Re: Tina Pettigrew

2002-06-07 Thread Marilyn Kleidon

Thanks so much for your support and the info 
Larissa, much appreciated.

  - Original Message - 
  Larissa & Tim Inns 
  Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 6:11 PM
  Subject: Re: Tina Pettigrew
  Sorry to butt in :)
  Hi Marilyn!
  I'm sorry you couldn't get 
  acccredited - after all the hard work you've done that really stinks (for want 
  of a better word). Good luck for your appeal.
  I tried tofind a University of 
  SouthAustralia contact for you but their website says no one has been 
  appointed as director of the program yet??? Maybe they haven't updated ina 
  Anyway I think your best bet is 
  to email the admissions centre and they should be able to get who you 
  Their email is:
  The uni website is:
  Good luck navigating it 
  Hope that helps - if you need 
  something else just ask.
  Hugs, Larissa

Re: Birth announcement!

2002-06-07 Thread Larissa & Tim Inns

Congratulations Darren & well 
done to your wife!
My husband was very impressed with 
your choice of name - one of his choices if we had a boy (we have 2 
You are absolutely right - all 
women should have the CHOICE of where to birth and with whom they wish. 
Lets make that happen!!
Hugs, Larissa 

Birth announcement!

2002-06-07 Thread Darren Sunn

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to announce the birth of our first child 
named Ziggy!
He was born at HOME on Sunday the 2nd of June with 
our *birth attendant* (*wink* midwifesssh).
my 'amazing wife', first time pregnancy, had 
contractions for around 25 hours but only the last 4hours of secondary stage. 

Perfect presentation and weighed in at 
He opened his eyes within moments and was breast 
feeding within a minute of being birthed.
I would like to further emphasise my firm support in 
Home birth and for all Midwives whom work tirelessly at supporting and 
furthering this option.
Women are amazing and can empower themselves by 
supporting other women whether it be as midwives or as clients of 
A lot of our friend who were pro medicalisation, 
prior to this are now interested in researching information about birthing with 
midwives as their primary caregivers, whether it be in hospital or at home and 
this is a positive outcome.
We have the utmost respect for our *midwife* and 
have a great personal relationship with her, and it is through this relationship 
that increases the potential for a better outcome during pregnancy and at 
It's ironic that my wife and I whom would 
never consider suing , and we take full responsibility of our birth 
outcomes and we also were fortunate enough to be able to fully finance the 
expenses, and yet we have due to present legislation, tread very quietly and 
speak softly regarding our choices.
Every women should have this choice and it should be 
adopted by government policy. Women need to regain their power and choice in 
Darren ( a very proud father).
Member of AIMS and BAG (birth action group of 

Re: Update on our babies (long)

2002-06-07 Thread Jo Zoch

Dear Joy.

What a sad experience that must have been for you all :(
My deepest sympathies.  It seems though, that the experience of such a
tragedy was made easier by you being there, and some good staff.

It is still so sad :(

I wish Reuben well in his time in the NICU, and that everyone heals from
this as easily as possible.

Thoughts are with you all.


- Original Message -
From: "Joy Cocks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ozmidwifery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Update on our babies (long)

