[ozmidwifery] ACMI National Education Forum

2002-08-26 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator

Hi Everyone

Just a brief reminder re the ACMI National Education Forum to be held in
Adelaide on September 27. The program looks excellent and is not just for
midwifery educators and lecturers. There is a session from consumers on the
language we use, sessions on mentorship and the AMAP results will be
presented. The afternoon promises something for everyone with sessions
relating to midwifery students, midwives in their first year of practice and
midwives pushing the boundaries in new models and challenging practice.
Let's also not forget the ACMI AGM and cocktail party to follow!

Early-bird rate closes this Friday so get your registration in ASAP. Go to
the ACMI National website at  http://www.acmi.org.au www.acmi.org.au to
register on-line. Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as
possible. Adelaide in September is beautiful and the wineries aren't far

Bec Smith
Education Coordinator

Clinical Learning Coordinators

Trevor Cresp  (pager 4287)
Michelle Unetta Green  (pager 4428)
Andrea McLay  (pager 4304)

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[no subject]

2001-12-19 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator

Dear all

I am going off the list. Thank you all for your valuable contributions that
I have learnt so much from over the past few years. Wishing you all every
happiness over Christmas and for midwifery and your families in 2002.

Kind regards

Bec Smith

Clinical Learning Coordinators

Trevor Cresp  (pager 4287)
Rebecca Smith   (pager 4304)
Michelle Unetta  (pager 4428)
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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RE: have I offended?

2001-12-09 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator


I printed off what you posted and put it 'around the place'. It is
so important for us all to remember and reflect on the issues that you
highlighted. I also think it is great that you are writing an article for a
journal. Just be careful that the stats that you quote are well referenced
and hopefully relevant to the Australian context so that they don't get
dismissed out of hand as being American or that doesn't happen here. My
only other suggestion is to use actual quotes from women that you have been
in contact with through CARES (anonymously and with their consent obviously)
as the richness of what women say really helps true understanding. The stats
and the research will appeal to some people and the stories will appeal to
others. Good luck!


From:  Dean  Jo Bainbridge
Sent:  Saturday, 8 December 2001 18:13
Subject:  have I offended?

Have I offended anyone on the list regarding the posting from the
other day (vbac pain-long)?  It was not my intent...I just wanted to know if
anyone had any comments about the things within the text?  I have been asked
to write about this topic for a medical journal and I am going to be setting
myself up for critiquing from professionals...I would like to be critiqued
by those that I respect first!!  Obviously what I posted the other day is
only an outline but it the general 'gist' of what I will be writing about.  
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8365 7059
birth with trust, faith  love...
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Delivery Trays

2001-10-23 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator

A big thank you to everyone who put information re Hannah Dahlen and
articles on the list. It is most appreciated.


Clinical Learning Coordinators

Trevor Cresp  (pager 4287)
Rebecca Smith   (pager 4304)
Michelle Unetta  (pager 4428)
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Admission CTG's

2001-10-18 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator

Dear List

There was a question posed a few weeks ago about routine admission CTG's and
their effects. I've been trying to dig up the article on this and now I have
it so I hope it is not too late for the midwife who was after the
information. It is:
Mires, G., Williams, F.  Howie, P. (2001), Randomised controlled trial of
Cardiotocography versus Doppler auscultation of fetal heart at admission in
labour in low risk obstetric population, BMJ, 322: 1457-1462.
The conclusion states:
There were no significant differences in the incidence of metabolic
acidosis or any other measure of neonatal outcome among women who remained
at low risk when they were admitted in labour. However, compared with women
who received doppler auscultation, women who had admission CTG were
significantly more likely to have continuous fetal heart rate monitoring in
labour, augmentation of labour, epidural analgesia, and operative delivery.
Compared with doppler auscultation of the fetal heart, admission CTG does
not benefit neonatal outcomes in low risk women. It's use results in
increased obstetric intervention, including operative delivery. (p1457)

Hope this is of some benefit.


Clinical Learning Coordinators

Trevor Cresp  (pager 4287)
Rebecca Smith   (pager 4304)
Michelle Unetta  (pager 4428)
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

RE: centralised EFM.

2001-08-14 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator

Dear Carol

The Delivery Suite in which I work has a centralised EFM station with an
alert system. I asked the MUH for information and she gave me a website for
the User's Group of Obstetric Tracevue. It is
http://www.obtracevue-ug.com www.obtracevue-ug.com
I just visited it and doesn't seem particularly helpful, but if you email
them they may be able to give you some references/research articles
(sponsored by Hewlitt-Packard no doubt - oops, I'm getting cynical!). One
article (whose language in the title says it all) may be a starting point:
Keith, RD et al, A multicenter comparative study of 17 experts and an
intelligent computer system for managing labor using the cardiotocogram, Br
J Obstet Gynaecol 1995, 102: 688-700.

Hope this helps and apologies for the delay in responding.


From:  Carol Thorogood
Sent:  Tuesday, 7 August 2001 21:15
To:  Ozmidwifery List
Subject:  Re: centralised EFM.

Hi all
Yes I am still around, just ever so quiet!  Does anyone have any
info or
know where I can get it or does anyone have experience with
centralised EFM
in 'delivery' suites?  I need to know about the sorts of EFM where
there is
a console in the office or somewhere to which all the fetal monitors
linked up. Apparently the monitor 'reads' the EFM and the screen
goes red if
the trace goes off. The mid students and I have done literature
searches and
can't find anything about its efficacy. Help, please.


PS That's a loverly mat coalition website Joy.

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This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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Marginalisation of Midwifery

2001-07-10 Thread Clinical Learning Coordinator

Dear Tina and list

When I read your letter to the 7.30 Report, I felt a sense of unitedness and
of heartfelt thanks to consumers and midwives who take such an active role
in lobbying the media and government. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by 'the
system' and feel like my own efforts in trying to effect some change in
relation to this are simply an exercise in 'bashing my head against a brick
wall', I seem to come to this list and read something which inspires me and
gives me strength. We are doing the right thing and if we all make a
contribution in some way, we have to get 'there' eventually. 

So thanks again to everybody who is going out on a limb and contributing to
further the midwifery profession and to facilitate increased options for
birthing women.it helps to keep me going too!

Kind regards
Bec Smith

Clinical Learning Coordinators

Trevor Cresp  (pager 4287)
Rebecca Smith   (pager 4304)
Michelle Unetta  (pager 4428)
This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.