Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

2013-12-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson
Thanks Eric

Yes, I'd be glad to follow up on the thinking and research you are doing
around metacurrency, and participate in the scheduled hang out.

further note :
an interesting reply by June on this thread,
also available on the public p2pf list archive

   - [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
   understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks
Dante-Gabryell Monson
  - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
  understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks
   June Gorman
  - Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
  understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks
   Dante-Gabryell Monson

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Eric Harris-Braun e...@harris-braun.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 It turns out that where the technical side of the MetaCurrency Project has
 led us has lots to do with Semantic Data or rather, from our point of view,
 Semantic Computing.  Ceptr, the computing stack we are designing to build
 our tools out of, pushes Semantics down into the lowest levels of the
 stack, in a way that we haven't seen with the approaches inherent embodied
 in RDF/URI.

 For folks interested in our approach, I'm scheduling a tech hang-out in
 the next week or two. If you want to be notified of it please drop me a


 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:

 *pre-note : I try to understand if we can , possibly collectively, *
 *write an article that could be published on the p2pfoundation blog,*
 *as to better explain, in words and with images / graphics , *
 *some of the potentials of building on, for example, Linked Data - and/or
 similar technologies enabling us to more easily redefine our realities
 collectively -*

 *If anyone wrote on these topics, or is interested in combining our
 efforts and research in writing about these topics, or if some can help in
 making such article in a enjoyable reading moment ( combining it with nice
 imagery and stories ? Like some science fiction authors manage to do - yet
 talking about the present ? ) it would be great.   I mean, not only about
 one specific application or project, but about the potential to work
 together on various applications based on common protocols. *

 *Some call it a Global Brain , or a Web Operating System , ... *

 *Below is what I want to say to open up the topics for now ... I am open
 to brainstorm further, and progressively collectively organize an easier to
 understand blog post, or series of blog posts, on such topics.*

 Thanks Bob, Thanks Helene,

 for your replies.

 I sent this message initially motivated by the realization, after an
 email exchange with Michel.

 Michel pointed that in his view there seemed to be little interest
 regarding Linked Data / Semantic Web approaches on p2pf related forums.

 So I wondered if this was really the case, and if so, what could be the
 and how could it be better communicated.

 Possibly showing how different projects may have an interest in using
 such technologies in their research and development of applications,
 showing overlap of different applications that want to embody such
 and overlap and re-use of the data generated by each of these
 applications to enable yet new applications.

 For example, Bob in collaboration with Sensorica for Open Value Network

 Although the technologies can be re-used and adapted for a variety of
 hence Netention ( mostly Seth coding for now ) researching approaches,
 and inviting others into such research and development, which hopefully can
 be re-used for Open Value Networks, or for alternative forms of learning
 building on available information on our wiki's , etc

 Other projects, such as metamaps, are also interested ( or already
 including ) such approaches ...

 Pavlik was already talking about FOAF ( one aspect / approach using
 Linked Data concepts ) many years ago.  I now notice Pavlik is regaining
 interest, including in Schema and Json , ... midst others, in support of
 Sharing Economy applications ?


 But in a larger sense, I feel it is about contributing to the development
 of remedies regarding Anoptism ( which Olivier talks about , , while facilitating at first
 Holoptism )

 In the understanding which I developed by interacting with Seth and
 others via lists such as Global Survival 

 such Web 3.0 approaches get us closer to the concept of  Noosphere

 Or should I be 

Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University

2013-12-16 Thread Joss Winn
(sorry, somehow this discussion is spread across two very similar mailing
lists! Here's my reply to the commoning list just now).

On 15/12/2013 18:03, wrote:

I certainly don't want to criticise the idea of a cooperative university
and all the work you are doing at the SSC. However the fundamental
distinction between students and teachers is that the former have to pay
and the latter get paid. In my work as a professional this was a barrier
I found I could not overcome. My time was valuable, my clients time was

 I'm just wondering if there is room to add on, perhaps as an option, a
space where students and teachers merge, where students are in charge of
what they learn, and may teach the teachers.  Eg

This is very much what we're working on at Lincoln, both inside and
outside the university.

Students in the UK and elsewhere are continually being reconfigured into a
peculiar kind of consumer who co-produces themselves as 'human capital' -
an 'improved' form of the labour-power commodity.

We've been working on a critique and an affront to this for a few years
now. You can read about 'Student as Producer' here:

If this is of interest to you, I'd suggest reading this book chapter:

The student as producer: reinventing the student experience in higher

and then more of Mike Neary's later work to develop it:

Student as producer: an institution of the common? [or how to recover
communist/revolutionary science]

Pedagogy of Excess: an alternative 
political economy of student life

Student as Producer: A Pedagogy for the 
Avant-Garde; or, how do
revolutionary teachers teach?

