[ozmidwifery] I need to unsubscribe for a while ..how do I do this ...colleen

2004-09-12 Thread Van Onselen Family

Re: [ozmidwifery] National Caesarean Awareness Day 2004

2004-09-09 Thread Van Onselen Family

Only a dozen times?your lucky 
*smile*I had 30.
Ps I am in the process of moving from 
Kuala Lumpur to Australia I do not wish to be removed from this list as it has 
been a real boost to me BUT I have to leave of while I have no internet 
connection for 2 months Please advise

  - Original Message - 
  Ping Lerchbacher 
  Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 7:38 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] National 
  Caesarean Awareness Day 2004
- Original Message - 
Kirsten Blacker 

Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 9:31 
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] National 
Caesarean Awareness Day 2004

did everyone else get this a 
Kirsten Blacker

  - Original Message - 
  Dean  Jo 
  Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 
  8:29 PM
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] National 
  Caesarean Awareness Day 2004
  just a quick reminder of the National 
  Caesarean Awareness Day celebration that will be held this Saturday at 
  Waterfall Gully from 3.30pm - 
  Restoring the Birthing Woman Within: 
  a day of emotional healing.
  A day of emotional 
  healing is a time to share and express our emotions in a positive and 
  meaningful way.
  The day will 
  incorporate story telling, those who feel comfortable can share their own 
  personal story, a poem, a prayer or picture. If you are unable to 
  attend but still wish to share your thoughts, you may like to contribute 
  to the booklet to be produced after the day "Expressions of Emotional 
  Healing". We welcome all contributions and you can submit yours on 
  the web site : www.cares-sa.org.au
  Each woman is also 
  invited to bring the petals of her favourite flower(s) to scatter over the 
  flowing water during the ceremony; symbolically cleansing and giving 
  away. Candles will be lit around the nation to link each states 
  events. Candles will be on sale on the day for a small 
  Please keep in 
  - the weather forecast is 
  for rain, so please bring an umbrella or two if you have spare and dress 
  - partners are welcome 
  however the location is NOT suitable for young children (small babies 
  excluded) as there is no pram access, the area for the ceremony is quite 
  smalland the waterfall is easily accessible for children. 
  CARES SA advise that it is not safe for young children. It is also a 
  time for adults to share emotions that some young children may not 
  understand and could cause distress. CARES SA has always welcomed 
  and catered for children, however we must regretfully stress that this 
  event may not be suitable. 
  feel welcome to invite others whom you may think may benefit for this very 
  special event. We look forward to seeing you on the day! And 
  remember if you can not make it, you can still contribute to the booklet 
  "Expressions of Emotional Healing".
  yours in 
  Carolyn and the exceptional women of the CARES SAcore 

[ozmidwifery] Re:Has anyone seen an intelligent cow?

2004-09-06 Thread Van Onselen Family
I couldnt feed my 2nd child on day 10  and was offered formula or diluted
cows milk.I remember saying to the doctor that since I was going to damage
the child in the long run I might as well get it over and done with now and
euthinase her to say he was shocked and all were appalled is not an
understatement but these tactics helped and I was given Eglonyl and fed 2
babies for 2 years each with a boost on this psychiatric drug .Today I have
highly intelligent children who have represented their country in
Sport,Chess and Literatur and never having had antibiotics to date. More
than I can say for myself while I sat at home itching and scratching due to
exfoliating Dermatitis  having not been breastfeed!.cause my mother
was convinced by the findings of Nestle'in 1957 that formula fed babies
appeared healthier at 6 weeks than breast feed babies .Its a pity she didnt
wait for the follow up of that experiment 11years later where it was found
that the breast fed babies where also 14% more intelligent
(anyone remeber that British experiment?)
PS I have never known a days depression in my life thanks be to God but I am
eternally grateful to Eglonyl.
And the Laliesh girl who made me wise up to it.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] formula lunches

 Hear! hear! Denise- I have been quietly watching this discussion and I
 say I am appalled that anyone who is complacent about formula promotion
 can justify such practices is working with mothers and babies -I often
 marvel that there are two things that have helped perpetuate the human
 race - the ability to reproduce and the ability to feed our young - I have
 never heard anybody say, Sex was too difficult , so I gave up trying.

