Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2014-05-05 Thread Curtis Rubel

Checked out the latest trunk version myself and I am still having the same 
issues here with the OpenThread calls and the example code I sent to Nick.  We 
are running OpenSuse 12.3 64-bit here.

The calls all return good status.  In fact the getSchedulePolicy and the 
getSchedulePriority return the same level that was set, but the linux system 
calls do not  show any change in the threads priority, scheduling policy or 

Tried running the example as normal user and the root user and get the same 
exact results so does not seem to be any sort of issue with priviledges at this 
point either.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2014-05-06 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

My first problem was that I had selected the option to build
OpenThreads with QT in cmake for some reason.  So I rebuilt with this option 
My apologies on that issue...

At least it is now using the pthreads section properly.

However, as Nick stated in his post, the openthreads code to allow me to select
a scheduling policy other than OTHER has been ifdef'd out for __linux__
even though these options are available on Linux.
This is also affecting the ability to set a proper thread priority value.

So while Nick and I can fix this by removing the __linux__  checks, I would
like to see if anyone knows why this was put in there in the first place so that
we do not possibly break something else as we are attempting to fix the
issues that we are seeing.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2014-05-06 Thread Curtis Rubel

__linux__ is defined someplace in the gcc compiler
as it finds the current arch and os, etc.,  installed.

you can:   

cpp -dM /dev/null

and see all the gcc defines output.
I see that __linux is still there as well, at least for
the time being.

ALLOW_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING, however seems to be an
OpenThreads specific define.


Thank you!


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[osg-users] How to position osg Window on top or below other X11 apps on Linux

2014-06-04 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi everyone,

I am trying to find the best method to be able to control our osg windows such 
that we can force them on top of other KDE/X11 apps or push them below other 
KDE/X11 apps as necessary while our osg based application is running.

The 64bit Linux system is running a KDE desktop for the window manager.

Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] How to position osg Window on top or below other X11 apps on Linux

2014-06-05 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Marco,

Thank you for your reply...

Actually I have already been talking with Trajce Nikolov(Nick)
about this yesterday as he does some consulting work for
us from time to time.  He has helped us a lot and I highly
recommend him for his expertise...

Unfortunately, that window handle method does not seem to 
be available under Linux so we are searching for a method
that will work under Linux.  After spending some time online
trying to find some info on this, seems there are some posts
asking similar things around, but I did not find anyone that
had a good working result.  Seems that with the variety of
window managers out there, they all apparently have different
ways of handling this type of thing.

I was able to go into my KDE desktop settings and using the
application name setup the  kwinrulesrc file to force one of my 
osg window ontop of any others.  So I know there is a way
to accomplish what we need, just need to find the API to
accomplish this in my code now.  Something we can turn
on/off as necessary for various osg windows as they open
and close.


Thank you again for your reply..


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Re: [osg-users] How to position osg Window on top or below other X11 apps on Linux

2014-06-05 Thread Curtis Rubel

The strange thing is that KDE is a Qt based desktop, even when I use
a QT based application window I cannot force it to be ontop of other 
either.  If there are multiple Widgets in one application the Qt ontop stuff 
works, but
when the widgets are from separate apps it does not.

I understand that there are issues when everyone wants to be ONTOP of someone
else, someone is going to the desktop manager ends up doing something
for this.

Not sure if in our case this is a KDE4 API issue or an X11 issue or some 
of both that we need to address.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] How to position osg Window on top or below other X11 apps on Linux

2014-06-05 Thread Curtis Rubel

I am looking at it now to see if I can
figure out the API and make the calls correctly.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] How to position osg Window on top or below other X11 apps on Linux

2014-06-05 Thread Curtis Rubel

I do not have this working yet but:
what about a lowerWindow()..meothd .how do you
reset this once you set it?  raiseWindow takes
no args so I do not see a method to return the window
back to the previous state once its raised.

I guess if you raise another window  after this one
it pushes this one back down possibly??


Thank you!


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[osg-users] HowTo create an X11 GraphicsWindow without a closer decoration on Linux?

2014-06-30 Thread Curtis Rubel

I have looked and only found an old 2009 post about the this topic.

Has anything changed in this area that would allow me to easily create an
X11 GraphicsWindow that does not have the closer "X" decoration on it, or at the
very least a method to ignore the close event?

Looking at the source to OSG 3.3.1 did not give me any clues. 


Thank you!


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[osg-users] [build] Conflict between current osg trunk 3.3.8 and QT version 5.4.1 on types GLint64 and GLuint64

2015-04-28 Thread Curtis Rubel

I am currently getting the following compiler errors when attempting to compile 
against the current OSG trunk 04/28/2015, numbered as 3.3.8
and my installed QT release of 5.4.1

I am currently running on an OpenSuSE 13.2 64bit linux distro.

/usr/include/qt5/QtGui/qopengl.h:242:17: error: conflicting declaration 
‘typedef int64_t GLint64’
 typedef int64_t GLint64;
In file included from /usr/local/include/osg/GLDefines:25:0,
 from /usr/local/include/osg/GLExtensions:18,
 from /usr/local/include/osg/Shader:25,
 from /usr/local/include/osg/StateAttribute:20,
 from /usr/local/include/osg/StateSet:18,
 from /usr/local/include/osg/Node:19,
 from /usr/local/include/osg/NodeVisitor:17,
 from /usr/local/include/osgUtil/UpdateVisitor:17,
 from /usr/local/include/osgViewer/CompositeViewer:18,
 from ../../../libs/inc/QtOsg/viewer_widget.h:5,
 from src/widgets/muselogowidget.h:4,
 from src/widgets/muselogowidget.cpp:1:
/usr/local/include/osg/GL:124:31: error: ‘GLint64’ has a previous declaration 
as ‘typedef long long int GLint64’
 typedef long long int GLint64;

Same basic error for the GLuint64 type as well.  

