Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-05-07 Thread Jack
Hola ! from Madrid,
Thanx for all, opencv works now on my macosx, powerbookG4.
I use the Pd version 0.39.3-extended with the gem included.


Le 6 mai 08 à 13:21, Jack a écrit :

 Hello IOhannes,  Lluis and PD users,

 Le 6 mai 08 à 08:09, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :

 Jack wrote:
 Hola Lluis,
 now i got this error and i really don't know what it is :)
 error: [pix_opencv_haarcascade]: cannot handle this format  
 (1234567) !
 What does it mean ? Do you know where is the problem ?

 it can mean 2 things.

 it _should_ mean, that you send an image in a certain colorspace  
 to the object, which does not know how to deal with this  
 colorspace. (e.g. a YUV image to an RGBA effect; and nobody has  
 coded yet the YUV-part)

 however, i believe here it is something different.
 if your _really_ get 1234567 as the format, then something else  
 is wrong. usually, you should get the openGL colorspace ID here,  
 e.g. 6408 for RGBA).
 there is no openGL-colorspace 12345678, so this number has to  
 come from somewhere else. it turns out that it is used as a magic  
 number in the GemList.
 you should never ever see it.

 most likely you are trying to compile pix_opencv against a  
 different version of Gem you are using.
 Ah ! OK, i tried to compile opencv with GEM 0.90 and i use GEM 0.91.
 Thanx, i will tell you if it's ok.


 always make sure to use the same version of Gem for compiling and  
 running, if you don't want to experience any crashes.
 (especially when using the CVS of Gem, where it might not be  
 obvious that things have changed)

 i guess i should introduce a kind of ABI check for 3rd party Gem- 
 but not before the next release.


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Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-05-06 Thread IOhannes m zmoelnig
Jack wrote:
 Hola Lluis,
 now i got this error and i really don't know what it is :)
 error: [pix_opencv_haarcascade]: cannot handle this format (1234567) !
 What does it mean ? Do you know where is the problem ?

it can mean 2 things.

it _should_ mean, that you send an image in a certain colorspace to the 
object, which does not know how to deal with this colorspace. (e.g. a 
YUV image to an RGBA effect; and nobody has coded yet the YUV-part)

however, i believe here it is something different.
if your _really_ get 1234567 as the format, then something else is 
wrong. usually, you should get the openGL colorspace ID here, e.g. 
6408 for RGBA).
there is no openGL-colorspace 12345678, so this number has to come 
from somewhere else. it turns out that it is used as a magic number in 
the GemList.
you should never ever see it.

most likely you are trying to compile pix_opencv against a different 
version of Gem you are using.

always make sure to use the same version of Gem for compiling and 
running, if you don't want to experience any crashes.
(especially when using the CVS of Gem, where it might not be obvious 
that things have changed)

i guess i should introduce a kind of ABI check for 3rd party Gem-externals.
but not before the next release.


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Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-05-06 Thread Jack
Hello IOhannes,  Lluis and PD users,

Le 6 mai 08 à 08:09, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :

 Jack wrote:
 Hola Lluis,
 now i got this error and i really don't know what it is :)
 error: [pix_opencv_haarcascade]: cannot handle this format  
 (1234567) !
 What does it mean ? Do you know where is the problem ?

 it can mean 2 things.

 it _should_ mean, that you send an image in a certain colorspace to  
 the object, which does not know how to deal with this colorspace.  
 (e.g. a YUV image to an RGBA effect; and nobody has coded yet the  

 however, i believe here it is something different.
 if your _really_ get 1234567 as the format, then something else  
 is wrong. usually, you should get the openGL colorspace ID here,  
 e.g. 6408 for RGBA).
 there is no openGL-colorspace 12345678, so this number has to  
 come from somewhere else. it turns out that it is used as a magic  
 number in the GemList.
 you should never ever see it.

 most likely you are trying to compile pix_opencv against a  
 different version of Gem you are using.
Ah ! OK, i tried to compile opencv with GEM 0.90 and i use GEM 0.91.
Thanx, i will tell you if it's ok.


 always make sure to use the same version of Gem for compiling and  
 running, if you don't want to experience any crashes.
 (especially when using the CVS of Gem, where it might not be  
 obvious that things have changed)

 i guess i should introduce a kind of ABI check for 3rd party Gem- 
 but not before the next release.


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Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-05-05 Thread Jack
Hola Lluis,
now i got this error and i really don't know what it is :)
error: [pix_opencv_haarcascade]: cannot handle this format (1234567) !
What does it mean ? Do you know where is the problem ?