> Hi everyone,
> What a week, so much has happened so quickly!  I'll try to tell you as
> briefly as I can - here goes.
> Sally admitted to tertiary hospital on Wed 29/5 with ruptured membranes on
> 1st twin, on oral antibiotics, submitted to daily CTG's (but never could
> a "good" trace), told that she would need a C/S because both babies were
> breech ("and it will probably be a classical C/S and you will never have
> another baby naturally" [by a doctor]).  Very upset, of course.  However,
> even with the "best" in the ultrasound department, no-one seemed able to
> agree on the position of the babies. The plan was for bed rest in hospital
> to try to keep these babies inside for as long as possible, provided there
> was no infection.  All going along OK, her partner came back to Bright (3
> 1/2 hr drive) on Sun 2/6, I was going to come back with her little 4 y/o
> boy, Tasman, on Mon 3/6.  However, a phone call to me at 5.30 am Mon from
> L/W - "Sally is having a few niggles, and would like you here, no need to
> rush".  I got there at 6.30 am - "quick in there, she's delivered!"  I
> in to find that she had a little girl (twin1) and a little boy, the 3rd
> stage was being delivered.  Masses of people in there - the 3rd set of
> for the night!  Matilda had come out as a head/shoulder presentation and
> Reuben was vertex.  Matilda a little stronger than Reuben, but of course
> lines, monitors and tubes everywhere.  Both up to NICU after seeing Sally
> briefly.  I stayed with Sally, who was in total shock with it all.  She
> didn't even feel like she had given birth (and had only just started to
> enjoy that real blossoming feeling of pregnancy) and of course had
> and birthed with none of her own support people present.  She was up in
> stirrups, and they were still trying to put on the CTG and talking C/S
> the midwife said "she's pushing".  The doc even was trying to put on a
> electrode at this stage and ended up cutting Matilda's (Tilly) neck with
> However, no C/S and no stitches, so Sally's recovery has been excellent.
> helped her with her shower and then we went up to NICU to see the babies
> (her partner was still on his way).  Both stable, Tilly a little stronger
> than Reuben, actually mostly breathing on her own, both on "routine"
> treatments, etc.   They weighed 880g each.  Tilly was bruised around her
> shoulder and Reuben's head was bruised.  Tilly had a lumbar puncture that
> evening and she was diagnosed with meningitis, however, the staff were
> pretty confident that she was going OK.  Those poor little mites were on
> more drugs than Sally has had in her entire life!!
> Then, on Tuesday Tilly was looking as if she was having a little bit of
> seizure activity, CT etc, late Tuesday revealed she was haemorrhaging into
> both sides of her brain, she had also developed scepticaemia and looked
> she was bleeding into her abdominal cavity.  Wed 5/6 - I had seen them
> in the morning before doctors' rounds and she was constantly fitting
> Morphine and Phenobarb, etc.  I was with Sally when she was called to NICU
> and this information was given to her and her partner when he rushed over
> from across the road.  They made, what to me, was the only choice and that
> was to cease treatment and turn everything off.  The staff were fantastic,
> giving us all time, privacy and space.  My other daughter was there,
> partner's (Russell) sister and brother-in-law were there.  Sally and
> spent a long time just touching and looking at Tilly until they were
> while we made sure that someone was with Reuben and touching him as well.
> We held hands and surrounded them while Sally washed and dressed Tilly.
> They then carried her into a private sitting room and held her as she died
> which was almost immediately.  Sally had asked me to be with Reuben as
> turned Tilly's machines off and as she died.  He gave a little cry and
> stopped breathing momentarily at that time, then settled.  I saw Tilly's
> summary which described the whole labour as being a total of 31 mins!
> (however, Sally had actually been having niggles all night but tried to
> convince herself that it wasn't labour and hadn't told anyone).  When
> and Russell were ready, we went in to hold and kiss Tilly and I brought
> Tasman in to cuddle his sister.  "She won't grow up big will she, but my
> brothe

Re: Tina Pettigrew

2002-06-07 Thread Larissa & Tim Inns


Sorry to butt in :)
Hi Marilyn!
I'm sorry you couldn't get 
acccredited - after all the hard work you've done that really stinks (for want 
of a better word). Good luck for your appeal.
I tried tofind a University of 
SouthAustralia contact for you but their website says no one has been appointed 
as director of the program yet??? Maybe they haven't updated ina 
Anyway I think your best bet is to 
email the admissions centre and they should be able to get who you 
Their email is:
The uni website is:
Good luck navigating it 
Hope that helps - if you need 
something else just ask.
Hugs, Larissa

