How to read text file from SD Card

2006-01-08 Thread granbajo
I am trying to read a text file from the SD card.  Any pointers / code samples 
would be very handy.

I have been trying to read through the documentation and I am really confused 
as to what I need to do... (VFS, Expansion Manager Volumes arghhh... it should 
be as easu as FileOpen!!)

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Re: How to read text file from SD Card

2006-01-08 Thread Aaron Ardiri
 I am trying to read a text file from the SD card.  Any pointers / code samples
 would be very handy. I have been trying to read through the documentation
 and I am really confused as to what I need to do... (VFS, Expansion Manager
 Volumes arghhh... it should be as easu as FileOpen!!)

and... some code

you have to use the expansion manager to obtain a volume. when you have
a volume; you can then open a file quite easily. its not FileOpen,
but, VFSFileOpen
(below, is a stripped chunk of a functino)

static Err HandleCardFile(UInt16 volRefNum, Char *fileName)
FileRef ref=0;
Err err=0;

err = VFSFileOpen(volRefNum, fileName, vfsModeRead, ref);
if (err) return err;

... VFSFileSeek(ref, vfsOriginBeginning, resOffset);
... VFSFileRead(ref, resLen, mybuffer, numBytesRead);

if (ref) VFSFileClose(ref);
return err;

to get a handle on the volume:

UInt16 volRefNum;
UInt32 volIterator;

volIterator = vfsIteratorStart;
while (volIterator != vfsIteratorStop)
err = VFSVolumeEnumerate(volRefNum, volIterator);

if (err == errNone)
// volRefNum = valid!!
volIterator = vfsIteratorStop;  // handle error 
by breaking out of the loop

now; there may be multiple volumes on a device; so, you need to do a little
extra checking to make sure you have the right one.

// Aaron Ardiri

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Re: How to read text file from SD Card

2006-01-08 Thread Logan Shaw


I am trying to read a text file from the SD card.  Any pointers / code
samples would be very handy.

I have been trying to read through the documentation and I am really
confused as to what I need to do... (VFS, Expansion Manager Volumes
arghhh... it should be as easu as FileOpen!!)

No, FileOpen() is for File Streams, which are the pseudo-files that
are encapsulated in databases that are on board the device.
FileOpen() can never be used to open files on a VFS volume.  For
that, you want VFSFileOpen(), which is a completely separate

  - Logan

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Re: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC?

2006-01-08 Thread Jim Cooper

For starters, this is probably the wrong newsgroup - a PPC one would be better 

Future versions of eVC++ are no longer be free - it is part of VS from VS2005 

WindowsCE is the generic term for the mobile versions of Windows, PocketPC is 
specific to PDAs and smartphones (and there is a version for each).

There are various sites dedicated to PPC development, but the best place to 
start is MSDN.

Bear in mind that much of your code probably won't port - things are quite 

FWIW, I believe MS are strongly encouraging people to go to managed code for PPC 

Jim Cooper


  Skype : jim.cooper
Tabdee Ltd

TurboSync - Connecting Delphi to your Palm

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Re: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC

2006-01-08 Thread Roger Stringer

At 03:15 AM 1/8/2006, you wrote:

Subject: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC?
From: David Linker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 22:36:23 -0800

I have a Palm OS app that I would like to make available to those who
use Pocket PC. I could use some some pointers and ideas.

You are correct, this is both off topic and an inappropriate posting 
to this forum.

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc. (

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Re: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC

2006-01-08 Thread Logan Shaw

Roger Stringer wrote:

At 03:15 AM 1/8/2006, you wrote:

I have a Palm OS app that I would like to make available to those who
use Pocket PC. I could use some some pointers and ideas.

You are correct, this is both off topic and an inappropriate posting to 
this forum.

On the other hand, it would be on topic to discuss general ways of
writing a Palm app so that it would be in the Palm idiom and also
portable to other operating systems.  (And I'd be interested to know
if anyone has good ideas in that area.)

  - Logan

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Re: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC

2006-01-08 Thread Richard Coutts
You are correct, this is both off topic and an inappropriate 
posting to this forum.

On the other hand, it would be on topic to discuss general ways of
writing a Palm app so that it would be in the Palm idiom and also
portable to other operating systems.  (And I'd be interested to know
if anyone has good ideas in that area.)

I'm interested in this topic too and would like to hear for developers 
working in both platforms.  If the original author was creating a new 
application from scratch then I'd agree this isn't the forum.  But, 
since I'm guessing a lot of us here are looking at porting existing 
Palm apps to that other platform, I'm hoping for some insight for 
abstracting Palm-specific functions, classes, etc.


