Re: gmail

2005-05-10 Thread Melissa Tucker
Try hitting your right mouse button on the file instead of entering on the 
file name.  After hitting the right mouse button, error down until you hear 
"save target as".  The application key works the same way as the right mouse 
button.  Note the right mouse button is the star key on the number keypad.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kurt E. Yount" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:43 AM
Subject: gmail

I tried to download a file from google mail, but there is no way to
download it.  It is an MP3 file.  What do I do?  Kurt
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Admin: gmail

2005-05-10 Thread Jeff - The Ultra Guy
Again I ask that you stop and think before you post to this list. 
This subject is off topic for pc-audio.  Please keep your messages on 

List Owner

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Nero and 2 second pause

2005-05-10 Thread Gary Petraccaro
How do you get rid of Nero's 2 second pause between tracks?

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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Robert.  I use iPodder with Windows XP.  It works quite well for me.
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

Ipodder does not work with any version of Windows below Windows 2000.
Robert Carter
At 07:17 AM 5/10/2005, you wrote:
Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to 
raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running 
in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
applications. Help???

I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
in its current version. Thanks.

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Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Ann.  I'm sorry that iPodder doesn't work for you.  I guess as has been 
mentioned, it doesn't work with Windows 98.  I hope the the other one will 
work for you.
- Original Message - 
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

Nope, I've tried the restarting thing. I even ran msconfig, unchecked the
Ipod entry there, and restarted and tried to run Ipodder, but with no 
and the same error message. I don't think it's going to work for me, so I
guess it's back to Accessible Podcaster until I find something better.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

Hi Ann.  Well I get the same message sometimes when I try to start
but I can find it by going into my system tray.  The only other way I can
that is if I restart my computer, and then go into Ipodder.  I hope this
helps.  I'm sorry you can't access Ipodder through your system tray.

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2005-05-10 Thread Kurt E. Yount
I tried to download a file from google mail, but there is no way to
download it.  It is an MP3 file.  What do I do?  Kurt 

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Re: online music

2005-05-10 Thread Don Smith
Hi Jeff:
Are you the chap running the blindcast list?
If so, I am having trouble getting into the blindcast list.
I subscribed, was accepted, but, keep getting something about ignore non 
text plain mime parts.\
What is this and do I have the right Jeff?
Anything I can do to solve the problem, where am I going wrong?

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Re: online music

2005-05-10 Thread Jeff - The Ultra Guy
Let me remind you that music downloads are considered off topic for 
this list.  Please keep your messages on topic.

Thank you,
List Owner

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online music

2005-05-10 Thread John Melia
I have a friend who is trying to download songs from nabster or rhapsody he 
is very good at what he does but still having trouble. for down loading 
music what of site is most accessible for blind folks. both sites he tried 
he needed a lot of configuring. 

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Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats

2005-05-10 Thread Yardbird
I'm curious.  If the full version didn't work, and the company knew it, why 
didn't they just work on it until it was ready for prime time instead of 
leaving this Beta thing online for download?  Is it possible that it was 
only with screen reader people that it failed, and is in use otherwise, so 
that only blind users are still using the beta, instead of the finished 
- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats


There was a full version of CDEX released after this beta but unfortunately
version 1.51 didn't work on many peoples machines and so the beta lived on.


- Original Message - 
From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats

> Ah, so the Control A select all works, even though control homeand then
> select to end didn't?  Interesting.  In other such situations, often
> A won't work, but if you go to the top or bottom of an area and select
> or select end, that will copy all.  ah, I know what it is I'm thinking of.
> The General or Details tabs of the properties display for an Outlook
> message.
> Okay.  I'll look again...
> One more thing about the version of CdEx.  How come it's a Beta version?
> Isn't there going to be a final version released?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 12:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> I use that version of CDEX as I think most people on the list do.  There
> actually an updated version 1.6 available now but I'm not sure what the
> features are.
> It's true that when you hit enter on a help topic, JAWS will start reading
> the page.  You can't use your PC cursor to read the page back but you can
> use the JAWS cursor to do so.  Alternatively, use control + A to select
> control + C to copy and paste into a word document.  This does work and
> here's the CDEX introduction copied in exactly that way.
> Introduction
> This document describes CDex, a utility for extracting sound files from
> in your CD-ROM drive, and for  converting WAV files into several other
> (compressed) formats, like the popular MP3 format.
> The latest version of CDex can be downloaded from:
> System Requirements
> Status of CDex
> Acknowledgements
> Change log
> Kevin
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> > One more thing:  I just opened the copy of CdEx on my computer and
> attempted
> > to study the help file topics about things I need to learn.  But even
> though
> > the topic list is set up like a tree view, and I can navigate it fine
> > open books or topics to arrow to their sub topics, when I hit Enter, I'm
> > taken to a page that
> > 1.  starts reading audotmatically in Jaws if I don't touch the keyboard,
> but
> > can't be read deliberately with the arrow keys and Jaws reading
> keystrokes.
> > I thought maybe I could compensate by selecting and copying each
> > text to the clipboard and pasting into a text editor to read, but my
> attempt
> > to do this also failed, for some reason.
> >
> > Also, the text seems incomplete, from what I can figure out, like only
> topic
> > headings are given but then there's no actual writing beyond that.
> >
> > 2.  I checked my version of CdEx, and I wonder if it's not really what I
> > ought to be using if I want to have the latest configuration and more
> usable
> > or fully written help documentation.  I have version 1.51 Beta.  A
> > put it on my system, saying it's what he uses.  But is this out of date?
> If
> > so, where do I go to download the latest version of CdEx?
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> > Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 10:53 AM
> > Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> >
> >
> > Hi Daniel.
> >
> > CDEX will allow you to use a number of encoders to rip your music and
> allow
> > you to use constant or variable bit rates.  The WMA format is available
> but
> > not all bit rates are supported for the version of the encoder included.
> >
> > Saying that, the default Lame encoder is regarded as one of the best MP3
> > encoders around and in comparison tests I've done myself and read about,
> it
> > out performs WMA with most music genres.
> >
> > With regards to your question on burning the compressed MP3 or WMA files
> to
> > 

