Re: Do you insure your gear?

2005-05-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting Amita Guha [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I was wondering if any of you bother insuring your gear,
 and if so, which company you use.

Added to home and contents in a category called All risks with RACV.
That means that basically  anything that happens anywhere is covered.

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Re: Gallery Show, No Pentax

2005-05-04 Thread williamsp
Quoting Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Very funny. You're keeping me in stitches.

There's nothing weft to say...

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Re: Why and How I switched to Canon (for those who care) long

2005-05-03 Thread williamsp
Quoting Herb Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 that's because he interpolates to 24 megapixels at conversion time.

Yes I understood that, I was just suprised that the res-ed up pic was what he
chose to store as his archive version. It seems as if he must own a disk drive

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Re: PAW: Half and Half

2005-05-03 Thread williamsp
 Boris Liberman:

When this is part of a year long set or whatever yoiu intend it will be fine and
dandy, As a standalone pic it is a bit less than gripping viewing. Put it in its
proper context and we'll look again.

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RE: Hello and Sensor cleaning

2005-05-03 Thread williamsp
Quoting McRae, Max MS [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I was told that it would be done to food quality standards, so expected
 total cleanliness.

There are food grade lubes. That is probably what you got on your sensor.

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Re: PESO and enablement

2005-05-02 Thread williamsp
Quoting Scott Loveless [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 ...I went through my notes and
 discovered that this roll had been exposed at 320ASA.
 So I've underexposed...

Scott you have got that backwards. In rating a nominal 400 ISO film at 320 you
have actually given greater exposure than normal, but only by a small amount
that would be well within the tolerance of Tri-X.

Remember pushing film is where you rate it at a higher speed than the makers
do (intentionally under-exposing it), then give extra development to compensate.
This gives higher than normal contrast and poorer shadow detail.

Going the other way pulling can be used to control extreme contrast, you
expose for the shadows and curtail development to keep the highlights from
becoming too dense (on the neg).

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Re: PESO and enablement

2005-05-02 Thread williamsp
 On 5/2/05, Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But Frank, it seemed to me that Peter wants to learn how to do BW

His name is Scott, not Peter.

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Re: PESO and enablement

2005-05-02 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Scott, what color is the wall?

Indeed that wall is suspiciously dark in tone (along with the face).

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Re: PESO and enablement

2005-05-02 Thread williamsp
Quoting Scott Loveless [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 5/2/05, Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Scott, what color is the wall?
 Boring cookie-cutter off-white.

Shel, please select your prize from the top shelf.

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Re: Why and How I switched to Canon (for those who care) long

2005-05-02 Thread williamsp
Quoting frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 But Hyundai sells cars by offering comparable cars to Toyota and Honda
 for considerably less money...

And the feeling of driving the Hyundai is markedly different to either the
Toyota or Honda, as is the fit and finish and likely longevity. I think he's
chosen the wrong car maker to repesent Pentax.

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Re: Hello and Sensor cleaning

2005-05-02 Thread williamsp

 I wonder if the pressure might cause damage?

I find it easy to imagine bending metal shutter curtain blades/leaves with high
pressure air bouncing off the sensor and along the shutter tracks.

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Re: Path of Dreams - Neither PAW nor PESO

2005-04-28 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Most interested in comments on this one. (150k)

It's cool in a dreamland/fairyland sort of way. Like a childrens book
illustration. Well done.

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Re: A Macro Lens Question

2005-04-27 Thread williamsp
Quoting Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sorry if this has been asked, but was the 1.2 lens
 also set to 2.8?

He tells you in the text you quoted that both were at F5.6

 --- Rob Studdert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To provide an example I just produced a pair of
  shots at f5.6, one with my A50/1.2 + tube and the
  next with my A50/2.8 macro lens

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Re: Cleaning Barrery Contacts

2005-04-27 Thread williamsp
Quoting Powell Hargrave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Any thoughts on how to best clean the contacts at the bottom (top really)
 of the battery compartment?

