Multi-segment debugging with PRC-tools, it can be done!

2001-04-30 Thread Ton van Overbeek

I posted a message to the prc-tools-devel mailing list at sourceforge
with a description and the patches needed to get multi segment debugging
working with prc-tools (gcc/gdb). Look at the prc-tools-devel mailing
archive at

Ton van Overbeek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Who is supporting prc-tools at Palm now ?

2001-05-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek

After reading the tools-forum it seems that John Marshall is no longer
at Palm.
Since the web-site still states that prc-tools are officially supported
by Palm
I am wondering who is going to take over, if anybody at all.
With all the recent changes to developer support (my interpretation is
Palm is outsourcing all of it) I do not have very high hopes of Palm
support for prc-tools. I hope somebody can prove me wrong
Comments (official or unofficial) anybody ?

Ton van Overbeek

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Multi-Segment debugging with GDB, Take 2

2001-05-03 Thread Ton van Overbeek

The patch + (link to) binaries I posted a few days ago
still had a minor problem:
The sorting routine used in re-sorting the block vector
after relocation had two wrong comparisons for the case
of comparing blocks with the same start address. A symptom
of this mistake is that under certain circumstances local
variables do not show up in GDB.
That's what you get when making a last minute change without
proper testing 

A fixed version of the patch is now available at: (7436 bytes).

Also fixed binaries are available at: (926809 bytes).


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Makefiles, new pilrc and new build-prc one LAST time

2001-06-28 Thread Ton van Overbeek

Sally McBride wrote:
> John,
>   I posted something to the prc-tools-devel list about
> the problem(s), so I did not go into depth here.
> But bascially I started with a fresh install (i.e. no
> cygwin at all) and followed the release notes for a
> windows install at:
> Then I compiled and installed pilrc-2.8p5
> the massaging that I needed (there were other things
> that I thought I had to do, but ended up not needing)
> was to make a "empty" libm.a
> The linker was trying to link it in and since it
> didn't exist, I got an error.
> I fixed this by donig the follwing:
> echo "!\n" >  /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libm.a
> and everything works now with old makefiles

I followed (and participated) in the thread on prc-tools-devel
at sourceforge. The problem Sally ran into turns out to be
some missing symbolic links in prc-tools-2.0.92-cygwin.tar.gz.

In /usr/m68k-palmos/lib the symbolic link from libm.a to libmf.a
is missing. The commands for creating the link are in the
source for prc-tools-2.0.92 (No change from 2.0.91).

The same is true for /usr/m68k-palmos/include/math.h.
The symbolic link to mathf.h is missing.

The build procedure builds only a single precision floating point
math library. Hence the f at the end of the names.

Maybe John can update the prc-tools-2.0.92-cygwin.tar.gz file
to include these symbolic links. Maybe there are more links missing.


Ton van Overbeek

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Missing symlinks in prc-tools-2.0.92-cygwin.tar.gz

2001-06-29 Thread Ton van Overbeek

John Marshall wrote:
> [Ton]
> > The problem Sally ran into turns out to be
> > some missing symbolic links in prc-tools-2.0.92-cygwin.tar.gz.
> [...]
> > Maybe John can update the prc-tools-2.0.92-cygwin.tar.gz file
> > to include these symbolic links. Maybe there are more links missing.
> There's about half a dozen.  The problem is that I generated the
> distribution against Cygwin 1.1 a week before Cygwin 1.3 was released.
> Cygwin 1.3 implements symlinks in terms of Windows shortcuts (good), but
> it seems it doesn't understand its own older link format (bad!).
> So folks might want to use Cygwin 1.1.x until the distribution gets
> built against Cygwin 1.3...  but it might be difficult to find.
> Not a great state of affairs.  :-(

Just some additional information. When listing the contents of
prc-tools-2.0.92-cygwin.tar.gz with both version 1.1.8 and 1.3.2
of cygwin1.dll the symlinks for libm.a and math.h discussed in
the thread 'Makefiles, new pilrc and new build-prc one LAST time'
are missing.
However the following symlinks are there with both versions 
1.1.8 and 1.3.2 of cygwin1.dll (on a Win98SE system):
usr/bin/m68k-palmos-cpp.exe link to
usr/bin/m68k-palmos-g++.exe link to
usr/bin/m68k-palmos-gcc.exe link to
usr/bin/m68k-palmos-sdkfind.exe link to
usr/bin/m68k-palmos-c++.exe usr/bin/multigen.exe
link to usr/bin/m68k-palmos-multigen.exe  
usr/bin/obj-res.exe link to
usr/bin/stubgen.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ar.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/as.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/gcc.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ld.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/multigen.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/nm.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/obj-res.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ranlib.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/sdkfind.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/strip.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/bin/stubgen.exe link to
usr/m68k-palmos/real-bin/g++.exe link to
So my guess is that there might be a problem with the build script
and/or configure/Makefile generation for the libm directory for cygwin.

If I find out some more I'll let you know.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: J. Marshall: New Multiapp..

2001-09-03 Thread Ton van Overbeek

The Armadillo With The Mask wrote:
> Joe Siebenmann wrote:
> > John / PRC-Tools people,
> >
> > Could you please think about replacing your 'multiapp' multiple code section
> > example?  It's a "toy" program, and a more "realistic" example app would
> > help people through multiple code section problems much better.
> Joe,
> Go download and check out "EasyCalc". It's a full-featured app that
> uses multiple code segments and the source is included. It helped
> me get over the hump. I forget where I got it from though.
> Try EuroCool or Tucows.

The "right" reference for EasyCalc is
>From the project page you can go to the CVS archive for the up-to-date
source or to the download page with among other thing the source of all
released versions. Source includes Makefile and builds fine on
both Linux and Windows prc-tools.

Ton van Overbeek

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Multi-Segment Debugging Patches for prc-tools-2.1

2002-05-27 Thread Ton van Overbeek

John Marshall has released prc-tools-2.1 today (Thanks John).
I have been updating my multi-segment debugging patches during the
last few days using prc-tools RC3. Since there is no change in the areas
of interest for multi-segment debugging between RC3 and 2.1 I am also releasing
an update on my patches.
You'll find the details on
The original patches for prc-tools-2.0.91 are no longer available.
The work has been done on Cygwin, but the patches should also work under Linux,
Solaris, etc.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Glib problems

2005-02-26 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-02-26, Garth Wimbush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble with GLibs. The library and source code compiles
> fine, but when I try & run the app it falls over in GLibDispatch when
> trying to call the Glib, under the emulator.
> I version 5r3 of the SDK, and am compiling in a GCC Linux environment.
> My makefile output for the GLib library is as follows:
> m68k-palmos-gcc -g -IDevelopment/Palm/include -c
> Development/Palm/ADB/ADB.c -o Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB.o
> ctags -f Development/Palm/tags/ADB.tags Development/Palm/ADB/ADB.c
> m68k-palmos-ar rs Development/Palm/lib/libADB.a
> Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB.o
> echo "glib { ADB RKAD }" > Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB.def
> echo export { `m68k-palmos-nm Development/Palm/lib/libADB.a | grep ' T '
>| cut -c12- | tr "\n" " "` } >>Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB.def
> cd Development/Palm/ADB/obj; m68k-palmos-stubgen
> Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB.def
> m68k-palmos-gcc -shared -mown-gp -o Development/Palm/ADB/bin/ADBLib
> Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB-jumps.s Development/Palm/lib/libADB.a
> build-prc -o Development/Palm/ADB/bin/ADBLib.prc
> Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB.def Development/Palm/ADB/bin/ADBLib
> m68k-palmos-gcc -g -c Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB-stubs.c -o
> Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB-stubs.o
> m68k-palmos-ar rcs Development/Palm/lib/
> Development/Palm/ADB/obj/ADB-stubs.o
> This is the GDB output:
> Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
> 0x00050a22 in GLibDispatch () at palmos_GLib.c:128
> 128 palmos_GLib.c: No such file or directory.
> in palmos_GLib.c
> (gdb)
> Here is a disassembly around the failure, which occurs at
> GLibDispatch+2:
> 0x50a20 : moveal %a1@,%a0
> 0x50a22 :   cmpal #0,%a0
> 0x50a28 :   bnes 0x50a40 
> 0x50a2a :  movel %a1,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0x50a2c :  movel %d0,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0x50a2e :  movel %d2,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0x50a30 :  movel %d1,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0x50a32 :  bsrw 0x50826 
> 0x50a36 :  lea %sp@(8),%sp
> 0x50a3a :  movel [EMAIL PROTECTED],%d0
> 0x50a3c :  moveal [EMAIL PROTECTED],%a1
> 0x50a3e :  movel %a0,%a1@
> 0x50a40 :  moveal %a0@(4),%a1
> 0x50a44 :  movel %a0,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0x50a46 :  movel %d0,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 0x50a48 :  moveal %a1@,%a1
> 0x50a4a :  jmp %a1@
> 0x50a4c :  unlk %fp
> 0x50a4e :  rts
> Logfile output:
> 58.502: === WARNING:
> 58.502: === WARNING: Rocklog (unknown version) just read from memory
> location 0x2EC4, which is in the "displayWidthV
> 20" field of the form starting at 0x2EC4.
> The data at this memory location is owned by the Form Manager.
> Applications should not access the data directly. Instead
> , they should make the appropriate Form Manager calls.
> 58.502: === WARNING:
> Log_0012.txt lines 20238-20252/20252 (END)
> I am guessing that the jumps table has been corrupted in some way, but I
> am at a bit of a loss to know what to do now.
> Has anyone seen similar problems?

I am not experienced in Glibs, but if I remember correctly all data 
references should be A4 relative and not A5 relative as in normal code.
In your m68k-palmos-gcc compilation you do not have the -mown-gp (own 
global pointer) switch, so my guess is that this is the cause of your 
problems. See the prc-tools documentation for more details.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Help with a compiler error w/respect to sections in PDS ...

2005-03-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-03-02, Chris Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What does this mean in PODS and how do I fix it?
> section attribute not allowed for `double blah(double, double)'
> The functions all look like this:
> #define SECTION __attribute__ ((section (myfns)))

Section names have to be enclosed in quotation marks.
So the above should be
#define SECTION __attribute__ ((section ("myfns")))
See section 4.23 about attribute syntax in the gcc-2.95.3 docs.

> double blah(double a, double b) SECTION;
> Chris Olson
> PS.  I'm new to the GNU tool chain (actually, its just been a LONG 
> time ...) on the palm, and I've read the docs, and scoured the archives 
> (which are really tough to search by-the-way, at least for the issues 
> I've been having ...
> PSS.  As a matter of fact, I got this style from the PRC docs web-site...
> PSSS.  I've got a valid sections.def set up already ...

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Multisegment code app built "ok", but it doesn't start ok

2005-03-15 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-03-15, Goran Todorovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Bob!
> I have several tens of functions in the app, among them only four assigned 
> for the new code segment (one form's event handler + three functions used by 
> the handler).
> So PilotMain() should be inside code#0 segment?
> Thanks,
> Goran

Just to be a bit pedantic ...
PilotMain is in the code#1 resource of the prc.
If you analyse a prc with PRC-Explorer you see there is always a small 
code#0 resource which contains stack size preference, etc. In fact it is a 
leftover from the original Macintosh resource model used in PalmOS.
In terms of prc-tools. PilotMain should be in the 'normal' segment 
(.text), *not* in one fo the sections declared in the .def file.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: fatal exception from multiplication in gcc compiled callback

2005-04-05 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-04-05, Greg Sepesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to implement a UInt32 x UInt32 multiply (discarding the most
> significant 32 bits of result) in a callback for a sound stream, but the
> multiplication is causing a fatal exception (on a Zire 31).  From 
> looking at the assembly language produced by gcc, the reason for the 
> exception appears to be the attempted use of a global (not available in 
> callback). 
> Here's the applicable data structure and code:
> typedef struct PeckAudioType {
>SndStreamRef streamRef;
>UInt32 fileSize;
>UInt32 fileOffset;
>FileRef fileRef;
>UInt32 bufferCount;
>UInt32 s;
>UInt32 a;
>UInt32 b;
> } PeckAudioType;
> Err CallbackPeckAudio(void *pUserData, 
>SndStreamRef stream, 
>void *bufferP, 
>UInt32 frameCount) 
> {
>PeckAudioType *pPeckAudio = (PeckAudioType *)pUserData;
>Err err;
>/* Read next sound stream buffer from file. */
>err = VFSFileRead(pPeckAudio->fileRef, frameCount*2, bufferP, NULL);
>pPeckAudio->a *= pPeckAudio->b;  /* LINE 8 */
> - - -
> The assembly language for Line 8 is:
> .globl CallbackPeckAudio
> CallbackPeckAudio:
> ...
>   .ln 8
>   move.l [EMAIL PROTECTED](%a5),%a0
>   add.l #__mulsi3,%a0 /*JANE2*/
>   move.l 28(%a2),-(%sp)
>   move.l 24(%a2),-(%sp)
>   jsr (%a0)
>   addq.l #8,%sp
>   move.l %d0,24(%a2)
> - - -
> Noting that changing the multiplication to addition causes an in-line
> calculation and allows the sound stream callback to work properly, I
> tried gcc's inline assembly.
> Err CallbackPeckAudio(void *pUserData, 
>SndStreamRef stream, 
>void *bufferP, 
>UInt32 frameCount) 
> {
>PeckAudioType *pPeckAudio = (PeckAudioType *)pUserData;
>Err err;
>/* Read next sound stream buffer from file. */
>err = VFSFileRead(pPeckAudio->fileRef, frameCount*2, bufferP, NULL);
> //   pPeckAudio->a *= pPeckAudio->b;
>   move.l   28(%a2),%d0; 
>   mulu.l   24(%a2),%d0; 
>   move.l   %d0,24(%a2);
> - - -
> However, that results in the compiler error: "invalid instruction for
> this architecture; needs 68020 or 68030 or 68040 or 68060 or cpu32 or
> 5200 or 5206e or 5307 or 5407 -- statement `mulu.l 24(%a2),%d0'
> ignored".  That's a bit confusing because the MC68EZ328 User Manual
> lists a mulu instruction in its EC000 instruction set.  I've never had
> to mess much with the prc-tools.  Do I need to somewhere specify that I
> want gcc to produce MC68EZ328 instructions?
> Before I get into this any deeper, I'd like to ask how others have
> implemented multiplications from within callbacks.
> Thanks,
> Greg

The assembler in the m68k-palmos-gcc backend defaults to the bare-bones 
m68000 instruction set. You can see this if you do 'm68k-palmos-gcc 
As a workaround use the '-Wa,-m68020' option to force the assembler to 
recognize the mulu.l instruction.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Where is the Tungsten E simulator?

