Re: bulk extention converter

2014-04-30 Thread Robert Doc Wright
Thanks someone had reminded me of my old dos days earlier.

If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?  then where does the learning 

- Original Message - 
From: "Laurence Taylor" 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: bulk extention converter

On 28/04/2014 11:21, Robert Doc Wright wrote:
> Has anyone run across a windows software that will allow me to point to a
> folder of m4a files and change the a to r, b or v?  I am working on a 
> folder
> of mp3 tones that total 8000 files.  Converting to m4a isn't a problem. 
> Its
> having to manually change each .m4a to .m4r that has me shaking!

ARe you talking about simply changing the extension rather than
the format of the file?

If that's all you need to do, DOS is your friend here!

Open a command window, navigate to the folder your files are in,
and type

REN *.M4A *.M4R

Hit RETURN and it's done.

If this is the sort of thing you're likely to do often, there is
an XP Powertoy which adds the command prompt to the right-click
menu. Windows Vista, 7 and 8 have this built in, just
shift-right-click on (or in) the folder.

...Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
---Taglines by Tagzilla (

Re: bulk extention converter

2014-04-29 Thread Laurence Taylor
On 28/04/2014 11:21, Robert Doc Wright wrote:
> Has anyone run across a windows software that will allow me to point to a
> folder of m4a files and change the a to r, b or v?  I am working on a folder
> of mp3 tones that total 8000 files.  Converting to m4a isn't a problem.  Its
> having to manually change each .m4a to .m4r that has me shaking!

ARe you talking about simply changing the extension rather than
the format of the file?

If that's all you need to do, DOS is your friend here!

Open a command window, navigate to the folder your files are in,
and type

REN *.M4A *.M4R

Hit RETURN and it's done.

If this is the sort of thing you're likely to do often, there is
an XP Powertoy which adds the command prompt to the right-click
menu. Windows Vista, 7 and 8 have this built in, just
shift-right-click on (or in) the folder.

...Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
---Taglines by Tagzilla (

Re: bulk extention converter

2014-04-28 Thread Robert Doc Wright
I was reminded of a dos command that does it in seconds

If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?  then where does the learning 

- Original Message - 
From: "john s" 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 5:22 AM
Subject: Re: bulk extention converter

Robert, try this one.  It works great with Window Eyes.  If you can't
find it, let me know and I'll send you the copy I have.

-- Leeos Software -
-- Rename file extensions Version 1.00   --- FREEWARE -----

Rename file extensions lets you change file name extensions.

For UP-TO-DATE release information, please check this URL:

earlier, Robert Doc Wright, wrote:
>Has anyone run across a windows software that will allow me to point to a
>folder of m4a files and change the a to r, b or v?  I am working on a 
>of mp3 tones that total 8000 files.  Converting to m4a isn't a problem. 
>having to manually change each .m4a to .m4r that has me shaking!
>If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?  then where does the learning


Re: bulk extention converter

2014-04-28 Thread john s
Robert, try this one.  It works great with Window Eyes.  If you can't 
find it, let me know and I'll send you the copy I have.

-- Leeos Software -
-- Rename file extensions Version 1.00   --- FREEWARE -----

Rename file extensions lets you change file name extensions.

For UP-TO-DATE release information, please check this URL:

earlier, Robert Doc Wright, wrote:

Has anyone run across a windows software that will allow me to point to a
folder of m4a files and change the a to r, b or v?  I am working on a folder
of mp3 tones that total 8000 files.  Converting to m4a isn't a problem.  Its
having to manually change each .m4a to .m4r that has me shaking!

If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why?  then where does the learning