The pencil eraser on the end of a pencil?
A cotton bud/swab with some denatured alcohol?

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RE: Boris' workflow (was Concerned)

2005-04-27 Thread williamsp
Quoting Don Sanderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This is more of a question than an answer since I'm just
 about totally new to PS myself but:
 Isn't having to work in 8 bit mode a sure way to lose some
 of the more subtle transitions that Boris is seeking to

Thw idea is to shoot raw, then work in 16 bit mode as long as possible in your
editor. Greater adjustments of levels, curves, etc can be made without creating
the comb-like effect in the histogram that signals missing data that you get in
8 bit mode.

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RE: Boris' workflow (was Concerned)

2005-04-27 Thread williamsp
 Please explain how rotating an image can lose subtle transitions...

All the pixels get moved around and their position in the new version must be
calculated, some juggling must be done in order to get it all back together 
I thought it was accepted that rotation of a bitmap image caused degredation
(the degree of which would be quite variable).

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Re: Widest area viewfinder

2005-04-27 Thread williamsp
Quoting Andre Langevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 F3 was 100%.  Also F4, F5 and F6?

The original F was 100% as was the F2 that followed, then your list.

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Re: PESO: Crooked Tree

2005-04-26 Thread williamsp
Quoting Steve Jolly [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

It is a moody looking pic, looks like it could be s till from a horror/thriller
movie set. I can see the camera moving forward as part of a line search and the
body is discovered just over the crest of the ridge we can see under the
horizontal tree.

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Re: Viewfinder's

2005-04-25 Thread williamsp

 I am trying to find the best brand's of filters to buy.
 I am finely able to spend money,time so I would like to buy the best.

The Hoya HMC range seem adequate.
You can certainly spend a lot more though.
Look at BW, Nikon, Lee, Sing-Ray.

PS. Finally would seem a more likely word that finely for your present
ability to afford fine filters.

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Re: Need PC Help for Digital Photography

2005-04-25 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I don't know what [EMAIL PROTECTED] depth means.

I think Godfery meant 24 bit depth @ pixel dimensions in use,
ie. screem set to 1024x768, with 24 bit colour.

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Re: Film is dead...

2005-04-25 Thread williamsp
 Which guarantees the no-sale right?  Then what do they do?

New supermarket owned bottle shop (US types read liquor store) opened near me,
I go in and find no cold, light beer in bottles for sale. I complain and the
very young fellow says, we are going to run like this for a few weeks and see
what sells and the base our stocking on the results.

Gee, if you don't stock it it won't sell, will it.

Some months later they still have no cold, light beer in bottles for sale.

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Re: Need PC Help for Digital Photography

2005-04-25 Thread williamsp
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be a bare minimum for photo editing ... only
 thousands of possible color combinations and uses a CLUT to do color
 translation. No one serious about photography really uses such low end
 stuff anymore...

Indeed, when I accidently had my laptop set to 16 bit colour depth, most photos
were noticeably banded/posterised, you certainly couldn't do any quality editing
work with it set like that.

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Re: OT: TIF problems

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Quoting Dave Sprinkle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   resolution HxV 400 dpi x 400 dpi, Bit depth 1.
  You could quite likely convert to 1 bit with no loss of usefullness.
 It's already 1 bit ...

I know, I re-read that bit after I'd hit send :-(
Silly me.

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Re: Re: Hurrah for Shel Disrobing the Emperor

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp

 About 20 years ago, I was at a presentation by an Aussie working here.  It
 was about his collection of old vehicles.  One or two of the slides showed,
 from the air, the rural part of Australia he came from.  I always remember
 the quote: '36 Chevvie is car of the year down there.
 He was serious.

While people rural areas tend to be less affluent and less likely to spend up
big on the latest cars, I think he might have been exaggerating just a little 
An FJ40 Toyota Landcruiser or similar would be a more likely car of the year.

