RE: History

2004-04-21 Thread Rothman, Aric
Presumably, wise-acres are where smart-asses graze...

Aric (who's been accused of being both, at times...)

 -Original Message-
 From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:16 PM
 Subject: Re: History
 I'm surprised, Peter.  You're not usually a wise-acre.  vbg
 I wonder where that saying comes from?  I can see wise ass 
 (which Peter is 
 one of, BTW), but wise-acre?  As opposed to those stupid acres?
 Well, really, who cares?

RE: Ssssssh, It's beeerrry quiet around here...

2004-03-29 Thread Rothman, Aric
 From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Are you all out hunting WABBITS?!?!

yeah.  where is frank, anyway?

RE: PAW: More Cows

2004-03-25 Thread Rothman, Aric
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Christian Skofteland wrote:
  So, Frank, what would Oppenheimer say about the cows?
 Or better yet, what would Schroedinger say about cows?

I'm going to need a bigger box?

RE: Cyclists only.

2004-03-12 Thread Rothman, Aric
Very cool.  Some of the designs are quite impressive.  I ride an underseat steering 
recumbent myself.  Kind of like a
lawn chair on wheels.

RE: Bulk Film Loader Ques

2004-02-25 Thread Rothman, Aric
I bulk load.  It's very easy.  The most tedious part is trimming the leader after the 
film is loaded.  I tried using a
roll without trimming, and the camera I used (a Contax ST) did not want to accept it.  
Trimming is no bid deal, though.

One potential hazard with bulk loading is failure to attach the film to the spool 
securely.  If advancing the film
causes it to break loose from the canister, you better have a changing bag or darkroom 
handy. :/

I use bits of black masking tape.  I use a piece long enough to wrap around the spool, 
and leave about a 3/4 unaffixed
tab of tape on each side of the spool, making an elongated C-shape around the spool.  
I then position the film (trimmed
square) into the space between the tape tabs, and pinch the tape onto the film.

If you intend to process the film yourself, and use spool tanks, resist the temptation 
to load more than 36 exposures.
The film might be too long to load onto the spool.

I like the older Bakelite loaders, but the injection molded thermoplastic ones 
probably work just as well.  IIRC, my
Bakelite loader is a Watson brand, made by Burke and James (presumably the same BJ 
that made the view camera).


 -Original Message-
 From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:06 AM
 Subject: Bulk Film Loader Ques
 Been thinking about getting a bulk film loader.  Is anyone
 still using these things.  Which brands are considered
 better?  I'd want a very good quality loader and don't mind
 paying a little extra for it.

RE: Rock 'n' Roll with Rodinal

2004-02-11 Thread Rothman, Aric
I process all my BW.  (APX 100, HP5+, Tri-X, Pan-F)  Sometimes I use Portra 400 BW 
(lovely film), and I get that
processed at the lab.


 -Original Message-
 From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:49 PM
 Subject: Rock 'n' Roll with Rodinal
 Just to add a little diversity to the  threads here:
 Last night I processed a few rolls of APX 100 in Rodinal
 while watching the Roy Orbison BW Night DVD.  What a
 pleasant experience ;-))
 Who still processes their own BW negs?

RE: 645/67/etc slide/film scanners

2004-02-10 Thread Rothman, Aric
I have considered one of these, but at it's maximum medium
format resolution, it would produce only a 8.3 MP file
for a 6x7 original, which is about two megapixels less than
it can do with 35mm.

Is there a noticeable difference between medium format and
35mm scans with this unit?  I realize there are other issues
besides pixel count.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 8:55 PM
 Subject: Re: 645/67/etc slide/film scanners
 FYI a place called Publishing Perfection ( has
 refurbished units of the Minolta Dimage Scan Multi, with 3 
 month warranties,
 for $299. I ordered one and am very pleased. They also have 
 the Scan Multi
 II (ie Scan Multi with ROC and GEM software) for $399.
 $299 for this scanner is an absolute steal. Worth it even if you only
 scan 35mm!
 Mark Roberts

RE: 6 x 7 Questions

2004-02-06 Thread Rothman, Aric
Midwest Camera Exchange in Columbus, OH.

They have more stuff than they list on their site.  They will haggle,
I expect especially on the 67, which seem to multiply in the showcase.