Le 5 mai 08 à 12:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 S'està citant Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Argghh, I didn't try the objects and they freeze (or sometime  
 crash)  my PD.
 The objects draw perfectly under PD but i got this error :
 error: [pix_opencv_contours_convexity]: cannot handle this  
 format   (1234567) !
 [pix_opencv_haarcascade]: ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade
 Why ?
 Any idea ?

 yes, the classifier cascade files are the XML's files you have in  
 the pix_opencv folder, the default ones is  
 haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml and it must be in the same folder  
 where you have your pd_linux or pd_darwin files.

 also the object [pix_opencv_haarcascade] has a message |load $1( to  
 load any xml file trained as classifier cascades. The default one  
 I'm using is trained to detect human faces but you can train one to  
 detect any object you want (it's not easy at all but it's possible).

 you can download other OpenSourced haarcascades (fer example)  
 here: here:

 and here you have some info on how to train one:




 Le 30 avr. 08 à 19:57, Jack a écrit :

 OK, now it works on PowerPC, MacOSX.4.11

 Here the method :

 ? Download this three libraries with Fink : libjpeg + libpng3 +   

 ? In Terminal :
 cvs  -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ 
 cvsroot/  opencvlibrary login
   then hit 'enter' on your keyboard
 cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/   
 cvsroot/opencvlibrary co -P opencv
  download opencv sources

 ? with a text editor, open the file : cvcap_qt.cpp
 look for '__BEGIN__' and change it by '__BEGIN__{'
 look for '__END__' and change it by '}__END__'

 ? In Terminal
   go to your opencv folder you just download and create a  
 new   folder 'build' :
 cd blabla/opencv
 mkdir build
 cd build
 ../configure CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib
 sudo make install
    enter your password

 ? With you browser go to :
    download pix_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz and decompress all :
    download PD-extended sources and decompress all : 
    download the makefile for macosx :

 ? In the Finder :
    change 'Makefile.darwin' by 'Makefile' and then  
 overwrite   the 'Makefile' in 'pix_opencv' folder you just download

 ? With a text editor :
    open this new 'Makefile' and change :
 PD_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/pd (enter the path of the 'pd'
 folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from
 GEM_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/Gem  (enter the path of the  
 'Gem'   folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download  
 from   sourceforge)

 ? In Terminal :
    go to the folder 'pix_opencv' with 'cd '
 make clean

 ? Then copy the '.pd_darwin' create in the 'pix_opencv' folder  
 in   your '/Applications/ 
 Contents/  Resources/extra/Gem/' for exemple

 Hope it will help and hope i have not made mistake.
 Thx to Lluis for his help.


 Le 28 avr. 08 à 12:29, Jack a écrit :

 Hello PD users,
 When i compile opencv, i get this error on macos X.4.11, G4   
 powerbook :
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `int
 icvWriteFrame_QT(CvVideoWriter*, const IplImage*)':
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1183: warning: unused
 variable 'status'
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function  
 cvCreateVideoWriter_QT(const char*, int, double, CvSize, int)':
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1425: error: jump to label
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1310: error:   from here
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1361: error:   crosses
 initialization of 'MediaType** video'
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1350: error:   crosses
 initialization of 'TrackType** video_track'
 ../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1330: error:   crosses
 initialization of 'const __CFString* out_path'
 make[3]: *** [cvcap_qt.lo] Error 1
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make: *** [all] Error 2

 Any idea ?
 I followed the instructions from :


 Le 26 avr. 08 à 06:17, marius schebella a écrit :

 got it working!


 However, when I try to load any of them PD gives me this error::


Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-04-30 Thread Jack

OK, now it works on PowerPC, MacOSX.4.11

Here the method :

• Download this three libraries with Fink : libjpeg + libpng3 + libtiff

• In Terminal :
cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/ 
opencvlibrary login

  then hit 'enter' on your keyboard
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ 
cvsroot/opencvlibrary co -P opencv

 download opencv sources

• with a text editor, open the file : cvcap_qt.cpp
look for '__BEGIN__' and change it by '__BEGIN__{'
look for '__END__' and change it by '}__END__'

• In Terminal
  go to your opencv folder you just download and create a new  
folder 'build' :

cd blabla/opencv
mkdir build
cd build
../configure CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib
sudo make install
   enter your password

