Re: PDML Digest, Vol 13, Issue 206

2007-05-15 Thread Jeff Post
Hmm,  I wonder if the vast majority of mid to low tier camera Pentax K100\K110, 
Cannon 30D\Rebel, Nikon D200\D50) users ever move the selector dial off 
automatic.  Don't get me wrong, I shoot RAW images with my wife's digital SLR, 
but it is on rare occasion she ever moves the selector to manual or any setting 
without a little picture (and if she does then she shoots with whatever 
settings I last shot with.)  I seem to remember with film SLR cameras the 
general feeling was people used them as glorified point and shoot cameras.  I 
doubt this has changed with the move to digital.  So, while testing a jpeg may 
not reflect real-world SLR performance, I believe it does reflect how a 
majority of DSLR  mid to low tier digital camera owners shoot.  

Don't read to much into the above.  It is based on my belief, not any hard 


Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Amazon buys
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 22:58:26 -0400

The major issue I have with Phil is his insistence on testing primarily
in JPEG mode. His tests are designed for, and quite good for, PS
cameras. They do not adequately reflect real-world SLR performance.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: MZ-S/MR-52 Reserected as K1!

2007-05-01 Thread Jeff Post
This site, has 
the same pictures with the English text explaining this was the 
unreleased full frame DSLR of yesteryear. 
So basically what everyone else has said.  This is the old DSLR that 
Pentax canned.

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re:Photoshop Lightroom 1.0 sale and shipping date

2007-01-31 Thread Jeff Post
Support and Product of Adobe CS2 is the same in the retail and academic 
versions.  The only difference is the box, and even then I seem to 
recall it is just a sticker that says Academic.  I would bet the serial 
numbers are on a list that let's Adobe know it is an academic version. 


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Pentax TC Question

2007-01-31 Thread Jeff Post
I thought the rule of thumb was the x-L teleconverter was recommended 
for any long lens that could fit the added depth. 

I use the 1.4x-L.  I have never used (and do not own) a x-s series 
teleconverter so I can't give you a first hand comparison.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)

2006-11-15 Thread Jeff Post
I actually like it.  Printed out on watercolor paper I bet it would look 
spectacular, but not as a photograph per say.  It makes the photo look 
more like a painting and less like a photo. 


 Message: 1
 Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 17:20:09 +0200
 From: Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

 Then my taste has to be in my mouth. I think the colours are incredible 
 and the lighting amazing. Of course it isn't real but that's what 
 makes it so interesting -- to me. There are paintings on some Vatican 
 walls that have a similar range of colour and intensity. I'll try to 
 find one or two and post them to illustrate what I mean. I think the 
 picture is great.


 Tim ?sleby wrote:
 How about Photography Of Offensive Purpose?
 We should both wash our mouth now, shame on us.

 I was holding back because I didn't want to disrespect the photographer. He
 is an *ist user, and a nice guy ;-)

 What struck me, is that there is a thin line between HDR used for a
 photographic purpose, and where it is just a bad taste effect. 

 Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

 -Original Message-
 William Robb
 Sent: 15. november 2006 14:56
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Subject: Re: PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)

 - Original Message - 
 From: Tim ?sleby
 Subject: RE: PESO- merge to HDR (OT-Surreal phot)

 BTW. I just saw an interesting, but terrible IMO, semi HDR picture.
 The light looks surreal. Kind of funny effect, but tiresome to the 

 There is a thumb below to the original. I'd like to hear some opinions 
 Fred Picker would have called it a
 Computer ReAdjusted Picture.

 William Robb 



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PDML Digest, Vol 5, Issue 156

2006-09-13 Thread Jeff Post
We have the Optio 550.  We were happy with it, but when our son entered the 
picture it was just too long a lag between pushing the shutter release and 
taking the picture.  My wife picked up a Canon 30D this summer and absolutely 
loves it.  Her old SLR is a Canon A2 so it was a no brainer for her.  I have to 
admit, the 30D is a very nice camera.  
That said, she was impressed with the stats in the Pentax K10D.  The internal 
shake reduction and sensor dust cleaning impressed her, especially in a sub 
$1000 camera body.  
Just like you I am glad I have waited for a Prosumer body from Pentax.  I look 
forward to hearing from those early adopters on the list about how the camera 


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:51:14 +0300
From: Antti-Pekka Virjonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: The K10D Has Arrived!
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

Really nice!

I will definitely get one. It has everything I have been looking for
(well, except full frame, but that's another story) and all my 
fantastic A* lenses will work nicely. 

I've been very close to jumping the ship many times but I am glad I
waited (all 
these years, heh). Why I did I stay so long? I have been shooting
pictures, film
or digital, well, they are just different kind of tools for the job.
Lately I 
have been just waiting in silence  :-) . The Optio 555 we have has been

Looking forward for the ultrasonic motor lenses as well (I have only one
AF lens right now, the FA 100/2.8 macro) so I can finally go AF.

