Re: [osg-users] Keyboard focus loss with OSG 3.2.1

2014-10-28 Thread Steven Saunderson

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> I don't see this behaviour on my KDE Linux desktop - I can run osgviewer, 
> exit and the keyboard focus remains with the console that had the original 
> focus.
> What window manager are you using?
> I don't have an opinions w.r.t RevertToParent change as I don't know yet what 
> the effect across platforms will be to existing OSG applications.  If it 
> works as a better default across more X11 window managers then that would be 
> a good thing.  However, having to click for keyboard focus is hardly a major 
> issue, there are plenty of more pressing issues I need to tackle.
> Robert.

Hi Robert,

My window manager is icewm.  Like you I don't have a problem when running 
osgviewer.  The keyboard problem after exiting my program started after I 
created a class derived from osgGA::GUIEventHandler.  The loss of keyboard is 
not an issue except when running on a PC without a mouse which admittedly is 
pretty rare.

I've just tested on an i386 and the results are the same so I doubt it is 
platform specific.  I'll post here with any updates.


-- Steven Saunderson

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[osg-users] Keyboard focus loss with OSG 3.2.1

2014-10-28 Thread Steven Saunderson
I've recently added a keyboard handler (using osgGA::GUIEventHandler) to my 
program and it works but the keyboard focus is lost when the program ends and I 
have to click a window with the mouse to re-enable the keyboard.  My operating 
system is Debian ARMHF.

The fix I've found is to change src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowX11.cpp so its 
XSetInputFocus call (there is only one) uses RevertToParent rather than 

Does this sound like a reasonable solution or can anyone see any problems here 
?  I can try to supply a patch if this will kelp.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Vertical retrace detection

2009-09-06 Thread Steven Saunderson
Chris wrote:

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
> How do you mean "the display thread loops busy rather than idling"? My 
> experience with
> OSG running on a proper video driver is that wait for vblank should be a 
> mostly-idle
> operation, not a spin-wait. What OS, driver, hardware, etc are you running 
> on? I gave ATI
> endless grief a few years ago until they fixed this because it was KILLING 
> OSG dtabase
> pager (by eating all the time DBPager normally uses to load/compile scene 
> data).

Thanks for the ATI hint.  I do have an old ATI card in this PC.  I've just 
tested the program in a PC with an nVidia card and it does wait-idle somewhere 
in the frame() call.  I'll setup another thread for my input processing.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Vertical retrace detection

2009-09-06 Thread Steven Saunderson
Hi Ulrich,

Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
> In general I don't believe it would benefit your ultimate goal (smoother 
> display): yes, 
> the display thread waits for retrace and thereby wastes some cycles.  On the 
> other hand if 
> you call 'frame()' too late you might miss the next retrace altogether and 
> quality will 
> suffer dramatically.
> Can't you decouple your processing instead by moving it to a separate thread?

Yes, the quality drop from delaying my frame() calls is dramatic (say 30 frames 
per second instead of 60).  Also, the variable processing time for each frame 
means that I can't reliably estimate the milliseconds required.

My problem with using another thread is that the display thread loops busy 
rather than idling so it's hard to share the processing time without taking 
valuable time from the display thread.

I'm now giving priority to net input and the rest to the display updating.


-- Steven Saunderson

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[osg-users] Vertical retrace detection

2009-09-05 Thread Steven Saunderson

I'm using OSG 2.8.0 and trying to synchronise my video frame generation with 
the vertical retrace frequency so I get a smoother display.  Update on vertical 
retrace is enabled.  If I call viewer.frame() too early processing is stalled 
until the next retrace.

Is there any way for my application to check for an available buffer before 
calling viewer.frame() ?  I'd like to use this time for other processing rather 
than waiting.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] aspect ratio question

2009-09-05 Thread Steven Saunderson

Clay, Bruce wrote:
> I started working with the OSG MFC sample on a Vista windows box. When I load 
> a model into the window and rotate it, I notice that the aspect ratio of the 
> model changes.

If the aspect ratio (probably a float) is calculated from the screen size (two 
integers) you might be losing the fractional component (e.g. 800/600 = 1).  
Casting the inputs to floats will help here.

-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Desirable OpenGL knowledge

2009-04-08 Thread Steven Saunderson

jguo wrote:
> How do you recommend I go about this, keeping in mind that I dont plan to 
> develop with raw OpenGL? Im particularly interested in how the OpenGL states 
> and modes effect the rendering in OSG.
> So, the Red Book 
> (
>  The SuperBible 
> (
>  The online documentation (

I bought the SuperBible which has been good for me.  Same as you I wanted to 
learn OpenGL so I could understand OSG rather than write OpenGL directly.  The 
OSG Quick Start Guide is great and I still pick up something new each time I 
reread it.  I've never done graphics programming before so it's all new 
territory to me.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] LightPoint and fog

2009-04-08 Thread Steven Saunderson
I've just found that using osgSim::LightPoint::BLENDED instead of ADDITIVE 
solves my problem.