RE: Damaged MP3 Files

2005-05-10 Thread Caroline Ford
Byron and Bobcat,

Thanks for your replies.

Unfortunately the MP3's were given to me, so I'm unable to re-rip them
myself.  I'll try to ask my friend to re-rip the CD's and hope it might
solve the problem.

I don't think there's a problem with the card reader or this memory card as
I have transferred quite a few MP3's using this method and am only having
the problem with some of them, but by no means all.

It would be interesting to know what it is about certain MP3's which cause
the BookCourier to experience problems.  I don't know if a utility exists
which would enable you to check an MP3 and correct any problems with it.
That would be useful as it's usually not possible to know there's anything
wrong until the file is on the BookCourier and weird things start happening.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Byron Stephens
Sent: 10 May 2005 20:29
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: Damaged MP3 Files

That could be a problem that might have arisen during the rendering process
due to a dirty or scratched cd, oh sure most rippers like CDex have a jitter
correction feature, but it might very well be a sensitivity issue with the
book currier, so try re-ripping the cd, that might help.
Take an extra moment when you find yourself at piece, to think about your
values, and your own affluency.
- Original Message -
From: "Caroline Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: Damaged MP3 Files

> Hello,
> I have a BookCourier and transfer MP3 files to it using a card reader.
> Normally, when I'm playing MP3's, the BookCourier will skip from one to
> next and continue playing, but recently I've noticed that, when I reach
> end of certain files, the BookCourier announces that there is a firmware
> error and I have to re-set the unit.
> I'm wondering whether there could be a problem with the particular MP3
> I'm sending to the BookCourier and would be interested to know whether
> there's any way I can check MP3's while they're still on my PC to see if
> there's a problem with them before transferring them across.  The files
> without problems on my PC, but perhaps the BookCourier is a bit more
> sensitive to any imperfections.
> If anyone has any suggestions about how to iron out problems in MP3's,
> please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Caroline.
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.8 - Release Date: 10/05/2005
> ___
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Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.8 - Release Date: 10/05/2005

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Re: Damaged MP3 Files

2005-05-10 Thread Bobcat
There may even be a problem with the card reader and or the memory card.
Maybe try reformatting the card in the Book Currier.  Then transfer the same
books that give trouble to the card again.  Can you transfer via cable
- Original Message - 
From: "Caroline Ford"

> Hello,
> I have a BookCourier and transfer MP3 files to it using a card reader.
> Normally, when I'm playing MP3's, the BookCourier will skip from one to
> next and continue playing, but recently I've noticed that, when I reach
> end of certain files, the BookCourier announces that there is a firmware
> error and I have to re-set the unit.

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RE: Winamp markers

2005-05-10 Thread David Truong
Hi Peter,

I'm glad that the time markers work well for you.  Anyway, in my opinion, I
don't think there  is anyway that you can have soundforge markers being
recognised by the Winamp time marker scripts unless of course the time
marker scripts were ported to Soundforge.  If you really wanted to, you
could learn the format of a time marker file and put the soundforge time
markers in manually.  After all, a .tmf file is only a text file.

David Truong

E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Skype:  blindboxer1967

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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Peter Scanlon
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:35 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: Winamp markers

There are no problems with them. I did not realise it was a feature of your
scripts and not a Winamp feature. A "damn fine feature" as someone else has
said. It is something I have used a lot.

All I was asking was if I could put markers in a file created in Sound forge
that Winamp would recognise?

Peter S.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Truong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: Winamp markers

Hi Peter,

What are you talking about?   I don't quite understand your issues with our
Winamp time marker scripts.