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Re: Newbie

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp
Quoting frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Jakarta will help on the Asian leg of my PDML Around the World

Unless it is wrecked by a volcano or earthquake, seems there is a new
catastrophe of that type almost every day in the region lately.

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Re: Do I need special drivers to connect my *istDS to my windows 98 computer?

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp

 Connecting my *ist DS to my W98 computer results in search for drivers that
 cannot be found.
 Any suggestion how to transfer the camera pictures to this computer?

Use a card reader. That way you aren't dependant on the camera batteries for
transfer and you won't be troubled by non-existant drivers.

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Re: Cornwall

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp

 Cotty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A nice collection/essay Cotty. The Eden thing was interesting.
Gee those little fishing harbour/town/village things are picturesque aren't 

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Re: Hurrah for Shel Disrobing the Emperor

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp
Quoting mike wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   What he meant was that it was virtually an everlasting car.

I don't think I have ever seen a '36 Chev or any other car of that era being
used as on or off-road transport, anywhere in the parts of Australia I've
visited or lived in. They are all either restored and taken only on club runs
and rallies when not displayed in museums and collections, or they have been
turned into hot rods with more  modern drivetrains and chassis. They are not at
all common.

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Re: Cornwall

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp
Quoting Cotty [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The diving bell object is a relic from days gone by, but damned if we
 could figure out what it was

It looked like a mine casing, as in a sea-mine that was laid in shipping
channels to blow up enemy ships in WWII.

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Re: PESO Uniforms

2005-04-20 Thread williamsp
 From: Eric Featherstone

Looks somehow ceremonial or memorial. It is a strong pic and works
despite any technical shortcomings.

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Re: OT: Spider (was: Where's Cotty?)

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Dario Bonazza [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I don't know the strange reason for thinking spider to be the English word
 for a light convertible car.
 1) Someone said it's called speeder.
 2) Someone else wrote it as spider (which is the Italian spelling for
 pronouncing it as English people do with speeder)
 3) Then someone else knew that spider has to be pronounced spy-der or
 the like.

More likely that with no proper roof the car is often occupied by spiders
(Arachnids) and the driver frequently leaps out yelling Spider!.

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Re: Hurrah for Shel Disrobing the Emperor

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 So which Australian engineered cars are superior? and in what way? ;-)

The Giacottolo was a slight improvement on the original Alfa it was based on.
The Repco/Brabham F1 cars of the sixties were quite successful.
The current Ford Territory seems to be successfully beating its competitors in
reviews and sales.
I think our Ford and Holden bread and butter sedans are better value for money
than the Ford and General Motors offerings overseas.

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Re: Hurrah for Shel Disrobing the Emperor

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp

 What's more, a lot of automotive components are made in Canada.
 Many of these components are used by automakers worldwide.

Indeed the Ford Windsor V8 engines are well respected and in many ways a
superior design to the now gone Cleveland series.

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Re: Pentax 645

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Pål Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The Pentax 645's are about the size of a high-end Nikon and Canon 35mm bodies
 which is small for an MF slr. In fact, you cannot find a smaller or lighter
 MF slr system.

The Bronica ETRSi certainly looks smaller and lighter.

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Re: Repairing Older Pentax Lenses

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting jtainter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

So now low-level radioactive material is spread in his backyard for generations
to enjoy?

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Re: Adobe to Buy Macromedia

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp

 ...not wanting a lot of froth and blather getting in the
 way when I want to find something out.
 Or a preference for Bauhaus over Baroque.

Chuckle :-) Absolutely on both counts.

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Re: Adobe to Buy Macromedia

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Rob Studdert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've been watching the beeb Grumpy Old Men series, how great is that, boy I
 can identify with those guys, mind Will Self would be hard to emulate :-)

I was laughing my head off at parts of that last night. It is a great show.

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Re: OT: Spider (was: Where's Cotty?)

