Re: [PD] nogui, no signal

2010-03-19 Thread Derek Holzer
Unfortunately, there seem to be many that respond different to -nogui.  
I recall posting on this a few years back. One previously suggested  
workaround is to put a [netsend] and [netreceive] pair in your patch.  
Check the archives for more details.


Quoting PSPunch :

I have an audio patch in progress.
In short, it takes an input, splits the signal in several paths, then
all paths meet again at [dac~]... In brief, it is a guitar effector.

While this patch works fine when launching Pd from shell with GUI, such as
$ pd filename.pd

Not all signal paths seem to work when launching with the nogui option.
$ pd -nogui filename.pd

I get some sound out of it, so it appears only part of all signal paths
are blocked.

The patch is of reasonable size and difficult to trace, therefore prior
to dissecting it I would like to ask...
Are there any specific objects or logics known to behave differently
under no-gui ?

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Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Marco Donnarumma
> I'm almost finished revising the docs: 2.control.examples,
>,, and 5.reference.  I'll post them to
> the list when I'm done (should be shortly).

> >Anyway learning Pd is _not_ easy and it doesn't have to be. Hence the
> >learning curve and learning tools could be improved, but you still should
> >be aware that if you want to be able to master such a flexible computing
> >capability you need to get your hands (and mind) dirty. I think it's
> >worth, and I wouldn't like it to be easier.
> I disagree-- I would like it to be easier, and it should be easier.  More
> time spent trying to figure out how dollarsym atoms get expanded is less
> time spent making music.  The last paragraph of Pd Manual 2.6.5 doesn't
> reflect the current state of Pd, btw.  Do items like that belong on the
> bug tracker?

Well, I agree It could be a better learning, but Michael stole my thought:

" If I am not interested in solving problems
algorithmically through programming, I will not use Pd but some other
software that will help me accomplish my goals via some other means
that I can understand better."

> >Studying and Teaching I found Pd can operate kind of "natural selection"
> >that sometimes is needed in some context.
> By that logic there should be even less documentation (or more outdated/
> erroneous docs).  But what are the characteristics that make students fit
> enough to avoid death and reproduce themselves into the next generation of
> the Pd learning environment?  As far as I can tell, Pd crashes will remain
> Pd crashes, regardless of whether the output isn't boring, so I don't
> think I understand what you mean.

mm.. why less documentation? Could be better and updated documentation as
you are doing. Be sure that who's studying and teaching to learn Pd (and not
to _instantly_ make music) will be very grateful (i am the first!)
ehehe, probably my statement was slightly "racist", apologies, I only mean
"what makes students fit enough to use Pd, or to die in the boredom of
User-friendly soft".
The _process_ of learning any kind of programming language play an essential
role in the way you will use it in the future.
As Michael outlined too, I don't think it would be useful to show students
there exist a supercool ready-made drum sequencer, but i prefer to teach
first how to load a sample in a table, explaining how they can get a drum
sequencer from there.
Talking about Pd It's fundamental to learn how things works, imho.

Marco Donnarumma aka TheSAD
Independent New Media Arts Professional, Performer, Teacher - Edinburgh, UK

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Re: [PD] nogui, no signal

2010-03-19 Thread Derek Holzer
The way I remember it, anything to do with tables or other allocated 
memory can break with -nogui. [tabwrite~], [tabread~], [delwrite~], 
[delread~], [vd~] etc etc


Quoting PSPunch :

Are there any specific objects or logics known to behave differently
under no-gui ?

::: derek holzer ::: :::
---Oblique Strategy # 168:
"Use fewer notes"

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Re: [PD] Playing soundfile via array

2010-03-19 Thread Lorenzo

Hi meino, wrote:

Hi Lorenzo,

sorry for answering your posting that late...I was very busy last time
and have no chance to pure data :) at all.

No problem I know what you mean ;)

Thank you very much for the patch!
I tried it. The console say, that the
sound file was successfully loaded. And
the patch stated to have found 5379 samples, but
when I click to see the array1's contents,
I only notice a flat line and clicking to
hear the audio produces the "Sound of Silence"
That is strange because if the output of [soundfiler] is the number of 
samples then if should have loaded the file (I think)... This seems 
stupid but are you sure an array1 wasn't already present (it's like the 
most famous array name in the help files :)

MPlayer (I am using pd extended on Linux) has no problems
to play the file, so I think it is ok...

"Wavinfo" is not known by my installation of Pure Data
(Gentoo Linux, pd-overlay).