David Truong

E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Skype:  blindboxer1967

Home Page:
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Peter Scanlon
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:59 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Winamp markers

Well I think I used the wrong term. In Winamp you can set time marks. But it
is not as straight forward as next track or last track to go move around, so
breaking the file into regions as you say would probably be easier.


- Original Message -
From: "Chris Skarstad" <

To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Winamp bookmarks

I'm not sure I understand your question?
The Winamp bookmark list is a text file that references different files, or
mostly audio streams.
I'm guessing that what you want to do is take a very long mp3 file that has
different chapters in it, maybe it's an audio book, and you want to
separate that into different files?
If the anser is yes, you could create different regions for each chapter
and separate those regions as separate files.

At 05:08 PM 5/8/2005, you wrote:
>Is there a way in Sound forge, or other editor to create markers that
>will recognise?
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RE: Winamp markers

2005-05-10 Thread David Truong
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for letting me know this.  I am going to try mucking around with some
wma files and see if we can fix this.

David Truong

E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Skype:  blindboxer1967

Home Page:
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of dennis
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:43 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: Winamp markers

they don't seam to work with wma files any more though. you can set a time 
marker but it says that there are none when you try to go to one. still 
works great with mp3 and mp4 but not wma.
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: Winamp markers

Well, just to make one really small correction, Winamp doesn't have the
time marker feature by default, that's a JAWS script feature. and a damn
fine one at that. It's too bad the other screenreaders don't have that 

At 09:58 AM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
>Well I think I used the wrong term. In Winamp you can set time marks. But 
>is not as straight forward as next track or last track to go move around, 
>breaking the file into regions as you say would probably be easier.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Chris Skarstad" <
>To: "PC audio discussion list. " <
>Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:38 AM
>Subject: Re: Winamp bookmarks
>I'm not sure I understand your question?
>The Winamp bookmark list is a text file that references different files, or
>mostly audio streams.
>I'm guessing that what you want to do is take a very long mp3 file that has
>different chapters in it, maybe it's an audio book, and you want to
>separate that into different files?
>If the anser is yes, you could create different regions for each chapter
>and separate those regions as separate files.
>At 05:08 PM 5/8/2005, you wrote:
> >Is there a way in Sound forge, or other editor to create markers that
> >will recognise?
> >
> >P.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___
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Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats

2005-05-10 Thread Yardbird
Thanks for explaining this.  One more question about settings:

I've learned from you how to make variable bit rate settings.  Now, if I 
wish to try the average bit rate approach described in the manual, I wonder 
if I've discovered the way to set it for that.  There isn't any button or 
anything for doing this, so I poked around in the combo box list of various 
variable bit rate types.  First you have Disabled, then you have the default 
one, I guess that's what you're expected to use normally.

Then you have a couple of variations whose names I don't understand.  And 
then, last on the list, is an option written as "VBR -ABR!"  could this be 
the choice that sets the encoder to use an average bit rate, as a sub-type 
of "variable bit rate?"  Does anyone know?

this program, though the price is right and the operation fairly simple to 
navigate with a screen reader, is pretty bad in terms of how things are 
named and how the documentation is written.  I mean, it truly makes no sense 
at time.  It doesn't say, for instance, how to set VBR or ABR despite 
discussing them, and I see it's given one reader the opposite idea of what 
it meant by cautioning against not using a floor setting.  Same for the on 
the fly explanation.  It starts by saying one thing, then reverses itself 
not out of intention but just because the writing is confused, and no one 
edited it for clarity.

I believe your own explanation of the on the fly deal sounded right.  I've 
noticed that ripping takes much longer when you uncheck it, so I assume this 
is because those operations I'm hearing tracked by the progress bar involve 
a first one that writes the track to an image, as you put it, and then it 
converts that to an .mp3.  But honestly, this stuff wouldn't be so hard if 
the interface and documentation were a little better done.

I know, beggars can't be choosers.  So step on my pencil cup and smash my 
blues guitar.  But still.

Okay, so what about the ABR setting?  Is that how you'd make it?  and then 
do you still set a minimum and maximum for it to work with?

thanks, guys.
coencodr fr
- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats


There was a full version of CDEX released after this beta but unfortunately
version 1.51 didn't work on many peoples machines and so the beta lived on.


