Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing

2015-11-16 Thread christine koehler via OSList
For those who read French, here

a wonderful exemple of what happens when you open space.
It is the story of a university teacher in Lyon, saturday morning, supposed
to do a 3,5 hour course about body, sex and cultures, who started talking
about not being sure to be able to teach, about Paris, about having dinner
together, about listening to music and of the wonderful dialogue that took
place with all his students, christians, muslims, boys, girls, full with
emotion and respect.

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> The events in Paris have caught our attention. However, with deepest
> respect and sympathy for my Parisian friends (Christine in particular), the
> simple truth is that the human toll (127 and counting) is only the daily
> score in many troubled spots of the world. You can name them as well as I.
> And Mr Holland, President of France, declaring, “This is an act of War,”
> and “promising” retaliation of whatever sort  -- is quite understandable.
> Of course he also (according to the American Press) closed the borders.
> Again understandable, but curious especially when it appears that some
> substantial portion of the combatants (enemy) are French. Somehow the enemy
> is us This is not your grandfather’s war.
> Or Something.
> Any human being who claims to understand what is going on, and feels
> competent to prescribe the  specific solution (close the borders, open the
> borders, ban the immigrants, welcome the immigrants, shoot them all,
> whatever) is, in my humble judgment, quite mad.
> I, however, will venture one affirmative (positive) statement. We (That’s
> all 7 ½ Billion of us) are in a Transformative Moment. How long it will
> last, and what the end result will be, I don’t have a clue. But I do
> believe that it will take all 7 ½ billion of us, working together, to solve
> the issues at hand. Tall order, to be sure. Then again, we have had some
> several hundred thousand years’ practice. And to date – despite all odds –
> we’re still here.
> And the magic sauce?
> I do know some things it’s (special sauce) NOT: a special program,
> ideology, methodology, tool, technique, intervention, practice,
> discipline...
> It is something that has been around a lot longer, much more basic and
> fundamental.
> You guessed it. Self Organization.
> We did not invent it. Certainly didn’t create it. But we can help, I do
> believe.
> Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you
> can. If nothing else, it will give you something to do during this
> Transformative Moment.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> of OSLIST Go to:
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[image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de Coopération]
 Executive Coach, Facilitatrice en intelligence collective
 Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
  Fax :09  72  32 36  65

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Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing

2015-11-16 Thread Arno Baltin via OSList


2015-11-15 23:57 GMT+02:00 Harrison Owen via OSList <>:

> The events in Paris have caught our attention. However, with deepest
> respect and sympathy for my Parisian friends (Christine in particular), the
> simple truth is that the human toll (127 and counting) is only the daily
> score in many troubled spots of the world. You can name them as well as I.
> And Mr Holland, President of France, declaring, “This is an act of War,”
> and “promising” retaliation of whatever sort  -- is quite understandable.
> Of course he also (according to the American Press) closed the borders.
> Again understandable, but curious especially when it appears that some
> substantial portion of the combatants (enemy) are French. Somehow the enemy
> is us This is not your grandfather’s war.
> Or Something.
> Any human being who claims to understand what is going on, and feels
> competent to prescribe the  specific solution (close the borders, open the
> borders, ban the immigrants, welcome the immigrants, shoot them all,
> whatever) is, in my humble judgment, quite mad.
> I, however, will venture one affirmative (positive) statement. We (That’s
> all 7 ½ Billion of us) are in a Transformative Moment. How long it will
> last, and what the end result will be, I don’t have a clue. But I do
> believe that it will take all 7 ½ billion of us, working together, to solve
> the issues at hand. Tall order, to be sure. Then again, we have had some
> several hundred thousand years’ practice. And to date – despite all odds –
> we’re still here.
> And the magic sauce?
> I do know some things it’s (special sauce) NOT: a special program,
> ideology, methodology, tool, technique, intervention, practice,
> discipline...
> It is something that has been around a lot longer, much more basic and
> fundamental.
> You guessed it. Self Organization.
> We did not invent it. Certainly didn’t create it. But we can help, I do
> believe.
> Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you
> can. If nothing else, it will give you something to do during this
> Transformative Moment.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
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Re: [OSList] Accessibility in OS

2015-11-16 Thread Sarah Grange via OSList
Hi Michael,

Thank you for sharing these thoughts. You're right of course that people in
OS work to help each other a lot, and that the sponsor - when there is one
- can be guided towards best practice. However, in the case of the events
I'm running, I am often my own client, so to speak, as I run a programme of
OS events as part of an Arts Council funded company, so the bucks stops
with me in terms of pre-planned provision.

