Re: [osg-users] QT and ModularEmitter (((

2009-05-13 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi Gammer

I v' the same trouble few day ago, i solved it by add -DQT_NO_EMIT to 
the compilation flags.

Antonin Linares

Максим Гаммер a écrit :

Hi List.

Problem "QT and OSG ModularEmitter"

make ...
/usr/local/include/osgParticle/ModularEmitter:89: error: expected 
unqualified-id before ‘double’


ModularEmitter, line 89 : virtual void emit(double dt);

emit - preprocessor word in QT (slot, signal, emit ...)

How can I make my project? )
Gammer Maxim
TSOGU, Tyumen, Russia

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Re: [osg-users] [Solved] ViewDependentShadow and material

2009-05-06 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi Wojtek,

Great thanks, it's exactly my problem and your piece of code just solve 
it. \o/ \o/ \o/
So guy if you use shadow shader and you have random material switch take 
a look of the Wojtek post.

Best regard.


Hi Antonin,

Sounds like your issue might be related to GL_LIGHTING or 
GL_MATERIAL_COLOR mode usage. GL_COLOR_MATERIAL selects source of 
diffuse/ambient/emissive/specular term. Its either taken from material 
or from  color set in geometries. This fixed pipeline attribute is not 
passed to Vertex Shaders as an uniform so shader coders may need to 
make workarounds for it.

We had such problem with bunch of models using GL_COLOR_MATERIAL set 
to AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE  in which case actual ambient and diffuse 
material values where not set in material but assumed tio be taken 
from glColor. If they were not set in material they often were quite 
random so they were causing the issues. We overcame this by approach 
similar to your option number 2.  We ran a visitor which found if 
material set per drawable used GL_COLOR_MATERIAL with colors from 
drawable and we cloned such material replacing its colors with these 
from drawable color array. There should be a problem with drawables 
with more than one color (colors set per vertex or per primitive) but 
fortunately we did not have such cases. Below is source of the 
function used by this visitor. Its inputs are drawable StateSet and 
Color taken from drawable color array.

bool SubstituteColorMaterial( osg::StateSet * ss, osg::Vec4 color )
   if( !ss ) return false;

   osg::Material * material =
   ( ss->getAttribute( osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL ) );

   if ( !material || material->getColorMode() == osg::Material::OFF ) 
return false;

   osg::ref_ptr< osg::Material >
   newOsgMaterial = dynamic_cast
   ( material->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) );

   switch( newOsgMaterial->getColorMode() )
   case osg::Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE:
   newOsgMaterial->setAmbient( osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
color );
   newOsgMaterial->setDiffuse( osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
color );

   case osg::Material::AMBIENT:
   newOsgMaterial->setAmbient( osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
color );

   case osg::Material::DIFFUSE:
   newOsgMaterial->setDiffuse( osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
color );

   case osg::Material::SPECULAR:
   newOsgMaterial->setSpecular( osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
color );

   case osg::Material::EMISSION:
   newOsgMaterial->setEmission( osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, 
color );


   newOsgMaterial->setColorMode( osg::Material::OFF );

   ss->setAttribute(  newOsgMaterial.get()  );

   return true;

Maybe this helps a little,

- Original Message - From: "Antonin Linares" 

To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod

Hi Wojtek,
Thanks for the vertex shader trick, but in this way i gate pure black
shadow and terrible artifact on my shadow caster model.
Actually i can see two way to solve my lighting problem.

-Make a vertex shader who can compute lighting with glMaterial and
glColor both.
   but it's seem to me that it's impossible without using an uniform

-Use a nodeVisitor to replace vertex color attribute by a similar 

   But here i dont now how to check actual color mode:

void setMatNodeVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node)
   osg::Geode* geode = node.asGeode();
   for(int i =0; i < geode->getNumDrawable(); i++)
   osg::Material* mat = (osg::Matrial*)
  if(mat.getColorMode() == osg::Material::OFF)
  //no material off in my scene ...


Wojciech Lewandowski a écrit :

Hi Antonin,

I am glad you had this sorted it out. You may try to replace shaders 
with yours. Its possible to set only fragment shaders and use fixed 
pipeline for vertices by setting MainVertexShader and 
ShadowVertexShader to NULL.


