Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

2003-11-07 Thread Jan Robinson
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

Hear! Here! Jo and Tracey. 
I thoroughly enjoyed the HBA Conference as well. 
There was not one speaker who didnt motivate me in some way to do a bit more for the homebirth movement.
Congratulations to the new National Coordinator, Jo Hunter and her new committee. 
Watch for national committee news on the new HBA webwsite.

Can I take this opportunity to ask the WA HBA organising committee if next years HBA is going to be near to the time of the ACMI Conference, 31st August to 3rd September? Id love to be able to attend both if Im travelling that far. 

My computer has been down with a corrupt e-mail program so am just getting back into the email.
Id like to take this opportunity to ask any midwife living in NSW who would be willing to contract to do homebirths for NSW Health in their local area to please forward me their details. 

We are getting closer to the homebirth funding (once again, thanks to Justines input at our meeting with NSWHealth) I need a list of midwives to cover ALL NSW Area Health Services for the next meeting (later this month).

NSW was first in with a Nurses and Midwives Act ... Now we want to be the first state to offer free homebirths to women. So midwives who have previously attended homebirths, please register you _expression_ of interest NOW!
Contact me by phone or email if you have further questions about this exciting development.


Jan Robinson Phone/fax: 011+ 61+ 2+ 9546 4350
Independent Midwife Practitioner  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
8 Robin Crescent  www:
South Hurstville NSW 2221 National Coordinator, ASIM

On 6/11/03 9:11 AM, Tracey Anderson Askew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would have to echo those words Jo, it was a timely inspiration for all of the hardworking women out there trying to keep homebirth alive as a choice for women. The speakers were great and I came away feeling like I wanted to have another child - ooops did I say that? I mean I came away feeling like my work with women is of great value to the community at large - it has renewed my energy levels and given me lots to think about, but most importantly how necessary it is for us all to band together to support each other.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of jo hunter
Sent: Wednesday, 5 November 2003 11:28 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] homebirth conference

Just wanted to say what a great time was had by all on the w/e in Canberra at the 22nd National Homebirth Conference.
A big thankyou to Justine Caines for organising it almost single handedly with 3 kids under 4 and the 4th half cooked!
Thanks must also go to Margie Perkins for her help behind the scenes and Vicky Chan and Nic Edmonston for their beautiful images and words.
Look forward to the conference in WA next year!
Cheers Jo

Re: [ozmidwifery] midwifery text books

2003-11-07 Thread Jan Robinson
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] midwifery text books

On 6/11/03 1:39 AM, Laraine Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all, I am interested in what anat and physiol midwifery texts the uni's are currently using for their midwifery courses. Thanks, Laraine

Anatomy and Physiology Applied to Obstetrics Verralls Third Edition is in use at UWS

[ozmidwifery] Advise, encouragement, support

2003-11-07 Thread Brian Pettifer

  I am leaving a midwifery position where I have continually witnessed 
  brutal assaults to labouring, birthing women, no doubt deeply traumatised 
  by their experience for a long time afterward, likewise their significant 
  others supporting them during the childbirth experience. Prior to my 
  resignation I need to make a difference. 
  Initially I was horrified, complained to other midwives/obstetric 
  nurses I work with, whom were judgemental, commenting that perhaps I 
  should seek employment elsewhere. I complained to the unit manager 
  whom decided I should attend the next obstetric meeting sharing my 
  concerns with obstetricians involved.(And get shot between the 
  As a stand alone midwife, NZ trained, I began informing women what to 
  expect with vaginal examinations and what not to expect, hence:discomfort, 
  not excruciating pain.That painful VE are unnecessary.
  Feedback from women post VE:
  "I felt like Ihad been raped."
  "It felt like my wisdom teeth were being pulled out through my 
  "The pain was so bad I tried to crawl out the top of the bed to get 
  "My husband will never forgive me for this."
  Breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes that this crap is allowed 
  to continue. My main goal is to make achange for even one 
  women that I make a connection with, the reason I continued to work 
  For my professional, personal well being, but mostly for women 
  I need to take this one step further. I desperately want 
  theseobstetricians to realise that their vaginal examinations are 
  brutal assaults and not acceptable.
  I am prepared todo what ever it takes to stop women 
  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
  At this point I would prefer to remain anonymous for the time being, 
  I know you will understand.


 IncrediMail - 
Email has finally evolved - Click 

RE: [ozmidwifery] effects of contractions on the fetus???

2003-11-07 Thread Wayne and Caroline McCullough
Title: Message

okay I forget you are on this list sometimes Dierdrie : )...I feel a 
bit now though getting that off my chest... I guess it is normal to go over 
things again after the fact I just need to feel a sense of peace about it, 
especially since I am still suffering physically.

gotta go... bubs needs to go to bed...

if anyone wants to email me at the moment please use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as we are 
having difficulties with Ozemail.