This sort of looks to me like a 64bit versus 32bit operating system
issue of some sort when I look at both definitions,  but I am no expert in this 
area so my apologies if I am making this statement in error.

Is there something that needs to be defined or setup properly for the code to 
properly compile against this new version of OSG on a 64bit operating system or 
am I possibly looking at a bug in the QT release
I am using?

Thank you everyone for you help in this matter!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Conflict between current osg trunk 3.3.8 and QT version 5.4.1 on types GLint64 and GLuint64

2015-04-28 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert, 

I am not so sure I can change the include order or not.  The QT project I am 
trying to compile pulls in the QT OpenGL stuff by itself as part of its build 
process, I am not explicitly including any of the QT include files in my source 
files directly.

I will take a look and see.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Conflict between current osg trunk 3.3.8 and QT version 5.4.1 on types GLint64 and GLuint64

2015-04-28 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

After much searching, I finally found the issue on my system.  One of our 
3rdparty products had its own copy of GL/gl.x files in it and this one was 
unfortunately being found first.

Renaming this old include directory seems to have solved this issue.

Thank you for pointing me in the correct direction...


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Conflict between current osg trunk 3.3.8 and QT version 5.4.1 on types GLint64 and GLuint64

2015-04-28 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I do not see any place to close the post, or mark it as
solved.  Am I missing something in the forum?  I do
not want to leave it as is if there is something I need to do
after you helped me get this solved...

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-04-29 Thread Curtis Rubel

We have an application that is outputting a number of osgText::Text objects as 
well as some osgLabel objects. 

Everything appears to be working fine when compiled against OSG 3.3.1

On the current trunk as of yesterday, I am getting a segfault in osgText 
Text.cpp drawImplementation() function.


if ( !_textureGlyphQuadMap.empty() )
const GlyphQuads& glyphquad = (_textureGlyphQuadMap.begin())->second;
if ( glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID]->empty() )

In the snippet above, the glyphquad._transformedCoords has 3 items in it.
Items 0 and 1 contain what appear to be valid pointers, but item 2 contains a 
NULL pointer.  So when the contextID for the current incoming state is 2, we 
get the segfault.

I have gone back and looked at the Text and Label objects and they are all 
setup with a datavariance of Dynamic since the text can change based on user 
selection during runtime, just as something I thought might be related.

I know this is a long shot with such little information, but is there anything 
that anyone can tell me that might cause something like this to occur?  Has 
something changed in this area since OSG release 3.3.1 that we possibly need to 
account for now?

Sorry about the code snippet output, not sure what is causing the ?? output in 
the code area, as they are just spaces in there.

Thank you,



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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-04-30 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

The application that is having this issue is very large, so I will have to
dig into it and see about finding the exact location of the segfault.  The
author of the app no longer works with us so this will take some time to 

The application is one where OSG is an object inside of a QT5 QTWidget. 
In the qt app, it is crashing in the paintEvent where its calling 
ViewerBase::frame(), so not very direct as to where the problem actually is in 
this case.

I will see what I can find and if possible setup a small example that 
duplicates the issue.

As for you question about the number of contexts, I can only say that at this 
time I am unsure if there is any graphics contexts being added as the 
application is running.  The application emulates an aircraft Multifunction 
Display, so there are many different pages of text and graphics that get 
displayed.  It is possible that a new graphics context could be being added 
during runtime.  As I mentioned the author no longer works with us so we will 
have to debug this and see what we can determine.


Thank you for your quick response..


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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-05-01 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Everyone,

Attached to this post is an example that causes the segv to occur that I am 
referring to in my first post on the subject.  This example is the combination 
of portions the osgviewerQT and osgText examples as provided with this same 
release of OpenSceneGraph. 

Hopefully with this example failing it can be determined what is happening.


Thank you!


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osg::Group* createHUDText()

osg::Group* rootNode = new osg::Group;

osgText::Font* font = osgText::readFontFile("fonts/arial.ttf");


osg::Geode* geode  = new osg::Geode;

bool useVBOs = false;
#if defined(OSG_GL3_AVAILABLE) && !defined(OSG_GL2_AVAILABLE) && !defined(OSG_GL1_AVAILABLE)
useVBOs = true;
osg::Program* program = new osg::Program;
program->addShader(new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::VERTEX, gl3TextVertexShader));
program->addShader(new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, gl3TextFragmentShader));
geode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(program, osg::StateAttribute::ON);

float windowHeight = 1024.0f;
float windowWidth = 1280.0f;
float margin = 50.0f;

// Examples of how to set up different text layout

osg::Vec4 layoutColor(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
float layoutCharacterSize = 20.0f;

osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;

// the default layout is left to right, typically used in languages
// originating from europe such as English, French, German, Spanish etc..


osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;

// right to left layouts would be used for hebrew or arabic fonts.


osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;

// vertical font layout would be used for asian fonts.


// Examples of how to set up different font resolution

osg::Vec4 fontSizeColor(0.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
float fontSizeCharacterSize = 30;

osg::Vec3 cursor = osg::Vec3(margin*2,windowHeight-margin*2,0.0f);

osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;

// use text that uses 10 by 10 texels as a target resolution for fonts.
text->setFontResolution(10,10); // blocky but small texture memory usage

text->setText("text->setFontResolution(10,10); // blocky but small texture memory usage");

cursor.y() -= fontSizeCharacterSize;
osgText::Text* text = new osgText::Text;

// use text that uses 20 by 20 texels as a target resolution for fonts.
text->setFontResolution(20,20); // smoother but higher texture memory usage (but still quite low).


