[PD] Using PD in a non real-time mode?

2008-08-05 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hello. I need to do some heavy audio generation and processing but my
computer is not powerful enough to do it in real-time. In fact, I just want
to record it; I don't need it to be processed in real-time. So, is there any
way of doing this in PD? Is there any way of using Pure Data in a non
real-time mode and capture its output to a soundfile? Thanks in advance.

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Re: [PD] Using PD in a non real-time mode?

2008-08-05 Thread Ignacio Viano
Thank you all very much. With Claude's method things are being recorded with
no glitches. This is a very important tool for me. Thanks again.
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[PD] Recording MIDI data with PD as synch master

2008-08-07 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hello. I'm sending an enormous quantity of note messages through a virtual
MIDI port out to some virtual orchestras. All messages are synchronized with
a PD metronome that may vary. I want all this into an "as "good" as possible
written score". Even this idea may not work at all. Of course, I could do it
all manually by recording the raw MIDI messages, printing and transcribing
them into score, but it should be easier. Any ideas?
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Re: [PD] sequencer app for osx (Iannis Xenakis?)

2008-08-11 Thread Ignacio Viano
Talking about Iannis Xenakis: does anybody know about a complilation or
rewriting of Xenakis's "GenDy" program used to compose "Gendy3" and "S709"
(at least)? I know of one made by someone called Peter Hoffman (if my memory
doesn't fail me), but i couldn't find it anywhere. Any ideas? Thank you all.
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Re: [PD] sequencer app for osx (Iannis Xenakis?)

2008-08-11 Thread Ignacio Viano
Thanks Siegfried, that's what I already have. Actually, what I'm looking for
is the software itself. Any ideas about that? Thanks

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Re: [PD] sequencer app for osx (Iannis Xenakis?)

2008-08-12 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hi Siegfried. Yes, I'm you are right. In fact, I've already tried to contact
him but the e-mail address that is published in the paper is not working.
May be I should send him a letter by post mail.

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Re: [PD] sequencer app for osx (Iannis Xenakis?)

2008-08-12 Thread Ignacio Viano
Thank you very much Derek. I'll take a look at it, but first I have to learn
some Supercollider basic sintaxis.

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[PD] limit CPU usage

2008-08-24 Thread Ignacio Viano
Is there any way of limiting PD's CPU usage under OS X 10.5?
Thank you

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[PD] Random - Different seed each time the patch is loaded

2008-09-04 Thread Ignacio Viano
I want many (let's say 10) [random] objects that give different series of
numbers each time the patch is loaded (of course, the 10 [random] give
different series from each other). I tried using [time] and [date] objects
to generate different seeds, but the same seed (different on each load) is
given to the 10 [random]. I tried using a mix of [date], [time] and
[realtime], but it's quite unreliable. Any ideas?
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[PD] Drawing arrays in PD

2009-01-13 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hi everyone. I need to draw arrays with different levels of complexity and
precision rapidly in PD mainly for control purposes. I imagine something
like Adobe Illustrator's vector functions with capabilities of exporting the
result as an array of numbers which could be easily imported in PD. It's too
much, isn't it? Any ideas?

For the moment I'm working with a sort of "polynomial interpolating
algorithm". It works, but it's not good for smooth curves and the text based
input is neither rapid to create the array nor to modify some part of it.

Since it would be quite useful for me, I am willing to make by myself if it
doesn't exists (and to share it if someone is interested, of course), but
I'll need advices of what programming language fits best for that. Keep in
mind that I work under OS X 10.5.5. Any clue?

Thank you

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Re: [PD] Drawing arrays in PD

2009-01-14 Thread Ignacio Viano
Thank you João. This utility is quite useful for editing arrays appearance,
but your "drawing segments" function is similar to mine, and I'm looking for
some hybrid text-GUI editor. Am I clear or just crazy?

Thanks anyway
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Re: [PD] Drawing arrays in PD

2009-01-15 Thread Ignacio Viano
Well, something like this:

Create and move freely the points that form the "broken line" (even though
it looks smooth) with the mouse by clicking in a nice GUI with many visual
and data handling options and functions (zoom, colors, cut-copy-paste, undo
are just a few that come to my mind rapidly).

Also with the mouse, set the smoothness factor of each point (that would
affect the concavity of the adjacent lines).

By double clicking in a point, an exact value of coordinates could be
entered by text.

In addition, it could have a text-based-point-creation control panel, where
could be set the coordinates where the point will be created.

Finally, a "export to text file" function with selectable resolution. (May
be a "send to PD + "arrayname"" would be ok too)

This is what comes to my mind. May be it's too much. Should I try to build
this in PD or I should use another language? In that case, which one?
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[PD] Split multichannel audio file into stereo pairs

2009-06-15 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hi everyone.

I want to split a 32-bits 12 tracks audio file (aif) into 6 stereo files
(consecutive pairs i.e. 1-2, 3-4, etc.).

I've already tried with [soundfiler], but there seems to be many problems
with large files (this one is aprox. 10 minutes lenght) and with 32-bits
reading (I listen a kind of quantizing error noise, a sort of dithering-less
noise). In fact, I'm thinking of reporting a bug on it, but I'd have to
explain which exactly the problem is, and I need some time for that.