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RE: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC

2006-01-08 Thread Jeffrey Siegel
 I'm interested in this topic too and would like to hear from 
 developers working in both platforms.

I've completed two large commercial applications on Palm, Windows
Mobile/Pocket PC, and Windows Mobile/Smartphone.  I'm currently working on a
third and adding Symbian into the mix.

Here are some general things that I've found:

1. It is better to start on Palm and move to the other platforms.  The Palm
has a more restrictive environment (memory, resources, segments, etc.) than
either of the other two platforms.  Starting there is much easier than
starting in the WM environment where you tend to be sloppier because things
are easier.

2. If you don't know Windows programming, start there before going to
Windows Mobile.  The best background (IMO) is good Windows API knowledge in
C.  I'd definitely stay away from MFC for now.  In a related manner, stay
away from any of the Palm libraries, especially the C++ ones.  There is a
good match up between the architectures of Palm and WM if you use straight C
to start with.

3. Going from WM/PPC to WM/SP is very easy programmatically but very
difficult with user-interface issues because you lose the touch screen.  If
you built your app to make good use of the 5-way navigation pad on later
Palm's, you'll be in better shape because you're closer to a non-touchscreen
UI.  Again, start on the Palm and get everything solid with key navigation
before moving to the other platforms.

4. Symbian has some nice tools and documentation.  They even have a
developer document called something like Symbian Development for Palm
Developers.  I don't think that Symbian should be ignored.  Their platform
is very similar to Palm in many ways.  If you're interested in applications
outside the US, you can't ignore Symbian.

The development environment for the WM platforms has gotten pretty good.  I
still prefer the Palm developer tools but that might just be because I've
been using them for longer.


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Re: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC?

2006-01-08 Thread Jeff Summers
Couple points (continuing this probably off topic conversation). First, for
multi-platform development, there are several development platforms that
can oblige. Java (Waba/SuperWaba), NS Basic, and Casl are three that come
to mind. Casl was designed for multiplatform development - write once and
compile for either platform. For non-commercial development the package is
free. Check out

For conversion, that will be harder. The whole paradigm is different -
single tasking vs multitasking, etc. That said, for the sort of program you
are writing (age+BUN=Lasix dose), probably any development package for
Pocket PC will be fine once you get used to it (and the different libraries
of functions for Pocket vs Palm). 

But, if you are going to have to rewrite anyway, why not write it in
something that allows you to work in both platforms, like CASL or Java? 
Email me offline if you want more detail/help. I too am a medical
professional and write medically related software.

In your message regarding [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to
Pocket PC? dated Sat, 7 Jan 2006 22:36:23 -0800, David Linker said that ...

  I have a Palm OS app that I would like to make available to those who  
  use Pocket PC. I could use some some pointers and ideas.
  It is written using the gcc toolset (prc-tools), written in C. I have  
  another version in java that runs as a java applet on a web browser.  
  The application is an aid for physicians treating patients with heart  
  failure. The current executable is a single file, about 40K on the Palm.
  I have tried to understand what I have to do, but I am confused, and  
  thought that others on this list must have experience and knowledge  
  about this issue.
  First, I am confused about the differences between the available  
  platforms. Windows CE, Pocket PC, Win32, ARM, etc. Any guidance  
  gratefully accepted.
  Second, what development environment would be good to use? I should  
  mention that this is NOT a commercial development, and the budget is  
  limited. So far, the expenditure is about $00.00, and ideally, I  
  would like to keep it that way. I have downloaded eMbedded Visual  
  Studio 4.0, but it appears to be set up to compile for a device with  
  a larger screen. I have previously written programs in waba, but  
  found the execution speed quite slow.
  Finally, where can I find documentation and tutorials like the  
  excellent ones for the Palm?
  Thanks in advance for any pointers or links!
  David Linker
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RE: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC

2006-01-08 Thread gaslanis
This is great info.  Like others in this forum, we have many Palm apps which 
would like to also support in WinCE environment.  We are not looking to leave 
Palm development, but simply expand our offerings.  If this is considered [OT, 
kind of] I hope a thread/forum can be dedicated to this issue of 
Multi-Development Platform Support.  I look forward to seeing more knowledge 
sharing on this subject.
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Re(2): [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC

2006-01-08 Thread George Henne
 At 03:15 AM 1/8/2006, you wrote:

 I have a Palm OS app that I would like to make available to those who
 use Pocket PC. I could use some some pointers and ideas.

Why not give StyleTap a try?

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Re: [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to Pocket PC?

2006-01-08 Thread Regis St-Gelais
David Linker [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit dans le message de news: 
I have a Palm OS app that I would like to make available to those who  use 
Pocket PC. I could use some some pointers and ideas.