- Original Message - 
From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats

> Ah, so the Control A select all works, even though control homeand then
> select to end didn't?  Interesting.  In other such situations, often
> A won't work, but if you go to the top or bottom of an area and select
> or select end, that will copy all.  ah, I know what it is I'm thinking of.
> The General or Details tabs of the properties display for an Outlook
> message.
> Okay.  I'll look again...
> One more thing about the version of CdEx.  How come it's a Beta version?
> Isn't there going to be a final version released?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 12:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> I use that version of CDEX as I think most people on the list do.  There
> actually an updated version 1.6 available now but I'm not sure what the
> features are.
> It's true that when you hit enter on a help topic, JAWS will start reading
> the page.  You can't use your PC cursor to read the page back but you can
> use the JAWS cursor to do so.  Alternatively, use control + A to select
> control + C to copy and paste into a word document.  This does work and
> here's the CDEX introduction copied in exactly that way.
> Introduction
> This document describes CDex, a utility for extracting sound files from
> in your CD-ROM drive, and for  converting WAV files into several other
> (compressed) formats, like the popular MP3 format.
> The latest version of CDex can be downloaded from:
> System Requirements
> Status of CDex
> Acknowledgements
> Change log
> Kevin
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> > One more thing:  I just opened the copy of CdEx on my computer and
> attempted
> > to study the help file topics about things I need to learn.  But even
> though
> > the topic list is set up like a tree view, and I can navigate it fine
> > open books or topics to arrow to their sub topics, when I hit Enter, I'm
> > taken to a page that

Re: Damaged MP3 Files

2005-05-10 Thread Byron Stephens
That could be a problem that might have arisen during the rendering process
due to a dirty or scratched cd, oh sure most rippers like CDex have a jitter
correction feature, but it might very well be a sensitivity issue with the
book currier, so try re-ripping the cd, that might help.
Take an extra moment when you find yourself at piece, to think about your
values, and your own affluency.
- Original Message - 
From: "Caroline Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: Damaged MP3 Files

> Hello,
> I have a BookCourier and transfer MP3 files to it using a card reader.
> Normally, when I'm playing MP3's, the BookCourier will skip from one to
> next and continue playing, but recently I've noticed that, when I reach
> end of certain files, the BookCourier announces that there is a firmware
> error and I have to re-set the unit.
> I'm wondering whether there could be a problem with the particular MP3
> I'm sending to the BookCourier and would be interested to know whether
> there's any way I can check MP3's while they're still on my PC to see if
> there's a problem with them before transferring them across.  The files
> without problems on my PC, but perhaps the BookCourier is a bit more
> sensitive to any imperfections.
> If anyone has any suggestions about how to iron out problems in MP3's,
> please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Caroline.
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.8 - Release Date: 10/05/2005
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FW: product suggestion

2005-05-10 Thread TuneCollector
This inquiry is in regards to transmitting a signal from a computer to
an outside FM antenna.
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: product suggestion

Thank you for your e-mail inquiry.  
Two walls and ceiling and roof are not going to work.  Somehow you will
need to get the FM transmitter near the antenna, or the receiver that
you want to use to receive the signal.  Also if your antenna is a Yagi
type or other directional antenna and is pointed away from your FM
Transmitter you will still likely have a problem.  Is the reason you
want to use the outside antenna, because it feeds several receivers?  If
so you will still have to try to get the FM Transmitter on that side of
the house, maybe even outside under the eve with an audio cable and
power running to it, and protected from the elements somehow.  The point
is the FM Transmitter was not necessarily designed to work in those
elements.  I hope this helps.


Daryl Pfaff
Technical Support Specialist
C. Crane Company Inc
1 800 522-8863
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Re: Removing Pops and clicks

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Stokes
Hi Anders,
Over the past few days, I've tried different ways of removing pops and 
clicks with varying results and am now back using Sound Forge. I've come to 
the conclusion for a novice, like me, it is certainly the easiest to use and 
consequently more effective. One thing I did discover from using one of the 
other programmes is: when copying a tape or other recording, such as vinyl, 
it is best to keep the bit of track before and after the recording actually 
begins and ends. Then when the Pop and Crackle Remover is run, the 
information is used to remove surface noise. It has made a great difference 
to the end results I am now getting. I have also tried to do a better job of 
cleaning the records before copying and will continue to look for even 
better cleaning products. One tip I got from using Google, is to use a piece 
of plain old fashioned velvet for cleaning off surface dust. I then use a 
product for cleaning glass that I use on my scanner. They are called 
'Cleaning Wipes' and are pieces of soft paper that have been soaked in some 
sort of cleaning solution. They come in packs of 50 hermetically sealed 
sachets and do a pretty good job.

For removing the occasional really loud pops that are sometimes missed by 
the automatic removal method, I've found it is easy to remove them manually 
with Sound Forge. When recording an LP, I time it and make a note of the 
time where these pops occur. I can then easily find them when the recording 
is finished. Then, using the left and right arrow keys the pop can be 
isolated with a bracket either side, enabling it to be lifted out of the 
recording, leaving the original sound in tact.

I do hope this is of some help to someone and if anybody else has further 
tips, I'd love to hear them.