 Aside from eBay and KEH - any recommendations on where to buy a setup?
 Mark Cassino Photography
 Kalamazoo, MI

RE: OT: North Americans

2004-02-06 Thread Rothman, Aric
A few years ago, to abundant alumni objection, by wife's alma
mater, Miami University (in Ohio), changed their team name
from Redskins to something else...something so forgettable,
I've forgotten it ! ;)

The University had leave from the leadership of the Miami
Indian tribe to use the name.  In fact, the tribe was pleased
to be associated with such a fine institution.  And set
this sentiment to paper, in letters to the University.  However,
student activists, probably prodded by more than a few
malcontent professors, stirred things up enough that the
name was ultimately changed.

One friend quipped they changed the name to the
Miami Thinskins.

A similar thing happened at my school.  Wright State University
used to have a diminutive Viking as a mascot (think
Grimli from LOTR, but comic)  Aforementioned malcontents
thought this mascot was too masculine.  Now WSU is called
the (in mocking tone) Wolfpack, complete with gender-
neutral wolf mascot.


 The Indians themselves (at least the ones where I live)
 call themselves Indians.
 Here are a few local organizations:
 FSIN: Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
 These are both Indian owned and operated.
 Started by Indians, and run by Indians.
 Since the Indians are comfortable enough with the term to
 use it in the names of both their political organizations
 and their universities, just what is your problem, Lasse?
 William Robb

RE: *istD current best price $1349 US?

2004-02-06 Thread Rothman, Aric

 -Original Message-
 From: Kostas Kavoussanakis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 10:38 AM
 Subject: Re: *istD current best price $1349 US?

 Why did this rub you the wrong way round? People were mostly
 complaining about retailers (potentially) pocketing the rebate.
 Or so I thought.

That's what I think is happening.  Adorama keeps bouncing the price
between $1225 and $1359 (or thereabouts), and periodically citing
a $100 Pentax rebate of which I was unaware.  BH's response has been
to simply unhide their selling price, but didn't budge it.  Reputable
low-price camera dealers in the US seem to be a microcosm, and with
such limited competition (not counting the Cambridge's, CCI's, and
other bottom-feeders) competitive forces are slow to come into
play.  I guess the *ist D is selling well enough Adorama and BH are
going to enjoy a fatter margin for another week to two.  Doesn't always
happen that way though.  Very soon (a day or so) after Rollei annouced
a dramatic price drop on the AFM35 PS, BH dropped their price proportionally.
Adorama followed suite within a day.  Both sold out very quickly.  The AFM35,
exclusive of the post-price drop feeding frenzy, was probably a slow seller,


RE: *ist D pricing

2004-02-04 Thread Rothman, Aric
The price at Adorama is now $1229!  Good 'ole capitalism.
Your move, BH!


Len Paris did write...

 Oh my gosh!  Do you mean that dealers might not be passing the savings
 on to their customers? Heaven forbid! That would be a first! ;-)
  * She drove me to drink.  That's the one thing I'm indebted to her
 for. W.C. Fields
  Well, Adorama now lists a $100 manufacturer rebate on the ist D
  (something I was unaware Pentax was offering), and BH no longer
  requires web patrons to put the ist D in their cart to see the
  real price, but their price for it has not changed.  I thought
  the Pentax annoucement would herald a price drop proportional
  to the MSRP drop.  Hmm.

RE: *ist D pricing

2004-02-04 Thread Rothman, Aric
There is no indication they are out of stock.  They still don't have
the 16-45, though.


 -Original Message-
 From: Juey Chong Ong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 9:48 AM
 Subject: Re: *ist D pricing
 On Wednesday, Feb 4, 2004, at 08:54 America/New_York, Rothman, Aric 
  The price at Adorama is now $1229!  Good 'ole capitalism.
 Do they have it in stock?

Regarding recent critique request, and scanning questions

2004-01-28 Thread Rothman, Aric
Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my request
for critiques.  Usually, when I ask friends for comment on my work,
they tend to not be very critical.  I will try some of the suggested
image manipulation and report on the results.

Here's another, fresh off the scanner...

...which leads to my next question.

I have a great deal of difficulty with lack of sharpness and grain,
especially when scanning BW, which is my preferred medium.  Oddly,
the grain seems to have a less objectionable appearance (at least
to me) with high speed emulsion/developer combos...

