Re: Hi and 'Bye.

2002-02-18 Thread Darren and Lorraine
Title: Hi and 'Bye.

Dear Jackie
Enjoy your R&R. Re-charge those batteries and I look forward to your 
Kind Regards,
Lorraine Sharpe

  - Original Message - 
  Jackie Mawson 
  To: Ozmidwifery List 
  Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 5:28 
  Subject: Hi and 'Bye.
  Hi all,I’m going to go off-List 
  for a while, and kick-back and relax my head from the issues continually 
  raised on the List. I’ll be back, I know it and I’m sure you guys do too... 
  You miss this List after a couple of weeks break, but the intensity of the 
  discussions can wear you down now and again. Anyway, please bookmark 
  the Birthrites Website for future reference, and add my details to your email 
  address book. Don’t ever hesitate to contact me if you need to, and feel 
  welcome to direct people to me for matters related to c/section and VBAC 
  birth. Okay? Catchya all later. Take care,Birthing 
  Beautifully,Jackie Mawson.Convenor of Birthrites: Healing After 
  Caesarean Inc.Visit our Website at: http://www.birthrites.orgEmail: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Please note I am not a Professional Healthcare 
  Provider, and all opinions given in this email are not to be taken as medical, 
  or legal, advice. Please seek such advice from the relevant professional 
  service.Email me your postal details for a FREE copy of our quarterly 
  magazine, if you live within Australia - Overseas postage costs are above 
  budget, sorry!Too many 
  paths that 
  and wind,When 
  just the 
  art of 
  kind Is 
  all the 
  sad  world 

Fwd: Re: go to this site...its outrageous

2002-02-18 Thread Carol Van Lochem

Perhaps we should all remain deathly silent if this book is ever published 
so they don't get their publicity. Hee Hee

>From: Jenni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: ozmidwifery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: go to this site...its outrageous
>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 18:30:09 +1030

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

--- Begin Message ---

Macha McDonald wrote:
oh yeah thats a bewdy:))
  Sally was waiting at the grocery
check-out with her formula cans when the woman in line behind her told her,
"You know, formula is just not as good for babies as breastmilk." Another
incident: Margaret was bottlefeeding her son in the park when another mother
sat down beside her and began to nurse her toddler. The nursing mother asked
if Margaret had ever nursed her child. Yes, Margaret answered (though somewhat
stunned to be asked by a stranger about her personal life), adding, "I switched
to formula at six weeks when I had to go back to work.". The nursing mother
immediately told Margaret that she could have expressed milk while at work
and that it was too bad she had given up nursing so soon.
what a shame these bottle-feeding mothers didnt think that these other mothers
may have been offering genuine concern her & her child.

  If breastfeeding needs so many books to cover the
subject fully, perhaps the reason is that there are a great many problems
associated with breastfeeding, and the nursing mother should expect to need
much expert advice. Instead of working her way through a pile of books trying
to find the right one to help with her specific breastfeeding problem, a
new mother would welcome a book that offers a simpler alternative, Bottlefeeding
Without Guilt. 
anybody else see the total irony in this statement? (actually its quite funny).
should we apply the same logic to the wealth of literature, videos, movies
etc ad nauseum on sex? (substitute 'breastfeeding' with 'sex',  'nursing
mother' with 'virgin', and 'Bottlefeeding without guilt' with 'Instruction
manual for Vibrator'.
Because of its controversial thesis, that bottlefeeding
is just as good in many ways as breastfeeding, the book will certainly attract
the attention (and arouse the ire) of organized breastfeeding advocates.
It's to be expected that Bottlefeeding Without Guilt will be sharply
attacked in certain quarters, thus generating much publicity for the book.
The author is willing to go head to head with any breastfeeding leaders in
the media in defense of the choice of the bottle over the breast. 
Breastfeeding has become something of a sacred cow
(bad pun intended)-and anytime a sacred cow is gored, people take notice.
The subject is one that the talk shows might very much like to milk (another
bad pun intended).

hm, yes I see..


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--- End Message ---

Albury/Wodonga Friend Question

2002-02-18 Thread Jo Slamen

Dear List,

I have another question - friend still pregnant this time!