• With you browser go to :
   download pix_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz and decompress all :
   download PD-extended sources and decompress all :
   download the makefile for macosx :

• In the Finder :
   change 'Makefile.darwin' by 'Makefile' and then overwrite the  
'Makefile' in 'pix_opencv' folder you just download

• With a text editor :
   open this new 'Makefile' and change :
PD_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/pd (enter the path of the 'pd' folder  
in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from sourceforge)
GEM_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/Gem  (enter the path of the 'Gem'  
folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from  


• In Terminal :
   go to the folder 'pix_opencv' with 'cd '
make clean

• Then copy the '.pd_darwin' create in the 'pix_opencv' folder in  
your '/Applications/ 
Resources/extra/Gem/' for exemple

Hope it will help and hope i have not made mistake.
Thx to Lluis for his help.


Le 28 avr. 08 à 12:29, Jack a écrit :

Hello PD users,
When i compile opencv, i get this error on macos X.4.11, G4  
powerbook :

../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `int
icvWriteFrame_QT(CvVideoWriter*, const IplImage*)':
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1183: warning: unused
variable 'status'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `CvVideoWriter*
cvCreateVideoWriter_QT(const char*, int, double, CvSize, int)':
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1425: error: jump to label
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1310: error:   from here
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1361: error:   crosses
initialization of 'MediaType** video'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1350: error:   crosses
initialization of 'TrackType** video_track'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1330: error:   crosses
initialization of 'const __CFString* out_path'
make[3]: *** [cvcap_qt.lo] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any idea ?
I followed the instructions from :


Le 26 avr. 08 à 06:17, marius schebella a écrit :

got it working!


However, when I try to load any of them PD gives me this error::


10): Symbol not found: __ZN7GemBase10isRunnableEv
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

I got this error too, but only when gem was not loaded. when gem is
loaded, everything is fine.

In order to make the opencv objects work I always had to set
RGB. otherwise, I did no see any effect. I think the default on  
osx is

yuv. anyway, will test a little more. great stuff!

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Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-04-30 Thread Jack
Argghh, I didn't try the objects and they freeze (or sometime crash)  
my PD.

The objects draw perfectly under PD but i got this error :
error: [pix_opencv_contours_convexity]: cannot handle this format  
(1234567) !

[pix_opencv_haarcascade]: ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade
Why ?
Any idea ?


Le 30 avr. 08 à 19:57, Jack a écrit :

OK, now it works on PowerPC, MacOSX.4.11

Here the method :

• Download this three libraries with Fink : libjpeg + libpng3 +  

• In Terminal :
cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/ 
opencvlibrary login

  then hit 'enter' on your keyboard
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ 
cvsroot/opencvlibrary co -P opencv

 download opencv sources

• with a text editor, open the file : cvcap_qt.cpp
look for '__BEGIN__' and change it by '__BEGIN__{'
look for '__END__' and change it by '}__END__'

• In Terminal
  go to your opencv folder you just download and create a new  
folder 'build' :

cd blabla/opencv
mkdir build
cd build
../configure CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib
sudo make install
   enter your password

• With you browser go to :
   download pix_opencv-0.1a.tar.gz and decompress all :
   download PD-extended sources and decompress all :
   download the makefile for macosx :

• In the Finder :
   change 'Makefile.darwin' by 'Makefile' and then overwrite  
the 'Makefile' in 'pix_opencv' folder you just download

• With a text editor :
   open this new 'Makefile' and change :
PD_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/pd (enter the path of the 'pd'  
folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from  
GEM_DIR = /*/Pd-0.39.3-extended/Gem  (enter the path of the 'Gem'  
folder in 'Pd-0.39.3-extended' folder you just download from  


• In Terminal :
   go to the folder 'pix_opencv' with 'cd '
make clean

• Then copy the '.pd_darwin' create in the 'pix_opencv' folder in  
your '/Applications/ 
Resources/extra/Gem/' for exemple

Hope it will help and hope i have not made mistake.
Thx to Lluis for his help.


Le 28 avr. 08 à 12:29, Jack a écrit :

Hello PD users,
When i compile opencv, i get this error on macos X.4.11, G4  
powerbook :

../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `int
icvWriteFrame_QT(CvVideoWriter*, const IplImage*)':
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1183: warning: unused
variable 'status'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `CvVideoWriter*
cvCreateVideoWriter_QT(const char*, int, double, CvSize, int)':
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1425: error: jump to label
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1310: error:   from here
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1361: error:   crosses
initialization of 'MediaType** video'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1350: error:   crosses
initialization of 'TrackType** video_track'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1330: error:   crosses
initialization of 'const __CFString* out_path'
make[3]: *** [cvcap_qt.lo] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any idea ?
I followed the instructions from :


Le 26 avr. 08 à 06:17, marius schebella a écrit :

got it working!