2005-04-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-04-09, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Could somebody post the directions how to locate the Tungsten E simulator
> on the PalmSource Web site? I know that it exists, because I have
> downloaded it in the past and have installed it on one of my computers.
> Now I want to install it on another - and can't manage to locate it. :-(
> I found various generic Garnet simulators - but I remember quite well that
> there was one specific for Tungsten E.

Short answer: Nobodyi can.
It is not on the PalmSource site but on the PluggedIn PalmOne site. See below.

> I'm not asking for an URL, because the simulators are behind the developer
> login - I am asking someone to describe how to find the Tungsten E
> simulator once I have logged in.

Log in to the PluggedIn site
Once you are logged in select 'development resources' -> Tungsten on the 
left hand side.
In the search criteria select:
   Device: Tungsten, Resource Type: Simulators, Date: Any.
You will find the TungstenE simulator there ( May 21, 2004).

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Displaying an alert on sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify

2005-04-12 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-04-12, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I am trying to test the conjecture that the Emulator and the Simulators don't 
> send a sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify launch code when an application is installed 
> on them via drag-n-drop. For this purpose, I have written the following small 
> application:
> #include 
> #include "OnLoad.h"
> UInt32 PilotMain (UInt16 cmd, void *cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags) 
> { 
> switch (cmd)
> {
> case sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify:
> FrmAlert (kMyAlert);
> break;
> default:
> break;
> }
> return 0;
> } 
> Indeed, when this application is drag-n-dropped onto the Emulator or any of
> the Simulators, nothing happens. However, a complete test would involve 
> verifying that the alert *is* displayed on the real device. 
> Unfortunately, when I try to put the above application on a real device 
> (Tungsten E, running PalmOS 5.2.1), the HotSync process hangs at the end 
> (when the "Cleaning up" message is displayed) and I have to reset the
> device. No alert is displayed.
> Can somebody figure out what the problem is? Is it allowed to display
> alerts, despite that another application (the HotSync application) is 
> still running?
> BTW, if I also add the
> case sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch:
> line just above the
> case sysAppLaunchCmdSyncNotify:
> line, the alert *is* displayed when the application is launched.
> Regards,
> Vesselin

Look at how this is solved in the DotDotTwo application.
Search for dotdottwo on
When it handles the sysNotifyResetFinishedEvent it only sets an alarm.
It then displays when the alarm triggers.

My guess is that the end of hotsync behaves similar, i.e. no UI available.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Assembler message (prc-tools)

2005-04-21 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-04-21, Miguel Angel Sotomayor Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've searched in the forum archives and I've seen similar problems, but 
> I haven't been able to solve my problem yet.
> I added a couple of functions to one of my source code file. Because of 
> the size, my application has 4 segments. After I added these two 
> functions to "storecheckMain.c" I noticed that one of my sections was 
> full. So I created a new one and move some functions to this new one. 
> Then, I tried to compile again but this time there was an assembler 
> message:
> /home/miguel/tmp/ccIY1ZOg.s: Assembler messages:
> /home/miguel/tmp/ccIY1ZOg.s:11841: Error: value out of range
> /home/miguel/tmp/ccIY1ZOg.s:11841: Error: Value of -32902 too large for 
> field of 2 bytes at 0x2b8
> /home/miguel/tmp/ccIY1ZOg.s:11845: Error: value out of range
> /home/miguel/tmp/ccIY1ZOg.s:11845: Error: Value of -32912 too large for 
> field of 2 bytes at 0x2c2
> and more lines like these.

This could be a very large switch statement. I am suspicious because the 
linenumbers in the assembly file are large and the 'field of 2 bytes' is 
probably the switch variable at the beginning of the file.

Look at the generated assembly (you can use m68k-palmos-gcc -S) and see
for your self what happens at lines 11841 and 11845.

If it is a large switch, you will have to break it up in several switch
statements for the various ranges of the switch variable.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Where to find a PalmOS 4.x simulator?

2005-04-24 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-04-23, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can redirect IRDA to the emulator's serial port or put the
>> emulated device in loopback mode. Both are described in the POSE
>> manual, IIRC.
> Uhm, *where* is that?? All I could find was some PDF file containing a 
> document named "Using Palm OS Emulator". It contains the word "infrared" only 
> once, in the following context:
>> IR port  Specifies which port Palm OS Emulator uses to emulate
>>  infrared communications on the handheld.
>> NOTE: This function is not currently supported.
> which pretty much matches my observations. So, how do I do it? I have already 
> redirected the serial port to TCP/IP and the Net.Lib calls too - but it 
> doesn't help.
> Regards,
> Vesselin

Here is something from the old Palm FAQ:
3.9 - How can I debug beaming?

by Jay Hong

To debug beaming, use POSE. Please note that you will need a fairly fast 
computer for this to be successful (500MHz+). Also note that I have only 
used this process to beam apps, but it should also allow debugging.

   1. Install the program you want to debug on POSE and on a real Palm 
  unit. If there are two different programs, load one onto the Palm 
  and the other into POSE. The one you're interested in debugging goes
  into the POSE session.
   2. Place the Palm in the cradle.
   3. Turn off HotSync Manager.
   4. Set POSE to use the serial port the cradle is connected to.
   5. On POSE, go into MemoPad and enter shortcut.s This redirects IR 
  beaming to the serial port. Do the same on the Palm in the cradle.
   6. Beam a database in launcher to ensure that beaming is working 
   7. Debug beaming.
   8. On Palm, go into MemoPad and enter shortcut.s to direct beaming back 
  to the IR port. Do the same in POSE. 

If you lose track of whether or not IR is redirected, reset the device. 
When a device comes out of reset, IR is directed to the IR hardware.

The trick is shortcut s. I have no idea if this also works on PalmOS 5 


Ton van Overbeek

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[ANN] tcpusb-0.1: USB debugging for m68k-palmos-gdb

2005-05-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Finally you can use m68k-palmos-gdb with USB devices.

I made a tcp-usb bridge (same idea as Florent Pillet's bridge for MacOS) which  
works both under Cygwin and Linux. 
For the impatient: the files are on .
Since I have no way to test all combinations of USB devices and Windows and
Linux versions, I need your help to try this out.
The best way to send comments is to post them on the PalmSource tools-forum
( and/or sent them to the 
prc-tools-devel mailinglist at sourceforge 
When the code turns out to be usable with many devices I might integrate
it directly into m68k-palmos-gdb, so you could say something like
"target palmos usb:".
I have tried tcpusb 0.1 with a Tungsten T and T3 on WinXP/SP2, Win2K, 
Linux 2.4.27, 2.6.8 and 2.6.11. Also some limited testing with a Handspring
Visor was done.
One caveat for Linux: The 2.6.11-rcx versions do not work due to a bug in the
usbfs code. The major distribution affected by this is Knoppix 3.8.x which uses
Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PODS and multi-segment applications

2005-05-03 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-03, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> The size of my code 1 segment is approaching 31 Kb, so I guess I should
> start hitting various kinds of limits soon...
> First of all, does the gcc compiler have the equivalent of "smart model" 
> that CodeWarrior has? That is, one that uses short relative jumps, whenever
> possible, and long ones to jump accross more than 32 Kb of code?

m68k-palmos-gcc does not support CodeWarrior's smart model.

> Second, how do I make my application a multi-segment one with PODS? It ought
> to be possible, because it uses the gcc compiler and that compiler (and
> linker) supports multi-segment applications, according to this
> but how to do it from PODS? All I could find in the documentation
> was that
> "Sample code generated by the 68K application wizard contains two files to
> help you create multi-segment applications, if your application is
> sufficiently large to require multiple segments. These files are Sections.h
> and Sections.def. You can read the instructions in these files on how to
> use them."
> This isn't terribly helpful. I created a new starter application and  at no
> point did the wizard ask me whether it is to be a multi-segment
> application - and no Sections.* files were generated, either. So, how do I
> do it?

Obviously, you use 'managed make' projects in PODS. When you create a 
'standard make' project, the Sections.* files are created.
To get an idea outside PODS, using only make and gcc, look at the multiapp
sample application in prc-tools-samples, available as part of the 
prc-tools-samples collection in the download section of

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Where is the entry point of the applications?

2005-05-03 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-03, Chris Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, I was right... it's declared like this:-
> UInt32 __Startup__ ( void )
> {
> }
> Dr. Vesselin Bontchev wrote:
>>Hello folks,
>>When an executable application is loaded by PalmOS, where is the point that
>>receives control first? No, it is not PilotMain - it's much before that;
>>there is some startup code that calls PilotMain. How to determine the 
>>of the first instruction that will get executed in the code 1 resource? 
>>Also, what is the code 0 resource for?

No, only if you are using CodeWarrior.
In m68k-palmos-gcc it is 'UInt32 start(void)'.
The execution starts at the first instruction of the code 1 resource.
The start() function is part of crt0.o. If that file is not linked first,
buildprc or the equivalent in PODS places a 2 word 'jump to start()' 
instruction at the beginning of the code 1 resource (which causes all 
symbolic addresses to be off by 4 ...).
See the c runtime source in prc-tools CVS on
There is some other interesting stuff being done before PilotMain is 
called which potential virus writers could use.

The code 0 resource contains preferences about stacksize, etc. Google for 
it and you will find some interesting stuff.
The whole resource philosphy was inherited from the classical 68k Macintosh
(including code 0) when PalmOS 1.0 was developed.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Where is the entry point of the applications?

2005-05-03 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-03, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The execution starts at the first instruction of the code 1
>> resource.
> Thanks. Are you sure about this? That was one of the places I thought of
> checking and the code there didn't make much sense to me. It looks
> something like this:
> ORI.B #1,D0 ; Set the lowest bit of D0 to 1? What for?
> PEA $some_small_number
> ADDI.L #some_big_number,(SP)
> Is that a way to transfer control to address = some_big_number + 
> some_small_number by pushing the result of the addition on the stack and 
> doing a return? Why does it have to be done in such a bizarre way? Can't
> it jump directly?
> Perhaps the reason for my confusion is that my knowledge of the 68k assembly
> language is a bit on the lacking side... Maybe it cannot jump directly
> because the jmp instruction can take only a relative 16-bit value and the
> location could be more than 32 Kb away from the beginning? Then why the 
> addition? Maybe there isn't an instruction to push a large enough number
> on the stack directly?

It has to do with the locking of the code 1 resource into memory. The 
memory manager can move unlocked resources around to compact the storage 
heap.i So the launch code looks up the code 1 resource, pushes its start
address on the stack and jumps to it with RTS.
The D0 register is typically used for integer type return codes by most
68k compilers.

>> The code 0 resource contains preferences about stacksize, etc.
>> Google for it and you will find some interesting stuff.
> Oh, I did - but the article I found told me that "it is not clear what the
> code 0 is for" and that different compilers seem to put different things 
> there. :-)
> Also, I thought that things like the stack size, etc. were put in an
> application preferences resource? At least the resource editor of PODS 
> offered me to put such things there when I tried creating such a resource 
> - originally I thought that I could put some preferences specific to my
> application in such a resource; you know, the kind of stuff that
> PrefSetAppPreferences saves.

All old PalmOS history ... Now, indeed the requested (68k) stack size is
part of the preference resource.

Look at the SystemMgr.c code in the Limited PalmOS 4 sources. You'll find 
the answer to your questions there.
Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Where is the entry point of the applications?

2005-05-03 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-03, Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:03 AM 5/3/2005, you wrote:
>> > It has to do with the locking of the code 1 resource into memory.
>> > The memory manager can move unlocked resources around to compact
>> > the storage heap.i So the launch code looks up the code 1
>> > resource, pushes its start address on the stack and jumps to it
>> > with RTS.
>>Sorry, I still don't understand. Most of what you describe above is done 
>>by the OS (the Memory Manager). OK, so it finds the most appropriate place 
>>where to move the code 1 resource, locks it, and transfers control to it.
>>But it's not it (the Memory Manager) that does the weird push/ret stuff - 
>>it's the first few instructions of the loaded code 1 resource. Are you 
>>saying that, after loading them in memory, the memory manager *modifies* 
>>the operands of these instructions, in order to reflect the place of the 
>>code 1 resource in memory?
> No... look at the code at the start of a CW 'code' #1 segment again:
> ORI.B #$01,D0 ; '.' |  0001
> 0004PEA   *+$0006 ; 000A| 487A 0004
> 0008ADDI.L#$0FB6,(A7) ; ''  | 0697  0FB6
> 000ERTS | 4E75
> The instruction at  is filler -- I think it's there because of some 
> quirk on the old Macintosh.
> At 0004, you push the current address plus 6 on the stack.  This gets 
> you a pointer into the currently executing code.
> At 0008, you modify that address by adding a value to it.  This is the 
> offset into the 'code' #1 resource where __Startup__ lives, and is set at 
> link time.
> At 000E, you jump to that address using an RTS instruction.
> Is this the simplest code that can do this?  Yes, at least using the 
> original 68K instruction set.  If you look at long jumps in the CW 
> generated code after a link, you'll see a similar sequence.  If the linker 
> put __Startup__ at the beginning of the resource, then this wouldn't be 
> needed, although CW's linker doesn't do that optimization.  If __Startup__ 
> was within 32K, it could be done with a direct jump, but its easier in the 
> linker to always assume a long jump here, as that avoided multiple code 
> paths and kept the offset to the first real code the same.