A friend is due to give birth in Wodonga, and she is approximately 36 weeks.
Her baby is breech (unless attempts to turn - external version - succeeded
yesterday) and she is facing a C-section unless baby turns/is turned, and I
wondered if anyone on the list knew of anyone in the area who may be able to
assist in turning baby using other therapies/techniques should her baby
still be breech after this?


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LIST ADMIN: Mailing List "Netiquette" Please take the time to read it.

2002-02-18 Thread Kim Hunter

Hi all,

This message is sent to the mailing list every now again, to
remind everyone of the normal "netiquette" when using the list.
Please take the time to read it.

1. Quote a little, not a lot

When replying, only keep as much of the original message as is
needed to make sense of your reply.

Please don't quote the entire original message (including
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list become huge, and completely unreadable.

A good rule of thumb: your message should make up at least 60%
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2. Don't "cc" OR "bcc" messages that are sent to the List

It is important when sending messages to the list that you do not
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3. Don't send attachments to the list

Quite simply, these don't work on the list at all. And even if
they could get through:

* They clog up everyone's inbox, regardless of whether they want
   to read the message or not.

* It assumes everyone is using the same wordprocessor as you.

* Some people are charged for their downloads.

Instead, I would recommend directing people to a web page
containing the information (if such a page exists), or offering to
send the information directly to those people who want it.

4. Only send replies to the list

When replying to a message you've read on the list, send a
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5. All messages should be plain text

Please do not send formatted, styled, or HTML (web) based e-mails
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This is particularly a problem with the proprietary messages
created by Netscape Navigator mail, Internet Explorer mail, and
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All mail programs have an option for "send messages as plain
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(your friendly list-admin)

Kim Hunter
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
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teen pregnancy and parenting

2002-02-18 Thread pauline

I work as a midwife in Colac, Vic, and am running 
and trying to  properly develop a program for pregnant and parenting 
teenagers.  Does anyone out there know of any education programs offered on 
this topic, that can be done by distance education, and does anyone have any 
advice on what they have done to develop a similar program?  So far  
myself and the mchn working with me feel like we have been flying by the seat of 
our pants, but have managed so far!  any advice/suggestions would be 
greatly appreciated. Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


2002-02-18 Thread P & A Koziol

Dear List
Can anyone tell me what this years ICM or ACMI, IMD 
theme is Cant seem to locate anything for 2002 on either of their 
Alesa KoziolClinical Midwifery 

VBAC soap box

2002-02-18 Thread Jo & Dean Bainbridge

okay, this is my little bi*ch for the day!  I 
was shocked , saddened and angered by the latest Pregnancy Outcome stats for 
South Australia.  Our cs has risen again and the main reason cited for 
elective cs was "previous cs" which rose from 46% in 98 to 49.9% in 99 and is 
now a shocking 56.6%
What information and support are women getting from doctors and midwives that 
they are so unwilling to go vbac?  This is an area of care that has to be 
looked at.  We have to approach this issue with a holistic approach.  
Women need to be able to work through issues they have (both physical and 
emotional) regarding their previous birth experience and given the support, continuity of care and quality information in 
order to make the choice for vbac.  
Education for ALL involved needs to be 
improved.  Public as well as private sectors need to seriously look at why 
women are not choosing vbac.  Are the reasons cited BEST MEDICAL 
PRACTICE??  Are they things that could be changed by a change of attitude 
or procedures?  Are they things that women fully understand??  Are 
these questions every asked to women and the staff who care for them?  

If a woman has 
emotional issues (fear of what happened last time) does your hospital assist her 
to fully understand what happened last time?  Do you refer her to a 
counsellor?  Does your hospital practice just 'gloss over' the issue of 
fear?  What proactive measures do you take to address the fears of wm with 
previous cs?  (other than book in for the next cs?)  How many of you 
know if there is a cs or vbac support group in your area?  How many 
hospitals offer vbac antenatal education?  
Come on everyone.  We need to pull our fingers 
out and start to address these issues!  If you ask groups like CARES and 
Birthrites you will find that we have been busting our butts trying to get 
someone to listen...we (volunteer consumers with small children) CANT DO IT ON 
Find out what vbac rates your hospital has?  
Find out how your hospital provides information to wm with previous scar?  
Find out the deciding factors that determine whether your hospital will support 
a vbac?  Find out WHO has a higher vbac rate?  Find out who has never 
has a successful vbac client and then ask WHY!  Find out what restrictions 
are placed and vbac and then WHY!!!
Start asking some questions from within!  We 
are asking from the 'outside's but are not always given answers!
I am in no way saying that all women should be 
having vbac...but I am very concerned as to the information and support wm are 
given when they make their decisions to have elective cs.  Surely the 56.6% 
of elective cs based on previous cs is a statistic that causes great 
Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES SAemail: 
08 8365 7059birth with trust, faith & love...

