argument here is that addParent is serializing
itself across multiple threads, even when the data is unrelated.
 Speed of creation and deletion objects and memory consumption 
 is the reason not to have a Mutex per Referenced object.  
 Mutex's are relatively large and slow to create/destroy which 
 is amoung the reasons why using atomic ref counts where 
 possible is desirable.

Makes perfect sense.  Currently, I do not have an idea on how to change
this.  I just wanted to make this known.

Ryan H. Kawicki
The Boeing Company
Training Systems  Services
Software Engineer
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problems with RTT-cameras when changing window s

2009-06-17 Thread Guy Volckaert

Please disregard my last 2 postings. I am such an idiot (*sometimes*). I just 
noticed a big flaw in my scen graph layout that was causing the problem. 

Sorry for the confusion.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Serge Lages
Thanks Robert, it works (under Windows) !

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Guys,

 I've just checked in a little re-factor to try and address these
 issues. Could you do an svn update and see if this fixes the problems?

 osg-users mailing list

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi Martins,
It now works at any resolution in 32 bit color, but with some
shimmering black pixels where the sky meets the ocean.  Kind of like
you get if you had a bad DVI cable going to your monitor.
Could you post a screen shot of that? Does sound a like it could be a bug in 
the rendering rather than a driver issue.
At 16 bit color, I can get it to work if I toggle off glare.  I still
get the FBO setup errors, but it seems to look ok, and the out of memory
errors are gone.
I've jumped to conclusion on that one. I just tested that on mine and get the 
RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
errors as yourself. I'll look into it.
Cheers chap,

From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 17:56
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

OK, I upgraded the driver to the latest version (185.85) and have made
some progress.

It now works at any resolution in 32 bit color, but with some
shimmering black pixels where the sky meets the ocean.  Kind of like
you get if you had a bad DVI cable going to your monitor.

At 16 bit color, I can get it to work if I toggle off glare.  I still
get the FBO setup errors, but it seems to look ok, and the out of memory
errors are gone.

So I guess I'll chalk it up to drivers, I'll keep checking for newer
ones. Thanks for the suggestions.


Kim C Bale wrote:
 Hi Martins,
 Sorry, little hasty with the send button there.
 This is an odd one, I don't understand why changing your screen resolution 
 would affect the program, so, I *suspect* this is a driver problem.
 I had similar problems just a week ago with osgOcean when I updated to the 
 latest set of drivers for my 8800GTS 512, and it was giving me the 'out of 
 memory' errors you've got. Rolling back my drivers solved it.
 Perhaps J-S has some ideas on this one.
 In the mean time you should be able to disable all the effects that use FBOs 
 with the following keys.
 r - reflections
 R - refractions
 o - depth of field
 g - glare
 G - godrays


 From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
 Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 15:16
 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

 I'm having trouble getting this to run.

 Machine Specs:

 Windows XP
 Visual Studio 2003
 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M
 OSG 2.8.1

 Compiled osgOcean with FFTSS and it builds fine.

 With my display set to 1920x1200 at 16 bit color I get the following:

 Building scene...
. Loading cubemaps: 0.212617s
. Generating ocean surface: 2.43048e-005s
. Creating ocean scene: 0.000286629s
. Loading islands: 0.0594939s
. Setting up lighting: 2.26286e-005s
 Time Taken: 0.274954s
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd

 and just a blank screen shows up.

 If I change to 32 bit color at the same resolution, I get a couple
 frames that show up properly, then the window goes blank with the
 following printed to the console:

 Building scene...
. Loading cubemaps: 0.213689s
. Generating ocean surface: 1.89968e-005s
. Creating ocean scene: 0.000278248s
. Loading islands: 0.0593453s
. Setting up lighting: 1.73206e-005s
 Time Taken: 0.276148s
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
 Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
 RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5
 Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
 Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
 RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5

 It works fine if I run at 1024x768.

 Is this likely a driver problem, or is there something I can tweak in
 the FBO setup?  I'm not familiar with their use at all.