(Old Tri-X @ 1600 ASA in Diafine)

than with my typical low speed choice (APX 100 in Rodinal).
In an effort to reduce grain, I developed a batch of APX 100 rolls
in HC110B, hoping the faster development would lessen the grain,
but I still get an unpleasant mottled grain look, as in the
rainbow image (I used Neat Image to clean up the mottled look,
but it is still evident).

I thought my scanner might be to blame.  Admittedly a cheapo
(Scanwit 2720S), I scanned some negatives with the local
camera shops Nikon scanner and got similar results.

I am using Vuescan.  What combinations of film/developer/scanner
settings are yielding go BW results for folks here?


RE: Regarding recent critique request, and scanning questions

2004-01-28 Thread Rothman, Aric
It's a rainbow.  When I told my wife I had a rainbow image in BW, she
derisively laughed, and said it would just be gas!  After she saw it,
she asked for a print to give to a friend as a gift!


 -Original Message-
 From: Boris Liberman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:07 PM
 To: Rothman, Aric
 Subject: Re: Regarding recent critique request, and scanning questions
 Fascinating. To me it looks like a forcefield of some sort. A little
 patch of bright in the middle part of the land completes this. I hope
 I am at least half-reasonably clear.

RE: Regarding recent critique request, and scanning questions

2004-01-28 Thread Rothman, Aric
The Scanwit is a 35mm film scanner.

I did not operate the Nikon scanner.  The fellow who performed the
scan for me is a seasoned BW photographer, processor, and wet printer.


 -Original Message-
 From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:55 AM
 Subject: Re: Regarding recent critique request, and scanning questions
 Is that Scanwit a flatbed scanner?
 Did you scan the negs on the Nikon scanner, 
 or did someone do it for you?  
 Rothman, Aric wrote:
  I thought my scanner might be to blame.  Admittedly a cheapo
  (Scanwit 2720S), I scanned some negatives with the local
  camera shops Nikon scanner and got similar results.

Critique request

2004-01-26 Thread Rothman, Aric
Being new again to Pentax after a 10 year hiatus, I don't have many
images on the web made with Pentax gear,
but I would very much like comment on
some images I have posted recently.  Unlike several
other forums I have being member of, this one seems filled with
folks willing to voice there opinion of others' work ;)


RE: Me and Bobby McGee

2004-01-26 Thread Rothman, Aric
Yow!  Is it too late to revoke my critique request? :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Christian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 2:51 PM
 Subject: Re: Me and Bobby McGee
 I can read the description fine (I'm running 1600x1200 on a 19 tube).
 The picture gave me a headache and made me nauseas.  I have 
 since closed the
 web browser and visited the restroom.  I feel better now ;-)

Tokina 28-70 f/2.6-2.8 Pro II

2004-01-22 Thread Rothman, Aric
Anyone use this lens?  If so, comments on, or links to web images
made with this lens would be much appreciated.  In particular,
anyone use it with the *ist D?


 -Original Message-
 From: Fred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 1:31 PM
 Subject: Re: Q: SMC-A 50mm f:2.8 Macro
  It's a good lens that might go for $150 if you were patient.
  A 50mm Macro means you will get quite close to your subjects.
  You can use it as a walking-around-lens, but you will notice
  the slower f2.8.
 Ditto, dito, and ditto.
  It has the reputation of being an excellent macro lens.
  Seems like the 50mm macro is a sharp little beast!
 It is a very nice 50mm macro lens.  It is just a tad less sharp than
 the F/FA 50/2.8 Macro lens design, but it's s-o-o-o much nicer to
 use (focus feel, etc.).
 I use an A 100/2.8 Macro lens for most of my macro shooting, but I
 still keep an A 50/2.8 Macro lens around for occasional use
 (especially for traveling light) - it's just too nice a little lens
 to let go of...

FA J and DA lenses on an MZ-S

2004-01-21 Thread Rothman, Aric
Is it possible to use above Pentax lenses, which are bereft of aperture ring,
in aperture priority mode on the MZ-S?  If so, how?  I assume the lenses are
hardwired to appear as being set to 'A,' which, if I understand the MZ-S's
mode selection system, would only allow program and shutter priority modes to
be available.


RE: KEH does it again

2004-01-14 Thread Rothman, Aric
All the KEH bargains I've purchased have been bargains indeed, with one exception.

I sent back a 35mm Summicron because it had chewed up screw heads
(had to look at it under a stereo microscope to see the damage; a Leica microscope,
strangely enough), which I thought did not bode well for any future CLAs.

Back on topic, though...

