Re: reading an http response with transfer-encoding: chunked

2007-06-27 Thread Mike Margerum

>you can also cheat, use HTTP 1.0 and chunked will never happen.
Interesting thought.  thanks

Turns out all i needed to do was add a slight delay (1 second) between 
my http post and the response. 

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Re: reading an http response with transfer-encoding: chunked

2007-06-26 Thread Mike Margerum
Nevermind.  I was able to find some documentation on the 

Each "chunk" is preceded by the size of the chunk.


Mike Margerum wrote:

I have some code that reads an HTTP response into a large buffer.
I first read in the http header.
Then I read the data after the header into a large buffer.  The buffer 
(6096 bytes) is definitely large enough to read the entire contents of 
the data from the http response.  On a few treos (out of 1000's), 
sometimes all of the data is not read into the buffer even though it 
is large enough.  So the next time i do a receive in a later function, 
i get the rest of the data.

I noticed in the http header that the transfer-encoding is "chunked".  
How do i properly read the data in using netlibreceive when I have no 
idea how much data I am going to get.  Do I just keep calling 
netlibreceive until I get 0 bytes read?  I assumed that  getting 0 
bytes back from a netlibreceive indicated the remote host closed the 


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reading an http response with transfer-encoding: chunked

2007-06-26 Thread Mike Margerum
I have some code that reads an HTTP response into a large buffer. 

I first read in the http header. 

Then I read the data after the header into a large buffer.  The buffer 
(6096 bytes) is definitely large enough to read the entire contents of 
the data from the http response.  On a few treos (out of 1000's), 
sometimes all of the data is not read into the buffer even though it is 
large enough.  So the next time i do a receive in a later function, i 
get the rest of the data.

I noticed in the http header that the transfer-encoding is "chunked".  
How do i properly read the data in using netlibreceive when I have no 
idea how much data I am going to get.  Do I just keep calling 
netlibreceive until I get 0 bytes read?  I assumed that  getting 0 bytes 
back from a netlibreceive indicated the remote host closed the socket.


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Re: Palm Os Free Developement

2007-06-08 Thread Mike Margerum

Can you write multi segment apps with onboardc?
Phreak OnALeash wrote:


No, you don't. prc-tools is a desktop environment that is waaay more 
powerful than OnBC.
OnBoardC is a small, yet still somewhat powerful compared to other 
mobile IDEs such as SmallBASIC or PocketC, compiler great for whipping 
up small apps when you are on the road, etc. 
OnBoardC is powerful enough to develop full sized applications on it 
and easy enough for a complete novice to pick up and learn to use, 
which is WAY different than PODS/GCC which can take some time to get 
up to speed on.

Hopes this was insightful,

On 6/8/07, *Jagat Nibas Mahapatra* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Do I need prc-tools and onboardc both ? Why ?


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fnav using codewarrior 9.3 and mac linker

2007-06-07 Thread Mike Margerum
Is there a way to use an RCP in a codewarrior project using the old 
"macintosh 68k" linker?  I tried switching to the "palmos 68k" linker 
and everything linked but i got an "Address error" when I tried to run 
the app.  I assume i can compile the rcp in pilrc and then use it in 
code warrior with the old linker?  I tried adding the res and bin files 
output by pilrc but they didnt work. 


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Re: MSVC++

2006-10-12 Thread Mike Margerum

I havent tried this myself but its a C# compiler for both CE and Palm.

Has anyone used this for a production system yet?

Palmman wrote:

Can I use MSVC++ / MSVS.NET to develop applications for Palm Os ? As we are 
able to do that for symbian/brew, using their SDK.

If there are any way, please point me to the link


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Re: NetLibReceive issues

2006-09-10 Thread Mike Margerum

correct.  There is a response length in the http header.

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Re: Send file over to Wndows Server

2006-07-26 Thread Mike Margerum
Dont bother with ExgDbWrite.  Just use a feature pointer.  are you 
setting the content-type correctly in the http header?


I want to send palm files like .prc, .bmp or .jpg over to windows server. For 
that I am using ExgDbWrite to store that file data in buffer and use NetLib 
functions(http POST) to send data to server. Server simply take that data and 
create file there. But I am getting changed data from original one. In between 
sending/Receiving there is process of encoding/decoding. So please tell me 
where I am wrong? Its ExgDbWrite, Encoding/Decoding or NetLibSend? Please 
suggest any other way to do that if you have.


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Re: Palm font on windows

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Margerum

I found them in the code warrior 9 distro

c:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\CW for Palm OS Tools\Handspring 

just rename the extension to fon and drag them into the
fonts folder.

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Re: Palm font on windows

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Margerum

What about the resource editor that ships with pods?  What does that use?

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Re: Palm font on windows

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Margerum
I see there was a recent thread on this exact subject.  Is anyone still 
using code warrior 5 and if so, can they please send me the font.  I'm 
not using it for commercial purposes and I did purchase code warrior 5 
many times.  I just cannot find the cd.


Mike Margerum wrote:
We have a windows app that needs to represent the palm screen 
completely in terms of font.  I know there used to be a windows font 
that came with Code Warrior 5.  Does anyone have that font?  If not, 
can anyone recommend a font that is available for use that is very 
close to the size of the palm font?


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Palm font on windows

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Margerum
We have a windows app that needs to represent the palm screen completely 
in terms of font.  I know there used to be a windows font that came with 
Code Warrior 5.  Does anyone have that font?  If not, can anyone 
recommend a font that is available for use that is very close to the 
size of the palm font?


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Re: Lists,Popup Triggers Etc...

2006-03-30 Thread Mike Margerum
Catch the popTrigger's ctlSelect event and call LstPopupList yourself.  
Make sure you make handled = true

Tom wrote:

Hi I am new to programming Lists and Popup triggers on the palm. I have the 
following scene, 6 popups, 6 lists.