Re: [osg-users] osgText::Text::GlyphQuads change in the recent versions

2015-05-01 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Nick,

That is an interesting note for me as this is in the exact area
of the Text.cpp that the segv that I am having with the issue 
I posted on the forum...  The segv does not occur on 3.3.1, 
but does now on the trunk version I am running currently.  
I did not test on any releases prior to 337, but would be 
curious to see if it runs on 3.3.3, if it does it might help with 
finding the cause of the problem now

So I will download and test against 3.3.3, just for my issue.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-05-01 Thread Curtis Rubel

Just updated the attachment, had an extra include file that was not
present listed in the source that was not needed.  My apologies if this caused 
anyone any issues before I caught the problem.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-05-01 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

Thank you for looking in to this for us...

I did a quick test against the 3.3.3 release and it appears to be working OK.
So seems this has something to do with changes that occurred after that 


Best Regards!,


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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-05-01 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

After getting the small example to fail today, I was looking some more and came 
up with a few changes here that allows me to run.

I am relatively sure that this will not be the final fix, but I am hoping that 
it will at least get you closer to what is causing the problem.  Here is an svn 
diff listing from my modified Text.cpp


Index: src/osgText/Text.cpp
--- src/osgText/Text.cpp(revision 14858)
+++ src/osgText/Text.cpp(working copy)
@@ -726,6 +726,12 @@
 GlyphQuads::Coords2& coords2 = glyphquad._coords;
 GlyphQuads::Coords3& transformedCoords = 
+if(transformedCoords == NULL)
+   glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID] = new osg::Vec3Array;   

+   transformedCoords = glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID];



 unsigned int numCoords = coords2->size();  

 if (numCoords != transformedCoords->size())


@@ -804,6 +810,12 @@

 for( ; backdrop_index < max_backdrop_index; backdrop_index++)  


 GlyphQuads::Coords3& transformedCoords = 
+if(transformedCoords == NULL)  


+   glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID] = new osg::Vec3Array;   

+   transformedCoords = glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID];



 unsigned int numCoords = coords2->size();
 if (numCoords!=transformedCoords->size())
@@ -1288,7 +1300,7 @@
 if ( !_textureGlyphQuadMap.empty() )
 const GlyphQuads& glyphquad = (_textureGlyphQuadMap.begin())->second;
-if ( :q)
+if ( glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID] == NULL )

The diff at line 1303 in my source file:
-if ( glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID]->empty() )
+if ( glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID] == NULL )

The glyphquad._transformedCoords[contextID] call creates an
empty buffered object entry since the contextID coming in is not present, yet 
and the buffered_object API automatically resizes the array if it does not 
contain the value in the [] operator.  So now I check for NULL instead of 
empty() and thereby now calling computePositions(contextID).

The change in the

Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-05-01 Thread Curtis Rubel

One other thing to mention, I have another application that is pure OSG that is 
to say it is NOT using an QT widgets and it is doing basically the same thing 
as the QT app that I have and it runs OK as far as I can tell.  The example 
code I sent you that is failing is also based on the osgviewerQT example.

I am running QT 5.4.1 right now on my OpenSuSE 64bit linux system
in case you need that level of information to isolate the issue.

Another co-worker is running on MacOS and has told me that he is getting the 
same segv on his system so does not seem to be Linux specific.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2015-05-04 Thread Curtis Rubel

I would like to revisit this topic again as I see that even in the current 
trunk(3.3.8) as of this date May 04, 2015, the linux platform is still crippled 
inside of Openthreads/PThread API, from running priority/real-time scheduling 

I will like to open a discussion about removing the code that is currently 
crippling the Linux platform as I do not see any reason at this date time to 
leave it this way.  When properly used, as on any other platform,  the 
currently crippled threading policies work properly on the Linux platform.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2015-05-04 Thread Curtis Rubel

When I mentioned crippled, I did not mean that as a bad or derogatory
comment.  Maybe saying something like intentionally disabled would have
been a better choice of words, my apologies if my wording offended anyone in 
any way.

Basic threading is working fine under Linux.  If the user however wants to
take advantage of all of the available threading policies and priorities now 
available to them they cannot.  I think that this is just possibly just due to 
this section of Openthreads not being updated when these features were fully 
implemented and properly working on the linux platform.

Here is a code excerpt of the SetThreadSchedulingParams
function call within OpenThreads/phhreads/PThread.cpp


// Set thread scheduling parameters.  Unfortunately on Linux, there's no
// good way to set this, as pthread_setschedparam is mostly a no-op.
static int SetThreadSchedulingParams(Thread *thread)

int status = 0;



int th_policy;
int max_priority, nominal_priority, min_priority;
sched_param th_param;
  &th_policy, &th_param);

#ifndef __linux__


th_policy = SCHED_FIFO;

th_policy = SCHED_RR;

th_policy = SCHED_OTHER;

#ifdef __sgi
th_policy = SCHED_RR;
th_policy = SCHED_FIFO;

th_policy = SCHED_OTHER;  // Must protect linux from realtime.

#ifdef __linux__

max_priority = 0;
min_priority = 20;
nominal_priority = (max_priority + min_priority)/2;


max_priority = sched_get_priority_max(th_policy);
min_priority = sched_get_priority_min(th_policy);
nominal_priority = (max_priority + min_priority)/2;



th_param.sched_priority = max_priority;

th_param.sched_priority = (max_priority + 

th_param.sched_priority = nominal_priority;

th_param.sched_priority = (min_priority + 

th_param.sched_priority = min_priority;

th_param.sched_priority = max_priority;


status = pthread_setschedparam(thread->getProcessId(),




return status;

You can see in this excerpt that on Linux platforms the code to allow you to 
select any of the available threading policies is allowed on all platforms but 
linux.  Linux is hard-coded to set the SCHED_OTHER policy.

The other sections of the code excerpt limit the range of priorities allowed to 
between 0 and 20, when linux currently has a range of 0 - 99, 99 being the 
highest priority allowed.  The associated calls to sched_get_priority_max and 
sched_get_priority_min are not allowed on the linux platform.

I will be happy to provide you with a sample application if you still would 
like to have one, but I think the ifndef's in the code will let you see what I 
am referring too.

