Re: Developing E6. Was: Jobo question

2004-07-21 Thread John Bailey
--- Chris Stoddart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> list's experience of processing E6. How practical is
> it? 


It's not too hard at home using a film tank and 3
metal containers for the chems.  The hardest part for
me was keeping the bath temp up and keeping from
tipping over the metal containers in the bath.  (I
think it was around 100F).  I did both 35mm and 120.
Then you have to hang dry the film is a dust free
after treatment to prevent water spotting.

jb `:^)

Developing E6. Was: Jobo question

2004-07-21 Thread Chris Stoddart

After hearing how easy it is to do C41 at home, I would like to query the
list's experience of processing E6. How practical is it? Is there a
developing outfit like the Jobo CPE2 that would be good to do the same

I've seen E6 chemical kits for sale and a friend of mine once bought one
and hand-developed a few with a tank in the bath (!) with good results he
reckoned. However, wasn't there some listers a while back who said it was
terribly temperature critical and not worth it? I have a good, fast lab
just 500 yards from my office, but I've always wanted to be more
self-sufficient in that regard.
