Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [NetworkedLabour] Fwd: ZNet Commentary: Marina Sitrin: Bachilleratos Populares

2015-02-20 Thread June Gorman
Thanks a lot for this, Marina.  

An example of what sounds like truly a transformative learning model, where 
community problem-solving by that very community forms the core of both its 
curriculum and most importantly, its explicit value system -- true commitment 
to each other in that community.  The most important commons educational 
premise of all.

Also, interested to see the concept of Restorative Justice woven into it.  
Especially as this much older form of justice upends our power/punishment 
top-down systems for much healthier restoration of the broken relationships and 
empathetic learning of the harm done, to heal that harm to all involved for the 
entire community.  Just attended a workshop of this very thing, Restorative 
Justice for Schools in Essex, so thrilled to see the concept spreading as it is 
so effective in redefining crime and punishment in terms of learning about harm 
done on humane, interpersonal realities rather than only economic-private 
property and hierarchal-authority terms.

So really appreciated the piece Marina,

June Gorman,
Educator and Educational Theorist

Transformative Education Forum
Learning Research
Fellow, Schumacher Institute
Education Advisor,
UN SafePlanet Campaign
Board Project
Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee,
(UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability Education  )
Member, UN Education
Caucus for Sustainable Development  
Member UN, Commons Cluster

 From: Michel Bauwens
To: p2p-foundation 
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2015 5:03 AM
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: [NetworkedLabour] Fwd: ZNet Commentary: Marina Sitrin: 
Bachilleratos Populares

-- Forwarded message --
From: ZCommunications
Date: Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:43 AM
Subject: ZNet Commentary: Marina Sitrin: Bachilleratos Populares

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.   
Marina Sitrin: Bachilleratos PopularesZ Communications Daily Commentary 
We arrived late to the graduation. The entire block was full and there wasn’t a 
free seat in sight. Hundreds of people filled the street. Some people came 
dressed from work, and others, who had loved ones graduating, were dressed in 
their best clothes, cameras ready. I had no idea it would be such an elegant 
event. Incongruously it was held in the street that the neighbors had shut 
down, with chairs lent from the recuperated factory hosting the event, 
neighbor’s homes, a retirement home across the street and wood benches 
constructed just for the event. The stage was a makeshift construction with a 
hand-held microphone from the 1980s. But the people, the people attending were 
so elegant. The women graduating looked like they were going to their proms or 
quince celebrations in elaborate dresses, hair and faces made up and high 
heeled shoes – although many were decades older than fifteen or prom age. The 
spirit, joy, and pride on their faces and those
 of their families and neighbors was palpable. It was contagious. The pride was 
for graduating high school: something many people in poor and low working-class 
neighborhoods in Argentina do not get to do. For me, the joy of course was 
sharing in their pride at graduating, but also in recognizing how ‘regular’ 
this sort of thing had become for the community. The graduation took place in 
the street in front of the recuperated print shop Chilavert where the students 
had completed their three years of study: a street that the workers and 
families had shut down because they needed to. It was all so normal – normal in 
the revolutionary sense that Che Guevara spoke of normal – remarking that when 
the extraordinary becomes everyday you know it is a revolutionary time.
The above described celebration took place in 2009, marking the first 
graduation of a Bachillerato Popular in Chilavert, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
I was again in Chilavert, speaking with popular educators from the Bachillerato 
five years later. The evolution since that first graduating class is 
remarkable, both within Chilavert and throughout Argentina. Already impressive 
in 2009, after only three years with more than 40 popular education centers and 
over 5000 students, five years later, that number has more than doubled with 
over 100 bachilleratos and many thousands of students.
When one thinks of alternative high school programs certain images often come 
to mind, such as a wide diversity of participants based in age and experience. 
And when one thinks of popular education, one imagines learning and teaching 
based in local knowledge bases of the participants. The bachilleratos reflect 
these elements, and so

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Food for an exhausted thought

2015-02-16 Thread June Gorman
Thank you Michel and thank you even more so, Claudio for the clear points 
below.  As per earlier discussions on this listserve, it is indeed in building 
a new Rome that the only path to this healthier dream and more sustainable 
world (and why indeed should we accept its opposite dystopian vision as so 
easily humanity's deserved lot?), can be built together.

But as a few of us have so clearly pointed out, Human Rights at the base of how 
we treat all on this planet, and thus points 19 and 20 -- are simply critical 
to any such hope of that transformed vision of what we do instead deserve of 
and for each other.  It is the grounding of any viable path, with any truly 
different and far more hopeful destination at its end and in its process.

Well and clearly, said.

 From: Michel Bauwens
To: p2p-foundation 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 2:35 AM
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: Food for an exhausted thought

-- Forwarded message --
From: Claudio Schuftan
Date: Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:14 AM
Subject: Food for an exhausted thought
To: yo

Rights Reader 355
1. An era can be said to end
when its basic aspirations and illusions are exhausted. (Arthur Miller) Take
neoliberalism: Disenchantment with neoliberalism as an ideal has grown to a
dangerous (or hopeful?) point.*   (J.C. Juncker)  
*: I read
somewhere that for people these days it is easier to imagine the end of the
world than the end of Capitalism. (Albino Gomez)
2. Neoliberalism has not just
been a set of bad attitudes. It has been the unrestrained exercise of corporate
power with its human rights (HR) violations, taking advantage of the working
class’s lethargy.** (W. Podmore) 
**: Capitalism does not only generate capital; it also
creates a working class kept content with an unjust system they are made to 
to be natural. (N. Shepper)
You see? In our world, transnational corporations (TNCs) have rights backed by
hard laws (treaties, free trade agreements, bilateral investment treaties…)***
and strong enforcement mechanisms; they can sue states even beyond national
jurisdiction. But TNCs obligations are backed only by soft laws, codes of
conduct and voluntary guidelines, deprived of any enforcement mechanism; the HR
situation is no exception. Above all, it is weak and poor states that suffer
most from this situation. Only powerful states are able to regulate and control
the activities of TNCs and hold them responsible for the damage they do and the
HR violations they perpetrate; butmost other states are not able to do so.(M. 
***: For instance, the latest WTO Bali deal is ultimately ‘a
battle between food for the poor and trade for the rich’. (R. Sengupta)
4. So, perhaps more than rhetorically,
are we rushing forward to the past, to the times of Queen Victoria, when an
obscure German philosopher and economist by the name of Karl Marx was working
in the British Library in London on his denunciation of exploitation, and
preparing his Communist Manifesto? (R. Savio)
Neoliberalism is
but a moment in the history of capitalism
Neoliberalism has done away with many State functions; it has not destroyed the
State, but has put it at the service of the neoliberal project, the capitalist
project. Capitalism has existed and exists as an economic, political, cultural
and military hegemonic power. 
How we relate to the essence of capitalism actually also leads to quite serious
consequences for our environment. From a theoretical point of view, the reason
is that the rate of reproduction of capital is very different from the rate of
reproduction of nature and, as the injection of capital imposes its own
rhythm, not surprisingly, it is destroying nature. 
: Who
will forgive us if we let the planet die while we just bare witness? (J.
For capitalism, nature is a source of  'natural resources', i.e., capitalism 
commoditizes the planet because,
if natural resources are not dealt as commodities, they cannot contribute to
making a profit and to the accumulation of capital. 
This fact calls for a thorough revision of the capitalist model so as to serve
particularly urgent ecological and social demands. Instead, the tinkering we
have seen is short term, i.e., applying social policies largely of the welfare
type, such as subsidies and other. This may (have) allow(ed) poor people to
escape from misery, but not become the active social subjects they need to 
--perhaps, at best, just the system’s customers. (F. Houtart) 
9. In this, believing in a
utopia is very necessary to aim at our human rights (HR) goal --not in the
sense of an unreachable illusion, but in the sense of something that we do not