- Original Message - From: "Antonin Linares" 

To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod


Please don't care of my previous message, i'm wrong.

Some part of my terrain database use pure glColor(), so the shader  
miss compute this part of  database.

Sorry all.

osg-users mailing list 


Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod

2009-05-05 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi Wojtek,
Thanks for the vertex shader trick, but in this way i gate pure black 
shadow and terrible artifact on my shadow caster model.

Actually i can see two way to solve my lighting problem.

-Make a vertex shader who can compute lighting with glMaterial and 
glColor both.
   but it's seem to me that it's impossible without using an uniform 

-Use a nodeVisitor to replace vertex color attribute by a similar material.
   But here i dont now how to check actual color mode:

void setMatNodeVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node)
   osg::Geode* geode = node.asGeode();
   for(int i =0; i < geode->getNumDrawable(); i++)
   osg::Material* mat = (osg::Matrial*) 

  if(mat.getColorMode() == osg::Material::OFF)
  //no material off in my scene ...


Wojciech Lewandowski a écrit :

Hi Antonin,

I am glad you had this sorted it out. You may try to replace shaders 
with yours. Its possible to set only fragment shaders and use fixed 
pipeline for vertices by setting MainVertexShader and 
ShadowVertexShader to NULL.


- Original Message ----- From: "Antonin Linares" 

To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod


Please don't care of my previous message, i'm wrong.

Some part of my terrain database use pure glColor(), so the shader  
miss compute this part of  database.

Sorry all.

osg-users mailing list 

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod

2009-05-04 Thread Antonin Linares


Please don't care of my previous message, i'm wrong.

Some part of my terrain database use pure glColor(), so the shader  miss 
compute this part of  database.

Sorry all.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod

2009-05-04 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi all,

Finally i find where is the lighting problem, it's the specular 
computation. Here's the change i made in the main vertex shader:

   void DirectionalLight(in int 
in vec3 
 inout vec4 
inout vec4 
 inout vec4 
   " float nDotVP; // normal . light 
   " float nDotHV; // normal . light half 
   " float pf; // power 
   " nDotVP = max(0.0, 
   " nDotHV = max(0.0, 
   "   //  if (nDotVP == 
   "  //   pf = 
   "   // 
   "   //  pf = pow(nDotHV, 
gl_FrontMaterial.shininess); \n"
   "//CHANGE TO 
   " if (nDotVP > 
0.0)  \n"
   "pf = pow(nDotHV, 
gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);  \n"
   " pf = 0.0;
   " ambient  += gl_LightSource[i].ambient; 
   " diffuse  += gl_LightSource[i].diffuse * nDotVP;   
   " specular += gl_LightSource[i].specular * 

There are similarly problem in spot and point light.
I'm not understand exactly why, maybe equality check on float ?

best regard

Hi Wojtek,

Yes reference frame is set in StandardShadowMap, i didn't notice it 

I made test and i found something new:
It's not a lod problem but a Lighting problem (geometry is good). 
Actually i take a look in StandardShadowMap shader, if you have any idea.


Find where is the problem, gl_Color is miss compute (for my terrain 
db) by the main vertex shader,  by using a constant one in fragment i 
my lighing problem. I' m going to make my own vertex shader to keep 
the lighting computation.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod

2009-04-30 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi Wojtek,

Yes reference frame is set in StandardShadowMap, i didn't notice it 

I made test and i found something new:
It's not a lod problem but a Lighting problem (geometry is good). 
Actually i take a look in StandardShadowMap shader, if you have any idea.


Find where is the problem, gl_Color is miss compute (for my terrain db) 
by the main vertex shader,  by using a constant one in fragment i solve
my lighing problem. I' m going to make my own vertex shader to keep the 
lighting computation.