Again I apologize if I offended anyone, that was not my intention.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2015-05-04 Thread Curtis Rubel

There is already a define around all the priority scheduling
calls to protect people from accidentally using them:


Which seems to have to be defined in the calling program as I cannot find this 
any place inside of OSG other than the pthreads source.

Maybe this would suffice for now to protect these calls.  I am going to suspect 
that few Linux users are defining this since the only reason to do so would be 
to use the calls that are currently ifdef'd out looking at the code inside of 

I agree with you about Linux not originally supporting the full suite of the 
pthread extensions.  Linux has come a long way in recent years.  We have been 
using these real-time pthread scheduling parameters though for at least 5 or 6 
years now on our other Linux applications that do not need OpenSceneGraph 
support.  So the support on Linux has been there for awhile.

Is it possible to contact the original author on this subject, if so who would 
I contact?

Hopefully we will get some more comments on this topic for the OSG community...


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThreads, scheduling, etc ... policies

2015-05-06 Thread Curtis Rubel

Attached is a copy of the PThread.cpp file from OSG 3.3.7 that I modified that 
allows Linux systems to take full advantage of the pthread scheduling 
parameters.  The changes I made are all within the 

define and the static int SetThreadSchedulingParams(Thread *thread)

Feel free to pass this around to anyone that would like to review. comment 
and/or test the changes when time permits.  I am not
trying to rush anything, just figured I would go ahead and send
you what I am referring too, so it will be handy when time permits
you/(or your group) to take a look at it.

I am currently running with this change here and all our old existing OSG 
applications still are running OK as well as are my new test applications that 
take advantage of the changes.

One thing to note is that on at least my Linux system here, unless the user is 
running with root privileges or their application as been changed to run with 
root privileges the Linux kernel does not allow the application to run at 
anything other than the default policy of SCHEDULE_OTHER and priority 0(zero), 
no matter what they attempt to set.  This is another protection that seems to 
be in place to protect someone from accidentally causing a system problem.

Anything else that I can do to assist in getting this change implemented at 
some point, please let me know.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


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/* -*-c++-*- OpenThreads library, Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007  The Open Thread Group
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.

// PThread.c++ - C++ Thread class built on top of posix threads.
// ~~~


#if defined __linux__ || defined __sun || defined __APPLE__ || ANDROID
#if !defined ANDROID
#if defined(__sgi)
#if defined(__hpux)

#if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__MACH__)

#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#ifndef PAGE_SIZE
#define PAGE_SIZE 0x400

#include "PThreadPrivateData.h"


using namespace OpenThreads;

#ifdef DEBUG
# define DPRINTF(arg) printf arg
# define DPRINTF(arg)


// Initialize the static unique ids.
int PThreadPrivateData::nextId = 0;

// Initialize thread master priority level
Thread::ThreadPriority Thread::s_masterThreadPriority =

bool Thread::s_isInitialized = false;
pthread_key_t PThreadPrivateData::s_tls_key;

struct ThreadCleanupStruct

OpenThreads::Thread *thread;
Atomic *runflag;


// This cleanup handler is necessary to ensure that the thread will cleanup
// and set its isRunning flag properly.
void thread_cleanup_handler(void *arg)

ThreadCleanupStruct *tcs = static_cast(arg);



// Class to support some static methods necessary for pthread's to work
// correctly.

namespace OpenThreads

class ThreadPrivateActions

// We're friendly to Thread, so it can issue the methods.
friend class Thread;


// pthreads standard start routine.
static void *StartThread(void *data)

Thread *thread = static_cast(data);

PThreadPrivateData *pd =

if (pd->cpunum>=0)
#if defined(__sgi)
pthread_setrunon_np( pd->cpunum );

Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-06-16 Thread Curtis Rubel

Any chance the fix for this was included in the 3.3.8 release
and I just did not see any notice of it?


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-06-16 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I compiled and tested the code to make sure it failed the same
way before posting it, so that is sort of strange to find this
type of thing now..  I was testing on 64bit Linux here..

Well I am glad it did not waste to much of your time, I know you
have been really busy lately from watching all the posts and stuff
going on the last month or so...

We have been busy ourselves here getting our OpenIG project ready
for release to the opensource community.  Hopefully that will be
ready by the end of this week.  Getting all 3 platforms, Linux, MacOSX
and Windows all happy at the same time has been quite the chore,
but I am sure you are fully aware of that already...


Thank you!



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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] HowTo Add PostDrawCallback after making call to setUpDepthPartition?

2013-01-24 Thread Curtis Rubel
I am relatively new to OSG so please take that into account when reading my 
question below

We have a large visual database, extents are basically the entire country of 
Italy.   Due to some z-buffer issues with the terrain we have been reading and 
studying lots of z-buffer data, etc..and have determined that we would like to 
try using the osgViewer DepthPartition for some testing.

We can get the depthpartition created successfully and it seems to work fairly 
well.  The problem is that we have a PostDrawCallback that we are trying to 
have do some stuff for us and the callback is never being called.  I feel that 
is due to us most likely passing in the Master camera instead of the proper 
slave camera that was created in the DepthPartition call.

My question is how do I get/find the correct camera to use in our call for:

osg::Camera* camera = NULL;

double zNear=1.0, zMid=50.0, zFar=10.0;
osg::ref_ptr dps = new 
dps->_mode = osgViewer::DepthPartitionSettings::FIXED_RANGE;
dps->_zNear = zNear;
ps->_zMid = zMid;
dps->_zFar = zFar;

viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;

camera = viewer->getCamera(); 

does not seem to work as expected in this case.  We get a valid camera, just 
not apparently the correct camera as the callBack is not called.  

Removal of the setUpDepthPartition call and our callBack is called as expected.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Happy New Year.

2013-01-24 Thread Curtis Rubel

Just wanted to say Happy New year back to you Chris...

Hope we all have a great one this year...


