RE: SQLite trouble again

2013-12-21 Thread alg
Have you tried Installing it from nuget:

- Original Message -
 Subject: SQLite trouble again
From: Greg Keogh
Date: 12/21/13 8:55 pm
To: ozDotNet

  I've just spent 18 man-hours installing a fresh Windows 7 on a new SSD and 
I'm about 80% done. I'm also upgrading to Visual Studio 2013. It took 2 hours 
to get IIS working with correct permissions and pools. It took 2 hours to 
install Sibelius 7. It took an hour to get the Epson scanner and printer 
working. All this was expected I guess.
I've only stumbled upon one gotcha so far ... When adding an EDMX and making 
a connection there is no data source provider listed for SQLite. I remember I 
searched for ages last year to find the right installer for VS2012, but I can't 
one for VS2013 and I think the reason is HERE. It looks like I have to wait 
until January XX 2014. So I'm stuck with several projects that won't build and 
I've got to find a workaround.
It's a bit weird as I have a tiny project with a single EDMX in it and it 
doesn't compile due to The ADO.NET provider with invariant name 
'System.Data.SQLite' is either not registered in the machine or application 
config file, or could not be loaded. See the inner exception for details. 
..TemplateModel.edmx -- But the config and references all look correct, so 
where the hell is it looking?! The relationship between design time, providers 
and runtime is really unclear.
All of this is a sobering warning of what happens when you become dependent 
upon external kits and tools.
Greg K

RE: More on nth-child in css

2013-07-15 Thread alg
Have you tried setting the DOCTYPEto html (i.e. !DOCTYPE html)?

 Original Message Subject: More on nth-child in cssFrom: Greg Keogh g...@mira.netDate: Mon, July 15, 2013 4:03 amTo: ozDotNet
Who says everything works? I just noticed that when I ran my ASP.NET app in the debugger the nth-child applied correctly. When I browsed in IE to the live site on my web server none of the nth-child applied and it all looked dreadful. After 30 minutes of looking in the F12 inspector and looking for other weird IIS and environmental problems I ran a search and finally stumbled across the post below in the noise. Like him, I was tricked into thinking it was my fault. This is a classic example of how brittle things are getting, with subtle and devious interdependencies between components.


For some reason I cannot fathom, IE9 defaults to compatibility mode for looking at intranet sites, or an HTML page stored as a file on a PC. Compatibility mode means 'render stuff like a dumb old browser'. This means that when you're designing stuff for a website and you try to preview from your favourite IDE in IE9, none of the CSS3 stuff works. You have to click on Tools -' compatibility view settings' in the IE9 menu and then unclick the pesky checkbox that says 'display interanet sites in compatibility view'. From then on the wretched browser works like any sane browser such as Safari. Why did they do it? Heaven only knows, but it has taken me ages to discover this simple fix due to the fact that I kept blaming my code. 

RE: regex - how to remove questionmark

2013-06-06 Thread alg
place it in a character class [?]
- Original Message - Subject: regex - how to remove questionmark
From: Ian Thomas
Date: 6/6/13 6:35 am

  I am confusing myself in trying to use regular expression to remove a 
questionmark, which may be anywhere in a string. Can someone give me the right 
Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

RE: Lightweight database

2013-06-04 Thread alg
I have to admit that I have not used it. But I have been following it for a 
while and looks promising.
Sterling NoSQL OODB for .NET 4.0
I've also just came across UnQLite, an embedded NoSQL (Key/Value store and 
Document-store) database engine, that looks 
interesting, but doesn't seem to have managed code wrappers yet. Reminds me of 
SQLite, but you know, without the SQL and BSD 2-clause instead of Public Domain 
- Original Message - Subject: Lightweight database
From: Greg Keogh
Date: 6/3/13 10:24 pm
To: ozDotNet

 Folks, an app has just grown with a new feature that needs to store  of 
users, jobs and reports and the joins between them, If I was using SQLite 
it would be 3 tables with joins. However, rather than use SQLite this time I'd 
like to consider an alternative that's even more lightweight to setup and use. 
The app does not currently use any database technology and the guys managing 
the project are actually scared of them.
Can anyone recommend an in-process database (not necessarily relational!) that 
is has a friendly managed API, small footprint, not too complicated and is easy 
to get going? I know this is a lot to ask, but there may be some NoSQL options 
around that I'm not aware of. The most important issues for me are: (1) Minimal 
dependencies (2) Simple managed API.
I'm running a few web searches now for such things, and I can see Redis, Mongo, 
Couch, Raven, db4o, Cassandra, Eloquera, Lucene, and the list goes on and on. 
There are too many choices and it would take many days of hard slog to work out 
which one would be suitable. So perhaps someone has already been through this 
I've been tempted many times over the last 10 years to write a pure managed 
single-file database with indexes, and nothing much else (no transactions, no 
client-server, no schemas, etc). However, I decided to leave it to the experts, 
and it looks like there are too many of them, and they all over-engineer their 
Greg K

