Re: [PD] frequency components analysis

2008-07-11 Thread Julian Villegas
Hi Isidro, 
Thank you for the link, the problem is that I want to extract the frequency 
components of a sound in realtime, like from a mic connected to my computer, 
and AFAIK the ATS object works only with files. Do you have any other ideas? 
Does anybody else?

Thank you!

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Re: [PD] better tabread4~

2008-07-11 Thread Charles Henry
More tables and math...

Let me go ahead and re-print the previous table of fourier transforms
and add some more functions to it, that will simplify things.

remember, these functions are non-zero on the interval from [-a,a] and
zero, elsewhere
f(t)   |  F(w)
1 |  2/w*sin(aw)
|t||  2a/w*sin(aw) + 2/w^2*(cos(aw)-1)
t^2  |  2a^2/w*sin(aw) + 4a/w^2*cos(aw) - 4/w^3*sin(aw)
|t|^3 | 2a^3/w*sin(aw) + 6a^2/w^2*cos(aw) - 12a/w^3*sin(aw) - 12/w^4*(cos(aw)-1)

and a new set of functions that seem to be more useful, because terms
cancel.  I'll also include another column for the limit as w->0.

f(t)  | lim(w->0) F(w) |   F(w)
|t| - a  |-a^2 |2/w^2*(cos(aw)-1)
(|t| - a)^2 |  2/3*a^3  |4a/w^2 - 4/w^3*sin(aw)
(|t| - a)^3 | -1/2*a^4  |   -6a^2/w^2 - 12/w^4*(cos(aw)-1)
(|t| - a)^4 |  2/5*a^5  |8a^3/w^2 - 48a/w^4 + 48/w^5*sin(aw)
(|t| - a)^5 | -1/3*a^6  |   -10a^4/w^2 + 120a^2/w^4 +
(|t| - a)^6 |  2/7*a^7  |12a^5/w^2 - 240a^3/w^4 +
1440a/w^6 - 1440/w^7*sin(aw)
(|t| - a)^7 | -1/4*a^8  |   -14a^6/w^2 + 420a^4/w^4 -
5040a^2/w^6 - 10080/w^8*(cos(aw)-1)

There is a general form for these functions, but I'm struggling to put
it in a good way.  I will show the last 4 functions F(w) to show the
pattern.  (if anyone wants to continue this work to bigger and bigger
polynomials, I hope this spares some headaches)

(|t| - a)^4 |4*2*a^3/w^2  - 4!/(4-3)!*2*a/w^4 + 4!*2/w^5*sin(aw)
(|t| - a)^5 |   -5*2*a^4/w^2 + 5!/(5-3)!*2*a^2/w^4 + 5!*2/w^6*(cos(aw)-1)
(|t| - a)^6 |6*2*a^5/w^2  - 6!/(6-3)!*2*a^3/w^4 +
6!/(6-5)!*2*a/w^6 - 6!*2/w^7*sin(aw)
(|t| - a)^7 |   -7*2*a^6/w^2 + 7!/(7-3)!*2*a^4/w^4  -
7!/(7-5)!*2*a^2/w^6 - 7!*2/w^8*(cos(aw)-1)

okay, to business.  We want to construct a 6-point polynomial, whose
spectrum falls off at a rate of 1/w^5.  I haven't exactly worked out
the rationale, but this math is tedious and slow and haven't gotten
much of a solid pattern established.

We will construct a fully constrained polynomial, using the functions
(|t|-a)^4 and (|t|-a)^5 using a=1, a=2, and a=3.

To try to keep the terms clear,
b4 is the coefficient of (|t| - 1)^4  on the interval [-1,1]
b5 is the coefficient of (|t| - 1)^5  on the interval [-1,1]
c4 is the coefficient of (|t| - 2)^4  on the interval [-2,2]
c5 is the coefficient of (|t| - 2)^5  on the interval [-2,2]
d4 is the coefficient of (|t| - 3)^4  on the interval [-3,3]
d5 is the coefficient of (|t| - 3)^5  on the interval [-3,3]

We need to set the following constraints:
1.  1/w^2 terms cancel
8*b4 - 10*b5 + 64*c4 - 160*c5 + 216*d4 - 810*d5 = 0

2.  1/w^4 terms cancel
-48*b4 + 120*b5 - 96*c4 + 480*c5 -144*d4 + 1080*d5 = 0

3.  f(0)=1
b4 - b5 + 16*c4 - 32*c5 + 81*d4 - 243*d5 = 1

4. f(1)=0
c4 - c5 + 16*d4 - 32*d5 = 0

5. f(2)=0
d4 - d5 = 0

6.  lim(w->0,  F(w)) = 1
2/5*b4 - 1/3*b5 + 64/5*c4 - 64/3*c5 + 486/5*d4 - 729/3*d5 = 1