Re: [P2P-F] message on my departure for 3.5 months of lecturing in europe

2014-08-25 Thread June Gorman
How Michel -

Looking at this schedule below, it looks like you are not(?) going to be 
passing through London?  I was asking b/c of that hoped for meeting that I 
consider so important in understanding people's true passions and drives and 
interests? :-)

I do see the Irish Open Everything Conference and I did look closely at that, 
trying to discern if the key issues of excavating the dominant mode in all our 
teachings/learnings and social systems, especially in technologically 
advanced people and societies that the Matriarchal Studies discussion 
ellucidates directly on for me, is at all a part of this particular conference 

I ask b/c I didn't really see it stand out and without it I find the default 
form of communication:  who dominates it, who does the mansplaining to the 
rest, what subconscious pillars of patriarchy remain entrenched thus resulting 
in little new soil actually overturned -- on these key issues to me, at least, 
-- about the foundation of the entire system and why it developed the way it 
did?  And thus why it might most likely, despite the other very important and 
critical fixes, perhaps not actually achieve the needed transformation of 
the base rational for that system?  And its hierarchical re-organizing (despite 
change of personnel) pattern?

I certainly and deeply believe that is true if one starts with the basis of 
that system in the very children we hope to raise to believe, value, see, and 
educate to create differently for a true Commons model to actually thrive for 
all.  To resolve the so common inter-group conflict and emotional warfare 
that I have seen derail most, if not all the great ideas, that do come from 
those groups great at the intellectual understanding, but dismal at the more 
powerful drivers of emotional/subconscious realities that nonetheless 
predominate in us all.

At any rate, was curious b/c that is the discussion I find rarest attempted in 
these groups but am certain, it the discussion that has to be also had. :-)

Just wondered about your thoughts on that?

Very best,

 From: Michel Bauwens
To: p2p-foundation 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 8:12 PM
Subject: [P2P-F] message on my departure for 3.5 months of lecturing in europe

Dear friends,

Before I get 3 hours of sleep, an announcement.

I am off for 3.5 months of intensive lecturing and touring in Europe, to 
compensate for my long absense this year, due to my engagement in Ecuador .

This trip will bring me, more or less

10 days in Germany: open coop workshop, movement-commons convergence workshop, 
degrowth (2-6/9), lecture in berlin 8/9

5 days in cloughjordan, Ireland for open everything 10-14/9

7 days in paris: Sept 16 to 23 

short stint belgium / amsterdam

India / Bangalore 28/9 - oct 2

Marseille, what the flok, oct 3-6

Belgium 7 to 17/10

Milan - Lille - Graz oct 23-27

Greece nov 6 to 15 ..

of course, not the complete list ..



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Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: P2P-Foundation Digest, Vol 44, Issue 43

2014-08-21 Thread June Gorman
Yay!  An actual case history in matriarchal studies, a potential 
transformative node of learning if one wanted to see it that way?  

And in attempting to sincerely see it in that more potentialized way:

Sometimes historic ignorance of all the particulars is not always a terrible 
place to come from in weighing in on a long and detailed dispute, despite one's 
wariness and admitted lack of facts.  But isn't that the kind of history and 
repeated breakdowns in communication that most dissension and grudges and 
conflicts really come from, in most, though not all, cases of conflict?  It 
seems to me that is an important area to be prepared to look at and resolve in 
a Commons forum a la Denis and Anna's comments. In particular I find the 
communication of the internet, even in mostly erudite and reasoned forums such 
as this one, consistently reflects a much greater tendency towards this very 
kind of polarized mis-communication versus interpersonal face-to-face 
communication, even when it too is also already polarized and therefore fraught 
with potholes of derailed communication. (Usually time for a good mediator at 
that point :-).

So I truly do see Michel's points and frustration, think it has real history 
and actual perceived hurts and damages he might feel remain unaddressed 
sufficiently by Willi.  And Willi, clearly some of what you say, the way you 
say it, definitely appears to be meant in provocation.  From a completely 
out-of-the-loop and again, ahistorical perspective it was my impression that 
you comments on David Bollier, who again I claim complete ignorance about but 
don't feel in this case I need that knowledge to ascertain this, were just 
unnecessarily provocative.   To me, and remember I tend to come from this realm 
of managing large groups of younger people and their sometimes more evidently 
honest emotional needs, it did seem a cry for attention.  If so, it got it 
but I can't imagine in the way you actually most wanted it?