- Original Message - 
From: " Anders Holmberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: Removing Pops and clicks

And if you try to search google you can find alot of free pop/click 
plugins out there.
I think i was searching for vinyl restoration.
Or you can go to:
And try some things out there.
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Stokes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Removing Pops and clicks

Thanks Peter. That's another one for me to try.
- Original Message - 
From: "Peter West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Removing Pops and clicks

Hi Robert,
If you're not happy with the click and crackle removal of SF may i
suggest DePopper which costs around $18 and is available from:
You can download a trial version from there.
Good luck.
Peter West
On Thu, 5 May 2005 09:36:26 +0100, Robert Stokes wrote:
Hi Folks,
   I've embarked on the daunting but enjoyable task of copying a very 
   collection of LP records onto computer, using Sound Forge. The 
   the recordings is generally very good but some do have annoying pops 
   clicks. I've tried using the presets in Sound  Forge's 'Pop and 
   remover without much success. I could probably get rid of some of 
   manually but that would be far too time consuming. If anyone can 
   advice or knows of another programme for removing unwanted sounds, 
   to hear from them.

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Damaged MP3 Files

2005-05-10 Thread Caroline Ford

I have a BookCourier and transfer MP3 files to it using a card reader.
Normally, when I'm playing MP3's, the BookCourier will skip from one to the
next and continue playing, but recently I've noticed that, when I reach the
end of certain files, the BookCourier announces that there is a firmware
error and I have to re-set the unit.

I'm wondering whether there could be a problem with the particular MP3 files
I'm sending to the BookCourier and would be interested to know whether
there's any way I can check MP3's while they're still on my PC to see if
there's a problem with them before transferring them across.  The files play
without problems on my PC, but perhaps the BookCourier is a bit more
sensitive to any imperfections.

If anyone has any suggestions about how to iron out problems in MP3's,
please let me know.


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Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats

2005-05-10 Thread Kevin Lloyd

There was a full version of CDEX released after this beta but unfortunately
version 1.51 didn't work on many peoples machines and so the beta lived on.


- Original Message - 
From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats

> Ah, so the Control A select all works, even though control homeand then
> select to end didn't?  Interesting.  In other such situations, often
> A won't work, but if you go to the top or bottom of an area and select
> or select end, that will copy all.  ah, I know what it is I'm thinking of.
> The General or Details tabs of the properties display for an Outlook
> message.
> Okay.  I'll look again...
> One more thing about the version of CdEx.  How come it's a Beta version?
> Isn't there going to be a final version released?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 12:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> I use that version of CDEX as I think most people on the list do.  There
> actually an updated version 1.6 available now but I'm not sure what the
> features are.
> It's true that when you hit enter on a help topic, JAWS will start reading
> the page.  You can't use your PC cursor to read the page back but you can
> use the JAWS cursor to do so.  Alternatively, use control + A to select
> control + C to copy and paste into a word document.  This does work and
> here's the CDEX introduction copied in exactly that way.
> Introduction
> This document describes CDex, a utility for extracting sound files from
> in your CD-ROM drive, and for  converting WAV files into several other
> (compressed) formats, like the popular MP3 format.
> The latest version of CDex can be downloaded from:
> System Requirements
> Status of CDex
> Acknowledgements
> Change log
> Kevin
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> > One more thing:  I just opened the copy of CdEx on my computer and
> attempted
> > to study the help file topics about things I need to learn.  But even
> though
> > the topic list is set up like a tree view, and I can navigate it fine
> > open books or topics to arrow to their sub topics, when I hit Enter, I'm
> > taken to a page that
> > 1.  starts reading audotmatically in Jaws if I don't touch the keyboard,
> but
> > can't be read deliberately with the arrow keys and Jaws reading
> keystrokes.
> > I thought maybe I could compensate by selecting and copying each
> > text to the clipboard and pasting into a text editor to read, but my
> attempt
> > to do this also failed, for some reason.
> >
> > Also, the text seems incomplete, from what I can figure out, like only
> topic
> > headings are given but then there's no actual writing beyond that.
> >
> > 2.  I checked my version of CdEx, and I wonder if it's not really what I
> > ought to be using if I want to have the latest configuration and more
> usable
> > or fully written help documentation.  I have version 1.51 Beta.  A
> > put it on my system, saying it's what he uses.  But is this out of date?
> If
> > so, where do I go to download the latest version of CdEx?
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> > Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 10:53 AM
> > Subject: Re: Understanding and comparing compression formats
> >
> >
> > Hi Daniel.
> >
> > CDEX will allow you to use a number of encoders to rip your music and
> allow
> > you to use constant or variable bit rates.  The WMA format is available
> but
> > not all bit rates are supported for the version of the encoder included.
> >
> > Saying that, the default Lame encoder is regarded as one of the best MP3
> > encoders around and in comparison tests I've done myself and read about,
> it
> > out performs WMA with most music genres.
> >
> > With regards to your question on burning the compressed MP3 or WMA files
> to
> > CD, well, you have the choice when burning to either create an audio CD
> for
> > play in a standard CD player which will convert the compressed file into
> > and then CDDA or you can burn the files to a data CD which will burn
> > exactly as they are on your hard drive.  That is, compressed.  There are
> > increasing numbers of players on the market now, both portable and
> > hi-fi, that will play these data CD's with your MP3 music.  This means
> > could have 10 albums or more on a single disc.  Kelly's point was
> > this that MP3 is still the most p

Re: CdEx settings check

2005-05-10 Thread Kevin Lloyd

Yes, it's highly likely that the track you ripped didn't need 192kbps at all
when ripped at high quality.  That's the beauty of variable bit rates in
saving disc space without compromising quality.