The SMC-F 35-70 I purchased for my wife for use on her ZX-7 has a few barrel blemishes,
but is optically and mechanically top notch.  It replaces a Tamron paperweight I am
embarrased to have purchased with the camera as a birthday gift to her. (Not saying
all Tamrons are bad, mind you, but this one much have an element made of molded
hot glue!)

Never had a problem with KEH.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mr. William M Kane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:15 PM
 Subject: KEH does it again
 Finally, my first Auto Focus lens.  I went cheap, and was looking for 
 something under $50, just to test out the AF on my *ist D (my other 
 lenses and cameras are manual only).  Recieved the FA 
 35-70/3.5-4.5 in 
 supposed BGN condition.  As far as I can tell this means that 
 it comes 
 without caps.  Zoom, aperture look great, AF works fine, and 
 the glass 
 looks like it's never been touched.
 Another satisfied customer!
 IL Bill

RE: A bizarre ebay experience.

2004-01-14 Thread Rothman, Aric
If you get no satisfaction, would you share the eBay ID of the seller?
It's good to know from who to say away.

There is a serious flaw in the feedback system at eBay.  Unscrupulous
sellers can hold you as a feedback hostage.  That is to say, they will
not supply feedback to a completed transaction until you do.  That way,
they can retaliate with negative feedback if they swindle you and you
leave negative feedback for them.

One eBay seller (and sizeable brick and mortar dealer) is Zeff Photo.  Last time
I checked, they have 100% positive feedback.  They shouldn't.  I purchased
a Bronica EC with lens from them, and paid immediately using a method they would
accept.  That should equate to immediate positive feedback for me.  I held
up my end of the transaction.  The camera and lens has several immediately obvious
defects not disclosed, and it locked up after a few shutter triggers.
I obtained return authorization and had it shipped back via FedEx.  I was
contacted a few days later and was informed the damage was due to RETURN trip
to Zeff, and I would have to make a claim.  Since I am not aware of any temporal
anomalies in the vicinity which would cause damage manifest a few days earlier
to have a cause several days later, I was skeptical, to say the least.

Long story short, I got a refund, but not for the significant shipping charges
accumulated during the whole ordeal.  Their eBay guy told me I was lucky and he
was doing me a favor.  Some favor, to the tune of $45 lost to unnecessary shipping

Zeff Photo has a good reputation, but the guy
who managed the eBay department did not give me a square deal, and he engages in
this feedback withholding strategy I describe. I am in feedback limbo with them.  


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:45 PM
 To: pentax discuss
 Subject: OT: A bizarre ebay experience.
 I'm very POed at ebay. Among other items, I listed a Spotmatic Motor
 Drive camera and 50mm lens on ebay the other night. I set a 
 first bid of
 $375 and did not specifiy a buy it now price or a reserve. 
 Last night I
 received a notice that the camera had been purchased on a buy 
 it now bid
 by someone in Japan. I have tried replying to the ebay message to
 indicate that there is some kind of mistake. I've filed a report with
 their mediation service, and I've written the purported 
 buyer. All to no
 avail. I've heard from no one, and my auction has been down for almost
 20 hours. What's more, a list member had hoped to purchase the camera
 and had planned to bid on the last day. I don't know how to resolve

RE: KEH does it again

2004-01-14 Thread Rothman, Aric
Some products (like Armor All and DEET) are or contain chemicals
that will cause polycarbonate (the plastic usually used for photo gear)
to crack.  They are called stress cracking agents.  Sometimes the effects
are slight and take a long time to manifest, as with Armor All, or fast
and dramatic, as with DEET (bug repellant).

I don't know what's in Goo Gone.


 -Original Message-
 From: Collin Brendemuehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:56 PM
 Subject: Re: KEH does it again
 Instead of using alcohol to clean off the glue residue, try Goo Gone.
 And, like ArmorAll, it leaves the plastic looking very nice.
 Comes in liquid (in hardware stores) and gell (in automotive shops),
 both in convenient bottles.
 Collin Brendemuehl
 void C( JobAvailability )
 char JobAvailability[30];
 C( program run );
 C( shop stop C );;
 C( programmer doing Notes/Domino. );

RE: A bizarre ebay experience.

2004-01-14 Thread Rothman, Aric
OOPS!  Sorry, didn't read your posting very well the first time!