Because of my lack of knowledge of the true facts and history, despite all the 
words that have gone by on this topic on this forum, I am willing to defer to 
Michel's call on his own needs for maintaining a list (as he clearly is one of 
the ones who invests most in its maintenance), that he feels is personally 
comfortable and respectful of himself and others.  But wouldn't this very 
issue, again a la the matriarchal studies conversation that does in fact 
address this very concept of diversity and communication and frames of true 
understanding of the underlying needs attempting to be heard in that 
communication, potentially exist at the very core of how the Commons must 
learn to resolve such issues and disputes?  We certainly know they have to 
happen, will naturally continue to happen, are constantly happening in all such 
attempts to bridge different worlds, viewpoints, ways of seeing and 
communicating of which the Commons is necessarily based upon?
  Or truly how is that vision of the Commons going to end up any differently 
under what we already see as dominant forms of control and accepted 

It's true, not all such disputes are always resolvable.  But it is also true 
that since they will indeed be a critical part of opening the conversation of 
what makes a Commons more common to all despite the limits of its dominating 
forms of communication now used by everyone by default on the internet because 
of its initiators and strongest proponents --  developed-world educated 
English as the primary language, and left-brain rational as the primary mode of 
valued communication often ignoring emotional discriminatory or devaluing 
undertones that are still felt and heard by those sensitive to them -- that we 
have to remain blind and resigned to accepting those very limitations in that 
communication? I honestly think that will never ultimately work in creating 
that wider, broader more inclusive Commons discussion.

Thus, as most usually my stance, I think there is real learning to be done here 
and it is the learning most necessary to truly form these needed bridges across 
diverse communications.  I also grant how sincerely frustrating it can be to 
open these issues up to a totally foreign, and currently very 
dominant-discourse-demeaned potentially more irrational way to have these 
discussions, again preferably interpersonally initially, in order to get to 
true hurts and even true feelings about those trespasses.

Because I honestly and deeply believe without seeing this and subsequently 
trying that communication  with this more difficult and even uncomfortably 
awkward new perspective in mind and heart, which ie forms the core of the 
message of matriarchal studies, we will continue to narrow our communication 
to that which most constricts the resolution of these very natural and 
consistently re-occuring conflicts in any attempt at any viable, sustainable 
and even ultimately enjoyable, true Commons.

Is that possible?

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

2014-08-20 Thread June Gorman
Dear Anna and Denis (and anyone else interested) -

I would really enjoy further discussion on these essential issues I think, at 
the root of any vision for a more commons based, healthy humanity focused 
world.  I do think that these issues from childhood and learned structures of 
social vs. autonomous structures or as Denis suggests, that political 
relationships evolve in the direction of mirroring how power is experienced via 
childcare are too critical to remain unexplored or unexamined, as they 
consistently show up in all our communication and work together, particularly 
across the needed diversity in communication and understanding essential, imho, 
to getting to truly viable solutions.

This has been the critical focus of my own work in Transformative Education and 
the organization I started to examine these core issues, at least in 
educational models -- the Transformative Education Forum ( - new 
website) and its recent work on a potential TEF-Bristol, to be held in 
conjunction with the Bristol European Green Capital 2015 campaign.

So would love to follow up with you both, perhaps in September when you are 
back Denis and with you Anna on skype, as you suggest.  And again, with anyone 
else interested in these issues, nearby or far?

What I am personally certain of is that we are not the only ones aware of how 
critical this learning of internalized power structures and sense of personal 
efficacy or not, is constructed in childhood.  I believe that many corporate 
and  deeply patriarchal/hierarchical based ideologies have also seen fit to 
enter and control earlier childhood educational systems that had before been 
left more primarily to women as unvalued women's work extensions of child 
rearing.  My work has shown me how very consciously and ultimately 
destructively this started in the US in the mid-1970's and is now being 
exported to educational systems around the world.  It is why even now in the 
UK, No Child Left Behind (even under the same name!), increased standardized 
testing and the corporate-backed push for more use of instructional 
technology -- a playbook drawn up by the same corporate-patriarchal control 
now dominant in the US educational system -- have become
 the newest innovations pushed by the current UK administration.  And in 
other places (e.g. Africa), particularly the replacement of indigenous teachers 
by computers, argued for by economic expediency.  (It is not obviously, that 
the technology cannot be a helpful tool educationally, but I believe it is 
critical to understand how that depends upon who controls it and for what ends 
and what indigenous and more human-oriented learning it is indeed used to 

At any rate, would very much enjoy further discussion on these critical issues 
and will be in touch with you both and anyone else who would like to join us in 
that discussion.

 From: Anna
To:; P2P Foundation mailing list 
Cc: June Gorman;; 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

Hi June and Denis,

Unfortunately I am in West Yorkshire, not in London, but I would be interested 
to join your discussion. By Skype?

I also believe that child rearing practices form a foundation of later values. 
Many political radicals ignore this aspect of their own behaviour with regard 
to their own families, perhaps as a result of their own experience as a child.


On 20 Aug 2014, at 07:16, Denis Postle wrote:

On 19/08/2014 17:09, June Gorman wrote:

I understand that internal need created by the initial innocence fracture, 
taught in sexist, racist. classist societies that want to maintain that 
inequitable status quo, but I don't think we can continue to suggest we can 
truly get anywhere different if we don't start acknowledging and addressing it, 
in all of us who came from those kinds of societies.

It is therefore, and unfortunately because truly difficult work, not at all 
peripheral to these essential questions of sustainability and healthiness of 
humanity and the planet, but the core issues to address in truly getting to 
anywhere socially, economically and emotionally different.
Yes indeed.

I have been baffled for some time about how to introduce these
concerns and what has been learned, however as you say this is
'tough stuff'.

Maybe some kind of face to face inquiry node on these topics
alongside the list would be valuable. And if we are both in London
(and anyone else, I am also based in Brussels) we could perhaps see
if that idea had legs. I'll send my contact details off-line.

A last thought that might nourish anyone looking in, or draw acute
scepticism! Few people

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

2014-08-19 Thread June Gorman
I am in agreement with you, Denis, that there is a deep silence that shrouds 
this critical discussion of how people seem to act in consort with their 
proclaimed cognitively-argued values but often in clear, at least to others, 
discordant ways that suggest unearthed and unself-examined emotional confusion 
about earlier learned ways of seeing and being?  

This is the tough stuff for each of us and I wish that in all my experience 
it didn't end up being the most critical part of the communication breakdowns 
that consistently derail great commons thinking with potential great ideas and 
projects, but in actual practice is what often happens most.  I'm amazed and 
disheartened by the clear integrity breaks that manifest from this 
discordance, often resulting in the communication breakdowns that derail our 
getting through these issues to the other side, in any healthy and sustaining 

In reference to Anna's response to Willi's claim that the necessary 
independence in the local economy trumps these discussions, I am much more 
aligned with Anna that without this work of imagining all of the underlying 
obstructions to this more equitable and even more loving world, you probably as 
a commons, will likely never get there.  We have seen this countless times in 
countless revolutions, where the bullies still triumphed by being bullies, even 
if under differently envisioned cognitive ideals.  The ideals didn't ultimately 
matter, the emotional coherence with those ideals and dealing with others 
with that coherence, did.