 I know there is a plethora of factors behind women giving up
 but lets not deliberately add -  misinformation from health
 or compliance with infant formula marketing by health professionals  to
 this. To create a breastfeeding culture it is the responsibility of
 childbirth educators, midwives, doulas and MCH nurses etc to treat
 breastfeeding as the optimum method of infant not simply a lifestyle
 option', by educating themselves about breastfeeding management and as
 Denise suggests -the politics of breastfeeding (both books recommended are
 excellent) -

 Formula is far from  life-saving' -it poses risks to health both during
 infancy and later in life and I for one have no problems discussing the
 risks of formula/ artificial feeding (as opposed to the benefits of
 breastfeeding - in all other health comparisons use a biologiocal, not a
 cultural norm ) when I speak to parents - and  I do have bottle feeding
 in my infant massage and parenting classes - they inevitably feel ripped
 off by health professionals who implied that their babies would be fine
 on formula and feel validated when I listen to them as they express their
 grief  at not breastfeeding. Just like a traumatic birth experience,
 takes time to work through but perhaps could be avoided if these women had
 been supported in a breastfeeding culture initially.

 P.S. I wet nursed a friend's adopted baby - she is now 20


 - Original Message - 
 From: Denise Hynd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 7:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] formula lunches

  Dear Jackie
  I suspect as the research behind BFHI shows that the difficulties most
  in our culture have with breastfeeding (as with birthing) are a
  of inappropriate management.
  Less than 1% of women are physiologically incapable of producing
  milk for their babies.
  Meanwhile there are other options
  For example many women even in our culture (quietly) wet nurse which I
  have loved meanwhlie the Swedes pay women for supplying milk for babies
  so I dispute that any baby needs formula
  some informative reading regarding this debate can be found in Gabrielle
  Palmer's Politics of breastfeeding.
  Denise Hynd
  Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  For,
  indeed, they are the only ones who ever have.
  Margaret Mead
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jackie Kitschke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 4:19 AM
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] formula lunches
  This I understand believe me. I have  sister who has had unbelieveable
  difficulty breastfeeding her first boy and then twins. She has had to
  formula feed them all in the end. Of course some women need formula
  milkbanking is a reality) but which one they pick can be easily decided
  what the hospital, midwife, doctor etc seems to be advocating. It is
  free advertising that I object to. The guidelines for human milk
  in Australia 

Re: [ozmidwifery] was formula, now HELP for b/f

2004-09-06 Thread Van Onselen Family

Eglonyl is an anti psycotic drug and 
its overall side effect was found to be psycotic patients complaning of 
lactatingCrazzzy I can imagine that most male patients were somewhat 
'disturbed' by this event and with my sick sence of humor am sitting giggling as 
I write this as I am sure there was pandemonium in the Rooster house when the 
roosters started clukking.(i hope this doesnt offend anyone but I can only 
imagine and who would believe the poor chaps ?.)Any way the dose given for 
lactating purposes is way below the amount reguired to treat psychoses So I have 
pretty much stayed the same *grin* without the added distress of not being able 
to feed.No in all seriousness I was given 1tds and by day 2 needed to register 
myself as a dairy I had so much milk I was able and did express for several 
prems for weeks after.
I have used this eglonyl successfully in 
promotion of milk production in woman adopting and wishing to breast feed for 
superior bonding purposes never mind just the health benefits and in other 
mamals for eg the sister and grandmother cheetah when mother cheetah has 
rejected her cubs.
Here in Kuala Lumpur I was blessed to 
introduce a woman with a 6month old who had excema and a raging IGe to eglonyl 
and she decided to re introduce baby to breast .
I feed on eglonyl 1tds for 3 months 
then my milk was truly well established so much so that my 5 year old still 
snuck a sip at night and I must add I pain for the children and motherswho 
do not have this priveledge esp in the face of allergic diseases .
I am also fearful when I think that in a 
few months I shall be working in Paeds and Maternity in Aus andbeing 
so passionate for the children's sake that I fear having to walk the tight rope 
between Professional/Political correctness.In South Africa Promotion of 
breastfeeding is incorporated in the nursing act as the role of the nurse and 
midwife and we are obligated to fulfill this 
requirement...is this the case in Australia?
I hope I have encouraged you to do further 
investigation into Eglonyl.This medication is not available in Malaysia and the 
mother gets it from Singapore via her doctor who was surprised to find out about 
this (as you know most doctors know everything Op's)
In most cases where there is a will there 
is mostly a way

