Re: Palm Vx greyscale image problem

2001-08-20 Thread James . Kummer

Grayscale mode, are you talkin about on the Palm Vx or in constructor?? how
do you put into grayscale mode on the Palm?


James Kummer

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Palm Vx greyscale image problem

2001-08-20 Thread James . Kummer

 I've created a greyscale bitmap family for use in an application, but my   
 Palm Vx always resorts to using black and white -- it won't display grey.  
 However, I know that it's capable of grey. If I delete the 2-bit image 
 from the family, the Vx just displays the 4-bit image in very blocky black 
 and white. I'm lost. Any suggestions? Thanks, Brad 

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please wait dialog not working

2001-08-17 Thread James . Kummer


im trying to implement the please wait dialog in my app.  This is what im
doing with my code, here are two snippets of my code,  I call
FrmPopupForm(PleaseWaitForm) and that goes to the PleaseWaitForm Event
Handler.  The PleaseWaitForm waits for a nilEvent, when it occurs I call
FrmReturnToForm(0).  Then i want it to keep processing and go to

Now it goes through with no errors, but the Please Wait From never gets
displayed.  I don't know how to do it???

Thanks for any help...


case ctlSelectEvent:
  switch (eventP->data.ctlSelect.controlID)

   case ConfigOKButton:
handled = true;

static Boolean PleaseWaitFormHandleEvent(EventPtr eventP)
   Boolean handled = true;
   FormType*frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();

 switch (eventP->eType)

  case frmOpenEvent:
   frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
   FrmDrawForm ( frmP);
   handled = true;

  case nilEvent:
   handled = true;



 return handled;


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.bmp causing a SysFatalAlert

2001-08-16 Thread James . Kummer

I placed a bitmap on a form using constructor, and im getting this
SysFatalAlert message when i load the form:

SysFatalAlert with the message: "MemoryMgr.c" Line: 4365, NULL HANDLE

I have the image in a bitmap family and i have two brances a color and a
gray.  What is causing this, i debugged the program and couldn't make much
sense out of what the debugger was running into:

0x10078F76( FrmDispatchEvent )
0x100753B6( PrvSendEventToForm )
0x10075DE2( FrmDrawForm )
0x10020B1A( MemHandleLock )
0x10021B00( PrvHandleCheck )
0x10021B00( PrvHandleCheck )
0x1001E6EE( ErrDisplayFileLineMsg )

the only functionality of this form is too display itself and wait while a
data transfer takes place, when the transfer is done it closes up.  The
form has two labels on it and a bitmap, and it is setup as modal.

thanks for any input.


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Flash a form then close it on a stylus tap

2001-07-28 Thread James . Kummer

I checked the KB and i also did a search on this forum, but couldn't come
up with anything pertaining to this subject.

When my app starts directly from the stylus tap on the icon i want to show
a form that displays a bitmap and some text.  Then i want the user to tap
the screen and be able to move on into the program.

Is allowing the user to be in control of the movement of the program a good
idea or should i have a timer of some sort that would time out five seconds
and then move on into the program?

How would i implement this into my app, i currently just have it so you
manually have to go to the menu and select the next form to continue the

I thought this would be a good idea when i noticed this feature being used
by the Palm OS during the calibration for the digitizer when the palm is
reset.  It displays a form and then asks the user to tap the screen
anywhere with the stylus to move on.

Thanks for any help, i appreciate it, and I also find this forum extremely
helpful and if i were to give any advice to a newbie i would say take the
time and read every message that is posted because that information will
seep into your brain and stick like a sponge, the way you want it


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2001-07-24 Thread James . Kummer

I building an app and i tested it out on the emulator.  I first tested it
on the m505 w/ color and 4.0 OS emulator and it ran fine with no problems.
I then tested it on the PalmVx w/ 3.5 OS and it crashed and gave me this
error message:

-[name of application] v1.0 called SysFatalAlert with the message: "Form.c,
Line: 1728, Object not in form".

What does this mean?  I don't understand why it won't work on one but not
the other, is it because of the different operating systems?  Thanks in
advance for any help.


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Handling Menu Events....

2001-07-24 Thread James . Kummer

Im puzzled by this code found in many examples i have been looking at:

field = FrmGetObjectPtr (form,
 FrmGetObjectIndex(form, MainNameField));

This particular example comes from a simple HelloWorld app.

Whats confusing me is the MainNameField portion.  In the HelloWorld App
there is only one field that gets handled.  Im doing an app where there is
many.  I have this same code in my app but it isn't working because of this
expression.  If someone could give me some help it would be greatly

What im basically asking is can i have a function called
MainMenuHandleEvent that works with the same with all the different forms i
have in my app, and if i can how do I do it???



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