That's an emotional reality. It is taught by societies' inequities and 
cruelties while young I would argue, in order to counter the more innate drive 
for fairness and equality that I have found unerringly in all the thousands 
of very young children I have met and taught.  It services the rationalisation 
of our own privilege, to allow it to continue in one form or another, without 
deep examination about that rationalisation.

I understand that internal need created by the initial innocence fracture, 
taught in sexist, racist. classist societies that want to maintain that 
inequitable status quo, but I don't think we can continue to suggest we can 
truly get anywhere different if we don't start acknowledging and addressing it, 
in all of us who came from those kinds of societies.

It is therefore, and unfortunately because truly difficult work, not at all 
peripheral to these essential questions of sustainability and healthiness of 
humanity and the planet, but the core issues to address in truly getting to 
anywhere socially, economically and emotionally different.

But admittedly, some of the hardest work to do:-)

Denis, you are apparently in West London?  Let's meet sometime and talk more 
about this and your psycommons work?


 From: Denis Postle
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

On 16/08/2014 18:22, June Gorman wrote:
the key -- and I have found this to be the hardest for those trained well in 
cognitive displacement of inner heart knowing -- is to actually understand 
this emotionally, not just cognitively.  That's when actual human relationships 
are transformed, when we forge the paths of learning from each other that do 
not deny our different ways of understanding, but actually balances them so we 
can hear the gifts offered by that very difference.  Over cultures and 
histories, as well as genders.

Anyway, critical to deconstruct as it so often is the underlying root of much 
of the dissension and will to power over others that is taught at the root 
of patriarchy but not, as this piece suggests and all my historical work has 
found as well, at the power with one another model at the ground of 

The key is to teach that at the level it is most understood, the level of the 
emotional heart, critical to any successful parenting of any human life and 
ultimately the planet that supports that and all life.Hi June, this is a very 
welcome statement for the list. 

If I was to coin a bit of a provocation based on it - the extent
  to which the cognitive and action aspects of our lives are
  driven/shaped by our imaginal and embodied emotional agendas do
  seem to me to generally remain out of reach in the conversations
  here. But then as I well understand, this is partly due to the
  professional capture and sequestration of psychological knowledge
  by pharma and medicine. We embrace physical fitness but psy
  fitness still seems trapped behind the 'mental illness' fiction and off 
the activist and academic life agendas.

For some constructive examples of how this stranglehold on psy
  fitness can be contradicted, listers might like to see my FREE ebook 
library, especiallyJohn Heron: Psyche and Personhood and the two videos about 
the psyCommons on http

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

2014-08-16 Thread June Gorman
Thank you SO much for this Michel and especially Dante, who found this and 
shared this piece! As I truly believe this is an essential and critical 
discussion for any true transformation of a so deeply and aggressively 
imbalanced patriarchal society and world, and that the necessary emotional 
intelligence critical to getting back to any true balance or human and planet 
sustainability, has been broken and deeply damaged by that very left-brain, 
overly rationalized focus that obscures these issues.  And is so deeply 
reinforced by our educational system, which deepens this very imbalance.

It's just a great piece, Dante but the key -- and I have found this to be the 
hardest for those trained well in cognitive displacement of inner heart 
knowing -- is to actually understand this emotionally, not just cognitively.  
That's when actual human relationships are transformed, when we forge the paths 
of learning from each other that do not deny our different ways of 
understanding, but actually balances them so we can hear the gifts offered by 
that very difference.  Over cultures and histories, as well as genders.

Anyway, critical to deconstruct as it so often is the underlying root of much 
of the dissension and will to power over others that is taught at the root of 
patriarchy but not, as this piece suggests and all my historical work has found 
as well, at the power with one another model at the ground of matriarchy.  

The key is to teach that at the level it is most understood, the level of the 
emotional heart, critical to any successful parenting of any human life and 
ultimately the planet that supports that and all life.

Just, Thank you!


June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist
Co-founder, Transformative Education Forum
Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign
Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability 
Education  )
Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
Member, UN Commons Cluster

 From: Michel Bauwens
To: p2p-foundation 
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:49 PM
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

-- Forwarded message --
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson
Date: Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 5:54 PM
Subject: Matriarchal Studies
To: Michel Bauwens

Matriarchies are not just a reversal of patriarchy, with women ruling over men 
– as the usual misinterpretation would have it. Matriarchies 
are mother-centered societies, they are based on maternal values: care-taking, 
nurturing, motherliness, which holds for everybody: for 
mothers and those who are not mothers, for women and men alike. 
Matriarchal societies are consciously built upon these maternal 
values and motherly work, and this is why they are much more realistic 
than patriarchies. They are, on principle, need-oriented. Their precepts aim to 
meet everyone’s needs with the greatest benefit. So, in 
matriarchies, mothering – which originates as a biological fact – is 
transformed into a cultural model. This model is much more 
appropriate to the human condition than the way patriarchies 
conceptualise motherhood and use it to make women, and especially 
mothers, into slaves. 
The deep structure of “matriarchal society” (a structural definition): 
With matriarchal cultures, equality means more than just a levelling 
of differences. Natural differences between the genders and the 
generations are respected and honoured, but they never serve to create 
hierarchies, as is common in patriarchy. The different genders and 
generations have their own dignity, and through complementary areas of 
activity, they function in concert one other. More precisely, 
matriarchies are societies with complementary equality, where great care is 
taken to provide a balance. This applies to the balance between 
genders, among generations, and between humans and nature. Maternal 
values as ethical principles pervade all areas of a matriarchal society. It 
creates an attitude of care-taking, nurturing, and peacemaking. 
This can be observed on all levels of society: the economic level, 
the social level, the political level and the areas of their worldviews 
and faiths. 
At the social level, matriarchal societies are based on the clan, and on the 
“symbolic order of the mother”. This 
also means maternal values as spiritual principles, one that humans take from 
nature. Mother Nature cares for all beings, however different they may be. The 
same applies to motherliness: a good mother cares for all 
her children, embracing

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

2014-08-16 Thread June Gorman
Dante -

Forgive the pun, but on this economic point I believe you are right on the 
money!  For in this the patriarchal mindset has trumped, and the definition of 
all worthwhile value reduced completely down to that which makes certain 
people -- all of which, not coincidentally, tend to be the most patriarchal 
in their beliefs and emotional modus operandi -- the leaders of this 
increasingly unfair, unequal and unsustainable, breaking-apart world.  Yet, we 
call them wealthy, often intelligent and treat them like kings and accept 
their system, even when spiritual, moral and even environmental bankruptcy are 
the obvious and only predictable ends.

