Re: Web app large uploads and downloads

2024-01-03 Thread Craig vN via ozdotnet
I haven't tried with hundreds of files uploaded in one batch, would need to
start accounting for retry if they fail. But a few files of 100mb is no

On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 11:14 AM Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Folks (welcome to the distant future of 2024)
> I'm pretty sure that there is no sensible way to provide a bulk Azure Blob
> upload facility in a web hosted app (Wasm, JS or whatever). There could be
> thousands of files with a total size up to hundreds of MB. Managers are
> currently using a WPF program I created for uploads and it feels like a
> perfectly natural process on the desktop, and it's pretty fast using
> streams on multi cores (I also optionally check for new or changed so only
> *diffs* are uploaded which often saves a lot of time).
> None of the components or controls I've seen are designed for huge
> uploads, and in any case, I've reported that it's technically and usability
> questionable to have "normal" users of the browser app doing this sort of
> thing. The boss of the app suite is now considering the bigger picture and
> the bulk upload feature may be delayed or moved to somewhere else in the
> flow, or the desktop program will suffice. So I'm happy the issue is
> on-hold for now.
> I think this is a good example of how the web browser should never have
> evolved into a host for business apps. I think the web browser, HTML, HTTP,
> REST, css and JS have diseased 21st century IT.
> *Greg K*
>> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: Web app large uploads and downloads

2023-12-30 Thread Craig vN via ozdotnet
I don't know Blazor, but there are a ton of pure Js file uploaders. One I
like is which should be able to be configured to
upload directly to blog storage, ie not have to send the files to your
webserver first

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 8:59 AM Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Folks (anyone working?)
> I've been asked to add a feature to a Blazor Webassembly app to allow
> uploads and downloads of possibly large numbers of files between the local
> file system and Blob storage. I'm not sure how to implement this feature in
> a browser hosted app.
> I wrote a WPF tool for "managers" which does high-performance bulk uploads
> and downloads with nice progress (the code is trivial on the desktop), but
> now they want the same feature for "normal" users in the Blazor app. Given
> how dumb and restricted browser hosted apps are, I don't know how to code
> this, or if it's even feasible.
> Are there some tools, techniques or tricks I can apply? Any ideas or
> suggestions anyone?
> Thanks,
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Re: Blazor popularity and use

2023-09-07 Thread Craig vN via ozdotnet
Unless you are required to deal with really old browsers (IE), then I just
don't see this. I work on a site/app that has literally millions of users
and we would spend less than 1% of the time on dealing with browser
compatibility issues.

On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 1:54 PM Dr Greg Low via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Yep, we talk about browsers like there’s consistency there. There still
> isn’t. And it’s a huge hit on productivity. I see so much lost effort
> trying to align pixels across different browsers, different versions of
> browsers, etc. It’s just silly.
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Re: Web app deploy without Visual Studio

2023-08-21 Thread Craig vN via ozdotnet
Have you tried FTP deployment?

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 4:44 PM Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> Folks, I have a Blazor app and a Web API that I need to "give" to someone
> to install in their own Azure subscription. I have only ever published to
> Azure from Visual Studio via right-click and make some publish profiles. In
> other cases I would create a Web Setup project and give someone an MSI
> file, but I doubt if that's useful for deploying to Azure.
> I've been searching and searching, but most results talk about Visual
> Studio publish, and a few talk about using DevOps pipelines, but none of
> those are suitable because the customer has a personal Azure subscription
> that I can't access.
> Is there some dotnet command switch to generate some kind of "package"?
> Maybe there are other options I haven't stumbled on.
> Thanks,
> *Greg Keogh*
> --
> ozdotnet mailing list
> To manage your subscription, access archives:
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Random server slowdowns

2022-12-02 Thread Craig vN
We have a problem that is plaguing us and hoping someone can give some

Our website (ASP.NET MVC, Azure VM) fairly regularly (daily) experiences
some random slowdowns. Here is a typical instance from our APM software.

[image: 2022-12-03 09_43_50-Site24x7.png]

The problem is it is proving very hard to find the source of the slowdowns,
I suspect some kind of lock is happening, but when delving into the trace
it doesn't really show anything other than everything slowing down, until I
restart the server, which is becoming annoying at 5am.