The weather sealing of the body sounds great too. The LX has it (I have
of those) and while none of the current Pentax lenses have sealing,
there has 
never been a problem with my lenses. The body (especially DSLR) has a
lot more
sensitive components than any (mechanical) lens so... I see no problem.
If the
new lenses have sealing and USM, well, just great!

My daughter is close to 1 and 1/2 years and the 555 is getting way too
slow to 
get any good images of her... The 10D fits in just nicely.



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

While not an official release K10D info

2006-09-12 Thread Jeff Post
Google searching for the Pentax K10D brought me to this site.

While I won't be buying one of the first ones off the line, I should 
have one by next summer (if not sooner.  December is starting to sound 
like a good month.)


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re:Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1n kit, Voigtlander

2004-06-29 Thread Jeff Post
Hi Jens,
I have only one lens worth much.  I have four Pentax lenses, but 
the sale of my 300 might fund a jump to another camera format.  I mainly 
shoot nature and landscapes.  I do zero people photography.  My brother in 
law tried to convince me that people add scale to the shot.  I think they 
ruin my landscape shots.  I printed a 35mm slide out to 16x24, but I would 
think a bigger negative would make a better print.
I have my sensors confused.  I knew Sony made a 8 meg sensor, but 
I was thinking of the canon sensor.  Yes, I know it is an evil word, but in 
a year I would be surprised if that canon 8 meg sensor isn't in a camera at 
the 10D price point.  This is what makes Canon so tempting.  I can replace 
my wife's 35mm canon A2 with the 10D and start to get a few high quality 
lenses.  When the 8 meg sensor comes into a camera I can afford, then I 
could buy it, having already procured the lenses for my wife.  This is what 
is so frustrating about Pentax.  There is no pentax path of this kind.  Ah, 
and before you say why not just buy the *istD for the wife, she would look 
at me like I had three heads if I tried to get her to shoot with it.  Even 
though she loves the output of my LX, she knows. and loves, the EOS system 
(you know, turn the dial to the running guy so she can shoot a tennis match.)
This is where Pentax has, and is continuing, to miss the boat.  How many of 
us who love to shoot with Pentax gear jump ship because either the product 
we want isn't available or we don't have faith that they will ever produce 
the product we need until 1 to 2 years after it has been produced by other 
manufacturers?  I know an avid Pentax fan who sold all his Pentax 35mm gear 
a couple of years ago and bought a D30.  He couldn't wait anymore.  His 
next digital camera purchase will most likely be Canon's 1Ds.  Pentax lost 
a dedicated user because they didn't make the product he needed.
Okay, my ranting is finished for tonight.  Hopefully Pentax will surprise 
me and prove me wrong.

At 05:54 PM 6/29/2004, you wrote:
If you have one lens and the LX - keep it it you want to use it (film)
Don't buy MF unless you shoot HUGE prints of landscapes and Portraits. Buy a
digtal. I haven't used my 6x6 outfit (camera and 5 lenses, 3 viewfinders
etc.) since I got my 5 MP SONY. It's very convenient, and in some ways
better than 35mm.
Very clear photographs with no grain and no hazzle and better DOF.
This (not mine) was done at open aperture 2.0 and 1/40 sec (!) with a Canon
G5 (5MP):
What more do you want, really?
The Canon 10D is remakabley good (judging from photgraphs posted on many
websites). So is the *ist D, really! I have app. 20 lenses for 35mm Pentax,
Bellows A, winders, refconverter, tele concerters etc. as well as 6 bodies.
If I didn't, I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Canon 10D or a similar (Pentax)
camera. But I love my Pentax gear - and all I really need is a digital
Petnax body. You are free to do what ever you want.
If we wait for det Baby D, the film gears may have lost even more market
All the best
Jens Bladt
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Jeff Post [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 29. juni 2004 20:07
Emne: Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1n kit, Voigtlander
Perkeo 120 folder)
 I am wrestling with that same question, although it sounds as if
you have far more gear then me.  My largest investment is in a single
lens.  Since the *istD works with A* lenses, I do not expect them to
depreciate considerably.  The value of my LX I expect to drop like a rock,
if it hasn't already.
The questions become, do I buy an *istD, do I sell all my 35mm gear and buy
a cannon 10D, do I sell my 35mm gear and buy a 645 or 67?  If I thought the
*istD was going to evolve into yearly updates with either bigger sensor
size or greater megapixel sensors I would not consider anything else.  With
all the talk of a babyD I would be surprised to see anything above the
*istD (even if it was only the Sony 8 megapixel sensor slapped in) for a
couple of years.

Re: a family photo

2004-06-28 Thread Jeff Post
I think we can safely say you have moved into the realm of collector.  That 
is a lot of Pentax gear.  Reminds me of the poster I bought a couple of 
years ago.  Hope you have fun with them.