RE: Re: Commercial Source Code Licence

2013-04-18 Thread alg
Just an FYI, the Creative Commons organization discourages the use of CC 
licenses for software:

You may wan to search to see if they might have what 
you need. But I would recommend seeing an attorney/lawyer with software 

- Original Message -Subject: Re: Commercial Source Code Licence
From: Ben Scott
Date: 4/18/13 8:55 pm

I release my oss projects as CC BY-SA 3.0 
 ( which is a really easy 
 licence that allows commercial use and modification. IANAL but my 
 understanding is that there is no requirement to actually release or 
 open source any commercial modifications.
 On 19/04/2013 10:33 AM, Corneliu I. Tusnea wrote:
  I have for our app few PHP plugins that we distribute that work in 
  combination with our application.
  I need to add some licence information to these plugins but I'm not 
  sure what would be a valid licence to allow users to change it if they 
  need to make it work with our service but not redistribute it or use 
  it for any other purposes/apps.
  The GPL/MIT/.. they all seem driven towards open-source ...

RE: Re: Commercial Source Code Licence

2013-04-18 Thread alg
I like the MIT and Apache v2 license, but I think Corneliu needs a commercial 
license that would restrict how the code for the plugins can be used.
- Original Message -Subject: RE: Re: Commercial Source Code 
From: Jason Roberts
Date: 4/18/13 9:48 pm
To: ozDotNet

I use apache v2 for my os project 
as I believe it's one of the more commercially friendly options?

Sent: 19/04/2013 9:46 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Re: Commercial Source Code Licence

Just an FYI, the Creative Commons organization discourages the use of CC 
licenses for software:

You may wan to search to see if they might have what 
you need. But I would recommend seeing an attorney/lawyer with software 

- Original Message -Subject: Re: Commercial Source Code Licence
From: Ben Scott
Date: 4/18/13 8:55 pm

I release my oss projects as CC BY-SA 3.0 
 ( which is a really easy 
 licence that allows commercial use and modification. IANAL but my 
 understanding is that there is no requirement to actually release or 
 open source any commercial modifications.
 On 19/04/2013 10:33 AM, Corneliu I. Tusnea wrote:
  I have for our app few PHP plugins that we distribute that work in 
  combination with our application.
  I need to add some licence information to these plugins but I'm not 
  sure what would be a valid licence to allow users to change it if they 
  need to make it work with our service but not redistribute it or use 
  it for any other purposes/apps.
  The GPL/MIT/.. they all seem driven towards open-source ...

RE: vs 2010 and 2012

2013-01-15 Thread alg
One example is that VS 2012 doesn't support MSI setup (.vdproj) projects.See the following blogs for additional differences:

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: vs 2010 and 2012
From: Katherine Moss
Date: Tue, January 15, 2013 10:45 am
To: ozDotNet

I’m rather curious as to why somebody would want to do that though if the 2012 version supersedes the previous one in so many ways?From: [] On Behalf Of David Loo Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:58 AM To: ozDotNet Subject: Re: vs 2010 and 2012triple yes!  On 15/01/13 12:28, wrote:   Can you install vs 2012 in parallel with vs 2010?--  David Loo MCPD, MCP, MCTS

RE: Shims

2012-08-20 Thread alg
Yeah, I was bummed when I learned that Fakes required Ultimate.I'd used Moles from MS Research, for working with SharePoint, and was hoping to migrate to Fakes. Even with all the MSDN licenses at the client, they would not have had enough Ultimates to cover the developers and the build machines. They can probably still use Moles, but it looks like a dead end since the site claims the Fakes will replace Moles.It may be a better deal, financially, to license Telerik JustMocks or Typemock Isolator. Both are nicer to work with than Moles, I can't speak for Fakes.BTW, Moles was the pre-cursor to MS Fakes - see:

 Original Message 
Subject: Shims
From: Stephen Price
Date: Mon, August 20, 2012 5:09 am
To: ozDotNet

Hey all,Has anyone had a look at Shims yet? The documentation says it required VS2012 Ultimate. I got all excited when I read about Shims and then my hopes were dashed. Ultimate? Can't afford that for a sole developer. *sigh* cheers,Stephen