Whilst there are many things participants do to help each other, there are
two main areas where it feels that better provision needs to be made by
facilitators/organisers. Mainly for hard-of-hearing participants and those
with learning disabilities.

Hard-of-hearing: With 1 in 5 people in the UK having some kind of hearing
loss, large scale events become really difficult, as ambient noise levels
mount. Simply asking people to speak up only causes more problems as the
room as a whole just gets louder. Hearing assistant tools, like live
captioning or hearing loops, only work for Opening and Closing, but are
impossible (at least on our small budgets) to implement across the event
for each break-out space. At our largest annual event, we often have
upwards of 20 break-out spaces. Statistically, at least someone in each
space will need some assistance but we can't afford 20 palantypists (or
equivalent). Has anyone tried any other technological support, or found
other methods to help the hard of hearing?

Learning Disability: This is trickier as every person with an LD has a
different set of needs. Primarily, we find the biggest problems are feeling
intimidated and confused on entering the space. We're trialling a buddy
system for our next large event. Has anyone got experience of similar they
can share? Has anyone found a way of presenting or explaining OS to those
with LDs in a way that makes them feel safe and supported? I'm really
talking about the larger events here. With the smaller ones, the crowd is
less alarming, and the facilitator much easier to identify and ask for
help. There certainly seems to be a limit - in my experience - in terms of
how much you can say to a person with Learning Disability that the group
will self-organise to assist them and that they shouldn't worry, ask for
support etc, because for many of them, they simply do not have the same
social understanding as everyone else, or the communication skills to do
this. Their voices are none the less important though, and I feel like OS
should really be able to support neuro-atypical participants better than I
am currently able to. Any tips, thoughts, advice most welcome! Has anyone
worked with Autistic participants, for example?



On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 12:59 PM, Michael M Pannwitz 

> Dear Sarah,
> while structural stuff such as wheelchair-accessibility and the provision
> of Sign Language interpretation might have  to be dealt with before the
> event, I have found that the other things you mention are very well taken
> care of by that which we hope to make more space for in an OST event: the
> force of self-organization.
> In practice, it took me a while - and it still does - to begin to actually
> "know" of this force. In many ways, it is counterintuitive in the sense
> that I tend to act too quickly on my assumption. Participants have been a
> great help in setting me straight. And I have some stories on this...
> Observing folks in os-events I facilitated showed me how simply and
> elegantly and tenderly participants moved with each other in situations,
> had I perceived them beforehand, I might have thought up all kinds of
> stuff... NOT needed and in fact "closing" space for self-organization.
> The best way of dealing with the issue you mentioned, is to closely watch
> how the sponsor of the event and later the planning group approach that
> issue. They are not only in charge of the event but they are very likely
> exactly the right people for the specific event they are in charge of, much
> better in the know than I as external facilitator.
> Greetings from Berlin
> mmp
> On 13.11.2015 11:53, Sarah Grange via OSList wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We’ve been trying hard to progress how accessible OS is to people who
>> are hard-of-hearing, or have visual impairments or learning
>> disabilities. I was just wondering what solutions other people have
>> tried and tested during their events?
>> We already provide a standard offer of Sign Language interpretation for
>> Deaf people, and have a policy of only using wheelchair-accessible
>> spaces, but these other areas need some work.
>> Thanks
>> Sarah
>> (  &
>> )
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Re: [OSList] Terrible attack in Paris

2015-11-16 Thread Léa via OSList
Thank you a lot
Am safe and hope you all are.
Sorry i don't really have words to express anythink, here became so
Our space is closing more and more, borders are closing, mindsets do so...
wonder how to open it in such a context...
There is some violent and extreme reaction against muslim people, but also
so great solidarities... Hope people will also be more sensitive to the
world, to others wich are experiencing these violences anywhere in the
world, and that we will learn how to dance under the rain...
Peace, love, unity

Le 14 nov. 2015 1:33 PM, "Scott Gassman via OSList" <> a écrit :