At 05:34 PM 6/28/2004, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 22:09:40 +0200
From: keller.schaefer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: a 'family' photo
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I had this idea of taking them all out on a bright day - for a family photo of
Pentax gear. Here is the result:
Only one member could not be present, a 2,0/35 Tak that is currently curing
yellow disease.
Obviously, it was impossible to capture this with a Pentax ;-)

Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V03 #658

2003-07-11 Thread Jeff Post
Hi Lon,
I have the Pentax A*300 2.8.  I use it with a Bogen 444 Carbon One 
tripod, so I would assume the 3221 would be fine.  I also have Pentax 1.4XL 
teleconverter for it.
While it comes with a nice metal case, I recently bought a backpack style 
camera bag so that I can get more use out of it.  I was leaving the lens 
home a lot of times since it was not convenient to carry through the woods.
This is not light lens.  According to the KMount equipment page it 
is 6.5 pounds.  (I never put mine on a scale to verify it.)  Make sure you 
want to carry this extra weight around with you at the zoo.
While I love the pictures I get from it, I will be the first to 
admit, it is not a very versatile lens. Make sure  the tripod head can 
handle it.  I have a Giotto MH 1001 (I think, as my gear is not in front of 
me.  It is definitely a giotto ball head though) which is a little 
undersized.  While it is rated for the weight, I think the length of the 
lens makes it a bit unwieldy on that ball head.
Even with that drawback, which would probably be solved by me 
buying a better ball head (someone here will comment I shouldn't be using a 
ball head with this setup,) I still love the lens.  It has enabled me to 
get shots that were not possible in the past.  For zoo shots remember you 
more then likely would not be walking around with this beast on the camera, 
so figure on extra time to get the tripod setup, mount the lens, and then 
attach the camera.


At 03:20 PM 7/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 15:15:08 -0400
From: Lon Williamson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: My first long telephoto prime:  advice sought
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I'm a sucker for zoo shots.

My Sigma 70-300 is a tad short at the long end.

I've compensated with 500mm f8 mirror lenses (Lentar
and Spiratone), but am thinking about faster primes
combined with TCs.
I do NOT need a birdie lens.  I don't think I want
to mess with something as long as a 600mm.
That leaves me with 300mm and 400mm primes from Pentax.

Just how impossible/heavy/awkward is the A 400mm f2.8?
Will a Bogen 3221 tripod be adequate for it?
And how about the 300mm f2.8 lenses?


Re: dumb computer question\electrical surge

2002-10-13 Thread Jeff Post

I am on the side that does not consider surges or spikes rare, nor do I 
think they only happen on power lines.  I lost 3 48 port Cisco Switches, 5 
Nortell Hubs, and 1 Cisco 48 port line card to a surge that went through 
the network wiring.  Two weeks ago I had a surge that destroyed one of my 
UPSes (well my employers, but I think of them as mine :) ) but protected 
$30,000 USD worth of networking gear that powered up fine once connected to 
a functional UPS.
The cost of a UPS and or surge protector is pocket change compared to the 
cost of what they protect.

At 08:16 PM 10/13/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 19:24:27 -0400
Subject: Re: Dumb computer question
Message-ID: 043701c2730f$ad07abe0$0200a8c0@brad
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

As a real computer and internet junkie, and part-time tech, I *always* leave
my stuff on.  On thing is I turn of monitors at night.  Running XP Pro on 2
computers, on with Win98SE,  one Windows 2000 Corporate Server, and one
laptop networked running NT4.  I've never had anything fail on me, I keep
strict maintenance, and consider the chance of a power surge to be an
overrated experience and rare.  I rarely have to reboot ANY of the machines.
On UPS, they are an invaluable tool for those occasional brown-outs.

Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V02 #8

2002-10-09 Thread Jeff Post

Some viruses simply look for open shares to connect to.  If the computer 
can write to the camera then it could be vulnerable.  Will it destroy the 
camera?  Probably not.  It wouldn't (hopefully) be able to get into the 
firmware, but it could fill your memory card with gibberish.  The easier it 
is for a camera to interface with a computer, the more likely it is a virus 
can infect or affect it in some way.  When they make cameras that can email 
the picture straight from the camera, then it will be even more vulnerable.

At 04:58 PM 10/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
From: Rubenstein, Bruce M (Bruce) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: DSLRs and viruses

  Viruses attack via the operating system. These cameras aren't running
under Windows, or any other high level OS. This whole thing makes as much
sense as giving a microwave oven a virus.
   -Original Message-
   What about when you take the memory card out and download to
   a computer?

Re: Anybody interested in getting the Pentax poster?

2002-07-11 Thread Jeff Post

If someone is starting a how many from the USA we are considering put me 
down for 2.  Just let me know a final price, how you want to be paid, and 
where to send payment.

At 04:33 PM 7/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 10:36:32 -0400
Subject: Re: Anybody interested in getting the Pentax poster?


I'll check shipping cost via US Government Priority Mail.
I think it would be cheaper to send a batch of 20+ posters to the USA,
and then mail them from here at $3.80 each + 1/20th of Italy-USA changes.
I'll check.

Regards,  Bob S.