I think wavinfo is only in pd extended

Since the only thing, the console's output displays is
a "Success Warning" ;) I am a little like being
in the middle of nowhere...

What can I try next?
Not sure... Waht happns with the attached test patch? Can you see the 
file in the table?

Have a nice weekend!
Best regards!


You too.

Lorenzo  [10-03-15 13:34]:

Look into Media ->  Audio Settings... , and change the sample rate to




thanks to you all for help! can I change the default samplerate?

I found [samplerate~ ] but there is no help file
for it (it least with my installation on Gentoo)?


In this case the samplerate of the file is important. You could use
[tabread4~] with a [line~] after calculating the needed length for the

Have a look at the attached patch for an idea..

all the best,

#N canvas 92 93 691 480 10;
#X obj 62 34 soundfiler;
#X obj -74 400 tabread4~ array1;
#X obj -158 290 f;
#X obj -74 374 line~;
#X obj -84 455 dac~;
#X obj 47 284 f;
#X floatatom 185 62 10 0 0 0 - - -;
#X text 177 40 total samples;
#X obj -143 156 /;
#X obj -143 101 t f b;
#X text -255 143 length in seconds;
#X text -253 131 needed;
#X obj -74 311 pack f f;
#X obj -246 256 t b b;
#X obj -246 231 bng 20 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -261682
-1 -1;
#X msg 62 8 read -resize ./test.wav array1;
#X msg -113 27 22050;
#X msg -70 27 44100;
#X msg -23 27 48000;
#X msg -244 398 \; pd dsp \$1;
#X obj -244 366 tgl 20 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1
1 1;
#X msg -74 341 0 \, \$2 \$1;
#X obj 113 181 table array1;
#X obj -143 188 * 1000;
#X floatatom -126 214 10 0 0 0 - - -;
#X text 188 181<- click to see array;
#X obj -128 125 f;
#X obj -70 5 loadbang;
#X obj -260 85 wavinfo;
#X text -295 83 with;
#X text -295 46 (*) you could also get;
#X text -296 63 this automatically;
#X obj 259 7 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985 -66577
#X obj -288 3 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985 -66577
#X obj -285 207 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985
-66577 0;
#X text -281 207 play entire array;
#X text -287 4 chose files's sample rate first (*);
#X text 259 7<- then read file;
#X obj -223 366 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985
-66577 0;
#X text -220 368 dsp on/off;
#X text -93 179 you need milliseconds;
#X text -94 194 for [line~];
#X connect 0 0 6 0;
#X connect 0 0 5 1;
#X connect 0 0 9 0;
#X connect 1 0 4 0;
#X connect 1 0 4 1;
#X connect 2 0 12 0;
#X connect 3 0 1 0;
#X connect 5 0 12 1;
#X connect 8 0 23 0;
#X connect 9 0 8 0;
#X connect 9 1 26 0;
#X connect 12 0 21 0;
#X connect 13 0 2 0;
#X connect 13 1 5 0;
#X connect 14 0 13 0;
#X connect 15 0 0 0;
#X connect 16 0 26 1;
#X connect 17 0 26 1;
#X connect 18 0 26 1;
#X connect 20 0 19 0;
#X connect 21 0 3 0;
#X connect 23 0 24 0;
#X connect 23 0 2 1;
#X connect 26 0 8 1;
#X connect 27 0 17 0;

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#N canvas 426 275 450 300 10;
#X obj 57 43 soundfiler;
#X obj 57 96 table array123;
#X msg 57 17 read -resize ./test.wav array123;
#X floatatom 57 67 10 0 0 0 - - -;
#X connect 0 0 3 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
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Re: [PD] nogui, no signal

2010-03-19 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
Hash: SHA1

Derek Holzer wrote:
> The way I remember it, anything to do with tables or other allocated
> memory can break with -nogui. [tabwrite~], [tabread~], [delwrite~],
> [delread~], [vd~] etc etc

now this is something completely new to me and it does sound like voodoo.
all of the object mentioned above have nothing to do with gui and should
therefore not be affected by anything related to nogui.

there are known problems initializing the sound system in nogui-mode.


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Re: [PD] Playing soundfile via array

2010-03-19 Thread meino . cramer
Hi Lorenzo,

thanks for your fast reply ! :)
And thanks for the testpatch!!! :)))

...again the same behaviour,,,
PD says: "succesfully loaded" and the array remains empty.

Would it be possible to send me a short wav file via private
email from which you know, that it works? That way I could decide
whether my sound file is to blame or my pd-extended installation
has a porblem...