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Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-08-05 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I noticed some references to this reported issue in the latest Changelog for 
the trunk
checking for the proper setup of the number of contexts in the osgText area.

Do you think this entire issue is now resolved or is the possible issue with
QtOSG and it not reporting the number of proper contexts possibly still

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-08-05 Thread Curtis Rubel

Just tested the trunk from a svn co from about 1 hour ago,
with my test osgviewerQT.cpp source.

Still getting a segv when running it.  I was running in release
mode for this test so cannot verify if its exactly the same fault
or notbut it would seem that there is still some sort of issue
with this.

I will rebuild in debug mode as soon as I have some more free time
and check to see if its the same bug or something different as
I saw before.


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-08-06 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

OK I will update my copy of the OSG trunk and let you know as soon
as I have a minute.  Probably something I will have to do in my
off time at home as work time is pretty much taken up right now.

I would not consider myself a QT expert either, but will see if I can find
anything that stands out.  The failing example is pretty basic stuff so 
hopefully something will show up when I recompile everything in
debug mode so I can step into this a little at a time and see what
is happening in there.

Thank you very much,



Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Segfault occuring in -- void Text::drawImplementation(osg::State& state, const osg::Vec4& colorMultiplier) const -- after updating from osg 3.3.1 to the current trunk

2015-08-10 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I updated to the latest in the trunk this morning, version reporting it as 3.5.0

So far everything appers to be working flawlessly.  The example I gave you
for the segv is working for me as well as all of our OSG applications seem 
to be working perfectly

I think I even see a few percentange points of a  performance increase in
our applications.

I will leave this version in for a few days now and will let you know if I find
anythng else to report.  For now though looks like the issue I reported seems
to have been resolved.

Is the current trunk and the current stable rc of 3.4rc11 the same right now?

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-11 Thread Curtis Rubel

I have looked a bit and did not find this specific issue listed, I think it
might have been reported already so please accept my apologies
if this is already in the pipeline to get taken care of

On Mac OSX Yosimite 10.10.3, osg/osgviewer does not seem to be able
to load DDS textures when referenced in our openflight files.

This I believe was first noticed by us back on release 3.3.7 and as
of updating from SVN today from the trunk(3.5.0), still appears to be not
working as our terrain tiles are all showing with no textures.  It would
be really great if we can get this fix into the next upcoming release...

At one point we had commented out line 1016 of the ReaderWriterDDS.cpp
if (mipmap_offsets.size()>0) osgImage->setMipmapLevels(mipmap_offsets);

and was able to get the textures to show up.  So maybe this will help someone 
figure out the actual area that is affected  I would be happy to look but 
this is way out of my area of knowledge.

I will be happy to help in any way I can though if anyone has any suggestions 
they would like to try, I can put them in and retest...


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-11 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

The files ended up being a bit to big to upload I guess as it kept failing.

Here is a a link to my dropbox...

It contains a zip of the flt file, all the dds textures and a .osgb
file converted on the mac.

This tile will load the textures when I comment out the line I mentioned.   
Right now that line is back in and no textures are loading.

The issue I see is that while on the MAC I cannot see the textures in 
osgviewer, when I unzip these files on my linux system and load the osgb file, 
the textures load properly.  So seems its something to do only with the actual 
loading of the textures and not building of the .osgb 
file itself. 

We can duplicate this on all our macs, so it does not appear to be just
a one bad mac issue either

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-12 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

OK I will do some more digging into this and see if I can
find anything myself that could help.  Hopefully there
are some other mac folks out there that have a better
background in this area than I do, that would be nice...

I can def say that OSG 3.3.1 is working OK on my mac, as I just
compiled and reloaded it to make sure.  So looks like maybe its
something that has changed since that dev release.

I will try 3.3.3 next to see if we can at least isolate when the issue
first started as it might help give some ideas where to look as well.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-12 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I know the openGL implementation on the Mac is different, we
run into shader issues all the time when we setup our applications
to run on WIndows, Linux and Mac.  It never fails the Mac will have
some sort of issue we need to account for...

A real fix is going to take someone very good at openGL on the mac
to find it then..

Now to find someone to help us on this...I will consult with Frank over at 
Software as I know with SilverLining and Triton he has someone that he uses for
Mac OSX OpenGL/etc.,  support that might be able to help us on this too.

If I get anything I will update this thread for everyone...

Thank you for all your input on this,


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-12 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I am searching the OpenGL Mac forums right now to see if I can
find any references to mipmap or compressed textures but so
far no results.  I will look a bit more before entering a new

When I was replying earlier I missed the other updates on this
thread that occurred, so I now see you did some pretty thorough testing
to rule out OSG on this...thanks for spending the time, I know your
busy right now with everything else going on..

I will pass on your recommendations to our other developers here
as well on your suggestion on the Nodevisitor switching
off mipmaps in the interim.


Thank you very much!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-17 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

After some checking around with our development team,
we discovered that after updating to the latest OSX release
the newest GL package from Apple was also installed
as part of this update and this issue seems to have been resolved...

The numbers from my particular mac:

Version: 4.1 NVIDIA-10.4.2 310.41.35f01

Shading language version: 4.10

Then removing and reconverting all our files into .osgb again
things are loading properly now.

So my apologies for not thinking about updating this before
getting everyone here involved.   Normally all our macs are
kept up to date, so was not even thinking about this
as a possibility.  

Anyone else having similar issues should try to update their
systems to the latest release of OSX to ensure they have
the latest Apple versions of OpenGL installed.


Thank you!

Curtis  :-*

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-18 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

   OK thank you for taking a quick look

   With things the way they are now, its very strange.  I have a few sets
of flight files that work and also a set that does not.  The dropbox
link I put in my last post for the small flight test case, the dds textures
do not load on the mac.   So it seems that this is not failing with
all cases of pre-generated mipmaps.  Maybe there is something
in how this was done in older versus newer versions of openflight
or something.

