[ozmidwifery] Colitis - thank you

2003-02-21 Thread Andrea Robertson
Dear listers,

Thank you very much for all the wonderful ideas around my request for help 
with the colitis problem. I am going to print the mall off and see my 
friend this weekend. I am sure that she will find your suggestions helpful.

What a wonderful resource we have in the contributers to this list!

Warm regards,


Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
web: www.birthinternational.com
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[ozmidwifery] Fw: The Curious Patient

2003-02-21 Thread Rhonda

  Have a good day
   A man is lying in bed in a Catholic hospital with an 
  oxygen mask over his mouth. A young auxiliary nurse appears to sponge 
  his face and hands."Nurse," he mumbles from behind the mask, "Are 
  my testicles black?"Embarrassed the young nurse replies, "I don't 
  know Mr Jones, I'm only hereto wash your face and hands."He 
  struggles again to ask, "Nurse, Are my testicles black?"Again the 
  nurse replies, "I can't tell. I'm only here to wash your face 
  andhands."The ward sister was passing and saw the man getting 
  a little distraught somarched over to inquire what was 
  wrong."Sister," he mumbled, "Are my testicles black?"Being 
  a nurse of long-standing, the sister was undaunted. She whipped 
  backthe bedclothes, pulled down his pajama trousers, moved his penis 
  out of theway, had a right good look, pulled up the pajamas, replaced 
  the bed clothesand announced, "Nothing wrong with them!!!"At 
  this the man pulled off his oxygen mask and asked again, "Are my test 
  results back???


  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Colitis

2003-02-21 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Thank you, Jason, this is most 
informative! And to think, I was going to go off the list till I've moved house! 
Now I'll have to stay on.
- Original Message - 
From: Jason Hawrelak 

Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Colitis

Hello Andrea,I'm guessing that by 'colitis' you mean ulcerative 
colitis, which ischaracterised by episodes of abdominal pain and bloody 
diarrhoea. I'm anaturopath, and I am also doing a PhD in the area of gut 
health and theintestinal micro-ecology, so I know a fair bit about 
ulcerative colitis andits management with natural medicine. During 
the acute stage of the condition (which it sounds like she is in)one would 
usually put the client on a elemental or hypoallergenic diet. Forthis it is 
best to use a formulation based on rice protein. Try to get onethat has 
additional vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (e.g.,RejuvenX from 
Bioceuticals - can be contacted on 1-300-650-455 - 3-4serves/day will keep 
the protein level up to what is needed). At this sametime I would suggest 
clear vegetable broths, and more importantly freshfruit & veggie juices 
(at least 4 glasses daily). These are veryantioxidant rich and will help 
'calm' the inflammation. I would especiallyrecommend fresh wheat grass 
juice, as a recent trial found it excellent inalleviating ulcerative colitis 
symptoms (try to give 100 ml/day) - it workswell combined with carrot and 
apple. Normally, this is all that would beeaten until the diarrhoea and pain 
stop. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is often considered to be caused by an 
imbalance ofintestinal bacteria, so probiotics are potentially useful. 
Unfortunately,most probiotic supplements on the market are very poor, and 
what isgenerally not well known is that each supplement will contain a 
specificbacterial strain with a limited range of therapeutic actions. Not 
all'acidophilus' is the same, just like not all breeds of dogs are the 
same.All dogs are the same species, but as we know German Shepards are 
verydifferent from chihuahuas. This same principle is at work in the 
probioticfield, in that the different strains of 'acidophilus' are like 
thedifferent breeds of dogs - they are all the same species but some 
areGerman Shepards and others chihuahuas. You just need to know which one 
iswhich - unfortunately very few naturopaths, GP's or consumers know 
this.There is one probiotic product that has been clinically trialed and 
proveneffective in ulcerative colitis. The product is called VSL#3 and it 
isavailable mail-order or over the internet from Orphan Australia(www.orphan.com.au or 1-300-656-755). It is 
more expensive than otherprobiotic supplements, but it has been proven to 
work in UC and no otherscurrently available on the Australian market have. 
So I would certainlyrecommend taking this with the juice, broth and protein 
powder combination.To this I would also add slippery elm (1 heaped tsp 4x/d) 
- blended withapple juice for easier compliance. I understand that the loss 
of caloricintake on this dietary regime would be a concern in pregancy, but 
theenergy defecit shouldn't be too great if the regime is follwed for 
7-14days, by which time the UC should have truly settled down. And her 
currentdiarrhoea and intestinal inflammation is already severely hampering 
herabsorption of nutrients.Once the UC has settled down, I would 
recommend that the client keep takingthe VSl#3 and slippery elm (you could 
halve the dosage of both at thispoint). Juices should still be consumed 
daily, but 1-2 glasses per dayshould suffice (but keep the wheat grass up). 
At this point, a fibre andanti-oxidant rich diet is essential. So lots of 
fruit (especially berries),vegetables, whole-grain products, nuts and seeds 
(preferably freshlyground) should be consumed. Brown rice, barley and oats 
would be especiallygood. Avoid eggs, potatoes, wheat-products and all junk 
food as these arecommon exacerbating factors. If she can get 
traditionally-made sauerkrautthis would be excellent as it contains more 
health-giving bacteria thatyoghurt, as well as anti-oxidants and healing 
factors for the gut. To improve her essential fatty acid balance, 
recommend oily fishconsumption at least 4x/week (e.g., sardines, salmon, 
herring, ocean trout,mackerel, mullet, tailor, and sweep) and ground 
flaxseeds/flaxseed oildaily. Alternatively fish oil capsules can be used but 
the dosage needs tobe 6-10 capsules per day, so it can be expensive taking 
this route.Additional research has shown that psyllium seeds (not the 
husks) at adosage of 10g twice daily is as effective in keeping UC in 
remission aspharmaceutical drugs, so I would definately add this to the 
treatmentprotocol (if you can't locate psyllium seeds, the next best option 
isbarley bran - 2 Tab twice daily). Implementation of these measures 
shouldnot only improve her UC but will also improve the overall health 
status ofthe impending mum and her b