PS My mother had retained 
placenta.couldnt feed.
 I had 
retained placenta never thought there might be a 

- Original Message - 

  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 7:55 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] was formula, 
  now HELP for b/f
  May I please ask how the 'Eglonyl' helped, how long you remained on this 
  medication and what side effects if any that you experienced.
  As I have previous difficulties as some have been previously described, I 
  have been given maxalon for one of them to no avail. It was also 
  suggested for me to use motilium but did not get to that point.
  I also have a question for you wonderful wise women. With 
  someinformation and background first.
  With babe No. 4, throughout the pregnancy as with any pregnancy being 
  different, this one was as well and more noiticable was the different way in 
  which my breasts responded to the pregnancy. I felt confident and secure 
  that finally this time I would be successful in breastfeeding my babe. 
  But alas, it again was not to be. I have a theory and would love some 
  feedback. With this babe, I was prescribed the maxalon at a higher than 
  normal dose for lactation assistance (4 q.i.d) - or so I was 'told'. Babe 
  started experiencing extremely low blood sugar levels and despite my refusal, 
  they supplemented him with would you believe 50MLS EVERY THREE HOURS, when 
  gastric tube placed in gut for the next feed, there was formula coming back 
  up, HE WASN'T HUNGRY, but I know that 50mls is certainly 
  The question relates to the fact that post birth I felt extremely boggy in 
  the uterus and felt as if I had retained products. I even passed what 
  I still to this day KNOW was placental tissue (as a student midwife, you 
  certainly see a lot of clots etc. on pads post-partum...) I kept it 
  and a 'midwife' looked at it, flushed it and said 'no that is nothing, just a 
  blood clot'. The one thing I did NOT experience with this breastfeeding 
  experience was that of my milk 'coming in'. For 6 weeks I argued with 
  MCHN and doctor that I had retained products and that I still had not 
  experienced my milk coming in and was 'ignored'. Three months later with 
  babe on formula, me still spotting bright PV loss, I saw my gyno whom 
  performed a D  C and lo and behold - PATH RESULT - RETAINED PRODUCTS OF 
  CONCEPTION. (No way this could have been a 'miscarriage' or 'blighted 
  ovum') as no sexual intercourse had occurred 

Re: [ozmidwifery] doula article

2004-09-04 Thread Van Onselen Family

I have to add my little bit in here as 
As a South African trained Midwife and 
Nurse Practitioner I understand the need for proffessionalism and agree to it 
BUT somewhere ,somehow WE in RSA / the World,seemed to have fogotten that 
nursing is and should be a calling that it starts with having 
the heart of a servant (foot and bottom washers)where the 
patient / client / person in need of guidance and care comes first .We lost the 
passion when 1 we started stiking for pay incremants( I didnt 
strike but I know I'm happy with the pay increments*sigh*)and 
2 we became to proffessional to 'Get down to it' 
(1977 thereabouts).What was really strangewas how we as Nurse 
Practitionershave been treated by the rest of the Medical Proffession,A 
threat !!Nurses supposedlynot clever enough todo Medicine now 
wanting to do the doctors work,never mind that we spend more time with the one 
needing help,much more and we get to diagnose whole syndroms more often as a 
result AND we work wherefew others more qualified will because the pay is 
less!!!.and we are not simply allowed to bury our mistakes as has been the 
practise in many countries.
Well I dont mean to step on toes and Im in 
no way trying to be confrontational.Ihave an 18 year old rugby playing son 
who has to date never had an antibiotic and I have successfully helped 
people(Documented proof ) off type2 Diabetic and Hypertensive 
medication,treated Pneumonia succesfully using only Ascorbic acid and 
Ventolinand a host of other threatening stuff only because I took 
the time.
I am currently re registering for 
Midwifery in Australiaand the Doula, a concept foreign and new to 
me,from what I read, is the person I hope to become like and will look 
forward to working with.