It is, after the physical aggression and violence used more historically and 
currently in still less developed places, the most sophisticated of all their 
control mechanisms as so many, (as you explain in your resultant alienation 
from this economic system), have bought into it, telling themselves there is 
no other way.  At least the physical control and subsequent felt resistance was 
more honest and did not create our own participation in our own subjugation: 
this subsequent emotional as well as physical slavery.

I still believe there is another way to fight these dominating pathologies by 
learning the language to expose them -- intellectually and philosophically, yes 
-- but more importantly, excavate them emotionally where this learning (like 
all social learning) is most deeply imprinted on our own sense of self.  
This, I have found, is the most important and most difficult work to do -- on 
ourselves first, and then on our societal systems.  But much, much easier to do 
when done together, accepting and admitting to the hard work of that emotional 
re-learning and what level of vulnerability and care it demands in order to do 
well. Especially as it is completely deemed foreign and denigrated by all 
that is most valued as strength and dominance of the patriarchal models so 
deeply enforced.

That is where community is most essential, and lived interactive presence in 
community the true test of these excavated truths.   Emotional honesty and 
emotional intelligence then become critical pre-requisites to do this work.

So I deeply support your trying to do it, Dante-Gabryell and helping all of us 
too, over this still rather cold distance of internet words that miss the 
deepest, most important heart-to-heart communication that is its true 
countervailing form to heal that very taught cold distance and created 

In this I have found, the cognitive words mean very little compared to the 
actions in our lives and our greater world and with each other.

So I do truly appreciate that and what you are trying to do here,
And do you ever get to London?  I still believe the most powerful conversations 
of learning this very thing are indeed inter-personal.   By very definition, 
that have to be done that way to be heard truly and coherently. :-)

 From: Dante-Gabryell Monson
To: June Gorman; P2P Foundation mailing list;; 
Cc: leonard ferrari; Tom Henfrey; Lisa Maroski 
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Matriarchal Studies

Thanks June for reacting.

I personally find it very challenging, in societies in which I lived and grew 
up in, ruled by increasing monetization ( top down hierachical debt ),
to live an approach based on sharing and contributing to a commons which 
includes matriarchal / nurturing patterns.

My own experience, is that monetization is so strongly imposed ( maintaining 
control ) for the access to any resource, including water ( and soon perhaps 
air ? ) , and the fear of lack of money so strong, that me, and other friends 
who want to live in such way, seem to most often end up rather marginalized 
from society, when intentionally deciding to reduce involvement in the 
priorities of such ideological system empowered through servicing of debt / the 
debt peonage.

I personally look forward to reduce such debt peonage.

Mere survival, in western europe ( that is, access to a one room flat, and not 
particularly high quality food ), easily costs 1000 euros a month.

Most of this money goes straight as a tax to service debt , profits and 

Strategies can be developed to reduce such costs, while increasing autonomy.   
I believe a number of us revolving around p2pfoundation may be interested in 
such strategies , and the opening up and sharing of knowledge that can empower 


Various other concepts may be overlapping : 
certain forms of nomadism , festivalism ( 
) , ... 

Finding ways to use the overproduction of our

Re: [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

2013-12-09 Thread June Gorman
Dante -

I'm going to answer this groupwide b/c this, and related technology issues, 
touch on a very tricky area for me in true sustainability education, working 
globally on these very ideas over the past several years.

To put it simply, I have been hearing about the possibilities and 
world-changing hopes for the web and internet and connecting across it since 
being at Berkeley in the late 70's, with some of the first computer-techies 
filled with sincere, truly revolutionary fervor.  And in so many ways, the 
information-connecting part of their vision, came true.  Globally.  

At the same time, I would and have argued often that it is not only this very 
imbalanced focus on science and technology, but also the way it is learned and 
taught and spread, that has help to lead us to the very in-human, 
technologically advanced cliff of un-sustainability we are about to go over.  

Even more concerning for me as a teacher, is seeing a developing form of 
metaphoric autism in its strongest proponents and users, and now the 
children. In my experience, this is very related to this technology in that it 
not only seems to dramatically reduce the skill sets of harder, more complex 
interpersonal communication needed across diversity, diverse cultures and 
nations more than ever in true shared problem-solving, but also dangerously 
effects these abilities for interpersonal communication (emotional and social 
intelligences) in children to whom it is being introduced to as the dominant 
education model over the older more human teacher-paradigm.  This is 
happening worldwide, pushed by a corporate and even for-profit educational 
industry with very specific education agendas that this technology, taught in 
these ways, support and on behalf of cutting educational costs.   There are 
real and significant resulting social costs, especially for
 communities and the concept of the shared Commons. My entire forthcoming 
book on education tries to explain this.

At the same time, who can not see the possibilities in terms of learning with 
the massive information-processing applications of these technologies?  But it 
is not actually the area that I see of growing wariness with their increased 
use -- the concern and observation of actual destruction and loss of more 
empathetic, emotional/social interpersonal skills and community-communication 
dynamics (again, especially in children before the age of 10/11 years) which is 
my far greater educational fear.  So I am not quite the cheerleader I  might be 
if I hadn't seen this increasingly destructive result on other kinds of 
learning more critical to me, than just massive information processing.  And I 
have found few who do see the beauty, possibility and potential of these 
technologies that either fully understand or address this other, more critical 
potentially damaging human relationship learned result.

As a teacher watching it happen with children over the last 30 - 35 years, 
(plenty of data/research on this especially with young and adolescent boys who 
spent the most time online/gaming 
(, I have never seen this 
adequately addressed? The TEF has tried to do so, directly in this 
Transformative Education Principle:

TEF Principle 11: Use of Technology for Greater Connection not Alienation
Transformative education should utilize technology in a manner that does not 
impede but enhances the education of children and enables Transformative 
Education, that cannot be delivered in any other manner.

This is reiterated in the TEF Principles by the questions and concerns TEF 
raises about the dominating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) 
education focus so heavily promoted in the US over the last couple of decades, 
and now being exported globally by the US corporate-education sector, the World 
Bank and the Brookings Institute.