By the way: The "boxes" you used in the both patches (sorry...neither
English is my mothers tongue nor am I a pd-guru...I am the opposite of
it ;) ) ...are they contents of pd-vanilla or extension which I only
will find in pd-extended???

Thanks a lot in advance! :)
Have a nice weekend!
Best regards,

Lorenzo  [10-03-19 16:00]:
> Hi meino,
> wrote:
> >Hi Lorenzo,
> >
> >sorry for answering your posting that late...I was very busy last time
> >and have no chance to pure data :) at all.
> >   
> No problem I know what you mean ;)
> >Thank you very much for the patch!
> >I tried it. The console say, that the
> >sound file was successfully loaded. And
> >the patch stated to have found 5379 samples, but
> >when I click to see the array1's contents,
> >I only notice a flat line and clicking to
> >hear the audio produces the "Sound of Silence"
> >   
> That is strange because if the output of [soundfiler] is the number of 
> samples then if should have loaded the file (I think)... This seems 
> stupid but are you sure an array1 wasn't already present (it's like the 
> most famous array name in the help files :)
> >MPlayer (I am using pd extended on Linux) has no problems
> >to play the file, so I think it is ok...
> >
> >"Wavinfo" is not known by my installation of Pure Data
> >(Gentoo Linux, pd-overlay).
> >   
> I think wavinfo is only in pd extended
> >Since the only thing, the console's output displays is
> >a "Success Warning" ;) I am a little like being
> >in the middle of nowhere...
> >
> >What can I try next?
> >   
> Not sure... Waht happns with the attached test patch? Can you see the 
> file in the table?
> >Have a nice weekend!
> >Best regards!
> >mcc
> >
> >   
> You too.
> Lorenzo
> >Lorenzo  [10-03-15 13:34]:
> >   
> >> 
> >>>Look into Media ->  Audio Settings... , and change the sample rate 
> >>>to
> >>>22050.
> >>>
> >>>Pierre
> >>>
> >>>2010/3/>>
> >>>
> >>>Hi,
> >>>
> >>>thanks to you all for help!
> >>>
> >>> can I change the default samplerate?
> >>>
> >>>I found [samplerate~ ] but there is no help file
> >>>for it (it least with my installation on Gentoo)?
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>In this case the samplerate of the file is important. You could use
> >>[tabread4~] with a [line~] after calculating the needed length for 
> >>the
> >>[line~]
> >>
> >>Have a look at the attached patch for an idea..
> >>
> >>all the best,
> >>Lorenzo.
> >> 
> >   
> >>#N canvas 92 93 691 480 10;
> >>#X obj 62 34 soundfiler;
> >>#X obj -74 400 tabread4~ array1;
> >>#X obj -158 290 f;
> >>#X obj -74 374 line~;
> >>#X obj -84 455 dac~;
> >>#X obj 47 284 f;
> >>#X floatatom 185 62 10 0 0 0 - - -;
> >>#X text 177 40 total samples;
> >>#X obj -143 156 /;
> >>#X obj -143 101 t f b;
> >>#X text -255 143 length in seconds;
> >>#X text -253 131 needed;
> >>#X obj -74 311 pack f f;
> >>#X obj -246 256 t b b;
> >>#X obj -246 231 bng 20 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -261682
> >>-1 -1;
> >>#X msg 62 8 read -resize ./test.wav array1;
> >>#X msg -113 27 22050;
> >>#X msg -70 27 44100;
> >>#X msg -23 27 48000;
> >>#X msg -244 398 \; pd dsp \$1;
> >>#X obj -244 366 tgl 20 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1
> >>1 1;
> >>#X msg -74 341 0 \, \$2 \$1;
> >>#X obj 113 181 table array1;
> >>#X obj -143 188 * 1000;
> >>#X floatatom -126 214 10 0 0 0 - - -;
> >>#X text 188 181<- click to see array;
> >>#X obj -128 125 f;
> >>#X obj -70 5 loadbang;
> >>#X obj -260 85 wavinfo;
> >>#X text -295 83 with;
> >>#X text -295 46 (*) you could also get;
> >>#X text -296 63 this automatically;
> >>#X obj 259 7 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985 
> >>-66577
> >>0;
> >>#X obj -288 3 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985 
> >>-66577
> >>0;
> >>#X obj -285 207 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985
> >>-66577 0;
> >>#X text -281 207 play entire array;
> >>#X text -287 4 chose files's sample rate first (*);
> >>#X text 259 7<- then read file;
> >>#X obj -223 366 cnv 15 120 20 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -257985
> >>-66577 0;
> >>#X text -220 368 dsp on/off;
> >>#X text -93 179 you need milliseconds;
> >>#X text -94 194 for [line~];
> >>#X connect 0 0 6 0;
> >>#X connect 0 0 5 1;
> >>#X connect 0 0 9 0;
> >>#X connect 1 0 4 0;
> >>#X connect 1 0 4 1;
> >>#X connect 2 0 12 0;
> >>#X connect 3 0 1 0;
> >>#X connect 5 0 12 1;
> >>#X connect 8 0 23 0;
> >>#X connect 9 0 8 0;
> >>#X connect 9 1 26 0;
> >>#X connect 12 0 21 0;
> >>#X connect 13 0 2 0;
> >>#X connect 13 1 5 0;
> >>#X connect 14 0 13 0;
> >>#X connect 15 0 0 0;
> >>#X

Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Fri, 2010-03-19 at 09:58 +0100, Marco Donnarumma wrote:

> Talking about Pd It's fundamental to learn how things works, imho.

Pd is the fundament for learning how things work. That was my experience
(and still is). 


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Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

--- On Fri, 3/19/10, Roman Haefeli  wrote:

> From: Roman Haefeli 
> Subject: Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?
> To: "Marco Donnarumma" 
> Cc: "Jonathan Wilkes" ,, "Matteo Sisti 
> Sette" ,
> Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 6:07 PM
> On Fri, 2010-03-19 at 09:58 +0100,
> Marco Donnarumma wrote:
> > Talking about Pd It's fundamental to learn how things
> works, imho.
> Pd is the fundament for learning how things work. That was
> my experience
> (and still is). 
> Roman

What are you getting at?  The two aren't mutually exclusive.



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Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these, compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Frank Barknecht
Pierre Massat hat gesagt: // Pierre Massat wrote:

> Another thing that'd be nice to make available for new users would be a
> comprehensive set of generic patches, which would cover the whole range of
> DSP audio. A little bit like Puckette's audio help patches, only on a higher
> level (stuff like a basic drum machine, a comprehensive synth, granular
> synthesis, etc). I know that these aren't impossible to find, but it'd be
> nice to have it all in the same place. 

The "rj" library developed for the creation of RjDj scenes, but also usable
outside, tries exactly that. It is all abstractions, all run on Pd vanilla, no
externals, not complicated -path setup needed, it has IMO pretty good help
files (I wrote most, so I have to say this) and it provides a lot of everyday
musician's tools plus some analysis and composition helpers. 

It's deliberatly minimal, so that it doesn't overwhelm a newbie user with
hundreds of objects.  It's philosophy is "often-needed batteries included". For
example, from [list]-abs it has a "listmap", "listdrip", "listreduce",
"listfilter", "listrandom" and "listnth", but not the other 50 or so list
objects. The included objects will solve about 80% of your everyday list-use,
for the rest, you can still resort to the full [list]-abs objects. Similar
approaches have been taken for other areas.

So far it has proven to be a successful base for many interesting music pieces
written in Pd for RjDj. Check out for details. 


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Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Roman Haefeli
On Fri, 2010-03-19 at 11:02 -0700, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> --- On Fri, 3/19/10, Roman Haefeli  wrote:
> > From: Roman Haefeli 
> > Subject: Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these 
> > compare?
> > To: "Marco Donnarumma" 
> > Cc: "Jonathan Wilkes" ,, "Matteo Sisti 
> > Sette" ,
> > Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 6:07 PM
> > On Fri, 2010-03-19 at 09:58 +0100,
> > Marco Donnarumma wrote:
> > 
> > > Talking about Pd It's fundamental to learn how things
> > works, imho.
> > 
> > Pd is the fundament for learning how things work. That was
> > my experience
> > (and still is). 
> > 
> > Roman
> What are you getting at?  The two aren't mutually exclusive.

I am actually thinking that the two are complementary.

Of course, it helps a lot to have a certain level of knowledge in
dsp/math/whatsover before touching Pd. I just wanted to point out, that
Pd very well supports the approach of acquiring theory through practice.
Concepts such as, that every sound is composed of its sinusoidal
partials (just one example of so many possible), sound very abstract and
are hard to explain in words. But at the same time, they are often quite
easy to illustrate with Pd (see 07.additive.pd from 

Of course, it is fundamental to learn how things works, but how do you
learn those things? My answer is: By using Pd. Similar to how a two year
old child learns the basic laws of physics by letting things fall down,
throw them away, put them on other things etc, Pd lets you explore the
nature of sound. I often feel the need of telling potential Pd users,
that it's not necessary to have read many books and be a master in math
before doing Pd, but if they do read books, it helps a lot to try things
out in Pd right away.