The only thing I can delve from the APM tool is it happening in the MVC
layer somewhere.

Does anyone know of any tools or instrumentation that can help diagnose
these kind of problems. It is random, sometimes doesn't happen for days,
then three times in one day.


Re: [OT] C++ Stupidity and Delusion

2022-06-24 Thread Craig vN
I thought C++ has become what happens when you let programmers design a
language by committee. I think the best languages have only a couple of
people in charge.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 10:19 AM Greg Keogh via ozdotnet <> wrote:

> It's Friday and I promised to turn the heat up in the kitchen again and
> stir the possums. The text below is pasted from my latest Blog Post
> . I
> can't apologise for what I say, I'm really angry about this -- *Greg
> Keogh*
> ___
> C++ Stupidity and Delusion
> I recently returned to writing C++ after a 17-year gap and I have
> concluded that C++ has become the stupidest language in contemporary common
> use and fans of the language are living in some form of mass delusional
> insanity.
> When I wrote C++ from about 1993 to 2003 it was basically "C with Classes"
> and it claimed to guide you away from C spaghetti code into the superior
> and trendy OOP world of software development. That claim was generally
> fulfilled, but I often found myself creating classes that didn't need to
> exist, and there was always the risk of creating "spaghetti classes". *It's
> worth noting that opinions of OOP have not aged well and web searches for
> "OOP sucks" or "OOP is bad" will produce some withering criticism.*
> Upon returning to C++ after a long absence, I am shocked and angered by
> what I have found. Several major enhancements over the decades have added
> so many features to the language with so much syntax that it looks like an
> unstoppable academic research project that went out of control and became a
> joke. And ironically, the community using the language don't seem to
> realise they're part of the joke.
> I have recently watched lots of videos about C++, and the ones taken at
> conventions are the most worrying because people like Bjarne and Herb come
> on stage and are cheered like heroes by an audience that uncritically
> drools over upcoming C++ features that are discussed in great detail. What
> makes me both angry and incredulous is that most of the recently added and
> upcoming C++ features are either making the language more and more complex,
> or they are features that have been built-in to other popular programming
> languages for a lifetime.
> Languages like Java and C# have had parallelism, reflection, networking
> support, UI designers, modules and much more for decades, but here we are
> in the far distant science fiction future of 2022 and the C++ committees
> are only now proposing to add these features that are vital for software
> development. C++ is so far behind the ecosystem of other modern languages
> that it's another joke they don't get, and they continue to blindly cram
> the language with more libraries and syntax stolen from other languages to
> try and keep it up to date with its modern contemporaries.
> Writing C++ is so staggeringly complex that I need cheat-sheets always
> open, and sometimes I must Google search on how to write every line of code
> correctly. As a result, my C++ coding speed often hovers at around 10 to 20
> lines of code per hour. It took me 3 solid days of hair-tearing suffering
> to find a library that made REST web service calls, compile it, and make it
> work. A colleague took two days to get a zip library working and at one
> point he said, "lucky I don't live near a cliff". Both of those tasks could
> be coded in a few lines of a modern language in less than a minute.
> Have a look at the Working Draft  or the C++
> Reference  to get a feel for the
> astonishing complexity of C++. There are countless videos online as well
> that discuss all of the frightening traps and tricks of C++ coding and how
> to use the huge list of language features correctly (see Jason Turner's
> videos ).
> The complexity of C++ creates a huge learning hurdle for even the most
> skilled developer who could require up to a year of intensive experience to
> become an expert.
> C++ doesn't have a public library system (like packages
>  or crates ), the error
> messages are beyond mortal comprehension, you can't tell which language
> features are "safe" to use on your platform, everyone argues about the best
> coding patterns, and most sample code won't compile. In my words (which can
> often be heard shouted from the other end of the house) … "Everything
> f***ing doesn't work!!". In C++, everything is as ridiculously cryptic and
> difficult as it can possibly be. I often joke that writing C++ is harder
> than building an atomic clock.
> The C++ fanbase brags about how widespread its usage is and how many
> diverse and performance critical systems depend upon it, but I think this
> is just a historical hangover because it grew out of the popularity of 