You can check the bit rate that was used in a number of programs.  Winamp
can do this by using the keystroke insert + I.  Arrow down to bit rate but
beware that winamp isn't very good at telling you variable bit rate
averages.  It rounds to the nearest setting such as 128, 160, 192, 224, 256
or 320.

I use a program called audigen to catalogue all of my MP3's and this
database will tell me the exact variable bit rate average that the file has
been ripped at.  I'm listening to a Metallica track at present that winamp
reports as ripped at 320kbps but audigen tells me is ripped at an average of

I also use a free program called MP3TRIM which also will show the variable
bit rate accurately.  This reports the track as ripped at an average of

If you'd like me to take a look and listen to that track ripped in both ways
just send it along to me at the address below.  I'll let you know what I
find off list.


- Original Message - 
From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: CdEx settings check

> P.S.
> If it's pertinent to specify this, the track is fairly simple
> Just piano and voice (Randy Newman's "You Can Leave Your Hat On," from the
> Randy Newman songbook Vol. 1).  I'm just guessing, but maybe now that I've
> enabled the variable bit rate, it determined that the track could stand
> more compression than when I had the variable bit rate inadvertently
> disabled?
> Naive questions, I know.  Just trying to figure this out.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:14 PM
> Subject: Re: CdEx settings check
> Kevin,
> One question.  For the sake of comparison, I moved a folder containing one
> of my ripped CDs to another place on my hard drive so I could rip the same
> album again using the settings you suggested.
> Well, And then I listened to the two different versions of the track.  But
> also, I loooked at the properties for each file to see how large they
> To my rurpise, the file I just ripped after setting my options as you
> suggested was *smaller* than the earlier version I'd created.  The earlier
> one was 4.51 Mb, and the new one, which I expected to be larger because of
> the high quality, bigger maximum bit rate settings, was *smaller,* only
> Mb.
> Let me tell you the old settings and then the new ones as ou recommended.
> Old version of ripped track:
> minimum bit rate 192
> maximuim bit rate 224
> variable rate was showing disabled
> quality high
> your settings:
> min. bit rate 128
> max bit rate 320
> variable bit rate now set to default
> quality high
> One thing I hadn't expected was that the file should be smaller now, and I
> don't need it to be smaller.  Have I done something incorrectly?
> From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 12:59 PM
> Subject: Re: CdEx settings check
> Hi Daniel.
> I'll address some of your questions below by letting you know what
> I use and why.  I also have a critical ear and also confess to being a
> head.  Despite what some might think about metal, it actually needs a high
> bit rate to get everything out of the extremes.
> By the way, any setting I don't mention ain't important and should be left
> at default value as far as I'm concerned.
> 1.  Thread priority - below normal - I set it here so that I can carry on
> using my computer without any sluggishness.  Normal isn't too bad but
> is obviously faster to rip but takes over your computer.
> 2.  Encoder - lame - the best MP3 encoder as far as I'm concerned.
> 3.  Version - MPEG1 - just means MP3 - don't worry about it
> 4.  Bit rate min - 128kbps - yes, this is the minimum bit rate or the
> if you like when ripping in variable bit rate mode.  The encoder won't
> below this.  The encoder will only go down this far if it thinks you won't
> lose quality so it's safe to set to 128kbps rather than 192kbps if you're
> using variable bit rates
> 5.  Bit rate max - 320kbps - as I said, I prefer quality to disc space so
> let the encoder use as much as it needs to get the best result - that's my
> personal philosophy.  It's interesting to see just how many CD's get
> with tracks in excess of 256kbps.
> 6.  Stereo - don't use anything else like joint stereo - it'll sound tacky
> and you'll regret
> it later
> 7.  Quality - high - if you want the best sound quality for your
> music there's no other setting worth using.
> 8.  On the fly - unchecked - if you check this box you're telling t

Re: Winamp markers

2005-05-10 Thread Peter Scanlon
There are no problems with them. I did not realise it was a feature of your
scripts and not a Winamp feature. A "damn fine feature" as someone else has
said. It is something I have used a lot.

All I was asking was if I could put markers in a file created in Sound forge
that Winamp would recognise?

Peter S.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Truong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: Winamp markers

Hi Peter,

What are you talking about?   I don't quite understand your issues with our
Winamp time marker scripts.