Now the 6 lists are actually duplicates of 3, so I really have 3 lists. I was 
wondering if there is a better way to do the list/popup stuff?

Maybe 1 list that I can edit with a new list per popup click? I am pretty sure 
I have no choice in using 6 seperate popup triggers? (or do I?)

Any help would ofcourse be well appreciated!



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Re: How to install Applications (*.prc) files in code?

2006-02-15 Thread Mike Margerum
1.create a feature pointer the size of the prc about to come down.  
feature points aren't restricted to 64k

2. dmwrite the downloaded bytes into it
3. call dmcreatedatabasefromimage
4. free feature pointer.


I get Application from server to palm os client and I want to install it. Is there any function to do it? 
Or should i just copy application (*.prc) file some folder?

Or open (*.prc) file and do something about it?



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Re: How do you know when you are filling the stack or heap?

2005-01-26 Thread Mike Margerum
#pragma warn_stack_usage 1
will help with the stack usage in code warrior
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Re: Constructor's 99 resource limit

2005-01-26 Thread Mike Margerum
What i want is just the ability to preview a form while editing a text 
file.  That along with context sensitive help.

A GUI-based screen designer is certainly a useful tool, but it's not 
the be-all-and-end-all of UI design by any means.  I have yet to see a 
GUI screen designer that handles resizable screens half as well as a 
web page, for instance.  (If you know of one, please point me at some 
screenshots.  I'ld love to see what it looks like.)

And it seems like Palm is going in the right direction by having their 
GUI tool use a text-based format for persistance, so that we can both 
be happy.


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Treo 600/650 skins for 6.1 simulator (or 5 for that matter)

2004-12-09 Thread Mike Margerum
I know the treo's are OS5 based but the OS5 simulator doesnt have a 
skinning capability.  I noticed the OS 6.1 simulator does have a 
skinning capability.  Are there any skins available for it?  
Particularly for the Treo 600/650?  Are there 600/650 skins for the 5.x 
simulator or emulator?  How do people do screenshots for marketing 
materials without this capability?

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Re: Software Copy Protection - One More Time!

2004-11-23 Thread Mike Margerum
Bob wrote:
That would all be true for a program that sells for $20, $30, or $50.  I was 
referring to commercial software that costs much more and would be in big 
Would it be worth giving out new license keys?  Absolutely!
Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program available for free download on the internet to anyone and everyone who wants it.  Once that happens, it's over. You aren't selling that program again.

Don't SD cards have a unique ID?  Just deploy your app on an SD card and 
tie it to that serial

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Re: Dynamic popup list (never answer before)

2004-11-16 Thread Mike Margerum
Please ignore my last post.  User error.
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Re: Dynamic popup list (never answer before)

2004-11-16 Thread Mike Margerum
I'm having a strange problem when I dynamically choose a list per this 
procedure.  If I move both lists in the frmOpen event via the 
frmSetObjectBounds call, the list still pops up in the old place when I 
call LstPopupList.  This doesnt happen if I dont intercept the 
ctlEnterEvent for that control but rather just let the default list 
popup.  Any ideas?

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Re: Palm OS's Future

2004-11-10 Thread Mike Margerum
>Dell?  You're kidding right?  You think the company that still hasn't 
sold an AMD-based PC is gonna start making Palm OS devices?  Do you 
really think they'd put that strain on their >relationship w/ MS to make 
something for Palm OS?  I'm sure of all the possible licensees, Dell is 
the one LEAST likely to not do it b/c of licensing fees and minimum 
sales contracts.

Why would using AMD processors put a strain on dell's relationship with m$?
I agree that much of Dell's success can be measured because of lower OS 
rates for windows from m$.  However, the OS cost related to the hardware 
cost in PDAs and phones is much lower so I don't think m$ can put that 
much pressure on Dell.  They could shave at most a few dollars off of 
the price.

If you don't like Dell than pick gateway or HP.  I dont care.  I was 
just making a point that palmsource needs to license their OS to whoever 
wants to build devices around it.  PalmOne clearly hasn't sworn its 
allegiance to palmSource given some of its statements in the past 6 
months.  I would bet anything at least one of those 3 companies came to 
palm to licenses the OS and was turned down because Palm wanted to 
protect its current licensees.  Protectionism doesn't work.

m$ primarily won the desktop OS war because it stayed out of the 
hardware business and licensed it's OS to anyone who wanted to build a 
whitebox.  They are approaching the embedded/PDA market the same way. 

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Re: Palm OS's Future

2004-11-08 Thread mike margerum
I want to see a device like this running os6
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Re: Palm OS's Future

2004-11-08 Thread mike margerum
Linux has a ways to go before it's any real competition to palm and m$ 
but I do think eventually it will become a major player.

I didnt say licensees didn't have to pay m$.  You have to pay a per 
device royalty and that's fine.  They just don't make you pay an initial 
large fee and a contract guaranteeing a minimum amount of royalties.  I 
guess palm didnt want to dilute the market but I say let the companies 
fight it out and the best will rise to the top.

Palm is limiting itself by only have a few major licensees, one of which 
pulled out of the U.S. market.  They are bascially down to one major 
licensee at this point so why did they even bother spinning off?

Branch out into things like media players and laptop replacements.
Trejkaz Xaoza wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 04:13, mike margerum wrote:

I just dont understand their licensing strategy.  Why not license it to
anyone who wants to build devices around it without ridiculous startup
fees and minimum sales contracts.  I can download m$'s platform builder
and start building devices today.

If you want to argue licencing, surely Linux is the way to go.  I mean, I can 
download that, start building devices, and start _selling_ the devices, 
without paying anyone.