Re: DLL Hell

2021-10-26 Thread Craig vN
I have a large .NET 4.x project that needs upgrading to a new version. I
have decided that .NET 6 is the one, but I dread the thought of doing it,
hundreds of thousands of lines of code, outdated libraries.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:48 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> It's not Friday but ... the last few years of being a .NET developer in
> the transition period from full Framework through Standard to Core has been
> one of the worst periods of my career. We've had so many targets,
> libraries, versions, dependencies and releases that I have little trust
> that anything I write or publish will work or have any shelf life. Maybe
> the full arrival of .NET 6 will bring back the simplicity and stability
> that I last experienced in the Framework 4.5 days.
> By a long shot, my worst suffering in recent years has been caused by
> compile problems and runtime crashes due to DLL versions and binding. I
> assume others here, like me, have exhausted man-days or weeks trying to
> solve DLL hell with System.Http or Newtonsoft (special mention!!), or many
> other dreaded names that just keep turning up like turds you can't flush.
> There have been times where I've had to update some library reference, and
> I spend 6 hours trying to make it compile and run. I've recently had
> problems (non-breaking ones) that have taken weeks of spare time research
> to overcome. Sometimes I reach the point of tears, so I just go and sit
> outside and read a book or clean the gutters to clear my head. In 40 years
> of programming, I've never experienced times this bad. There are often days
> where I spend more time Google searching for samples and answers than I do
> actually developing software, seriously!
> The reason I'm so morose today is that I've just spent 2 days trying to
> get Python 3.7 to call one of our .NET library suites for data analysis.
> Using the excellent Python.NET package I came so close I could smell
> victory, but it was snatched out of hands by a Threading.Extensions
> not found DLL Hell crash. Normally you would add a config file and
> redirect, but I'm in the goddamn Python runtime environment. More Google
> searching suggests vague and difficult workarounds that will take days of
> research, with no promise of success.
> Is anyone else upset that software development is so hard? I know some
> people who are abandoning IT and preparing to retire because the burden of
> keeping up with all the latest technology and tools on different platforms
> from different vendors is just too much for them. One chap said that even
> taking time to become proficient in Git and version control would be worse
> than a lobotomy.
> *Greg K*

Re: SMS messages looking for a good gateway

2021-05-22 Thread Craig vN
I use ClickSend for Australian messages. Easy to use, priced pretty well.

I also use Twilio for international sending, if you need an international
phone number.

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 5:14 AM Greg Harris  wrote:

> 99% domestic Oz origin and destination, but 1% will need to go
> international
> On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 11:58 PM Craig vN  wrote:
>> Australia only or International?
>> On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 11:36 PM Greg Harris 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Community,
>>> I need to send SMS messages from my ASP.NET Core app.  Is there a good
>>> gateway that anyone here recommends?
>>> I have looked at a few, I was expecting a simple REST interface, found
>>> poor documentation and download libraries needed to support them.
>>> I would have thought this would have been a simple REST service that you
>>> just use???
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Greg Harris

Re: SMS messages looking for a good gateway

2021-05-22 Thread Craig vN
Australia only or International?

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 11:36 PM Greg Harris 

> Hi Community,
> I need to send SMS messages from my ASP.NET Core app.  Is there a good
> gateway that anyone here recommends?
> I have looked at a few, I was expecting a simple REST interface, found
> poor documentation and download libraries needed to support them.
> I would have thought this would have been a simple REST service that you
> just use???
> Thanks in advance
> Greg Harris

Re: Sign-in with social accounts

2021-04-25 Thread Craig vN
The easiest way is to use Auth0 ( It costs, but will
save a lot of hair.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 8:59 AM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> Folks, we have some old apps with their own simple credentials databases
> containing user, password, login count, permissions, etc. They're classic
> old fashioned systems.
> Increasing numbers of apps let you sign-in with your Facebook, Google,
> Microsoft, etc account these days. This is really convenient, and the
> security burden is taken by someone else.
> How can our apps participate in a social sign-in option? Has anyone done
> this? I imagine some terrible obstacles...
> ? Apps would have to be registered with the various various companies.
> ? The client apps might be WPF, Xamarin, Blazor or ASP.NET, so how would
> they hook into the sign-in process.
> ? Each company might return different types of tokens or even follow
> different conventions.
> *Greg K*