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hmm. I have found more arachnids in my Land Rover than I've ever found
 in the Alfa Spider.

Maybe you left a couple of Spiderbait CD's in the Freeloader?

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Re: Hurrah for Shel Disrobing the Emperor

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Kenneth Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Although I generally don't care for most of their styling.

Neither do I :-)
Nor did many other Aussies for the unlamented AU series Falcon.

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Re: Hyper focal Distance

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Godfrey, this makes no sense to me, though I'm sure you're correct.  The
 thing that is confusing me is, since the digital image is simply a crop of
 what the lens projects on 35mm film, why does the hyperfocal setting change?

Is it because you are further away with the same actual focal length to get
equivalent field of view (framing)?

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Re: PAW PESO - Bench and Fence

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

That's rather nice, the coloured bench really pops out from the weathered boards
of the background.

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Re: OT: TIF problems

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting Dave Sprinkle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm afraid you're right: W-16959 pixels x H-11392 pixels,
 resolution HxV 400 dpi x 400 dpi, Bit depth 1.
 Creation Software:  Oi/GFS, writer v 00.06.02.
 I guess this would indicate an uncompressed  file
 size  200mb. What size windows system would handle
 a file like this?

I used to get CAD drawings that had been exported as TIF files, they were of
similar ludicrous pixel dimensions to yours. I was able to work with them on
my AMD 1600 MHz machine with 512 MB system memory. I think I had a 1.5 GB swap
file set. Although you knew you were working with a large file, it certainly
didn't crash or hang. The software I used was Adobe PS 7.
You could quite likely convert to 1 bit with no loss of usefullness.

Peter Williams

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Re: PESO Studio abstract

2005-04-19 Thread williamsp
Quoting P. J. Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Dreck was long and lean and browned by the sun...

Did you mean His dreck was...?

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Re: Adobe to Buy Macromedia

2005-04-18 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Adobe is buying Macromedia

There goes Freehand :-(

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Re: Adobe to Buy Macromedia

2005-04-18 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Adobe is buying Macromedia

There goes Freehand :-(

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Re: A day at tulip farm...

2005-04-18 Thread williamsp
Quoting Alan Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Number 14 is my favourite. Nice vibrant colours.

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Re: Where's Cotty?

2005-04-18 Thread williamsp
Quoting Graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 every one I ever drove (about 5 of them, none of them new when I drove them)
 had a bulky shift into second gear, up or down, hence my comment.

That's twice now I've seen a gearshift described as bulky, surely you mean 

Bulky - of large size for its weight
Balky - stopping short and refusing to go on

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Re: The ice cream lady cometh.

2005-04-18 Thread williamsp

It's a classic :-) It made me smile.

Peter Williams

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Re: Adobe to Buy Macromedia

2005-04-18 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What's so bad about Flash?

Nothing inherently wrong with it. It is a great technology when used
appropriately. Unfortunately it seems to get used where it isn't needed and it
makes internet content bulkier and less accessible for some. Macromedia
addressed a lot of the criticisms of Flash and the current product is pretty
damned good.

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Re: The Decline and Fall of the Photograph

2005-04-14 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 A couple of prints that I received showed bronzing in certain light,
 although that's not the correct term and it may be misleading.  It's when
 the color changes a bit and appears a little metallic - metatastizing or
 something similar I believe it's called. 

Metamerism, looking different under different lighting conditions.

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Re: The Decline and Fall of the Photograph

2005-04-14 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   A couple of prints that I received showed bronzing in certain light,
   although that's not the correct term and it may be misleading.  It's
   the color changes a bit and appears a little metallic - metatastizing or
   something similar I believe it's called. 
  Metamerism, looking different under different lighting conditions.
 Many inks show a metallic sheen when viewed at high angles of incidence.
 (Those of us old enough to remember inkwells in school desks may well
 also remember the copper or bronze appearance of the dried-up ink).
 Viewed head-on the colour may look just fine, but 'flop' the print so
 you're viewing it almost edge-on and you'll get a very different look.