- -- 
Email: Trejkaz Xaoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Web site:
  GPG Fingerprint: 9EEB 97D7 8F7B 7977 F39F  A62C B8C7 BC8B 037E EA73
Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Palm OS's Future

2004-11-08 Thread mike margerum
I just dont understand their licensing strategy.  Why not license it to 
anyone who wants to build devices around it without ridiculous startup 
fees and minimum sales contracts.  I can download m$'s platform builder 
and start building devices today.

Let Dell take a whack at palmOne.  Lord knows they need some competition. 

Palmsource, dont put all of your eggs into one basket or one form factor. 

I've still got $800 burning a hole in my pocket for a clamshell VGA 
wireless device.

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Re: How to remove/hide the default-scrolling-arrows from a list

2004-09-23 Thread Mike Margerum
You'll need to define
Then you can do this
   intattrSize = sizeof(listAttr);
   err = MemMove (&listAttr, &(listP->attr), attrSize);
   listAttr.hasScrollBar = 1;
   err = MemMove ( &(listP->attr), &listAttr, attrSize);

I doubt this will be portable when writing pure cobalt apps but it does 
the trick for os 5 and below.  It's a lot of work to implement a table 
when all you want is a listbox with a real scrollbar.

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Re: reading a big file and placing it into a buffer?

2004-09-20 Thread mike margerum
Note, have a look a FtrPtrNew as well.  It allocates out of storage and 
you need to use DmWrite  but its not limited by heap size.

Pjuol Jola wrote:
What's the maximum size I can initialize a buffer
using MemGluePtrNew?
I was wondering if I can just read the whole contents
of a file and put it in a buffer.  Can I read a big
file, say 2-4 mb?

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Re: I give up...

2004-09-15 Thread Mike Margerum
Why aren't you just using DmNewRecord?
Gary Olmstead wrote:
I am creating a database with DmCreateDatabase()and closing it with DmCloseDatabase().
In between, I create new records with DmNewHandle(), MemHandleLock(), then DmWrite() 
to move a structure into the record, then DmAttachRecord(), and finally MemPtrUnlock().
This seems to be working, but I get a memory leak error when I exit the program (this 
is all in POSE).  The dialog box claims that there is leak information in the log 
file, but in fact there is nothing in the log file except the Process Created: ... 
Process Exit lines.
I tried using MemPtrFree() instead of MemPtrUnlock(), and got a fatal error instead.  
I tried using MemHandleFree() instead, and got another fatal error.
Can the log file data be someplace else?
Is there any other cause for memory leaks besides not releasing chunks?
Am I leaving something out?
I see that most people who have other memory leak questions here are using MemPtrNew() instead of DmNewHandle(). Is one preferred over the other?

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Re: HTTP using NetLib on Treo 600

2004-09-15 Thread Mike Margerum
I definately only use a space before the HTTP/1.1 and it has workded for 
me on both at&t and sprint.

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Re: Detect new installation over itself

2004-09-14 Thread mike margerum
Keep a crc of yourself somewhere and pickup the 
sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify notification to see if you've changed.  
Granted, this will only worked if you install via hotsync.

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Re: HTTP using NetLib on Treo 600

2004-09-14 Thread mike margerum
One thing I can tell you is even if you request a "keep-alive" status in 
your http request, Sprint's cdma1x network will close your socket after 
each request.  You will see the "Connection: Close" in your http 
response header.  You have to create a new socket after each request.   
I never could get an answer from them on why this is.  i suppose it's 
some kind of proxy issue.

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Re: heaps

2004-09-07 Thread mike margerum
call MemHeapFreeBytes on the device in question to get the free heap.
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Re: Multiline check boxes

2004-08-04 Thread Mike Margerum
Right.  Sorry that's what I meant to say. 

Ben Combee wrote:
At 12:36 PM 8/4/2004, you wrote:
You can just build one table with a checkboxTableItem and a 
tallCustomTableItem.  The only problem with tallCustomTableItem is 
that it doesnt seem to work right on OS 3.5 and lower devices.  Thats 
why I had to roll my own.

tallCustomTableItem was implemented in Palm OS 4... that's why it 
won't work in OS 3.5 and earlier.

-- Ben Combee, DTS technical lead, PalmSource, Inc.
   "Combee on Palm OS" weblog:
   Palm OS Dev Fourm Archives:

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Re: Multiline check boxes

2004-08-04 Thread Mike Margerum
You can just build one table with a checkboxTableItem and a 
tallCustomTableItem.  The only problem with tallCustomTableItem is that 
it doesnt seem to work right on OS 3.5 and lower devices.  Thats why I 
had to roll my own.

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Re: Multiline check boxes

2004-08-03 Thread mike margerum
You can just draw the rows and checkboxes yourself on a gadget.  See 
FldCalcHeight and FntWordWrap
Timothy Dean wrote:

What is the best way to create a check box where the text has to wrap to
more than one line?  Thanks.
Timothy Dean


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Re: Anyone tried this free SQL for Palm ?

2004-07-31 Thread Mike Margerum
im getting
"Illegal bitfield decleration" in Code warrior
in SqlLiteInt.h
struct Token {
 const char *z;  /* Text of the token.  Not NULL-terminated! */
 unsigned dyn  : 1;  /* True for malloced memory, false for static */
 unsigned n: 31; /* Number of characters in this token */
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Re: Hotsync struct layout for treo 600

2004-07-15 Thread mike margerum
I think I figured out the problem.  It turns out that on the initial 
cold boot, this resource 'pref' 'psys' is not created like it is in 
other model so I just need to do a DmNewResource instead of a DmGetResource.