Solve by linear algebra,
b4= -125/64
b5= -67/64
c4= 29/32
c5= 5/32
d4= 3/64
d5= 3/64

f(t)=  (|t| < 1) * [ -67/64*(|t| - 1)^5 - 125/64*(|t| - 1)^4 ]
 + (|t| < 2) * [ 5/32*(|t| - 2)^5 + 29/32*(|t| - 2)^4 ]
 + (|t| < 3) * [ 3/64*(|t| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(|t| - 3)^4 ]

F(w) =  1/w^5*( -375/4*sin(w) + 87/2*sin(2w) + 9/4*sin(3w))
 + 1/w^6*(405/2 - 1005/4*cos(w) + 75/2*cos(2w) + 45/4*cos(3w))

okay, so now, we've set the spectrum and impulse response 1st, and we
need to work backwards to find the polynomial interpolation.  We need
to re-write everything in terms of x on [0,1]

from the left:
substitute t = -2 -x  (coefficient of g[-2])

3/64*(| -2 - x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(| -2 -x| - 3)^4)
=3/64*(x-1)^5 + 3/64*(x-1)^4

substitute t = -1 -x  (coefficient of g[-1])

3/64*(| -1 - x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(| -1 -x| - 3)^4) + 5/32*(| -1 -x| -
2)^5 + 29/32*(|-1 - x| - 2)^4

=3/64*(x-2)^5 + 3/64*(x-2)^4 + 5/32*(x-1)^5 + 29/32*(x-1)^4

substitute t = -x  (coefficient of g[0])

3/64*(| -x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(| -x| - 3)^4) + 5/32*(| -x| - 2)^5 +
29/32*(| - x| - 2)^4 + 3/64*(| -x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(| -x| - 3)^4 -
67/64*(| -x| - 1)^5 - 125/64*(| -x| - 1)^4

=3/64*(x-3)^5 + 3/64*(x-3)^4 + 5/32*(x-2)^5 + 29/32*(x-2)^4 -
67/64*(x-1)^5 - 125/64*(x-1)^4

---substitute t = 1 -x  (coefficient of g[1])

3/64*(|1 -x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(|1 -x| - 3)^4) + 5/32*(|1 -x| - 2)^5 +
29/32*(|1 - x| - 2)^4 + 3/64*(|1 -x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(|1 -x| - 3)^4 -
67/64*(|1 -x| - 1)^5 - 125/64*(|1 -x| - 1)^4
=3/64*(-x-2)^5 + 3/64*(-x-2)^4 + 5/32*(-x-1)^5 + 29/32*(-x-1)^4 -
67/64*(-x)^5 - 125/64*(-x)^4

= -3/64*(x+2)^5 + 3/64*(x+2)^4 - 5/32*(x+1)^5 + 29/32*(x+1)^4 +
67/64*x^5 - 125/64*x^4

---substitute t = 2 -x  (coefficient of g[2])

3/64*(| 2 - x| - 3)^5 + 3/64*(| 2 -x| - 3)^4) + 5/32*(| 2 -x| - 2)^5 +
29/32*(| 2 - x| - 2)^4
=3/64*(-x-1)^5 + 3/64*(-1x-1)^4 + 5/32*(-x)^5 + 29/32*(-x)^4

= -3/64*(x+1)^5 + 3/64*(x+1)^4 - 5/32*x^5 + 29/32*x^4

--substitute t = 3 -x  (coefficient of g[3])

3/64*(| 3 - x| - 3)^5 + 3

[PD] int.lib for PD? (interpolating between numerous preset values)

2008-07-11 Thread Joseph Barrows
Hi Pders,
I recently saw a presentation by a fellow using Max and he was using int.lib
that allowed using a 2D space populated with presets, and as he moved a
marker around the space int.lib would smoothly interpolate all the values in
the various presets depending on the distance from their markers in the 2D

he was using it to set up 'moods' for effecting the audio, so he had more of
a conductor role than an individual musician role when controlling his patch

I was wondering if there is anything like this for PD (interpolation of
groups of values)

Joseph Barrows
live video performance; web site design; new media artist
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pdpedia is back!

2008-07-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Jul 11, 2008, at 4:05 AM, Ico Doornekamp wrote:

> * On July 11th, Hans-Christoph Steiner Wrote
>> After a little holiday due to an OS upgrade, pdpedia is back!  Please
>> let me know if it isn't working for you:
> Works fine, although the wiki seems to be under the attack of spammers
> already: a lot of pages have been replaced with links, spam and other
> gibberish.
> I know some of the tricks how to avoid this in mediawiki, drop me a
> private mail if you're interested.