David Truong

E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Peter Scanlon
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:59 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Winamp markers

Well I think I used the wrong term. In Winamp you can set time marks. But it
is not as straight forward as next track or last track to go move around, so
breaking the file into regions as you say would probably be easier.


- Original Message -
From: "Chris Skarstad" <

To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Winamp bookmarks

I'm not sure I understand your question?
The Winamp bookmark list is a text file that references different files, or
mostly audio streams.
I'm guessing that what you want to do is take a very long mp3 file that has
different chapters in it, maybe it's an audio book, and you want to
separate that into different files?
If the anser is yes, you could create different regions for each chapter
and separate those regions as separate files.

At 05:08 PM 5/8/2005, you wrote:
>Is there a way in Sound forge, or other editor to create markers that
>will recognise?
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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Carter
Ipodder does not work with any version of Windows below Windows 2000.
Robert Carter
At 07:17 AM 5/10/2005, you wrote:
Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to either
raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running either
in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
applications. Help???
I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
in its current version. Thanks.

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Re: Poccasting software

2005-05-10 Thread john stott
Hello Gary 
You've got I podder to work with windows 98 how
Ann want's a poddcaster to work with windows 98
all the best JOHN

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Re: Poccasting software

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Carter
Hi All,
The correct link for the accessible podcaster is
At 02:15 AM 5/10/2005, you wrote:
John I tried the link you gave
and got a message stating that I was not authorized to access this page.
Robert Doc Wright
I'm so cool, I'm afraid to catch a cold
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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread ANN TATE
LOL! I doubt it since I almost never use windows media player at all. The
last time I think was 8 or nine months ago.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gary G. Schindler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

> iPodder is not to be used with windows 98 at all. it is made for windows
xp. you probably will have trouble with your windows media player now!
> -- "ANN TATE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
> downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
> message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to
> raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running
> in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
> applications. Help???
> I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
> find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
> in its current version. Thanks.
> ~Ann
> ---
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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread Gary G. Schindler

iPodder is not to be used with windows 98 at all. it is made for windows xp. 
you probably will have trouble with your windows media player now! 


Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to either
raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running either
in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
applications. Help???

I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
in its current version. Thanks.


avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
Tested on: 5/10/05 8:17:42 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2004 ALWIL Software.

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Now includes pop-up blocker!
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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread ANN TATE

Nope, I've tried the restarting thing. I even ran msconfig, unchecked the
Ipod entry there, and restarted and tried to run Ipodder, but with no luck,
and the same error message. I don't think it's going to work for me, so I
guess it's back to Accessible Podcaster until I find something better.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

> Hi Ann.  Well I get the same message sometimes when I try to start
> but I can find it by going into my system tray.  The only other way I can
> that is if I restart my computer, and then go into Ipodder.  I hope this
> helps.  I'm sorry you can't access Ipodder through your system tray.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
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Re: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread Gary Wood
Hi Ann.  Well I get the same message sometimes when I try to start Ipodder, 
but I can find it by going into my system tray.  The only other way I can do 
that is if I restart my computer, and then go into Ipodder.  I hope this 
helps.  I'm sorry you can't access Ipodder through your system tray.
- Original Message - 
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 8:17 AM
Subject: IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to 
raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running 
in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
applications. Help???

I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
in its current version. Thanks.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
Tested on: 5/10/05 8:17:42 AM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2004 ALWIL Software.

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Re: increasing streams in Winamp library

2005-05-10 Thread Barry Chapman
Hi Susan,

1. Open preferences with ctrl+p.

2. Arrow to Media Library.

3. Tab to Modify Preferences and press space.

4. You should be in a field with the title Limit number of listings fetched.

5. Add a couple of zeroes, making it 5.


Barry Chapman

- Original Message - 
From: "Susan Wojtecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: increasing streams in Winamp library

I see a lot of stuff about display options but nothing specifically about
managing the cache.  The closest item is something about not loading the
database at startup, which of course is unchecked.  There's also an item
referring to resizing columns, but that seems to have to do with the
appearance of the display.  again, not sure what I'm missing, i can't seem
to get to anything other than the display or advanced options dialogs.
Thanks for your patience.


- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Russillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: increasing streams in Winamp library

> Hi Susan, as to increasing the streams, in Media Library under
> Preferences,
> look for a button that says something about managing cache and hit it; you
> should get a dialog that starts with something about limiting the streams
> to
> fetch; if the edit box says 500, for instance, than hit Delete and type a
> higher number, say 1.  Then go to the Okay button, press it with
> spacebar; then you're back on the first dialog page; go to the Close
> button,
> hit the spacebar, and that should do it.  As for 5.09, I just tried it and
> found an odd behavior with it.  I'm on dial-up, and previous versions of
> Winamp didn't try to connect to the Net when listening to a file stored
> offline; however with 5.09 in my case, when I wanted to listen to
> something
> that is offline on the hard disk, Winamp would connect to the Net.  Even
> when I merely wanted to run Winamp while offline to see what plugins are
> there, the thing would--what else--connect!  I went back to 5.08E; I don't
> know what kind of connection I have, but for now I'm staying away from
> 5.09;
> so, ah, pick your poison (grin).  HTH
> Regards, Peter
> - Original Message -
> From: "Susan Wojtecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 5:50 PM
> Subject: increasing streams in Winamp library
>> Hi listers,
>> sorry if this question has been done to death, but can someone remind me
>> about how to increase the number of streams in the Winamp media library
> with
>> the latest version?  Once I get to the media library section under
>> preferences i can't seem to find the appropriate dialogue, which looks
>> different from the 5.04 version on my old machine.  Any help much
>> appreciated.  By the way, I'm wondering about upgrading to the new
> version,
>> any thoughts for or against from those who may have already done it?
>> many
>> thanks as always.
>> Susan
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Re: Winamp markers

2005-05-10 Thread dennis
they don't seam to work with wma files any more though. you can set a time 
marker but it says that there are none when you try to go to one. still 
works great with mp3 and mp4 but not wma.
- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: Winamp markers

Well, just to make one really small correction, Winamp doesn't have the
time marker feature by default, that's a JAWS script feature. and a damn
fine one at that. It's too bad the other screenreaders don't have that 

At 09:58 AM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
>Well I think I used the wrong term. In Winamp you can set time marks. But 
>is not as straight forward as next track or last track to go move around, 
>breaking the file into regions as you say would probably be easier.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Chris Skarstad" <
>To: "PC audio discussion list. " <
>Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:38 AM
>Subject: Re: Winamp bookmarks
>I'm not sure I understand your question?
>The Winamp bookmark list is a text file that references different files, or
>mostly audio streams.
>I'm guessing that what you want to do is take a very long mp3 file that has
>different chapters in it, maybe it's an audio book, and you want to
>separate that into different files?
>If the anser is yes, you could create different regions for each chapter
>and separate those regions as separate files.
>At 05:08 PM 5/8/2005, you wrote:
> >Is there a way in Sound forge, or other editor to create markers that
> >will recognise?
> >
> >P.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread ANN TATE

Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to either
raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running either
in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
applications. Help???

I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
in its current version. Thanks.


avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
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IPodder2.0 & Windows 98 SE

2005-05-10 Thread ANN TATE

Is anyone using Ipodder successfully with Windows98 SE? I have just
downloaded it, and it installed just fine. but, when I try and run it, a
message pops up telling me a copy is already running, and asks me to either
raise it or wait for it to quit. But, there is no sign of it running either
in my system tray or when I use programs like End It All to list running
applications. Help???

I like accessible Podcaster, but it is pretty basic, and I was hoping to
find something with some scheduling abilities that Podcaster does not have
in its current version. Thanks.


avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0519-1, 05/10/2005
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Re: Poccasting software

2005-05-10 Thread ANN TATE
And, a more direct link to accessible Podcaster is:


- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Maule-Oatway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: Poccasting software

> Hello,
> The correct link is:
> Hope this helps.
> Chris
> At 01:15 10/05/05 -0600, you wrote:
> >John I tried the link you gave
> >
> >
> >and got a message stating that I was not authorized to access this page.
> >
> >Robert Doc Wright
> >
> >msn
> >
> >I'm so cool, I'm afraid to catch a cold
> >
> >
> >___
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> ___
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> avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2004 ALWIL Software.

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Re: Poccasting software

2005-05-10 Thread Christopher Maule-Oatway
The correct link is:
Hope this helps.
At 01:15 10/05/05 -0600, you wrote:
John I tried the link you gave
and got a message stating that I was not authorized to access this page.
Robert Doc Wright
I'm so cool, I'm afraid to catch a cold
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Re: Poccasting software

2005-05-10 Thread Doc
John I tried the link you gave

and got a message stating that I was not authorized to access this page.

Robert Doc Wright

I'm so cool, I'm afraid to catch a cold

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RE: Major winamp problem

2005-05-10 Thread Bruce Toews
The third way is to hit control+F4 when in the library.
Bruce Toews
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On Mon, 9 May 2005, Wil James wrote:
Hi Jed,
There are two ways of turning off the library.  The first way is by
simply hitting alt+l.  The second way is through the menus.  Hit alt,
arrow to winamp and hit the right arrow, then look for Winamp library in
the options.  It will be either checked or unchecked.
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-Original Message-
   From: "Jed Barton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Sent: 5/8/05 6:06:19 PM
   To: "" 
   Subject: Major winamp problem
   Hey guys,
   Any way to disable the winamp library?
   This is becoming a major problem.
   Something is preventing me from using the alt key.
   When I hit the alt key to go in to the menus of winamp 5, it does
   Any ideas?

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