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Hotsync struct layout for treo 600

2004-07-15 Thread mike margerum
I have some code I wrote that programatically sets the hotsync user id 
and hotsync username for os5 devices.  I have an ARM padded struct that 
I write to the 'pref' resource.  This works great on all of the tugnsten 
and zire models but doesn't seems to be working correctly on a treo 
600.  Did they change the layout of this struct?  Can anyone tell me 
what this new layout is?

I realize writing this resource myself is problematic but we deploy 
thousands of palms and we need to build able to install our software and 
config a fixed hotsync account using an SD card.

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Re: Wav compression

2004-07-15 Thread mike margerum
Ben, so are you saying I can use the sndFormatIMA_ADPCM?  We only use 
PalmOne units right now and I am particularly interested in what the 
treo600 supports.  Will this put a header on the wav file or will I have 
to do that when I transmit the file to my server?

Ben Combee wrote:
At 11:27 AM 7/15/2004, you wrote:
The Docs for the SndStreamCreateExtended mention many sound format 
types including ADPCM and mp3.  However, the docs say only the 
sndFormatPCM type is support is OS5.  Is it up to each manufacturer 
to implement the additional types or did/will these new types show up 
in future release of garnet/cobalt?

So far, the only compression supported across the board is ADPCM.  
This API was provided as a standard way for a device manufacturer to 
add in hooks for codecs they support, either with standard libraries 
or hardware assist.  However, it hasn't been used by any of our 
licensees on any released devices, as far as I know, with the possible 
exception of the PalmOne Zire 72 -- that device has several codecs on 
it, but I didn't get a clear answer from the PalmOne documentation.  
The sample in the PalmOne SDK 3.0 only use sndFormatIMA_ADPCM as a 
format argument for SndStreamCreateExtended.  Their MiniMP3 example 
uses the PalmOne-specific CodecMgr APIs.

-- Ben Combee, DTS technical lead, PalmSource, Inc.
   Read "Combee on Palm OS" at

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Re: Wav compression

2004-07-15 Thread mike margerum
The Docs for the SndStreamCreateExtended mention many sound format types 
including ADPCM and mp3.  However, the docs say only the sndFormatPCM 
type is support is OS5.  Is it up to each manufacturer to implement the 
additional types or did/will these new types show up in future release 
of garnet/cobalt?

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Re: memory, c++ design, and include issues, heap and stack questions

2004-07-13 Thread mike margerum

I'm trying to include a freely-available A* algorithm
in my app. I've had to make a few minor mods to make
it work with Palm OS (it was written for VC++). It was
all written in one .h file and non-OO - meaning a
bunch of variable declarations and a couple methods.
When I first tried to include that file in my
'FooGame.h', I got a bunch of errors about the
variables being redeclared. So I tried converting the
A* code to an object, with separate AStar.h and
AStar.c files, and that seemed to solve the variables
being redeclared. 


It's a little confusing because you keep mentioning C files and then 
start talking about objects.  Are they CPP files? The stack is very 
limited in size so you should use a pointer to an object on the stack 
and the new/delete operators.  If you are using straight C see the 
MemPtrNew/MemPtrFree functions.  Generally speaking in most os 3.5+ 
devices you should have a least 150k of heap to deal with.  The heap 
size is fixed and determined by the handheld manufacturer.  All globals 
are placed in one 64k segment so be careful with large global array 

you should use the extern keyword in front of global variable 
declerations in header files and only define them without "extern" once. 
Also see
#pragma once
to keep a header from being included more than once. . 

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Wav compression

2004-07-13 Thread mike margerum
I have a voice recording module built into my app that we are using on 
the treo600's.  Is there any wav compression built into the Treo?  
sometthing like ADPCM?  If not, is there any code out there to do it on 
a palm?  Preferably an armlet?

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Re: Treo600 serial #

2004-06-24 Thread mike margerum
Thanks for the help with this one.  Luckily i only need to get the 
serial# during a socket session so the phone will be on.

Keyur Patwa wrote:
Yes, treo600 does have a serial number which is nothing but the IMEI number
printed on the back of the device.
You need to use the following function call for that.
PhnLibCardInfo (refNum,0,0,&version,&serial);
It is I think defined in SystemMgr.h file.
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:01 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Treo600 serial #

Does the treo600 have a serial#?  My call to
SysGetROMToken(0, sysROMTokenSnum, (UInt8**) &bufP,
which works on most flashable palms doesnt seem to be
returning anything for the 600.

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Re: Treo 600 voice capture

2004-05-14 Thread Mike Margerum
Great, thanks ben

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Treo 600 voice capture

2004-05-13 Thread Mike Margerum
From everything i've read, the treo 600 does not come with a hardware 
button to perform voice recordings.  Can I still use the SndStream 
functions to capture voice recording in my application?

Mike Margerum
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Re: Stopping an application from running

2004-04-28 Thread Mike Margerum
you could always just set the "hidden" attribute in the prc file using 
dmsetattributes  this will hide the app in the palm os launcher.

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Re: form with a bitmap (crashes)

2004-04-22 Thread Mike Margerum
I've had crashing when I used a straight bitmap instead of a bitmpa 
family id.

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Re: Syncing a handhelds time

2004-04-09 Thread Mike Margerum
Hi Randy, Thats a good suggestion but I really wanted to do it all from 
the conduit side if possible.  We have thousands of people in the field 
and I dont really want to make them upgrade their palm software just to 
fix this sync update problem.