 Kim C Bale wrote:
 Hi all,

 After much clawing and gnashing of teeth I've tagged version 1.0 of


 Feature list:

 - FFT ocean simulation model and rendering
 - Foam caps
 - Refraction/Reflection Passes
 - God Rays
 - Surface glare
 - Underwater depth of field
 - Underwater/above water fogging
 - Simulated light absorption and scattering
 - Silt effects
 - Screen distortion effects
 - Choice of FFT library dependancy


Re: [osg-users] PolytopeIntersector

2009-06-17 Thread Martin Beckett
[quote]The point of Polytopes is that they are convex which makes 
all kinds of tests very easy. If you want to modell something 
non-convex (something like Constructive Solid Geometry) then 
PolytopeIntersector will not help you as it is.[quote]

My solutution was to triangulate the convex polygon I wanted to search using 
osgUtil::Tessellator and then use polytrope interceptor for each triangle.
I also looked at splitting the polygon into a number of convex polygons but 
there was no speed difference for polygons having 100 sides.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgMovie - Possible shader error?

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale
Hi Robert,
I had some people bug reports about the use of samplerRect in the osgOcean 
shaders. I've found out that the prefered format is now sampler2DRect and 
Since this has caused problems for me, i noticed you still have a dangling 
samplerRect in one of the shaders in 
uniform samplerRect movie_texture;\n
On line 413. Just thought I'd point it out since sampler2DRect is used 
everywhere else the OSG.
To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Martin, Kim,

 Here you go.  If you zoom in to 400% or so you can see 3 pixels 
near the horizon that are really dark.  They flicker during the 
simulation, sometimes individual pixels, other times it looks like 
larger groups.

I've seen that too, and also:

If you disable godrays, silt and dof (basically disable all underwater 
effects) then go underwater, you'll see a black like at the horizon. it 
looks like fog is not being applied for a line of pixels at the horizon.

Perhaps they're the same problem, and the black line you see from 
underwater is peeking over the water only at certain places, hence when 
above water you only see a few black pixels at different points as the 
waves move?

These two are probably just problems in the shaders, not bugs in drivers 
or such.

Jean-Sebastien Guayjean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Cedric Pinson
I compiled the trunk on the last vc express on win32 virtual machine.
I thought it was resolved.

I will take time to check it

On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 17:46 +0100, Robert Osfield wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Serge Lagesserge.la...@gmail.com wrote:
  Is there any news from Cedric on this problem ? The current SVN still don't
  build under Windows and VS...
 No news yet.  I'll got look into the problem myself to see if I can
 spot a way of resolving the issue.
  As a side note, anyone knows if there is a way to tell CMAKE to not stop the
  installation step if one of the libs or plugins as failed to compile ? Not
  all my projects use osgAnimation so it's not a big problem that it doesn't
  build, but it's much more anoying to have to do the installation process by
  hand because it stops when it tries to install the osgAnimation lib.
 I'm not aware of one.
 osg-users mailing list
+33 (0) 6 63 20 03 56  Cedric Pinson mailto:cedric.pin...@plopbyte.net

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Threading Bug Revisit

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Ryan,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Kawicki, Ryan
Hryan.h.kawi...@boeing.com wrote:
 No crash to report but more of a behavioral problem.

 If the main thread is constructing objects while the database pager is
 constructing sections of the terrain, there is the possibility for the
 main thread to be blocked by the database thread.  The more database
 threads there are, I would assume the greater the chance any one of the
 threads will be blocked.  The argument here isn't that the operation is
 not thread safe.  The argument here is that addParent is serializing
 itself across multiple threads, even when the data is unrelated.

This would only be a problem is the main thread or database thread
hold on to this mutex  - they just lock an object access the data and
unlock the data.  There are very few mutexes that hold on to a mutex
for any period of time.  I wouldn't expect this sharing of mutexes in
this particular context to be a major issue for performance.

Has there been anything that has made your think that this might be a
performance issue?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Cedric,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Cedric
Pinsoncedric.pin...@plopbyte.net wrote:
 I compiled the trunk on the last vc express on win32 virtual machine.
 I thought it was resolved.

 I will take time to check it

Could you check out my changes.  The only contenious one was changing
an std::vectorref_ptrTimeline to a std::vectorTimeline* in
ActionVisitor.For performance using a Timeline* would be
preferable any way.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

2009-06-17 Thread Kim C Bale
Martins, J-S,
Here you go.  If you zoom in to 400% or so you can see 3 pixels
near the horizon that are really dark.  They flicker during the
simulation, sometimes individual pixels, other times it looks like
larger groups.

Yep it's a bug in the library. Looks like a polygon break to me, possibly a 
corner piece. I must have been trying to ignore it as it's a nightmare to debug 
that bit of code. I'll log it, but it could take a while to find that blighter. 
If you disable godrays, silt and dof (basically disable all underwater
effects) then go underwater, you'll see a black like at the horizon. it
looks like fog is not being applied for a line of pixels at the horizon.
I think this is a fogging issue, the wave tops are probably going over the fog 
line and exposing unfogged geometry. Shouldn't be too bad that one.
Cheers all.