In a message dated Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:26:06 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Ok, this said, here are the news about the 1952-2002 - 50 years of Pentax
  SLR cameras poster.
  First, for those among you which are also AOHC members, please note 
 that all
  AOHC members will receive one poster for free, shipped together with
  Spotmatic magazine No.33 next August (sorry, it will be shipped folded in
  envelope). Extra copies can be ordered at $2.00 each (AOHC members) or 
  each (non-members), plus package and postage.
  However, during this year 2002 celebrating such an important anniversary,
  I'll be happy to extend to all PDML members the reduced cost per poster
  ($2.00 each). Then non-members will pay $4.00 each poster.
  I checked the cost of carton tubes and postage for shipping it worldwide
  from Italy (priority mail). For the full details following the link:
  Unfortunately, as you can see the postage for such a large and heavy poster
  is also heavy.
  Some time ago, somebody thought it could better to ship a bunch to some
  PDML'er in N. America for distribution there, rather than
  many separate
  posters being airmailed from Italy. What do you think now?
  Dario Bonazza
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July Pug part 1

2002-07-11 Thread Jeff Post

 I figured I had better start now since so many turn my eye.  Hopefully I
will find time to comment on more.  I am not ignoring the rest of the
PUG, I just ran out of time tonight.  Where a shot falls on the list
and/or category does not mean I liked it more or less then another shot. 
Lack of mention does not mean I did not like it and these views are from
an individual.  No comments good or bad should be construed as an attack,
etc. etc. legalese etc.

California Adventure by Steve Larson.  Wow.  This just blows me away.  I
love the colors and the perfect reflection.

Schloss Charlottenburg by Joseph Tainter. Sharp. Crisp.  The cloud
formation adds a great intensity to the shot.

Fall Patriotism by Ray Ford.  Even without the flag this would have been
a great shot.  The flag is a bonus.  I love the contrast between the
leaves and the white fence.

Ambience by Toni Lankerd.  This shot makes want to go out to dinner at an
old cafe.  The wood bar (I hope it is wood) just extrudes warmth and

Before Sunset by Matjaz Osojnik  My eye winces in pain from the sun. 
Talk about conveying an image.  A scene that makes me want to relax. 

Creels by Facit.  I think the reason I like this shot is the irony, at
least in my mind, of the traps (I am assuming they are traps) and then
the net, and then what looks like traps under (hence trapped!) the
netting.  Traps upon traps upon traps.  Not a good day to be a fish or

Boat at Old Harbor by Ed Keeney.  The condition of the boat helps convey
the long and loving use of the area.  The wooden slats give the
impression of years of waves crashing into them.

Window Hood by Daniel Loader.  To answer your question, I would not have
put someone in the window reflection.  I like it the way it is.    The
hood seems out of place on a building that has siding like that.  It
seems like someone with a creative touch came along and said ugh, we need
to soften this. 

Irish Memory by Frits J. Wüthrich, (sorry, that was the best I could do
for the ü) This shot makes me think of rolling fields just out of sight. 
I love the yellow flowers through the wagon wheel and the color of the
window frame.

Sturgeon River by Martin Mielke.  Trees encased in ice give off such
majesty, yet are brittle and easily broken.  You have managed to capture
the turbulence of the river and the serenity of the woods. 

View from Goulding's by Ann Sanfedele.  A poignant reminder that
beautiful skylines can be found without skyscrapers.

Michigan Splendor by Ken Waller.  A great fall shot.  The brown of the
bark sets off nicely from the fall leaves.

Oak Meadow Early Spring by James Donnellan.  A nice soft shot that
appears to fade into a morning fog. 

Rural Life by Satish Kumar.  The description sounds like it is a great
picture, yet I can not make it out from the size.

Comet Ikeya-Zhang by Antti-Pekka Virjonen.  Beautiful shot with out the
customary circular pattern from the stars thanks to the tracking mount.

No title by G. Fenstermacher.  Surreal.  I like it.  Enough said. 

IR Pond by David J Brooks.  Another gorgeous IR shot.  I love what it
does to the trees over the boat. 

Cape May Victorian by Chris Niesmertelny.  Where the other IR shots
seemed warm and inviting, this one seems very harsh in spots.  It seems
like the sun is reflecting off the house making harsh bright spots. 
While I love the house itself, I would have liked to seen a warmer shot.
Rocks, Water by William Robb.  I love slow exposure water shots.  Here it
makes the path of the water very evident as it snakes through the rocks.

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Re: pentax-discuss-digest V1 #2875

2002-07-08 Thread Jeff Post

 I only have the step.  It looks like I am missing the rubber 
bumper that goes on here, and thus my mirror is slightly out of 
whack.  When I look into the opening I can see a slight lip on the right 
side of the step where it looks like it is supposed to attach to the rubber 
 Interesting enough, if I put a thin piece of card stock (ie a cut 
up business card) on this rest and gently lower the mirror onto it, It is 
even further off then when it is simply the metal step.  Of course since it 
is the wrong size and shape, this most likely doesn't prove a thing.
 In any event it is at minimum a trip to the local camera shop to 
see if they can do anything, if not it off to Pentax Colorado with it. 
:(  I'm not looking forward to not having it for month.  Guess I'll have to 
un-retire my ME Super.