Tina Pettigrew

2002-06-07 Thread Marilyn Kleidon

Hi Tina:
Just trying to contact you about the B. Mid student 
collective: haven't seen any postings lately and I am in the process of changing 
my internet provider. My new email address will be: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. 
I was unsuccessful with my application for 
authorization to practice midwifery in NSW. Amazing: I will be appealing but the 
reason's given were that Seattle Midwifery school is not a University and 
therefore they did not consider the content of my course to be equivalent to the 
current Uni Midwifery programs in NSW. And, the other reason was that I am not a 
nurse (duh). I was rather meek when I received the news over the phone but will 
be a little more forceful after some reflection. I do think the application is 
probably dead in the water though. I also have an application in to the 
Queensland Nursing Council, am trying to think positively but am in reality 
expecting the same.
Anyway, it looks like it's back to student life for 
me. What I need from someone in the collective is email/web site addresses of 
the unis in SA and Vic running B. Mid programs. I found the Flinders Uni site 
and sent off an email to Jen Byrne. I found the Australian Catholic Universities 
site but could not find their B. Mid info, so I sent an email to the Dean. So, I 
guess I am looking for the Vic U and the SA Uni addresses. 
Take care Tina, I hope you're lurking on the list. 
I also have a new laptop, so don't have many addresses in my address book 

Re: Recent research diesel fumes

2002-06-07 Thread Marilyn Kleidon

Hi Marina: Long time since I have seen you on the list. This is Marilyn
Kleidon, we communicated a long time ago (2-3 years) about homebirth in
Queensland etc. Anyway I am in Sydney now, but will be up in Brisbane around
the 5th July would love to meet you if possible. My email address has
changed and is now [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would love to hear from you.
- Original Message -
From: "Marina Begolo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: Recent research diesel fumes

Hi there folks,

Many weeks ago in a newspaper, there was a brief report about a research
project which claimed to have found evidence that infants and young children
exposed to diesel fumes (eg living next to main roads) have a higher risk
and incidence of chronic respiratory diseases in adulthood. Unfortunately,
there was no information about who and where the researchers are.

Does anyone know of this research and where I might access it? Or even
search for it?

Also, I want to comment that in the five years that I have been reading this
list, there has been a significant change in various areas of the birthing
services in Australia. Things we talked passionatly about 5 years ago have
now been implemented or addressed or are gaining wider recognition and

I know that many people come to the list disappointed and disillusioned and
I want to let you know that our succession of voices IS making an impact.

So keep it up in the knowledge that over time we are collectively making a
difference. Your passion and dedication is NOT wasted at all;  the fact is
that change is slow to come (but unavoidable, in the long run).



"If you want to change the world, begin with changing yourself..."

Marina Begolo 2001

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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Update on our babies (long)

