Re: [OSList] OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21

2016-06-08 Thread Jeff Aitken via OSList
Sun dagger pierced the Chaco cave
And turned my head and world around.
When rush hour traffic drags me back
I know why Hebrews, desert crossers,
Kiss our story, nailed near the door.
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Re: [OSList] OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21

2016-06-08 Thread Tenneson Woolf via OSList
It was obvious there was pain. 
Feelings hurt. Wounds infected. 
Hopes, dwindling relentlessly over the horizon called “not today.”
It was the story underneath, finally excavated,
that began to change everything.

> On Jun 8, 2016, at 9:26 AM, Jeff Aitken via OSList 
>  wrote:
> Sun dagger pierced the Chaco cave
> And turned my head and world around.
> When rush hour traffic drags me back
> I know why Hebrews, desert crossers,
> Kiss our story, nailed near the door.
> ___
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Re: [OSList] formal report on OS used in healthcare (malaria elimination) in rwanda

2016-06-08 Thread Michael Herman via OSList
i think we might be outgrowing our knowledge base, birgitt -- which seems
like a good thing!  i choose to let the wiki/blog defer to the oslist and
even the oslist is but a sliver of the story sharing that goes on now
around open space.  we all share responsibility for the story-keeping and
sharing now, via osw wiki, other websites, oslist, facebook, twitter
 its a big world!  

as for new in healthcare, i read it as this was the first time they'd used
OST in this particular setting.



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Birgitt Williams <> wrote:

> thanks for this Michael. it is great to have objective statements about
> the value of OST. I hope that the wiki site is still active and possibly
> this could be posted to it isn't lost to our knowledge base. I am not so
> sure that there is accuracy in saying that OST is new to health
> research...I think it is simply that there isn't a sufficient
> mechanism/process for the volumes of information to be compiled. I know I
> am guilty of that. In the early days, it felt more doable to post various
> bits of information...until the world accelerated. I hear from people that
> have come through OST training with me, from time to time, and there are so
> many stories. Many are from the international development agencies...many
> from health. And so I know that they are out there.
> warmly,
> Birgitt
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 11:55 AM Michael Herman via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> os friends,
>> jane alaii shared this report of her work with me...
>> i think some will be interested.  while the good results and general
>> findings about open space will be familiar to many, this kind of formal
>> reporting and analysis of what happened is less common.  maybe useful where
>> you are...
>> michael
>> Community mobilization for malaria elimination: application of an open
>> space methodology in Ruhuha sector, Rwanda
>> Background
>> Despite the significant reduction of malaria transmission in Rwanda,
>> Ruhuha sector is still a highly endemic area for malaria. The objective of
>> this activity was to explore and brainstorm the potential roles of various
>> community stakeholders in malaria elimination.
>> Methods
>> Horizontal participatory approaches such as ‘open space’ have been
>> deployed to explore local priorities, stimulate community contribution to
>> project planning, and to promote local capacity to manage programmes. Two
>> open space meetings were conducted with 62 and 82 participants in years 1
>> and 2, respectively. Participants included purposively selected community
>> and local organizations’ representatives.
>> ...
>> Conclusion
>> Results from the present research show that open space, newly deployed in
>> health-related research, yields interesting findings as other participatory
>> approaches and can serve as a platform to gather more information from
>> various members of the community, to formulate measures to be taken towards
>> elimination and create motivation for key stakeholders to be involved in
>> such a programme, all within a short period of time. Future work will
>> involve discussions on how agreed-upon actions will be effectively put into
>> practice for malaria elimination in the area. Based on this, ongoing follow
>> up to evaluate whether knowledge gained and skills learnt are shared and
>> sustained among communities will be conducted.
>> --
>> Michael Herman
>> Michael Herman Associates
>> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
>> ___
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[OSList] Fwd: OSLIST Poetry Celebration thru June 21

2016-06-08 Thread Gail West via OSList
Sleepless and I got one poetry
圍圓坐  sit around circle
相視識. Look to know each other
取紙筆 take pen n paper
述題旨 describe your theme
選時空 choose a space n time
召人議 invite people to discuss
蜂採蜜 bees keep busy
蝶翩舞 butterfly dances
此即時 now is right time
隨心聚 gather with your heart
終亦始 end is also start


