[osg-users] OSX Yosemite Xcode osgmultitouch undefined symbol setMultiTouchEnabled(bool)

2014-11-17 Thread Robert Graf
Howdy all,

I tried building OpenSceneGraph 3.2.1 from source using CMake to generate an 
Xcode project, and the following linker error occurred for the osgmultitouch 
example. Has anyone seen this or know how to correct it?

Ld /Users/robert/Documents/inst/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.1/bin/osgmultitouchd normal 
cd /Users/robert/Documents/src/OpenSceneGraph-3.2.1

 -arch x86_64 -isysroot 
 -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -Wl,-search_paths_first 
-framework Carbon /usr/lib/libz.dylib 
 /usr/lib/libm.dylib /usr/lib/libdl.dylib -framework Cocoa -framework AGL 
-framework OpenGL -stdlib=libstdc++ -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker 
 ts-normal/x86_64/osgmultitouchd_dependency_info.dat -o 

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "osgViewer::GraphicsWindowCocoa::setMultiTouchEnabled(bool)", referenced from:
  _main in osgmultitouch.o
  "typeinfo for osgViewer::GraphicsWindowCocoa", referenced from:
  _main in osgmultitouch.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I'm running with the following configuration:
- MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)
- OSX Yosemite 10.10.1
- CMake 3.0.2
- Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d)

Thanks a bunch!

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Re: [osg-users] OSX Yosemite Xcode osgmultitouch undefined symbol setMultiTouchEnabled(bool)

2014-11-18 Thread Robert Graf
Hi Robert, thanks for checking in. Setting OSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM to "Cocoa" in 
CMake resolves the linker issue.

Currently, the CMake build configuration defaults OSG_WINDOWING_SYSTEM to 
"Carbon" when building on OSX, but when examples are built, the linker fails as 
indicated in this forum thread.

It looks like a solution is to use Carbon for <= OSX 10.4 and Cocoa > OSX 10.4, 
as indicated in the thread link below:

http:// t34445. graphics-openscenegraph-cvs. graphictalk. 
info/using-cocoa-by-default-on-10-x-x-5-t34445. html


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Re: [osg-users] OSX Yosemite Xcode osgmultitouch undefined symbol setMultiTouchEnabled(bool)

2014-11-27 Thread Robert Graf
Howdy Robert,

I'm running with the following configuration: 
- MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013) 
- OSX Yosemite 10.10.1 
- CMake 3.0.2 
- Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d)

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Re: [osg-users] OSX Yosemite Xcode osgmultitouch undefined symbol setMultiTouchEnabled(bool)

2014-11-28 Thread Robert Graf
Thanks Robert, that fixed it! It's working now. Although, I did run into a 
non-related compile error. The following change needed to be made for the build 
to complete successfully on the x86_64 platform:

File CocoaViewer.mm Line 176




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Re: [osg-users] OSX Yosemite Xcode osgmultitouch undefined symbol setMultiTouchEnabled(bool)

2014-11-28 Thread Robert Graf
Howdy Robert,

This line works as well:



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[osg-users] [build] Xcode: Cannot find install manifest

2015-02-03 Thread Robert Graf
Howdy all,

I was wondering if anyone has run into this "Cannot find install manifest" 
build error with Xcode, or knows how to fix it:

PhaseScriptExecution CMake\ Rules 
cd /Users/robert/Documents/691/Prototype/src/osg
/bin/sh -c 

echo ""

/Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake -P 
CMake Error at cmake_uninstall.cmake:2 (MESSAGE):
Cannot find install manifest:

make: *** 
[/Users/robert/Documents/691/Prototype/build/osg/CMakeFiles/uninstall] Error 1
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 2

Steps to Reproduce:
1) Obtain OpenSceneGraph from 
2) Use CMake to generate Xcode project (leave all settings at their defaults):
3) Set "Where is the source code" to the directory of the source.
4) Set "Where to build the binaries" to an empty directory.
5) Press Configure button until all red items go away.
6) Press Generate button.
7) Open generated Xcode project in Xcode.
8) Build the Xcode project.