Short answer then:  I aminterested about learning more about linked-date 
myself, again can see its possibilities.  But not over other far more needed 
understanding or as a time/money/resource preference of connectivity, skilled 
communication and necessary linking in human to human relationships 

I have found these are the far more important issues to understand and resolve, 
especially in education.  As I have seen it's lack all over, as a primary 
negative effect of not having these skill sets of connectivity and 
communication understood and developed first.

Hope that answers your question, even if somewhat ambiguously? :-)

June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist
Co-founder, Transformative Education Forum (website in transition) 
Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign 
Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability 
Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
Member, UN Commons Cluster

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Nestlé's evil plan

2013-12-02 Thread June Gorman
I am so glad that someone else caught this and is acting on it.  I myself saw 
the video and was astonished at how easily the human mind justifies 
commoditizing everything, even basic living necessities and resources (most 
people die without water in 3 days!) and basic human rights to essential human 
needs -- as just another thing to make a profit on, and only thus available 
to humans who can pay!

But again, understanding this process and how it is cultivated in the human 
mind disconnected from the human heart -- ie this is a cheerful, happy-seeming 
man who truly doesn't understand what people are complaining about? -- is my 
biggest interest in order to transform that result.  His life is good and I 
honestly think he no longer knows how to see and certainly feel anything 
else that might be true for the great majority of others.  Not understanding 
how we create and educate for this very empathy-disconnect, is to not truly 
understanding how to change it at its roots, imho and the key idea to 
deconstruct and re-educate in any path of education to again, transform that 

At any rate, once I saw the video I am immediately reactivated my own boycott 
of anything Nestle despite being a chocolate lover and support all you are 
doing, Team SumofUs!

I'll spread the word,

June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist
Co-founder, Transformative Education Forum (website in transition) 
Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign 
Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability 
Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
Member, UN Commons Cluster

 From: Michel Bauwens
To: p2p-foundation 
Sent: Sunday, December 1, 2013 5:57 PM
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: Nestlé's evil plan

-- Forwarded message --
From: Francois Houtart
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 8:41 PM
Subject: RE: Nestlé's evil plan
To: Michel Bauwens

Un autre réseau.

Pueblo Indio del Ecuador
Calle Ruiz
de Castilla N. 26-92
Tel. (593)
Rue Kelle, 192/6
B-1150 BruxellesTel. (32) 476.31.50.53

Subject: Nestlé's evil plan
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:48:20 +


Nestlé's chairman has been caught on camera saying that water isn't a human 
right, calling this view extreme. Instead, he wants water sold on the open 
market like anything else, for those who can afford to buy it -- and his 
company is working harder than ever to make sure it happens.
Its business model is clear: privatize and commodify our public resources -- 
under the leadership of a man who says a CEO's biggest social responsibility 
is to ensure corporate profits. From Pakistan to Canada, Nestlé is busy 
draining millions of liters of our fresh water -- often without paying a cent! 
-- in order to sell back to the public at record prices. 
Here's the thing: ifwe don't stand up to Nestlé, no one will. The world's 
largest food company already has governments and regulators in its back pocket, 
and has cowed others with its aggressive PR campaigns. 
They have billions in corporate profits and influence. But we are two million 
people strong, and we have the public on our side. And when people stand 
together, we can win. In Canada, an ambitious lawsuit stopped Nestlé from 
extracting millions more liters liters of fresh water during a drought. And in 
Pakistan, Nestlé was even sponsoring fake 'public health seminars' to tell 
people that non-bottled water was dangerous, until public outrage forced them 
to stop.
Can you commit to stand up to Nestlé, and pledge just $1 now to stop Nestlé's 
plan to commodify nature for profit?
Together, we're powerful. We've already shown that we can win, but the truth is 
we need to do much more if we're to seriously challenge the agenda of Nestlé 
and its corporate friends. Here's some of the things our community could do 
together -- if we all chip in:
* Fight lawsuits against Nestlé and win -- just like the case run by 
the Council of Canadians and others that prevented Nestlé from taking even more 
water to bottle during drought conditions;
* Hold rallies outside key Nestlé events to make sure that the most 
powerful executives and shareholders know that we’re watching them -- just like 
we've already done against Bayer in our campaign to save the bees;
* Purchase advertisements that target key Nestlé customers to ask them 
to stop stocking Nestlé products -- we know the US State Department heard us 
loud and clear when we spoke out against KXL using this tactic; 
* Act quickly to build media interest when further

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

2013-10-18 Thread June Gorman
I grant your point, Anna and am far more aligned with it than not.  That is why 
the 12th Principle of the TEF is my favorite:  

Principle 12: Sanctity of Human Learning and Life
The learning environment shall be sacred, trust in the wisdom of imagination, 
teach the wonder and potential of every human child, the interrelationship of 
life and that we can no longer afford to live with privileged disregard of this 
planet, all its diverse and valuable species and each other.

As a 30+ year teacher, I can honestly and most sincerely say everything truly 
important I learned about education, I learned from the children and students 
themselves.  Mostly, how much the way I had been taught to teach and was the 
best way to learn applied to very few of the actual human beings in front of 
me who, as true of every child born to the earth, loved learning as a natural a 
priori for the most learning-dependent species on the planet.  Before often 
being destroyed by our often very rigid educational systems.  

I spent all the years after my own elite education trying to learn from them 
how to really teach what they were interested in learning and more importantly, 
without doing their innate joy and passion in learning, damage.

Yes, I think we could easily replace all Teacher Education with a better study 
of how children prefer to and thrive most in education, by understanding and 
then choosing their own best way to learn and what most matters to them to 

But you are still going to have to systemize that education, even if the 
children are some of the prime contributors to it.  :-)


 From: Anna Harris
To:; P2P Foundation mailing list 
Cc: June Gorman; Myra Jackson 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: Wired : learner centered movement

This is an interesting discussion, but seems to be leaving out the most 
important element, consulting the child. Child centered really means the child 
in charge, trusting the child to make decisions and learn from mistakes. 

While I understand your concern June, my child self feels constricted by all 
these principles. TEF seems to have a very clear idea of what it is trying to 
produce. Has it asked the child? It seems to have been decided what is best for 
the child, and for society. Certainly more respectful but still a top down 

Do we really need to stipulate anything? Could we just follow the child, learn 
from the child? That doesn't mean abnegating my own interaction and 
involvement, but that must always be strictly as an equal, not to dictate 
because of my superior age and experience. This is not easy. We think we know. 
We feel responsible. Huge learning for the adult is involved.