  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dierdre 
  BowmanSent: Thursday, 6 November 2003 9:56 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] effects of 
  contractions on the fetus???
  My dear friend, I realize the grieving process 
  takes time and you have so much to be dissapointed about. But I was there and 
  I know that you did all the right things. You made choices based on the 
  facts and also based on the joint decision making made by you and your 
  husband. You did the best you could for where you were at and you need 
  to stop beating up on yourself. You also need to give yourself time to 
  grieve and grow before you make any decisions about the future. There is 
  plenty of time.
  If you need to talk please ring me at home 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Advise, encouragement, support

2003-11-07 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Advise, encouragement, support

This is disgusting, but I imagine sadly realistic (3 children no VEs due to IPM and homebirth so I am most blissfully ignorant). Inform these women, encourage them to make complaint refuse a VE etc. Unfortunately you will not succeed like consumers will, but they need to be supported in making a stand (let them know that by them standing up they may avoid other women and themselves going through this). The Health Care Complaints Commissioner in your state needs to hear about this, in these womens words as you described.

Hope this helps

Justine Caines

I am leaving a midwifery position where I have continually witnessed brutal assaults to labouring, birthing women, no doubt deeply traumatised by their experience for a long time afterward, likewise their significant others supporting them during the childbirth experience. Prior to my resignation I need to make a difference. 
Initially I was horrified, complained to other midwives/obstetric nurses I work with, whom were judgemental, commenting that perhaps I should seek employment elsewhere. I complained to the unit manager whom decided I should attend the next obstetric meeting sharing my concerns with obstetricians involved.(And get shot between the eyeballs) 
As a stand alone midwife, NZ trained, I began informing women what to expect with vaginal examinations and what not to expect, hence:discomfort, not excruciating pain. That painful VE are unnecessary.
Feedback from women post VE:
I felt like I had been raped.
It felt like my wisdom teeth were being pulled out through my vagina.
The pain was so bad I tried to crawl out the top of the bed to get away.
My husband will never forgive me for this.
Breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes that this crap is allowed to continue. My main goal is to make a change for even one women that I make a connection with, the reason I continued to work there.
For my professional, personal well being, but mostly for women I need to take this one step further. I desperately want these obstetricians to realise that their vaginal examinations are brutal assaults and not acceptable. 
I am prepared to do what ever it takes to stop women suffering. 
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

At this point I would prefer to remain anonymous for the time being, I know you will understand.


 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Advise, encouragement, support

2003-11-07 Thread Robin Moon

Dear Anonymous

I've been there done that. I stood alone in a system, stood my 
ground ina case seen by the HCC,saw a doctor deregistered for his 
actions but paid a hefty price myself. By speaking up I was labelled a 
'troublemaker' and had IMMENSE difficulty gaining work in other hospitals, whom 
I subsequently realised were playing chinese whispers. Lots of hearsay and 
very little of the truth.

Just beware that a hospital may only support you on the 
surface, dont expect anything from them that will step outside the boundaries of 
keeping the peace. It simply wont happen. Watch for your peers they will often 
be supportive at the time but not prepared to go the distance with 

Look after yourself. I was very good at bottling things up. 
Didnt talk about them because I was in a desert where no-one quite understood 
and no-one could say anything constructive. It took four years for me to crack, 
and when I eventually did, the year prior to it was one spent in anger and 
lashing out at the system/doctors. I didnt pick it for what it was that was 
happening to me until small issues became huge and I eventually lost the plot 
completely and in the process alienated myself from the system and colleagues. 
It's taken me two years to put the pieces back together but now, I'm a stronger 
more self aware midwife. However, thoughts of what I went through will still 
make me teary , so i put it in a place where I rarely bring it out these 

Do your homework. If you want to push changes you'll not 
be doing it for your professional well being. You'll be doing for your personal 
integrity only. And you'll be doing it for the women.

Talk to the NRB, talk to the HCC, talk to the Nurses Union. 
Talk to the ACMI.

There are so many of us out there who understand your feelings 
and so many who feel they make not much of a difference anymore. You are not 
alone in your immense frustration at the brutalisation of these 

There will be light at the end of the tunnel for you. It might 
not be prior to your resignation, it might not be next year, but you will learn 
and gain strength and wisdom from whatever action you choose to take. I"m 
firm believer there is always good that comes from bad.

Good Luck.