Sine I am a prc-tools guy, I did not know the CodeWarrior startup, and 
hence the code sequence Ben commented above. 
Prc-tools uses a much simpler approach: the linker is called with crt0.o 
as first object file. Hence start() is at offset 0 from the .text section
in the linker output. Normally the .text section maps one to one to the 
code 1 resource.
If startup() (for some reason, i.e. SysLibs) is not at the beginning of 
the .text section, then buildprc puts in a jump to start() at
the beginning of the code 1 resource.
By the way, this possible moving around of code resources in the Palm 
memory is the reason the code is normally compiled as PIC (Position 
Independent Code). Hence the limitation of +/-32K branches.
Otherwise you need extensive relocation in the runtime startup.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: shut down problem

2005-05-04 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-04, Scott Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henk,
> Could this be the reason... I have a struct to hold my app settings.  I 
> make one declaration of that to be global.  In appstart i allocate memory 
> for it with memptrnew and a temporary memprt.  then i use in in many 
> functions with no problems.  then in appstop i try to free the memory with 
> MemPtrFree(currentSettings);  yet the simulator tells me i have an unfreed 
> chunk (same as the value of the pointer to the variable), and the device 
> softresets at this point.  how can i free the chunk of mem i am using for 
> this variable?  below is some relavent code from my app...
> (the declaration is above all function calls, but below all function 
> headers)
>  typedef struct{
>   Boolean monitor;
>   UInt32 aUpdate;
>   Char* lastUpdate;
>   Char* license;
>  } appSettings;
> appSettings *currentSettings;
> (in appstart)
> MemPtr temp;
>  UInt16 appSettingsSize;
>  appSettingsSize = sizeof(currentSettings);
This is wrong. sizeof(currentSettings) is 4 since currentSettings is a 
pointer. I guess you mean sizeof(appSettings) instead.
Hence your allocated memory is too small and you are overwriting other

>  temp = MemPtrNew(appSettingsSize);
>  currentSettings = temp;
> (in appstop)
> MemPtrFree(currentSettings);

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: debug treo - is it possible?

2005-05-04 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-05, IanB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> libusb-win32 filter locks my machine up and won't uninstall. I can't
> reinstall, either. Help.

Under W2k/XP it starts a process called libusbd-nt.exe. Start Windows Task 
Manager, find it under Processes, and kill it before you try to uninstall 
it. Maybe this helps.
I have no experience with libusb under W98/Me.

Ton van Overbeek 

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Re: debug treo - is it possible?

2005-05-05 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-06, IanB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should I use the standard cygwin or the palmos cygwin? I've installed the
> standard cygwin, is that a problem?

Using the standard Cygwin installation is fine. This is what I am doing 
myself. I keep my Cygwin installation up to date and my PODS uses the 
standard Cygwin installation (custom installation of PODS).
Using different versions of Cygwin on the same computer is asking for 

In an email to me you asked what to do with tcpusb-0.1.tar.bz2.
Open a Cygwin command window and go to the directory where 
tcpusb-0.1.tar.bz2 is located.
Unpack the archive with the command 'tar jxvf tcpusb-0.1.tar.bz2'.
The contents of tcpusb-0.1.tarbz2 is:
The Cygwin executable is (guess): tcpusb-0.1/Cygwin/tcpusb.exe.

Ben Combee wrote:
> Yes, you need the driver that's installed with the Palm Desktop 4.1 that
> comes with the Treo 600.
Just to be clear: You need this driver for HotSync. For debugging it is 
not needed.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: debug treo - is it possible?

2005-05-06 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-06, IanB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure if I replied group.
> (Also, what is the unix command to change directory?)
> I use CW9, not the PODS. m68k-palmos-gdb uses output only from PODS, and not
> CW9?
The fileformat from CW9 is *not* compatible with prc-tools.
You do not need the full PODS to recompile your app with prc-tools, you 
can also use classical command-line tools and make (which is what PODS 
does behind the scenes anyway).

> Is there a process to switch from one IDE to the other, so I can easily
> produce the file required for m68k?  I'll research the PODS documentation,
> but I am under the impression projects are developed in one IDE or the
> other.

Main problem is the conversion of resources (form, bitmaps etc.) and the 
different way multiple sections/segments are handled. For a single 
section/segment application it could be fairly easy.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Which pipe to use when connecting to palm via USB cradle

2005-05-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-09, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have already got all the code I need to connect to my palm using the USB
> cradle.
> I am currently opening the pipe using:-
> CreateFile("\\?\vid ... \\PIPE00", etc...)
> Whilst this works fine for my Tungsten T3, my Tungsten T uses different
> pipes for the network connection.
> T3 uses pipe00(read) and pipe01(write)
> T uses pipe02(read) and pipe03(write)
> Tests have shown other devices use various combinations of pipes
> My code must support various devices so I need a way of determining which
> pipes are used by the device.
> I have tried opening all the pipes and simply using the first one that sends
> data but this can cause a bluescreen if the palm is doing a cradle
> hotsync.
> How can I determine the correct pipe to use for any device?

Look at how it is done in libpisock in pilot-link: .
For PalmOne devices use PALM_GET_EXTENDED_CONNECTION_INFO and look for the
pipes with the function_id 'psys'. These are the console/debug ports on 
USB devices. For other devices you have to do other things.
See also the darwinusb.c file in libpisock.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Help me,It's Urgent..Debugging Problem

2005-05-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>I am using CYGwin PRCTools on windows. I want to debug it on TREO600
> Simulator.Previouly,Project was on Linux Environmnt. To debug for
> TREO600(able for windows only),I had to shift it to windows. I am able to
> connect on POSE(Emulator)but not to TREO600 Simulator. 
> Please help me out. Thank You.

One big difference between POSE and the various simulators is that you 
have to use the 'gdbpanel' application on the simulators in order to set
the 'gdbS' feature needed for debugging with m68k-palmos-gdb.

See Section 5 ( in
the prc-tools documentation for more details.

Also if you do see the 'waiting' message in m68k-palmos-gdb it means the 
TCP connection to the simulator port 2000 has been established.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Help me,It's Urgent..Debugging Problem

2005-05-10 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-10, Dr. Vesselin Bontchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One big difference between POSE and the various simulators is that
>> you have to use the 'gdbpanel' application on the simulators in
>> order to set the 'gdbS' feature needed for debugging with
>> m68k-palmos-gdb.
> You don't need anything like that when using the default PODS debugger (i.e.,
> when you click on the green bug button) - I assume it means that it is
> using a different debugger. What you're saying probably holds for the
> stand-alone debugger - the one that is accessed by clicking on the red
> bug button of PODS.

No, the stand-alone debugger in PODS does not need gdbpanel. It uses a 
different way to get the necessary information (mainly the start addresses 
of the various segments). gdbpanel is only needed if you are using the 
m68k-palmos-gdb debugger included in prc-tools.

> Speaking of gdbpanel, is the PRC file available from somewhere? I found the
> source easily enough but it's a PilRC project and I'm using PODS and
> don't feel like converting it into a PODS project just in order to compile
> it...

Where did you get the source ? Both download versions on the sourcefore 
download page (
prc-tools-samples.tar.gz and contain the final prc
files. No need to compile yourself.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Unusual problem.

2005-05-28 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-05-28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, 
>  I am facing a very usual problem. My application run fine on zire and
> tungsten series, but on Treo600 it crashes. 
> Output of debug is as follows. The HashedStringCompare Function doesn't
> return to position from where it is called. instead it again start
> execution from the 153 lines. Please help me out
> m68k-palmos-gdb -command=debugfile Fortress
> GNU gdb 5.3-tvo-20031229
> Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
> welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
> Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
> There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
> This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=m68k-palmos"...
> debugfile:1: Error in sourced command file:
> localhost:2000: Connection refused.
> (gdb) target palmos
> Remote debugging under PalmOS using localhost:2000
> Waiting... (Press Ctrl-C to connect to halted machine)
> Program received signal SIGSTOP, Stopped (signal).
> PilotMain (cmd=0, cmdPBP=0x0, launchFlags=174) at Fortress.c:7362
> 7362  UInt32 alarmTime = 0,nowTime = 0;
> (gdb) b 8539
> No line 8539 in file "Fortress.c".
> (gdb) b 5839
> Breakpoint 1 at 0x11106794: file Fortress.c, line 5839.
> (gdb) c
> Continuing.
> Breakpoint 1, SetPassword3FormHandleEvent (eventP=0x102d69c4) at 
> Fortress.c:5839
> 5839   
> GetFieldText(SetPassword3FormField,&passwordString);
> (gdb) n
> 5840   StrCopy(digest,passwordString);
> (gdb) n
> 5841   result = HashedStringCompare(gMasterPassword, 
> digest);
> (gdb) s
> HashedStringCompare (
> hashedString=0x10027684 "?o8\nÈÎ|[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
> newString=0x102d4910 "a") at crypto.c:149
> 149 MemSet(digest, kMD5HashSize, 0);
> (gdb) n
> 150 StrCopy(digest, newString);
> (gdb) n
> 151 GetMD5HashedString( digest );
> (gdb) n
> 153 result = StrCompare(hashedString, digest);
> (gdb) n
> 154 StrCopy(newString, digest);
> (gdb) n
> 157 return true;
> (gdb) n
> 0x1110736e  160 }
> (gdb) n
> 153 result = StrCompare(hashedString, digest);
> (gdb) n
> 154 StrCopy(newString, digest);
> (gdb) n
> Heres is the Function
> Boolean HashedStringCompare( CharPtr hashedString, CharPtr newString){
>   Int8 result = 0;
>   Char digest[kMD5HashSize];
>   MemSet(digest, kMD5HashSize, 0);
>   StrCopy(digest, newString);
>   GetMD5HashedString( digest );
> //if(digest != 0 && hashedString != 0)
>   result = StrCompare(hashedString, digest);
>   StrCopy(newString, digest);
> //if(result == 0)
>   return true;
> //else
> //return false;
> }
> Regards 
> Deepak Singh

Your digest string is a local variable and hence on the stack. Check if 
the StrCopy calls do not overwrite the allocated storage for digest.
If they do, they might overwrite the return address (also on the stack)
and hence the function returns to some arbitrary location.
Maybe you were just lucky on Zire and Tungsten.
Inspect your strings and use assembly level debugging to inspect memory.


Ton van Overbeek

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Tcpusb-0.2 available. Fixes debugging on Treo 600.

2005-05-29 Thread Ton van Overbeek
This version fixes the debugging for the Treo 600. This did not work in 
tcpusb-0.1. Thanks to Deepak Singh for reporting the problem and testing
the new version and to Florent Pillet for assisting in finding the 

Tcpusb-0.2 can be found at .
Please report successes and failures on the PalmSource tools forum or
on the prc-tools-devel mailinglist.

Ton van Overbeek

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please see

Re: Debugging with PODS on Tungsten T

2005-06-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-01, Jonathan Dudley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Sorry, I have searched for an answer to this question, but was unable to 
> find it. Any help?
> Thanks again.
> "Jonathan Dudley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> Hi All,
>> Sorry, I have looked in the archives for an answer to my question, and was
>> unable to figure out my problem.
>> I have a Palm Tungsten T, and have recently downloaded PODS (Version:
>>, Build ID: 19E_120GMC). Debugging on the Emulator and Simulator
>> seems to be working, but I am unable to debug on my Tungsten T. My 
>> Tungsten
>> T is connected to my PC via the USB cradle. I have placed it in console 
>> mode
>> using the dotdottwo program.
>> I have created the hello world application sample project for a managed 
>> make
>> 68k project, and when I try to debug using Device (USB) as the target I 
>> get
>> the following error:
>> Launching (Error: Target request failed: Target is not responding (timed
>> out).)
>> There are more details in the details window, but as I seem to not be able
>> to copy from the window, I would have to type it out. If you need these
>> details to solve the problem I can do so.
>> My question is, should I be able to debug on the device, or is there some
>> issue with the Tungsten T? Please help!
>> Thanking you all in advance,
>> Best regards,
>> Jonathan

Have you stopped/disabled HotSync? A running HotSync will 'grab' the USB 


Ton van Overbeek

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please see

Re: PODS 1.2 - Still not running correctly

2005-06-04 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-03, Jürgen Wind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I know that you can't hear it anymore, but the problem still persists:
> PODS 1.2 doesn't start program in Simulator or Emulator  ( same problem
> as with PODS 1.1 )
> PODS 1.0 runs fine.
> The error is:
> Unable to launch Target Environment:
> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException:
> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.command.Command.throwMIException(Unknown
> Source)
> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.command.Command.getMIInfo(Unknown Source)
> com.palmsource.eclipse.palmoscore.internal.launch.PalmLaunchDelegate.postCommand(Unknown
> Source)
> com.palmsource.eclipse.palmoscore.internal.launch.PalmLaunchDelegate.launchForRunning(Unknown
> Source)
> com.palmsource.eclipse.palmoscore.internal.launch.PalmLaunchDelegate.launch(Unknown
> Source)
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIException:
> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.command.Command.throwMIException(Unknown
> Source)
> org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.command.Command.getMIInfo(Unknown Source)
> com.palmsource.eclipse.palmoscore.internal.launch.PalmLaunchDelegate.postCommand(Unknown
> Source)
> com.palmsource.eclipse.palmoscore.internal.launch.PalmLaunchDelegate.launchForRunning(Unknown
> Source)
> com.palmsource.eclipse.palmoscore.internal.launch.PalmLaunchDelegate.launch(Unknown
> Source)
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
> I know that I'm not the only one.
> All the people have more or less the same configuration:
> Windows XP SP2 Home/Professional GERMAN, Firewall off
> It's seems to be a strange coincidence, but all the Windows versions are
>  German ones.
> I doubt that this is a conspiracy started at PalmSource ;-)
> I would really, REALLY love to use the new features of PODS 1.2 and
> don't want to be stuck with 1.0
> So, dear people at PalmSource, what can we do to help you resolve the
> problem ?

The reason/solution to this was give a few days ago. Eclipse uses netstat 
to check if something is listening on port 2000. It uses 'netstat -aop' 
and searches for the string LISTENING. In a German Windows versions 
'netstat -aop' returns strings not with LISTENING but something with 
Quick and dirty solution: replace netstat with the one from an English
Windows version.


Ton van Overbeek

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please see

Re: Putting globals in code sections, side effects ??

2005-06-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-09, Nicolas T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello 
> I am using prc-tools 2.3 on Cygwin 1.5.10 and Windows XP SP2.
> From what I understand, the "section" attribute affects only code.
> Until now I thought specifying a section for global variables 
> had absolutely no effect.
> However, I am working on a project where it has been done, and 
> we are seeing unexpected results like the program crashes or
> variables that get overwritten.
> The code generated is not quite the same then.
> It seems putting a variable "in" a section (whatever that means
> for a variable) does have some effect after all (although 
> said effect is undesirable).
> Can someone comment on this?  
> Which is correct:
> Specifying a section for a global variable
> - should NOT be done?
> - has no effect?
> - should be done under certain circumstances?
> - other?
> Thanks,
> Nicolas

All global variables end up in the single data.0 resource in the prc.
There is no such thing as multiple data sections.
>From this it is quite obvious:

- Do *not* specify a section for a global variable.

