Re: [osg-users] Method for Converting FLT files to use DDS

2013-01-28 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Karl.

It's a long time since I've look at the contents of FLT files, but I vaguely 
remember them being organised as records, where each record contains a type-id 
and a record length.  If FLT format hasn't changed dramatically, then it should 
be possible (in C/C++) to write a program that can examine each record in turn 
looking for texture records with a filename ending ".rgb\0" or ".rgba\0".  

If you keep the filename part of your textures consistent, and just change the 
extension when you convert them, then you're simply changing ".rgb\0" for 
".dds\0" in the FLT files.


However, I'd be tempted to try a quick and dirty test first by ignoring the FLT 
specification.  Instead, treat the files as binary and  search for ".rgb\0" and 
replace with ".dds\0".  Then test the files just in case ".rgb\0" caught some 
binary data.

I wrote a simple FLT parser about 12 years ago in C for OpenGL which was able 
to pick out geometry with textures, so I think all of this is do-able without 
using OSG and without the FLT API.

If I remember my *nix correctly then you can "see" the occurencies of rgb 
cat file.FLT | strings | grep -i rgb

Good luck,

>Message: 6
>Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 07:54:47 -0500
>From: "Cary, Karl A." 
>To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
>Subject: [osg-users] Method for Converting FLT files to use DDS
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>This isn't a direct OSG question, but one I was hoping people on this list 
>might be able to >help out with. We have several thousand FLT files that use 
>rgbs as textures. Unfortunately >we can't convert these to ive or osgb files 
>as they are shared with another application that >is not made in OSG and only 
>supports FLT files. However, both can support FLT files using >DDS textures to 
>allow for texture compression. Through testing we have shown a large 
>>improvement by doing this, so we want to go that route.
>The issue is how to convert all of these FLT files over. We can easily batch 
>convert all of >the textures, that is not a problem. The issue is updating the 
>FLT files themselves to tell >them to point to the dds texture instead of the 
>rgb texture. Having someone manually open up >each file and edit the texture 
>names is VERY time consuming. Does anyone know of an easy way >we could do 
>this through scripting or a custom converter or something else? The files will 
>>stay named the same except for the .rgb will become .dds.
>Thanks in advance.
>Karl Cary
>Software Developer

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph 2.8.0-rc3 testing

2009-02-09 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Robert.
Project "wrappers" fails to build... "genwrapper is not recognised
as an internal or external command"
>> wrappers is designed to run the genwrappers utility to generate the
osgIntrospection wrappers.  You'll need to pull this down from the
genwrapper svn and build it locally.
I've seen this error before when testing an earlier rc. Paul ??? replied
saying something like the wrappers needed to be updated or checked-in or
something at your end.  Sorry I can't be more specific, the osg website
seems to be down at the moment so I can't get at the archives.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph 2.8.0-rc3 testing

2009-02-09 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Robert.
OSG2.8.0-rc3 on Windows with Visual Studio produces one error...
Project "wrappers" fails to build... "genwrapper is not recognised as an
internal or external command"

Also found some more typos in the output text of various examples...

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test OSG-2.8 in prep for 2.8.0-rc2

2009-02-06 Thread Quinn, Gary
Thanks Robert.
Just to update you...
osgshaders... I hadn't noticed before, but when the models are on the
left hand (primary) monitor, osgshaders fails as per the image at, but the
shaders work if I move the camera so the models are on the right hand
(secondary) monitor.  There are some error messages...
FRAGMENT glCompileShader "" FAILED
VERTEX glCompileShader "" FAILED
glLinkProgram "blocky" FAILED
FRAGMENT glCompileShader "" FAILED
VERTEX glCompileShader "" FAILED
glLinkProgram "eroded" FAILED
FRAGMENT glCompileShader "" FAILED
VERTEX glCompileShader "" FAILED
glLinkProgram "marble" FAILED
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid value' after RenderBin::draw(,)

osgstereoimage says "Warning GraphicsWindowWin32::grabFocus() - Failed
grabbing the focus".  The PC becomes very sluggish, but does allow me to
exit from osgstereoimage without any problem.
The NULL pointer error with the mandlebrot set doesn't want to repeat
itself :-(
I'm using the 2.6.0 version of OpenSceneGraph-Data.