Re: [OT] Employer wants photo of passport

2020-08-20 Thread Craig vN
My wife yesterday had our insurance company randomly call asking to change
details. Told them there is no way she is giving them info to some random
call with no heads up.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 7:44 AM Tony Wright  wrote:

> It's a tough one. I had an argument with a loan company who called me and
> asked me to verify with them so they could access my account details. I
> said no way, because they called me. They argued with me, patronised me,
> and wore me down. I said the previous time they called me they let me call
> them back through switch, but he said that's up to the discretion of the
> rep. I was so pissed off. I still am. That reminds me to write a complaint.
> Sorry, off topic on the OT.
> On Thu, 20 Aug 2020, 9:10 pm Tom P,  wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> I’ve been verbally offered a contracting role by a recruiter and the
>> employer has requested a photo of my passport via email. I do not feel
>> comfortable sending this for a few reasons, email is not secure, who knows
>> what they will do with the photo like forwarding it, etc.
>> How do you all handle this as I’m sure you’ve been in similar situations?
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Thanks
>> Tom

Re: Tech Support

2020-05-27 Thread Craig vN
Wait, they're running a production website on a laptop sitting in the

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 10:30 AM Glen Harvy  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have had a series of requests for help from a certain company over many
> years in which they have been using my program. The staff member that runs
> the office is not to bright when it comes to the tech side of computers so
> I have generally remained calm when none of my 'suggestions' have been
> heeded.
> Over the past few weeks a new staff member has arrived on the scene. I
> don't know if they are a permanent replacement or addition to the team. Nor
> do I know where my usual contact has disappeared to. Nevertheless, I was
> looking forward to perhaps establishing a relationship where 'self-help' at
> the coal face may finally become a reality. Alas, I don't think this will
> come to happen.
> Content of emails between me and new team member. This is the full content
> and only a staff members name has been ommitted:
> *25th May: Me to client:*
> Can you please test your website and ensure that this issue has now been
> fixed.
> You confirmation that it is now working OK will be appreciated.
> *25th May: Reply from client:*
> wont be able to check until the
> morning.
> Are members still able to go online in the meantime as the site can't be
> reached. Let me know, so I can manage their expectations properly.
> *25th May: Me to client:*
> Your computer "crashed" at about 5:30 pm last Friday and didn't come back
> into action until about 9:30 am Monday. Hence your website was down. This
> has nothing to do with MyCourts except of course your website was also
> down..
> Your computer again "crashed" about 5:30 pm this evening. Again, this has
> nothing to do with MyCourts. As at 6:18 this evening, your computer seems
> to be working OK.
> We installed the latest versions of MyCourts this morning and as far as we
> can tell, MyCourts has been working fine since then.
> I believe your password for user Staff has been changed. As we need this
> to reboot your computer from time to time, can you please advise us what
> the new password is.
> *28th May: No reply so Me to client:*
> I am only guessing but I understand your computer is actually a laptop. If
> so, and you are closing the screen down when leaving at night, you are
> locking the machine and nothing is working. Hence your website shuts down
> and our ability to login remotely is disabled. This could be the reason
> your website has been unreachable from about 5:30 pm to 9:30 am weekdays as
> well as all last weekend.
> Can you confirm this is the case please.
> *28th May: Reply from client:*
> Its hosted by a computer at the office. Its a bit concerning that we would
> have to leave the computer running throughout the night for mycourts to
> able to function properly.
> --
> Glen Harvy,
> *Aquarius Communications* 
>  Virus-free.
> <#m_-8695448313177870665_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Re: free azure configuration

2019-09-20 Thread Craig vN
For most services you will need to delete them to not incur costs. Stopping
the site is not enough, it needs to be gone!

On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 4:55 PM Wallace Turner 

> can someone with azure experience tell me how to configure my azure
> website so i don't incur costs?
> it is hosting a basic and humble personal website and i would rather it
> 404's than be charged for traffic. here is what my dashboard looks like...
> i'm not sure why 'pay as you go' appeared -
> [image: image.png]

Re: Finding DB change source

2019-04-29 Thread Craig vN
I am actually considering doing this. I can only reproduce it in production
environment though so will have to see what we can do.

