Re: [osg-users] Timers for OSG Application

2011-08-17 Thread Ankur Gandhi
Hi Jeremy,

Things worked out quite well. It also saved on extra thread for timer 
management :).   
Thanks a lot for your kind help!


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[osg-users] Timers for OSG Application

2011-08-10 Thread Ankur Gandhi
Dear All,

I am making a scene graph in OSG and things are going great. Extensive support 
is available in forums and tutorials of OSG. Thanks a lot for that.

I have one doubt. It may not be related to OSG but may be related general 
application development based on OSG.

To update my scenegraph periodically, I want to use timer. I want a particular 
function to be called every few seconds or so.

In GTK, I used to use g_timeout_add() function. However I believe OSG doesn't 
use g_main_loop() inside its render API. is it correct?

Can some one tell me equivalent API for g_timeout_add() for OSG based 
application? or is there any other way to implement timer callback in OSG?

Thanks in advance!


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[osg-users] Get pivot point information from ive/osg/3ds file.

2011-07-21 Thread Ankur Gandhi

I have made a machine object in 3D MAX. It has many parts which I would like to 
rotate on particular axes. For the same purpose, I have set pivot point for 
each objects in 3ds max and it works well for us. 

I want to use this object in OSG. Hence I exported it as ive file. Now I am 
confused how to get pivot point information from the file. when I read the 
file, it returns node which doesn't contain pivot information. if I just add 
the node to PAT and get pivot point, it return 0,0,0. 

I would like to know if there is any way by which I can get pivot point values 
present in 3dmax file into OSG. 

Thank you!


PS: I am using OSGExp1.0.0 and 3DS MAX 2012.

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Re: [osg-users] OSG and OpenGL ES 2.0

2011-04-16 Thread Ankur Gandhi
Hi Jorge,

You are right. both are quire different. I ported OSG over OpenGL ES 2.0 and 
everything is behaving in different way. I guess I almost need to rewrite my 
OpenGL application. Also i think i need to go through ShaderGen to understand 
how well the OpenGL application gets converted to GLSL language.


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Re: [osg-users] ShaderGen and OpenGL ES2

2011-04-15 Thread Ankur Gandhi
Hi Robert,

I am using OSG 2.9.11 dev release. recently I have started working on OSG over 
GLES2.  Although my OSG based code is working fine on OpenGL based system, i 
face similar issues that of Yun-Ta on GLES2. My test application is importing a 
plain 3ds max object onto screen along with light source. when i run the 
program, i get following output.

libEGL warning: failed to create DRM screen
libEGL warning: use software fallback
GraphicsWindowX11::init() - eglInitialize() succeded eglMajorVersion=1 
GraphicsWindowX11::init() - window created =1
VERTEX glCompileShader  FAILED
VERTEX Shader  infolog:
0:0(0): error: `osg_Normal' redeclared
0:19(34): error: `gl_LightSource' undeclared
0:19(46): error: type mismatch

FRAGMENT glCompileShader  FAILED
FRAGMENT Shader  infolog:
0:20(20): error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER, expecting ',' or ';'

glLinkProgram  FAILED
Program  infolog:
linking with uncompiled shaderlinking with uncompiled shader
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at after RenderBin::draw(..)
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at end of SceneView::draw()
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 0xb50
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 0xb50
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 0xb50
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 0xb50
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 0xb50
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode 0xb50

I was just wondering if work on ShaderGen is going on in some other branch or 
something? or am i doing anything wrong here to run 3ds max object over GLES2?

any help would be appreciated.

Thanking you in anticipation.