Bronzing and metamerism are two different things which I think John is saying
subtley. The apparent colour change of BW inkjet printing under different
lighjting types is metamerism. The metallic sheen when viewed at an angle that
John explains is indeed commonly called bronzing.

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Re: PAW PESO - The Conversation

2005-04-14 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Today one never knows to whom or what people are talking.

I'm sometimes startled when the person walking or standing next to me suddenly
starts talking (often loudly) with no indication of who they are talking to.
That thin black wire snaking down from your conversationalists neck/head is a
little clue :-)

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Re: The Decline and Fall of the Photograph

2005-04-14 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It wasn't the BW inkjet prints that had this effect.

I suspected I was slightly unclear...
The bronzing happens with colour and BW inkjet prints.
I just let the two things run in together without changing the BW context I'd
established at the beginning when talking about metamerism.

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Re: PAW PESO - The Conversation

2005-04-14 Thread williamsp
Quoting Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 bluetooth wireless headset
 like they are mentally disturbed.

Or like they fancy themselves in the next Matrix or Star Trek sequel when
you can see the Bluetooth headset. Beam me up Agent Smith.

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Re: Breezebrowser:was OT?:Resize for web question

2005-04-13 Thread williamsp
 In my sample page it made an INDEX.HTML file. My main page
 is also named INDEX.

Put your gallery in a sub-directory.
Then you won't need to change the filename.

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Re: PESO: Blackbird

2005-04-13 Thread williamsp
Quoting wendy beard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I think this is a starling

Correct :-)

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Re: 50mm lenses test pages: help with japanese translation

2005-04-13 Thread williamsp

  Below is a link to an interesting page with test charts for all major
  50mm lenses out there.
 Actually, I thought that Canon is conspicuous in its absence.  Doesn't
 Canon make 50mm lenses?  (I have to believe that Canon does...)

They do, their FD/New FD 50.1.4 is often referred to as the reference lens as
it's colour corection, sharpeness, contrast, etc are so exemplary.

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Re: OT: Hard Drive Space

2005-04-13 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Absolutely best on a separate drive, or at least a
 separate partition.

Using a separate partition on the same spindle can actually slow things down,
increased head movement when going to and from swap. This is well known and
documented in the Win NT/2000/2003 server admin community.

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Re: Hot pixels

2005-04-13 Thread williamsp
Quoting Frits Wüthrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 on my Olympus digital PS this is build in.

 FJW  Interesting. So they just eliminate the hot pixels with a program.

My KM A2 does it all by itself once a month.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-12 Thread williamsp
Quoting Peter J. Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 If you think this is amusing wait till you see Doug's...

I did and it was :-)

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Re: OT?:Resize for web question

2005-04-12 Thread williamsp

 If i resize to 640 by 480 and have the compression around 25 i get a nice
 size file, but they seem not as clear or nice as other picture
 By experiment this gives me around a 15-20K file.

Your files are too small (kb), I'b be aiming for approx 100 kb files of
640x480px. Depending on the detail level of the pic I typically get anywhere
from 60 kb to 100 kb files from Photoshop using Save for the web which works
like the software you describe in stripping superfluous info from the file.

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Re: PESO: Blackbird

2005-04-12 Thread williamsp
Quoting Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Fred Widall wrote on 4/11/2005, 8:01 PM:

 Unfortunately it is not a starling either

I knew that wasn't a Starling, but I thought, maybe those crazy foreigners call
that thing a Starling in their country.

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RE: OT?:Resize for web question

2005-04-12 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ummm, 25 compression would result in a pretty low rez file.

I don't think compression settings cjhange the resolution or pixel count of the

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Re: PESO - Look Beyond the Mark

2005-04-12 Thread williamsp
Quoting Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

How bizzare. Well presented.