From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 19:35
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released


  Here you go.  If you zoom in to 400% or so you can see 3 pixels
near the horizon that are really dark.  They flicker during the
simulation, sometimes individual pixels, other times it looks like
larger groups.

Sorry if this comes through twice, looks like the first one was too big
for the list.


Kim C Bale wrote:
 Hi Martins,
 It now works at any resolution in 32 bit color, but with some
 shimmering black pixels where the sky meets the ocean.  Kind of like
 you get if you had a bad DVI cable going to your monitor.
 Could you post a screen shot of that? Does sound a like it could be a bug in 
 the rendering rather than a driver issue.
 At 16 bit color, I can get it to work if I toggle off glare.  I still
 get the FBO setup errors, but it seems to look ok, and the out of memory
 errors are gone.
 I've jumped to conclusion on that one. I just tested that on mine and get the 
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 errors as yourself. I'll look into it.
 Cheers chap,


 From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
 Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 17:56
 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

 OK, I upgraded the driver to the latest version (185.85) and have made
 some progress.

 It now works at any resolution in 32 bit color, but with some
 shimmering black pixels where the sky meets the ocean.  Kind of like
 you get if you had a bad DVI cable going to your monitor.

 At 16 bit color, I can get it to work if I toggle off glare.  I 
 get the FBO setup errors, but it seems to look ok, and the out of memory
 errors are gone.

 So I guess I'll chalk it up to drivers, I'll keep checking for newer
 ones. Thanks for the suggestions.


 Kim C Bale wrote:
 Hi Martins,

 Sorry, little hasty with the send button there.

 This is an odd one, I don't understand why changing your screen resolution 
 would affect the program, so, I *suspect* this is a driver problem.

 I had similar problems just a week ago with osgOcean when I updated to the 
 latest set of drivers for my 8800GTS 512, and it was giving me the 'out of 
 memory' errors you've got. Rolling back my drivers solved it.

 Perhaps J-S has some ideas on this one.

 In the mean time you should be able to disable all the effects that use FBOs 
 with the following keys.

 r - reflections
 R - refractions
 o - depth of field
 g - glare
 G - godrays




 From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org on behalf of Martins Innus
 Sent: Wed 17/06/2009 15:16
 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgOcean 1.0 (LGPL) Released

 I'm having trouble getting this to run.

 Machine Specs:

 Windows XP
 Visual Studio 2003
 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1600M
 OSG 2.8.1

 Compiled osgOcean with FFTSS and it builds fine.

 With my display set to 1920x1200 at 16 bit color I get the following:

 Building scene...
. Loading cubemaps: 0.212617s
. Generating ocean surface: 2.43048e-005s
. Creating ocean scene: 0.000286629s
. Loading islands: 0.0594939s
. Setting up lighting: 2.26286e-005s
 Time Taken: 0.274954s
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd
 RenderStage::runCameraSetUp(), FBO setup failed, FBO status= 0x8cdd

 and just a blank screen shows up.

 If I change to 32 bit color at the same resolution, I get a couple
 frames that show up 

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Ulrich Hertlein

On 17/6/09 6:55 PM, Robert Osfield wrote:

I've just checked in a little re-factor to try and address these
issues. Could you do an svn update and see if this fixes the problems?

Compiles fine on OS X.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgAnimation compile errors in SVN

2009-06-17 Thread Cedric Pinson
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the fix, i use by default ref_ptr and after only i think
if it's a performance problem :)
It better to keep your version.

Thank you

On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 19:49 +0100, Robert Osfield wrote:
 Hi Cedric,
 On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Cedric
 Pinsoncedric.pin...@plopbyte.net wrote:
  I compiled the trunk on the last vc express on win32 virtual machine.
  I thought it was resolved.
  I will take time to check it
 Could you check out my changes.  The only contenious one was changing
 an std::vectorref_ptrTimeline to a std::vectorTimeline* in
 ActionVisitor.For performance using a Timeline* would be
 preferable any way.
+33 (0) 6 63 20 03 56  Cedric Pinson mailto:cedric.pin...@plopbyte.net

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osg OpenGL ES

2009-06-17 Thread hsany330

Hi ,
I want to write a game for my phone with OSG.But i didn't find OSG lib which 
based on OpenGL ES.Who know something of this,please tell me.Thanks.
osg-users mailing list