Currently, I'm doing this manually with Audacity, but I need it to be
automatic and, if possibly, with PD. Any ideas?


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[PD] Re : Split multichannel audio file into stereo pairs

2009-06-16 Thread Ignacio Viano
Well Jurgen, I like Audacity too. Indeed, that's the way I'm doing it now.
But I need to insert this process in a automatic chain of processes that is
made entirely in PD, that is the reason of my obstination in that specific

I'll try the -batch flag. That will be useful not only for this but for the
entire process. How do I make it work? Just putting the -batch flag on

One last thing. I remember to have some synch problems while recording with
many [writesf~] (correctly triggered, of course). Any ideas about that? I
might had been doing something wrong…

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[PD] make app from folder - patch not loaded.

2009-07-04 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hi everyone,

I'm having problems with "make app from folder" on OS X.

It appears that the app was built ok, but when I run it, PD starts (with My
app name instead of "PD-extended"), minimizes the PD window and (here's the
problem) my patch is not loaded at all (or at least I can't see it).

Any ideas?

Thank you all


PD: my patch has many abstractions and makes reference to some audio files.
They are all seem to be copied ok because the resulting app size is exactly
the sum of PD-extended size and my folder size.
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Re: [PD] make app from folder - patch not loaded.

2009-07-05 Thread Ignacio Viano
I've been looking inside the app created with pd and it seems that I've
fixed the problem.

I opened the file "APP/Contents/org.puredata.pd.plist" and saw that PD was
trying to open my patch (that was in the "extra" folder, inside it's own
folder, the one from which I wanted the app to be created from) from a wrong
location. For some reason, PD was expecting the patch and it's containing
folder to be named the same. In this case, it was asking to open a file
located in a folder that didn't exist (a folder with the patch's name). I
simply changed the wrong folder's name for the write one and everything
seems to work fine. Any ideas about this? Am I missing something?

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Re: [PD] make app from folder - patch not loaded.

2009-07-07 Thread Ignacio Viano
Well, that was one of the problems the first time it failed, but once the
spaces were gone, the app wouldn't load the patch neither.

PD seems to locate the folder in:


I've found in the file "org.puredata.pd.plist" a command that seemed trying
to open this


instead of this


I simply modified that path and everything gone ok, even though I still
don't know why it doesn't work fine automatically.

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Re: [PD] make app from folder - patch not loaded.

2009-07-07 Thread Ignacio Viano
Well Hans, thank you very much for your help. A couple of things about
building apps problems.

1- Your fix made the folder to be named always "app-auto-load", write? Well,
that fixes the bug, but completely kills all the references of the
"../FOLDER_NAME/FILE" form in the patch, creating a new bug (I think). What
do you think about it?

2- I accidentally saved the app in the same folder that was being built into
an app. The result was a recursive app with itself inside itself inside
itself…I had to force PD to quit. May be there should be a protection or at
least a warning message.

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Re: [PD] make app from folder - patch not loaded.

2009-07-08 Thread Ignacio Viano
You are right. I've always used ../FOLDER/FILE reference and didn't realize
that it could be done just like FILE. It's time to modify some patches.

As for the bug report, I was not allowed to do it. I get this error:

Error - Choose a Group
 ERROR - No group_id was chosen.
But I am choosing a category (pd-extended) and a group (v0.41)!

This is funny: problems when reporting problems when reporting problems…just
like the problem I want to report.

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Re: [PD] make app from folder - patch not loaded.

2009-07-12 Thread Ignacio Viano
OK, it's done. The number is 2820511.

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[PD] Pduino - error compiling firmware and analog inputs problem

2009-11-03 Thread Ignacio Viano
Hello. I've just got an Seeeduino ATmega168 (100% compatible with Arduino
Duemilanove). [OS X Leopard, PD-extended 0.41.4].

When trying to compile the firmware "StandardFirmata" (downloaded from
http://at.or.at/hans/pd/objects.html#pduino) I get this error:

* In function 'void setPinModeCallback(byte, int)':*
*error: 'FIRST_SERVO_PIN' was not declared in this scope In function 'void
analogWriteCallback(byte, int)':*
* In function 'void sysexCallback(byte, byte, byte*)':*
* In function 'boolean isServoSupportedPin(byte)':*

After that I compiled "SimpleAnalogFirmata" succesfuly but, when testing the
comunication with PD I noticed that the Analog-In-Values were being updated
at a very small rate (2 or 3 times a second).

This prints PD when I start comunication with Arduino:

*[comport] closed /dev/tty.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync*
*get_baud_ratebits: 57600.00*
*set_baudrate baudbits: 57600*
*[comport] opened serial line device 2 (/dev/tty.usbserial-A7004HQU)*

The baudrate seems to be fine.

My questions are:

¿Which firmware should I use if I want all analog (pots) and digital
(buttons) inputs?
¿Any ideas about the error I get trying to compile "StandardFirmata"?
¿Any ideas about that extremely small data rate?

Greets and thanks
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