My apologies for posting this thread.


-- Steven Saunderson

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[osg-users] LightPoint and fog

2009-04-08 Thread Steven Saunderson

I'm using osgSim::LightPoint for lights (e.g. runway edge lights) in a scene.  
These are great normally but when fog (osg::Fog) is applied the lights change 
to white and don't fade into obscurity.

Is there an easy way to fix this or perhaps a better method of adding such 
lights to the scene ?  I'm wondering about putting the lights under an LOD and 
changing the max range to suit the fog but this doesn't sound easy or ideal.

Thank you,

-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Quaternion problem

2009-03-17 Thread Steven Saunderson
Hi Antonin,

I may be getting way out of my depth here but when I saw your problem this 
morning it looked very similar to a problem I had just recently.

Looking at your original post :

Antonin Linares wrote:
> //get height and normal under the tank 
> osg::Vec3f pos = 
> lsi->getFirstIntersection()->getWorldIntersectionPoint(); 
> osg::Vec3f normal = 
> lsi->getFirstIntersection()->getWorldIntersectionNormal(); 
> //Set up height 
> pat->setPosition(pos);

All looks fine so far

Antonin Linares wrote:
> //Set up alignment with terrain 
> float rotation; 
> osg::Vec3f origine; 
> pat->getAtitude().getRotate(rotation, origine); 
> if((origine*normal) != 0){ 
> osg::Quat corect; 
> corect.makeRotation(origine, normal); 
> pat->setAtitude(corect);

I don't understand why you have the getAtitude() here.  It will return a quat 
and the .getRotate will convert the value into an angle and vector.  But what 
quat value is it converting ?

What happens if you always calculate "corect" as you are doing and then apply 
"rot" in the setAtitude call (i.e. pat->setAtitude (rot * corect) ) ?

//Set up alignment with terrain 
float rotation; 
osg::Vec3f origine (0,0,1); 
osg::Quat corect; 
corect.makeRotation(origine, normal); 

// I'm not sure where you get rotation from ??

osg::Quat rot(rotation, origine); 

I hope this helps or entices someone more knowledgeable to assist here.

-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Quaternion problem

2009-03-16 Thread Steven Saunderson

Antonin Linares wrote:
> Hi osg users
> I use an intersectionVisitor to place tank model on my terrain
> i made something like that:
> [...]osg::Quat rot(rotation, normal);
> pat->setAtitude(corect*rot);   //the tank was well oriented but 
> no more aligned with my terrain 
> }
> }
> I looking for any idea to make my tank aligned with the terrain but 
> keeping it's previous orientation.

Have you tried : pat->setAtitude(rot*corect); ?
I'm wondering if the factor that should be applied last (i.e. rot) should be 
first in the multiply here.

-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] ProxyNode and output to .IVE

2009-03-13 Thread Steven Saunderson

Brian R Hill wrote:
> Steven,
> I use PagedLOD for this.

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the tip; it solves both problems and works like a charm.


-- Steven Saunderson

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[osg-users] ProxyNode and output to .IVE

2009-03-12 Thread Steven Saunderson
I'm generating a scene and writing it to disk for later use.  I wish to import 
some sub-scenes (IVE files) at run-time.  To achieve this I'm using ProxyNodes 
specifying the sub-scene filename.

One problem is that the full filename is stored in the OSG file I generate but 
not the IVE file.  If I split the filename into path and name and use 
setDatabasePath the path is not written to the IVE or OSG output files.

The second problem is that when I generate the IVE file the plugin creates a 
dummy file with the filename of the file I wish to import.  This dummy file 
overwrites the sub-scene file.

Is ProxyNode the proper tool for this job ?  Any suggestions or alternatives 
will be greatly appreciated.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] dynamic vertex array howto

2009-02-28 Thread Steven Saunderson

Skylark wrote:
> Yep, good intuition: _geometry->dirty();
> Also, since you're changing the vertices each frame, set 
> _geometry->setUseDisplayList(false); or otherwise you'll get bad 
> performance.

Thanks for the tip about the futility of a display list in this case.  I have a 
sky dome that follows the camera so your comment has helped me.  But I can't 
find any reference to a "dirty" function.  Do you mean "dirtyBounds" (which I 
do use) or am I missing something ?  There is "dirtyDisplayList" but this is 
irrelevant when there is no list.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] Lightning problem with camera point of view

2009-02-28 Thread Steven Saunderson

jonim8or wrote:
> I have the same problem, with lights switching on and off for one shape in my 
> scene.