Thanks everyone for their help on this.

At 08:09 PM 7/6/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2002 16:36:26 +0100
Subject: Re: Pentax LX focus to infinity problem

Okay, let's get this cleared up, as I am now confused.

Looking at the camera from the front, with mirror locked up, on the right
is a small circular rubber bumper, correct? On the left in about the same
place in relation to where the mirror comes to rest in the 'down'
position is a small metal step, angled to the same orientation as the
mirror at rest, and on this step is a slightly smaller rectangular rubber
bumper, correct?

Jeff, on the left, do you have the rubber bumper on top of the angled
'step'? Or do you just have the step?


 - - Original Message -
 From: Jeff Post
 Subject: Pentax LX focus to infinity problem
 You are missing the rubber mirror bumper.
 William Robb
 The only suspicious thing I see
  is on the left side of the mirror box.  The rest is metal.  No
 rubber, no
  foam, just metal.  It is a little piece that the side of the
 mirror comes
  to rest on.  Can those of you with LXs confirm what is
 supposed to be on
  the mirror rest on the left side (looking into the lens
  If there is something there, is this something a local camera
 shop should
  be able to fix, or do I need to this off to Pentax in
 Colorado.  I'm pretty
  sure the camera had a CLA before it was sold to me, hench the
 new foam and
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Pentax LX focus to infinity problem

2002-07-05 Thread Jeff Post

So here I was last week, reading the focus to infinity problem thread, when 
a little light went off.  My brain suddenly flashed hey, you have this same 
problem.  It developed a couple of weeks ago on my Pentax LX.  All my 
lenses (SMC-M 50 2.0, SMC-M 135 3.5, SMC-A 28 2.8, SMC A* 300 2.8) seem to 
want to focus a little bit before infinity.  The 300 seems to have a range 
line for infinity and it focuses at the beginning of that range line.  The 
manual states that it can focus at infinity anywhere in that range, but 
since my other three lenses are not focusing correctly, I'm not confident 
this one is either.  Of course the net result tends to be that the focus 
point in a bit off from where I wanted it.  So I removed then lens, locked 
the mirror up and took a look.  All my foam seems fine, the round rubber 
bumper that the mirror rests on in the down position on the right side 
(looking into the camera) looks great.  It is not sticky or mushy, in fact 
it and all the foam looks relatively new.  The only suspicious thing I see 
is on the left side of the mirror box.  The rest is metal.  No rubber, no 
foam, just metal.  It is a little piece that the side of the mirror comes 
to rest on.  Can those of you with LXs confirm what is supposed to be on 
the mirror rest on the left side (looking into the lens mount.)
If there is something there, is this something a local camera shop should 
be able to fix, or do I need to this off to Pentax in Colorado.  I'm pretty 
sure the camera had a CLA before it was sold to me, hench the new foam and 

Thanks a bunch,
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Re: Leaf shutter with 6x7 to 35mm adapter

2002-06-26 Thread Jeff Post

But does the leaf shutter lens have a separate shutter trip?  If it does 
why couldn't you get a locking cable for the 35mm, set it to B, trip and 
lock the release, then trip the leaf shutter which would be set to the 
speed you want.  At this point I may be talking out my you know what.  Can 
you set a shutter speed on the leaf shutter?
Are saying no matter what you do it won't work because with out something 
to trip the aperture lever, the leaf shutter will never trip?
At 08:46 PM 6/25/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 18:02:33 -0600
From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Leaf shutter with 6x7 to 35mm adapter

- - Original Message -
From: Jeff Post
Subject: Leaf shutter with 6x7 to 35mm adapter

  Not having a 6x7 or a 645 (or a leaf shutter lens for that
matter) I may be
  totally wrong, but wouldn't it work like the bellows.  You
would need the
  dual release cable.  One end goes to the leaf shutter, one
goes to the
  camera.  Or does the lead shutter not have a seperate release?

It becomes an issue of timing. The LS goes through a pretty
complex set of motions, as the lens shutter has to be closed
before the focal plane shutter opens, then it has to be closed
before the focal plane shutter closes.
On the 6x7 (and I presume the 645), the lens shutter is actuated
by the aperture coupler.
Unfortunately, with no aperture coupler in the adaptor, there is
no way of making the thing work on a 35mm camera. The timing
tolerances are just too close to do reliably without a timing

William Robb
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Leaf shutter with 6x7 to 35mm adapter (Was Re: The brotherhood advantage)

2002-06-25 Thread Jeff Post

Not having a 6x7 or a 645 (or a leaf shutter lens for that matter) I may be 
totally wrong, but wouldn't it work like the bellows.  You would need the 
dual release cable.  One end goes to the leaf shutter, one goes to the 
camera.  Or does the lead shutter not have a seperate release?