Randy Pulsifer wrote:

Not sure if this helps, but it's easy enough to do from within the Palm -
see the comments under the TimTimeZoneToUTC Function in PalmOS Reference.
I'm assuming you have an app installed on the Palm, you could incorporate
code in your app to perform this function and define a custom applaunch code
that your conduit invokes to run the appropriate routines. Just a Thought,
YMMV. (I haven't written a conduit in a while, though I need to before the
end of the month for my latest app - wish me luck!)
Regards, Randyp
 > -Original Message-
 > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:bounce-palm-
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Margerum
 > Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 4:34 PM
 > To: Palm Developer Forum
 > Subject: Syncing a handhelds time
 > I realize this is a conduit question but there doesn't seem to be much
 > activity over there and i'm getting desperate for an answer.  I'm trying
 > to synchronize the palms time with the pc if they differ by more than 10
 > minutes.  im using the SyncReadDateTime and SyncWriteDateTime which seem
 > to be a bit buggy with regards to daylight savings time.  So I allow 70
 > minutes difference now before setting the palms time which is fine.  it
 > doesnt have to be perfect.
 > The other problem im having is when the handheld and pc have different
 > time zones.
 > 1. is there any way for me to tell if the palm and pc are running with
 > two different times zones?
 > 2. How do I get the times to both match so I can compare them properly
 > and how should I then prepare the pc time_t to be written to the palm
 > date time if I need to change the palm time.   Is the palms  dateTime
 > always in UTC?
 > I tried using
 > putenv("TZ=UTC");
 > tzset();
 > but then the time I write back to the palm gets set to UTC but the time
 > zone  stays "eastern"
 > Thanks for the help,
 > Mike
 > --
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 > please see


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Syncing a handhelds time

2004-04-08 Thread Mike Margerum
I apologize if this gets double posted.

I realize this is a conduit question but there doesn't seem to be much 
activity over there and i'm getting desperate for an answer.  I'm trying 
to synchronize the palms time with the pc if they differ by more than 10 
minutes.  im using the SyncReadDateTime and SyncWriteDateTime which seem 
to be a bit buggy with regards to daylight savings time.  So I allow 70 
minutes difference now before setting the palms time which is fine.  it 
doesnt have to be perfect.

The other problem im having is when the handheld and pc have different 
time zones.

1. is there any way for me to tell if the palm and pc are running with 
two different times zones?

2. How do I get the times to both match so I can compare them properly 
and how should I then prepare the pc time_t to be written to the palm 
date time if I need to change the palm time.   Is the palms  dateTime 
always in UTC?

I tried using
but then the time I write back to the palm gets set to UTC but the time 
zone  stays "eastern"

Thanks for the help,
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Syncing a handhelds time

2004-04-08 Thread Mike Margerum
I realize this is a conduit question but there doesn't seem to be much 
activity over there and i'm getting desperate for an answer.  I'm trying 
to synchronize the palms time with the pc if they differ by more than 10 
minutes.  im using the SyncReadDateTime and SyncWriteDateTime which seem 
to be a bit buggy with regards to daylight savings time.  So I allow 70 
minutes difference now before setting the palms time which is fine.  it 
doesnt have to be perfect.

The other problem im having is when the handheld and pc have different 
time zones. 

1. is there any way for me to tell if the palm and pc are running with 
two different times zones? 

2. How do I get the times to both match so I can compare them properly 
and how should I then prepare the pc time_t to be written to the palm 
date time if I need to change the palm time.   Is the palms  dateTime 
always in UTC?

I tried using
but then the time I write back to the palm gets set to UTC but the time 
zone  stays "eastern"

Thanks for the help,

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Re: Close to overflowing stack

2004-03-16 Thread Mike Margerum
Have you tried ?
#pragma warn_stack_usage 1

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Re: Bolrnad C++ Builder Conduit

2004-03-16 Thread Mike Margerum
There are some delphi components here:
but i dont think they are officially supporting C++ builder anymore.  
I'd either use Delphi with these components or the CDK with VC

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Re: Free / cheap web-based bug tracking?

2004-03-12 Thread Mike Margerum
We have been using Bugzilla with great success.

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Re: Japaneese port

2004-02-27 Thread Mike Margerum
Yes, thats part of it.  I need a japaneese GUI but I am also sending 
down pdb files that I assume need to be converted to widechar?  is 
widechar supported in code warrior?  I am also considering moving to the 
pilrc format.  Not sure if that helps or hurts.


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Japaneese port

2004-02-27 Thread Mike Margerum
Hi, I've already converted our application to some european languages 
but im kind of stuck on how to approach Japaneese becasue of the large 
character set involved.  Can someone kindly point me to an online 
resource that would describe this procedure.  I guess the biggest 
problem is that os4/5 does not support unicode so I have to do my own 
encoding right?

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Tungsten skins

2004-02-27 Thread Mike Margerum
I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I can find some of the 
newer palmOne model skins for the emulator.  I realize pose doesnt 
emulate ARM processors but our marketing department would like some 
screen shots with a newer model. 

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Re: Removing list arrows when using scrollbar

2003-12-03 Thread Mike Margerum
do a search in this group on ListAttrType

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Re: Alarms not always triggered

2003-11-26 Thread Mike Margerum
Are you calling AlmSetAlarm during the reset launch code?  if they soft 
reset, your alarm doesnt get reset.

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detecting a pop trigger lost focus

2003-11-25 Thread Mike Margerum
Is there an event that is fired if the user clicks on some other part of 
the screen after a pop trigger?  In other words the user popped a 
trigger list and then decided to abort choosing by clicking on some 
other part of the screen.  I dont seem to be getting either a penDown 
event or a ctlExit event.


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Re: Autostart a prc

2003-11-25 Thread Mike Margerum
Barnett, Phil R wrote:

Is there a way to set a specific prc to start after a warm restart?

Phil Barnett


cat the systemreset event and set an alarm to launch your app.

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Re: Why won't this work?

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum
I wasnt being harsh.  It's clear Dave doesn't have much C experience.
Why go through the pain of learning C on the palm platform when you can
work with a windows compiler in an almost interpreter environment?