Hi Antonin,
As far as I remember, ABSOLUTE_RF_INHERIT_VIEWPOINT reference frame 
for Shadow map camera is  set in osgShadow::StandardShadowMap and 
should be inherited and used by all derived classes 
including DebugShadowMap, MinimalCull/DrawBounds and all three LispSM 
flavours. So it looks like your problems may be caused by something 
We have been using LispSM with LODs and we have not seen major 
artifacts since this addition of ABSOLUTE_RF_INHERIT_VIEWPOINT which 
happened after discussion you referenced.
Maybe you are using LODs switched by pixel sizes (not viewpoint 
distance ) ? I have not tested this scenario but I would guess that it 
would depend on shadow map resolution. Its also possible that LispSM 
skewed projection matrix may somehow cause wrong results in pixel size 
LOD computations. 
Sorry to say that but you caught me at bad moment. I am going on a 5 
day trip tomorrow and will be offline till next Tuesday.  If you are 
unable  to solve the issue by then, send some more info and maybe we 
would come up with some fresh idea...

Wojtek Lewandowski

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Quaternion problem

2009-03-17 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi Steven,

Maybe, i'm not clear, I want to keep the current yaw angle, and change 
pitch and roll by the terrain normal.
So i use getRotate to find my previous yaw angle, like you Steven, i 
thinks thats not the solution. Maybe i need to store this yaw angle in 
custom data.

Hi JP i use osg 2.8 an getRotate seem to returns angle and vector.

Antonin Linares

Steven Saunderson a écrit :

Hi Antonin,

I may be getting way out of my depth here but when I saw your problem this 
morning it looked very similar to a problem I had just recently.

Looking at your original post :

Antonin Linares wrote:
//get height and normal under the tank 
osg::Vec3f pos = 
osg::Vec3f normal = 

//Set up height 

All looks fine so far

Antonin Linares wrote:
//Set up alignment with terrain 
float rotation; 
osg::Vec3f origine; 
pat->getAtitude().getRotate(rotation, origine); 

if((origine*normal) != 0){ 
osg::Quat corect; 
corect.makeRotation(origine, normal); 


I don't understand why you have the getAtitude() here.  It will return a quat 
and the .getRotate will convert the value into an angle and vector.  But what 
quat value is it converting ?

What happens if you always calculate "corect" as you are doing and then apply 
"rot" in the setAtitude call (i.e. pat->setAtitude (rot * corect) ) ?

//Set up alignment with terrain 
float rotation; 
osg::Vec3f origine (0,0,1); 
osg::Quat corect; 
corect.makeRotation(origine, normal); 

// I'm not sure where you get rotation from ??

osg::Quat rot(rotation, origine); 

I hope this helps or entices someone more knowledgeable to assist here.

-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Quaternion problem

2009-03-17 Thread Antonin Linares

Thanks Steven

Yes i have, but i get something very strange (rot * correction) == 
(correction * rot)

Also actually i made:

  //Set up alignment with terrain
  float rotation;
  osg::Vec3f origine;
  pat->getAtitude().getRotate(rotation, origine);

  if((osg::Vec3f(0,0,1)*normal) != 0){
 osg::Quat corect;
 corect.makeRotation(osg::Vec3f(0,0,1), normal);

 osg::Quat rot(rotation, osg::Vec3f(0,0,1));
 pat->setAtitude(rot * corect);   //Yes rot must be applied last

Here the tank is well aligned with terrain, but now the rotation angle 
are increase each frame, so the tank rotate with.

Antonin  Linares

Steven Saunderson a écrit :

Have you tried : pat->setAtitude(rot*corect); ?
I'm wondering if the factor that should be applied last (i.e. rot) should be 
first in the multiply here.

-- Steven Saunderson

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[osg-users] Quaternion problem

2009-03-16 Thread Antonin Linares

Hi osg users

I use an intersectionVisitor to place tank model on my terrain
i made something like that:

   //get height and normal under the tank
   osg::Vec3f pos = 
   osg::Vec3f normal = 

   //Set up height

   //Set up alignment with terrain
   float rotation;
   osg::Vec3f origine;
   pat->getAtitude().getRotate(rotation, origine);

   if((origine*normal) != 0){
  osg::Quat corect;
  corect.makeRotation(origine, normal);
  //here it's cool my tank was perfectly aligned with terrain but i 
loose it's orientation

  //so i test to do
  osg::Quat rot(rotation, normal);
  pat->setAtitude(corect*rot);   //the tank was well oriented but 
no more aligned with my terrain 

I looking for any idea to make my tank aligned with the terrain but 
keeping it's previous orientation.


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