Message: 8
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 12:42:19 +
From: Robert Osfield 
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Please test OSG-2.8 in prep for 2.8.0-rc2
To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Hi Gary,
You spelling fixes and changes to osgShell.bat are now merged with
OSG-2.8 branch.  I did simplify the osgShell.bat a bit more though, I
removed the path to the plugins directory and the OpenSeneGraph-Data
subdirectories as these shouldn't be required any more as the OSG
searches automatically for it's versioned plugin directory.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test OSG-2.8 in prep for 2.8.0-rc2

2009-02-06 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Robert.
Thanks for your reply.  I also suspect the drivers are causing some of
the problems.  Unfortunately, the exe's don't seem to want to run on
other machines right now, so testing is going to be difficult.  I'll try
to compile on a different PC for testing next time.
I'm using PNY 9800 GTX's on NVidia's 181.20 driver.  I had problems with
181.22 so rolled back.


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:57:20 +
From: Robert Osfield 
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Please test OSG-2.8 in prep for 2.8.0-rc2
To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Gary,

Thanks for the testing and report.  I'm just about to download your
spelling errors/bar file changes and will do a review of these.

W.r.t. some of the example not producing the correct results, this
sounds like OpenGL drivers might be playing up.  What hardware and
drivers are you using?

Do you have anything other systems on which to check the results?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] NVidia Drivers Release 181.20

2009-02-06 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Jeremy, Ryan.
For info, I installed 181.22 on two Windows XP PCs with PNY 9800GTX's.  
One PC blue screened every night, and the other PC produced random noise
on screen that looked like snow when panning around a commercial 3d
application we use.
Reverting to 181.20 solved both those problems.


I don't know if this is pertinent information or not, but all of the
games I play regularly (Bioshock, Fallout 3, Steam games, WOW) all were
totally hosed on 181.20 with my GTX 280 card; graphical anomalies, weird
crashes, you name it. I upgraded to 181.22 and the problems went away...

On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 12:46 -0600, Kawicki, Ryan H wrote:
> I was curious to see if anyone else was seeing the same problems that
> am seeing with the latest GeForce and Quadro drivers.
> With the Quadro drivers ( on a Quadro 3450 ), I am not seeing any
> crashes, but I am seeing patches of the terrain either displaying a
> black texture or not rendering sections to the frame buffer.  I even
> what looks like a point or two rendering at infinity.
> With the GeForce drivers ( on a GeForce 7600 GT ), I am seeing the
> terrain render fine, but randomly the graphics driver will popup a
> dialog indicating that the driver has performed an illegal operation
> has requested that the application be terminated.  There have been
> reports related to driver instability for the GeForce cards related to
> this driver, so I expect that Nvidia is in the process of correcting
> this.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test OSG-2.8 in prep for 2.8.0-rc2

2009-02-06 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Robert.
OpenSceneGraph 2.8.0-rc1, Windows XP SP3, Vis Studio 2008.  no errors,
no warnings when compiling.
There are some spelling errors/typos in the text output from various
examples.  I haven't had time to go through them all, but the ones I've
found are listed in
osgShell.bat seems to be broken, I guess it's been moved up or down a
directory level since the last time I tried it.  I've uploaded a
modified version to which
assumes that the data 3rdparty directories are both inside the
OpenSceneGraph-x.x.x directory.
osgAutoTransform seems to have a problem on a dualview display (2x
1280x1024 displays, NOT horizontal span), where the text seems to
flicker (even when the camera isn't moving) and text randomly appears in
random places across the screen.  This is at its worst when the model is
spread across the two screens.  If I can find a way to screen grab this,
I will - but no promises.
osgGeometry...  The yellow geometry remains stationary when the model is
moved - is this correct ?  See
osgfxBrowser... The description text sits over the help text which looks
untidy.  See
osgKeyboard... When I press the Alt-Gr key, the display shows the
Left-CTRL key as being pressed.
osgPrecipitation... Looks good when the camera is static, but the
precipitation moves in the opposite direction to the camera.  The
transition from a static camera to a moving camera creates an abrupt
change in the precipitation which looks odd.
osgShaders... Only the bottom row of models are shaded.  Is this correct
?  See
osgviewer glsl_mandelbrot.osg  crashes on exit with a NULL pointer
osgstereoimage produces a black screen, no visible model.
osgScribe seems to incorrectly draw some of the back faces in wireframe.
See and
Finally, I vaguely remember the examples in a much earlier release all
having a "h" hotkey for help, which showed how to save the scene, do a
screen dump, etc.  But none of the 2.8.0 examples seem to have this.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg-users Digest, Vol 15, Issue 70

2008-09-26 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Paul.
>>> GenWrapper - no.  I've just done a rebuild on OSG 2.6.0 to check,
and didn't get a genwrapper error message.
>> In 2.6.1, if I right click on the 'wrappers' target and select
'build', then
>>genwrapper is found and runs normally -- no error. 
>> ...
>> Did you build it from a genwrapper svn tree? Where did you put the
executable after you built it?
>> ..
>> there's no way you could do an equivalent operation on 2.6 -- the
'wrappers' target didn't exist.