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RE: OT?:Resize for web question

2005-04-12 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What I meant is that the file will look like crap

And you were correct :-)

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Re: PAW PESO - Abandoned Chair by Pipes

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Interesting pic Shel. I like the echo of the chair in the shadows made by the

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Rather nice shot.  The composition is great and the boat with wake
 really adds.  Just a bit less contrast perhaps or at least opening up
 the shadow areas a bit might be nice.

Thanks Bruce, the right-side trees and the shadow on the water is a real problem
with the scan. I think the negs are a lot better than the scans. I really can't
get it much better than it is unfortunately.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Paul Stenquist [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I prefer this version. Very nice shot. Don't forget that when  using 
 the shadow/highlight tool in advanced mode you can pump up mid-range 
 contrast without affecting the highlights or shadows.

Thanks Paul,
I don't know much about the Shadow/Highlight adjustment, I've only recently
started using PS CS, I had PS 7 for a long time and used an action that did
similar things to Shadow/Highlight, but with different controls. I need mor
practice with CS.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks, William. I'll look for it.

I'm not William ;-)
I'm Peter Williams.

Write out 100 times:
He is not William.

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Re: PAW PESO - Sunken Houseboat (Link to Color Version)

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Paul,
 Here's the original color shot:
 I think it's obvious that the color didn't quite work here

I disagree. For me this is much more tolerable, it addresses the criticism I
made about the excess empty space, now with the blues it really seems to be more
a mood setting thing and the additional foreground works as a good element of
the pic for me.

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RE: PAW PESO - Sunken Houseboat

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I was as close as could be without being up to my knees in water ;-)) 
 Getting closer with a wider lens might have given a somewhat better result.

I suspected as much :-)
It's all very well for us to sit back and tell you what you should have done,
but when you weren't there to see the challlenges faced it is a bit presumptuous
at times.
See my comment regarding the colour version though.

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Re: PAW PESO - Sunken Houseboat (Link to Color Version)

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp

 The color lends a sense of peace and
 tranquility that's missing in the BW.

See Shel, I'm not the only one who got this from your colour version.

Clever pun I accidently made there, See Shel by the sea side.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I took a copy of your original JPEG and made a very slight edit opening 
 up the shadow areas only with a Curves Adjustment Layer and a mask. 
 I'll send that to you for your evaluation.

And a pretty good job it was too, especially considering you worked from the web
version of the pic. I'm not too clever with curves, I need to spend more time
playing and reading tutorials with the Curves and also with the (new to me)
Shadow/Highlight adjustments.
I don't mind if you put up your version of the pic for 24 hours or so to show
others what you managed to get out of it.

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Re: The Future of Adobe's Camera Raw

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I didn't mention Knoll by name because it seemed that few people would know
 who he is, and even though he's the primary developer of  ACR he's still
 following company policy.

As far as I'm aware he wrote Photoshop in the first instance.
His name still appears first on the PS CS splash screen list of developer too.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 100 times: he is not William.  Okay?
 (I'll not soon forget after that)
When I post through the ISP's webmail interface you just get the williamsp
version of my email address, when I post from home using a mail programme you
get the Peter Wiliams prefix as well (not to mention a sig with my name). So I
don't entirely blame you :-)

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Re: The Future of Adobe's Camera Raw

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Rob Studdert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The *ist DS file size is much 
 improved but still not as good as most.

I'm always suprised when I hear how many Canon raw files fit on a xxx sized
card. They seem to get quite high compression levels for their raw files.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Mind if we call you Bruce to keep it clear?

Thanks Rob, but no thanks. ;-)

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Re: PESO: San Francisco Nighttime Panorama

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:  (make sure 
 you click the image to see the large version)

It is very attractive John. I'm not suprised others wanted one.

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Re: PESO - Blue

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Munro [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Bruce, the gal who does my Photoshop work wants my RAWs converted to 8 
 bit tiffs - she says Photoshop CS can't work on the 16 bit tiffs.  Is 
 she mistaken?  Perhaps you use another photo program?