If you do, there is a chance of overlapping variable references (as you 

Ton van Overbeek
P.S. Is this the same problem you addressed in tools-forum?

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Re: Putting globals in code sections, side effects ??

2005-06-10 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-10, nthamer n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ton,
> Thanks for your reply
>> - Do *not* specify a section for a global variable.
>> If you do, there is a chance of overlapping variable 
>> references (as you noticed).
> So if I did
> - var1 in default section
> - var2 in section 1
> The compiler would generate code to access:
> - var1 at offset 0 in default section
> - var2 at offset 0 in in section1
> But the the linker creates one section for all data
> So var1 and var2 overlap
> Correct?

Yes, it is a bit more complicated than this, but the references to the
global variables generated in the code have this efect.

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Re: the LifeDrive simulator

2005-06-11 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-11, Paul Nevai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All:
> Has any of you managed to use the standard "Address Lookup" menu command [aka
> PhoneNumberLookup()] found in most PIM apps on the LifeDrive simulator? Mine
> crashes immediately.
> Could you please test this on your simulator, say, on Memos?
> /PaulN

Works for me.
Run LifeDrive sim after extracting from zip.
Select Memos
Select Memo 1 Power Tips
Menu->Options->Phone Lookup
Lookup window with 2 Contacts (Accessories
and Techniccal Support)

This is on Win XP/SP2

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Problems with the Debugger

2005-06-16 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-16, Edgar T. López <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did not put the error messages that the Palm OS Debugger show me.
> "Failed to connect to target using the 68k Palm OS Debug kernel Protocol
> Plug-in Protocol"
> "Check protocol and communications preferences, cables and target hardware
> and try again".
> Thanks.
> Edgar T. López

Are you using a non-English (e.g. Spanish) Windows version ?
Then this problem (non English netstat not producing the string 
LISTENING) was discussed last week.
See e.g. the posts by Benjamin Stadin:

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PODS and Resource Editor

2005-06-17 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-18, Robert Rhode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We at PalmSource have been following the recent discussions regarding
> the PODS update.  We're aware of a couple of significant bugs,
> and want to communicate to you our position on it before the flames get
> too hot.
> We regret that the update got out the door with any bugs.  However, as
> has been previously noted in the Forum, the update is a
> technology preview, and in order to install it you have to agree to a
> "prototype license agreement" that explains the prerelease nature of the
> software and asks you in good faith to test it and report bugs back to
> PalmSource.  This is the only way we can give you early access to
> improvements in advance of major releases.  In light of this, I think
> it's a bit unfair to blame us for the unfinished quality of the preview.

Just a few remarks. In the Eclipse Manage Configuration dialogs this 
update never showed up in the Technical Preview category, but as a normal 
available update. The info text only said "This replaces the complete
PODS feature" or something similar. I believe you need to change your 
packaging process, so the nature of the update (preview, which 
features/plug-ins have changed, etc.) are directly presented in the 
eclipse update dialogs. Now it was far too obscure and hence the 
confusion. I personally never saw the "prototype license agreement"
but assumed it was the normal PODS license agreement.

I could revert back to the previous resource editor, but lost my Cygwin 
environment variables and mount points in the process (have an own Cygwin 
installation and used Custom install). But I know you are already aware 
of these Cygwin issues.

> The product managers for Palm OS Developer Suite met to discuss the
> resource header bugs in PODS  There was a general sentiment
> that we should recall the update, but I argued in favor of keeping it.
> In addition to various bug fixes, I feel that Constructor-style
> automatic header generation is a sufficiently worthwhile feature that it
> should be available even in its semi-broken state.  I've been clamoring
> for this since last fall, and I'm not about to give it up now that it's
> here.
> It's easy to roll back to an older configuration of PODS if you don't
> like the update.  Here's a KB article that describes how to do it:
> p_faqid=1047
> For those of us who prefer Constructor-style headers, here's a KB
> article describing how to live with the bugs in the current technology
> preview:
> p_faqid=1048
> I hope this adequately addresses the issues with the current PODS
> update.
> We're always interested in your constructive feedback and
> recommendations on how to improve our products.  Thank you for your bug
> reports and suggestions; keep them coming!
> Best regards,
> - Sparky

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Re: Getting Hotsync back after PODS debug on device

2005-06-21 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-06-21, Matthew D Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently installed PODS and built a simple "hello world" app to test 
> tools, connection, etc.  After a few minor glitches I was able to debug on 
> the device through the Eclipse debug perspective.
> Now, my Palm is sluggish at times (usually power on/off) and cannot hotsync 
> over usb(because the "port is in use").  I take it this is because PODS must 
> have installed a "debug nub" (or something?) to make debugging as easy as it 
> was.
> I'm glad that I can debug so easily on device; but is there as easy a way to 
> temporarily disable the nub so I can hotsync over usb? 

You will have to get the device to close the debug port (that is why you 
get USB port in use). The only way (I know)  to do this is by 
soft-resetting the device.
Also when the debug port is conyinuously open, you will drain the battery 
The sluggishness is caused by the console handler code executing, 
listening for a command all the time in the background.

So, soft-reset and the slugghishness should disappear and you should be 
able to HotSync again via USB.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PODS code sectioning question

2005-07-07 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-07-07, Bryce Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> i have a problem with the section of my code.
> I have been working on an application in PODS which is going well. 
> I have a number of sections (6) all which contain code and it builds just 
> fine.
> However when I added a function to one of my code sections (a simple string 
> replace function of about 25 lines)  the build failed with the following error
> /usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ld: region coderes is full (Expert section .text)
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(multi_dreloc.o)(.text+0xe): In function 
> `_GccLoadCodeAndRelocateData':
> dreloc.c:56: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> Which indicates to me that the section is full - so i add an extra code 
> section, and assign the function to that code section
> and attempt a clean then rebuild...and it fails again (noet the function is 
> actually being called anywhere yet)
> have i missed something? I understand that the code should be going into the 
> newly defined code section and thus shouldnt cause any problems.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

Your new code may pull in some extra c library routines. These will be placed 
in the main
code section (.text which becomes code resource 1). I guess that is what is 
pushing you
over the .text edge ;-).
The work around is to move some more routines to the extra code sections.
Producing a linker map might help to pinpoint the problem. See gcc/ld docs for
details on how to produce a linker map.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: build-prc problem using prc-tools

2005-07-14 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-07-14, Gnadinger, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is my entire makefile. I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out
> what is wrong. I may have another problem other than the one stated.
> Thanks to anyone who can help (and save the rest of my hair!).
> Dave

You never pass the output of the linking phase (src/${APPNAME}) to 
build-prc. Do *not* pass the individual compiled object files to 
build-prc. Of course you *do* need to pass the resources (*.bin).

So modify your make rule according to this and it should work.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: HostVFPrintF is missing from header files?

2005-07-14 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-07-14, Paul Reger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see a declaration for:
> long HostVFPrintF (
>HostFILEType *f,
>const char *fmt,
>va_list args)
> at
> HostControl.html#1007298
> But there does not seem to be one in:
> c:/program Files/Metrowerks/CodeWarrior/Palm OS Support/Incs/Core/System/
> HostControl.h

HostVFPrintF only exists in sdk-6 for Protein (PalmOS 6) apps.
For Garnet (PalmOS 5.x and before) you will have to use a combination of
HostFPrintF and StrVPrintF (defined in StringMgr.h>).

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: build-prc problem using prc-tools

2005-07-14 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-07-14, Gnadinger, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Apparently I still have a problem with my makefile. The code compiles great
> now, but when I make changes to the ${APPNAME}.c file, the changes never
> show up in the executable (${APPNAME}.prc). I block out complete sections of
> code and it's like I haven't blocked out anything at all. Here's my 
> makefile as it looks now:

> ${DIR}/${APPNAME}.prc : obj/${APPNAME}.o \
>   obj/${APPNAME}-sections.s obj/${APPNAME}-sections.ld \
>   obj/${APPNAME}-sections.o obj/tFRM03e8.bin \
>   themes/*.bin src/${APPNAME}
>   @echo "Building final prc..." && \
>   build-prc -o $@ obj/${APPNAME}.def src/${APPNAME} -n "${APPNAME}" -c 
> gna7 =
> obj/*.bin themes/*.bin

When you rebuild your app after editing srs.c (${APPNAME}.c) do you see 
all steps (compile, link, build) being executed ?

In the dependencies of ${DIR}/${APPNAME}.prc you can remove 
obj/${APPNAME}.o and all the *sections* files.

Of course you will have to reload the prc into the 
emulator/simulator/device after the rebuild.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: build-prc problem using prc-tools

2005-07-18 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-07-18, Gnadinger, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I took the ${APPNAME}.o dependency out but I still have my problem. The code
> still runs the function that I commented out - as if it's still there. It's 
> not getting compiled in somehow.

Please provide some more details about whereand how you run the code after 
recompiling and building the prc. Are you running the code on the emulator, 
simulator on a real device, inside/outside of PODS.
Are you reloading the prc on the sim/emulator/device ?

After your previous posts, it seems the app recompiles, links and build 
correctly. So the only remaining place is this 'reloading the app' phase.

If everything else fails, use a debugger.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: SysSetOrientation user cache

2005-08-01 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-08-01, Tam Hanna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently testing a program that sets the screen orientation using
> SysSetOrientation when an appLaunch notification is received. 
> Now, some apps jump back into another mode after their first form pops up.
> I am pretty sure this call is the troublemaker:
> PINSetInputAreaState(pinInputAreaUser);  
> There must be some kind of internal cache in the PIN manager like the sound
> manager has. For example, this calls dont work(Tungsten T3 does not stay
> in orientation 3):
> SysSetOrientation(3);
> SysSetOrientation(0);
> But which call should I use to update it?
> Best regards and thanks
> Tam Hanna
> Created on the go using Versamail 2.6.1 on a Tungsten T3. Please accept my
> apologies for formatting!

I am not sure I uderstand your scenario here. But I have seen similar 
behaviour in apps which use the DIA routines incorrectly.
E.g. if the main form sets the DIA policy, but a modal form (e.g. the 
about) form does not you can get the following scenario:
Start app in portrait. Call About form. Return to main form.
Change orientation to Landscape. Call About form again. Now the 
orientation will change back to protrait automatically.
Solution: Call PINSetInputAreaState(pinInputAreaUser) for the modal form.
I am writing this from memory, so I cannot guarantee 100% correctness, but
I hope it helps.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Serial on Palm IIIxe

2005-08-12 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-08-12, John Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of my users has purchased a refurbished Palm IIIxe from Fry's 
> Electronics (for $29.95!). It has Palm OS v4.1 installed. My software 
> uses the RS-232 serial port and when the serial port is opened, he gets 
> the error message "unsupported processor type".
> Does this mean the IIIxe does not support RS-232?
> Does any Palm III support RS-232?

The IIIxe (and all older Palms) Hotsync via RS-232.
So serial is supported. Something else must be going on here.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Creating Apps that runs on 320x480 screens

2005-08-24 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-08-24, Régis Daniel de Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi forum!
> Actually I develop apps to PalmOS plataform using CodeWarrion 9.3. I always
> developed applications that runs on standart screens (160x160, 320x320),
> and now, i want do develop an app that will work on palms that have
> 320x480 screens. 
> When my actual apps runs on devices that have 320x480 screens, its continues
> runing as 320x320.
> So, what i need to now is how do develop an app that runs both on 320x320
> and on 320x480 since, when running on 320x480, the forms should occupy
> all the screen.
> Could anybody give me some examples/documentation of how could i do this?
> Ps.: I'd like to continue using CW. I still did't had time to learn PODS.
> Thanks!!!

Read up on the programming of the DIA (Dynamic Input Manager) and the PIN 
(Pen Input) manager in the Garnet Documentation. Also in the PalmSource 
knowledgebase there is sample code (SampleCollapse) which shows you how to 
use these calls. The SampleCollapse code is not usable in open source 
applications due to license restrictions. There is an open source 
project at sourceforge ( which 
has code which can be used (and is used) in open source projects.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: where to download the tungsten E debug nub?

2005-08-29 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-08-29, meffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i want to debug a program on tungsten E device,
> the instruction in debugger guilde
> give the link below:
> but i didn't find the debugnub prc file
> there:( could somebody help the location?
> thanks!

>From the ARM Debug Nubs page on
  ARM debug nubs enable on-device debugging and allow debuggers to break 
  and step through ARM codes. Available are the debug nubs for: Tungsten T, 
  Tungsten T2, Tungsten T3, Tungsten C and Zire 71.
  All newer devices have built-in debug nub.

Since the Tungsten-E is newer than the devices mentioned above, I am 
pretty sure the E has a built-in ARM debug nub.
I do not have an T-E myself, so I cannot check it.
All PalmOS5 devices support 68K debugging out of the box.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PalmOne SDK 3.0

2005-08-29 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-08-29, Scott Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im looking for a version 3.0 of the SDK.  I need it for the VPN Shim API, 
> does anyone have a link to where I can download this version of the API?

Go to the downloads section on (On the left hand 
side select develop->downloads). You'll find it there.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: 5-Way Navigator handling

2005-09-01 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-08-31, Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 05:26 PM 8/31/2005, Jim McGowen wrote:
>>Used to be I could just use the macros defined in PalmNavigator.h(now
>>PalmOneNavigator.h), simple as pie, but eveidently they don't work for newer
>>devices like the T5 (by the way this is not decumented anyplace I could
> The current palmOne SDK 5.0 download has macros that handle both the older 
> Palm-specific scheme introduced on the Tungsten T, and the newer PalmSource 
> 5-way system that is used on the Treo 600/650/T5/everything new.  The 
> IsFiveWayNavEvent(eventP), NavSelectPressed(eventP), and 
> NavDirectionHSPressed(eventP, nav) macros handle both key schemes.
> -- Ben Combee, Senior Software Engineer, Palm, Inc.
> "Combee on Palm OS" weblog:
> Developer Forum Archives:

I have been fighting/struggling with the 5way navigator in the various 
simulators in the last few days.
The macros in the palmOne SDK 5.0 work for everything up to the T5.
However they do not work correctly for the LifeDrive and TungstenE2 
debug simulators.
When select is pressed the T5 sim sends the sequence (with aprropriate 
modifiers) vchrHardRockerCenter (press), vchrHardRockerCenter (release), 
However the LifeDrive and E2 sims do *not* send the final 
vchrRockerCenter. I do not know what the real devices do.
Also the NavDirectionPressed macro returns true for both key press *and* 
key release for the left and right keys on the LifeDrive and E2 
Is this a simulator issue or a real change in the later 5.4.x Garnet 
Any more specific information on these later devices?