At 01:54 AM 6/25/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:49:27 -0700
From: Jim Apilado [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The brotherhood advantage

I have a 75mm LS for my Pentax 645.  If there were such an adapter for that
lens as with the 6 X 7 I wonder how I would trip the LS in the lens and the
focal plane shutter in my LX so that they both would synch?  There's
something flawed in your logic, I think.
Jim A.

  From: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 11:44:10 -0600
  Subject: The brotherhood advantage
  I just recieved a 6x7 to 35mm lens adaptor. It occured to me
  while looking at it that I can now do flash sync up to 1/500
  second on 35mm with 90mm (great portrait length) or 165mm focal
  I love this system.
  William Robb
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Re: June PUG comments

2002-06-24 Thread Jeff Post

It's not that I need to make them out, it is that they are just fuzzy 
enough to be mysterious and keep my attention on the photo.  I'm sorry to 
hear they closed the cinema.
At 08:35 PM 6/21/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 00:43:00 +0200
From: Maciej Marchlewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: June PUG comments

- - Original Message -
  At the Movies by Maciej Marchlewski  While being initially drawn to the
  shot of Ania, my eyes linger as I try to make out the movie titles on the

Thanks for a kind comment. I'm not sure if I can make out all the titles. I
don't have anything with greater DOF and the cinema is closed now so I can't
go there ang have another look. The building is going to be taken apart soon
but there is a chance for a new movie theater in the new building. Don't
know which ones you've allready got but if something bugs you there I can
try to sort it out for you.

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Re: AF280T flash: recycle, power,...

2002-06-18 Thread Jeff Post

I used mine for the first time two weeks ago.  Two sets of NiMh lasted 
friday night through saturday night shooting 9 rolls of film.  Most 
discharges were full or close to full since it was dark and a soft box was 
used. (off camera grip with TTL sync cord).  The second set still had power 
in them when I was done.
If I have a chance (I have 10 sets of slides to start labeling) I will put 
in a charged up pair of NiMh in my flash and set off a couple of full power 
manual bursts to time the recycle time.  Mine is definitely more then 1 
second.  I would say 5 or 6 seconds if memory serves me from that weekend.
While I think my meter may do flash metering, I have no idea how to use it 
as such (Gossen Luna Star F) since I do not have a manual with it.

At 08:22 AM 6/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 12:01:54 +0100
From: mike wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: AF280T flash: recycle, power,...


Frantisek Vlcek wrote:
 1) Does it accept NiCds?

Yes. I've used them for years.  Don't know about other

 2) What's the coverage and GN(m)?

28mm  28m@100ASA

 3) What's the recycle time with fresh rechargable batteries, at
 FULL power burst?

Takes mine about 1sec or less.  This will depend on the
condition of individual units.

 Anything else I should know about the flash? It's no longer
 serviced by Pentax, right? Any problems that show with age?

Very adaptable - you can use it with the hotshoe grip for off
camera flash TTL.  I think it will be serviced by Pentax as it
is still being sold as new (old) stock.  No serious mechanical
faults as long as it is not operated by Hamfist the
Barbarian(tm) and only the expected electronic faults, such as
tired cpapacitors.

 4) Please, if anybody's got a flashmeter,

IF I could find my meter and IF I could get batteries for it, I
would be happy to do this for you.  Unfortunately..


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RE: Pentax ME / ME SE / ME Super

2002-06-18 Thread Jeff Post

The Pentax ME has no manual shutter speed
The Pentax ME SE is an ME Special Addition.  I believe it has a different 
focusing screen
The Pentax ME Super is an ME with the addition of manual shutter 
speeds.  These are obtained by moving the selector dial to m and using two 
push buttons on the top of the camera.  One increments the shutter speed 
up, the other down.
The light meter on all three is LEDs on the right side of the finder.

At 08:39 PM 6/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:45:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Francis Alviar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pentax ME / ME SE / ME Super

What are the similarities and differences between
these three camera models?  Thanks.

Francis M. Alviar
Irvine, CA
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
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Re: Weekend shootings

2002-06-15 Thread Jeff Post

I am (or maybe that should be was) planning on shooting the Balloon 
festival in Quechee, VT.  Unfortunately it has been more it less rained 
out.  I get a some shots Friday night before the rain came, but the night 
glow, Saturday morning, and Saturday evening launches were cancelled.

At 07:31 PM 6/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 18:34:22 -0400
Subject: Weekend shootings

I want to burn some film this weekend and don't really have anything going
on so  figure I will wander around the yard or possibly a local park.
There's always the family get-together on Father's Day (happy day to all the

What's everyone else planning to capture this weekend?

Cory Waters

Technology isn't perfect but it sure beats a wig full of angry bunnies --
The announcer from Sheep in the BIG City on Cartoon Network
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Re: best sounding shutter?