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Re: Why won't this work?

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum
learn C using a windows compiler first.

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Re: graphic button in 3.5

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum
thanks ben that worked.  I just do a RctPtInRectangle check on a pendown 
event instead of using the ctlSelect even for my keyboard and it works 
great.  I just return false if it isnt in the rectangle and all of my 
other controls fire off properly.  Even the control partially hidden by 
the keyboard.

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Re: graphic button in 3.5

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum
Why do you need overlapping controls anyway? At the very least, disable the

appropriate (overlapped) control.



well I thought it would be nice if they could click on one of the 
partial controls.   For instance if i am partially covering a pop 
tirgger, it would be nice for them to be able to click on it and for it 
to respond and for my keyboard to go away.  hence the "floating" 
keyboard idea.  I'll have to hide 50% of the controls on my form which 
is going to look like crap.

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Re: graphic button in 3.5

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum

The order in which controls are checked for taps is reversed from Palm OS
3.x to Palm OS 4.x -- the consequence is that you can't really rely on
overlapping controls to work correctly unless you explicitly check the
controls yourself.

what do you mean by check the controls yourself?

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Re: graphic button in 3.5

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum
I dont think the frmDrawForm is going to solve my problem because i'm 
not making the keyboard active during the frmOpen event.  maybe i should 

What I am doing is during a fieldEnter, I am  resetting the graphic 
button's object bounds to put it next to the current field.  I then call 
frmShowObject on my graphics button which may place it partially on top 
of other controls.  It's drawing over top of the other controls just 
fine.  The problem is when I go to click on the graphics button, the 
control below responds to the click.  So its not a drawing issue.  any 

Mike Margerum
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Re: graphic button in 3.5

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Margerum

Graphic buttons work well in 3.5, which was the version of the OS that 
first supported them.  But after 3.5, Palm changed the order that 
objects are drawn to the screen, and your code probably makes an 
assumption about the sequence that objects are drawn.

I never really thought about the order in which they are drawn.

If this is your problem, then the solution is to hide the popup 
buttons until after you call FrmDrawForm, and then show the buttons.  
This way you determine the sequence that the objects are drawn.

Sounds like a good idea.  I'll give it a try.

Thanks guys

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Re: Strange

2003-11-12 Thread Mike Margerum
sounds like maybe you a trashing your preferences?

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Re: Living well as an independent PalmOS developer

2003-11-12 Thread Mike Margerum
I worked indepently for about 3.5 years.  In that time I would say that 
about 80% of my revenue was palm development and I made pretty good 
money at it.  The problem is I have a family now and a decent family 
healthcare plan for an independent is easily over $1,100/month in the 
states.  I just got to the point where I decided the freedom and extra 
time off I had wasnt worth the price tag and went corporate.   Its nice 
not having to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from.

If I was to go independent again,  I would focus on a few vertical 
market apps and develop and sell them.  It's way easier than 
shareware/commercial software development  IMHO.

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graphic button in 3.5

2003-11-12 Thread Mike Margerum
I have a graphical button that i popup occasionally over top of other 
controls.  Its a mini keyboard.  This works fine in 4.x-5.x devices but 
on a palm IIIc if you click on the grahics button, it selects whatever 
controls are under it.  Are graphic buttons not supported in 3.5?  What 
is my alternative?  To draw the graphic myself onto a button?

Mike Margerum
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Re: How to handle database with record number more than 64K

2003-11-08 Thread Mike Margerum
pack each record with more than 1 of your structures.

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Re: Handspring SDK in V9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Margerum
thx ben.  I had no idea that was legal.

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Handspring SDK in V9.2

2003-10-30 Thread Mike Margerum
A bunch of the enums like PhoneAppDialMethodEnum have the last entry 
ending with a comma which is causing the compiler to complain.  What can 
i do to remedy this?

typedef enum
   PhoneAppDialMethodNormal = 0,  // Normal PhnLibDial()
   PhoneAppDialMethodSATSetupCall,  // Use SIM Toolkit and respond 
 //   to the SIM's request to set 
up a call.


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Re: popup trigger

2003-10-29 Thread Mike Margerum
Alexander Galkin wrote:

I need urgent help in creating drop-down trigger. I believe it is analogous
to Windows combo boxes. Could someone tell me step-by-step how to create it
and handle selection notification. Basically, I need to create the trigger
with predefined set of strings and handle notification after new selection
has been set. Can I set strings in resources at design time?


1. Create a list in contructor with your string items.  Set usable 
attribute off
2. Create a pop selector and assign the "List ID" the resource id of the 
list box.
3. Look for popSelect event to receive notification a new pop selector 
item was chosen.
4. Buy a book on palm programming.  This is as basic as it gets

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Re: CDK 4.03 COM:> 5000 bytes record = BUG?

2003-10-29 Thread Mike Margerum
Flex wrote:

Hi ppl,

I'm getting crazy about this - I can't read a record that has more 
than 5000 bytes in - the result Variant *always* gets truncated to 
5000. In the conduit forum I explained why I can't do it with the 
standart C/C++ functions and need a COM, but does anybody have seen 
this or I'm in a BIG mistake? I need to release this project ASAP and 
it's basicly done except that dummy thing. Tried reading in google, 
newsgroups, etc - no word on that problem... am I the only one getting 
Using BCB6

you know you can build non com conduits in BCB6 right?
Why dont you just build a straight conduit DLL that calls the com servers?
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Re: Stuck with LstSetListChoices

2003-10-29 Thread Mike Margerum
I dont know if its the same problem you are having but we were getting 
blank lists when selecting a list item in the 2500 range with OS 3.5  We 
had to scroll the list after selecting an we were ok. 