On all these simulators (T5, Lifedrive, E2) I am using Alt-arrow and 
Alt-Enter for the 5way keys.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: How to find a bug that crashes Simulator?

2005-09-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-09-02, Luc Le Blanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I encounter an odd crash running my own app on my T3. The problem does
> not show on other devices, nor POSE, only on an actual T3 and the T3
> Simulator (I haven't checked all Simulator flavors). When I hit a given
> line that calls FrmShowObject on a previously shown gadget, the
> Simulator plainly crashes (I naively thought it was designed to help
> find bugs, not to go down with them ;) I suspect some form of memory
> corruption occurring prior to the crash. Are there strategies to debug
> such problems? Is all I need for on-device debugging with CW 9.3 is a
> serial cable hooked to the T3?
> As a side effect, I note that sometimes, after this crash, my hardware
> buttons get reassigned to different applications (all 4 were linked to
> Planetarium last time) even if everything remains unchanged in the
> Buttons tab of the Prefs program. This and the crash also appeared on
> another T3.

You have already solved the problem causing the crash, but here my 5 cents 
The T3 simulator is a release version. There is no debug version of the T3 sim.
Try using the debug version of the T5 simulator. In my experience it ususally 
up a few alerts informing you about things it does not like (like forms not 
full widht, etc.) before it comes to the point where it actually crashes.

Maybe something for your next problem ...

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Vector To Error Info?

2005-09-06 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-09-06, Lance Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Palm Folks, 
>With regards my 68K-only application-in-progress, the error count is down
> from 617 to 25.  All the remaining errors appear linker-related.  There
> are two kinds of errors.  
> 1) "relocation truncted to fit: DISP16 _GccRelocateData[crt0.c]"
>(or __do_bhook or __do_ehook or __do_ctors or __do_dtors...) 
> 2) "relocation truncated to fit: start[hooks.c]"  (or DISP16 mulsi3...)
> Where might I inquire as to learn how to resolve these errors?  It looks
> like I am not including some important blob or am suffering from having
> over-specified something.
> Thanks!

All these are from the C startup code which is linked in *after* all your 
code. These are called from the C library start() function which is the 
*first* function in the code 1 (.text) segment.
Thus means there is still too much code in your main code section, so 
you'll need to move more functions to other sections untill these errors

Read up on how to get a linker map in the prc-tools documentation. Also 
'm68k-palmos-objdump -h' will show section sizes.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: build-prc and Palm OS Debugger

2005-09-22 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-09-22, Eric Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm building an app with the prc-tools. When I go to debug it with Palm 
> OS Debugger, it can't find any of the symbols. Is there something that I 
> need to pass to build-prc so that the debugger can find the symbols? Or 
> is it impossible to debug prc-tools based apps with the Palm OS debugger?

Works for me (with the standalone Palm OS Debugger).
Open the Files tab in Palm OS Debugger (or select Window -> Files Window 
from the main menu) after you have loaded your prc in the debugger.
You should have an Executables and Symbolics tree.
Check that your source files are in the symbolics tree with Path spec.
If not, you can add the path manually (just click on the file name).

Main problems is that the COFF format does not store the complete path 
name of the source file in the object file.
With sourc, object and prc files in the same directory it should work. 
And of course you need to both compile and link with '-g' option, 
otherwise nothing works.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: build-prc and Palm OS Debugger

2005-09-22 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-09-22, Eric Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still do see my symbolics.
> I am calling m68k-palmos-gcc and build-prc with -g. Do I need to use it 
> anywhere else?

build-prc does not have a '-g' option. You need the -g option in the 
compile (m68k-palmos-gcc -c) and link stage of m68k-palmos-gcc.

> Does it make a difference that prc is part 68k and part arm (linked with 
> Peallink)?
> In Palm OS debugger, I see my prc, but the Symbolics tree is empty. When 
> I right click on the symbolics node, I get an option to "Add Symbolics 
> File...", but I don't have an axf, elf, or psym file associated with my 
> project. You said I could add the source files by just clicking on the 
> file name. Can you elaborate on that?

In my previous post I was referring to a 68k only application. Peal does
a lot of manipulation, so my guess is that the connection to the original
arm symbolic information gets lost. I personally have no experience (yet)
in debugging pno-lets compiled with arm-palmos-gcc.

But for the 68k part it should work...


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Re: After Resolving Segmentation Problem ,Float Value Error

2005-09-23 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-09-23, Jeetu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I debugged it and ifound it is showing me the error in this Fn at
> FlpBufferAToF(result,"0");
> Global declaration:- FlpDouble *result;
> I m Totally Confused any guesses what might could be the problem ?

Your result pointer has to point to something to store the result.
Have you intialized your result pointer (e.g. FlpDouble myresult; 
FlpDouble *result = &myresult;) ?
If it is not initialized, you have indeed an invalid pointer.

Ton van Overbeek

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Next Palm mobile using Windows? Palm press conf Sep 26 with Bill Gates

2005-09-24 Thread Ton van Overbeek
>From Palm's website, press room:
Palm, Inc., Microsoft Corporation and Verizon Wireless Announce Press 
Conference for Sept. 26

SUNNYVALE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 23, 2005--Ed Colligan, Palm, 
Inc. (Nasdaq:PALM) president and chief executive officer; Bill Gates, 
Microsoft chairman and chief software architect; and Denny Strigl, 
president and chief executive officer of Verizon Wireless, invite the news 
media to join them for a press conference on Monday, Sept. 26, at The 
Palace Hotel in San Francisco beginning at 9 a.m. PDT.

Admission will be limited to members of the business and technology news 
media who present current press credentials. Registration will begin at 8 
a.m. outside the Twin Peaks conference room on the second floor of the 

For the full announcement see:

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: FrmSetNavState() woes

2005-09-27 Thread Ton van Overbeek
> Anyone have any ideas?  I could sure use them about now...

In a similar situation I clear the navigation flags when I get the frmLoad
event in the event handler for the modal form.
Since you have your own event handler for the modal form, you could try that.

Ton van Overbeek

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USB VendorID and PeoductID for TX and Z22?

2005-10-18 Thread Ton van Overbeek
See subject. What are the USB VendorID and ProductID for the new TX and Z22?
I suppose the VendorID is 0x0830 (Palm).

I need this infor to update my tcp-usb bridge to (try to) support 68k 
debugging on the new devices.

Thanks in advance.

Ton van Overbeek

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please see

Re: handspring sdk - where to find it?

2005-11-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-11-02, Guilherme C. Hazan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> In which program i have to be subscribed to download this sdk? I already
> went to developerpavilion and searched for it without success.
> Basically, all i want to know is the value defined for
> hsVerStrSerialNo
> thanks
>   guich

You need the Palm SDK (latest is 5.1) from the plugged in program: .

hsVerStrSerialNo is defined in include file .../common/system/HsExtCommon.h .

It is the 2nd element in an enum typedef, so you can figure out its value ;-).


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PalmOSCygwin PODS and Cygwin

2005-11-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-11-02, Thom L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My goal is gain the full functionality of my cygwin installation and use
> PODS at the same time.
> I've tried installing PODS with PalmOSCygwin and then trying to update the
> cygwin install (updating the install directory to /palmoscygwin of 
> course) and have had failure with that.
> Has anyone had success getting PODS to work with a full version of cygwin?
> Has anyone found documents that would detail what the PODS installer needs
> to do regarding cygwin?
> Thanks in advance,
> Thom

The simplest way IMHO is the following:

First install Cygwin.
Second install prc-tools from .
Third install PODS, and select a custom install. Select the option to
*not* install the Cygwin included in PODS.

I have been running like this since the first version of PODS while
continuously updating my Cygwin installation.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PODS with custom Cygwin install

2005-11-12 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-11-12, Philip Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>I'm trying to get the PalmOS Developer Suite working on my system. I 
> already had Cygwin installed, so I just installed all the packages listed in 
> the README. Problem is, if I create a new project, I get this error in the 
> Problems pane:
>Error launching external scanner info generator (gcc -E -...
> Does anyone know what might be causing this? Cygwin is installed in 
> c:\cygwin, 
> and all the PRC-Tools are accessible from the Cygwin bash-prompt.
> Thanks.

Your bash login script probably sets up your path. PODS starts gcc directly
and therefore uses the Windows path.
Solution: make sure 'c:\cygwin\bin' is in the Windows path.
You can check/change the Windows path by right-clicking 'My Computer' ->
Properties -> Advanced tab and selecting the 'Environment Variables' button
at the bottom.

Have been running with my own Cygwin and prc-tools since the beginning of 

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: help with page UP/DOWN on Tungsten E2

2005-11-18 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-11-18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello,
> Recently, we received reports that our products do not support
> Page Up/Page Down of the 5-way navigator on the Tungsten E2 device.
> Page Up/Page Down, however, work on the E2 Simulator and we couldn't
> reproduce the problem.
> Do you know the reason for this and how to resolve it? Any ideas?

Not all simulators are representative for the fiveway navigator. The 
keycode and flags generated can be different. I compared the codes 
generated by my TX with the codes generated by the TX debug simulator and 
they are different. This might also be the case for the E2.
So you will have to debug on a real device or write a small program 
that reports the keycodes and flags generated by the fiveway and let yout 
user report the results.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Copy PDB to \Palm\Launcher on SD card

2005-11-23 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-11-21, Doug Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My app's VFS support has been working for years, and I swear that I used to 
> transfer PDB files directly to the \Palm\Launcher directory on my SD card, 
> which is where my app looks for them. But the other day, I found that when my 
> app reads a file that was directly copied, I get a "Generic File Error" from 
> the VFSRead function even though my input parameters certainly look correct. 
> But if I Hotsync the same file to the card, everything works.
> It gets stranger. If I use McFile to delete the PDB file, McFile also reports 
> a "Generic file error" even though it does delete it. Just for fun, I copied 
> a couple of random PDB files to the \Palm\Launcher directory, and McFile had 
> the same error for all of them. But if I copy them someplace else on the 
> card, such as to the root directory, there are no errors. I also tried this 
> with two entirely different card-read/write devices, with the same results.
> I might mention that this is occurring on a T3, and that when I last tried 
> doing this sort of thing I might have been using my old M505 or Tungsten T. 
> Plus, if this were a widespread problem it seems that I would be hearing from 
> some customers.
> Any ideas, anyone?
>   -- Doug G

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Re: Aging screen selectively lighter gray?

2005-12-04 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-12-04, Luc Le Blanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A user abroad tells me that on his OS 4.1 IIIxe, my application displays 
> its forms in a lighter shade of gray than others. He also notices that 
> with FileZ and a few apps, but says some other third party apps like 
> GPilotS appear as dark as the built-in ones. How can this be? Selective 
> screen fatigue???

Probably due to color -> grayscale conversion.
The IIIxe has 4 bit 'color', i.e. 16 shades of gray. Only if the form used
black it would show up as dark as the built-in ones.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: prc-tools

2004-06-19 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, geoff wrote:
> i have installed cygwin and the problem is i dont tar and build commandsa
> arent working
If you want a ready-to-run version of prc-tools for Cygwin use the Cygwin 
setup utility (no tar needed). Have you read the instructions on ?

If you want to build prc-tools under cygwin on Windows XP it is assumed 
you know how to use make, gcc, configure, tar and all the other needed 
development tools.

Ton van Overbeek

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Repost: PODS 1.0 Beta, Debugging Multi-Section 68k apps does not seem to work

2004-07-07 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On my July 2 posting I did not get any reactions (probably due to the July 
4 holiday weekend). So here the same message again:
I am glad to see my patches for multi section debugging made it into PODS
1.0 Beta. However I cannot get multi section debugging to work with the
Palm OS Debugger (POD). (tried the Memo sample from sdk-5r4).
Am I overlooking something ? Or is this still on the todo list for the
final version 1.0? Could the preview pmgdb (with my patches) be reused
instead of PalmOSDebuggerMI ?

I have used a custom install since I did not want to trash my own Cygwin
installation which I also need for other things.

I have been playing with the idea of providing a plugin for the multi
section version of pmgdb, but I will have to learn a lot of things about
eclipse and java. Is there some way to get debugging multi section 68K
apps working inside PODS ?
Can somebody confirm multi section 68k debugging is not working in PODS 
1.0 Beta ?  Ben ?

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: How to use prc-tools

2004-07-19 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yann Garcia wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use PRC-Tools on Red-Hat 9.0
> I got the sample 'hello' and I try to compile it. I use the PalmOS sdk
> 4.0.
> The compilation failed with this two errors:
> m68k-palmos-gcc -palmos4.0 -Wall -g   -c -o hello.o hello.c
> m68k-palmos-gcc: unrecognized option `-palmos4.0'
> In file included from hello.c:11:
> /usr/share/prc-tools/include/PalmOS.h:12: #error No genuine PalmOS.h
> found
> /usr/share/prc-tools/include/PalmOS.h:15: warning: #warning use Pilot.h
> if you really mean to use the 3.1 SDK or earlier; you may need to run
> palmdev-prep or use a suitable -palmosN option -- see
> ""; for details
> make: *** [hello.o] Erreur 1
> Anyone can help me to understand what happen? Why gcc doesn't recognize
> 4.0 SDK?
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Cheers,
> Yann

It looks like you did not read the instructions on post install activities
for prc-tools in the documentation on the sourceforge site.
Go to which contains
instructions for Linux installations.
Read the Post-installation setup section. Hint: palmdev-prep.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: MathLib and Palm with ARM Processor

2004-07-21 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alexandre Estanislau wrote:
> I have the Version 1.1. I?m using CW for PalmOS V8. Now, I downloaded the zip file 
> from and I will try to compile it.
> If anyone have more ideas, please help me !!!