On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 4:24 PM David Gardiner 

> If you don't mind if things break a little, change your triggers to do a
> RAISERROR and then wait to see what falls over.
> Probably best done in a non-production environment :-)
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 15:21, Craig vN  wrote:
>> I have an unusual problem, there is a field in my DB (SQL Azure) that is
>> being changed but I can't work out where it is being changed from. I have
>> created some DB triggers so I can log changes and see exactly when it
>> changes but can't find the source.
>> Is there anything I can set up in code at a DB level so when the field
>> changes I can log and hopefully get a call stack?
>> The data access is primarily through NHibernate and I have set up events
>> in there to trap that changes but it doesn't get shown, so it is either
>> ourside of NH or somewhere else, which is why I want to monitor at DB level.
>> Craig

Re: Finding DB change source

2019-04-29 Thread Craig vN
Our logs are not logging to a DB however, they are logging to Seq so I am
pretty sure any rollback is not destroying the log. And I can see the
changes via the trigger just not via the NHibernate events.

On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 4:41 PM  wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> Most people fall for the fact that they try to log and then undo those
> deletions, but the logs get undone as well.
> Make sure you’re pushing the deleted virtual table details into a table
> variable within the trigger, then after rolling back, write it out from the
> table variable (which won’t have rolled back)
> But if you’re not rolling it back, why isn’t it logging in the trigger? Or
> does the trigger not have access to what you need?
> Other option (depending upon version, edition, etc.) is to set up a
> database audit specification.
> Final option is to leave an extended events session running, that looks
> for that occurrence.
> Regards,
> Greg
> Dr Greg Low
> 1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913
> fax
> SQL Down Under | Web:
> <>
>  |
> <>
> *From:*  *On
> Behalf Of *David Gardiner
> *Sent:* Monday, 29 April 2019 4:13 PM
> *To:* ozDotNet 
> *Subject:* Re: Finding DB change source
> If you don't mind if things break a little, change your triggers to do a
> RAISERROR and then wait to see what falls over.
> Probably best done in a non-production environment :-)
> On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 15:21, Craig vN  wrote:
> I have an unusual problem, there is a field in my DB (SQL Azure) that is
> being changed but I can't work out where it is being changed from. I have
> created some DB triggers so I can log changes and see exactly when it
> changes but can't find the source.
> Is there anything I can set up in code at a DB level so when the field
> changes I can log and hopefully get a call stack?
> The data access is primarily through NHibernate and I have set up events
> in there to trap that changes but it doesn't get shown, so it is either
> ourside of NH or somewhere else, which is why I want to monitor at DB level.
> Craig

Finding DB change source

2019-04-28 Thread Craig vN
I have an unusual problem, there is a field in my DB (SQL Azure) that is
being changed but I can't work out where it is being changed from. I have
created some DB triggers so I can log changes and see exactly when it
changes but can't find the source.

Is there anything I can set up in code at a DB level so when the field
changes I can log and hopefully get a call stack?

The data access is primarily through NHibernate and I have set up events in
there to trap that changes but it doesn't get shown, so it is either
ourside of NH or somewhere else, which is why I want to monitor at DB level.


Re: Blazor comments

2019-01-30 Thread Craig vN
They are not planning on making Winforms cross platform, Windows only.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 6:47 PM Greg Keogh  wrote:

> I note with interest that they’re hiring people to migrate winforms to
>> core.
> I saw some .NET news articles mentioning that. Jeez, that will be a
> helluva job trying to unify all the platforms. Think of all the small and
> large differences in Windows, OS X and Linux …  it boggles the mind --*
> GK*

Re: Azure support?

2018-06-21 Thread Craig vN
Inside the Azure Portal is a button to get support. Or go here


On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 2:16 PM kirsten greed 

> Can anyone recommend a way of getting support for Azure?
> I just have the MSDN subscription Azure and I have just signed up to the
> $29 USD a month support.
> Except that after billing my credit card the sign up process dumped me
> with no invoice, no welcome email, and no hint on how to get support.
> I was able to chat online about the problem and guess what that is my
> first problem.
> I can't believe that my very first support ticket is about trying to get a
> support ticket.
> Thanks
> Kirsten