However, when I try to load any of them PD gives me this error::


10): Symbol not found: __ZN7GemBase10isRunnableEv
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

I got this error too, but only when gem was not loaded. when gem is
loaded, everything is fine.

In order to make the opencv objects work I always had to set
RGB. otherwise, I did no see any effect. I think the default on  
osx is

yuv. anyway, will test a little more. great stuff!

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Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-04-28 Thread Jack
Hello PD users,
When i compile opencv, i get this error on macos X.4.11, G4 powerbook :
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `int  
icvWriteFrame_QT(CvVideoWriter*, const IplImage*)':
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1183: warning: unused  
variable 'status'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp: In function `CvVideoWriter*  
cvCreateVideoWriter_QT(const char*, int, double, CvSize, int)':
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1425: error: jump to label  
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1310: error:   from here
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1361: error:   crosses  
initialization of 'MediaType** video'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1350: error:   crosses  
initialization of 'TrackType** video_track'
../../../otherlibs/highgui/cvcap_qt.cpp:1330: error:   crosses  
initialization of 'const __CFString* out_path'
make[3]: *** [cvcap_qt.lo] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any idea ?
I followed the instructions from :


Le 26 avr. 08 à 06:17, marius schebella a écrit :

 got it working!


 However, when I try to load any of them PD gives me this error::

 10): Symbol not found: __ZN7GemBase10isRunnableEv
   Referenced from:
   Expected in: dynamic lookup

 I got this error too, but only when gem was not loaded. when gem is
 loaded, everything is fine.

 In order to make the opencv objects work I always had to set  
 RGB. otherwise, I did no see any effect. I think the default on osx is
 yuv. anyway, will test a little more. great stuff!

 ___ mailing list
 UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management - 

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Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-04-26 Thread marius schebella

 please, can post what versions of (gem and pd) are you using?

I am using cvs version from 04/16. do you want me to put it online?
these dynamic lib errors seem to be new to gem? at least I did not 
notice them before. maybe some libraries are not statically linked? 
don't know.

 marius, i have two strange behaviors with pix_opencv (probably bugs but 
 as my camera don't work with gem i can't test them well), can you test 
 them and report please ::

you're having problems on osx with the isight?

 1.- strange behavior in pix_opencv_haarcascade, it uses the same code as 
 pdp_opencv_haarcascade but it doesn?t show the same result.

I have not tested pdp_opencv yet, yesterday I only looked at pix_opencv, 
I tried to compile pdp_opencv, but again, get errors.
gcc -I/Users/marius/devel/pd-rsync/pd-extended/externals/pdp/include 
-DPD -Wall -W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -O2 
-funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -g -freg-struct-return 
-Wstrict-prototypes  -DPDP_CV_VERSION=\0.0.1\  -I. 
-I/usr/X11R6/include  -I../include -I../../include 
-I/usr/local/include/opencv/ -L/usr/local/lib -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui 
-lcvaux -lml  -o pdp_opencv_threshold.o -c pdp_opencv_threshold.c
In file included from 
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:28:
error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
warning: useless type name in empty declaration
In file included from 
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:28:
warning: true redefined
In file included from /usr/include/dlfcn.h:40,
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:26:
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin9/4.0.1/include/stdbool.h:37:1: warning: 
this is the location of the previous definition
In file included from 
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:28:
warning: false redefined
In file included from /usr/include/dlfcn.h:40,
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:26:
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin9/4.0.1/include/stdbool.h:38:1: warning: 
this is the location of the previous definition
In file included from 
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:28:
error: gsl/gsl_block.h: No such file or directory
error: gsl/gsl_vector.h: No such file or directory
error: gsl/gsl_matrix.h: No such file or directory
error: gsl/gsl_blas.h: No such file or directory
error: gsl/gsl_linalg.h: No such file or directory
In file included from 
  from pdp_opencv_threshold.c:28:
error: syntax error before ‘gsl_block’
warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘vector’
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
error: syntax error before ‘matrix’
warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘matrix’
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
error: syntax error before ‘perm’
warning: type defaults to ‘int’ in declaration of ‘perm’
warning: data definition has no type or storage class

Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-04-25 Thread lluisgomez

(sorry my last mail was incomplete)

hi marius,
today first time I have tried to compile this objects in macosx with  
no success ;( but i had gone a little bit far than you ... i think we  
are quite close.

first of all overwrite the Makefile you are using by the one i send  
attached in this mail. the one you are using is only for linux.