2002-06-15 Thread Jeff Post

Clicks and buzzes eh.  The best description I have heard is kachunk whirr, 
kachunk whirr.  Then there was someone telling me theirs sounded like a 
tractor trailer going up a steep hill.
I have to agree with both of those descriptions.  With the winder LX the 
shutter definitely does not just go click.
At 02:02 PM 6/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Without doubt: the Pentax MX with Motor Drive. It's THE archetypal pro
still camera sound. The LX just clicks and buzzes a bit. The MX clicks
and swoshs... (!)

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ebay ID Pentaxer

2002-06-15 Thread Jeff Post

Is anyone on the list the ebay id pentaxer?  They had a Pentax A 1.4X-L 
teleconverter up for auction.  Long story short, My high bid was below the 
reserve.  I was wondering what they would be willing to sell it for.

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Re: Cost of Black and White Film Processing?

2002-06-11 Thread Jeff Post

Where I get my film developed here is Massachusetts, USA,  it is $5.00 to 
develop and then $0.30 a print.  Basically $15.80 to develop and print a 
roll of 36.

At 11:11 PM 6/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:22:08 -0700
From: harald_nancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cost of Black and White Film Processing?

Just got back from a trip, and took a few rolls of black and white Tri-X.
First time I've used black and white in many years.
The sticker shock, Kits Camera wants $16.00 to develop and print
a 36 exposure bw roll. Is that a normal price?
Last time I used black and white, it was less expensive than color.
Does anyone know a more cost effective lab for bw film processing?
I'm not planning to develop and print my own bw.
Thanks for any info.
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Re: ME-F Bodies...Why so little mention?

2002-06-07 Thread Jeff Post

I never felt the need to look at the ME-F.  I think there is only one lens 
that takes advantage of the early auto focus, and that lens is a bit on the 
heavy side.  While I like my ME-Super, when the light meter started acting 
up I tried to get it fixed and then placed it on the shelf.  Actually, I 
think it is fixed now, but since it let me down so many times before I just 
don't trust the meter.

Getting back to your question, I think anyone looking for an auto focus 
Pentax looks at one with a wider selection of compatible auto focus 
lenses.  Someone who is collecting Pentax cameras and wants to put it on 
display next to the ME and ME Super would be more interested then the 
general buying public.

At 07:00 AM 6/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 23:08:00 EDT
Subject: ME-F Bodies...Why so little mention?

Hi Guys...
   Is the ME-F a rare bird ?..With pretty much identical specs to the -Super
   plus the rudimentary focus-confirmation, I'd think there would be more
   demand...I just picked-up one on e-Bay, very nice shape, for $38.50 + $ 8
   with only 3 bidders...There's another one (near mint) parked there with
   a $ 75 BIN and no takers (e-Bay 1357549923 ) ..Albano's latest
   body survey shows 148 ME-Supers on list and only 1 ME-F...If they are
   rare I would think there'd be a little more enthusiam..Whats' up ?
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manual for Pentax Flash AF280T

2002-06-04 Thread Jeff Post

Does anyone have a PDF of the Pentax Flash AF280T manual that they can 
Email me or that I can download?

Also, is there any advantage to using the new high powered alkaline 
batteries as opposed to normal alkaline batteries in the flash unit?

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Flash batteries

2002-05-31 Thread Jeff Post

Here is a simply question for a Friday.  Do those new high drain alkaline 
AA batteries provide any benefit over standard alkaline AA batteries?  Do 
they recharge a flash faster, do they last longer?

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Re:Grandfather Mountain

2002-05-22 Thread Jeff Post

I hear all this talk about Grandfather Mountain on the list, so I have a 
question.  Exactly where is this fabled Grandfather Mountain.

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Re: Statue of Liberty Recommendations

2002-05-07 Thread Jeff Post

I believe you want to be in Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New 
Jersey.  Here is the web link that should help you out.


At 08:33 AM 5/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 22:49:14 -0500
From: Tiger Moses [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Statue of Liberty Recommendations

Guys, where do I need to go to get a view of Lady Liberty with a nice view
of NYC behind her, you know the classic image.

Do I need to be in Newark or what?

Trying to plan a summer roadtrip
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Pentax Winder LX

2002-05-03 Thread Jeff Post

Having just bought a winder LX, I have a question.  Does anyone else find 
it extremely loud, or do I possibly have a bad one.  The winder itself (the 
gearing and motor) sound loud.  I would imagine whatever I am shooting 
would get startled after the first shot and bolt.

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Re: pentax-discuss-digest V1 #2473

2002-04-10 Thread Jeff Post

Are you looking for just a print, or do you want to keep the digital file 
of the slide?  There is a place by me in Massachusetts that charges $8 for 
an 8x10 or 8X12, but I do not know if they do mail order.  They use a Fuji 
Frontier printer so the slide gets scanned and then printed, but I do not 
know if there is a way for them to write the scanned file to a CD, or what 
that would cost if it is possible.