I have a similar problem in a scene with large flat terrain areas.  When there 
is no vertex in close view it seems that OpenGL can't determine the appropriate 
lighting for the surface and therefore doesn't.  Adding points with normals to 
the large area solves the problem.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] DrawArrays and bind_per_primitive

2009-02-20 Thread Steven Saunderson

Robert Osfield wrote:
> As a general note, using BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE drops the OSG down to
> using OpenGL glBegin/glEnd slows paths, which is very inefficient
> compared to using vertex arrays.

Thanks for this tip; I wasn't aware of the performance penalty.

Does this also apply to BIND_OVERALL ?  I have many single entry arrays for 
colour.  If these are expensive from a performance viewpoint then I'll 
definitely expand them.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] DrawArrays and bind_per_primitive

2009-02-20 Thread Steven Saunderson

Simon Hammett wrote:
> No it works fine for me. (2.7.1)
> It doesn't work with tri/quad strips though, you get the same behavior

Thanks for the info.  I can see the problem with strips or fans.  The .osg file 
looks fine to me but it just doesn't work.  If I set the notify level to INFO I 
see lots of warnings that the binding has been set to PER_PRIMITIVE.  I'll 
experiment some more.

-- Steven Saunderson

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[osg-users] DrawArrays and bind_per_primitive

2009-02-20 Thread Steven Saunderson
Is BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE allowed when using a DrawArrays (GL_QUADS) primitive ?  
I've found that if I do this and save the scene as an .osg file it will crash 
osgviewer.  If I save the scene as an .ive file then there is no problem.

I chose BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE here because it seems sufficient and avoids 
duplication of identical normals.


-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] IVE writer repeatedly saves identical textures (osgconv)

2009-02-18 Thread Steven Saunderson

Andrew Lett wrote:
> Is there another solution which can prevent repeat saves of the same texture?

Can you change your scene (or whatever generates the .osg files) so it uses the 
same texture multiple times instead of multiple  textures that just happen to 
contain the same image file ?

I do this and the .osg output file is full of "UseTexture_??" and "UseArray_??" 
for the co-ords but the texture specs and image file name appear only once.

-- Steven Saunderson

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Re: [osg-users] osg::View NO_LIGHT bug?

2009-02-17 Thread Steven Saunderson

- From: Ben Axelrod at 2009-02-18 07:09-
still dont know why osg::View::NO_LIGHT doesnt work, but to answer my own
questions, to turn off the default light completely:




Hi Ben,
This is the best solution that I found.  I tried the example code
from OSGQSG but it didn't work properly.  I appreciate comments here
that it's not ideal because light#0 is wasted but it seems safer than
trying to hijack this light which viewer expects to use.
Any suggestions or clues about taking control of light#0 will be greatly
-- Steven

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Difficulties with HUD

2008-11-29 Thread Steven Saunderson

- From: Ulrich Hertlein at 2008-11-30 11:17-

On 30/11/08 9:17 AM, Steven Saunderson wrote:
> If I setComputeNearFarMode to DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR the HD background
> (white in my case) appears but not the black text.

Have you set correct near/far values?  Maybe your text is clipped by 
the near plane?

I've just tried this (and other tests).  The HUD code has a Geode as the 
parent for the Geometry (background) and Text (foreground).  This Geode 
has a StateSet that should do what I want but doesn't.  If I also attach 
this StateSet to the Text everything works.  I thought the Text would be 
affected by inheritance but apparently not.  Perhaps Text has a default 
StateSet that stops inheritance.  So, the good news is that this is now 

> Also, the HUD relies on the scene lighting. This means that when I
> reduce/disable the scene lights the HUD also fades to black.

Disable lighting for the HUD subgraph:
stateSet->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);

Brilliant, thank you very much.  I wouldn't have realised this from 
reading my OpenGL book.  Presumably LIGHTING OFF means the colour 
displayed is that specified with no modification.  This is much better 
than adding a light to the HUD (just tried and it works) because lights 
are a limited resource.


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Difficulties with HUD

2008-11-29 Thread Steven Saunderson

I've added a HUD (code based on the OSG tutorial) but it has problems.

If I setComputeNearFarMode to DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR the HD background 
(white in my case) appears but not the black text.  Reversing the 
colours doesn't help so it looks like the background is appearing on top 
of the text.  Is there any way (perhaps StateSet entry) to correct this ?