The only difference at my side was that I downloaded 2.6.0 as a zip file
from the OSG downloads page, but I got 2.6.1 from the svn url you
With both versions, I used the same batch of 3rd party libs, and I used
VS's "batch build" to build everything.

>> In general, you shouldn't need to build the 'wrappers' target, they
should already be built and checked in. However, I see they are out of
date on 2.6.1 
That explains it, thanks Paul.  I guess I wouldn't normally need
genwrappers to compile OSG from source.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 2.6.1 release

2008-09-25 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Paul
>> Sorry if that last email from me appeared a bit curt; 
No worries, you should see me when I fall out of bed on a morning or
maybe you shouldn't :-)
>> Attached is a batch file from Mike's svn tree that contains the
package version numbers. 
Thanks, I wasn't aware of that.  I was aware of some discussions on the
mailing list regarding moving to different versions of 3rd party libs,
but was unable to find the threads again.  I'd also noticed that some of
the 3rd party lib suppliers had withdrawn earlier versions - such as
zlib 1.2.2 due to security issues.
>>Do you have these same [compilation issues] when you build OSG v2.6
with these dependencies? 
LibTiff - yes.  I was kind-of hoping that someone would have a
config.h/makefile/whatever that would allow this to compile for OSG.  
ReaderWriterGif - yes.  I think it's something to do with the function
calling convention specified by libgif that doesn't work with OSG's
calling convention.  I couldn't see a way to fix this, but I'll take a
look at the version of libgif used by Mike to see if that has the
GenWrapper - no.  I've just done a rebuild on OSG 2.6.0 to check, and
didn't get a genwrapper error message.

>>Assuming you're on Windows... Many will warn you to not mix Release
libs with Debug builds. However, I have found that you can mix them if
the library meets two criteria: 1) the library interface must not use
STL, and 2) don't mix the heap (don't alloc memory in Release code and
free it in Debug, for example).  LibTiff appears to meet these criteria,
as far as I know, so you should be able to mix a Release libTiff with
your Debug OSG.
Cool - sounds like I can ignore that... for now.

Thanks for your time.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 2.6.1 release

2008-09-24 Thread Quinn, Gary
Hi Paul.
>> I'd like to open this up for testing to anyone willing to help out.
Check out 2.6.1 from here:
>snip snip
Can you confirm the versions of the 3rd party libraries that you're
using with this release please.
For info, I've compiled the following from source with Windows XP, VS
2008, and CMake 2.6.1
zlib 1.2.3
lpng 1.2.8
jpeg 6b-4
libtiff 3.8.2
libungif 4.1.4
Freetype 2.3.5
glut 3.7.6

Compilation issues are...
1. The version of LibTiff I have doesn't create a debug version, so
CMake issues a warning that says it will use the release version
instead.  Any suggestions to fix this would be welcome.
2. I get errors with ReaderWriterGif (see below) which suggests that
I've either got the wrong version, or I need to edit libgif's makefile
to generate something that OSG can use.
3. A tool "genwrapper" is not recognised (see below for the full error
I've written up what I've done to compile the 3rd party libs.  If it
will help, I'll make the notes and the compiled libraries available once
these issues are resolved.

-- Build started: Project: Plugins gif, Configuration:
RelWithDebInfo Win32 --
Compiling manifest to resources...
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifCloseFile referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl
simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifGetLine referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl
simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifGetImageDesc referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl
simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifGetExtensionNext referenced in function "unsigned char *
__cdecl simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifGetExtension referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl
simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifGetRecordType referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl
simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__DGifOpen referenced in function "unsigned char * __cdecl
simage_gif_load(class std::basic_istream > &,int *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
(?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@std@@
D:\OSG\osg261rc1\bin\RelWithDebInfo\..\osgPlugins-2.6.1\osgdb_gif.dll :
fatal error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals
Build log was saved at
Plugins gif - 8 error(s), 0 warning(s)

-- Build started: Project: wrappers, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo
Win32 --
'genwrapper' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 255 returned from
Build log was saved at
wrappers - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Build Log
  Build started: Project: wrappers, Configuration:
Command Lines
Creating temporary file
"C:\DOCUME~1\U00034~1.WIN\LOCALS~1\Temp\BAT000E8310042088.bat" with
@echo off
genwrapper -c D:/OSG/osg261rc1/src/osgWrappers/genwrapper.conf -t
D:/OSG/osg261rc1/src/osgWrappers/Doxyfile.template -d D:/OSG/osg261rc1 |
doxygen -
genwrapper -c D:/OSG/osg261rc1/src/osgWrappers/genwrapper.conf -l
if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
goto VCEnd
echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
exit 1
Creating command line