Not really any more ideas.
I have been using MathLib with EasyCalc 
( on both a Tungsten-T (OS 5.0) 
and T3 (OS 5.2.1) without any problems. EasyCalc is also a multi-segment 
application and uses the same code as you to open and close MathLib.
The only thing I can think of is that something else trashes some 
datastructures used by System Libraries in the OS. When you do not use 
MathLib the trashed data is not used and hence no crash.
Have you tried to run your code on a Debug version of the Pose or one of 
the 5.x Simulators? Could give you some warnings about illegal memory 


Ton van Overbeek

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PODS 1.0 available

2004-08-04 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Right now I am downloading the official Palm_OS_Developer_Suite 1.0 from
Waiting for Ben's 'official' announcement on these forums ;-).

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: help to get .elf file for PalmOsDebugger with PRC-Tools.

2004-08-04 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, BrownB wrote:
> Yes, i use -g flag, here is a piece of my makefile:
> GCC=m68k-palmos-gcc.exe -Wmissing-declarations -g
> app.prc: app.def app
>   build-prc.exe -o app.prc app.def app
> app_segments.ld app_segments.s: app.def
>   m68k-palmos-multigen.exe -b app_segments app.def
> for each file of my project there's this line:
> file.o: file.c file.h app_segments.s
>   $(GCC) -c $(basename $@).c app_segments.s
> the final link is this:
> app: app_segments.ld $(OBJ) $(SRC)
>   $(GCC) -o app $(OBJ) app_segments.ld -lPalmOSGlue
> Then, everytime I call $(GCC) I do the work with the -g flag...
> The problem remains: I can open "app.prc", append the COFF file "app" but can't see 
> any code...
> BrownB
Just a thought. Are you using POD included in PODS ? The previously 
released POD does not understand COFF symbol files. The COFF support was 
added specifically for PODS in order to support prc-tools output.

Ton van Overbeek 

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Re: C++ virtual methods with prc-tools

2004-08-06 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Gruenenfelder wrote:
> I have a fairly large m68k project (Weasel Reader) that I've built with
> prc-tools 2.3.
> Recently, I've been rewriting some of the graphics code in a class framework
> to make my life simpler.  Unfortunately, it seems that when one of my objects'
> destructors is called, the device jumps off someplace random on return from
> the destructor.
> For example, I have a pure virtual base class:
> class Widget {
> public:
>   virtual ~Widget(void) { }
>   virtual Boolean foo(void) = 0;
> };
> And an inherited class that does the work:
> class Bar : public Widget {
>   Bar(void);
>   ~Bar(void);
>   Boolean foo(void);
> };
> Bar::~Bar(void)
> {
>   // Nothing to do, just return
> }
> In my code, I create Bar via new, enter my event loop, then do some
> processing.  When the user returns to the index form, the object is destroyed
> via delete.  The destructor is run and all seems fine.  When the destructor
> returns, it does *not* return to where it should.
> I should mention that the Bar class is in another code segment.  If I place it
> in the default segment, my code works just fine.  Of course, the default
> segment is just too small to hold these objects.  I should also mention that
> the code calling Bar's destructor is itself in a different segment.
> What is going on?  This is the first time I've used any C++ class stuff with
> prc-tools... are there any caveats I should be aware of?  Specifically with
> multi-segment programs?
> This is with prc-tools 2.3 which I compiled myself in mid-January.
> One more note:  When I say that the return jump from the destructor doesn't go
> to the correct place, I base that upon what I see in the debugger.  GDB
> doesn't handle multiple segments well, but I have applied the Msect GDB
> patch... but I suppose it's possible that what I see in the debugger may not
> actually be correct.
> I'm confused...

I am afraid I cannot give much direct help, but only a few caveats:
- I have never tested my multisection debugging patches on 'real' C++ 
  code, so there might be additional fixes needed for C++.
- Also, as you know, m68k-palmos-gcc is based on gcc-2.95.3 which predates 
  the C++ standard, so also there might be problems.
When I have some time (not very likely ;-)) I'll take a look at the weasel 
reader code on sourceforge and see if there are any problems there with 
running it through gdb.
By the way, is the code working without gdb, or crashing when returning 
from the destructor?

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Palm Error: cannot open scrt0.o

2004-08-07 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Saurabh Agarwal wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting the following error when trying to compile my palm code using
> prc-tools.
> /usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ld: cannot open scrt0.o: No such file or directory
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [MsgLib.lib] Error 1
> My gcc version is:
> $ m68k-palmos-gcc -v
> Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/m68k-palmos/2.95.3-kgpd/specs
> Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/m68k-palmos/specs
> gcc version 2.95.3-kgpd 20010315 (release)
> My Makefile is:
> # name of program
> PROGRAM = MsgLib
> #The icon title of the application, on the palm
> DEF = $(PROGRAM).def
> # C sources derived to:
> OBJS = MsgLibDispatch.o MsgLibImpl.o InitGlobals.o Backup.o InitStruct.o
> MsgLibInterface.o XD10p.o XD10.o Common.o ProcessRequest.o CBCommand.o
> $(PROGRAM)-sections.o
> #The names of: the resource file, the library (which is built by make)
> and the output
> PRC=$(PROGRAM).prc
> # compilers and linker
> CC=m68k-palmos-gcc
> AS = m68k-palmos-as
> MAKELIB = $(CC) -shared -g -O1 -lgcc -Wmissing-declarations -Wall
> -L/m68k-palmos/lib -Xlinker -Map -Xlinker $(PROGRAM).map -o
> CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -palmos4
> LINK = build-prc -o
> all: clean $(PRC)
> # to make the application xxx.prc
> $(PRC): $(PROGLIB) $(DEF)
> # make clean
> # to librarize those source(s)
> $(MAKELIB) $(@) $(OBJS)
> MsgLibDispatch.o: MsgLibDispatch.c
> MsgLibImpl.o: MsgLibImpl.c
> MsgLibInterface.o: MsgLibInterface.c MsgLibInterface.h
> XD10p.o: XD10p.c XD10p.h
> CBCommand.o: CBCommand.c CBCommand.h
> InitGlobals.o: InitGlobals.c InitGlobals.h
> Common.o: Common.c Common.h
> ProcessRequest.o: ProcessRequest.c ProcessRequest.h
> XD10.o: XD10.c XD10.h
> Backup.o: Backup.c Backup.h
> InitStruct.o: InitStruct.c InitStruct.h
> $(PROGRAM)-sections.o: $(PROGRAM)-sections.s
> $(PROGRAM)-sections.s: $(DEF)
> m68k-palmos-multigen $(DEF)
> # clean-up functions
> clean:
> rm -f *.[oa] *~ $(PROGLIB)

I do not know where you got your Makefile, but it shows the author not 
being well-versed with PalmOS programming.

Your problem is still the MAKELIB step. In fact this step is not about 
making a library, but about doing the final link. Your final link step 
(using build-prc) is more a post-processing step to produce the prc from 
the output of the link and combining it with the other resources 
(typically the output of PilRC).

There is no conventional shared library (.so in Unix/Linux .dll in 
Windows) in PalmOS so the -shared option to ld is not working.
SysLibs and GLibs are the PalmOS equivalent, but require different steps 
to produce them.

In the MAKELIB (again wrong name) step get rid of both the 
-nostartfiles and the -shared option. 

Hope this helps.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: serReceiveWindowOpen

2004-08-13 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, jhillman1 wrote:
> Richard Rhode of Palm support suggested I look at sample code using the
> serReceiveWindowOpen.  Below is a fragment of his message asking me to 
> try the code and where is it located.  I cannot find any sample code at 
> the Plugged In web site.
> Does anyone know about sample code using serReceiveWindowOpen.  I've 
> attempted to make it work, but I get the same result as using the 
> srmReceive, but maybe I am using it wrong.
> --message from Palm support---($200 worth???)-
> 2. Has the developer tried the sample code provided by palmOne on PluggedIn?
> (It uses SrmWindowOpen instead of the SrmReceive. It seems to work on Zire 72.)
> --

I suppose the sample SrmReceiveWindowOpen code is the one in the
IRCommunication sample code which is part of the PalmOne SDK v3.0.
You have to be a registered developer at PalmOne to download this SDK.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: ARM compiling

2004-08-31 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, BrownB wrote:
> Hello, I'm trying to compile a native ARM function using arm-elf-gcc, but I can't: 
> the compiler can't find the "include" dir, which contains PalmOS.h and the others 
> headers of the sdk-5r4.
> I used the -B option in a script:
> arm-elf-gcc.exe -O1 -B"$INCLUDE_PATH" -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes 
> -Wmissing-declarations -nostartfiles -nostdlib -nostdinc -fno-builtin -fPIC 
> -ffixed-r8 -ffixed-r9 -mpic-register=r10 -msingle-pic-base -c "$1" -o "$OUTFILE"
> where $INCLUDE_PATH is:
> INCLUDE_PATH=PalmDev/sdk-5r4/include/
If this is not a typo, you are missing the leading / in INCLUDE_PATH.
As it is written here it is relative to the current directory.
> the error is that the compiler can't find the included file PalmOS.h
> Can anyone help me?
> BrownB

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: How to manually install the PRC-tools.

2004-10-12 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-10-12, mikl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am already using cygwin for different kind of development, and I need to install 
> properlly the different directories of the prc-tools into the pre-install cygwin 
> directory.
> FYI : I am not using the setup.exe installer provide by red-hat to install cygwin 
> (thus I can't install prctools by the setup.exe installer) and I am not using Linux 
> neither.
> Thx

If you do not want to use Cygwin's setup.exe here is what to do:

Get the prc-tools-2.3-cygwin.tar.bz2 file from the sourceforge downloads 
page ( This is 
assuming you only need the 68k tools.

The tar contents puts everything into standard places. The filepaths in 
the tar file are not absolute (= they do not start with /).
So the normal way to extract in a cygwin shell:
(cd /; tar jxvf /prc-tools-2.3-cygwin.tar.bz2)

If you need them in different places, it gets more complicated. You will 
have to unpack the tar.bz2 to some place and copy/move the individual 
files separately. However gcc expects to find its componente in standard 
places, so this will probably not work.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: How to manually install the PRC-tools.

2004-10-13 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-10-13, mikl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Thx for your answer...
> But I must admit that there is something weird around this, because, when I
> look into the tar.bz2 file, I see that there is a /usr main dir and 
> then, /usr/bin, /usr/doc, /usr/info ,... subdirs..
> But When I look at the PODS installation, the binaries (I mean
> m68k-palmos-gcc.exe and others) are stored into the /bin main directory 
> of cygwin...
> 1. Why such a difference ?

With a standard Cygwin installation /bin and /usr/bin are the same 
directory. This is due to the Cygwin mounts. Partial output fromCygwin 
mount command on my system:
  C:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)

> Obviously, if I just unpack the tar.bz2 file into cygwin, my PATH variable
> would not be able to point to the binaries...
> 2. So is there any documentation of what should be where ?
> 3. Does the bin dir is the only exception and all the other just need to be
> into the /usr dir of cygwin ?

Yes. See above.

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Re: Size of a segment

2004-10-05 Thread Ton van Overbeek
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dominique wrote:
> You can also look at you map file, if you generate one.
> "Remi Ricard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> Hi Matt,
>>> If you're also using Windows, you can use PRCExplorer.
>> Thanks for the info.
>> Remi

The easiest way to look at segment/section sizes when using prc-tools is 
to use the m68k-palmos-objdump utility included in prc-tools.
Here for example is the output for the Memo example of the sdk-5r4 in PODS 
1.1 preview:
$ m68k-palmos-objdump -h memo

memo: file format coff-m68k

Idx Name  Size  VMA   LMA   File off  Algn
  0 .text 5a90      0120  2**2
  1 .data 033c      5bb0  2**2
  2 .bss  0030  033c  033c    2**2
  3 code1 1404      5eec  2**2
  4 code2 068c      72f0  2**2
  5 .reloc00b4      797c  2**2


Use 'm68k-palmos-objdump --help' for more options or if everything else 
fails read the documentation.


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PRC-tools problem

2004-10-08 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-10-08, Thomas Okken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A kind soul suggested linking using Multilink (
>> I'll try that next and post a message later on to report how I got
>> on. (I'm off for a one-week vacation in a couple of days so it may
>> only get done after I get back.)
> I couldn't resist after all, so I went ahead and downloaded Multilink.
> I'm glad I did; building and installing it, and modifying my project to use
> it, were pretty straightforward and the required steps are well documented.
> I had it all up and running in half an hour, and I'm happy to say that
> the operation was a complete success! Gdb can find functions in all sections
> now. :-)
> My development machine is a PC with plain vanilla Red Hat Linux release 7.3
> installed, with the full set of development tools and libraries (I use
> it for Java and Unix/Motif development as well as for the Palm stuff).
> For Palm development, I installed palmos-sdk-5.0r3-1.noarch.rpm,
> prc-tools-2.3-1.i386.rpm, pilrc-3.2-1.i386.rpm, palmos-sdk-5.0r3-1.noarch.rpm,
> and of course POSE, all obtained from the usual sources (PalmSource and
> the PRC-tools project page on SourceForge). I downloaded Multilink and the
> Palm version of the BFD library from;
> I installed the BFD library and the header file under 
> /opt/palmdev/sdk-5r3/; in the Multilink Makefile, I changed PILOT_DIR to
> point to that directory, and then I typed 'make' and multilink built without
> a hitch. I ran "make install" as root and allowed it to install it to 
> /usr/local/bin, which was in my PATH already.
> The steps required to change the linking and PRC building steps of the build
> process are well explained in the documentation included with Multilink. 
> I had my Makefile fixed in minutes; all I had to do in my source code 
> was to change the definitions of the section macros from
> __attribute__ (yada yada yada) to nothing, which was easy because I had 
> them all in one place (I build an X11 version of the project from the 
> same sources so all the PalmOS-specific stuff was conditional to begin 
> with).
> When running gdb (or in my case ddd with gdb underneath, but that makes no
> difference), there are two extra steps involved: loading the script file 
> generated by multilink ("source ") and then running it 
> ("load-segments") after gdb has connected with POSE.
> From that point onward, it's business as usual -- well, better than usual,
> really, because now gdb can find all functions in all segments once 
> again, so you can go back to debugging code instead of tearing out your 
> hair.
> Many thanks to Eric House for pointing me in the right direction, and to
> David Williams for making this nifty tool available to the general 
> public. You've rescued my project!
>  - Thomas

Apologies for coming late in this thread.
Are you aware of my patches for multi-section debugging ?
See for details.
Multilink is nice, since it tries to do all the sectioning for you.
The stock m68k-palmos-gdb will find the functions (as you noticed), but 
there are problems when stepping through the code and the step takes you 
from one section to an other. (m68k-palmos-gdb does not understand the 
trampoline code which multilink uses).
My patches work fine for your original sectioning code (using 
__attribute__ (yada)) and has no problems with stepping into a different 

If you are happy using multilink, please continue using it. But I thought
you might want to know that there also is an other way to solve your 


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: "ld region coderes full" Please help

2004-10-22 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-10-21, Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 09:57 AM 10/21/2004, you wrote:
>>There is some very good information in here!  Thanks for the pointer.  I 
>>tried compiling with the -T text_64k sample file I got he following error: 
>>undefined reference to '_text_'[gdbstub.c].
>>I then tried just a hello world app with the same -T option and got the 
>>same result.  So my question is now, beyond additional cose optimizations 
>>(and those are great ideas in the article) how does one build a linker 
>>script to get rid of the coderes full error?
> AFAIK, there's a problem with the test_64k script and the changes made to 
> PRC-Tools to support multiple-section debugging.  However, you shouldn't 
> need to use text_64k if you've properly sectioned your code, although it 
> might be required if you've got a large enough section of code that has to 
> be in place during non-global launch codes.
> -- Ben Combee, Technical Lead, Developer Services, PalmSource, Inc.
> "Combee on Palm OS" weblog:
> Developer Fourm Archives:

If you want to use the text_64k script, here is a fix:
In the text_64k file (normally installed in /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/text_64k)
you need to add one line to the .bss definition:
Original version:

.bss :
bss_start = .;
} > datares

Changed version:

.bss :
bss_start = .;
PROVIDE(__text__ = .);
} > datares

That should get rid of your linker error.
I will include this in the next version of my patches.
Thanks (indirectly) for the bug report.