- Original Message - 

  Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 9:04 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Advise, 
  encouragement, support

I am leaving a midwifery position where I have continually 
witnessed brutal assaults to labouring, birthing women, no doubt deeply 
traumatised by their experience for a long time afterward, likewise 
their significant others supporting them during the childbirth 
experience. Prior to my resignation I need to make a 
Initially I was horrified, complained to other midwives/obstetric 
nurses I work with, whom were judgemental, commenting that perhaps I 
should seek employment elsewhere. I complained to the unit manager 
whom decided I should attend the next obstetric meeting sharing my 
concerns with obstetricians involved.(And get shot between the 
As a stand alone midwife, NZ trained, I began informing women what 
to expect with vaginal examinations and what not to expect, 
hence:discomfort, not excruciating pain.That painful VE are 
Feedback from women post VE:
"I felt like Ihad been raped."
"It felt like my wisdom teeth were being pulled out through my 
"The pain was so bad I tried to crawl out the top of the bed to get 
"My husband will never forgive me for this."
Breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes that this crap is 
allowed to continue. My main goal is to make achange for 
even one women that I make a connection with, the reason I continued to 
work there.
For my professional, personal well being, but mostly for 
women I need to take this one step further. I desperately 
want theseobstetricians to realise that their vaginal examinations 
are brutal assaults and not acceptable.
I am prepared todo what ever it takes to stop women 
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

At this point I would prefer to remain anonymous for the time 
being, I know you will understand.




 IncrediMail - Email has finally 
  evolved - Click 

RE: [ozmidwifery] Advise, encouragement, support

2003-11-07 Thread hplerchbacher
Title: Message

Agree with Justine. The Health Care Complaints Commissioner 
will need to know about the malpractice. It is brutalitybeyond the scope 
of professionalism.There should be no argument that this should 
stop.Keep encouraging the women to write their stories to the Health 
Commissioner, cc to the obstetricians/ nurse managers/DON/Medical 
Directors etc. What about the media? They are always keen to publish health 
issues. It may mean exposing yourself as well. 

Good luck, it is a hard road to travel. Let us know what follows. It will 
encourage others in similar boat. 


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Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Hi Sheena,

If you are still here on the Sunday, there is a 'Funky Midwives' gathering
from 3-6pm in North Adelaide, which is bound to be a great day.  Other than
that, the homebirth network meet on the 24th, Birth Matters on the 27th, and
the CARES group on the 12th.  Not sure if there's anything else going on,
you could contact the 2 uni's to see if they have anything interesting

Good luck in your placement!

- Original Message -
From: Sheena Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

 Hi everyone

 I am going to be in Adelaide at the Women's doing my neonatal placement
 17th to 21st November. Was just wondering if there were any meetings,
 classes I could attend as a Midwifery Student whilst I was there. The only
 night I am not available is the Wednesday, which is my daughters final
 vocal performance for Uni.


 Sheena Johnson

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
Just a thought, you might be interested to visit Coast Yoga, down at
Glenelg, they run an excellent antenatal class on a Friday night I think it
is.  Vanessa is the contact person there.


- Original Message -
From: Sheena Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

 Hi everyone

 I am going to be in Adelaide at the Women's doing my neonatal placement
 17th to 21st November. Was just wondering if there were any meetings,
 classes I could attend as a Midwifery Student whilst I was there. The only
 night I am not available is the Wednesday, which is my daughters final
 vocal performance for Uni.


 Sheena Johnson

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[ozmidwifery] Caesarean birth articles

2003-11-07 Thread Andrea Robertson

You will all want to read this article on caesareans, in the Sydney Morning 
Herald today.

Caesareans surge to over 1 in 3 births in a year:
There is a full feature on caesareans, titled Express Delivery which 
features Jo Bainbridge (congrats Jo - fantastic!!) that is in the Good 
Weekend. I can't get the URL up for this one - will keep trying - it is a 
terrific article - well balanced and factual.



Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
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Re: Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread gresch
Hi Sheena (and Tania),
the pregnancy class at Coast Yoga is on Fri night at 6.30-8.15, ran by Vanessa, 
contact for yoga centre is 08 8295 2298.

 From: Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 08/11/2003 5:25:24
 Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide
 Just a thought, you might be interested to visit Coast Yoga, down at
 Glenelg, they run an excellent antenatal class on a Friday night I think it
 is.  Vanessa is the contact person there.
 - Original Message -
 From: Sheena Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:51 PM
 Subject: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide
  Hi everyone
  I am going to be in Adelaide at the Women's doing my neonatal placement
  17th to 21st November. Was just wondering if there were any meetings,
  classes I could attend as a Midwifery Student whilst I was there. The only
  night I am not available is the Wednesday, which is my daughters final
  vocal performance for Uni.
  Sheena Johnson
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Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread Sheena Johnson
Thanks Tania

Coast Yoga sounds great, you wouldn't have Tania's surname would you, or her
phone no?


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Re: [ozmidwifery] Adelaide

2003-11-07 Thread Sheena Johnson
oops, I meant Vanessa's

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