And there is still some sort of social demand that the child be 'useful to 
society', Leave them alone, let them be free. We have done enough damage.


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson 

Hi June,

Thanks for your reply,

I personally do not see this as a replacement of humans by the machines.

I rather see the internet as a powerful tool for access to information,
both supporting and facilitated by dynamics between learners.

I believe that the pedagogies it can be inspired of are that of Piaget, 
Montessori, ...

And as Marco underlined, hardly any new self learning ( or mutual learning ) 

What is new, is possibly broader mainstream recognition, possibly supported by 
the more widespread usage and interconnection of information technologies 
globally, and in peoples lifestyles, facilitating a shift away of the 
expert, or the teacher as monopoly in terms of knowledge.

Such approaches have been central in my own learning - up to a point where I 
felt I could learn faster / feel less alienated in my learning by leaving 

The challenge, then, for me at least, is to build up recognition through 
networked approaches, with peers, rather then through top down , centralized 
certification programs and education environments.

Although one may argue that the tests could at some point confirm the acquired 
( self ) learning, the self learner ( or rather, the mutual learners in self 
organizing approaches ) does not, contrary to official enrolled students, 
benefit from such student status, and at least in my experience, faces 
pressures from society, even if only in terms of lack of support.


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:37 PM, June Gorman wrote:

Dante-Gabryell --

This is wonderful stuff.  I know of Mitra's work and find it exciting.  Some 
of us in the UN Commons Cluster are working on these ideas as well and how 
they fit into education of and about all the Commons.

But as a 30+ year (Western-US) teacher and the founder of the MailScanner

Re: [P2P-F] possible issue with p2p-f email platform

2013-09-09 Thread June Gorman
Thank you Apostolis and Michael, as well.  That helped explain it, though again 
I have never seen it occur before and have obviously sent that link out in just 
that way many times before, but will think better about writing it in that 
form, next time.

I guess we are all just a little jumpy considering both the NSA surveillance 
leaks and the email interference problems P2P had before?

It makes one feel much more insecure about how email can be monitored and/or 
controlled by others.  Interesting article about this very thing in recent 
Reader Supported Network: Dear Stupid, Stupid NSA

Now I hope I understood correctly Apostolis, in putting that link in under the 
same type? We'll see.  :-) 


 From: Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
To: P2P Foundation mailing list 
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2013 3:43 AM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] possible issue with p2p-f email platform

I see it often in the list as well.

2013/9/9, Michel Bauwens
 Personally have no idea what June is exactly referring to as it does not
 show up in my email; could also be in the settings of the receiver's email

 Thanks for tech-savvy people for having a look at the issue described


 June Gorman's message:

 From: June Gorman
 Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Caf?
         event on Gender and the Politics of Technology
 To: June Gorman,    P2P Foundation mailing
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 All -

 Sorry about the repeat email here, and I know P2P has had recent concerns
 and issues regarding email use and misuse etc, but can anyone explain that
 horrible red message below about the TEF website? ?I have never seen that
 before and we certainly are a real and valid website, can someone explain
 to me why that would show up in the message -- is it to do with protections
 the P2P put in place? ?And who is ?And worse, when I
 click on it I do indeed get a strange website or none, but clicking on the
 one below under my name goes to the real TEF website?

 Can anyone explain this to me? ?It would be nice to think the TEF has
 actually become transformative enough in its message of sustainable
 education to have interested the powers that be who don't want to do so,
 but that's a little grandiose? I don't understand this?

 Love to hear from those who might?

  From: June Gorman
 To: P2P Foundation mailing list;
 Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 5:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Caf? event
 on Gender and the Politics of Technology

 Gail and all -

 This is a very critical and important topic, both to me and the
 Transformative Education Forum (MailScanner has detected a possible fraud
 attempt from claiming to be, and as I have just moved to London
 (Marylebone) from California, I definitely plan to attend tomorrow evening.

 Thanks for the notice. ?A critical topic in technology in ways that really
 have to be understood to go forward differently with that technology as a
 truly primary positive or truly transformative force.

 Looking forward to it,
 June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist

 Co-founder,?Transformative Education Forum
 Education Advisor,?UN SafePlanet Campaign?
 Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations
 Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact)?K-12 Sector for Sustainability
 Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
 Member, UN Commons Cluster

  From: Anna Harris
 To: P2P Foundation mailing list
 Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2013 11:00 PM
 Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Caf? event on
 Gender and the Politics of Technology

 P2P Foundation:  -;

 #82 on the (En)Rich list:


Sincerely yours,

     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on Gender and the Politics of Technology

2013-09-08 Thread June Gorman
Gail and all -

This is a very critical and important topic, both to me and the Transformative 
Education Forum (, and as I have just moved to 
London (Marylebone) from California, I definitely plan to attend tomorrow 

Thanks for the notice.  A critical topic in technology in ways that really have 
to be understood to go forward differently with that technology as a truly 
primary positive or truly transformative force.

Looking forward to it,
June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist

Co-founder, Transformative Education Forum
Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign 
Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability 
Education  )
Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
Member, UN Commons Cluster

 From: Anna Harris
To: P2P Foundation mailing list 
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2013 11:00 PM
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on Gender 
and the Politics of Technology

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gail Chester
Date: Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 12:59 AM
Subject: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on Gender and the 
Politics of Technology

are invited to  the 
latest event in our series of cafe discussion events on the politics of 
technology (see below for list of subsequent events).  These 
events are preparing for a three-day gathering on the politics of technology in 
May 2014.   NB There will be a discussion 
group at 6pm at Fairly Square Bar and Cafe on basic issues in the politics of 
technology which is open to all.

forward this info to appropriate lists, FB groups etc.  Apologies for 
Breaking the Frame 3: Gender and the Politics of 

In the 
home and at work, women and men have different relationships to 
technology.  Women have traditionally been excluded from science and 
engineering and are put in the role of users and operators of new 
technology.  Do technologies like IVF and domestic machinery really 
benefit women or entrench their existing social roles?  How do shifts 
in technology affect the oppression of women?
7pm September 9th 2013
Fairly Square Bar  Cafe, 51 Red Lion St London WC1R 4PF
* Cynthia  Cockburn, feminist activist and author of Machinery of 
Dominance, Gender  and Technology in the Making, and Brothers: Male Dominance 
and Technological  Change

* David  King Human  Genetics Alert

* Connie Hunter Women's Environmental  Network
For the full list of forthcoming events, see below or 
visit the Breaking the Frame blog.  For more information contact
Breaking the Frame series: discussions on the politics of 
dominates our world, but many people think ‘its just a neutral tool’ or that 
technology equals progress. Although it does, of course, bring benefits, 
technology is largely designed and controlled by corporate, military and 
patriarchal elites to serve their interests and exert their power.  To 
prepare for a gathering next May, we are organising a series of monthly events 
to look at the technology politics of food, energy, work, war, the economy, 
health etc. Gender issues are part of our analysis from the beginning and 
are included in all of our meetings.  There will be speakers from 
campaigning groups and lots of time for discussion. 