Btw, it was great to hear about eleven year olds working with Pd. I
wished I would have known a tool like Pd, when I was at that age,
especially in math class. Not that I had extraordinary difficulties in
understanding the matter, but it would have been so much more
interesting with a lot of formulas being translated to Pd. There is a
_huge_ didactic difference between a written representation of a formula
and Pd-patch representation with sliders and numberboxes.


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Re: [PD] nogui, no signal

2010-03-19 Thread Derek Holzer
Well, I do recall having some very not-working comb filters in a -nogui 
patch, where other things did work. This was some years ago. Would a 
[block] object suffer from this initialization problem? That might 
explain it. I have no idea where those patches went to, they were from 
2005 or something, so I have no way to verify this now...


On 3/19/10 3:57 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:

Derek Holzer wrote:

The way I remember it, anything to do with tables or other allocated
memory can break with -nogui. [tabwrite~], [tabread~], [delwrite~],
[delread~], [vd~] etc etc

now this is something completely new to me and it does sound like voodoo.
all of the object mentioned above have nothing to do with gui and should
therefore not be affected by anything related to nogui.

there are known problems initializing the sound system in nogui-mode.

::: derek holzer ::: :::
---Oblique Strategy # 119:
"Mechanicalize something idiosyncratic"

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Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these, compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

--- On Fri, 3/19/10, Frank Barknecht  wrote:

> From: Frank Barknecht 
> Subject: Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these, 
> compare?
> To:
> Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 7:08 PM
> Hallo,
> Pierre Massat hat gesagt: // Pierre Massat wrote:
> > Another thing that'd be nice to make available for new
> users would be a
> > comprehensive set of generic patches, which would
> cover the whole range of
> > DSP audio. A little bit like Puckette's audio help
> patches, only on a higher
> > level (stuff like a basic drum machine, a
> comprehensive synth, granular
> > synthesis, etc). I know that these aren't impossible
> to find, but it'd be
> > nice to have it all in the same place. 
> The "rj" library developed for the creation of RjDj scenes,
> but also usable
> outside, tries exactly that. It is all abstractions, all
> run on Pd vanilla, no
> externals, not complicated -path setup needed, it has IMO
> pretty good help
> files (I wrote most, so I have to say this) and it provides
> a lot of everyday
> musician's tools plus some analysis and composition
> helpers. 
> It's deliberatly minimal, so that it doesn't overwhelm a
> newbie user with
> hundreds of objects.  It's philosophy is "often-needed
> batteries included". For
> example, from [list]-abs it has a "listmap", "listdrip",
> "listreduce",
> "listfilter", "listrandom" and "listnth", but not the other
> 50 or so list
> objects. The included objects will solve about 80% of your
> everyday list-use,
> for the rest, you can still resort to the full [list]-abs
> objects. Similar
> approaches have been taken for other areas.
> So far it has proven to be a successful base for many
> interesting music pieces
> written in Pd for RjDj. Check out for details.
> Ciao
> -- 
> Frank

I'd just add that one could start from the end of 
and to get a decent overall idea of what Pd is capable 
of doing.  

The only problem with this currently is that those patches are 
quite understandably not the most beginner-friendly ones-- something like 
doc/ probably looks fairly 
intimidating to a beginner.  But if it were organized a little and given 
some friendly controls (plus maybe a feature to write the re-edited 
tracks to a .wav file) there's no reason a beginner couldn't start there 
and other places to get some pretty interesting sounds out of the computer.



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Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?