What is the difference between using the pre-gen'd mipmaps and not
using them?  Is there some sort of performance boost if the
pre-gen'd ones are working properly, something has to be
calculated on the fly as they are loading or something?

Just curious as I know very little about this subject...


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-18 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

We will be continuing our investigation
to see if we can get a better handle on
what is the culprit behind these differences...

The suggestion for the NodeVistor is also
something we will be looking at for the Mac
systems until such a time as we can find
out the exact cause of the issue or it
gets fixed in a later version of the Mac OS
somewhere along the line.

Thank you for all the information and suggestions...


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] DDS textures not loading on Mac OSX and the latest trunk(3.5.0)

2015-08-25 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi all,

The current version of OpenGL for Yosimite 10.10.5, seems to be working
to some extent from the testing I have done here recently, depending on
the data you are loading.

I have a new set of flt tiles here that loading their associated dds textures
OK, I can convert the flt.files to .osgb, etc. and they still load properly.

However, I also have another set of flt files that will not load their 
associated dds textures, as well as an old .ive file that does not
load the textures on Mac OSX but loads fine on Linux right now.

We are not quite sure what the differences are.  Could be
the non-working flt files were built against an older flt spec or something
as this is a relatively old set of flt files.

The non-working flt files have this for the first  few bytes:

  00 01 01 14 54 65 72 72  65 78 00 00 00 00 06 04  |Terrex..|
0010  00 00 00 01 68 65 72 65  61 66 74 65 72 00 00 00  |hereafter...|

The working flt files are different:
  00 01 01 48 64 62 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 06 68  |...Hdb.h|
0010  00 00 00 01 31 39 2e 30  38 2e 32 30 31 35 2d 31  |19.08.2015-1|

I do not know anything about the layout of a flt file, so cannot say even if
this means anything in this area, or is even enough to determine anything...

At any rate things are improving on OSX it seems, just backwards compatibility 
seems to be an issue to me.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] OpenThread, each with its own viewer and performance

2015-08-31 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hello OSG forum users,

I have a new application I am working on where I am using an Openthreads, 
thread to setup a viewer, graphics context etc. for
3 separate screens on my computer.

At the moment we are loading no data into the viewer, so when its
realized its just the default blue OSG screen and the one default
camera for each viewer/screen.

First thread starts up, opens the screen and its osg stats shows 1200fps.
Second thread starts up and both of the osg stats are showing about
6000fps, the third thread starts up and all 3 have an FPS about 400fps.
So the stats are showing a drop by each screen, even though each
thread has its own independent, viewer and graphics context.

I have tried all the OSG threading models, including just leaving it
at AUTO and did not notice any change in the FPS symptoms.

Anyone have any clues as to why this is occurring?? 

It just seems to me that all these screens should be independent.

When I do the same thing with 3 separate applications instead
of threads, each screen has its own FPS of approx 1200fps...


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenThread, each with its own viewer and performance

2015-09-23 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hello OSG users,

I am posting a simple application that uses OpenThreads.
Where each thread creates a Graphics context, sets up one 
composite viewer with one view and turns on the osg stats.
No nodes or data of any kind is added to the view.

There is a define in the  main() osgTest.cpp that sets up
how many threads are created.  Very simple example to
show the problem.

I am hoping that with your help we can determine if this is
something we are doing incorrectly or if it is just something
that is this way for a specific reason that we just do not

Any help, suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] embedded UI in OSG

2015-11-05 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Nick,

Also in the examples directory you can see some for
WxWidgets, Qt, GTK, FLTK, Cocoa(osx), MFC, FOX,

just to name a few that I see in there.  So you have
a few choices nowadays...

We have been successful at using Qt for all our needs,
as you are aware I think..


Thank you!


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[osg-users] IVE, OSGB, XXX -- which one is recommended for generally best performance?

2015-11-20 Thread Curtis Rubel

I know there might be some reasons that you would
pick one format or another but in general terms, what 
is the recommended OSG format to use 
these days for best OSG overall performance?

IVE, OSGB, etc..

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Vulkan SDKs released

2016-02-16 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hello everyone,

Speaking with the folks here at Compro, everyone seems
interested in working with Vulcan's new feature set
and contributing, at what level we cannot really say 
at this early stage in the game.

But please keep us in the loop as things start to
move forward so that we can jump in when/where
we think that we could be of use to the project.


Thank you!


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[osg-users] osgsimplegl3 example, is it possible to run on some combination of OSG and OSX?

2016-06-13 Thread Curtis Rubel

I am hoping there may be some OSG & MacOSX
guru's out there that could tell if me there is
a combination of Mac OSX release and OpenSceneGraph
release that allows the provided osgsimplegl3 example run as it
is without modification.

The mac is running El Capitan and we currently have OSG
3.4.0 compiled and installed on it as we had read someplace that
3.4.0 was already patched to allow for later GL support of
some kind.  Unfortunately, it was not able to successfully run the 
osgsimplegl3 example either without getting a couple of
#version 140 glcompiler messages output after enabling
debug output messages.  

We used macports to satisfy most of the required 
OSG dependencies.

We are not GL experts, nor OSX experts here as you probably already
deduced...hopefully the answer is not one that will take very
much time to answer.  

If you need more information just let me know and I will do my best
to get the information for you.


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgsimplegl3 example, is it possible to run on some combination of OSG and OSX?

2016-06-13 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your quick response, I will keep posted.



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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgsimplegl3 example, is it possible to run on some combination of OSG and OSX?

2016-07-28 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

Sorry to bother you gain, but I have
been watching and I cannot say for sure if
there was any progress on this for OSX or
not.  Are things ready for OSX and being
able to at least run the osgsimplegl3 example

Watching all the commits and messages I
got a bit confused as to exactly how the
repository is right now as far as OSX is


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osgsimplegl3 example, is it possible to run on some combination of OSG and OSX?