YOU were the seller...well, it still felt good to vent about Zeff.  Guess it's
good to remember that sellers can also make good faith mistakes.


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:45 PM
 To: pentax discuss
 Subject: OT: A bizarre ebay experience.
 I'm very POed at ebay. Among other items, I listed a Spotmatic Motor
 Drive camera and 50mm lens on ebay the other night. I set a 
 first bid of
 $375 and did not specifiy a buy it now price or a reserve. 
 Last night I
 received a notice that the camera had been purchased on a buy 
 it now bid
 by someone in Japan. I have tried replying to the ebay message to
 indicate that there is some kind of mistake. I've filed a report with
 their mediation service, and I've written the purported 
 buyer. All to no
 avail. I've heard from no one, and my auction has been down for almost
 20 hours. What's more, a list member had hoped to purchase the camera
 and had planned to bid on the last day. I don't know how to resolve

RE: FS Friday: 50mm f/1.4

2004-01-09 Thread Rothman, Aric

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Got an M series 50/1.4 that I'd like to sell. It's in EX+ condition.
 Veeery nice ;) includes rear cap but not front. $50.00 plus shipping. 
 Works on the *ist-D now ;-)


What modification had to be made to make the M series lens work on the ist-D?  I tried 
to use the very same lens on an
ist-D at the local shoppe, but could only use it at full aperture.


RE: FS Friday: 50mm f/1.4

2004-01-09 Thread Rothman, Aric

Thanks for the info.  I wended my way back through recent messages and found the 
details.  The ist-D keeps looking
better and better.  I really enjoyed working with it at the store.  The problem is, 
Pentax lenses seem hard to come by,
at least here in the US.  Does Pentax have a greater presence elsewhere?  I am 
planning a trip to Europe this year, and
would love to go on a Pentax glass shopping spree.  Local camera store/shows don't 
often have Pentax-made lenses, just
the third party stuff.


 -Original Message-
 From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 10:45 AM
 Subject: Re: FS Friday: 50mm f/1.4
 - Original Message - 
 From: Rothman, Aric
 Subject: RE: FS Friday: 50mm f/1.4
  What modification had to be made to make the M series lens 
 work on the
 ist-D?  I tried to use the very same lens on an
  ist-D at the local shoppe, but could only use it at full aperture.
 Camera software update. It was released yesterday.
 William Robb

RE: pentax-discuss-d Digest V04 #73

2004-01-06 Thread Rothman, Aric
 Cotty wrote:
 I quite like:
 a bokeh of photographers.
 that's good but a lot of people wouldn't know the pronunciation. How does a
 lens of photographers sound?

Well, it *sounds* OK, but somebody will want to spell it lense.

With all the talk of drinks, how about...

A Philter of Photographers?

nah...someone will want to spell it philtre, too :)


RE: Always at the ready - OT

2002-07-10 Thread Rothman, Aric

Usually I take a Hexar RF with either a 28mm or 50mm lens, depending on my mood.  
Sometime I tote my entire Leica
M-mount kit.  Lately, it's been a Contax SLR w/50mm f1.4 Planar.


 -Original Message-
 From: Francis Alviar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 11:24 AM
 To: Pentax Discuss List
 Subject: Always at the ready - OT
 Hello to all,
 How many of you guys bring your camera equipment to
 work if you have a primary means of employment and
 photography is your hobby?  And also how much gear do
 you carry?  I've been carrying a small camera bag to
 work with an extra lens on almost a daily basis just
 in case the photo opportunity show up.  Ever since I
 took hold of my MX with the three lenses I've
 substituted bringing that to work instead.  It's quite
 a big bag.  I'm just wondering if it's overkill or
 what.  Never hurts to be prepared for anything.
 Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free
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This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
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RE: Hello everyone!

2002-06-05 Thread Rothman, Aric

Paul Franklin Stregevsky wrote

Among manual focus telezooms, you could choose from several brands that 
offered serious amateur models in the f/3.5 to f/4 class. In autofocus, 
as you've discovered, it's a different story. You must choose between 
built-to-cost 70-200s with a highly variable maximum aperture or pro gear.

I assume your wife must have autofocus, yes?


Yes.  My wife is not confident with manual focus, yet.  It's essential that the new 
lens be AF.  A lens with a variable
aperture is OK, as long as the long maximum aperture isn't minute (less than f/5.6 
say).  I want the lens to have good
optical qualities.  BOA pans the SMC FA 70-200.

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