July 8th Technology out of  control? Drones, killer robots and the arms trade 
August 12th Nuclear Power: Climate  Chiller or Silent Killer? 
September 9th Gender and the politics  of technology 
October 14th Economic crisis and  austerity: “It’s the technology, stupid” 
November 11th Food, GM and synthetic  biology 
December 9th Extreme Energy  (fracking, tar sands etc), geoengineering, and 
climate change 
January 13th The politics of  alternative technology and workers’ plans 
February 10th Digital technology,  surveillance and Big Data 
March 10th Toxics and  nanotechnology 
April 14th ‘Mental health’, big  pharma and the new eugenics 

7pm 2nd Monday of the month
Fairly Square Bar and Cafe, 51 Red Lion St London WC1R 4PF
more information visit the Breaking the 
Frame blog, Facebook: Breaking the Frame or contact
knowledgelab mailing list

P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on Gender and the Politics of Technology

2013-09-08 Thread June Gorman
All -

Sorry about the repeat email here, and I know P2P has had recent concerns and 
issues regarding email use and misuse etc, but can anyone explain that horrible 
red message below about the TEF website?  I have never seen that before and 
we certainly are a real and valid website, can someone explain to me why that 
would show up in the message -- is it to do with protections the P2P put in 
place?  And who is  And worse, when I click on it I do 
indeed get a strange website or none, but clicking on the one below under my 
name goes to the real TEF website?

Can anyone explain this to me?  It would be nice to think the TEF has actually 
become transformative enough in its message of sustainable education to have 
interested the powers that be who don't want to do so, but that's a little 
grandiose? I don't understand this?

Love to hear from those who might?

 From: June Gorman
To: P2P Foundation mailing list; 
Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on 
Gender and the Politics of Technology

Gail and all -

This is a very critical and important topic, both to me and the Transformative 
Education Forum (MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from claiming to be, and as 
I have just moved to London (Marylebone) from California, I definitely plan to 
attend tomorrow evening.

Thanks for the notice.  A critical topic in technology in ways that really have 
to be understood to go forward differently with that technology as a truly 
primary positive or truly transformative force.

Looking forward to it,
June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist

Co-founder, Transformative Education Forum
Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign 
Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability 
Education  )
Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
Member, UN Commons Cluster

 From: Anna Harris
To: P2P Foundation mailing list 
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2013 11:00 PM
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on Gender 
and the Politics of Technology

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gail Chester
Date: Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 12:59 AM
Subject: [knowledgelab] Reminder: Monday eve: Café event on Gender and the 
Politics of Technology

are invited to  the 
latest event in our series of cafe discussion events on the politics of 
technology (see below for list of subsequent events).  These 
events are preparing for a three-day gathering on the politics of technology in 
May 2014.   NB There will be a discussion 
group at 6pm at Fairly Square Bar and Cafe on basic issues in the politics of 
technology which is open to all.

forward this info to appropriate lists, FB groups etc.  Apologies for 
Breaking the Frame 3: Gender and the Politics of 

In the 
home and at work, women and men have different relationships to 
technology.  Women have traditionally been excluded from science and 
engineering and are put in the role of users and operators of new 
technology.  Do technologies like IVF and domestic machinery really 
benefit women or entrench their existing social roles?  How do shifts 
in technology affect the oppression of women?
7pm September 9th 2013
Fairly Square Bar  Cafe, 51 Red Lion St London WC1R 4PF
* Cynthia  Cockburn, feminist activist and author of Machinery of 
Dominance, Gender  and Technology in the Making, and Brothers: Male Dominance 
and Technological  Change

* David  King Human  Genetics Alert

* Connie Hunter Women's Environmental  Network
For the full list of forthcoming events, see below or 
visit the Breaking the Frame blog.  For more information contact
Breaking the Frame series: discussions on the politics of 
dominates our world, but many people think ‘its just a neutral tool’ or that 
technology equals progress. Although it does, of course, bring benefits, 
technology is largely designed and controlled by corporate, military and 
patriarchal elites to serve their interests and exert their power.  To 
prepare for a gathering next May, we are organising a series of monthly events 
to look at the technology politics of food, energy, work, war, the economy, 
health etc. Gender issues are part of our analysis from

Re: [P2P-F] Fwd: New From Pluto Press - Nature for Sale: The Commons versus Commodities

2013-07-19 Thread June Gorman

I truly second what you are so lovingly trying to say here!  It is a 
disempowering state developed in children while young and thus still very 
sensitive to emotional learning.  Unfortunately, when that learning is thus 
done badly by society's previous damage  reinforced in school, motivation and 
hope are both deeply damaged.  On both the individual and thus wider social 
level, instead of feeling we can, we much more quickly accept the reinforced 
emotional learning that, we can not!

But in going towards the hope  the possibility instead, I always ask at this 
point which is more fun and enjoyable to believe and do?  And which direction 
are the people more interesting, creative and empowered? 

Especially the youth and children?

For me it therefore becomes no contest for where I want to put my energy and 

Thanks for your spark, Anna!
June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist
Co-founder, Transformative Education Forum
Education Advisor, UN SafePlanet Campaign 
Board Project Director for Outreach, International Model United Nations 
Steering Committee, (UNESCO/Global Compact) K-12 Sector for Sustainability 
Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
Member, UN Commons Cluster

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 19, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Anna Harris wrote:

 Yes, Edu, even as we wake up to see how we were shaped by the system we also 
 realise how we are trapped in it, and recreate it ourselves. But that 
 knowledge also gives us power.
 Personally for me there has to be a short term payback as well as thinking of 
 the benefit in the long term. If it was just down to imagining what it would 
 be like if billions of us did the same that would not motivate me. What does 
 it for me is connecting with the authentic voice within me, which is to do 
 with having the courage to trust myself no matter what.
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