2016-08-01 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I will continue to monitor the forum then and when I see some
updates to the Vertex Array Object I will update my Mac system and
retest things using the OSG GL examples again to see if things are
working any better.  Hopefully one of the other OSX guru's will be
able to take a look as well, I am not much more that a general user
on OSX, just enough to test and verify whether our latest OpenIG
project works on it or not.  Our Forward Plus lighting plugin requires
some of  the GL3 API to be available.  I am hopeful that if
the osgsimplegl3 example runs successfully, then OpenIG's Forward
Plus lighting system should be OK too on the Mac.  Right now its
running pretty well on Linux and Windows systems already.

Thank you,


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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgversion command fails with symbol lookup error on new clone of OpenSceneGraph 3.5.5 on Linux

2016-10-11 Thread Curtis Rubel

After cloning out a copy of OpenSceneGraph 3.5.5 from GitHub, 
and running cmake with default options, then enabled building
of examples and documentation on Linux only.

After clean build with no errors, running make install;sudo ldconfig

osgversion command fails with the following results:

osgversion: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib64/ undefined 
symbol: _ZN11OpenThreads6Thread20setProcessorAffinityERKNS_8AffinityE

Actually seems all the default built binaries fail with the same error.

Are there some other cmake flags, defines or compile options that need to be 
specified before compiling 3.5.5 and have it run properly on 64bit Linux?

If more data is needed, just let me know what/how to get it for you
and I will do my best to get it.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgversion command fails with symbol lookup error on new clone of OpenSceneGraph 3.5.5 on Linux

2016-10-11 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

On my OpenSuSE 13.2 64bit system, it seems that at some
point OSG had been installed in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/lib64,
which had conflicting versions installed and was causing this problem.
For some reason OpenSuSE still keeps both of these paths alive.
They are supposed to be for 32bit versus 64bit library installs, but
it seems depending on your cmake options, it can go to either place
during the "make install"..

My apologies to you and the forumI have cleaned up the duplicated
libraries and everything is working as expected now.  

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Feedback/guidance sought on move of osgQt out into it's own project/repository

2016-10-12 Thread Curtis Rubel

  Just curious how things are proceeding with this process.

I saw Roberts request to test the latest 3.5.6 Master branch with the
new vertex buffer changes  and would like to try and do that
but our entire baseline relies heavily on osgQt being present
to build against.

We are mainly a Linux house, but also have some Windows
and MacOSX requirements from time to time.

My first attempt to clone out the latest osgQt kit from GitHub
does not allow me to run cmake on it successfully as
a standalone project/directory on my system.   I looked around
a bit and I do not see how to actually get cmake to properly
setup the project to build with OSG now that its been

Can someone point me in the direction to find a set of
instructions to follow or possibly give me some hints on
how to get osgQt built against the current 3.5.6 master branch
of OSG.  I have a little bit of time right now so, any info would 
be greatly appreciated so that we can start to provide back some feedback on 
the latest master branch of OSG as well as this 
new osgQt project.


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Feedback/guidance sought on move of osgQt out into it's own project/repository

2016-10-12 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Mathieu,

Basically that is exactly what I did and am getting an error.

CMake Error: File 
does not exist.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:971 (CONFIGURE_FILE):
  configure_file Problem configuring file

The directory does not exist within the packaging
directory on my system, its actually at: /etc/

Currently ONLY the master branch 3.5.6 of osg is installed
on my system in its default location of /usr/local/lib64.

Here is my output of the entire process:

amx@ios:/usr/local/3rdparty> cd osgQt-git/
amx@ios:/usr/local/3rdparty/osgQt-git> mkdir BUILD
amx@ios:/usr/local/3rdparty/osgQt-git> cd BUILD/
amx@ios:/usr/local/3rdparty/osgQt-git/BUILD> cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.3
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.3
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Found osgDB: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found osgGA: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found osgUtil: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found osgText: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found osgViewer: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found osgWidget: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found osg: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found OpenThreads: /usr/local/lib64/  
-- Found OpenSceneGraph: 
 (found suitable version "3.5.6", minimum required is "3.5.5") 
-- Looking for include file pthread.h
-- Looking for include file pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE  
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/ - 
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
-- Found X11: /usr/lib64/
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib64/  

The build system is configured to install libraries to /usr/local/lib64
Your applications may not be able to find your installed libraries unless you:
set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (user specific) or
update your configuration (system wide)
You have an directory on your system, so if you wish to ensure that
applications find the installed osg libraries, system wide, you could install an
OpenSceneGraph specific configuration with:
sudo make install_ld_conf

CMake Error: File 
does not exist.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:971 (CONFIGURE_FILE):
  configure_file Problem configuring file

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/usr/local/3rdparty/osgQt-git/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/usr/local/3rdparty/osgQt-git/BUILD/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

I was able to get past this error by running cmake-gui and
manually setting the build path, then clicked configure again 
and then finally was able to generate the makefile.  After that 
the osgQt project  built and installed ok on my system.
I currently have cmake 3.0.2 installed on my 64bit OpenSuSE 
13.2 Linux system that I am using  for this initial test in case
that affects any of this.

Thank you for your quick response..


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Re: [osg-users] Feedback/guidance sought on move of osgQt out into it's own project/repository

2016-10-12 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Mathieu,

  I did a pull on osg and osgQt just to make sure I had the
latest of both.

  cmake on osgQt completed without error now with both
the default settings and with the examples selected to build.

Just an FYI, when I selected the documentation build in the
cmake-gui...  I got a cmake error...anyhow that is just
so you know about it, its not anything that we need, just
figured I would pass it along to you for your TODO list...

CMake Error: File 
/usr/local/3rdparty/osgQt-git/doc/Doxyfiles/openthreads.doxyfile.cmake does not 
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:888 (CONFIGURE_FILE):
  configure_file Problem configuring file


Thank you for the quick fix(s)...