2002-06-07 Thread Joy Cocks

Hi everyone,
What a week, so much has happened so quickly!  I'll try to tell you as
briefly as I can - here goes.
Sally admitted to tertiary hospital on Wed 29/5 with ruptured membranes on
1st twin, on oral antibiotics, submitted to daily CTG's (but never could get
a "good" trace), told that she would need a C/S because both babies were
breech ("and it will probably be a classical C/S and you will never have
another baby naturally" [by a doctor]).  Very upset, of course.  However,
even with the "best" in the ultrasound department, no-one seemed able to
agree on the position of the babies. The plan was for bed rest in hospital
to try to keep these babies inside for as long as possible, provided there
was no infection.  All going along OK, her partner came back to Bright (3
1/2 hr drive) on Sun 2/6, I was going to come back with her little 4 y/o
boy, Tasman, on Mon 3/6.  However, a phone call to me at 5.30 am Mon from
L/W - "Sally is having a few niggles, and would like you here, no need to
rush".  I got there at 6.30 am - "quick in there, she's delivered!"  I went
in to find that she had a little girl (twin1) and a little boy, the 3rd
stage was being delivered.  Masses of people in there - the 3rd set of twins
for the night!  Matilda had come out as a head/shoulder presentation and
Reuben was vertex.  Matilda a little stronger than Reuben, but of course
lines, monitors and tubes everywhere.  Both up to NICU after seeing Sally
briefly.  I stayed with Sally, who was in total shock with it all.  She
didn't even feel like she had given birth (and had only just started to
enjoy that real blossoming feeling of pregnancy) and of course had laboured
and birthed with none of her own support people present.  She was up in
stirrups, and they were still trying to put on the CTG and talking C/S when
the midwife said "she's pushing".  The doc even was trying to put on a scalp
electrode at this stage and ended up cutting Matilda's (Tilly) neck with it.
However, no C/S and no stitches, so Sally's recovery has been excellent.  I
helped her with her shower and then we went up to NICU to see the babies
(her partner was still on his way).  Both stable, Tilly a little stronger
than Reuben, actually mostly breathing on her own, both on "routine" drugs,
treatments, etc.   They weighed 880g each.  Tilly was bruised around her
shoulder and Reuben's head was bruised.  Tilly had a lumbar puncture that
evening and she was diagnosed with meningitis, however, the staff were
pretty confident that she was going OK.  Those poor little mites were on
more drugs than Sally has had in her entire life!!
Then, on Tuesday Tilly was looking as if she was having a little bit of
seizure activity, CT etc, late Tuesday revealed she was haemorrhaging into
both sides of her brain, she had also developed scepticaemia and looked like
she was bleeding into her abdominal cavity.  Wed 5/6 - I had seen them early
in the morning before doctors' rounds and she was constantly fitting despite
Morphine and Phenobarb, etc.  I was with Sally when she was called to NICU
and this information was given to her and her partner when he rushed over
from across the road.  They made, what to me, was the only choice and that
was to cease treatment and turn everything off.  The staff were fantastic,
giving us all time, privacy and space.  My other daughter was there, Sally's
partner's (Russell) sister and brother-in-law were there.  Sally and Russell
spent a long time just touching and looking at Tilly until they were ready,
while we made sure that someone was with Reuben and touching him as well.
We held hands and surrounded them while Sally washed and dressed Tilly.
They then carried her into a private sitting room and held her as she died
which was almost immediately.  Sally had asked me to be with Reuben as they
turned Tilly's machines off and as she died.  He gave a little cry and
stopped breathing momentarily at that time, then settled.  I saw Tilly's L/W
summary which described the whole labour as being a total of 31 mins!
(however, Sally had actually been having niggles all night but tried to
convince herself that it wasn't labour and hadn't told anyone).  When Sally
and Russell were ready, we went in to hold and kiss Tilly and I brought
Tasman in to cuddle his sister.  "She won't grow up big will she, but my
brother will!"
Reuben is doing well, having periods off his CPAP, having 1 mil of EBM 4/24,
but we still have a long road in front of us.
It has just been SO awful, but some positives as well.  It is so awful to
see your child go through the pain of losing her own child, which (of
course) is also your grandchild.
Thanks to everyone who has sent their thoughts, love and prayers, all of
that has helped enormously.

Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741

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Recent research diesel fumes

2002-06-07 Thread Marina Begolo

Hi there folks,

Many weeks ago in a newspaper, there was a brief report about a research 
project which claimed to have found evidence that infants and young children 
exposed to diesel fumes (eg living next to main roads) have a higher risk 
and incidence of chronic respiratory diseases in adulthood. Unfortunately, 
there was no information about who and where the researchers are.

Does anyone know of this research and where I might access it? Or even 
search for it?

Also, I want to comment that in the five years that I have been reading this 
list, there has been a significant change in various areas of the birthing 
services in Australia. Things we talked passionatly about 5 years ago have 
now been implemented or addressed or are gaining wider recognition and 

I know that many people come to the list disappointed and disillusioned and 
I want to let you know that our succession of voices IS making an impact.

So keep it up in the knowledge that over time we are collectively making a 
difference. Your passion and dedication is NOT wasted at all;  the fact is 
that change is slow to come (but unavoidable, in the long run).



"If you want to change the world, begin with changing yourself..."

Marina Begolo 2001

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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