Re: [ozmidwifery] SA's stats are OUT!!!!!! AARGH!

2003-02-21 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Have just forwarded this to my local 
State MP, Ms Vini Cicarello.
- Original Message - 
From: Julie Clarke 

Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 2:48 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] SA's stats are OUT!! 

Very important to talk 
to a politician about it and the press.

and Parenting Educator
into Parenthood
Withybrook Pl
Sylvania  NSW  2224
(02) 9544 6441
(02) 9544 9257
0401 265 530
Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Carolyn 
DonagheySent: Friday, 21 
February 2003 2:46 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; jo BainbridgeSubject: [ozmidwifery] SA's stats are 
I thought this might be of interest to our 
wonderful birthing community.  I have just received the Pregnancy Outcome 
in SA 2001 statistics, and they are not pretty.  I was sure that the 
caesarean rate would increase, but have to say am shocked at the true 
statistics.  The website to see the reports is www.dhs.sa.gov.au/pehs/pregnancyoutcome.htmHere 
are a few quick facts:Total births        
        17704 Caesarean Section        
11.9% emergency 15.8%)Induction        
            28.3%CS in private hospitals over 500 births 
p.a.    37.9%Spontaneous 
vaginal births             
59.5%I am unsure, does this still make us the knife happy capital of 
AustraliaWith regretCarolyn Donaghey-HarrisCARES SA 
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.455 / 
Virus Database: 255 - Release Date: 

Re: [ozmidwifery] re Do Women Matter??

2003-02-21 Thread Julie Garratt

It sounds interesting where can I access a 

  - Original Message - 
  Judy Giesaitis 
  To: Ozmidwifery (E-mail) 
  Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:34 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] re Do Women 
  Things really 
  haven't changed at all!!  I am currently re reading "The Unfortunate 
  Experiment" of the CIN studies in Auckland and things really haven't changed 
  too much in the 20+ years since the inquiry.   Women treated by the 
  medical system, unless they are extremely articulate and/or very careful in 
  their choice of health care provider are still treated with distain by the so 
  called healing profession
  Damn their 
  eyes!!   Judy

Re: [ozmidwifery] obstetric language!

2003-02-21 Thread Julie Garratt

She should sue him for abuse, that is just 
Good on you for having a go at him.

  - Original Message - 
  Trudie de 
  Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 11:25 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] obstetric 
  This is what I overheard an obstetrician say to a birthing 
  woman recently, whilst applying a ventouse:' stop screamingit is 
  all mind over matter...I don't mind and you don't matter'if I had not 
  heard it my self I would not have believed it ..we had quite a heated 
  discussion later outside the labour wardwith woman...and honoring of 
  de Keijzerphone 02 47574744mobile 0438 

[ozmidwifery] Side By Side

2003-02-21 Thread Lynne Staff

Dear colleagues
Just a short mailing to let you know that on June 
21st on the Sunshine Coast, we (midwives and obstetrician at Selangor) will be 
hosting a one day conference called Side By Side with a line up of consumers, 
midwives and obstetricians, presenting for a mixed audience (we hope!) 
of consumers, midwives and obstetricians.
The day will focus on woman-centred care, and 
include such topics as VBAC, waterbirth, postnatal support, women's views 
of birth - what is important to them, midwives and obstetricians working 
together for women and with women. Looks like it will be a good 
Please contact Lynne Staff or Irene 
Kinmond on 07 5450 4359, or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Look forward to seeing those of you who can 
Regards, Lynne
PS It will be at one of the resorts up here as soon 
as I know which one, I will post it!

[ozmidwifery] another great quote.

2003-02-21 Thread Mary Murphy

Quote of the Week
According to the medical model, life is a problem because it is full of risk 
and in almost constant danger, an assumption easily accepted if one's 
professional career is spent surrounded by pathology, suffering, and death.
- Marsden Wagner,