Thanks for all the informative stuff I 
read on your e-mail site

Not threatened,Idealistic and at peace 
with striving for less of me and more for my pasient


  - Original Message - 
  Abby and Toby 
  Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 6:43 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] doula 
  Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but as 
  doulas and midwives, are we not all there to support a woman, It should be 
  about her, not who is a threat to who. When it becomes about our positions, it 
  stops being about the woman and her journey.
  Just my 2cents. I have read some very negative 
  articles about doulas and it shows me, that the person writing is more 
  concerned about positions than the birthing women.
  Love Abby

Re: [ozmidwifery] Fw: [Pregnancy_BirthandBeyond] Trans verse position

2004-09-04 Thread Van Onselen Family

If I remember correctly this position can 
be corrected manualy prior to labour?or 2 weeks before???I remember being 
taught this back in the early 80's so Im a bit vague..Id love to hear what 
advise you where given with this 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Troy  Maree Matheson 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:44 PM
  Subject: [Pregnancy_BirthandBeyond] Trans verse 

I am 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby, i went to the doctors 
for my check up and i was told that my baby is in a Trans verse 
position. They told me it is similar to a breech but with this Trans 
verse position if i go into labour the umbilical cord would come out 
first and they would have 3 minutes to give me a Caesarean.
I see the doctor this Thursday, They said if the baby isn't in the 
right position i will have to go to hospital to wait until i go into 
labour naturally which could be anywhere from now to 6 weeks.
I've been trying to find some info on the Trans verse position but 
with no luck.
Can someone help me find the information please.




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Re: [ozmidwifery]

2004-09-01 Thread Van Onselen Family

Thank you for your welcome and the 
I appreciate it all 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 8:34 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]
  Hi Colleen
  I noticed that there haven't been any replies to 
  you so I thought I'd say hi. I'm not a midwife but I can recommend www.maternitywise.org don't know if it 
  will have enough detail for you, can anyone else suggest good 
  Hope you get some replies
  Birth Buddies
- Original Message - 
Van Onselen 

Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 3:18 
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]

Goodday to you all.

I was given this e-mail by 
someone at King Edward Memorial Hospital because I would like to get in 
touch with midwivesin Australia.I see you girls are very busy and have 
a seemingly lovely internet relationship. I am registered as a midwife in 
South Africa (1981)but am hoping to do the re registration course in October 
in Perth at the KEMH as I havnt had a delivery since 1996 and that was a 
home delivery which pretty much got on without me *smile*.I just couldn bare 
to read your mail without introducing myself as I felt like an eaves dropper 
hence this note to say Hi. While Im about this I wonder if any of you 
know a really informative website as I do not have all the books I 
require for self study as I am currently living in Malaysia and many of my 
physiology books are in storage in the RSA...I hope to meet some of you at 
some time..Ive been told babies arrive differently in AUS.and Im dying to 
see these pouches everyone tells me about.. * Grin*

Colleen van Onselen


  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 11:05 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] acceptance of 
  homebirth article
  Hi everyone and thanks again to all who assisted with my 
  article on homebirth. The editor at Wellbeing liked it and is 
  publishing it. The bad new is not until next year in May - for their 
  baby special - so I may have to review the facts etc. Oh well like 
  they say 'better late '
  PH: 02 
  m: 0418 220 
  21 Susan 
  Ave, Warilla, NSW 
  Searching for that dream home? Click here for all 
  your property needs. -- This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. 
  Visit to subscribe or 

Re: [ozmidwifery]