Dea Jaime,
> I join you in prayer for all the lost souls who suffered unnecessarily
> last night in Paris
> and yesterday in other countries around the world. To their families, our
> hearts are with them.
> Peace,
> Scott Gassman
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Jaime Pedreros Fitzgerald via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear colleagues,
>> My limited English does not allow me to write like I would want. I will
>> only say that we are living times of terrible intolerance and fanatism. I
>> felt impacted and defenseless despite the distance from the country I am
>> living in. The world suffered a dramatic shock in 2001 and on several
>> occasions after then. The fanatics tend to choose symbolic days (9/11
>> represents the emergency phone number in several countries and Friday 13 is
>> associated with a superticiously fatal day, perhaps they knew this.
>> Please join me with a pray.
>> Jaime Pedreros F.
>> ___
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> --
> Scott Gassman
> IdeaJuice
> (917) 951 - 0258
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Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing

2015-11-16 Thread Lourdes Adriana Diaz-Berrio Doring via OSList
Merci Christine C'est évidement un open space 100% naturel!

2015-11-16 2:08 GMT-06:00 christine koehler via OSList <>:

> For those who read French, here
>  is
> a wonderful exemple of what happens when you open space.
> It is the story of a university teacher in Lyon, saturday morning,
> supposed to do a 3,5 hour course about body, sex and cultures, who started
> talking about not being sure to be able to teach, about Paris, about having
> dinner together, about listening to music and of the wonderful dialogue
> that took place with all his students, christians, muslims, boys, girls,
> full with emotion and respect.
> Beautiful.
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> The events in Paris have caught our attention. However, with deepest
>> respect and sympathy for my Parisian friends (Christine in particular), the
>> simple truth is that the human toll (127 and counting) is only the daily
>> score in many troubled spots of the world. You can name them as well as I.
>> And Mr Holland, President of France, declaring, “This is an act of War,”
>> and “promising” retaliation of whatever sort  -- is quite understandable.
>> Of course he also (according to the American Press) closed the borders.
>> Again understandable, but curious especially when it appears that some
>> substantial portion of the combatants (enemy) are French. Somehow the enemy
>> is us This is not your grandfather’s war.
>> Or Something.
>> Any human being who claims to understand what is going on, and feels
>> competent to prescribe the  specific solution (close the borders, open the
>> borders, ban the immigrants, welcome the immigrants, shoot them all,
>> whatever) is, in my humble judgment, quite mad.
>> I, however, will venture one affirmative (positive) statement. We (That’s
>> all 7 ½ Billion of us) are in a Transformative Moment. How long it will
>> last, and what the end result will be, I don’t have a clue. But I do
>> believe that it will take all 7 ½ billion of us, working together, to solve
>> the issues at hand. Tall order, to be sure. Then again, we have had some
>> several hundred thousand years’ practice. And to date – despite all odds –
>> we’re still here.
>> And the magic sauce?
>> I do know some things it’s (special sauce) NOT: a special program,
>> ideology, methodology, tool, technique, intervention, practice,
>> discipline...
>> It is something that has been around a lot longer, much more basic
>> and fundamental.
>> You guessed it. Self Organization.
>> We did not invent it. Certainly didn’t create it. But we can help, I do
>> believe.
>> Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you
>> can. If nothing else, it will give you something to do during this
>> Transformative Moment.
>> Harrison
>> Winter Address
>> 7808 River Falls Drive
>> Potomac, MD 20854
>> 301-365-2093
>> Summer Address
>> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
>> Camden, ME 04843
>> 207-763-3261
>> Websites
>> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
>> of OSLIST Go to:
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>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> Past archives can be viewed here:
> --
> [image: Christine Koehler, créatrice d'espace de Dialogue et de
> Coopération]
>  Executive Coach, Facilitatrice en intelligence collective
>  Tel :  06 13 28 71 38
>   Fax :09  72  32 36  65
> ___
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Dra. Adriana Díaz-Berrio
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[OSList] OS Hotline - Tuesday Nov 17 @ 12PM Eastern Standard Time :)

2015-11-16 Thread Tricia Chirumbole via OSList
Hi all!

The OS Hotline is coming to a device near you soon :) Come meet us on
Zoom,* tomorrow,
Tuesday November 17th @12PM Eastern **Standard Time**. *We will be on for
1+ hours - Law of Two feet applies!