robertosfield wrote:
 Hi Yun-Ta,
 ShaderGen assumes OpenGL 2 feature set, so items like the built in
 gl_* uniforms and vertex attributes are used.  osg::State does map
 automatically a number of these uniforms for GLE2 but doing a search
 and replace of them, this isn't exhaustive though.
 The work I'm just starting now on shader composition will make
 ShaderGen completely redundant and will properly support GLES 2, GL3
 and GL4, so the issues you are seeing should disappear completely.
 On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 6:08 PM,   wrote:
   Hi all,
  I am trying to test OSG (2.9.8) on N900 with OpenGL ES2.
  However, ShaderGen.cpp seems to be not fully compatible with OpenGL ES2
  For instance, gl_LightSource is not defined in ES2 and precision
  attribute (mediump / highp / lowp) has been missing. The later one can
  be easily fixed while the first one using undefined variables is more
  difficult to work around.
  Here is the GLSL code generated from ShaderGen.cpp:
  Nokia-N900:/home/user/osg-data# /opt/osg/bin/osgviewer cessna.osg
  GraphicsWindowX11::init() - eglInitialize() succeded eglMajorVersion=1
  GraphicsWindowX11::init() - window created =1
  ++Before Converted source
  varying vec3 normalDir;
  varying vec3 lightDir;
  varying vec3 viewDir;
  void main()
    gl_Position = ftransform();
    normalDir = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
    vec3 dir = -vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex);
    viewDir = dir;
    vec4 lpos = gl_LightSource[0].position;
    if (lpos.w == 0.0)
      lightDir =;
      lightDir = + dir;
   Converted source
  uniform mat3 osg_NormalMatrix;
  uniform mat4 osg_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
  uniform mat4 osg_ModelViewMatrix;
  attribute vec4 osg_Vertex;
  attribute vec3 osg_Normal;
  varying vec3 normalDir;
  varying vec3 lightDir;
  varying vec3 viewDir;
  void main()
    gl_Position = osg_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * osg_Vertex;
    normalDir = osg_NormalMatrix * osg_Normal;
    vec3 dir = -vec3(osg_ModelViewMatrix * osg_Vertex);
    viewDir = dir;
    vec4 lpos = gl_LightSource[0].position;
    if (lpos.w == 0.0)
      lightDir =;
      lightDir = + dir;
  VERTEX glCompileShader  FAILED
  VERTEX Shader  infolog:
  Compile failed.
  ERROR: 0:16: 'gl_LightSource' : undeclared identifer
  ERROR: 0:16: 'gl_LightSource' : left of '[' is not of type array,
  matrix, or vector
  ERROR: 0:16: 'position' : illegal vector field selection
  ERROR: 0:16: 'assign' :  cannot convert from 'float' to '4-component
  vector of float'
  ERROR: 4 compilation errors. No code generated.
  FRAGMENT glCompileShader  FAILED
  FRAGMENT Shader  infolog:
  Compile failed.
  ERROR: 0:1: 'vec3' : No precision defined for this type
  ERROR: 0:2: 'vec3' : No precision defined for this type
  ERROR: 0:3: 'vec3' : No precision defined for this type
  ERROR: 0:7: 'vec4' : No precision defined for this type
  ERROR: 0:8: 'vec3' : No precision defined for this type

Re: [osg-users] OSG and OpenGL ES 2.0

2011-04-07 Thread Ankur Gandhi
Hi Christian,

Thanks for your input and source code that you shared. I had tried your program 
however my application crashes with segmentation fault. when i check backtrace, 
it shows crashing point at the drivers (i am using intel i915 display).

actually I am pretty new to OpenGL  OpenGL ES too. so concept of Shader is new 
to me. So i think i need to go through shader first! :-) Also, i used OpenGL 
emulation for OSG build. now i think i will try by installing OpenGL ES library 
and perform build for actual GLES2.

I will update you soon regarding my activities.

Thanks again for help!


Christian wrote:
 just one addition to my previous post: Normally you wouldn't define an extra 
 vertex attribute array for the vertex color/normal as I did in this test 
 code. Just use 
 void Geometry::setColorArray(Array* array);
 void Geometry::setNormalArray(Array* array);
 and access the vertex color/normal in the vertex shader via osg_Color and 
 osg_Normal (OSG will do the mapping for you).

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[osg-users] OSG and OpenGL ES 2.0

2011-04-06 Thread Ankur Gandhi

I am a new member of OSG. I am using 2.9.11 (latest developer release) version 
of OSG. In last few weeks, I used OSG over OpenGL. All the examples and 
Tutorials that are posted on the site have been very useful in learning OSG. 
Now, I want to use OSG over OpenGL ES 2.0. For this, I have modified cmake 
variables accordingly to emulate OpenGL ES on my ubuntu system. However I can't 
seem to get any example work. I get many different kinds of errors as below.

Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: Material::apply(State) - not supported.
Warning: TexEnv::apply(State) - not supported.
Segmentation fault

After going through old posts, i found that these examples won't work directly 
over OpenGL es.

I would like to know if there are any examples available which i can use over 
OpenGL ES. It would really help me in figuring out if my OSG recompilation is 
successful and it will enable me to learn OSG over opengl ES.

Thank you!


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