Here's some of wikipedia/mediawiki's advice:


> Ico
> --  
> :wq
> ^X^Cy^K^X^C^C^C^C
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If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of  
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an  
idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps  
it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into  
the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess  
himself of it.- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: [PD] -nogui on osx

2008-07-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Jul 11, 2008, at 12:50 AM, Simon wrote:

> On 11 Jul 2008, at 5:19 AM, marius schebella wrote:
>> I am having some troubles getting -nogui option work on osx.
>> right now there are several problems with that:
>> if I add -nogui to the startup prefs, the icon in the task bar keeps
>> jumping, but pd does not start up. I have to start pd from  
>> terminal to
>> get it running. otoh, I would prefer a solution without terminal
>> window.
>> especially since when closing pd the terminal always stays open.
>> any help on that would be welcome!
> there is a simple little .app called Launcher
> save a script as an executable text file, set it to open with
> Launcher, then you can double-click it, or put it in the dock, or
> make it a startup item - whatever you require
> Launcher it will just execute the script without opening a terminal
> window
> use a script like this:
> /Applications/ -nogui /Library/Pd/
> slave.pd; exit
> in my case slave.pd opens a fullscreen Gem window and accepts remote
> commands.

This is basically what the new "make app" feature on Mac OS X does,  
except it makes a complete copy of Pd-extended as well.  You can  
strip it down after if you want.


> simon
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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pdpedia is back!

2008-07-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On Jul 11, 2008, at 4:05 AM, Ico Doornekamp wrote:

> * On July 11th, Hans-Christoph Steiner Wrote
>> After a little holiday due to an OS upgrade, pdpedia is back!  Please
>> let me know if it isn't working for you:
> Works fine, although the wiki seems to be under the attack of spammers
> already: a lot of pages have been replaced with links, spam and other
> gibberish.

Following the way wikipedia works, I believe it is the least work to  
delete the spam as it happens.  There have been a number of  
discussions about this, check the archives.

> I know some of the tricks how to avoid this in mediawiki, drop me a
> private mail if you're interested.

Please post this to the list. It would be good to have that  
discussion here.


> Ico
> -- 
> :wq
> ^X^Cy^K^X^C^C^C^C
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Re: [PD] frequency components analysis

2008-07-11 Thread Isidro Gonzalez
You could try the ATS technique by Juan Pampin.
You will find it at the SourceForge CVS. It has
several applications associated like an object
for pd(atsread), several UGs for Csound, a GUI
for Analyzing/Editing(ATSH) and a non-gui stand
alone program for analysis(Atsa). It runs under
Linux, Windows and OS10.

--- Julian Villegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear list,
> I'm using sigmund~ for extracting the freq.
> components of a sound but I was wondering if you
> know another object that does the same job using a
> different approach. I'd like to compare the results
> obtained by different methods. 
> Thank in advance for your replies!
>  Julian Villegas
> Me pregunto de un modo pensativo
> Que significa ser Colombiano?
> No se le respondi. Es un acto de fe
> JLB.
>   >
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Re: [PD] print all abstractions and externals

2008-07-11 Thread Frank Barknecht
IOhannes m zmoelnig hat gesagt: // IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> João Pais wrote:
> > I meant the latest usable (which I have installed) builds of 
> > pd-extended, and the last version of 
> > pd-vanilla-without-documentation-about-data-strucutures-and-so-on (also 
> > being unfair).
> > I haven't being using pd too much these days for sound, but in the last 
> > builds of pd-ext I didn't notice anything that was behind pd-van. before 
> > I was using pd-van .41 because of the symbol grab feature in the data 
> > structures (which I only know about because I requested it, it's not 
> > documented). as this feature is now possible in the current build of 
> > pd-ext, I notice no differences between them.
> ok, but this seems to be a bit subjective evaluation.

To add a rant to the subjective evaluation: For an installation I
currently have to run Pd on a Mac.  We chose pd-extended as it has a
good integration into OS-X, and as some of the other installations
that will be shown on that machine need the externals pd-extended has

I don't need many externals, but the most important one isn't missing
in pd-extended: pdlua, but as a "hardcore user" I could install it.

But here we stumbled over another important difference between 0.40
and 0.41: 

EXTERN void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s);

was introduced to m_pd.h in 0.41, iirc. At least it's missing in 0.40.

This function is used by pdlua to find lua-modules in the patch's
directory instead of in the LUAPATH only, which becomes more important
because it's overly complicated to start pd on OS-X (and on
MS-Windows) from the command line in a certain working directory as
I'm used to from Linux.