The Social Science Centre, Lincoln, take the ideas and the pedagogy of
Student as Producer out of the university and, in one sense, is an attempt
to develop it without the constraints of existing institutional forms.
It's an experiment:

As for co-operatives as a new model for higher education, I think it's
worth pursuing this as a transitional model to a post-capitalist form of
higher education institution. I've been trying to think about 'academic
labour' and the university as a 'means of production' and extending this
idea to co-operation. I posted some thoughts here:

The association of free and equal producers

Notes towards a critique of Labour Managed Firms

What is Academic labour?

My friend, Richard Hall (cc'd), also writes about this stuff, too:

All the best,

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Re: [P2P-F] [commoning] The Co-operative University

2013-12-16 Thread Dante-Gabryell Monson

Regarding a cooperative university approach.
I notice there are several , potentially overlapping approaches.

I wish to bring forward the potential of a* learners cooperative* point
of perspective , as a cultural trend to *adapt to de-monetization* ,
support forms of social and environmental regeneration, enable alternatives
not as dependent ( and yet potentially overlapping ) of the mainstream

I do sense that this is ideological. Supporting the commons in itself is
imho ideological.

If interested, here goes - it is a bit long ...


I understand Sam and others focused on these topics - but still tried/try
to make a monetized business out of it ?
And I guess it is legitimate, especially if one needs to limit the risks
one can take ( for example, in regards to family, if there is dependency on
mortgage, loans, etc )

Yet - I want to bring forward the following :

*Can we do it ... without money, at all ?  Or... by reducing dependency to
money to the minimum ? ... and by doing so, make such approaches scalable,
not only online, but as potential interfaces for the creation and spreading
of emergent viable systems, accessible to any form of intelligence across
the globe ?*

I am aware some of us may get burned out, especially if isolated or
marginalized by working on such research.
Finding ways to engage people, when most people seem to be stuck in hopes
or needs to get something out of a rat race narrative, is not easy.
Perhaps for some, a cooperative university may be an intermediary approach,
which would enable them to more easily support certain forms of commons.

Yet for those who have for some reason dropped out of such capitalist rat
race ( deliberately or not ) , or who still have a foot in it but may
already have secured themselves,

starting with shared engagement, interacting with each other, living
together, may be a starting point ? Including young or older who want to
create a shared experience together, using learning as a vector for
convergence and engagement ?  Potentially leading to further incubation of
modules for systemic alternatives.   Tribes converging, even for short term
events or festivals, yet experiencing a more festivalism paradigm , as
opposed to a society of the spectacle ?


I'll allow myself to re-contextualize :

I like how the* video shared by Joe  talks about
I do feel it brings up many of the topics , including degrees and

My take and personal experience in relation to *learning*
is that it *does not depend on teaching, and even less so on universities,
or credentials.*

My take is that credentials are a poor and limited motivation for learning,
although it may be one of the possible intersections.

As for the *subject of this thread, *
*the topic of a Co-operative University*,
it can imho certainly be *beneficial* for those who are dependent on the
academic business
*for making a monetary living*, and I wish them well in their approach !

It may become more like a *producers cooperative* - university staff
being the producers ?

Similarly, one could imagine a *consumers cooperative* in relation to
universities ( students as consumers ? )

What is produced and consumed ?
What is being monetized ?
Does it need to be monetized ?

Is is it all about a credential economy ?

I notice articles such as

What paradigm(s) are we in, and *how do we negotiate priorities in terms of
learning ?* ( and in producing new knowledge / research )

Can we really separate production and consumption when it comes to
learning ?

And since we are sharing this on commoning and p2pfoundation lists,
what happens when everyone becomes a producer and a consumer,
and when we generate a commons for each other.

*What happens when we de-monetize ... ?*
That is, not even alter-monetize - but no money.

What happens when there is no more chain of command,
*when one does not make oneself dependent on the conditions of a monetary
monopoly *

( and ( imho ) its top down crafted prioritization of objectives and the
specific markets it decides to create via artificial scarcity , and tribute
to such hierarchy of artificial scarcity ? )

*What happens when credentials are not being sold as being needed to
survive or have a say in this society ?*

When we generate communities based on principles of  equipotentiality

When we can collectively shift our inter-dependencies to a communal
shareholding relational dynamic ?


I do feel that Open Learning approaches do tend towards this...

In effect, what would universities ( still ) be selling ?
An experience ? A