My configuration:
* MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013)
* OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
* Xcode Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a)
* CMake 3.1.0

The same build error occurs when cloning from github:
git clone http://github.com/openscenegraph/osg.git

Thanks a bunch for any help!
-Robert Graf

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Re: [osg-users] [build] Xcode: Cannot find install manifest

2015-02-03 Thread Robert Graf
Aha, Xcode is trying to build the uninstall scheme first, before all other 
schemes. It is unable to uninstall because the install scheme has not run yet.

One solution is to disable the uninstall scheme using the Scheme Manager.

It would be nice if the OpenSceneGraph Xcode project generated from CMake built 
correctly out-of-the-box by simply opening the Xcode project and starting a 
build, without having to manipulate the schemes initially. This used to work in 
the past with earlier versions of OpenSceneGraph, if I recall correctly.


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Xcode: Cannot find install manifest

2015-02-03 Thread Robert Graf
Easiest solution:
Simply activate the ALL_BUILD scheme from the drop-down menu at the top of the 
window. It defaults to uninstall, which probably is not desirable.


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Xcode: Cannot find install manifest

2015-02-04 Thread Robert Graf
Thanks a bunch Robert for checking on this and getting back. The suggestion 
about avoiding Xcode on OS X is good too. It also is simple enough to make sure 
the ALL_BUILD scheme is active before running the build.

Thanks again for the help!

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Re: [osg-users] Shadows : Creating multiple osgShadow::ShadowedScene

2015-05-18 Thread Robert Graf
Howdy all,
What are some approaches for using the OSG to render a scene with 6 
shadow-casting spot lights using the ShadowMap technique?

A couple of ideas that came to mind:

1) Use multiple ShadowedScene's with each one having a ShadowMap technique that 
sets a unique shadow texture unit for each shadow map. ShadowMap has a function 
setTextureUnit() for doing this. Could these shadowed scenes be rendered in a 
pre-pass, such as under a slave camera or RenderBins, and have the resulting 
shadow texture units be available for a main-pass fragment shader?

2) Make a local clone of ShadowMap, and modify it to support 6 lights with a 
dedicated shadow texture unit for each light. A fragment shader would be added 
using the ShadowMap.addShader() method, that does per-pixel lighting and does 
look-ups into all 6 shadow texture units.

3) Make a local clown of ShadowedScene, and modify it so that _shadowSettings 
and _shadowTechnique are dynamic arrays, effectively allowing multiple 
ShadowSettings/ShadowTechnique pairs to be inserted. Each inserted ShadowMap 
technique would be assigned a unique texture unit number. This has a number of 
questionable architecture issues.

Something similar to #1 above would be ideal, without modifying OSG much, but 
may not be possible. #2 seems like it should work, but would require some 
development. #3 sounds like it would be over-complicated or unfitting for the 
OSG framework.

Any thoughts or opinions?

Thanks guys!
-Robert Graf

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Re: [osg-users] Shadows : Creating multiple osgShadow::ShadowedScene

2015-05-24 Thread Robert Graf
Howdy all,

What is a way to have a ShadowedScene update just its shadow texture unit in 
the pre-render for its children, and not have its children rendered during the 
main viewer pass?

I'd like to set up multiple lights, each with its own shadow map. Each 
light/shadowmap combination will be a ShadowedScene. These ShadowedScene's will 
be pre-rendered, each in their own shadow map texture unit. Then in the main 
viewer pass, a custom fragment shader will use the different shadow map texture 
units for shadowing. For the main viewer pass, only the regular scene will be 
rendered, not any of the shadowed_scene's.

The scene would look something like this:

- root
|--- shadowed_scene1
| |--- scene
|--- shadowed_scene2
| |--- scene
|--- shadowed_scene3
| |--- scene
|--- scene


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Re: [osg-users] Shadows : Creating multiple osgShadow::ShadowedScene

2015-05-28 Thread Robert Graf
Thanks for the guidance on this Robert, it is great to know!

Do you or anyone else here know if the view dependent shadow map in the OSG is 
based on the method of the following master thesis? Understanding the 
methodology of the technique will help me better understand the code in order 
to modify it.


Thanks a bunch!

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