*Time change note: *The Eastern Time Zone has turned the clocks back. We
are now 5 hours behind UTC (UTC-5) vs. 4 hours behind - please confirm the
start time with your timezone.

*Sign-up *and post topics:

*Join the call* from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

a.  Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)

b.  International numbers available:

c.  Meeting ID: 751 609 912


Tricia Chirumbole

Facilitator. Coach. Champion.

Co-Creative Culture Building
Mojo Collaborative

skype: tricia.chirumbole
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[OSList] Open Space and Agile Processes

2015-11-16 Thread Kim Willing via OSList
Thank you Daniel and Ron for your generous sharing on this topic - it is really 
exciting to read the links and the language around organisations and learning 
that is in this field and so closely aligns with Open Space. I am an Open Space 
facilitator, (not a specialist in IT) responding to requests from a client in 
the IT sector and I've gotta say I am surprised and inspired by the treasure 
trove of rich thinking and application you have shown me.
Lari, It sounds like you are applying the Agile framework (not sure that's the 
word) to content/questions that are not related to software development? I 
would love to explore the possibilities here further - the idea of a period of 
experimentation bracketed by Open Space is just fabulous - to have a 'sprint' 
of experimentation in which there is permission to fail and to try things out 
to get right into the 'how' and the 'doing' and then reflect and plan further 
action.  So simple and elegant and could be applied in so many fields.
I would love to hear more stories of applying the Open Agile approach to non 
software related areas.
In my case, I am working with a small group of IT leaders in a large 
organisation to bring about engagement in strategic planning for IT across 
diverse (siloed) agencies within the organisation. So, nothing really to do 
with software development but everything to do with a team with a vision, 
wanting to lead a conversation and engage their internal stakeholders or 
clients in that broad vision and develop ownership for future directions 
throughout the organisation.
As the leading group (they are, afterall, the IT Department), they brought 
their knowledge of Agile process to the planning process and want to facilitate 
it using Open Space. Brilliant! 
Which brings me to another request for insight from the list serve around 
In addition to providing an experience of Open Space, what are some of the 
approaches to training people in open space that are being used out there? And 
what would be some fun and effective ways to train a small group (7) in Open 
Space in one day - in preparation for  participating in a large open space 
event (hosted by them but facilitated by me) and building their capacity to 
facilitate future events?
I very much appreciate your thoughts.

Kim Willing
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Re: [OSList] Open Space and Agile Processes

2015-11-16 Thread Daniel Mezick via OSList

Hi Kim,

I'm sure Lisa Heft plans to respond here about Open Space training. 
Harold Shinsato maintains a calendar of training programs. I have copied 
Harold on this email. For my part, I also offer Open Space training:

Software development is a harsh and strangely wonderful learning 
laboratory for applying sociology. Certainly Open Space has something to 
do with THAT.

Here are a few links for you:

The core pattern underlying OSA: "before/after" Open Space with a period 
of experimentation in-between...

The core ideas behind the "core-idea Prime/OS:"

Here is the Facebook group for OSA:

I invite you to send me an email, if you might have a question, a 
concern or an "aha," etc.

Kind Regards,

On 11/16/15 7:04 PM, Kim Willing via OSList wrote:

Thank you Daniel and Ron for your generous sharing on this topic - it is really 
exciting to read the links and the language around organisations and learning 
that is in this field and so closely aligns with Open Space. I am an Open Space 
facilitator, (not a specialist in IT) responding to requests from a client in 
the IT sector and I've gotta say I am surprised and inspired by the treasure 
trove of rich thinking and application you have shown me.
Lari, It sounds like you are applying the Agile framework (not sure that's the 
word) to content/questions that are not related to software development? I 
would love to explore the possibilities here further - the idea of a period of 
experimentation bracketed by Open Space is just fabulous - to have a 'sprint' 
of experimentation in which there is permission to fail and to try things out 
to get right into the 'how' and the 'doing' and then reflect and plan further 
action.  So simple and elegant and could be applied in so many fields.
I would love to hear more stories of applying the Open Agile approach to non 
software related areas.
In my case, I am working with a small group of IT leaders in a large 
organisation to bring about engagement in strategic planning for IT across 
diverse (siloed) agencies within the organisation. So, nothing really to do 
with software development but everything to do with a team with a vision, 
wanting to lead a conversation and engage their internal stakeholders or 
clients in that broad vision and develop ownership for future directions 
throughout the organisation.
As the leading group (they are, afterall, the IT Department), they brought 
their knowledge of Agile process to the planning process and want to facilitate 
it using Open Space. Brilliant!
Which brings me to another request for insight from the list serve around 
In addition to providing an experience of Open Space, what are some of the 
approaches to training people in open space that are being used out there? And 
what would be some fun and effective ways to train a small group (7) in Open 
Space in one day - in preparation for  participating in a large open space 
event (hosted by them but facilitated by me) and building their capacity to 
facilitate future events?
I very much appreciate your thoughts.