2004-09-01 Thread Van Onselen Family
oh thank you very much
- Original Message - 
From: leanne wynne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]

 Hi Colleen,
 Also on www.maternitywise.org/guide/index.html you will find the full text
 of A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth by Enkin et al.
 It's recognised as the current best evidence based
 midwifery text.
 All the best,

 From: Van Onselen Family [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]
 Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 17:06:00 +0800
 Thank you for your welcome and the link
 I appreciate it all
- Original Message -
From: Honey Acharya
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]
Hi Colleen
I noticed that there haven't been any replies to you so I thought I'd
 say hi. I'm not a midwife but I can recommend www.maternitywise.org don't
 know if it will have enough detail for you, can anyone else suggest good
Hope you get some replies
Birth Buddies
  - Original Message -
  From: Van Onselen Family
  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 3:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery]
  Goodday to you all.
   I was given this e-mail by someone at King Edward Memorial Hospital
 because I would like to get in touch with midwives in Australia.I see you
 girls are very busy and have a seemingly lovely internet relationship. I
 registered as a midwife in South Africa (1981)but am hoping to do the re
 registration course in October in Perth at the KEMH as I havnt had a
 delivery since 1996 and that was a home delivery which pretty much got on
 without me *smile*.I just couldn bare to read your mail without
 myself as I felt like an eaves dropper hence this note to say Hi.  While
 about this I wonder if any of you know a really informative web site as I
 do not have all the books I require for self study as I am currently
 in Malaysia and many of my physiology books are in storage in the RSA...I
 hope to meet some of you at some time..Ive been told babies arrive
 differently in AUS.and Im dying to see these pouches everyone tells me
 about..  * Grin*
  Colleen van Onselen
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 11:05 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] acceptance of homebirth article
Hi everyone and thanks again to all who assisted with my article
 homebirth.  The editor at Wellbeing liked it and is publishing it.  The
 new is not until next year in May - for their baby special - so I may
 to review the facts etc.  Oh well like they say  'better late '
Kylie Carberry
Freelance Journalist
PH: 02 42970115
m: 0418 220 638
a: 21 Susan Ave, Warilla, NSW 2528
Kylie Carberry

Searching for that dream home? Click here for all your property
 needs. -- This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. Visit to
 subscribe or unsubscribe.

 Leanne Wynne
 Midwife in charge of Women's Business
 Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

 Searching for that dream home? Try   http://ninemsn.realestate.com.au  for
 all your property needs.

 This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
 Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
Visit http://www.acegraphics.com.au to subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: [ozmidwifery]

2004-08-29 Thread Van Onselen Family

Goodday to you all.

I was given this e-mail by someone 
at King Edward Memorial Hospital because I would like to get in touch with 
midwivesin Australia.I see you girls are very busy and have a seemingly 
lovely internet relationship. I am registered as a midwife in South Africa 
(1981)but am hoping to do the re registration course in October in Perth at the 
KEMH as I havnt had a delivery since 1996 and that was a home delivery which 
pretty much got on without me *smile*.I just couldn bare to read your mail 
without introducing myself as I felt like an eaves dropper hence this note to 
say Hi. While Im about this I wonder if any of you know a really 
informative website as I do not have all the books I require for self 
study as I am currently living in Malaysia and many of my physiology books are 
in storage in the RSA...I hope to meet some of you at some time..Ive been told 
babies arrive differently in AUS.and Im dying to see these pouches everyone 
tells me about.. * Grin*

Colleen van Onselen


  Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 11:05 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] acceptance of 
  homebirth article
  Hi everyone and thanks again to all who assisted with my 
  article on homebirth. The editor at Wellbeing liked it and is publishing 
  it. The bad new is not until next year in May - for their baby special - 
  so I may have to review the facts etc. Oh well like they say 
  'better late '
  PH: 02 
  m: 0418 220 
  a: 21 Susan Ave, 
  Warilla, NSW 2528
  Searching for that dream home? Click here for all your 
  property needs. -- This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics. Visit 
  to subscribe or 