Huck Lin
​, Taiwan​

Dear friends,
> It's time to try poetry on the oslist again.
> Harrison's first book about open space was NOT about the methodology. It
> was about the ways that people change their view of themselves and the
> world.
> He said we can "cross the open space" - from one understanding of
> ourselves and the world - into a new one. Later we learned that OST can
> help us do this, both individually and collectively!
> Have you experienced this in your life? Crossing from one understanding to
> another? Watching others do it? Using OST or not? What was the story?
> Will you write a short poem about it?
> Rules: 33 words or less. Any form is fine, rhyme or not rhyme, any
> language*. "When crossing open space..." is one way to get started, choose
> your way. This paragraph is 33 words.
> The poetry celebration will run *until June 21 *- and then we can choose
> a poet to be Laureate of the list for a while.
> Please post your poem to the oslist. (Unless you want to send it to me
> only, so I'll post it without your name.) Have fun reading and writing!
> Jeff
> Lagunitas Creek, California
> *We will ask you for an English translation also - and, we know that
> poetry does not always easily translate.
> --
> *Gail West, ICA*
> *3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou W RdTaipei, Taiwan 111Ph) 8862) 2871-3150
> <8862%29%202871-3150>*
> email)
> Skype) gwestica

*Gail West, ICA*

*3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou W RdTaipei, Taiwan 111Ph) 8862) 2871-3150*
Skype) gwestica
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[OSList] Ode To An Old Codger

2016-06-08 Thread Alan Halford via OSList
there was an old codger from maine
who said open those spaces again
for all those who did
I lift off me lid
and welcome all those who just came

Alan Halford & Associates
Open Space Technology Aficionados
Mediation and Conflict Transformation
0421 475 252
skype: alanhalford

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Re: [OSList] Ode To An Old Codger

2016-06-08 Thread Susan Basterfield via OSList
The space a circle

Three-dimensional circuit

Transmitting love-light

> On 9/06/2016, at 12:32 PM, Alan Halford via OSList 
>  wrote:
> there was an old codger from maine
> who said open those spaces again
> for all those who did
> I lift off me lid
> and welcome all those who just came
> Alan Halford & Associates
> Open Space Technology Aficionados
> Mediation and Conflict Transformation
> Facilitators
> 0421 475 252
> skype: alanhalford
> ___
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Susan Basterfield - Founder


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[OSList] Open Space voices

2016-06-08 Thread Brendan McKeague via OSList
Hi all

We have been gifted with a beautiful piece of history...some wonderful words of 
wisdom from Harrison Owen, Peggy Holman and Nev Kennard from WOSonOSinOZ, 
recorded 14 YEARS AGO, way back in 2002 at Marysville, near Melbourne in 

David Smith (from Imaginaction 
) filmed the event and recorded a 
number of interviews with participants. 


His 5 mins summary of the event is also on YouTube 

I regularly use these for Open Space Learning programs - the new and curious 
inquirers find them useful, stimulating and inspiring.

I hope you enjoy the musings and the memories…



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Re: [OSList] Open Space voices

2016-06-08 Thread Koos de Heer via OSList
Thank you Brendan! 


So great to see these. People I love, in the summary there is even a short 
appearance of the late father Brian Bainbridge – indeed fond memories.  And 
certainly good material for training purposes. Thanks for sharing!




Van: OSList [] Namens Brendan 
McKeague via OSList
Verzonden: donderdag 9 juni 2016 08:08
Aan: OS Listserve 
Onderwerp: [OSList] Open Space voices


Hi all


We have been gifted with a beautiful piece of history...some wonderful words of 
wisdom from Harrison Owen, Peggy Holman and Nev Kennard from WOSonOSinOZ, 
recorded 14 YEARS AGO, way back in 2002 at Marysville, near Melbourne in 


David Smith (from Imaginaction filmed 
the event and recorded a number of interviews with participants. 




His 5 mins summary of the event is also on YouTube


I regularly use these for Open Space Learning programs - the new and curious 
inquirers find them useful, stimulating and inspiring.


I hope you enjoy the musings and the memories…











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