It can do more with 16 bit files than any previous version, but as yet, not
everything you'd likely want to do with a photo. It does pay to keep it in
16 bit for as many operations as you can, particularly the gross ones
that would result in posterisation and like ills on 8 bit files.
Quite a lot of filters and third-party plugins are 8 bit only.

Peter Williams

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 You can use a selection and mask in Shadows/Highlights as well

In my rush to fit in a quick pic between work stuff I just didn't think of using
a mask, then when I got home I was rushed again and just did the
Shadow/Highlight thing to the whole pic, again not even think of using a mask.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I like to be able to go all the way back to the original RAW-converted 
 image at any time in my adjustment workflow to see exactly what the 
 rendering adjustments have done. Easy with adjustment layers, a pain 
 when you are modifying the original data.

There is another feature that I have left largely unexplored.
I rarely use adjustment layers, typically when I do it is while following a
tutorial and they are specified.

So much to learn...

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-11 Thread williamsp
Quoting Peter J. Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok in C.
 int main()
 int i;
 for ( i = 0; i  100; i++ )
 printf( He is not William.\n );
 return 0;

Very amusing :-)

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Re: Pentax ist DS shutter.

2005-04-10 Thread williamsp
Quoting Mark Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I don't know whether or not the A2 has a shutter, but the flash sync
 probably doesn't make a difference: If it does have a shutter it's most
 likely a leaf shutter so it could flash sync at high speed.

I agree that it would have to be a leaf, not focal plane shutter, but then
what leaf shutter can offer speeds like 1/4000th sec?
It just all seems a bit funny to me.

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Re: Pentax ist DS shutter.

2005-04-10 Thread williamsp
Quoting Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The reason the A2 can perform flash sync at 1/4000 second is that it is 
 a leaf shutter design: there is a point in the operation of a leaf 
 shutter that all blades are fully open at all shutter speeds.

What leaf shutter is able to work at 1/4000th sec?
How come all the leaf shutter lenses/cameras are usually limited to 1/500th?

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A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-10 Thread williamsp
I put a roll of XP2 Super in the MX intending to test the Sigma 18-35 mm lens,
but in the ened I couldn't test it, so I shot the roll as I walked back to my
car that evening using the M50/1.7.
Here is my favourite pic from the 24 exp roll. Looking West from Princes Bridge
along Melbourne's Yarra River

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-10 Thread williamsp
Quoting Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Striking contrasts with a clean fresh look about it.

 I'm not familiar with XP2 Super. I'd like to try a
 roll. Can you provide further identification of the
 film in case it's available in this hemisphere.

Thanks Jack :-)

Ilford make XP2 Super. It's their chromogenic BW ISO 400 emulsion.
I'm using it because it can be processed and scanned for me by most
minilabs and it doesn't have the oarange mask like the Kodak
chromogenic BW films so if I want to print it on normal BW paper
I won't have extra difficulties.

This lot of scans weren't as good as the last, but it does seem to have
smooth grain and decent tonality.

Hopefully I'll get some film processing gear back in my posession and
I'll be able to do my own developing and scanning and use normal BW
film again.

XP2 Super seems to be the pick of the chromogenic films, many people
comment favourably on it. The negs look good, clean and with a good
tonal range.

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Re: A pic from second roll of film in MX

2005-04-10 Thread williamsp
Quoting Boris Liberman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Lovely pictures. Isn't 50/1.7 a grand lens?
 Do show us some more of these peaceful Melbourne views!

Thanks Boris :-)
The lens seems excellent, I'm very pleased with the whole outfit.
Most of my pics are taken with a non Pentax digital camera so I
don't show them here.

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Re: Pentax lens review site gone?

2005-04-07 Thread williamsp

 If there are any pages missing from those archivess, I have a mirror of the
 site from back in January (2005).