2010-03-19 Thread Jonathan Wilkes

--- On Fri, 3/19/10, Roman Haefeli  wrote:

> From: Roman Haefeli 
> Subject: Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue Bidule... How do these compare?
> To: "Jonathan Wilkes" 
> Cc: "Marco Donnarumma" ,, "Matteo Sisti 
> Sette" ,
> Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 8:11 PM
> On Fri, 2010-03-19 at 11:02 -0700,
> Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> > 
> > --- On Fri, 3/19/10, Roman Haefeli 
> wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Roman Haefeli 
> > > Subject: Re: [PD] Pd, Max/Msp, Reaktor, Plogue
> Bidule... How do these compare?
> > > To: "Marco Donnarumma" 
> > > Cc: "Jonathan Wilkes" ,
> "Matteo Sisti Sette" ,
> > > Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 6:07 PM
> > > On Fri, 2010-03-19 at 09:58 +0100,
> > > Marco Donnarumma wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Talking about Pd It's fundamental to learn
> how things
> > > works, imho.
> > > 
> > > Pd is the fundament for learning how things work.
> That was
> > > my experience
> > > (and still is). 
> > > 
> > > Roman
> > 
> > What are you getting at?  The two aren't mutually
> exclusive.
> I am actually thinking that the two are complementary.
> Of course, it helps a lot to have a certain level of
> knowledge in
> dsp/math/whatsover before touching Pd. I just wanted to
> point out, that
> Pd very well supports the approach of acquiring theory
> through practice.
> Concepts such as, that every sound is composed of its
> sinusoidal
> partials (just one example of so many possible), sound very
> abstract and
> are hard to explain in words. But at the same time, they
> are often quite
> easy to illustrate with Pd (see 07.additive.pd from
> Of course, it is fundamental to learn how things works, but
> how do you
> learn those things? My answer is: By using Pd. Similar to
> how a two year
> old child learns the basic laws of physics by letting
> things fall down,
> throw them away, put them on other things etc, Pd lets you
> explore the
> nature of sound. I often feel the need of telling potential
> Pd users,
> that it's not necessary to have read many books and be a
> master in math
> before doing Pd, but if they do read books, it helps a lot
> to try things
> out in Pd right away.

I see.  I took Marco's statement to mean that talking about Pd is 
fundamental to learning how things work in Pd.  It sounds like you're 
saying that you don't have to have a comprehensive knowledge of 
"how dsp works" before diving into Pd because using Pd is a way of 
aquiring that knowledge.  I agree with both.



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[PD] source code of PDa

2010-03-19 Thread punchik punchik
Hi , any idea where can i find the source code of PDa? i want to try to compile 
it directly on maemo 5 because i had no luck runing the compiled version 
neither with pd vanilla, any idea?




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Re: [PD] PD_FLOATYPE=double

2010-03-19 Thread errordeveloper
ok there should be no output issues,
just the ugen's need to be implemented, rigth?

IOhannes, could you give a brief idea on what porting to double float is
generally about?
i suppose there should be some generic patern, right?

i would consider trying to crack on with this ..if it's just a boring
job with a lot of testing etc.. as my experience is quite little so far.

also from what i can figure there is a little dilema - weather we should
make all object to use any float size OR just work around what to do if
the size is double, what if in a short time we would need bigger
floats for some crazy reason..

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 05:13:55PM +0100, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> On 2010-03-17 16:33, wrote:
> > 
> > or [osc~] is all we got working with doubles so far??
> > 
> i guess most of the double-precision code is still the one i wrote.
> which means, that the lookup-table generators (phasor~, cos~, osc~) are
> not implemented at all.
> soundfiles should work though.
> masdrt
> IOhannes

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Re: [PD] source code of PDa

2010-03-19 Thread hyperoxic
Don't have the source, but happy to help you test installing any builds you
get running.  Looking forward to getting this working for the n900.



On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 3:11 PM, punchik punchik  wrote:

> Hi , any idea where can i find the source code of PDa? i want to try to
> compile it directly on maemo 5 because i had no luck runing the compiled
> version neither with pd vanilla, any idea?
> Arturo
> Thanks
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Re: [PD] nogui, no signal

2010-03-19 Thread PSPunch

Hi Derek,

I added on your name to search keys in the archive, and came across your 
old posts.

Others facing the same problem, but no specific reasoning nor solution...

I will dig in to my patch and hopefully will have follow ups soon...

David Shimamoto

Well, I do recall having some very not-working comb filters in a -nogui
patch, where other things did work. This was some years ago. Would a
[block] object suffer from this initialization problem? That might
explain it. I have no idea where those patches went to, they were from
2005 or something, so I have no way to verify this now...


On 3/19/10 3:57 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:

Derek Holzer wrote:

The way I remember it, anything to do with tables or other allocated
memory can break with -nogui. [tabwrite~], [tabread~], [delwrite~],
[delread~], [vd~] etc etc

now this is something completely new to me and it does sound like voodoo.
all of the object mentioned above have nothing to do with gui and should
therefore not be affected by anything related to nogui.

there are known problems initializing the sound system in nogui-mode.

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