By the way, same change is needed for 

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: PODS: C++ application segmenting (once again...)

2004-10-26 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-10-26, Thomas Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there!
> I apologize for contributing once again a question about application
> segmenting, but even after reading through several forum postings, 
> articles etc. about this topic, I still do not get how to accomplish 
> this task under the PalmOS Developer Suite v1.0.0.
> I'm currently writing an object-oriented game framework (68K PNO Project)
> which already exceeds the code resource limits.
> So my question is - how to handle this with the tools, PODS provides?
> I generally understand, that (C-)functions need to be cut into "smaller
> pieces". But I'm not sure how to do this with a C++ app. Does it also 
> apply to an object's methods?
> Maybe I am dense, but I do not fully understand the explanations from the
> PRC-Tools site 
> (
> Besides that, the project's make-file tells in the first line:
> "This file auto-generated by Palm OS Make builder.  Don't modify 
> directly!!!"
> So what shall I do?
> Many thanks in advance!

The PRC-Tools site documentation on sectioning the code only applies to 
68K code.
There is no such limitation for PNO. However there is an other limitation 
for PNO's due to the Hotsync limit of 64k per resource (at least for pre 
Cobalt versions of Hotsync). CodeWarrior has a PNO loader which takes care 
of this. For PODS/PRC-Tools/PalmSource ARM compiler you will need to do that 

So is your segmentation needed for the 68k part or for the PNO part?

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Palm OS Developer Program

2004-12-22 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-12-22, Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 09:18 AM 12/22/2004, you wrote:
>>Looks like that they are having problems with this new provider.
>>be patient, probably they are still migration subscriptions from the other 
>>There are developers that are in worst situation compared to you like me 
>>that can not login!
> I am collecting all the feedback from the developer forum and passing it on 
> to the people who worked on this transition.  Hopefully, I'll be able to 
> provide more information later today.

I also had to go through 'the request temp password and change it' routine
on the new site. My personal data in 'My Account' were correct, so they
seem to have transferred OK.

One other issue: the (partial) PalmOS source code for PalmOS up to 4
are nowhere to be found any more. Will they be availabel again ?

Second other issue: PalmSource changes for PODS 1.1 still not available,
only the changes to prc-tools for PODS 1.0 are there.

Ton van Overbeek

For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please 

Re: Palm OS Developer Program

2004-12-22 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2004-12-22, Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>One other issue: the (partial) PalmOS source code for PalmOS up to 4
>>are nowhere to be found any more. Will they be availabel again ?
> We didn't get the developer agreements transferred to the new developer 
> accounts yet.  I don't know yet if this will be its own click-through 
> agreement, or if it will be part of a new developer section we're setting 
> up to handle seeding access.  However, if you've already downloaded the 
> source, you can continue to refer to it.
>>Second other issue: PalmSource changes for PODS 1.1 still not available,
>>only the changes to prc-tools for PODS 1.0 are there.
> I still don't have access to the new site to upload or update the files; I 
> learned that the transition went live when I read the postings on the forum 
> this morning.  I'm working on getting access.  In the meantime, you can get 
> the source packages from a mirror I setup on my own site at:
> I hope to get this resolved soon, but PalmSource will be shut down next 
> week for the holidays, and already a lot of people have left for vacation 
> (including me -- I'm writing this from my parents' house).

I already got them from your site the first time you posted.
Ben, enjoy your holidays and do not worry too much about this
until January.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: MultiSegmenting Debuggin Problem :-((

2005-01-25 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-01-25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm attempting to do some work on Palm Application program, using prc-tools 
> 2.3-2.  Because of the size of the program, I've been forced to organize the 
> project as a multi-segment app.
> It appears that GDB doesn't know what to do with code that isn't in the main
> code segment.  I can set a breakpoint in a function in another segment,
> but it never fires.  I also can't step into the function -- it just
> steps over it.I try to find on it but invain.
> Does anybody have any experience with this?  What have you done to get around
> the problem?  My only thought so far is to rearrange the code when I'm
> debugging so that the appropriate functions are in the main segment.
> That could get tedious though.
> Thanks for any help,
> Chintan. Dhruva

This is documented in the prc-tools documentation. See Section 5.2 last
  At present, GDB won't work well with applications with multiple code 

I have made patches to prc-tools to make multi-section debugging possible.
See for details.


Ton van Overbeek 

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Re: segmentation again...!!

2005-02-15 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-02-15, BrownB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I'm sorry to bother you with another question on this widely discussed 
> feature,
> but I can't reach any progress and can't find any soultion path..
> I'm using PRC-Tools.
> I was creating a library for my app, but I've reached the .text segment max 
> size and can't
> move more functions to other segments.
> So I created a "plugin" application to be called from my main application: in 
> this way I
> was starting with a "blank" .text section. I'm including some GC++ object 
> files I made
> in the past in the link step.
> Now, I can't understand why I still get the overfill .text section error: 
> m68k-palmos-g++.exe -o interpretation main.o MemUtils.o ht_ClassInterp.o 
> Ht_cmpl
> x.o Ht_PqRsT.o interpretation_class_wrapper.o 
> interpretation_plugin_interface.o
>   segments.o segments.ld -lPalmOSGlue
> /usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ld: region coderes is full (interpretation section .text)
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/crt0.o(.text+0x50): In function `start':
> crt0.c:64: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 __do_bhook
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/crt0.o(.text+0x5a):crt0.c:67: relocation truncated to 
> fit:
> DISP16 __do_ctors
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/crt0.o(.text+0x70):crt0.c:72: relocation truncated to 
> fit:
> DISP16 __do_dtors
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/crt0.o(.text+0x7a):crt0.c:74: relocation truncated to 
> fit:
> DISP16 __do_ehook
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0x16): In function `__do_bhook':
> hooks.c:28: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0x64): In function `__do_ehook':
> hooks.c:44: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0xa6): In function `__do_ctors':
> hooks.c:60: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0xe0): In function `__do_dtors':
> hooks.c:76: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(multi_dreloc.o)(.text+0xe): In function 
> `_GccLoadC
> odeAndRelocateData':
> dreloc.c:56: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [interpretation] Error 1
< ... snip ...>
> You can see that the .text total sie is this:
> TOTAL TEXT SEGMENT SIZE: 0x3F34 = 16.180
> So why this problem? I'm linking only PalmOSGlue.a.
> If anyone has any hint I'd appreciate it, thanks!
> BrownB

You forget the size of the system library routines (both C++ and C) which
push you over the limit.
In the the linking phase use the linker trace option
(m68k-palmos-g++.exe -Wl,-t -o ...) to get a list of object files including
those from libraries as they are processed.
You can also get a linker map using the -Wl,-M option.
See the man pages of gcc, g++ and ld for more details.
Note that the default linker script only allows 32K in the .text segment.
You can use your own linekr script to got to 64K, but you have to be carefull
with intrasegment jumps (still need to be less than 32K).


Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Fw: m68k-palmos-gcc: Palm OS SDK requested via -palmosN could not be found

2005-02-24 Thread Ton van Overbeek
On 2005-02-24, Jennifer Fell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I am having the following error while trying to compile a project from a 
> makefile:
> m68k-palmos-gcc: Palm OS SDK requested via -palmosN could not be found
> make: *** [Release/main.o] Error 1
> What am I doing wrong? How do I fix it? It seems like it is looking for the 
> SDK directory (which was installed in "C:\Program Files\PalmSource\Palm OS 
> Developer Suite\sdk-5r4" when I installed the PODS).
> Also, I did try the palmdev-prep tool (as bellow) and then tried to compile 
> the project again, but still it didn't work:
> palmdev-prep --default sdk "C:\Program Files\PalmSource\Palm OS 
> Developer Suite\sdk-5r4"
> Please advise. Thanks a lot in advance.
> Regards,
> Jenni 

palmdev-prep is a Cygwin application and thus expects Unix style paths.
The argument for the --default switch should be sdk-5r4, *not* sdk.
What is the output of 'palmdev-prep -v' ??
See for more
info on palmdev-prep.
Your path as Cygwin path would be:
   "/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/PalmSource/Palm\ OS\ Developer\ Suite/sdk-5r4"

Ton van Overbeek

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New version of multi-segment GDB patch: Works with PalmOS 5 Simulator

2002-06-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek

I have uploaded a new version of my multi-segment debugging patches for
prc-tools-2.1: MsectGdb2.1-2.

Changes since original 2.1 patches (MsectGdb2.1):

- Changed logic in the blockvector resorting in objfile_relocate.
  The original logic was wrong and made gdb commands like 'info functions'
  produce the wrong results. Also setting breakpoints directly on functions
  did not work reliably. This problem was also present in my original
  prc-tools-2.0.91 patches. Both problems should be solved now.
- Changes in remote-palmos.c:
   a) to make it possible to use m68k-palmos-gdb with the PalmOS 5 Simulator
   b) and the PilotMain breakpoint now generates a SIGSTOP when running on a
  real device and on the PalmOS 5 Simulator.

Details on the remote-palmos.c changes:

  The PalmOS 5 Simulator sends bogus exception numbers in its state packets.
  Ignoring the exception number in remote-wait caused the first breakpoint
  (the DebugBreak from gdbstub) to be recognized.
  PalmOS 5 Simulator wants 'good' values for both the user and supervisor
  stackpointer (USP and SSP). In the state packets they are always equal
  for Palmos 5 Simulator (as far as I can tell). On a reali m68k device
  they can differ. Sending garbage value for the one not used in the resume
  packet causes the PalmOS 5 Simulator to crash. On a real device and on
  POSE it does not matter.
  The PilotMain breakpoint does not generate a SIGSTOP on a real device and
  on the PalmOS 5 Simulator. It turns out that the breakpoint address for
  the temporary breakpoint is already cleared in the status debug packet
  both on a real device (Palm IIIc/PalmOS 4 in my case) and on the PalmOS
  5 simulator. Why it is there on POSE I do not know. Saving the temporary
  breakpoint address inside the module solved that problem.

This version can be found in the ususal place: 

Binaries: MsectGdb2.1-2.tar.bz2
Sources:  MsectGdb2.1-2Patch.tar.bz2


Ton van Overbeek

For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

Linux version of multi segment GDB patch available

2002-06-22 Thread Ton van Overbeek

I finally found the time to generate Linux binaries of my multi-segment
GDB patches.

They are now available in MsectGdbLinux2.1-2.tar.bz2 on

The patches themselves have not changed. I only updated the README.
That is the reason also MsectGdb2.1-2Patch.tar.bz2 is updated (only
change is the updated README).

I have tested the Linux version with the small multiapp from
prc-tools-samples and with a large application: EasyCalc from

The combination DDD/m68k-palmos-gdb/pose works quite well on Linux.


Ton van Overbeek

For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

New version (MsectGdb2.1-3) of multi-segment debugging patch available

2002-08-02 Thread Ton van Overbeek

A new version (MsectGdb2.1-3) of my multi-segment debugging patch for
prc-tools-2.1 is now available.
You can find it at (Note: new URL):

Gdb with these patches applied will identify itself as
'GNU gdb 5.0-tvo-20020729'.

This version should solve (I hope) some of the problems people have noticed
with large multi-segment applications, especially with several source files
containing code for more than one code section.
I also fixed something which has annoyed me for a long time: The PilotMain
breakpoint did not break at the first executable line of the PilotMain()
function. Now it does.

>From the README file:

Changes since MsectGdb2.1-2

- Changed symbol look-up code. In the case of code from several code
  sections in the same source file (e.g. static functions without a section
  attribute and public functions with a section attribute) the symbol
  look-up code could choose the symbol table of the wrong source file.
  This resulted in wrong function names reported or not stopping at a
  breakpoint at all. This should be fixed now.

- Changed setting of PilotMain breakpoint. The original code did set the 
  breakpoint at the address PilotMain+4, which is (in most cases) in the
  middle of the function prologue. Now the breakpoint is set at the first
  executable statement after the prologue, i.e. at the start of the first
  executable C code line. This also means the line number reported at the
  break is now really the first executable line of PilotMain, and not the
  last line before PilotMain.

Comments, criticism, questions welcome.


Ton van Overbeek, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Note: new email address)

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ANN: Multi-segment patch for prc-tools-2.2 available.

2002-08-30 Thread Ton van Overbeek

A first version (MsectGdb2.2-1) of my multi-segment debugging patch for
prc-tools-2.2 is now available.
You can find it at:

Gdb with these patches applied will identify itself as
'GNU gdb 5.0-tvo-20020824'.