If you are not using conduits, look at its an exelent 
product IMO

Regis St-Gelais

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Re: Memory error

2006-01-08 Thread esily
The project runs successfully at the beginning on clie,but being approximately 
a half,the error occures.
if there is a NULL pointer on the clie,why there is not on zodiac?
if the clie handles NULL pointer is different from zodiac,why it is successful 
at the beginning?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Memory error

2006-01-08 Thread Logan Shaw


The project runs successfully at the beginning on clie,but being
approximately a half,the error occures.
if there is a NULL pointer on the clie,why there is not on zodiac?
if the clie handles NULL pointer is different from zodiac,why it
is successful at the beginning?

The correct answer to this question is this:  if you have an error
in your application where you are accessing a pointer which is
invalid, the implementation (the compiler and the device that runs
the compiled code) is free to do anything it wants.  The behavior
is undefined.

Therefore, you should EXPECT inconsistent results until you resolve
the problem.  If you access a invalid pointer, then crashing is a
perfectly reasonable behavior for the system.  Also, working perfectly
is a perfectly reasonable behavior for the system.  However, if the
system does work as you expect, you should not see that as an
indication that nothing is wrong and that your code is written
correctly but only incompatible with other systems.

One possible answer, by the way, is that you are doing a MemPtrNew()
and the Zodiac (which has a large heap) returns a valid pointer
but the Clie (which might have a smaller dynamic heap) would return
NULL for that MemPtrNew().  But that is only one possible explanation
and there are many others.  The best plan is to see what parts of
your code this problem is related to, and then check over the code
for coding errors.

  - Logan

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Field Level Crashing...

2006-01-08 Thread pritam hasabnis
Hello EB,
I have Created Dynamic Field Control but it Crash's
at FldSetTextHandle(Fld_ptr,mHandle) event...any
sensible reason for it?

Also My Application Size is above 44kb and I am not
getting Segmentation problem. Isn't it strange? Will I
have this crashing problem if my Application size
increases tremendously at runtime? 


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Re: Memory error

2006-01-08 Thread esily
yes ,you are right,i found out the error,there was a invalid pointer,and i 
tried to accesse it.

thanks again!
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re: Regarding TCP/IP request

2006-01-08 Thread smartslack
Hi I'm sending this request for downloading the bitmap file.
StrCopy(data,POST Content-Type: image/bitmap MyNetworkpth/waves.bmp);
But it is giving me error No: 400 which means this is the bad request. I've 
tried all other combination but could not success. Can any one give me exact 
fromat for sending the request.. It's really urgent for me.

Thank you advance.

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the function is sensitive to the location of segments?

2006-01-08 Thread meffee
ever post here, no response until now. i have debuged 
the program some more time and has some detailed

the .cpp file containing sound stream creation,
playing and callback resided in the other segment
other than first one. and when excuted to the SndStreamStart
the program will halt there without any response,
i had to reset the device. then i move the files
related to sound playing to the first segment,
it could playing the sound correctly. my project
setting is large mode, if the function is sensitive
to the segment where it is located, what's the problem?

And another question about file stream database reading
is still there, i have a 5Mb stream database, after
hotsyn to the device, i used the file stream API to 
access its content. when read the former part, everything
is ok, but when reading the latter part, the program 
always read one or more records later after the 
correct postion. as you know, one record in stream database
is 4096 bytes, maybe this problem is also segment issue
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Re: Regarding TCP/IP request

2006-01-08 Thread Logan Shaw

smartslack wrote:

Hi I'm sending this request for downloading the bitmap file.
StrCopy(data,POST Content-Type: image/bitmap MyNetworkpth/waves.bmp);
But it is giving me error No: 400 which means this is the bad request.
I've tried all other combination but could not success. Can any one
give me exact fromat for sending the request..

Gosh, it almost sounds like you're trying to do HTTP in particular,
not just TCP/IP in general.

In which case, I guess you ought to refer to some HTTP documentation.
You could check out ,
specifically all of chapter 5 for making the GET request, and chapter 6
for understading the response, and 9.3 for understanding the semantics
of the GET method.

For example, to get something from,
you will probably want something like this:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 [cr-lf]
Host: [cr-lf]

You may want to specify other headers besides just Host; that's just
an example.

Of course, once the server replies, you will need to pay attention to
stuff like Content-Length, Content-Type, response code (first line
of the response), and maybe the Content-Encoding.

By the way, it can often be helpful to fire up a telnet client (even
Windows has telnet.exe) and connect to port 80 of a web server and
experiment with making your own GET requests.  It's much easier than
trying to build it into an application before you know that you've
got the protocol right.

  - Logan

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