Kim Willing
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Daniel Mezick, President

New Technology Solutions Inc.

(203) 915 7248 (cell)

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. Twitter .

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: Tools for the 
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Explore Agile Team Training 
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Re: [OSList] Open Space and Agile Processes

2015-11-16 Thread Michael Herman via OSList
the best training your small group could have, kim, might be a chance to do
some of their own work in open space together (not a made-up topic, not a
demo or rehearsal).  then have a little time at the end of that day to talk
about what happened and what might be different in the larger group.
 you'll never prove to them that all will be well and it will never go like
any of them thinks it will.  so in many ways, there's no way right or good
way to prepare, other than get clear about whatever the invitation does or
will say and for each of the seven to give some thought to the issues/opps
that are most important to them personally.  if they can hold off posting
anything long enough to see what the larger group brings, chances are very
good that others will step up to own those issues and get to work on them.
 good luck and have fun with them.  michael


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 7:45 PM, Daniel Mezick via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi Kim,
> I'm sure Lisa Heft plans to respond here about Open Space training. Harold
> Shinsato maintains a calendar of training programs. I have copied Harold on
> this email. For my part, I also offer Open Space training:
> Software development is a harsh and strangely wonderful learning
> laboratory for applying sociology. Certainly Open Space has something to do
> with THAT.
> Here are a few links for you:
> The core pattern underlying OSA: "before/after" Open Space with a period
> of experimentation in-between...
> The core ideas behind the "core-idea Prime/OS:"
> Here is the Facebook group for OSA:
> I invite you to send me an email, if you might have a question, a concern
> or an "aha," etc.
> Kind Regards,
> Daniel
> On 11/16/15 7:04 PM, Kim Willing via OSList wrote:
> Thank you Daniel and Ron for your generous sharing on this topic - it is 
> really exciting to read the links and the language around organisations and 
> learning that is in this field and so closely aligns with Open Space. I am an 
> Open Space facilitator, (not a specialist in IT) responding to requests from 
> a client in the IT sector and I've gotta say I am surprised and inspired by 
> the treasure trove of rich thinking and application you have shown me.
> Lari, It sounds like you are applying the Agile framework (not sure that's 
> the word) to content/questions that are not related to software development? 
> I would love to explore the possibilities here further - the idea of a period 
> of experimentation bracketed by Open Space is just fabulous - to have a 
> 'sprint' of experimentation in which there is permission to fail and to try 
> things out to get right into the 'how' and the 'doing' and then reflect and 
> plan further action.  So simple and elegant and could be applied in so many 
> fields.
> I would love to hear more stories of applying the Open Agile approach to non 
> software related areas.
> In my case, I am working with a small group of IT leaders in a large 
> organisation to bring about engagement in strategic planning for IT across 
> diverse (siloed) agencies within the organisation. So, nothing really to do 
> with software development but everything to do with a team with a vision, 
> wanting to lead a conversation and engage their internal stakeholders or 
> clients in that broad vision and develop ownership for future directions 
> throughout the organisation.
> As the leading group (they are, afterall, the IT Department), they brought 
> their knowledge of Agile process to the planning process and want to 
> facilitate it using Open Space. Brilliant!
> Which brings me to another request for insight from the list serve around 
> In addition to providing an experience of Open Space, what are some of the 
> approaches to training people in open space that are being used out there? 
> And what would be some fun and effective ways to train a small group (7) in 
> Open Space in one day - in preparation for  participating in a large open 
> space event (hosted by them but facilitated by me) and building their 
> capacity to facilitate future events?
> I very much appreciate your thoughts.
> Kim.
> Kim Willing
> Groundswell
> 0428399798
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