>From the README file:

Changes since MsectGdb2.1-3

- Prc-tools-2.2 changed m68k-palmos-ld to use an internal linker script
  instead of an external linker script specified in the gcc specs file.
  Hence the change to the linker script (provide a linker symbol for 
  __text__) in the multisegment patches moved also from gcc to binutils.
- Because of the change to using an internal script the linker does not 
  produce the expected order of segments in the linker output in the multi
  segment case.
  This is fixed by modifying the extra linker script produced by
- Removed patches to work with PalmOS 5 Simulator and to stop at first
  executable line of PilotMain, since they are already included in

Comments, criticism, questions welcome.


Ton van Overbeek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: PRC-Tools SDK

2002-10-12 Thread Ton van Overbeek

Ezekiel Sanborndeasis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is now an unofficial Palm OS 5 SDK for PRC-Tools available as an RPM
> package, tarball (headers anf static libraries) and zip (just the 
> libraries). Note that it is unsupported in that it was not developed or
> tested by PalmSource Inc. The three downloads were graciously put 
> together by John Marshall with support from PalmSource. For more
> information regarding PRC-Tools please see the PRC-Tools page at:
> -Ezekiel Sanborn de Asis

Good news for prc-tools users.
Question to John.
What is the difference with the sdk-5 libraries included
with FalchNet DevStudio 2.7 (except for extra mown-gp versions of
libNetSocket.a and libNetSocket-debug.a) ?

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: gdb & POSE, sigstop?

2002-10-29 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Michael Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I've RTFM, trolled all the dev newsgroups, searched on google and
> I can't find a method of disabling the SIGSTOP signal without messing
> up gremlins.
> I'm running on Windows 2000 with the latest release version of the
> prc-tools package.
> If I don't "handle SIGSTOP noprint" I'm constantly having to "cont"
> when I'm running gremlins and gdb at the same time.
> If I do disable the print of SIGSTOP I constantly have to click
> "resume" when gremlins does a find (which I don't have to do
> normally).
> How can I just run a gremlins session and have gdb break if my program
> crashes but need no input otherwise?

The command you need is "handle SIGSTOP noprint ignore".
But if you want symbolic information, then you better give this
command after the first SIGSTOP break at PilotMain.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: New version (MsectGdb2.1-3) of multi-segment debugging patch available

2002-11-12 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Michael Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trolling the newsgroup looking for information on debugging
> with gdb and programs with multiple segments and noticed a number of
> independent patches for gdb to allow multi-segment debugging.
> Do you (or anyone) know if these patches have been incorporated into
> the official distribution and if not, why not?

No, they are not in the official prc-tools distribution (yet).
John Marshall has been busy on the gcc side of prc-tools:
providing ARM support, keeping up with binutils, and also preparing
the m68k side for changeover to gcc-3.2.

As far as I know there is also an overhaul pending for gdb. I am still
waiting for John to release his new remote-palmos.c which has a
different approach to getting the addresses of the various segments 
across to gdb.

So for now you will have to live with separate patches.

Note that my most recent patch is against prc-tools-2.2.

I hope John wil correct me if anything above is not correct.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: gcc, search & section problem (repeat)

2002-11-16 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Michael Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
> (my apologies if this is the third copy of this message, I've been
> having difficulty posting to the list)
> I've recently had to divide my first palm app into two sections and
> was suprised to discover that when I initiate a find (which my app
> supports), my application would crash during a call to a function that
> wasn't in the default section.
> Has anyone else run into this problem (and documented it someplace I
> haven't been able to locate)?
> If Yes, did you find a solution other than merely making sure that
> your search function only called routines in the default segment?

This behaviour is documented in very many places, When your application is 
called with a non-standard launch code (as in find) global variables are 
not available. At least in gcc compiled programs, you need globals 
available in order to call functions in code sections 2 and higher.

So the golden rule is: for all non standard launch codes do not rely
on globals and do not call any functions outside the default code segment.
PilotMain has to be in the default code segment.

>From section 3.2.1 of the prc-tools documentation
The current implementation puts pointers to the code resources into the 
application's global data, and uses those pointers in the code emitted for 
each call in which the calling function and the called function are in 
different sections. This means that you must not attempt to call between 
different sections when globals are not available. 

In particular, all functions in your application called while processing a 
launch code that doesn't give you globals must be in the main code 
section. This always includes PilotMain, which is always called by the 
startup code for all launch codes. 
You will find similar things in the PalmSource Documentation.
E.g. in the Palm OS Companion section Responfing to Other Launch Codes:
In most cases, when you respond to other launch codes, you are not
able to access global variables. Global variables are generally only
allocated after an application receives
sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch (see Listing 2.2) or
sysAppLaunchCmdGoto; so if the application hasn't received
either of these launch codes, its global variables are usually not
allocated and not accessible. In addition, if the application has
multiple code segments, you cannot access code outside of segment
0 (the first segment) if the application has no access to global

In other words, when everything else fails, read the manual ...

Ton van Overbeek

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New version of multi-segment gdb patch (MsectGdb2.2-2) available

2002-11-19 Thread Ton van Overbeek
A second version of my multi-segment debugging patches for prc-tools-2.2 is
now available: MsectGdb2.2-2.
Gdb with these patches applied will identify itself as  
'GNU gdb 5.0-tvo-20021118'.

Changes since MsectGdb2.2-1

- Functions with inner blocks not in the default code segment were not treated
  correctly by ld and gdb. The start and end addresses of the innerblocks got
  messed up. This created havoc in the symbol lookup code creating things
  as references to wrong line numbers, source files and functions when stepping
  into a function in an extra code segment which contains inner blocks.
  This should be fixed now.
  Thanks to Andrew Razuwaev, who provided his code which made me squash this

You can find it at

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Debugging not working any more ... I'M STUCK

2002-12-05 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Jan Bergquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to write a Palm program, and now have reached about 14k.
> It has been working fine with the gdb debugger, but now, suddenly, I can't
> debug anymore:
> An example output when I run normally from the very beginning: (and after
> some steps, 'continue' gives similar error lines, and doesn't continue)
> (gdb) s
> 230 error = RomVersionCompatible (sysMakeROMVersion(3, 0, 0, 0,
> 0),
> launchFlags);
> (gdb) s
> Too many break points, break point not installed
> warning: Cannot insert breakpoint 0:
> Error accessing memory address 0xbb184: Operation not permitted.
> (gdb) s
> RomVersionCompatible (requiredVersion=50331648, launchFlags=142) at
> Utils.c:102
> 102   UInt32 romVersion = GetRomVersion();
> (gdb)
> Anybody recognize this, and can give me some tips?
> (I don't have to add, that I am very new to this...)
This is usually caused by breakpoints which remain set in the emulator 
(or device) after a previous run.
POSE (and real devices) can only handle 5 normal breakpoints and one soft
In POSE check the setting of 'Settings->Properties' Closing/Quitting.
If you save the session, it will be saved with the breakpoints you set
during the session.
You can delete the breakpoints via 'Settings->Breakpoints'.
On a real device you will need to do a soft reset to get rid of previously
existing breakpoints.

Hoppas det hjaelper.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: I really love Multilink :)

2002-12-09 Thread Ton van Overbeek
I just read the flurry of postings on Multilink.
Here are my 2 cents worth based on trying to adapt my multi-segment gdb
patch to multilink 0.3.
- As Chris Faherty pointed out, you need to patch the gdb add-symbol-file
  command to make it understand the expressions used in the script 
  produced by multilink.
- Even with this patch, there are still problems. All the data segments of
  the individul a.out files overlap, creating confusion for the data
  definitions in gdb.
- The multilink calling sequence destroys registers a0,d0,d1,d2. Certain
  gcc runtime routines do not expect this. This will cause problems if
  they are called from a different segment.
- With prc-tools-2.2 (a5 based globals access) the availability of globals
  is as usual: i.e. in non-global launch codes they are not available and
  hence intersegment are not guaranteed to work (a5 may point anywhere).

Multilink is a usable tool to automate the multi-segmenting, but it is
not full proof in every situation.

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: I really love Multilink :)

2002-12-10 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Blake Winton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The ability to tag each function, while useful, is at too low a level
> of granularity for me (and Florent) to use, so I've been using
> Multilink.  (I've got a patch for the libraries it comes with, so if
> anyone is going to start maintaining it again, please email me for
> that.)  I am very appreciative of the work that has gone in to the
> prc-tools, and since I haven't the skill to contribute, I'm want to
> make sure that people know that I'm not complaining, merely suggesting
> further directions the functionality might take to be more useful to
> me and the programmers I work with.

Since I did some hacking on the gdb-multilink combo I would be interested
to look at your patch.
However multilink 0.3 does not come with any libraries. What libraries
are you patching ?


Ton van Overbeek

For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see

MsectGdb2.2-3 available

2002-12-24 Thread Ton van Overbeek
A new version of my multi-segment debugging patches for prc-tools-2.2 is 
now available: MsectGdb2.2-3.
Gdb with these patches applied will identify itself as
'GNU gdb 5.0-tvo-20021223'.

Changes since MsectGdb2.2-2

- Fixed a bug which made gdb skip the PilotMain breakpoint for an application
  with 10 or more code segments. Thanks to Steve Wetherill for tracking down
  this one.

All files (patch source, cygwin and linux binaries) are available at

Enjoy, a merry Xmas and best wishes for 2003.

Ton van Overbeek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: heap dump - GDB

2003-02-14 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Stephan Veigl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a heap dump command "hd" for the CodeWarrior debugger. Is there a 
> similar command for the GDB?

Short answer: No.

If you check with turning the POSE low level log options on what actually
is happening when a "hd" command is given, then you see a number of RPC
(Remote Procedure Calls) calls passing by. These are documented in the
debugger protocol. I have seen this using PalmDebugger. I suppose 
CodeWarrior uses a similar approach. As far as I know there is no direct
support for the "hd" command in the Palm ROMs.
So you/someone could write a "hd" command to be added to gdb 

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: multisegmenting troubles

2003-02-18 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Rick Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been using multilink to build up my app, and it has been working well
> up to now.  However, since debugging multilink'd apps in pose has problems,
> I'm now trying to make the switch over to the gcc segmenting scheme.
> I have declared 7 code segments for my app.  I have made the proper entries
> in a .def file.  I am using macros to declare the segments on the prototypes
> for my functions.  I have used -Wall to find all the functions that are
> being used without a proper prototype and have fixed all of those.  So I
> believe that I'm building my app into specific code segments.  I get the
> following output at link time:
> /usr/m68k-palmos/bin/ld: region coderes is full (myapp section .text)
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/crt0.o: In function `start':
> crt0.c:62: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 _GccRelocateData
> crt0.c:64: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 __do_bhook
> crt0.c:67: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 __do_ctors
> crt0.c:72: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 __do_dtors
> crt0.c:74: relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 __do_ehook
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0x16):hooks.c: relocation
> truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0x64):hooks.c: relocation
> truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0xa6):hooks.c: relocation
> truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(hooks.o)(.text+0xe0):hooks.c: relocation
> truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> /usr/m68k-palmos/lib/libcrt.a(multi_dreloc.o)(.text+0xe):dreloc.c:
> relocation truncated to fit: DISP16 start
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [myapp] Error 1
All the references mentioned above are in the startup code which is at the 
beginning of the .text segment. The actual routines (GccRelocateData, 
etc.) are pulled in from libcrt.a which is at the end, after all your own 
object files. The distance from crt0.o to the library routines is larger 
than 32767 (signed 16-bit offset) hence the errormessages.
So my guess is that you are just over the limit for the .text segment.
Best thing to do is to move one or more routines to one of your other 
segments or to a new segment. (unless you want to force those routines 
from libcrt.a to somewhere in the middle of the .text segment )

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: multisegmenting troubles

2003-02-19 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Chris Faherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 February 2003 05:50 pm, Rick Reynolds wrote:
>> I've actually been in contact with both Ton van Overbeek (hacked gdb to
>> work with multisegmented apps) and David Williams (author of multilink)
>> about this.  Apparently the script that multilink puts out isn't read
>> correctly by the current gdb.
> Ah ok.  That's the same issue.  The fix is in the CVS:
>  Various multiple code resources-related scripts use a convenience
>  variable as the load address for add-symbol-file.  This hasn't
>  worked in GDB 5.x for a while because it allows only a constant
>  there..

I had forgotten it was already fixed in prc-tools cvs. Thanks for the 
Time for prc-tools-2.3 ... ?

Ton van Overbeek

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Re: Newbie gdb and Palm OS 5 Simulator debugging question

2003-03-06 Thread Ton van Overbeek
Daryl Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to debug my first Palm app using the PRC tools and I can't 
> get gdb (m68k-palmos-gdb) to connect to the Palm OS 5 Simulator to debug 
> my app.  I carefully followed the instructions at 
> to install 
> everything onto my Win XP system.  I have the SDK and PilRC on my system 
> and I can compile and run my app fine in the Simulator.  I did build and 
> link with the -g flag set.
> However, when I go to connect the debugger to the simulator.  I
>   -start the simulator,
>   -double check the debugging port is set to "localhost:2000",
>   -load my app (Hello2 from PalmOS Programming Bible),
>   -start GDB with the name of the app "m68k-palmos-gdb hello2"
>   -type in "target pilot localhost:2000"
> and all the cygwin window does is print the following:
> Remote debugging under PalmOS using localhost:2000
> Waiting... (Press Ctrl-C to connect to halted machine)
> I run my app in the simulator and the gdb window never seems to connect. 
>  If I close the simulator window the cygwin window immediatly reports:
> Couldn't establish connection to remote target
> Remote communication error: Connection reset by peer.
> So I know it must have known about the Simulator window.
> I must be doing something basic incorrectly but for the life of me I 
> can't figure out what.  Please help.

You also need the gdbpanel.prc installed on the simulator.

Since you get the message: 
  Remote debugging under PalmOS using localhost:2000 
  Waiting... (Press Ctrl-C to connect to halted machine)
it means the TCP connection between POSE and the simulator has been
gdbpanel can be found in the prc-tools-samples collection. See

Before starting your app on the simulator, first launch gdbpanel, enable
the gdbstub, return to the launcher and then launch the app you want to

What happens is that gdbpanel sets the 'gdbS' feature. The gdb startup 
code (when linked with -g) looks for this feature. If it is present it 
will break at PilotMain, if not the app will run normally.
POSE sets this feature automatically, so you do not need gdbpanel when 
debugging with POSE. When you want to debug on a real device you will also 
need gdbpanel.

See also which addresses the same
issue, but for running the sim and gdb together with the Falch IDE. 
Look at the last part of the article about gdbpanel.

Ton van Overbeek

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