As I saw you had problems with pkg-config I added two new variables in  
the Makefile to fit manually with the CFLAGS and LIBS of openCV.

OPENCV_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include/opencv
OPENCV_LIBS   = -L/usr/local/lib -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui -lcvaux -lml

As we are using the same openCv port I suppose you will not need to  
modify them but ensure are correct values for you.

then do:

  make clean

and now the objects will compile with no problem in macosx.

However, when I try to load any of them PD gives me this error::

10): Symbol not found: __ZN7GemBase10isRunnableEv
  Referenced from:  

  Expected in: dynamic lookup

Seems a problem with the linkage of the library but I'm really a  
neewbe in OSX compilations and don't know how to solve it,

maybe someone more experienced in it can put some light here?

thanks in advance,

marius schebella [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:

I hoped for such a long time that someone would start this. thanks 1000
times lluis!
unfortunately I could not get it compiling on my os x box.
I installed the opencv framework from
and then tried to find the correct directories to include but I think I
still got a problem with the opencv package

nyc-calling:pix_opencv marius$ make
g++ -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer  -ffast-math -Wall -W
-Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -DGEM_OPENCV_VERSION=\0.1\
-g -I/Users/marius/devel/pd-rsync/pd-extended/pd/src -I.
-I/Users/marius/devel/pd-rsync/pd-extended/pd/src -I/usr/local/include
-I/Users/marius/devel/opencv/OpenCV.framework/Versions/A `pkg-config
--cflags opencv` -o pix_opencv_edge.o -c pix_opencv_edge.cpp
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
In file included from pix_opencv_edge.cpp:18:
pix_opencv_edge.h:22:16: error: cv.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [pix_opencv_edge.o] Error 1

does someone have experience with opencv on mac?



hi all,

I started a new development for some OpenCV bindigs to PD, I have   
  some objects working but no time to test or implement newones ...

I want to encourage people to test them and report bugs, features   
   requests, experiences, etc ... and why not, to help coding ...

Please, note that this is alpha software with known bugs. It runs,  
   and works at least some of the time, but use at your own   
risk   ;) i  mean, probably you will need to fight a bit to   
get them   working ...  but you also will help a lot with feedback

ok, here is the URL :

enjoi  thanks,

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PD_DIR = /Users/lluisgomezbigorda/pd-0.41-4
GEM_DIR = /Users/lluisgomezbigorda/Gem

OPENCV_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include/opencv  
OPENCV_LIBS   = -L/usr/local/lib -lcxcore -lcv -lhighgui -lcvaux -lml 

LIBS =  -lm

# build flags

GEM_OPENCV_INCLUDE =  -I$(PD_DIR)/src -I.  -I$(GEM_DIR)/src -I$(PD_DIR)/src
GEM_OPENCV_CPPFLAGS  = -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer  
-ffast-math \
-Wall -W -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -g 

all: pix_opencv_edge.pd_darwin pix_opencv_laplace.pd_darwin 
pix_opencv_morphology.pd_darwin pix_opencv_distrans.pd_darwin 
pix_opencv_motempl.pd_darwin pix_opencv_haarcascade.pd_darwin 
pix_opencv_contours_boundingrect.pd_darwin pix_opencv_bgsubstract.pd_darwin 

pix_opencv_contours_convexity.pd_darwin: pix_opencv_contours_convexity.o
rm -f pix_opencv_contours_convexity.pd_darwin
gcc -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o 
pix_opencv_contours_convexity.pd_darwin pix_opencv_contours_convexity.o 

Re: [PD] problems compiling pix_opencv in OSX (Was Re: pdp_opencv pix_opencv new development)

2008-04-25 Thread marius schebella
got it working!

 However, when I try to load any of them PD gives me this error::
 10): Symbol not found: __ZN7GemBase10isRunnableEv
   Referenced from: 
   Expected in: dynamic lookup

I got this error too, but only when gem was not loaded. when gem is 
loaded, everything is fine.

In order to make the opencv objects work I always had to set colorspace 
RGB. otherwise, I did no see any effect. I think the default on osx is 
yuv. anyway, will test a little more. great stuff!

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