[pca] Solaris 9 transitioning to Extended Support

2011-10-19 Thread Martin Paul
Solaris 9 will transition to Vintage Support at the end of October. This means 
that any Solaris 9 patches (or patch revisions) released from Nov 1st onwards 
will require Vintage support level. Details on Gerry Haskins' blog:


BTW - when that happened with Solaris 8, I heard that Vintage support is very 
expensive. Did anybody ever buy and use that?


Re: [pca] Setting up PCA patch server

2011-10-19 Thread Thomas Gouverneur
Hi all,

I've thought about this kind of problem some weeks ago and figured out
that on this topic, what I wanted from PCA was simple: Exactly the same
as SUNWtlp was doing for me:
 - Bundle generation with frozen recommended set of patches
 - HTML Reports
 - Live Upgrade Friendly Bundle (with patch_order file and such)
   This way, you can simply use luupgrade
-s /var/tmp/bundle /var/tmp/bundle/patch_order

Theses were the first three feature I needed, amongst other that
SUNWtlp was offering.

For those who never seen SUNWtlp in action, it was a complete
perl-based patching framework used to work in very large enterprise
environment counting hundreds of servers. The principle was simple, a
cronjob with a big batch perl script was going to every server and
picks up the weekly explorer, extract it into TLP directory and then
create a ready-to-use bundle of patches with associated HTML report.

It was great and sufficient until SUN decided to decommission it in
favor of xVM ops center.

I've started myself to build a bunch of scripts to fulfill the feature
I listed above. I don't know if this could be of some interest for any
of you, but if it is, I've got nothing against publishing the code of
theses scripts and eventually maintain it.

To be clearer, I'll add a current output of what my scripts are doing...


$ ./cleanExplorers 
[-] Removing explorer.82a91f35.uxhabsyc021-2010. as it is 
older than 60 days
[-] Removing explorer.8557b4a2.proatriusr02-2010. as it is 
older than 60 days
cp /tmp/explorer.847c9adf.uxvenusc012-2011. 
$ ./extractExplorers
[-] Extracting ./explorer.8323e753.accatriu2oi11-2011.
$ ./batchReport
[-] Generating report for accatriu2oi11...
[-] Generating report for accatriu2po11...
[-] Generating report for accatriudn04...
$ ./pcaHost uxorionc012 -l missings
Using /pca/data/patchxrefdir/patchdiag.xref from Oct/18/11
Host: uxorionc012 (SunOS 5.10/Generic_142909-17/sparc/sun4u)
List: missings (66/10608)

Patch  IR   CR RSB Age Synopsis
-- -- - -- --- ---
118666 27  34 RS-   2 JavaSE 5.0: update 32 patch (equivalent to JDK 5.0u32)

+ bins to generate bundles, pack everything up, etc...

Thomas Gouverneur
 _   _  
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|_|___/ .__/|_/_/\_\
 Network  |_|   SPRL
   TVA: BE6836018011

T: +32 498 23 00 40
W: http://espix.net
M: tho...@espix.net

On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:30:20 -0500
Becktold, Lisa M. (LARC-B7)[Chugach Federal Solutions, Inc.]
lisa.m.beckt...@nasa.gov wrote:

 We have started using pca to patch our servers.It's been working
 very well, and we'd like to refine our setup.
 Instead of each server accessing support.oracle.com, we'd like to set
 up an internal pca patch server.  The patch clients should access
 this internal patch server, and NOT go outside our internal network
 to download patches.
 I'm a bit confused about what should reside on that internal patch
 server.  Should I download the latest recommended patch cluster and
 associated patchdiag.xref file, and place it on the internal patch
 If the full recommended patch cluster is located on the patch server,
 then there the patch client doesn't need to go outside our internal
 network and access support.oracle.com, right?
 The patch server must either share the patch directory via NFS, or
 offer it via http or ftp, correct?
 Lisa Becktold
 System Administrator
 Chugach Federal Solutions, Inc.
 NASA Center for AeroSpace Information Contract
 Phone:   443 995 5805

Re: [pca] Setting up PCA patch server

2011-10-19 Thread Martin Paul


Others have already described various options you have. As for my 2 cent: Take a 
look at the PCA documentation, especially the parts about setting up a local 
patch server (in your situation, a PCA local caching proxy might suit best, and 
there are detailed step-by-step instructions in the docs) and about creating 
patch reports for remote machines.

As seen in other follow-ups, many people use PCA just as one tool in their 
patching framework. Therefore I kept PCA as general as possible, and you'll have 
to find your own way that fits best to your surroundings.

I'm having a hard time getting my head around the fact that pca is very

It has to be. A system may have any set of packages and patches installed, PCA 
won't assume that any two systems are exactly the same. So it sees what's 
(already) there, and tells you what's missing. If you as an administrator know 
that two systems are equal, it's fine to download the patches only once on one 
fo them and re-use them later on the second system.


Re: [pca] Recommended patches and PCA

2011-10-19 Thread Martin Paul

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the background information and the confirmation that --minimal 
works for you. I decided to make it official now, and have added documentation 
to the development release of PCA now.

Without gushing too much we have found PCA too useful to not use. It
simplifies and standardises everything for us.

You made my day! :)


Re: [pca] Solaris 9 transitioning to Extended Support

2011-10-19 Thread Rajiv Gunja
@my company we weighed our options. it made more sense for us to move to
version 10 than pay for extra support for version maintenance.

 On Oct 19, 2011 8:11 AM, Chuck Floyd ch...@cmfloyd.com wrote:

Re: [pca] Solaris 9 transitioning to Extended Support

2011-10-19 Thread Filip Francis


Worked with them several times.
Was not really a good experience but he could be that they did not 
understand the T3 storage systems here in Belgium.
Hospital was down for more then a day before i came and started the 
reinstallation of the whole system because they managed to screw it up 

Filip Francis

On 10/19/11 15:35, Thomas Gouverneur wrote:

Anyone ever heard of Osiatis company that looks like a resseler of
support contract for outdated systems ?

My customer think of moving to such support contract as it's cheaper
than Oracle ones. Any return of experience ?



On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 08:16:27 -0400
Rajiv Gunjaopn.src.ro...@gmail.com  wrote:

@my company we weighed our options. it made more sense for us to move
to version 10 than pay for extra support for version maintenance.

  On Oct 19, 2011 8:11 AM, Chuck Floydch...@cmfloyd.com  wrote:

Re: [pca] Solaris 9 transitioning to Extended Support

2011-10-19 Thread Jeff Wieland

Fred wrote:

We did the same thing.  I do miss how fast Solaris 8 would reboot
on our old
V100's - down and up in 90 seconds.  With Solaris 10 it takes
about 4 minutes.

Worry not, Solaris 11's fast reboot can boot a host as quickly as a zone.
Default behaviour for a reboot is to skip the POST.


V100's won't run Solaris 11, and they don't run POST on a reboot anway.
POST on our V100's takes about 45 seconds...a bit longer if they have more

 Jeff Wieland| Purdue University
  Network Systems Administrator  |ITNS Data Networks
  Voice: (765)496-8234   |155 S. Grant Street
   FAX: (765)494-6620|   West Lafayette, IN 47907-2115