Can you give us the url of your mirror, the 3rd part primes are missing form

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Re: CR1/3N / DL1/3N / 5008LC / K58L / 2L76 Battery 3V

2005-04-07 Thread williamsp
Quoting John Whittingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Any ideas if they're safe to use with older electronics i.e. Pentax KX, MX 

I'm pretty sure I've read that Pentax use a bridge circuit in the metering and
that battery voltage variations don't affect metering accuracy. I see references
to using 1.5V cells in place of the old 1.35V mercury cells with no 

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Re: Pentax lens review site gone?

2005-04-07 Thread williamsp
 I don't have the mirror online - it's sitting on my hard drive
 I'll zip up the mirror and email it to you

Thanks Fred, much obliged :-)

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Re: PESO - Angel Hair

2005-04-07 Thread williamsp
Quoting Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Pentax *istD ISO 800

These dslr high ISO results are a lot different to what you'd have got on film.
Very nice.

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RE: SMCP 135/2.5 comments?

2005-04-06 Thread williamsp
Quoting Kostas Kavoussanakis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The newest prime I have (FA50/1.7) focusses at
 0.45cm, I think, which is ballpark.

I really doubt that. I think you mean 45 cm (about 15 inches).
0.45 cm is 4.5 mm, less than 1/4 of an inch in the ye olde measurements.

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Re: OT: The Older Man - was: PESO: Here's my Mannequin

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Didn't one of the French carmakers have a prototype of a little urban
 car (if it ever went into production, it certainly never made it to
 North America) called the S-Car-Go? 

It was Nissan and they're are relatively common here in Australia as delivery
vans, etc.

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Re: OT: The Older Man - was: PESO: Here's my Mannequin

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 As far as the French car, I tried Googling it, but nothing came up.

Because it is Japanese. S-Cargo, made by Nissan.

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Re: Pentax's sudden infatuation with ED glass.

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 ED stands for what?

Extra low Dispersion.

Or maybe Extra Dollars?

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Re: Taking, Making, Creating Images

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What I am suggesting is that the real power of photography in our modern
 digital age is in using the computer in making an image.

Ansel Adams said (quite a long time ago) almost exactly the same thing about
printing his picures in the darkroom.

The only difference I see is that this sort of post exposure creative work is
now simpler and more accessible for people, and that errors can be fixed with
Ctrl-Z, instead of binning the print and starting again.

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Re: Pentax's sudden infatuation with ED glass.

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting Graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The opposite. High (or Extra, or Extreme) dispersion glass requires less
 curvature to obtain the same dioter. In a prism the colors would be spread

I'm no expert on this, but aren't you confusing refraction (refractive index)
with dispersion?

Dispersion being spreading, leading to softer images?
Low dispertion would mean that a pinpoint stayed a pinpoint, high dispersion
would mean a pinpoint spread to a soft blob.

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Re: Pentax's sudden infatuation with ED glass.

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting Ryan Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I thought it was extra-low as well.  See the def here:

It is Graywolf is confusing two different optical properties.

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Re: Pentax's sudden infatuation with ED glass.

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
Quoting Eric Featherstone [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm beginning to wonder if people are confusing dispersion and refraction. 
 They are not the same thing.

They are. Your understanding is correct (because it agrees with mine haha).

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Re: Taking, Making, Creating Images

2005-04-05 Thread williamsp
 Herb Chong said:
  in the wet darkroom, getting the perfect print from a negative once
  doesn't mean you will ever get it again.

Shel Belinkoff said:

 That's a ridiculous statement ...

Why is it ridiculous?
Duplicating a print in the darkroom is hard if there is much manipulation
happening to get it just right. Even if you keep good notes there is a lot
of handwork, dodging and burning and so on that isn't able to be repeated
exactly time after time, especially if some time elapses between the
printing sessions for a particular negative.

It sounds realistic to me, not ridiculous.

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