We did something like this to make it draw properly
   LstSetSelection(listP, listIndex);
if (listIndex > 2500)
   topItem = LstGlueGetTopItem (listP);
   topItem -= 20;
LstSetTopItem(listP, topItem); // does not 
update the display
LstScrollList(listP, winDown, 20);// will update

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Re: Netlib problem on treo's

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Margerum

It's something to be prepared to handle, yes.  

Is there some way I can determine if the sockets will be kept alive by 
the server?  I hate to have to open these new sockets for people that 
arent going through sprints proxy.

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Re: Netlib problem on treo's

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Margerum
That seems to be exactly whats happening.  If I open a new socket after 
each request, my app seems to be working now.  Thanks for the help.  
Will creating a bunch of sockets adversely affect  my web server 

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Re: Netlib problem on treo's

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Margerum
I apologize if this post is a repeat.  im having problems with my SMTP 

To give a little more information im getting a netErrSocketNotConnected 
after each successfil post to the http server.  My connection is still 
good because if  I open a new socket after each http post my app is 
working fine.  Why would I need to do this for this phone/network 
combo?  Is it normal to occasionally lose your socket between posts to 
an http server?

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Re: Netlib problem on treo's

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Margerum
To give a little more information im getting a netErrSocketNotConnected 
after each successfil post to the http server.  My connection is still 
good because if  I open a new socket after each http post my app is 
working fine.  Why would I need to do this for this phone/network 
combo?  Is it normal to occasionally lose your socket between posts to 
an http server?

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Re: Netlib problem on treo's

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Margerum
Sorry I need to correct myself on one item:

GPRS works fine on treo 270 with at&t. 
Our problem is running the app on the treo 300 with the high speed 
sprint network.  Our connection is getting dropped at the same point 
every time in our app.

Mike Margerum

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Netlib problem on treo's

2003-10-27 Thread Mike Margerum
I have an app that uses netlib to communicate to an HTTP server.  It 
works wonderfully on the:

M515 or T with a palm modem
Tungsten T/t68i phone combo
Treo 300 using CDPD dialup
The problem is when I try to use the AT&T/TMobile GPRS  or Sprint high 
speed data connections with the treo 270/300 phones.  The connection 
looks to be getting closed in the middle of my transmission.  Is there 
something special I have to do with these types of connections with 
Netlib?  Is this some kind of weird proxy issue with the handspring 
phones over port 80?

I'm kind of at a loss here as to what to do about this problem.  I'm 
starting to feel like i'm the first guy who's ever tried to do this. 

Thanks a lot,
Mike Margerum
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Passing parameters with SysUIAppSwitch

2003-10-23 Thread Mike Margerum
After I launch an app via SysUIAppswitch, what do I need to cast cmdPBP 
in my main app to get at these parameters?

For example I am casting cmdPBP to (SysAlarmTriggeredParamType*) on an 
"sysAppLaunchCmdAlarmTriggered" launch.  What is the equivalent 
ParamType for a normal launch? 

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Re: Anyone try Borland C++ BuilderX w/ Palm SDK ?

2003-10-23 Thread Mike Margerum
I've heard they will be using some implementation of  wxWindows along 
with a GUI builder.  Personally I wish they would build something new 
that used some of the newer C++ features that wxWindows doesnt.

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Re: Force app to close

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Margerum
Loc wrote:

We have an interesting situation.  We need to shutdown an active application
when we're subcalled.  The twist is that the application we need to shutdown
is a GUI application that is denying the AppStop event until you enter a
password into a form that it pops up.  I cannot think of a way to force it
to shutdown.  The OS is 3.5.2.  Does anyone have any idea?


I have a question unrelated to your problem but relates to an earlier 
post I made.  How are you determining the active application?


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Re: Anyone try Borland C++ BuilderX w/ Palm SDK ?

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Margerum
BCBX  supports Linux now but I dont know if it will support the PalmOS 
SDK when it comes out for BCBX.  I dont see why it wouldnt as long as 
the sdk works on GCC.

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Re: Anyone try Borland C++ BuilderX w/ Palm SDK ?

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Margerum
As I understand it the mobile edition only supports the Symbian 60 
series right now.  They have announced they will be adding palm support.

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Re: Anyone try Borland C++ BuilderX w/ Palm SDK ?

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Margerum
C++ builder is not the same product as CBuilder X.  CBuilder X is 
multiplatform and compiler agnostic.  The IDE is based on the JBuilder 
IDE and is oddly enough written in java.  It can use GCC, Borland, m$, 
and sun compilers on the back end.  It also supports GDB I believe.

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Re: Anyone try Borland C++ BuilderX w/ Palm SDK ?

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Margerum
I have C++ builder X and it looks promising but I dont think it comes 
with the palm support at this point.   It should be coming soon though.

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getting running app id from sublaunched app

2003-10-22 Thread Mike Margerum
Hi I'm responding the sysAppLaunchCmdAlarmTriggered launch code in my 
application.  What I need to get ahold of is the LocalID of the running 
app (not my app responding to the alarm).  SysCurAppDatabase seems to be 
returning the id of my sublaunched app.  Is there a nicer way of getting 
at this id than popping the creator off the stack?

Mike Margerum
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treo 180/270, netlib, and apache

2003-09-25 Thread Mike Margerum
Has anyone experienced strange behavior with the treo 270/180 phones and 
netlib when connecting to an apache server?  I have an application 
running out in the field with palm modems that syncs with an apache 
server just fine via netlib.  We have 50+ people using it.  I've also 
tested it on a tungsten C and T with a bluetooth connection without a hitch.

I do a write to send a post command to the server.  Our server admin 
never sees it yet I get the proper # of bytes written back from write.  
I then do a recvfrom to get the response and I get a 0 back which 
according to the API docs means the server shut the socket down.  My 
collegaue on the server side see the connection as still active in apache.