Somehow I didn't manage to make the package.path trick work, which I
myself suggested as a fix once on pd-list, so in the end we copied
every lua-module to /usr/local/share/lua/5.1. 

As this installation involves 80-channel output, we also run jack, and
cross our fingers that everything will hold up. In general I must say,
working on the bloated OS-X is no joy for someone used to a snappy
lean Linux system. If only the Fireface would support Linux...

Rant end. ;)

 Frank Barknecht _ __footils.org__

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Re: [PD] Rainy days

2008-07-11 Thread bruno tarin
great work andy, many thanx for the tutorials.
best wishes

2008/1/12 giucant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks Andy, great examples!
> Your rain is very close to fire crackle, isn't it?
> Maybe there are other parameters to make difference,
> like ambience and pulse tones...
> ciao
> j
> --- Andy Farnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha
> scritto:
> > Something new to share for a bit of fun. It's for an
> > exercise in the synthetic
> > sound design book and it's about causality in sound.
> > Some bits are old and maybe
> > you've heard them before on my site, but the final
> > ensemble is fresh.
> >
> > The first part is a wind model. It starts with a
> > global (world) variable for
> > windspeed and adds local gusts according to
> > buildings nearby. Then objects are
> > placed in the scene like telephone poles, trees and
> > rocks. This is a new version
> > that works by doing rule of thumb calculations on
> > turbulence (critical
> > Reynolds number from size and texture) to
> > guesstimate the frequency (quasi-
> > oscillation from vortex shedding). Thin wires
> > whistle with a high sound and big
> > buildings groan and wail with a much lower sound.
> >
> > Okay here's that...
> >
> >
> >
> > Next there's rain
> >
> > If you're into graphics then the best way of
> > thinking about this is as a
> > "particle system", or rather it's about statistical
> > distributions. Normally
> > the rain just falls down in a regular stream and
> > makes the sound of whatever
> > it hits (usually ground, leaves or puddles of
> > water). Noise is treated to
> > get a certain distribution and width of clicks in a
> > Gabor/Stockhausen sense,
> > some things in the scene can be simple resonantors
> > driven by the droplets.
> >
> >
> >
> > Now, another model in my box of tricks is a window
> > pane I've built (from
> > Perrys square lamina description... that's a glass
> > laminar model made with
> > banded waveguides.)
> >
> > Here's a few knocks on the virtual window with a
> > virtual stick.
> >
> >
> >
> > So I sit here looking out of my real window, and I
> > guess artists mimic their
> > surroundings, so this sound is an insight into where
> > I live. Tonight the rain
> > is lashing down and the wind is howling in the trees
> > like a typical British
> > winter. I thought this would make a good example of
> > causality. What if we
> > take the wind environment, put the rain particles
> > into the wind and add a
> > window? Here's what it sounds like inside on a
> > stormy day (the wind is
> > deliberately modulated in a periodic way to
> > accentuate the effect).
> >
> >
> >
> > I hope this gives something interesting about
> > potential of procedural
> > audio fx with Pd, maybe this isn't the sort of thing
> > one can do so easily
> > with traditional sound design.
> >
> > best 2 all,
> > andy
> >
> > ---
> > Use the source
> >
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Re: [PD] ann: pd as the engine for our class installation

2008-07-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Nice installation!  I like the immersive aspect of the projections.


On Jul 10, 2008, at 1:04 AM, John Harrison wrote:

> This semester I taught a course where Engineers and Artists worked
> together to create interactive art. For the final project we took over
> an art gallery and built a virtual environment using 12 computers, 12
> speakers, 12 projectors and several Arduinos. We built and networked
> everything in Pd/GEM. Unfortunately the video doesn't capture much of
> the very cool sounds of the environment, but at least you will see the
> networked sparklers running in GEM.
> I hope you enjoy:
> I am so grateful for Pd as a resource for me, my classes and my
> community. I send this hoping that perhaps a developer or 2 will  
> find it
> gratifying to see some of the work that we are able to accomplish with
> this amazing tool.
> -John
> -- 
> John Harrison
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'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said,  
hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out  
another pink-collar temp pool day.  - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pdpedia is back!

2008-07-11 Thread Ico Doornekamp

* On July 11th, Hans-Christoph Steiner Wrote

> After a little holiday due to an OS upgrade, pdpedia is back!  Please  
> let me know if it isn't working for you:

Works fine, although the wiki seems to be under the attack of spammers
already: a lot of pages have been replaced with links, spam and other

I know some of the tricks how to avoid this in mediawiki, drop me a
private mail if you're interested.



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