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Re: [osg-users] Feedback/guidance sought on move of osgQt out into it's own project/repository

2016-10-12 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Mathieu,

One other thing that is also not any sort of priority or
any sort of bug report for you to concern yourself with, but
maybe you know something about it with your work on this

The attached PIC to this reply is what I get when starting
the osgviewerQt example.  You will notice the left larger  window
only contains one model instead of the 4 models that it should
have.  Just was running the example after building it and
it reminded me of seeing this again.

The 4 models show up properly as soon as I touch the window
and resize it.  Minimizing it or covering it up and then uncovering
does not fix it, it needs a resize event to finally show the correct
output, doesn't matter if its sized larger or smaller.

This linux system has QT 5.4.2 installed on it right  now, I want to
say this behavior started with the first version of Qt5 we started
to use after our linux distro finally updated from 4.8.x.

Anyhow, just curious if you have seen this at all with your Qt work
and if this is actually a Qt bug that we have to live with until they fix 
it or its something in the osgQt implementation.

We get the same as I recall when we run this on our development
Mac as well, not sure about windows we don't have the examples built
on that platform right now for me to test it at the moment.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] vertex_array_object branch merged with master

2016-10-13 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

I did some very basic testing of this for you yesterday.  There is
no need to respond back to me with any possible fixes or anything,
I am just passing this along to you for your information right now.
We have no plans on updating our OSG version in the near future.

I was able to successfully compile the release on OpenSuSE 13.2 64bit Linux.

Next I recompiled our Opensource OpenIG application against this release and 
everything compiled OK, with exception of one minor change to the source code 
for a missing function:

osg::State* state = renderInfo.getState();

I used 3.5.3 above only because that is what I know for sure as I do not
have a copy of 3.5.4 to check against.

After this change our OpenIG application runs with no segv's, however
there are a number of visual issues noted with the 3.5.6 master:

1.  The one FBX model in the scene is not positioned properly anymore.
 Although the shadow for it seems to still be in the correct location and
 even shows the animation of that model, even though visually the
 model itself is not in that location anymore.
2.. There appears to be something going on with our terrain shaders too
 as when I change the TOD to 10:00, the terrain all turns bright white
 from its normal textures.  In fact just moving around in the scene
 also results in the terrain textures disappearing totally.
3.  Seems that our F+ lighting implementation will also need some 
 adjustments as it appears not to be rendering properly anymore.

I know very little about how the shaders were implemented in
this application as most of this was done by our consultant, just passing
on some of the basic results as I seem them right now for you.

All of  this is working properly in the 3.5.3 version we have been using
so at some point between this and whats on the master branch now these
visual changes have shown up.

Anyhow I know its just some very basic info, but I figured I would pass
it along for you in case this is not what you might have expected with
this latest release.

We will be curious to see what if anything anyone else reports back to you.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] vertex_array_object branch merged with master

2016-10-14 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Robert,

That call was only used once in our source, which in this case
is all opensource as its in our OpenIG opensource project
available on GitHub

The section of code this deals with is part of the integration of
the MyGUI project with our OpenIG.

At this point I would not consider it an issue  as I suspect it might 
have just been put there as a way to clean 
up all things possible and not for a specific reason or just
because some old example used it and was copied over this way.

If I find out differently I will let you know but for now we can ignore
this as far as I am concerned.


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] I/ITSEC 2016

2016-10-26 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Chris,

I'll be over there at least once while your there, not
sure when yet, will know more when it gets closer,
but I wouldn't mind catching up with ya and talking about
some OpenIG, etc. things with ya

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] a linux dialog starting to blur while draging towards to an OSG QT widgets

2016-11-29 Thread Curtis Rubel

  I know the new KDE plasma desktops have effects that blur windows while 
dragging as well as make them semi-transparent, so I just wanted to pass on 
that information just in case it may be related to your problem and it
has not been thought of yet.

  If this is not possible in your configuration, then please ignore my reply...


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Re: [osg-users] [3rd party] autodesk fbx sdk

2017-10-20 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Nick,

   I also tried the Autodesk website and the links they provide are broken and 
taking you to a "page not found" default now.   I did send their support people 
and email letting them know that it was broken.  Hopefully they will fix it 



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Re: [osg-users] [3rd party] autodesk fbx sdk

2017-10-20 Thread Curtis Rubel

I probably have a 2017 SDK around someplace for
Linux and/or Windows.  If that will do let me know and
I will look around on Monday when I get in to work...


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Re: [osg-users] [3rd party] autodesk fbx sdk

2017-10-23 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hi Nick,

 I got a reply from AutoDesk seems they had it
down for maintenance and its back up now at this


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Re: [osg-users] [3rd party] autodesk fbx sdk

2017-10-23 Thread Curtis Rubel

Looks like the 2018.1.1 SDK's are out now for
Linux, Windows and Mac, as well as something for IOS.
at least at this US link:

Thank you!


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[osg-users] OsgText compile issue with the newer versions of OSG

2017-11-15 Thread Curtis Rubel
Hello community,

   I was attempting to test the latest release of OSG 3.5.8 and am now getting
some compiler errors.

error: ‘const struct osgText::Text::GlyphQuads’ has no member named ‘getCoords’

Snippet of the code in question:


std::vector  coords;

osgText::Text::TextureGlyphQuadMap& tgqm = 

const osgText::Text::GlyphQuads& gq = tgqmi->second;


We are using this code to control onscreen text command line input.
What would be the proper way to fix this code under the newer versions of OSG to
accomplish the same, if it is still possible in some way?

Any hints would be appreciated.

Thank you all as always...


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Re: [osg-users] The naming of VulkanSceneGraph

2018-06-25 Thread Curtis Rubel
 I think this page will alleviate anymore discussion, at
least it sounds pretty straight forward to me that as long as
VulcanSceneGraph passes their tests it seems OK to use the name.
Of course I am no a lawyer either but this text seems to be pretty
simple and in laymen's terms. 


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