Anyone have any ideas what the problem may be?

Mike Margerum
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Re: RscEdit on handsprings site

2003-09-10 Thread Mike Margerum

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RscEdit on handsprings site

2003-09-10 Thread Mike Margerum
I'm looking for a program on handsprings website called RscEdit.  Can 
anyone please direct me to where I could find this?


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Re: Does C++ of palm support vector?

2003-09-04 Thread Mike Margerum
just be careful.  I did have problems combining string and vector 
together.  Some of my strings were getting garbage tacked onto the end 
of them.  When I replace string with my own class, the problem went away. 

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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Mike Margerum
Also, if you only need to support OS 4.0 or greater you can use the 
tallCustomTableItem Table item type

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Re: How to wrap lines for list items?

2003-08-29 Thread Mike Margerum
Draw the list yourself using a gadget
WinDrawChars, FldCalcFieldHeight and FntWordWrap are your friends.
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Re: How to Remove Arrow symbol in List.

2003-08-28 Thread Mike Margerum
This will probrably break at some point in a future os but it works so far

assuming fDisplayList is a ListType*

   intattrSize = sizeof(listAttr);
   err = MemMove (&listAttr, &(fDisplayList->attr), attrSize);
   listAttr.hasScrollBar = 1;
   err = MemMove ( &(fDisplayList->attr), &listAttr, attrSize);

Rangababu, TNV (IndSys) wrote:

Hi All,

I am unable to format a string which consists of, Descrip.,
value, units field, even I have used "FnLineWidth" method. I am decided to
use two lists side by side and make them to feel one single list. Here I am
unable to remove Arrow symbols in the first list. Can any one help me to
remove these symbols or is their any other way I can bound the lengths of
each field as in a column, should feel they are viewing a table?
Thanks in advance,
Rangababu TNV.

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Re: Object vs Strings

2000-05-26 Thread Mike Margerum

The only difference i believe between and object with no virtual functions
and a struct is attribute are public by default in a struct and prviate in
an object.  I suppose statics would be a bad idea too.

> All objects get a vtable added to the front of the "structure" they are
> stored in, but this is not your major concern - if you are moving from a
> machine that does not have the same endianess as the palm, an objects
> become corrupt.  The same will be true if you move from a machine with a
> different word size, regardless of the endianess.  There may even be
> differences between the C++ runtime on the Palm and any other OS (I'm not
> saying there are, just that there could be - it's not a safe assumption to
> make).
> If you are never going to use the objects on the Palm, i.e. only within
> your conduit, you can do whatever you like.
> --
> For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
please see

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Re: CodeWarrior R6 on Win2000

2000-05-19 Thread Mike Margerum

are they going to patch R5 too?
- Original Message -
From: "Nesse, Rustin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 11:59 AM
Subject: RE: CodeWarrior R6 on Win2000

> These are documented problems with CW R6 on 2000.
> Codewarrior is supposed to release a patch for this really soon.
> file://* Rus Daniel Nesse
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Magnus ?or Torfason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 8:49 AM
> >To: Palm Developer Forum
> >Subject: CodeWarrior R6 on Win2000
> >
> >
> >I just upgraded:
> >CW R5 on WinNT -> CW R6 on Win2000
> >
> >I am having tremendous problems with the debugger,
> >I have tried three separate ( all clean ) installs of Win2000:
> >
> >1) It caused the IDE to hang when debugging an application
> >   (For the second time only, first time was OK).
> >   I fixed this by modifying debugger settings.
> >
> >2) It crashes the IDE if I forget to kill the application
> >   before closing the debugger.
> >   Unresolved.
> >
> >3) It causes the debugger to hang on breakpoints, instead of
> >   displaying the stack, rendering the debugger essentially
> >   useless.  Exiting CW and and reopening it causes the debugger
> >   to behave correctly for a minute or two, then it happens again.
> >
> >If anyone has similar troubles, i would be glad to
> >hear some hints or something.
> >
> >ps.  Am I not correct in thinking that Palm has taken over the
> >support for CodeWarrior.  If not, i would appreciate a pointer
> >to the right channels
> >
> >Thanks and regards,
> >
> >Magnus Torfason
> >
> >
> >--
> >For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to
> >unsubscribe, please see
> >
> --
> For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
please see

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Re: Bit packing and endianess

2000-05-19 Thread Mike Margerum

I just conditionally compile the struct based on whether its for windows or
the palm:
#ifdef WIN32
typedef struct {
 Word day   :5;
 Word month :4;
 Word year  :7;
} DateType;
typedef struct {
Word year  :7;
Word month :4;
Word day   :5;
} DateType;
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Faherty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: Bit packing and endianess

> I'm porting some of my palmos code over to a little-endian device
> It uses the MS Visual C++ compiler for the SDK.  The problem I am having
> with structures that use bit packing:
> typedef struct {
> Word year  :7;
> Word month :4;
> Word day   :5;
> } DateType;
> On Codewarrior and GCC the bits are packed starting with msb.  In VC++
> start at lsb.  So in VC++ I have to use:
> typedef struct {
> Word day   :5;
> Word month :4;
> Word year  :7;
> } DateType;
> I realize that Word (an unsigned short) is LSB versus MSB and though I
> already take that into account, the position of the bit components is
> opposite.  For example on the palm compilers year is the most significant
> bits of the Word, but in VC++ (using the top structure) year is the least
> significant 7 bits.
> Just wondering if there is a compiler directive to tell VC++ to pack those
> bits starting at the msb.  It doesn't really seem like an endianess issue
> rather a compiler preference issue.
> /* Chris Faherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> */
> /* Your Stock has crashed - you must now restart your system */
> --
> For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
please see

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