Re: teen pregnancy and parenting

2002-02-18 Thread Robin Moon

There is a  high school in Western Sydney, 
that I simply cant remember the name of ( hopefully someone else will), that has 
classes that cater specifically for pregnant teens and teen mums. Their program 
is not only flexible to allow for their specific needs but allows them to finish 
the HSC and to learn parenting skill skills concurrently.
Maybe this will jog someones knowledge of it's name 
and you might be able to contact them.
Sorry I cant be of more help.
From: pauline 

  To: midwifery 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 10:24 
  Subject: teen pregnancy and 
  I work as a midwife in Colac, Vic, and am running 
  and trying to  properly develop a program for pregnant and parenting 
  teenagers.  Does anyone out there know of any education programs offered 
  on this topic, that can be done by distance education, and does anyone have 
  any advice on what they have done to develop a similar program?  So 
  far  myself and the mchn working with me feel like we have been flying by 
  the seat of our pants, but have managed so far!  any advice/suggestions 
  would be greatly appreciated. Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Int. Midwives Day?

2002-02-18 Thread Darren and Lorraine

Could someone let me know the date of 
'International Midwives Day', please,
Lorraine Sharpe

RE: Int. Midwives Day?

2002-02-18 Thread Jane Palmer

International Midwives Day is the 5th of 
Birth and Beyond Caring, Professional 
Midwifery Services Sydney Visit 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Darren and 
  LorraineSent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 1:18 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ozmidwiferySubject: Int. 
  Midwives Day?
  Could someone let me know the date of 
  'International Midwives Day', please,
  Lorraine Sharpe


2002-02-18 Thread Pinky McKay

carol, sorry but it has been published- slightly 
different name see this site for a review and a bit of a grin- sems the author 
has defined a breastfeeding cult and a conspiracy theory.

npo's and advertising

2002-02-18 Thread

Hi list

just letting you all know that our website is now ready to
take listings for Australian non-profit organisations and services for
pregnant women and families.

Non-profit organisations and volunteer support groups can have a free
listing, as well as a free page of content to act as their own personal
website, or to link to their existing website, with

Profit services can have a free listing (name address, phone), but will need
to pay for a full page/image/link/email address etc.(at the moment
$77 -includes GST for 12 months).

At the moment we are getting about 100 hits per day, but this will
inevitable increase when we start registering on search engines in the next
week or so.

If you are interested in listing your services let me know at the email
below...if you are a non-profit org, and need to get together a blurb/image
etc. We can put up a temporary listing, and load the page for you when you
get the rest to us.

Visitors will be able to search for services using type of service and/or
name, state, phone, email address, etc. We hope to provide a valuable
resource to parents and families, as it grows.

(PS. we are also offering subscriptions to student midwives and childbirth
educators for 1/2 price.)

Cath Price
For all the latest information on pregnancy, birth and early parenting,
subscribe to

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Re: teen pregnancy and parenting

2002-02-18 Thread Jan Robinson
Title: Re: teen pregnancy and parenting

On 19/2/02 10:24 AM, "pauline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I work as a midwife in Colac, Vic, and am running and trying to  properly develop a program for pregnant and parenting teenagers.  Does anyone out there know of any education programs offered on this topic, that can be done by distance education, and does anyone have any advice on what they have done to develop a similar program?  So far  myself and the mchn working with me feel like we have been flying by the seat of our pants, but have managed so far!  any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . 

Dear Pauline
There is a teenage program attached to the Nepean Hospital in the western Sydney district. It is holistic prenatal care delivered at an old renovated building called the “Warehouse” I think. The program has been very successful and you could talk to the midwives and the rest of the team who set it up by contacting 
Nepean Hospital  02 4734 2000 and asking to be connected to the midwives involved.
Good luck with your program. They are badly needed.
Jan Robinson