At 12:41 PM 4/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 09:23:32 -0700
From: Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re[6]: Scanning with Epson 2450


Actually, the negatives are sharper.  Go figure?  I'm guessing that it
is due to flatness.  I had a scan/print to 8X10 done on one of my
slides by The Slideprinter in Denver, and then did the same thing
here.  There is a world of difference in the sharpness of the two.  I
don't profess to be the most skilled digital manipulator, but it was
dramatic.  Funny that when the print came from The Slideprinter, I
initially thought it was a bit soft compared to the slide.

Everytime I do slides, I end up with this problem.  I have yet to find
an reaonable priced ($6-$15 per 8X10) place to produce prints for me.
If I only had one, it would be fine.  But I have quite a few and the
cost could end up being hundreds.  My local lab that I use here will
charge me $9.00 to scan and $6.50 to print.  That is the high end of
reasonable.  I will probably have them try it just to see how good
they can do.
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Pentax Manuals

2002-03-11 Thread Jeff Post

It appears that Pentax has added a lot of new manuals today to their site.

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Re Pentax A* 300 2.8

2002-03-11 Thread Jeff Post

Never mind.  Found the manual on Pentax's site.  I could have sworn this 
wasn't there a week ago when I was looking.  Anyway, it appears to have a 
Pentax SMC 49mm skylight stuck on the removable filter ring.  Any tips for 
removing it?


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:19:43 -0500
Subject: Pentax A* 300 2.8

Well,  my new toy arrived today here at work.  Since it did not come with 
a manual I have a couple of questions I hope someone can answer.
Is the Pentax smc 49mm dropin skylight removable, or do I just screw my 
filters on to this?  Did the 112mm Pentax PF SMC filter normally come with 
the lens?  What is the PF filter?
Does anyone know where I can find an online or PDF version of the manual?

As for the condition of the lens, there is a small black smudge on the 
rubber ring of the hood and a scratch in front of the tripod screw.  It is 
a really sweet lens.

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Re: 300/2.8 curiosity

2002-03-08 Thread Jeff Post

As of this monday (It is going to be a mighty fine monday for a change!)
Pentax A* 300/2.8

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Pentax 300mm A 2.8 questions

2002-03-05 Thread Jeff Post

Having just sent a large amount of money to KEH for an Ebay auction for a 
Pentax A* 300mm 28 lens I have a question for the list
What is a good teleconvertor to go with this lens?  Does the quality 
degrade substantially at 600 56?
I can't help but wonder if this lens is worth what I paid  For me this is 
a rather large purchase  Anyone have a good price figure for what this 
lens should cost  I didn't see any thing out on the internet when I tried 

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Re: Tamron 70-210 zoom - does adaptall 2 adapt to OUR cameras?

2002-02-20 Thread Jeff Post

The Tamron Adaptall 2 for the minolta should remove from the lens and you 
can replace it with one for the Pentax K mount.  I don't think it will pass 
aperture information back to the camera.

At 02:41 PM 2/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:19:41 -0500
From: Peter Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Tamron 70-210 zoom - does adaptall 2 adapt to OUR cameras?

I think it's Minolta.

At 11:14 AM 2/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:
 Paul F. Stregevsky wrote:
   If it's the Tamron Adaptall SP Macro Close Focus 70-210 f/3.5 with a 62mm
   filter ring, grab it. Introduced 1984, it's the only non f/2.8 zoom that
   may be sharper than the Pentax 70-210/4 PKA.
 Alas, 'tis not. (see reply to mike w) However this one is half the
 weight of
 the one you mentioned and filter size is 52mm
 The adapter that is on there now is a M-MD (finally looked at with a
 magnifier to
 see that.) No clue what camera that is for.
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Ebay LX Thingie

2002-02-19 Thread Jeff Post

The only thing I could think of as I was looking at it was that it was to 
do the same function as the roller that is in that spot in newer LX 
cameras.  That way, as the motor drive is chugging along, it is keeping the 
film taunt for the takeup spools.

At 02:26 PM 2/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 19:47:38 +0100
From: Peter Smekal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ebay-LX-thingie

Well, well ... what could that thingie be:

Peter Smekal
Uppsala, Sweden
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Re: pentax-discuss-digest V1 #2030

2002-01-28 Thread Jeff Post

 The person Bob is thinking of is Klaus.  Here is his email address:
He did a CLA on my MESuper, although I did not have a sticky mirror.  All 
the seals were replaced and everything was lubricated.  I forget what the 
shipping costs were, but the price was $40 plus shipping.


At 02:21 PM 1/28/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:06:46 -0700
From: aimcompute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Price for Fixing Sticky Mirror or CLA

Thanks Bob. I appreciate the response.

Tom C.

- - Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Price for Fixing Sticky Mirror or CLA

   Can someone tell me a ballpark price
   for fixing a sticky mirror problem
   and/or a CLA on an ME Super?
  A guy on ebay was offering $40 CLA's by mail.
  Perhaps somebody kept the link to his email.
  California - Chula Vista maybe?
  Regards,  Bob S.
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