Also, the HUD relies on the scene lighting.  This means that when I 
reduce/disable the scene lights the HUD also fades to black.  I'd like 
the HUD contrast to be constant.  Is there any way I can specify that 
the HUD background is a constant white rather than being affected by the 
ambient light level ?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Camera rotation on three axes

2008-11-13 Thread Steven Saunderson

- From: Paul Melis at 2008-11-05 20:06-

Hi Steven,

Maybe the following is an easier way to accomplish what you want, as I
don't see why you are trying to calculate angles...

Hi Paul,

Thanks for all your help.  I've finally tried enough methods to 
appreciate the differences and how I can avoid gimbal lock 
problems.  I'm now using pitch to select the latitude in my sphere of 
view rather than an oblique great circle.  This seems to work well for 
my purposes.

Thanks again,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Camera rotation on three axes

2008-11-05 Thread Steven Saunderson

- From: John Vidar Larring at 2008-10-30 21:42-

Hi Steven,

Here is a snipplet of code from the osgautocapture example that I just
sent to osg-submissions (if my email got through?), provided as is. I
hope it might be of help:

Hi John,

Thanks for the code.  I tried it (and it also rekindled my interest in 
ViewMatrixLookAt) but I still got gimbal-lock.  Perhaps my 
implementation of your code is faulty.

I've spent days now trying to learn enough about quaternions.  This 
almost works but my calculation for the rotation angle is still 
wrong.  Is there a function in OSG for calculating a quaternion from 
euler angles ?  I've searched but haven't found anything.

The standard code to calculate a quaternion uses w = cosx * cosy * cosz 
+ sinx * siny * sinz.  This doesn't seem right to me and it doesn't work 
in my testing.  I would expect the final rotation to be between the 
largest input rotation and PI.

I hope this post is sufficiently on-topic for the osg-users list.  I 
apologise if I should be looking elsewhere.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Camera rotation on three axes

2008-10-30 Thread Steven Saunderson

- From: Paul Melis at 2008-10-30 23:45-

Steven Saunderson wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for you quick answer.  I've tried loading the matrix manually
> but I still get stuck when both x-axis and y-axis are PI/2.
I'm not sure what you mean here. It sounds like you're building your
matrix from Euler angles manually, but this will still not solve your
gimbal lock problem.

You're quite right here.  I'm now reading the entire FAQ especially 
about quaternions.

To quote Q39 in the link above: "Don't let the spectre of Gimbal Lock
fool you: Euler angles are still a complete representation of any
rotation in 3D space; it's just that the actual Euler angles needed to
achieve some particular desired rotation may be rather unintuitive."

Does this mean that instead of rotating both x and y 90 degrees I should 
find another axis and rotate around this ?

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Where do the pitch, rol, yaw
values come from, are they user-specified?

It is a flight simulator.  The pitch, roll, and yaw values come from an 
external source so any combination is possible.

Thanks for the FAQ link; it is a great resource.

-- Steven

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Camera rotation on three axes

2008-10-30 Thread Steven Saunderson

- From: Paul Melis at 2008-10-30 21:10-

You've hit upon a phenomenon called 'gimbal lock'.

for an explanation (and possibly some different ways of controling your

Hi Paul,

Thanks for you quick answer.  I've tried loading the matrix manually but 
I still get stuck when both x-axis and y-axis are PI/2.  I am doing a 
mult after to apply the x,y,z offsets and then getting the inverse 
matrix before loading the camera.  Will these actions thwart the fix ?


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Camera rotation on three axes

2008-10-30 Thread Steven Saunderson
I'm trying to rotate a camera on all axes but my code fails when the 
x-axis or y-axis rotation approaches 90 degrees.  I am using a 
viewer.frame loop to avoid the default manipulator supplied by  My current camera code is :

cameraRotation.makeRotate (
  yrads,osg::Vec3 (0, 1, 0) ,  // roll  Y
  xrads,osg::Vec3 (1, 0, 0) ,  // pitch X
  zrads,osg::Vec3 (0, 0, 1) ); // yaw   Z
cameraTrans.makeTranslate (xdist, ydist, zdist);
myCameraMatrix  = cameraRotation * cameraTrans;
inverseMatrix   = myCameraMatrix.inverse (myCameraMatrix);
inverseMatrix  *= osg::Matrixd::rotate (-(osg::PI_2), 1, 0, 0);
viewer.getCamera ()->setViewMatrix (inverseMatrix);

When the pitch (xrads) is 0 everything works properly.  But when xrads 
is PI/2 the effect of yrads is identical to zrads (both do z-axis 
rotation).  I've tried applying the rotations in various orders but the 
code fails when one of the rotations is PI/2.

Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong here or point me to a sample of 
working code ?


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